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New data on the mineral composition of Kargapole meteorite, which was found in Kurgan oblast in 1961, are presented. It has been established that the meteoritic material is represented by olivine (chrysolite), orthopyroxene (bronzite), clinopyroxene (diopside), plagioclase (oligoclase), chromite, Fe and Ni metal particles (kamacite, taenite, tetrataenite), sulfides (troilite, pentlandite), chlorapatite, and merrillite. For the first time, diopside, tetrataenite, pentlandite, chlorapatite, and merrillite were identified in the Kargapole meteorite. The chemical compositions of all minerals studied are given in Table 1. In terms of petrology, the meteorite is classified a common H4 chondrite.  相似文献   

New data on the mineral composition of the Ozernoye meteorite, found in the Kurgan region in 1983, are presented. It has been found that that the meteorite’s matter is composed of olivine (chrysolite), orthopyroxene (bronzite), clinopyroxene (augite), maskelynite, chromite, ilmenite, metals Fe and Ni (kamasite, taenite), sulfides (troilite, pentlandite), chlorapatite, and merrillite. Augite, taenite, pentlandite, and merrillite were identified in the Ozernoye meteorite for the first time. The chemical compositions are given for all these minerals. The meteorite itself is an ordinary chondrite stone belonging to petrological type L5.  相似文献   

2013年2月15日,俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克(Chelyabinsk)发生了伴随罕见的空中爆炸的大规模陨石雨事件。本文对3块代表不同冲击变质程度的车里雅宾斯克陨石碎块进行了研究。它们都具有部分熔壳,其中1块仅出现碎裂,1块含有冲击熔融细脉,1块基本由冲击熔融囊和冲击熔脉组成。冲击变质程度最低的样品,代表了该陨石母体小行星的原始岩石矿物学特征:即具有粗粒的岩石结构和均一的矿物化学组成,但仍保留一些残余球粒,表明受到了明显的热变质作用,其岩石类型可划分为5型。铁镁质硅酸盐高的Fe O含量(橄榄石Fa:27.9mol%~28.2mol%,辉石Fs值:23.3mol%~23.7mol%)、以及较低的Fe-Ni金属含量,表明其化学群属于低铁低金属的LL群。我们所分析的样品与前人报导的结果相似,未发现不同岩性的岩屑,表明车里雅宾斯克陨石的原始岩矿特征较为均一。3块陨石碎块中,随着冲击程度的增强,其冲击变质特征依次表现为硅酸盐矿物的破碎、熔长石化更为普遍、陨硫铁与铁镍合金共熔、硅酸盐熔脉的形成、铬铁矿与长石共熔、以及大量熔融囊的发育等。但是,在冲击熔融囊和熔脉中,以及相邻围岩中均未发现高压矿物相。熔脉中的橄榄石晶屑和相邻围岩的橄榄石颗粒表现为化学成分的不均一,在背散射电子图像中呈不同灰度的结构。这与其他强烈冲击变质陨石中橄榄石的林伍德石或瓦茨利石相变相似。该陨石中林伍德石或瓦茨利石的缺失很可能是由于强烈撞击后高温产生的退变质。这也表明车里雅宾斯克陨石的母体小行星可能遭受了非常强烈的撞击事件。  相似文献   

