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Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory; Armagh Observatory (Northern Ireland). Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 327–332, May–June, 1991.  相似文献   

On scans obtained with the Oxford photoelectric spectrometer, the [Ca ii] transition 4s 2S1/2-3d 2D3/2; is identified with a weak Fraunhofer line. It is argued that the strength of the line is consistent with the abundance of calcium which is derived from the permitted lines of Ca i and Ca ii.  相似文献   

Divergence between determinations of the iron abundance from permitted Fe lines and forbidden Fe II lines is discussed and a re-examination of the equivalent widths of two of the [Fe II] lines is proposed.  相似文献   

《Chinese Astronomy》1979,3(3):258-272
In this paper a numerical solution of the equations of transfer of the Stokes parameters in the presence of magnetic fields has been carried out. This yields the profiles of the Stokes parameters for three magneto-sensitive spectral lines (FEI λλ 6302.499, 6173.341, 5250.216). The magnetic broadening, temperature sensitivity and some other properties of these lines have also been investigated.In Unno's pioneering work, an algebraic solution of the equations of transfer of the Stokes parameters were obtained under a series of assumptions. Two of these are: 1) The source function B, varies linearly with the optical depth τλ; 2) The atmosphere follows the Milne-Eddington model. In this paper we have abandoned both these unrealistic assumptions. In consequence, our numerical solution agrees with observations better than the algebraic solution of Unno.  相似文献   

The rich spectrum of the slow nova RR Telescopii contains several strong unidentified lines. The possibility is re-examined that some of these lines are due to forbidden transitions of [Niiv]. Success is partial but the new identifications include four strong lines (5363, 5288, 5060, 5042) from the multiplet a4F-a2G.Supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA NGR 05 002 034).  相似文献   

Observations of solar X-ray line emission using crystal spectrometers during a large chromospheric flare have provided a list of wavelengths with a precision of 0.003 Å in first order of diffraction and correspondingly better in higher orders. In addition to the resonance, intersystem (1 1 S 0-2 3 P 1) and forbidden (1 1 S 0-2 3 S 1) transitions of ions of the Hei isoelectronic sequence, we have recorded satellite lines arising from ions in the Lii, Bei and Bi isoelectronic sequences. These satellite features are most prominent in the iron spectrum. Apparent decreases in the ratio of forbidden and intersystem line intensities of Mgxi and Sixiii during the flare are used to derive electron densities possibly as high as 1 × 1013 cm–3 in the Mgxi emitting region and 1 × 1014 cm–3 in the Sixiii region during the event. A search for satellite lines on the long-wavelength side of the Lyman-alpha line of Hi-like ions has yielded no positive identifications.  相似文献   

A. J. Sauval 《Solar physics》1969,10(2):319-329
A new investigation of the presence of SiH lines in the solar disk spectrum has been performed. It may be concluded that molecular absorption lines of SiH are present in the disk spectrum with maximum equivalent widths of about 2 mÅ. A value of the oscillator strength of SiH has been derived (f 00 = 0.0008 ± 0.0004).  相似文献   

The rotation of the solar corona has been studied using recurrence properties of the green coronal line (5303 Å) for the interval 1947–1970. Short-lived coronal activity is found to show the same differential rotation as short-lived photospheric magnetic field features. Long-lived recurrences show rigid rotation in the latitude interval ±57°.5. It is proposed that at least part of the variability of rotational properties of the solar atmosphere may be understood as a consequence of coexistence of differential and rigid solar rotation.On leave from Torino University, Italy, as an ESRO-NASA Fellow.  相似文献   

Forty-two unidentified spectral lines in Mohler's (1955) table of infrared solar spectrum wavelengths are shown to be solar, and three of these tentatively have been identified. One line, listed by Mohler as solar or telluric, is shown to be telluric.  相似文献   

