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Argon, krypton, chlorine, bromine, and iodine were measured in a homogeneous population of high-salinity hydrothermal fluid inclusions from the Tertiary-age Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) lead-fluorite-barite deposits at Hansonburg, New Mexico to establish new types of evidence for the history of both the fluid and the major dissolved salts. Noble gases and halogens in fluid inclusions containing 10−10–10−9 L of brine (Cl= 3 molal) were analyzed by laser microprobe noble-gas mass spectrometry (lmngms) on neutron-irradiated samples.

The concentrations of36Ar (4.7 × 10−8 molal) and84Kr1.8 × 10−9 molal) in the fluid inclusions are equal to those of fresh surface waters in equilibrium with air at approximately20 ± 5°. The mole ratios ofBr/Cl (1.2 × 10−4) andI/Cl (1–2 × 10−6) are among the lowest measured in any natural waters, similar to those of modern brines formed by dissolution of Permian NaCl-bearing evaporites in southeast New Mexico.40Ar/36Ar ratios (600) are twice that of air, and indicate that the fluid inclusions had excess radiogenic40Ar (1.4 × 10−5 molal) when trapped. The amount of excess40Ar appears to be too large to have been acquired with Cl by congruent dissolution of halite-bearing evaporites, and possibly too small to have been acquired with Pb by congruent dissolution of granitic basement rocks with Proterozoic KAr ages.

From thelmngms data, combined with published Pb and S isotope data, we infer the following sequence of events in the history of the Hansonburg MVT hydrothermal brine: (1) the brine originated as relatively dilute meteoric water, and it did not gain or lose atmospheric Ar or Kr after recharge; (2) the originally dilute fluid acquired the bulk of its Cl and sulfate in the subsurface after recharge by dissolving halite-bearing Permian? marine evaporites; (3) the high salinity brine then acquired most of its Pb and excess radiogenic40Ar from interactions with aquifer rocks other than evaporites, possibly clastic sedimentary rocks or basement rocks with Phanerozoic KAr “ages”; and (4) the brine deposited fluorite without having boiled or degassed.  相似文献   

Levels of bacterial indicators of pollution are related with marine salinity and turbidity at both high tide (HT) and low tide (LT). The salinity varied from values around 26.9 ppm at the LT and 28.6 ppm at the high tide but affected total and faecal coliform (FC) estimates. Salinity readings of 25–30 ppm produced microbial counts below 10−2 MPN/100 ml total coliforms (TCs) whereas salinity of 15–22 ppm produced a TC level of 4.6×10−4 MPN/100 ml. Turbidity peaks in the samples are accompanied by peaks of microbial contamination of the seawater indicating that the contamination is normally deposited at the marine sediment rather than in the water column. In fact, samples collected under heavy stormy weather, in which the water agitation resulted in turbidity values up to 68.3 NTU, produced maximum microbial counts.  相似文献   

In eastern England the Chalk aquifer is covered by extensive Pleistocene deposits which influence the hydraulic conditions and hydrochemical nature of the underlying aquifer. In this study, the results of geophysical borehole logging of groundwater temperature and electrical conductivity and depth sampling for major ion concentrations and stable isotope compositions (δ18O and δ2H) are interpreted to reveal the extent and nature of the effective Chalk aquifer of north Norfolk. It is found that the Chalk aquifer can be divided into an upper region of fresh groundwater, with a Cl concentration of typically less than 100 mg l−1, and a lower region of increasingly saline water. The transition between the two regions is approximately 50 m below sea-level, and results in an effective aquifer thickness of 50–60 m in the west of the area, but less than 25 m where the Eocene London Clay boundary is met in the east of the area. Hydrochemical variations in the effective aquifer are related to different hydraulic conditions developed in the Chalk. Where the Chalk is confined by low-permeability Chalky Boulder Clay, isotopically depleted groundwater (δ18O less than −7.5‰) is present, in contrast to those areas of unconfined Chalk where glacial deposits are thin or absent (δ18O about −7.0‰). The isotopically depleted groundwater is evidence for groundwater recharge during the late Pleistocene under conditions when mean surface air temperatures are estimated to have been 4.5°C cooler than at the present day, and suggests long groundwater residence times in the confined aquifer. Elevated molar Mg:Ca ratios of more than 0.2 resulting from progressive rock-water interaction in the confined aquifer also indicate long residence times. A conceptual hydrochemical model for the present situation proposes that isotopically depleted groundwater, occupying areas where confined groundwater dates from the late Pleistocene, is being slowly modified by both diffusion and downward infiltration of modem meteoric water and diffusive mixing from below with an old saline water body.  相似文献   

