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The failure of brittle materials, for example glasses and rock masses, is commonly observed to be discontinuous. It is, however, difficult to simulate these phenomena by use of conventional numerical simulation methods, for example the finite difference method or the finite element method, because of the presence of computational grids or elements artificially introduced before the simulation. It is, therefore, important for research on such discontinuous failures in science and engineering to analyze the phenomena seamlessly. This study deals with the coupled simulation of elastic wave propagation and failure phenomena by use of a moving particle semi-implicit (MPS) method. It is simple to model the objects of analysis because no grid or lattice structure is necessary. In addition, lack of a grid or lattice structure makes it simple to simulate large deformations and failure phenomena at the same time. We first compare analytical and MPS solutions by use of Lamb’s problem with different offset distances, material properties, and source frequencies. Our results show that analytical and numerical seismograms are in good agreement with each other for 20 particles in a minimum wavelength. Finally, we focus our attention on the Hopkinson effect as an example of failure induced by elastic wave propagation. In the application of the MPS, the algorithm is basically the same as in the previous calculation except for the introduction of a failure criterion. The failure criterion applied in this study is that particle connectivity must be disconnected when the distance between the particles exceeds a failure threshold. We applied the developed algorithm to a suspended specimen that was modeled as a long bar consisting of thousands of particles. A compressional wave in the bar is generated by an abrupt pressure change on one edge. The compressional wave propagates along the interior of the specimen and is visualized clearly. At the other end of the bar, the spalling of the bar is reproduced numerically, and a broken piece of the bar is formed and falls away from the main body of the bar. Consequently, these results show that the MPS method effectively reproduces wave propagation and failure phenomena at the same time.  相似文献   

本文作为基础理论研究,讨论了热弹性P波在有流体夹层介质中的传播问题。研究结果表明:热弹性波在流体夹层的传播中,不仅存在反射波、透射波,而且,还伴随有具有相同传播速度的温度波;且其反射系数、透射系数均为复数,并与介质的物性参数及夹层厚度有关。同时指出反射波、透射波的振幅、位相均受介质的物性参数及夹层厚度的影响。此外,还表明夹层中往返震荡的层间波是一系列正传热弹性波和反传热弹性波的叠加。  相似文献   

—The "dynamic" permeability k(ω) of heterogeneous networks of cracks, tubes and spheres, was determined by numerically simulating the harmonic flow of an interstitial fluid for a wide range of frequencies. For comparison with previous works, this procedure was applied to the 100 network realizations used in Bernabé (1995). In most cases, the calculated frequency dependence of the real and imaginary parts of k(ω) was consistent with the JKD model (Johnson et al., 1987), showing a transition from "viscous", macroscopic flow at low frequencies to "inertial" flow at high frequencies. The viscous skin depth δ c at the transition was found to be proportional to the critical capillary radius r c from a capillary invasion (Katz and Thompson, 1986). A simple explanation is that these two length scales arise from the same percolation problem. On the other hand, δ c was not well correlated with the JKD parameter Λ. The conclusion is that Λ and δ c (or r c ?) are two independent parameters, derived from two unrelated approaches (i.e., weighted averaging and percolation theory). Finally, an attempt was made to relax the initial assumptions of a rigid solid matrix and an incompressible fluid. It was observed that the effect of the fluid compressibility could occasionally be very large, especially when networks with large amounts of storage pore space were considered.  相似文献   

Coalbed methane can be detected employing the amplitudevariation-with-offset technique. However, there are two issues in applying this technique to a coalbed: strong azimuthal anisotropy resulting from high-density fractures, and the seismic response being composed of many or several individual reflections within the coalbed. To overcome these difficulties, we present an exact solution for reflections in extensive dilatancy anisotropy media. First, we build a three-layer model and simulate the wave propagation in this model. Then we derive an exact P- and converted S-wave reflection coefficient equation based on boundary conditions. Finally, substituting given model parameters into the exact equation, we obtain the variation in the reflection coefficient with incidence angle. The results show that the fracture factors, wavelet frequency and thickness of the coalbed have different effects on the reflection coefficient. Furthermore, we create a synthetic seismogram by forward calculation, and the result fits well with results of the exact equation.  相似文献   