王鹤年  梁英  徐伟彪 《岩石学报》2006,22(2):491-502
GRV 99027陨石是二辉橄榄岩质辉玻无球粒陨石(L-S)的火星陨石新成员,具有嵌晶、非嵌晶和冲击熔融袋结构。矿物模式组成以橄榄石(55%)、辉石(37.5%)为主,有少量熔长石(6%)、铬铁矿(1.5%)以及微量白磷钙石、陨硫铁等。其矿物的化学成分较为均一,无分带现象。橄榄石组分为Fo_(69.1~76.6)Fa_(23.4~30.9),平均Fo_(72.4)Fa_(27.6),低钙易变辉石为En_(59.3~75.1) Fs_(20.5~26.9)Wo_(3.1~14.9),平均En_(68.6)Fs_(23.5)Wo_(8.0),普通辉石为En_(46.6~53)Fs_(13.1~16.1)Wo_(31.9~37.8),平均En_(50.7)Fs_(14.5)Wo_(34.8),熔长石为An_(43.6~59.3) Ab_(40.2~54.6)Or_(0.5~1.8),平均An_(52.4)Ab_(46.7)Or_(0.8)。该陨石的结晶顺序是:亏损的火星幔源区部分熔融形成的原始母岩浆最先结晶的是嵌晶区的橄榄石和铬铁矿,随后易变辉石晶出,呈主晶包裹橄榄石和铬铁矿;此后,橄榄石、易变辉石、普通辉石持续结晶,直到残余熔体在晶隙形成斜长石和白磷钙石等。在这陨石中的易变辉石和普通辉石共存,二辉石温度计显示平衡温度为1000~1190℃(平均≈1146℃)。GRV 99027经历的亚固相再平衡,其程度为ALH 77005≈GRV 99027>LEW 88516>Y 793605。GRV 99027经受的冲击压力为30~45 GPa,,局部达到60~80GPa,冲击后温度可能<600℃。  相似文献   

Garnet pyroxenites and corundum-garnet amphibolites from the Dent peninsula of eastern Sabah (North Borneo) occur as blocks in a slump breccia deposit of late Miocene age. The earliest formed minerals include pyrope-almandine garnet, tschermakitic augite, pargasite, and rutile. Cumulate textures are present in two of the six specimens studied. The earlier fabric has been extensively brecciated and partly replaced by plagioclase, ilmenite, and a fibrous amphibole. The bulk composition and mineralogy of these rocks are similar to those of garnet pyroxenite lenses within ultramafic rocks. Estimated temperature and pressure for the origin of the Sabah garnet pyroxenites is 850±150° C and 19±4 kbar.  相似文献   

U/Pb systematics of the Acapulco meteorite have been determined on phosphate and feldspar separates and on grain size fractions of bulk material. The latter show an enrichment of U and Th with respect to CI chondrites and a low (∼1) Th/U ratio. This is consistent with the model that the majority of U and Th was added early by a low temperature melt to the Acapulco precursor. The feldspar exhibits a Pb isotope composition that is close to the primordial Pb composition. Mineral separates and bulk fractions define a 207Pb/206Pb isochron. The age corresponds to 4555.9 ± 0.6 Ma. This age anchors the thermal evolution of the Acapulco parent body into an absolute time scale. Evaluation of the Hf/W and U/Pb records with the cooling rates deduced from mineralogical investigations confirms the idea that the Acapulco parent body was fragmented during its cooling. The U/Pb system precisely dates this break-up at 4556 ± 1 Ma.  相似文献   