Hydraulic properties of deeply weathered basement rocks and variably weathered sedimentary materials were measured by pumping and slug-test methods. Results from over 200 bores in 13 catchments, and eight pumping-test sites across the eastern and central wheatbelt of Western Australia were analysed. Measurements were made in each of the major lithological units, and emphasis placed on a ubiquitous basal saprolite aquifer. Comparisons were made between alternative drilling and analytical procedures to determine the most appropriate methods of investigation.

Aquifers with an average hydraulic conductivity of 0.55 m day−1 occur in variably weathered Cainozoic sediments and poorly weathered saprolite grits (0.57 m day−1). These aquifers are separated by an aquitard (0.065 m day−1) comprising the mottled and pallid zones of the deeply weathered profile. Locally higher values of hydraulic conductivity occur in the saprolite aquifer, although after prolonged periods of pumping the values decrease until they are similar to those obtained from the slug-test methods. Hydraulic conductivities measured in bores drilled with rotary auger rigs were approximately an order of magnitude lower than those measured in the same material with bores drilled by the rotary air-blast method.

Wheatbelt aquifers range from predominantly unconfined (Cainozoic sediments), to confined (saprolite grit aquifer). The poorly weathered saprolite grit aquifer has moderate to high transmissivities (4–50 m2 day−1) and is capable of producing from less than 5 to over 230 kl day−1 of ground water, which is often of a quality suitable for livestock. Yields are influenced by the variability in the permeability of isovolumetrically weathered materials from which the aquifer is derived.

The overlying aquitard has a low transmissivity (< 1 m2 day−1), especially when deeply weathered, indurated and silicified. The transmissivity of the variably weathered sedimentary materials ranges from less than 0.5 m2 day−1 to over 10 m2 day−1, depending on the texture of the materials and their position within the landscape. Higher transmissivity zones may occur as discrete layers of coarser textured materials. The salinity of the saprolite and sedimentary aquifers ranges from less than 2000 mgl−1 to greater than 250000 mgl−1 (total dissolved solids; TDS), depending on position within the landscape. Secondary soil salinization develops when groundwater discharge occurs from either saprolite or sedimentary aquifers.  相似文献   

Paleocene volcanic rocks in West Greenland and Baffin Island were among the first products of the Iceland mantle plume, forming part of a larger igneous province that is now submerged beneath the northern Labrador Sea. A 40Ar/39Ar dating study shows that volcanism commenced in West Greenland between 60.9 and 61.3 Ma and that 80% of the Paleocene lava pile was erupted in 1 million years or less (weighted mean age of 60.5±0.4 Ma). Minimum estimates of magma production rates (1.3×10−4 km3 year−1 km−1) are similar to the present Iceland rift, except for the uppermost part of the Paleocene volcanic succession where the rate decreases to <0.7×10−4 km3 year−1 km−1 (rift). The timing of onset of volcanism in West Greenland coincides with the opening of the northern Labrador Sea and is also strikingly similar to the age of the oldest Tertiary volcanic rocks from offshore SE Greenland and the British–Irish province. This is interpreted as manifesting the impact and rapid (>1 m/year) lateral spreading of the Iceland plume head at the base of the Greenland lithosphere at 62 Ma. We suggest that the arrival, or at least a major increase in the flux, of the Iceland mantle plume beneath Greenland was a contributing factor in the initiation of seafloor spreading in the northern Labrador Sea. Our study has also revealed a previously unrecognised Early Eocene volcanic episode in West Greenland. This magmatism may be related to movement on the transform Ungava Fault System which transferred drifting from the Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay. A regional change in plate kinematics at 55 Ma, associated with the opening of the North Atlantic, would have caused net extension along parts of this fault. This would have resulted in decompression and partial melting of the underlying asthenosphere. The source of the melts for the Eocene magmatism may have been remnants of still anomalously hot Iceland plume mantle which were left stranded beneath the West Greenland lithosphere in the Early Paleocene.  相似文献   