It is an acquired result that, in order to enable realistic earthquake hazard assessment and reliable estimation of the ground motion response to an earthquake, three-dimensional velocity models have to be considered. In this paper we present a new analytical procedure for determining the seismic wavefield in a 3D anelastic model based on the combination of the ray theory with the modal summation method. The proposed procedure has been validated by considering the three-dimensional model of the Kanto basin (Japan) available in the literature. Three-dimensional simulations were performed for the 1990 Odawara earthquake. The results obtained were compared both with recorded signals and with simulations available in the literature for several stations located within the Kanto basin. Besides the advantage of being a useful tool for assessment of seismic hazard and seismic risk reduction, it is characterized by high efficiency, in fact, once the study region is identified and the 3D model is constructed, the computation, at each station, of the three components of the synthetic signal (displacement, velocity, and acceleration) takes less than 3?h on a 2?GHz CPU.  相似文献   

In this paper, fluid flow is examined for a mature strike‐slip fault zone with anisotropic permeability and internal heterogeneity. The hydraulic properties of the fault zone were first characterized in situ by microgeophysical (VP and σc) and rock‐quality measurements (Q‐value) performed along a 50‐m long profile perpendicular to the fault zone. Then, the local hydrogeological context of the fault was modified to conduct a water‐injection test. The resulting fluid pressures and flow rates through the different fault‐zone compartments were then analyzed with a two‐phase fluid‐flow numerical simulation. Fault hydraulic properties estimated from the injection test signals were compared to the properties estimated from the multiscale geological approach. We found that (1) the microgeophysical measurements that we made yield valuable information on the porosity and the specific storage coefficient within the fault zone and (2) the Q‐value method highlights significant contrasts in permeability. Fault hydrodynamic behavior can be modeled by a permeability tensor rotation across the fault zone and by a storativity increase. The permeability tensor rotation is linked to the modification of the preexisting fracture properties and to the development of new fractures during the faulting process, whereas the storativity increase results from the development of micro‐ and macrofractures that lower the fault‐zone stiffness and allows an increased extension of the pore space within the fault damage zone. Finally, heterogeneities internal to the fault zones create complex patterns of fluid flow that reflect the connections of paths with contrasting properties.  相似文献   

We use a numerical tsunami model to describe wave energy decay and transformation in the Pacific Ocean during the 2011 Tohoku tsunami. The numerical model was initialised with the results from a seismological finite fault model and validated using deep-ocean bottom pressure records from DARTs, from the NEPTUNE-Canada cabled observatory, as well as data from four satellite altimetry passes. We used statistical analysis of the available observations collected during the Japan 2011 tsunami and of the corresponding numerical model to demonstrate that the temporal evolution of tsunami wave energy in the Pacific Ocean leads to the wave energy equipartition law. Similar equipartition laws are well known for wave multi-scattering processes in seismology, electromagnetism and acoustics. We also show that the long-term near-equilibrium state is governed by this law: after the passage of the tsunami front, the tsunami wave energy density tends to be inversely proportional to the water depth. This fact leads to a definition of tsunami wave intensity that is simply energy density times the depth. This wave intensity fills the Pacific Ocean basin uniformly, except for the areas of energy sinks in the Southern Ocean and Bering Sea.  相似文献   

v--vThe phenomenon of "Lg blockage," where Lg is strongly attenuated by crustal heterogeneities, poses a serious problem to CTBT monitoring because Lg is an important seismic phase for discrimination. This paper examines blockage in three continental regions where the Lg blockages may be caused by large, enclosed sedimentary basins along the propagation path. The Barents Sea Basin blocks Lg propagation across the Barents Sea from the Russian nuclear test sites at Novaya Zemlya to Scandinavian stations. Also, "early Lg" waves are observed in Sn codas on NORSAR, NORESS, and ARCESS recordings of Novaya Zemlya explosions where direct Lg is blocked. Early Lg waves may have resulted from Sn-to-Lg mode conversion at the contact between the Barents Basin and the Kola Peninsula. The Northern and Southern Caspian Sea Basins also block Lg waves from PNEs and earthquakes, perhaps due to thick, low-velocity, low-Q sediments replacing the granitic layer rocks in the crust. Lg blockage has also been observed in the Western Mediterranean/Levantine Basin due to low-Q sediments and crustal thinning. A "basin capture" model is proposed to explain Lg blockage in sedimentary basins. In this model, shear waves that reverberate in the crust and constitute the Lg wave train are captured, delayed, and attenuated by thick, low-velocity sediments that replace the "granitic" layer rocks of the upper crust along part of the propagation path. Sn waves, which propagate below the basin, would not be blocked and in fact, the blocked Lg waves may be diverted downward into Sn waves by the low velocity sediments in the basin.  相似文献   