Summary Many small podiform chromitite deposits occur within two alpine-type serpentinite belts (of uncertain age) in southern NSW. Most of these deposits are enclosed in massive serpentinised chromite-rich dunite which cross-cuts primary layering within the main harzburgite body. In the western belt, the chromitites are all Cr-rich, whereas in the eastern belt there is a spectrum from Cr-rich to highly Al-rich chromitites, all of which have a fairly Complex geographic distribution. All of the chromitites are ophiolitic in character and the chemistry of both the chromitites and discrete chromite grains is reasonably Constant within a deposit, but varies widely between deposits. The REE concentrations are very low and lack any systematic geographic distribution. Most of the hromitites have an opholitic PGE signature, although some exceptions do occur and this is ascribed to localised remobilisation during serpentinisation. PIXE proton probe results show that the chromite grains are enriched, relative to the. serpentine fracture-fill, in Mn, Ni, Zn and Ga and depleted in As and Cu. Inclusions Completely enclosed within the chromite grains include Al-rich chromite, PGE-bearing nickel sulphides, palladian gold, forsteritic olivine, pargasitic amphiboles and a member of the gedrite/anthophyllite group. PGE-bearing fracture-fill phases include millerite, heazlewoodite, polydymite, chalcopyrite, trevorite, native gold, ruthenium, palladium and Ni3Pt(?). Other fracture-fill phases include awaruite, magnetite, pentlandite, lizardite 6T, chrysotile 2M, antigorite, talc, clinochlore IIb, uvarovite garnet, diopside and ferritchromit. The chromitites were derived from a different magma than the peridotite and the present distribution of low Al, intermediate Al and high Al Chromitites reflects the spatial distribution of a progressively fractionating parental magma rather than different magmatic sources. Both the trace element and REE Chemistries of the chromitites yield little insight into the genesis of the chromitite pods and their distribution Could reflect either an inhomogeneous distribution in the parental magma or localised remobilisation during serpentinisation. During serpentinisation, PGE within the chromities and hostrock dunites and harzburgites were released, and precipitated within the crack seal breccia environment of the chromitites. Provided that the inclusions enclosed within the chromite grains formed in the presence of the same fluid as the chromite, this magmatic chromite and olivine forming liquid must have had a minor concentrated volatile-rich component. Subsequent serpentinisation of the chromitites was responsbile for the localised remobilisation of metals, PGE, S and the REE.
Chemismus und Mineralogie von podiformen Chromitlagerstätten, Süd-NSW, Australien: Ein Schlüssel zu ihrer Entstehung und Entwicklung
Zusammenfassung Zahlreiche kleinere podiforme Chromitlagerstätten treten in zwei alpinotypen Serpinitingürteln unsicherer Altersstellung im südlichen NSW auf. Die meisten dieser Lagerstätten sind an serpentinisierte chromitreiche Dunite, die den primären Lagenbau der Harzburgitkörper durchsetzen, gebunden. Im westlichen Gürtel sind die Chromite Cr-reich, im östlichen reicht das Spektrum von Cr- bis Al-reichen Chromititen mit komplexer geographischer Verbreitung. Alle Chromitite zeigen ophiolitischen Charakter und die Zusammensetzung der Chromitite aber auch einzelner Chromitkörner ist relativ konstant innerhalb einer Lagerstätte. Sie variiert allerdings von Lagerstätte zu Lagerstätte. Die SEE Gehalte sind sehr niedrig. Eine systematische geographische Verteilung ist nicht erkennbar. Die meisten Chromitite zeigen ophiolitische PGE Verteilungsmuster, obwohl es auch Ausnahmen, die lokaler Remobilisation im Zuge der Serpentinisierung zugeschrieben werden müssen, beobachtbar sind. Ergebnisse von PIXE Protonensondenanalysen zeigen, daß die Chromitkörner im Vegleich zu den Serpentinitrißfüllungen an Mn, Ni, Zn und Ga angereichert und an As und Cu angereichert sind. Al-reiche Chromite, PGE-führende Nickelsulfide, Gold mit Palladium, Forsterit und pargasitische Amphibole, sowie Gedrit/Antophyllit sind als Einschlüsse in Chromit nachgewiesen. In PGE-führenden Rissen kommen Millerit, Heazlewoodit, Polydymit, Kupferkies, Trevorit, gedigenes Gold, Ruthenium, Palladium und Ni3Pt(?) vor. Andere Phasen in diesen Rißfüllungen sind Awaruit, Magnetit, Pentlandit, Lizardit 6T, Chrysotil 2M, Antigorit, Talk, Klinochlor IIb, Uvarovit, Diopsid und Ferritchromit.Die Chromitite sind von einem anderen Magma als die Peridotite abzuleiten und die nunmehrige Verteilung von Al-armen bis Al-reichen Chromititen spiegelt die räumliche Verteilung eines fraktionierenden Ausgangsmagmas eher wider als unterschiedliche Magmenquellen. Spuren- und REE-Geochemie erlauben kaum Einblicke in die Genese der Chromititkörper. Ihre unregelmäßige Verteilung könnte entweder auf Inhomogenitäten des Ausgangsmagmas oder auf lokale Remobilisation im Zuge der Serpentinisierung zurückzuführen sein. Während der Serpentinisierung wurden PGEs in den Chromititen und dunitischen und harzburgitischen Nebengesteinen freigesetzt und in den ehromititischen crack-seal Brekzien wiederausgefällt. Unter der Annahme, daß sich die Einschlüsse in den Chromitkörnen in Gegenwart desselben Fluids wie die Chromite selbst gebildet haben, müssen die magmatischen Chromit- und olivinführenden Schmelzen mit einer volatilreichen Komponente koexistiert haben. Nachträgliche Serpentinisierung der Chromitite war für die lokale Remobilisation der Metalle, der PGEs, S und der REE verantwortlich.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