REE diffusion in calcite   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Chemical diffusion of four rare-earth elements (La, Nd, Dy and Yb) has been measured in natural calcite under anhydrous conditions, using rare-earth carbonate powders as the source of diffusants. Experiments were run in sealed silica capsules along with finely ground calcite to ensure stability of the single-crystal samples during diffusion anneals. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) was used to measure diffusion profiles. The following Arrhenius relations were obtained over the temperature range 600–850°C: DLa =2.6×10−14 exp(−147±14 kJ mol−1/RT) m2 s−1, DNd =2.4×10−14 exp(−150±13 kJ mol−1/RT) m2 s−1, DDy =2.9×10−14 exp(−145±25 kJ mol−1/RT) m2 s−1, DYb =3.9×10−12 exp(−186±23 kJ mol−1/RT) m2 s−1. In contrast to previous findings for refractory silicates (e.g. zircon), differences in transport rates among the REE are not pronounced over the range of temperature conditions investigated in this study. Diffusion of the REE is significantly slower than diffusion of the divalent cations Sr and Pb and slower than transport of Ca and C at temperatures above 650°C. Fine-scale zoning and isotopic and REE chemical signatures may be retained in calcites under many conditions if diffusion is the dominant process affecting alteration.  相似文献   

The impact of domestic sewage effluent (SE) on the dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages from Bedford Basin was evaluated in the laboratory. Phytoplankton production and chlorophyll a increased proportionally with SE enrichment. Phytoplankton species composition also changed. The potentially harmful diatoms, Pseudonitzschia spp., present initially in small numbers (600 cells 1−1) in Bedford Basin seawater, and became dominant (3–5×106 cells 1−1) when the seawater was enriched with 0.5–5% untreated SE. With higher proportions of SE, other harmful species such as Fragilaria spp. and Euglena spp. became dominant (7−15×106 and 2.2×104 cells 1−1, respectively). Treatment of SE with UV light or activated charcoal seems to favour growth of benign species, such as Chaetoceros socialis, Skeletonema costatum and Thalassiosira spp., but not harmful species such as Pseudonitzschia spp. Further research on UV treatment of domestic sewage is recommended.  相似文献   

The salinization process of the Israeli Coastal aquifer has led to an average concentration of about 200 mgCl/l with a significant number of discrete salinity plumes in the middle and southern regions. The salinity of these plumes is high (500–1000 mgCl/l) and is increasing rapidly. Geochemical evidence has suggested that the salinity source in the Be'er Tuvia plume (in the south part of the aquifer) is at the bottom of the aquifer. This paper describes a solution of the source inverse problem and its application in the Be'er Tuvia plume. A transient two-dimensional finite element model was solved and the source terms were computed at each node in a 14×14 km2 area. An error analysis has shown that when no errors are introduced in the input data the reconstruction is perfect. The results of a sensitivity analysis are presented and the actual reconstruction errors are estimated. Applying the model in the Be'er Tuvia region indicates that a salinity source exists about 1 km to the west and 1.5 km to the north of the center of the salinity plume. This source is believed to be the plume source.  相似文献   

To examine nitrate persistence, detailed geochemical profiling, using core-squeezed water and piezometer samples, was carried out at five sites in southern Ontario where groundwater is moving downward in silt-rich aquitard sediments at rates of 16 to more than 20 cm year−1. Elevated levels of NO3-N (5–50 mg 1−1) that occur in the shallow groundwater as a result of agricultural activity, were found to be consistently attenuated, generally to very low levels (< 0.05 mg 1−1-N), at the ‘redoxcline’, the horizon marking the boundary between the surficial weathered (brown) sediments and the underlying unweathered (grey) sediments. Tritium dating suggests that groundwater at the redoxcline depths (3–5 m) was recharged between 1970 and 1980, thus the N03 depletion appears to result from biodegradation reactions since no major landuse changes have occurred during this period. The close association of the nitrate depletion zones with the redoxcline, where, in particular, sediment sulphur contents increase abruptly, and where also porewater SO42− levels increase, suggests that the dominant attenuation reaction is autotrophic denitrification using reduced sulphur compounds present in the unweathered sediment as the electron donor. Mass balance calculations suggest that the increase in the downward rate of migration of the redoxcline, owing to added sulphur consumption from NO3 contamination, is only about 1 mm year−1 at these sites. Review of the literature indicates that most silt- and clay-rich sediments have S contents in the same range, or higher, than those investigated here, thus, in most cases where aquifers are overlain by several metres or more of unweathered confining sediments, it is likely that a high degree of protection is afforded from surficial NO3 contamination.  相似文献   