A self-contained account of mixture theory is presented as a framework for describing the flow of fluids, liquids and gases, through a porous deformable matrix, incorporating both mechanical and thermal effects. The theory comprises the conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy for each constituent and the mixture properties which describe the interactions between constituents. Mass transfer between constituents which arises during phase change and chemical reactions influences both conservation laws and mixture properties. An analysis of discontinuity conditions at a singular surface is presented, which would be needed, for example, to describe an advancing phase-change front. Details are presented for the flow of viscous fluids through a thermoelastic matrix undergoing infinitesimal deformation, a common model for underground reservoirs. The interactions of immiscible and miscible fluids are discussed. An essential ingredient is the relation between partial physical variables defined as mean values over mixture elements, and intrinsic variables defined with respect to the constituent elements.  相似文献   

地震波在盆地中的传播特点及其对盆地中震害的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过数值模拟表明,对于具有一定尺度并填充了低速沉积物的盆地,地震发生时入射的体波会激发出在盆地内往返传播的短周期面波,从而造成盆地内大振幅长持续时间的振动,这大大增加了地震对盆地中结构物的破坏作用。针对盆地是当地经济、文化发展的中心,又常常面临一定的地震危险性的问题,提出了进一步开展盆地结构对地震响应的研究工作的几点建议。  相似文献   

Water exchange between surface water and groundwater can modulate or generate ecologically important fluxes of solutes across the sediment‐water interface. Seepage meters can directly measure fluid flux, but mechanical resistance and surface water dynamics may lead to inaccurate measurements. Tank experiments were conducted to determine effects of mechanical resistance on measurement efficiency and occurrence of directional asymmetry that could lead to erroneous net flux measurements. Seepage meter efficiency was high (average of 93%) and consistent for inflow and outflow under steady flow conditions. Wave effects on seepage meter measurements were investigated in a wave flume. Seepage meter net flux measurements averaged 0.08 cm/h—greater than the expected net‐zero flux, but significantly less than theoretical wave‐driven unidirectional discharge or recharge. Calculations of unidirectional flux from pressure measurements (Darcy flux) and theory matched well for a ratio of wave length to water depth less than 5, but not when this ratio was greater. Both were higher than seepage meter measurements of unidirectional flux made with one‐way valves. Discharge averaged 23% greater than recharge in both seepage meter measurements and Darcy calculations of unidirectional flux. Removal of the collection bag reduced this net discharge. The presence of a seepage meter reduced the amplitude of pressure signals at the bed and resulted in a nearly uniform pressure distribution beneath the seepage meter. These results show that seepage meters may provide accurate measurements of both discharge and recharge under steady flow conditions and illustrate the potential measurement errors associated with dynamic wave environments.  相似文献   