The Shungura Formation of southwestern Ethiopia has yielded many tens of thousands of vertebrate fossils including hominids and microvertebrates, and in addition has also yielded fossil wood, pollen, and invertebrates. Widespread tuffs have made subdivision and detailed mapping of the formation possible, have provided material for potassium-argon dating, and have allowed direct lithostratigraphic correlation with the Koobi Fora Formation in northern Kenya. The basis for correlation between the two formations is the distinctive chemistry of the tuffs, but systematic chemical variation within some tuffs invalidates some statistical correlation techniques. Here chemical analysis of glass separates and minerals from tuffs of the Shungura and Usno Formations are presented which may allow further ties to be established when data become available on other tuffs of the Koobi Fora Formation. The tuffs consist primarily of glass, but also contain phenocrysts of anorthoclase, hedenbergitic pyroxene, sodic amphibole, ilmenite, titanomagnetite, chevkinite, quartz, zircon, and rarely orthopyroxene and plagioclase. The glasses show evidence of alkali loss during hydration, and are not now peralkaline, although it is likely that they were initially. The source volcanoes were most likely situated within the Ethiopian rift valley, or on its margins.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of mineral components of the Omolon pallasite was determined by neutron-activation. Six types of olivines were distinguished. Four types differ in the abundance of Co relative to Ni of CI chondrites. The fifth and sixth types were distinguished on the basis of REE distribution in them. Both last types are variably enriched in LREE relative to CI chondrites. In terms of Ca content relative to CI chondrite, these six types are subdivided into two groups: low-calcium and high-calcium. The difference in Ca contents can be caused by different cooling rate of the precursor of these olivines. The distribution pattern of siderophile elements in the pallasite metal indicates that a metallic phase experienced chemical transformations since the time of its formation. The analysis of chemical composition of accessory minerals showed that: (1) HREE are accumulated in tridymite; (2) troilite and daubreelite were formed under different temperature conditions; (3) magnetite is the mineral of the outer zone of melting crust. Four fragments with anomalous contents of lithophile elements were found in the pallasites and studied. The unusual chemical composition of phases and high degree of HREE fractionation in the fragments suggest their formation at high temperatures at the early stage of the Solar system evolution. It is assumed that the Omolon pallasite was formed as impact-brecciated mixture of the asteroid core (with composition close to IIIAB group of iron meteorites) and mantle olivine from incompletely differentiated parent body of chondrite composition.  相似文献   