Differences in the impact of irrigation with freshwater versus wastewater on the underlying shallow groundwater quality were investigated in the Coastal Aquifer of Israel. Seven research boreholes were drilled to the top-most 3–5 m of the saturated zone (the water table region-WTR) in the agricultural fields. The unsaturated zone and the WTR below the irrigated fields consist mainly of clayey sands, while the main aquifer comprises mainly of calcareous sandstones and sands. We show that the salinity and composition of the groundwater at the WTR are highly variable over a distance of less than 1 km and are controlled by the irrigating water and the processes in the overlying unsaturated zone. Tritium data in this groundwater (4.6 tritium units (TU)) support that these water are modern recharge. The water at the WTR is more saline and has a different chemical composition relative to the overlying irrigation water. High SAR values (sodium adsorption ratio) in wastewater irrigation lead to absorption of Na+ onto the clay and release of Ca2+ into the recharging water, resulting in low Na/Cl (0.4 compared to 1.2 in the wastewater) and high Ca/Cl ratios. In contrast, in the freshwater-irrigated field the irrigation water pumped from the aquifer (Na/Cl=0.9; SAR=0.6) is modified into Na-rich groundwater (Na/Cl=2.0) due to reverse base-exchange reactions. The high NO3 concentration (>100 mg/l) in the WTR below both fields is derived from the agricultural activities. In the freshwater field, the source of NO3 is fertilizer leachates, whereas in the wastewater field, where less fertilizers are applied, nitrate is probably derived from nitrification of the NH4 in the wastewater. Some of the original inorganic nitrogen in the wastewater is consumed by the agricultural plants, resulting in a lower inorganic-N/Cl ratio in the WTR as compared to that in the wastewater. This study demonstrates the important role of the composition of irrigation water, combined with lithology and land use, in determining the quality of the water that recharge the aquifer below agricultural fields.  相似文献   

In 1989, in a hydrological research programme within a deacidification project in the Gårdsjön area in southwest Sweden, flow paths and residence times of soil water and groundwater in microcatchments were examined to support the interpretation of the hydrochemical changes. Saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil water retention were analysed on more than 100 cylinder samples. The catchments have shallow sandy-silty till soil with a mean depth in the main catchment of 43 cm. Porosity of the mineral soil in the main catchment was high and ranged from 38 to 85%. The samples from the B-horizon had generally higher porosity. Porosity and the content of organic matter were correlated. The soil water retention was relatively high at all tensions, likely owing to the high content of organic matter. Dissolved organic substances were most probably transported from the shallow soil on the steep sides of the catchment down to the valley where it precipitated. The high porosities could be a consequence of long-term weathering, provided that the organic substances present have increased the leaching of the weathering products. Measured values of saturated hydraulic conductivity were close to log-normally distributed with a mean for all samples of 3 × 10−5 m s−1. There was a significant increase in conductivity toward the ground surface with the mean conductivity of the samples in the uppermost 10 cm of the mineral soil of 4 × 10−5 m s−1, which was about 13 times higher than the conductivity of 3 × 10−6 m s−1 at 1 m depth. From the relationship between runoff at the catchment outlet and groundwater levels, the conductivity was estimated to be 15–200 times higher in the upper soil layer than in the deeper ones. In one profile, 44–64% of the yearly lateral flow was estimated to occur above 30 cm depth. The conductivity was correlated with the content of drainable water, which indicated the importance of the largest pores for the saturated hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