The effect of drought on groundwater heads and discharge is often complex and poorly understood. Therefore the propagation of a drought from groundwater recharge to discharge and the influence of aquifer characteristics on the propagation was analysed by tracking a drought in recharge through a linear reservoir. The recharge was defined as a sinusoid function with a period of 1 year. The decrease in recharge owing to drought was simulated by multiplying the recharge during 1 year with a drought fraction between 0 and 1, which represents a decrease in the recharge of 100 to 0%, respectively. The droughts were identified using the threshold level approach, with a threshold that is constant in time. For this case analytical formulations were derived, which express the drought duration and deficit in the groundwater discharge in terms of the decrease in recharge, the reservoir coefficient that characterizes aquifer properties and the height of the threshold level. The results showed that the delay in the groundwater system caused a shift of the main part of the decrease in recharge from the high‐flow to the low‐flow period. This resulted in an increase in drought deficit for discharge compared with the drought deficit for recharge. Also the development of multiyear droughts caused an increase in drought deficit. The attenuation in the groundwater system caused a decrease in drought deficit. In most cases the net effect of these processes was an increase of drought deficit as a result of the propagation through groundwater. Only for small droughts the deficit decreased from recharge to discharge. The amount of increase or decrease depends on the reservoir coefficient and the severity of the drought. Under most conditions a maximum in the drought deficit occurred for a reservoir coefficient of around 200 days. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Binchuan region of Yunnan is a structurally complex region with mountains, basins, and active faults. In this situation,seismic wave propagation exhibits complex characteristics due to strong heterogeneity of underground media instead of following the great-circle path. In order to obtain a high-resolution shallow crustal structure, a dense seismic array was deployed during March 21 to May 30, 2017 in this area. To better understand the complexities of seismic wave propagation in this region, we perform array-based frequency-domain beamforming analysis and single-station based polarization analysis to investigate the characteristics of seismic wave propagation, using airgun-generated P-wave signals recorded by dense array stations in this experiment. The results from these two methods both reveal similar but complex characteristics of seismic wave propagation in the Binchuan basin. The azimuth anomalies off the great-circle path are quite large with values up to 30°, which is caused by strong structural heterogeneity in the very shallow crust. Our research provide a better understanding of the complex geologic structures in this area and provide guidance for detecting concealed faults and distribution of velocity anomalies.  相似文献   

This work is the fifth in a series of papers on the thermodynamically constrained averaging theory (TCAT) approach for modeling flow and transport phenomena in multiscale porous medium systems. The general TCAT framework and the mathematical foundation presented in previous works are used to develop models that describe species transport and single-fluid-phase flow through a porous medium system in varying physical regimes. Classical irreversible thermodynamics formulations for species in fluids, solids, and interfaces are developed. Two different approaches are presented, one that makes use of a momentum equation for each entity along with constitutive relations for species diffusion and dispersion, and a second approach that makes use of a momentum equation for each species in an entity. The alternative models are developed by relying upon different approaches to constrain an entropy inequality using mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations. The resultant constrained entropy inequality is simplified and used to guide the development of closed models. Specific instances of dilute and non-dilute systems are examined and compared to alternative formulation approaches.  相似文献   

汶川地震前ELF异常电磁辐射的波传播特性和极化特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大地震前存在电磁前兆现象已经被许多文献所证实。这些现象大多出现在地震前几天至几小时的时间内,在近地表大气层、上大气层、电离层、甚至磁层都存在电磁前兆现象,这对于地震的短临预测工作非常重要。本文利用法国DEMETER卫星在电离层670km左右高度记录的ELF电场和磁场数据,  相似文献   

3-D simulations of elastic wave propagation generated by earthquakes with magnitudes between 5.5 and 7.0 are used to parameterize strong ground motion attenuation relations for the Dead Sea Rift (DSR) graben structure. The results show that standard attenuation relations with an isotropic distance parameter are inadequate for a graben structure with a deep sedimentary trough. A new strategy is devised for the parameterization of attenuation relations in graben structures by looking at the statistical properties of 53 simulated earthquakes of variable magnitudes located at various sites along the western boundary fault of the DSR graben. An exemplary attenuation relation is designed from the synthetics for the 1 Hz spectral acceleration, modifying the Joyner-Boore-type parametrization by adding coefficients suited for three different source-to-sensor configurations: within the graben, beyond the graben and path unaffected by the graben structure.  相似文献   

We made an attempt to assess the shear wave velocity values V S and, to a lesser extent, the V P values from ambient noise recordings in an array configuration. Five array sites were situated in the close proximity to borehole sites. Shear wave velocity profiles were modeled at these five array sites with the aid of two computational techniques, viz. spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) and H/V ellipticity. Out of these five array sites, velocity estimates could be reliably inferred at three locations. The shear wave velocities estimated by these methods are found to be quite consistent with each other. The computed V S values up to 30 m depth are in the range from 275 to 375 m/s in most of the sites, which implies prevalence of a low velocity zone at some pocket areas. The results were corroborated by evidence of site geology as well as geotechnical information.  相似文献   

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