Morphologies, petrographic settings and carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of graphites in the Acapulco meteorite, the latter determined by secondary ionization mass spectrometry, are reported. Seven different graphite morphologies were recognized, the majority of which occur enclosed exclusively in kamacite. Individual graphite grains also rarely occur in the silicate matrix. Kamacite rims surrounding taenite cores of metal grains are separated from the Ni-rich metal cores by graphite veneers. These graphite veneers impeded or prevented Ni-Fe interdiffusion during cooling. In addition, matrix FeNi metal contains considerable amounts of phosphorous (≈ 700 ppm) and silicon (≈ 300 ppm) (Pack et al., 2005 in preparation) thus indicating that results of laboratory cooling experiments in the Fe-Ni binary system are inapplicable to Acapulco metals. Graphites of different morphologies display a range of carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions, indicating a diversity of source regions before accretion in the Acapulco parent body. The isotopic compositions point to at least three isotopic reservoirs from which the graphites originated: (1) A reservoir with heavy carbon, represented by graphite in silicates (δ13C = 14.3 ± 2.4 ‰ and δ15N = −103.4 ± 10.9 ‰), (2) A reservoir with isotopically light carbon and nitrogen, characteristic for the metals. Its C- and N-isotopic compositions are probably preserved in the graphite exsolutions that are isotopically light in carbon and lightest in nitrogen (δ13C = −17 to −23 ‰ δ15N = −141 to −159 ‰). (3) A reservoir with an assumed isotopic composition (δ13C ∼ −5 ‰; δ15N ∼ −50 ‰). A detailed three-dimensional tomography in reflected light microscopy of the decorations of metal-troilite spherules in the cores of orthopyroxenes and olivines and metal-troilite veins was conducted to clarify their origin. Metal and troilite veins are present only near the fusion crust. Hence, these veins are not pristine to Acapulco parent body but resulted during passage of Acapulco in Earth’s atmosphere. A thorough search for symplectite-type silicate-troilite liquid quench textures was conducted to determine the extent of closed-system partial silicate melting in Acapulco.Metal-troilite spherules in orthopyroxenes and olivines are not randomly distributed but decorate ferromagnesian silicate restite cores, indicating that the metal-spherule decoration around restite silicates took place in a silicate partial melt. Graphite inclusions in these spherules have C- and N- isotopic compositions (δ13C = −2.9 ± 2.5 ‰ and δ15N = −101.2 ± 32 ‰) close to the average values of graphite in metals and in the silicate matrix, thus strongly suggesting that they originated from a mixture of graphite inclusions in metals and silicate matrix graphite during a closed system crystallization process subsequent to silicate-metal-sulfide partial melting. Troilite-orthopyroxene quench symplectite textures in orthopyroxene rims are clear evidence that silicate-sulfide partial melting took place in Acapulco. Due to petrographic heterogeneity on a centimeter scale, bulk REE abundances of individual samples or of individual minerals provide only limited information and the REE abundances alone are not entirely adequate to unravel the formational processes that prevailed in the acapulcoite-lodranite parent body. The present investigations demonstrate the complexity of the evolutionary stages of acapulcoites from accretion to parent body processes.  相似文献   

An eclogite and five of its coexisting minerals (omphacite, garnet, carinthine, kyanite and zoisite) from the probable type locality of eclogites (Kupplerbrunn, Saualpe, Austria) described by Haüy (1822) have been analysed. Optical and X-ray data for these minerals are also given. Comparison of the Kupplerbrunn rock with those of other eclogites from the Saualpe region indicates they all have roughly similar compositions. When plotted on an A-C-F diagram the majority of these analyses fall in the region of kyanite-bearing eclogites suggested by Tilley (1936) although the Kupplerbrunn rock is the only sample containing kyanite; the others containing zoisite. The garnet and omphacite compositions of the Kupplerbrunn rock differ markedly from those of other Saualpe eclogites, possibly due to different metamorphic conditions of their formation. Carinthine analyses are all very similar for eclogites from Saualpe. On the basis of geological, analytical and limited experimental evidence, it is postulated that the Kupplerbrunn eclogite was derived from an original gabbroic rock low in water content such that amphibole and zoisite formed from plagioclase, pyroxene and water; omphacite, garnet and kyanite formed from plagioclase and pyroxene, once all the water was used up in the form of amphibole and zoisite. These reactions are believed to have taken place at 5–8 kb pressure at around 600° C; a value close to that suggested by Lodemann (1966) from field data.  相似文献   

44 samples of the Jilin meteorite were analyzed by various laboratories for spallogenic, radiogenic, and trapped rare gases. A non-uniform distribution has been found for the rare gases of different origins. There have been found correlations among the spallogenic rare gases, with apparent depth effects. 43 samples were analyzed for their cosmogenic radionuclides60Co,26Al,36Cl,40K,53Mn,54Mn, and22Na. Correlations have been found between60Co and53Mn and between60Co and21Ne. The Jilin meteorite has a complex history of cosmic-ray irradiation. According to the two-stage model and the other fragments have a burying depth two stages,T 1=11 m.y. andT 2=0.3 m.y. The burying depth of all samples in the parent body can be obtained by the content of21Ne. Jilin meteorite No. 1 is located 20–142 cm from the surface, No. 4 ranges from 106–134 cm, and the other fragments have a burying depth between 15 and 150 cm. The equation of the reference plane for the surface of the 1-stage Jilin meteoroid is 0.24x+0.81y+0.53z+0.5=0. Use can also be made of60Co to determine the burying depth of all samples in the 2-stage Jilin meteoroid (under a geometry of 4π), and further to restore the preatmospheric form and size of the parent body. During its atmospheric passage, the Jilin had an ablation rate of ca. 30%. On the basis of the two-stage model and the concentration of21Ne and60Co in the samples, we propose a scheme to restore the relative position of all samples in the parent body. 12 sample-distribution regions can be sketched out. Also can be restored the relative position of all the samples in the parent body during the two stages.  相似文献   