The water-table region (upper 50 cm of the saturated zone) of a 25 m deep phreatic sandstone aquifer, lying under fields irrigated with sewage effluents for up to 22 yrs, was monitored in 1971 and 1984. Average concentrations of NO3, Cl and SO2−4 of up to 225, 307 and 155 mg l−1, respectively, were detected in the upper 50 cm of the saturated region in two research wells in 1984. These concentrations, which are related to effluent and fertilizer input to groundwater, were two to four times higher than those found deep (37–55 m) below the water table in nearby (1000 m distant) production wells. Nitrate data and the estimated transit time through the unsaturated zone (2 m yr−1) support the model suggesting that the major source of nitrate pollution in the past should be related to the oxidation of soil organic matter. The SO2−4/Cl ratio is found to be a useful indicator for the arrival of SO2−4-fertilizers at the groundwater interface. The observations presented in this paper question the suitability of plans for using effluents as a water source for agriculture in regions which are the replenishment areas of phreatic aquifers.  相似文献   

This research (1) characterized the effects of sublethal cupric ion activities on the grazing behavior of two estuarine copepods (Acartia tonsa, Acartia hudsonica) and one nearshore, neritic copepod (Temora longicornis) and (2) compared the sensitivity of short-term sublethal behavioral assays with that of longer-term acute toxicity tests. A nitrilotriacetate-trace-metal-ion buffer system at 27‰. S was used to quantify and control the free cupric ion activity. Acute toxicity tests were used to determine the mortality of A. tonsa and T. longicornis over 72 h within the approximate cupric ion activity range of 10−13 to 10−9.5 M. 24 h survival was not affected within the approximate cupric ion activity range of 10−13 to 10−9.7 M, the range used for subsequent grazing activity experiments after 24 h exposure to Cu. Grazing activity was significantly diminished at cupric ion activities of ≈ 10−10 M for A. tonsa and T. longicornis, and at ≈ 10−11 M for A. hudsonica. A hormetic pattern of response in feeding activity was observed with A. tonsa and T. longicornis. Grazing activity was found to be a sensitive measure of sublethal Cu stress compared with the acute toxicity tests. Grazing activity was affected at environmentally relevant cupric ion activities.  相似文献   

The source of the lunar magnetic anomaly associated with the Rima Sirsalis linear rille has been modelled using the vector field intensities due to arbitrary uniform magnetization in a rectangular prism. It is shown that in order to match the Apollo 16 subsatellite data, the lunar surface near the rille must have a vertical magnetization of 6–9 × 10−3 G if the anomaly is due to flux leakage from a gap in the crust with the dimensions of the rille. This is more than one order of magnitude larger than the magnetization of any lunar sample, but is comparable with the high magnetization recently deduced for the Reiner γ formation in Oceanus Procellarum. An alternative explanation is that Rima Sirsalis and its surroundings are the site of a vertical magnetization contrast of 10−5 – 10−4 G which is at least as wide as the rille and extends to a depth of tens of kilometers in the crust. A wider magnetic source reduces the required magnetization (or depth) proportionately, since to first order the field at high altitude is proportional to the magnetic dipole moment per unit length.  相似文献   

Input and distribution of linear alkylbenzenesulphonates (LAS) in the highly stratified Krka River estuary were studied during 1990–1991. Determinations of individual LAS homologues in wastewater and estuarine waters were performed using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with spectrofluorimetric detection. The investigated municipal wastewaters contained LAS homologues with alkyl-chain lengths from C10 to C13 at total concentrations in the range of 285–1041 μg l−1. Total LAS input via wastewaters into ibenik Harbour, the most polluted part of the estuary, was estimated at 12.6 kg day−1. A relatively large fraction of total LAS, depending on the wastewater particle load, was found in particulate form (11–59%). Distributions of the individual homologues in dissolved and particulate fractions were rather different, the latter being significantly enriched in higher homologues (C12, C13). The LAS concentration in the estuary was quite low (0.2–23.9 μg l−1) which was caused chiefly by a strong and fast dilution process. However, characteristic vertical distribution of LAS in the estuarine water column indicated that the wastewater plume spreads almost exclusively in the upper (brackish) layer. The concentration maxima were observed in the surface microlayer and at the brackish water/seawater boundary.  相似文献   

