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Post-earthquake field investigations of landslide occurrence have provided a basis for understanding, evaluating, and mapping the hazard and risk associated withearthquake-induced landslides. This paper traces thehistorical development of knowledge derived from these investigations. Before 1783, historical accounts of the occurrence of landslides in earthquakes are typically so incomplete and vague that conclusions based on these accounts are of limited usefulness. For example, the number of landslides triggered by a given event is almost always greatly underestimated. The first formal, scientific post-earthquake investigation that included systematic documentation of the landslides was undertaken in the Calabria region of Italy after the 1783 earthquake swarm. From then until the mid-twentieth century, the best information on earthquake-induced landslides came from a succession ofpost-earthquake investigations largely carried out by formal commissions that undertook extensive ground-based field studies. Beginning in the mid-twentieth century, when the use of aerial photography became widespread, comprehensive inventories of landslide occurrence have been made for several earthquakes in the United States, Peru, Guatemala, Italy, El Salvador, Japan, and Taiwan. Techniques have also been developed for performing ``retrospective' analyses years or decades after an earthquake that attempt to reconstruct the distribution of landslides triggered by the event. The additional use of Geographic Information System (GIS) processing and digital mapping since about 1989 has greatly facilitated the level of analysis that can applied to mapped distributions of landslides. Beginning in 1984, syntheses of worldwide and national data on earthquake-induced landslides have defined their general characteristics and relations between their occurrence and various geologic and seismic parameters. However, the number of comprehensive post-earthquake studies of landslides is still relatively small, and one of the most pressing needs in this area of research is for the complete documentation of landslides triggered by many more earthquakes in a wider variety of environments.  相似文献   

汶川地震滑坡危险性评价——以武都区和文县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用GIS技术详细研究汶川地震在甘肃省陇南市武都区和文县触发的滑坡地质灾害的分布规律及其与地震烈度、地形坡度、断层、高程、地层岩性的相关关系,采用基于GIS的加权信息量模型的崩塌滑坡危险性评价方法,对研究区的地震滑坡危险性进行学科分析。结果表明:极高危险区在高程上主要分布在集水高程区,高度危险区主要沿白水江、白龙江等主干河流两侧极高易发区的边界向两侧扩展,轻度和极轻度危险区面积占比较小,主要分布在低烈度、活动断裂不发育、人类活动微弱的高海拔地区,另外国道G215沿极高危险性区域分布明显;利用危险性等级分区结果统计人口公里格网数据,得到武都区和文县潜在影响人口,发现研究区约78万人将受到地震滑坡灾害的潜在影响。  相似文献   

用小波包识别地震和矿震   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在能检测到天然地震和矿震的区域,这两类地震的快速识别无论对于区域台网和矿区台网都具有现实意义。这两类震动都是非稳态信号,用传统的Fourier变换不能提取出信号的特征信息,小波包分析方法却能很好提取出信号的特征信息。本文提供了一种基于非参数识别算法,即把信号变换到频域,然后再用奇异值分解作为统计工具,提取出信号的特征信息,作为识别天然地震和矿震的识别因子。以辽宁抚顺2001年1月1日到2003年6月30的18个矿震和16个天然地震,以及北京门头沟2001年1月1日到2002年12月31日的15个矿震和14个天然地震为样本,提取出识别因子。最后,用其它的天然地震和矿震资料检验了识别因子的识别率。  相似文献   

The concept of state vector stems from statistical physics, where it is usually used to describe activity patterns of a physical field in its manner of coarsegrain. In this paper, we propose an approach by which the state vector was applied to describe quantitatively the damage evolution of the brittle heterogeneous systems, and some interesting results are presented, i.e., prior to the macro-fracture of rock specimens and occurrence of a strong earthquake, evolutions of the four relevant scalars time series derived from the state vectors changed anomalously. As retrospective studies, some prominent large earthquakes occurred in the Chinese Mainland (e.g., the M 7.4 Haicheng earthquake on February 4, 1975, and the M 7.8 Tangshan earthquake on July 28, 1976, etc) were investigated. Results show considerable promise that the time-dependent state vectors could serve as a kind of precursor to predict earthquakes.  相似文献   

山西大宁县位于山西省吕梁山南端,境内沟壑纵横,具有独特的黄土高原地形地貌特征。在该地区进行地质灾害调查,以查明灾害分布、形成原因和隐患情况。应用地貌学的有关原理,结合遥感影像解译,在义亭河的支流河谷两岸0.3 km2(575 m×526 m)范围内发现并确认了2个大型和2个中型滑坡体。滑坡体均为基岩与上方的黄土沉积层整体滑下,滑坡体沿河流流动的方向发生一定程度的扭转,滑面近于直立,滑动方向与河流流向一致,没有形成堰塞湖。对滑坡体与周围地貌特征,以及河道被改动的方向特征研究认为:①4个滑坡体是在不同的地质时期形成;②其中1个滑坡体明显受到一条断裂的影响;③其它3个滑坡体,可能是在河流侵蚀搬运作用加强,导致的"重力塌陷",及河流流向作用牵引的动力学作用下,经过较漫长的时间形成;④在距离该地区约60 km的洪洞地震、临汾地震,以及距离该地区230余公里的华县地震,这三次8级地震过程中,地震应力可能加剧了滑坡体的发生或滑动;⑤未来该滑坡体,仍然可能在非常规的外界条件下,如强降雨或地震应力等的影响下,出现加速滑动的可能。  相似文献   