B. Carter Hearn Jr.   《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):473-491
The Homestead kimberlite was emplaced in lower Cretaceous marine shale and siltstone in the Grassrange area of central Montana. The Grassrange area includes aillikite, alnoite, carbonatite, kimberlite, and monchiquite and is situated within the Archean Wyoming craton. The kimberlite contains 25–30 modal% olivine as xenocrysts and phenocrysts in a matrix of phlogopite, monticellite, diopside, serpentine, chlorite, hydrous Ca–Al–Na silicates, perovskite, and spinel. The rock is kimberlite based on mineralogy, the presence of atoll-textured groundmass spinels, and kimberlitic core-rim zoning of groundmass spinels and groundmass phlogopites.

Garnet xenocrysts are mainly Cr-pyropes, of which 2–12% are G10 compositions, crustal almandines are rare and eclogitic garnets are absent. Spinel xenocrysts have MgO and Cr2O3 contents ranging into the diamond inclusion field. Mg-ilmenite xenocrysts contain 7–11 wt.% MgO and 0.8–1.9 wt.% Cr2O3, with (Fe+3/Fetot) from 0.17–0.31. Olivine is the only obvious megacryst mineral present. One microdiamond was recovered from caustic fusion of a 45-kg sample.

Upper-mantle xenoliths up to 70 cm size are abundant and are some of the largest known garnet peridotite xenoliths in North America. The xenolith suite is dominated by dunites, and harzburgites containing garnet and/or spinel. Granulites are rare and eclogites are absent. Among 153 xenoliths, 7% are lherzolites, 61% are harzburgites, 31% are dunites, and 1% are orthopyroxenites. Three of 30 peridotite xenoliths that were analysed are low-Ca garnet–spinel harzburgites containing G10 garnets. Xenolith textures are mainly coarse granular, and only 5% are porphyroclastic.

Xenolith modal mineralogy and mineral compositions indicate ancient major-element depletion as observed in other Wyoming craton xenolith assemblages, followed by younger enrichment events evidenced by tectonized or undeformed veins of orthopyroxenite, clinopyroxenite, websterite, and the presence of phlogopite-bearing veins and disseminated phlogopite. Phlogopite-bearing veins may represent kimberlite-related addition and/or earlier K-metasomatism.

Xenolith thermobarometry using published two-pyroxene and Al-in-opx methods suggest that garnet–spinel peridotites are derived from 1180 to 1390 °C and 3.6 to 4.7 GPa, close to the diamond–graphite boundary and above a 38 mW/m2 shield geotherm. Low-Ca garnet–spinel harzburgites with G10 garnets fall in about the same T and P range. Most spinel peridotites with assumed 2.0 GPa pressure are in the same T range, possibly indicating heating of the shallow mantle. Four of 79 Cr diopside xenocrysts have PT estimates in the diamond stability field using published single-pyroxene PT calculation methods.  相似文献   

We have observed vesicles filled with heavy nitrogen gas and water vapor in three settings in the Bencubbin CB chondrite: in the mesostasis of the silicate clasts, in the mesostasis of the chondrules of an ordinary chondrite (OC) xenolith, and in grains we refer to as bubble grains, and interpret as remelted OC chondrule mesostasis. In our view, these bubbles are a local phenomenon and formed as a consequence of the impact of the OC fragment onto the Bencubbin parent body. The heavy nitrogen in the bubbles came from one or several of its carrier phases in Bencubbin, and the water came from hydrous silicates. As formulated by Meibom et al. (Meibom A., Righter K., Chabot N., Dehn G., Antignano A., McCoy T. J., Krot A. N., Zolensky M. E., Petaev M. I. and Keil K. (2005) Shock melts in QUE 94411, Hammadah al Hamra 237, and Bencubbin: remains of the missing matrix? Meteorit. Planet. Sci.40, 1377-1391) these hydrous phases, similar to the hydrated clasts now found in CH and CBb chondrites, were probably common in the Bencubbin parent body at that time. They were later almost totally destroyed by a large scale shock event, and contributed to form the impact melt that now fills space in between the large clasts of Bencubbin. Our observations indirectly confirm this hypothesis. From our composition measurements, we infer that the silicate part of the impact melt was made in roughly equal proportions of melted phyllosilicates and melted anhydrous silicates. The oxygen isotopic composition of the impact melt is much heavier than that of the silicate clasts, probably reflecting the composition of the water at the origin of the phyllosilicates. The O isotope measurements of the OC inclusion chondrules present some features that seem to be common in OCs: a composition of the chondrule crystals slightly lighter than that of whole chondrules, and one olivine crystal with a very light composition.  相似文献   