The relative intensity of two Ci lines at 1993.6 Å and 1657.4 Å, observed in the limb spectrum of the sun, is a factor 2.6 × 103 larger than that expected if both lines were optically thin. It is shown that the observed intensity ratio may be explained in terms of the transfer of photons from 1657.4 Å to 1993.6 Å due to a large optical depth in the line at 1657.4 Å. The observed upper limit on the relative intensity of two further lines at 1992.0 Å and 1657.0 Å has been used to show that the line at 1993.6 Å is optically thin. Hence it is shown that (1657.4 Å) = 1300, and (1993.6 Å) = 0.44. These values provide an independent evaluation of optical depths against which chromospheric models may be checked. Assuming a mean temperature of T e = 8000 °K, and a mean scale height of 350 km, the optical depths lead to a mean hydrogen-particle density of N (H) = 1.4 × 1012 cm–3.  相似文献   

Identifications are proposed for twenty of the twenty-eight coronal lines observed in the spectra obtained during a rocket flight into the path of the 7 March, 1970 solar eclipse. The methods by which the lines have been identified are discussed. Most of the lines identified are from forbidden transitions between levels in the ground 2p n and 3p n configurations in high ions of magnesium, silicon, sulphur, iron, and nickel. The temperature range represented is from 6.9 × 105 K to 2.5 × 106 K. The classification of three lines of Fexii and two of Nixiv has led to a revised identification for the near ultraviolet 2 D 3/2-2 P 1/2 transition in Fe xii. This transition can be identified with the line at 3072 Å rather than that at 3021 Å as previously suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

An historical account is given of the development of our knowledge concerning the processes controlling the emission of the λ 5577 and λλ6300, 6364 lines of oxygen and the λλ5198, 5201 lines of nitrogen in the nightglow. Only in the case of the last can the processes be regarded as fully established. It is not yet known whether the emission of the oxygen green line from near the 100 km level follows the three-body process of Chapman (1931) or the two stage mechanism of Barth (1962, 1964). The pattern of the processes germane to the pre-twilight enhancement of the oxygen red doublet is not clear.  相似文献   

The Zeeman patterns of magnetic lines are characterized by their first, second, and third order moments and a minimal equivalent representation is suggested for each line. The statistical properties of the Zeeman patterns of the Fe i lines in the solar optical spectrum are analyzed in detail and the various patterns are classified in three different types according to the relative position of the -components having larger strength.  相似文献   

Recent atomic data have been used to analyze a solar flare spectrum obtained with the Goddard Space Flight Center's grating spectrometer on the OSO-5 satellite. There exist in the wavelength region 90–200 Å strong lines from each of the ions Fe xviii-Fe xxiv. The Fe xxi lines can be used as an electron density diagnostic for the 107 K plasma. From our analysis of a particular flare, we find a steep positive slope in the emission measure between 106.5 and 107.2 K and an electron density of 4 × 1011 cm–3 at 107 K. We emphasise the need for high spectral and spatial resolution observations of solar flares in this wavelength region, which has to date been largely neglected.  相似文献   

The24MgH+ (A 1+X 1+) molecular lines have been identified in the photospheric spectrum. The rotational excitation temperature determined from the analysis of molecular line intensities of24MgH+ is found to be of the order of 4850 K which corresponds to the photospheric temperature of the Sun. The CNDO/2 dipole moments of24MgH+ for internuclear distance range: (1.3–2.1) Å in theX 1+ state can be approximated byM(R)=4.92+1.33R. Estimations for the spontaneous emission Einstein coefficients (A v v ) and the absorption oscillator strengths (f v v ) for the (1, 0), (2, 0), and (2, 1) transitions in theX 1+ state of the24MgH+ ion are also made.Work partially supported by the CNPq, Brasilia under contract number 30.4076/77.  相似文献   

The wavelengths and intensities of the stronger transitions in the spectrum of Ni xix are reduced from measurements of the X-ray spectra of three coronal active regions. The new measured wavelengths are consistent with prediction by isoelectronic extrapolation from the wavelengths of well established transitions but are about 0.01 Å longer than previously accepted laboratory measurements. This difference appears to be crucial to the correct assignment of features in the coronal spectrum to Ni xix. The relative intensities of our new assignments to Ni xix are in broad agreement with the Loulergue-Nussbaumer calculations.  相似文献   

The solar p-mode spectrum of very low I is measured with high accuracy for a long enough period of time so as to allow the search for solar cycle variations. In this paper solar cycle variations of the frequency and energy of the modes are confirmed. Moreover, a slight variation,within errors, of its rotational splitting with the solar cycle, is suggested.  相似文献   

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