—The clustering structure of the Vesuvian earthquakes occurring is investigated by means of statistical tools: the inter-event time distribution, the running mean and the multifractal analysis. The first cannot clearly distinguish between a Poissonian process and a clustered one due to the difficulties of clearly distinguishing between an exponential distribution and a power law one. The running mean test reveals the clustering of the earthquakes, but looses information about the structure of the distribution at global scales. The multifractal approach can enlighten the clustering at small scales, while the global behaviour remains Poissonian. Subsequently the clustering of the events is interpreted in terms of diffusive processes of the stress in the earth crust.  相似文献   

一种应用于三峡滑坡探测的新方法—SNMR法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
三峡库区蓄水后,由于水位上升滑坡地区的软弱层遇到水就会变软并引起滑塌。核磁共振是当今世界尖端技术之一,我们首先将该技术应用于滑坡探查。本文探讨了用SNMR探查滑坡的方法技术以及通过SNMR实测数据求取与滑坡稳定性有关的水文地质参数,通过一个三峡的实例说明了该方法是一种快速有效的探测滑坡的方法。  相似文献   

This paper deals wiah a new method for identification of long-term slip behavior of a conceaiedfault in a plain area from tectono-stratigraphic and chronological data obtained by drilling.Chronological determination and lithological analysis and correlation of sediments in stratigraphic colunms of drills NO.1 and No.2 at Dongliuhe Village on the hanging and foot walls ofXiadian fault allow us to quantitatively reconstruct the differential sedimentary history and vertical dislocation process on the hanging and foot walls of the fault since 26 ka BP and to set upa tectono-stratigraphic indicators for identifying paleoearthquakes.On this basis,taking theaccumulative vertical displacement of both sides of a fault to be a quantitative constraint,thestate before an abrupt dislocation in surface-rupturing earthquake can be reconstructed(de-ducting the later coseismic vertical displacement),then 11 surface-rupturing paleoseismic even-ts can be identified.A close correlation between recurrence behavior of surface  相似文献   

The Antarctic ice sheet surface mass balance shows high spatial variability over the coastal area. As state-of-the-art climate models usually require coarse resolutions to keep computational costs to a moderate level, they miss some local features that can be captured by field measurements. The downscaling approach adopted here consists of using a cascade of atmospheric models from large scale to meso-?? scale. A regional climate model (Modèle Atmosphérique Régional) forced by meteorological reanalyses provides a diagnostic physically-based rain- and snowfall downscaling model with meteorological fields at the regional scale. Although the parameterizations invoked by the downscaling model are fairly simple, the knowledge of small-scale topography significantly improves the representation of spatial variability of precipitation and therefore that of the surface mass balance. Model evaluation is carried out with the help of shallow firn cores and snow height measurements provided by automatic weather stations. Although downscaling of blowing snow still needs to be implemented in the model, the net accumulation gradient across Law Dome summit is shown to be induced mostly by orographic effects on precipitation.  相似文献   

顾瑾萍  姜龙 《地震》2014,34(2):138-144
本文假定中强震孕育时, 相应于区域应力场的变化, 地震活动出现相对均匀—不均匀—不均匀增强的过程, 以此为物理基础, 取区域地震的发震时间相关参数组成样本空间, 寻求描述地震事件在时间轴上丛集性的变异系数的变化与相应中强地震发生时间的关系。 近几年的实际应用效果表明该研究对中强地震时间预测有意义。  相似文献   

地震孕育、发生、发展动态过程模拟系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
给出了模拟地震孕育、发生、发展动态过程的微机处理系统.系统可在486以上微机上运行;程序在运行中可自动处理地震发生发展瞬间的时间不连续过程.该系统同时具有实时监控功能,可随时暂停模拟进程,用图形功能显示当前和历史上有关的计算结果.退出图形功能后,可在原来计算结果的基础上继续运行.  相似文献   

本项研究的目标是为估计大地震应急反应的可能资源需求、减灾时机和社会经济影响而发展新的方法,并在损失估计模型中包含这类方法。本研究使用了斯坦福大学开发的基于损失评估模型的地理信息系统(GIS),并的得到了加州大学洛杉矶分校的研究人员的支持,还使用了加州大学伯克利分校地震影响评估小组正在开发的可用于地理信息系统的新社会经济损失评估方法。这些方法可用来预测大地震的应急应问题、社会经济影响的后果,以及被大  相似文献   