The manned Apollo 11, 12, 14 and 15 and the automated Luna 16 lunar missions have provided us with lunar rock and regolith (soil) samples from a number of geologically distinct sites. The mare regions were sampled by Apollo 11, 12 and Luna 16, whereas Apollo 14 landed on a terrain with more relief, the Fra Mauro Formation which represents an ejecta blanket from the Imbrian Basin, and Apollo 15 touched down near the lunar highlands. The samples collected consist of a mixture, mainly of basalt, breccia and regolith (soil-particulate matter, generally < 1 cm in size). The basalts show considerable variation in texture, mineralogy and chemistry and probably represent fragments from various parts of relatively thin and extensive lava flows in the maria. The breccias represent regolith material which was indurated to varying degrees by impact events. The regolith is a product of the breakdown, again by impact, of coherent rock masses of basalt and breccia.  相似文献   

Summary A chemical and mineralogical study of magmatic inclusions in the silica-rich rocks of the Tolfa-Ceriti-Manziana sector (Tuscan Province, Central Italy) shows that they can be grouped according to their degree of alkalinity. We distinguish: TCM latites (TCML) with an alkaline-potassic affinity; Ceriti latites (CL) with calc-alkaline affinity; and Manziana shoshonites and latites (MS-ML) with an affinity intermediate between alkaline and subalkaline. The latter are hybrid rocks originating from the mixing of two magmas with slightly different geochemical affinities.These magmas may represent liquids derived by partial melting of a heterogeneous mantle, metasomatized by a crustal source. The most alkaline magmas (TCML) are associated with the largest degree of metasomatism which, if more pronounced, could lead to the production of the potassic magmas of the Roman Province.
Mafische Einschlüsse in den Si-reichen Gesteinen des vulkanischen Distriktes von Tolfa-Ceriti-Manziana (Toskanische Provinz, Zentralitalien): chemie und mineralogie
Zusammenfassung Eine chemische und mineralogische Untersuchung der magmatischen Einschlüsse in den sauren Gesteinen des Tolfa-Ceriti-Manziana Sektors (Toskanische Provinz, Zentralitalien) zeigt, daß sie nach dem Grad der Alkalinitdt unterteilt werden können. Wir unterscheiden TCM latite (TCML) mit einer Alkali-Kalium Affinität; Ceriti Latite (CL) mit einer kalkalkalischen Affinität und Manziana Shoshonite und Latite (MS-ML) mit einer Affinität die zwischen alkalisch und subalkalisch liegt. Die Letztgenannten sind Mischgesteine, die durch die Mischung zweier Magmen mit verschiedenen geochemischen Affinitäten entstanden sind.Diese Magmen, die genetisch nicht mit den Wirtsgesteinen in Beziehung stehen, dürften Schmelzen repräsentieren, die auf teilweise Aufschmelzung eines heterogenen Mantels, der durch eine krustale Quelle metasomatisiert wurde, zurückgehen. Die am meisten alkalischen Magmen (TCML) sind mit dem höchsten Grad der Metasomatose assoziiert, der wiederum, wenn noch stärker entwickelt, zur Entstehung der kalireichen Magmen der römischen Provinz führen könnte.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

K.M. Masun  B.J. Doyle  S. Ball  S. Walker 《Lithos》2004,76(1-4):75-97
The 613±6 Ma Anuri kimberlite is a pipelike body comprising two lobes with a combined surface area of approximately 4–5 ha. The pipe is infilled with two contrasting rock types: volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK) and, less common, hypabyssal kimberlite (HK).

The HK is an archetypal kimberlite composed of macrocrysts of olivine, spinel, mica, rare eclogitic garnet and clinopyroxene with microphenocrysts of olivine and groundmass spinel, phlogopite, apatite and perovskite in a serpentine–calcite–phlogopite matrix. The Ba enrichment of phlogopite, the compositional trends of both primary spinel and phlogopite, as well as the composition of the mantle-derived xenocrysts, are also characteristic of kimberlite. The present-day country rocks are granitoids; however, the incorporation of sedimentary xenoliths in the HK shows that the Archean granitoid basement terrain, at least locally, was capped by younger Proterozoic sediments at the time of emplacement. The sediments have since been removed by erosion. HK is confined to the deeper eastern parts of the Anuri pipe. It is suggested that the HK was emplaced prior to the dominant VK as a separate phase of kimberlite. The HK must have ascended to high stratigraphic levels to allow incorporation of Proterozoic sediments as xenoliths.

Most of the Anuri kimberlite is infilled with VK which is composed of variable proportions of juvenile lapilli, discrete olivine macrocrysts, country rock xenoliths and mantle-derived xenocrysts. It is proposed that the explosive breakthrough of a second batch of kimberlite magma formed the western lobe resulting in the excavation of the main pipe. Much of the resulting fragmented country rock material was deposited in extra crater deposits. Pyroclastic eruption(s) of kimberlite must have occurred to form the common juvenile lapilli present in the VKs. The VK is variable in nature and can be subdivided into four types: volcaniclastic kimberlite breccia, magmaclast-rich volcaniclastic kimberlite breccia, finer grained volcaniclastic kimberlite breccia and lithic-rich volcaniclastic kimberlite breccia. The variations between these subtypes reflect different depositional processes. These processes are difficult to determine but could include primary pyroclastic deposition and/or resedimentation.

There is some similarity between Anuri and the Lac de Gras kimberlites, with variable types of VK forming the dominant infill of small, steep-sided pipes excavated into crystalline Archean basement and sedimentary cover.  相似文献   

In the geological sciences it has only recently been recognized how important the process of impact cratering is on a planetary scale, where it is commonly the most important surface-modifying process. On the Moon and other planetary bodies that lack an appreciable atmosphere, meteorite impact craters are well preserved, and they can commonly be recognized from morphological characteristics, but on Earth complications arise as a consequence of the weathering, obliteration, deformation, or burial of impact craters and the projectiles that formed them. These problems made it necessary to develop diagnostic criteria for the identification and confirmation of impact structures on Earth. Diagnostic evidence for impact events is often present in the target rocks that were affected by the impact. The conditions of impact produce an unusual group of melted, shocked, and brecciated rocks, some of which fill the resulting crater, and others which are transported, in some cases to considerable distances from the source crater. Only the presence of diagnostic shock-metamorphic effects and, in some cases, the discovery of meteorites, or traces thereof, is generally accepted as unambiguous evidence for an impact origin. Shock deformation can be expressed in macroscopic form (shatter cones) or in microscopic forms (e.g., distinctive planar deformation features [PDFs] in quartz). In nature, shock-metamorphic effects are uniquely characteristic of shock levels associated with hypervelocity impact. The same two criteria (shock-metamorphic effects or traces of the impacting meteorite) apply to distal impact ejecta layers, and their presence confirms that materials found in such layers originated in an impact event at a possibly still unknown location. As of 2009 about 175 impact structures have been identified on Earth based on these criteria. A wide variety of shock-metamorphic effects has been identified, with the best diagnostic indicators for shock metamorphism being features that can be studied easily by using the polarizing microscope. These include specific planar microdeformation features (planar fractures [PFs], PDFs), isotropization (e.g., formation of diaplectic glasses), and phase changes (high pressure phases; melting). The present review provides a detailed discussion of shock effects and geochemical tracers that can be used for the unambiguous identification of impact structures, as well as an overview of doubtful criteria or ambiguous lines of evidence that have erroneously been applied in the past.  相似文献   

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