Maintaining the quality of surface water resources as one of the most vital water supplies has always been at the center of global concerns. A set of manifest and latent factors have yet been identified by researchers worldwide that are subject to affect the quality of surface water. Among which, the effect of land use change, due to a spatial and temporal complexity, is often not easily verifiable. The present study attempts to offer an index-based model to quantify vulnerability of surface water resources in a semi arid basin in central Iran against land use changes. For this, water quality data including Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), total anions (Sum. A), SO4, Cl, HCO3, EC, TDS, and pH were collected from hydrometric stations over a period of 26 years (1987?2013). In order to detect land use changes, the land use maps of the years 1987, 1998, 2002, 2009, and 2013 were prepared from TM satellite images using supervised classification method. At next step, changing patterns of different land uses were traced by Shanon’s Diversity Index (SHDI) as a metric of patch diversity indicating diversity and heterogeneity of a landscape over time. Relationship between the SHDI values and water quality indicators revealed the impact of land use changes on quality of surface water resources. Statistical analysis confirmed a significant relationship between nine water quality factors and water discharge in the basin during the study period. From 1998 to 2009, the greatest changes were visible in the total anions, Ca, SO4, and HCO3. These parameters along with salinity were increasing in almost all sub-basins. According to the results, conversion of poor rangelands to rain fed agriculture fields is the most apparent land use change occurred in the study area over the study period. In 1987, SHDI as an indicator of the diversity and changes in the basin, showed a significant relationship with good rangelands (R2 =–0.835). This indicates that fragmentation of the entire watershed area was initiated in 1987, which reached its peak in 2013. Generally speaking, urbanization, poor rangeland, and irrigated agriculture were recognized as three influential land uses adversely affect the water quality in the study area.  相似文献   

影响面波勘探精度的因素探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡家富  段永康 《地震研究》2000,23(3):333-338
分析了影响面波勘探精度的主要因素,针对计算面波相速度的精度问题,讨论了常用测量台间以相速度方法的优缺点及其适用范围,并提出通过测量台间格林函数进行相位校正,以得到两台之间的精解相位。以合成的高频理论地震图作为记录信号,并在理论地震图上叠加了20%的随机噪声,利用这些方法分析理论信号,数字实验表明:在相干频率范围内,格林函数方法能够精确测量台间相速度,而互相关法和窄带通滤波互相关法所得结果较为离散。  相似文献   

Thermal Anomalies and Earthquakes: Evidence from Wenchuan, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Earthquake prediction is a difficult problem in Earth sciences.Unsuccessful predictions one after another urged people to explore more synthetic and comprehensive methods for earthquake prediction.The Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere(LAI)coupling theory pays great attention to the processes taking place within the near ground layer of atmosphere.It has achieved great results recently,and can enlighten us about the nature of an earthquake's precursor.Based on the NCEP reanalysis dataset,this paper attempts to track the anomalies of the surface's upward long wave radiation flux(ULWRF),the temperature at the depth of 10cm~20cm below ground surface layer(BGL)and the air temperature at 2 meters above ground surface(AIR)around the time of the strong Wenchuan earthquake.Thermal anomalies were observed before and after May 12,2008,the time of the Wenchuan earthquake.Perhaps the thermal anomaly that occurred prior to the earthquake can be taken as indicators of the earthquake,but in view of the complexity of the earthquake phenomena,using thermal anomaly as a precursor should be done with caution.  相似文献   

An increase in debris-flow frequency is expected in steep Alpine catchments after the occurrence of a large landslide, such as a rock avalanche. Herein we describe changes in debris-flow activity following increases in sediment availability due to landslides, or accelerated rock-glacier movement, for five catchments in the Swiss Alps, the Spreitgraben, Schipfenbach, Bondasca, Riascio, and Dorfbach catchments. Documentation on debris-flow activity is available from both before and after the landslide that generated the new sediment deposits. Data from nearby meteorological stations were used to explore possible changes in rainfall activity, and how the intensity and duration of rainfall events may have changed. In all cases there was a considerable increase in debris-flows frequency for one to eight years following the landslide. The annual number of days with debris-flow activity following the landslide was similar to that observed for the Illgraben catchment, where many such landslides occur annually. No clear change in precipitation totals preceding debris flows was apparent for the Riascio catchment, suggesting that the increase in frequency of debris flows is related to the increase in the amount of sediment that can be readily mobilized. In the two cases where rainfall data were available on an hourly basis, no systematic changes in the intensity or duration of rainfall related to debris-flow triggering were apparent, as shown by the close-clustering of storms on the intensity-duration plots. Following the sediment-generating event, an initial and sudden increase of the sediment yield was observed, followed by a decrease over time towards pre-disturbance values. The response of the catchments appears to be related to the amount of debris-flow activity prior to the landslide: sediment yield from catchments with frequent debris flows prior to the landslide activity did not increase as dramatically as in catchments where debris-flow activity was less common prior to the landslide. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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