Magma degassing at Soufrière Hills Volcano (SHV) is characterised by an almost permanent SO2 flux and a HCl production rate which mainly depends on dome growth rate. Degassing processes have been studied through textural, H2O and halogen analyses of clasts collected between 1995 and 2006 on the dome and in pyroclastic flows and vulcanian eruption deposits. Cl, Br and I are strongly depleted in melts during H2O degassing with no significant Cl–Br–I fractionation, whereas F is almost unaffected. All magmas erupted at SHV have followed a multi-step degassing path from the magma chamber up to a shallow depth ( 1 km, P  20 MPa). From that depth, however, effusive and explosive paths are distinct; vulcanian eruptions are the result of closed system degassing (CSD), while effusive dome growth is the result of CSD up to a very shallow depth (≤ 200 m, P  5–2 MPa) followed by open system degassing (OSD). CSD is modelled using the H2O solubility law, the perfect gas law and partition coefficients of halogens between a rhyolitic melt and H2O vapour (dv − li). Gas loss characteristic of OSD is modelled using a Rayleigh law. Degassing induced crystallisation is introduced through the ratio of crystallisation and degassing rates, which ranges from 150–500. dv − lCl for OSD ranges between 50–300, increasing with melt Cl content. For CSD, the lower effective dv − lCl ( 20) is attributed to kinetic effects.

Dome forming activity has a greater impact on atmospheric chemistry than vulcanian eruptions because OSD is much more efficient at extracting halogens. The model shows that HCl flux is a good proxy for the dome forming eruption rate. Comparison between model and measured gas compositions suggests a high HBr–BrO conversion rate (BrO/Total Br  1/3) in the SHV gas plume.

The degassing behaviour of Cl, Br and I implies similar Cl/Br ( 160) and Br/I ( 90) in initial melts, volcanic clasts and high temperature gases. The low Cl/Br at SHV compared to other island arcs ( 250–300) is attributed to a shallow, pre-eruptive Br enrichment. The almost permanent dome extrusion at SHV since 1995 has likely had a significant regional atmospheric impact because of the very efficient effusive degassing and the high conversion rate of halogens into reactive species within the gas plume.  相似文献   

Water-budget components and the vertical conductance were determined for Lowry (Sand Hill) Lake in north-central Florida, USA. In this type of lake, which interacts with both the surface-water and groundwater systems, the inflow components are precipitation, surface-water inflow, groundwater inflow, and direct runoff (i.e. overland flow), and the outflow components are evaporation, groundwater outflow, and surface-water outflow. In a lake and groundwater system that is typical of many karst lakes in Florida, a large part of the groundwater outflow occurs by means of vertical leakage through an underlying confining unit to a deeper, highly transmissive aquifer called the upper Floridan aquifer. The water-budget component that represents vertical leakage to the upper Floridan aquifer was calculated as a residual using the water-budget equation. For the 13 month period from August 1994 to August 1995, relative to the surface area of the lake, rainfall at Lowry Lake was 1.55 m yr−1, surficial aquifer inflow was 0.79 m yr−1, surface-water inflow was 1.92 m yr−1, and direct runoff was 0.01 m yr−1. Lake evaporation was 1.11 m yr−1, and surface-water outflow was 1.61 m yr−1. The lake stage increased 0.07 m yr−1, and the vertical leakage to the upper Floridan aquifer was 1.48 m yr−1. Surficial aquifer outflow from the lake was negligible. At Lowry Lake, vertical leakage is a major component of the water budget, comprising about 35% of the outflow during the study period. The vertical conductance (KV/b), a coefficient that represents the average of the vertical conductances of the hydrogeologic units between the bottom of a lake and the top of the upper Floridan aquifer, was determined to be 2.51 × 10−4 day−1 for Lowry Lake.  相似文献   

Variations in some physical, chemical, and nutrient conditions were investigated at Turkwel Gorge Reservoir and its inflowing river, Suam between 1994 and 1995. Seasonal changes in inflow volume had the greatest impact on the reservoir and river conditions investigated. A wide fluctuation in inflow volume combined with a regulated outflow independent of season resulted in a draw down of over 10 m in each year. Flood inflows during the wet season resulted in the lowest values of Secchi depth (range, 0.09–2.16 m), electrical conductivity (EC, range = 140–200 mS cm−1) and total alkalinity (TA, range = 75–111 mg l−1) while the highest values were measured during the dry season. A functional relation between EC and TA (TA = 0.529 mg l−1, EC: R2 = 0.876) suggests a predominance of carbonates among the anions. Vertical profiles of temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) revealed that the reservoir is monomictic with a wide variation in the depth of the daily mixed layer. High values of pH (range = 6.7–8.9) and DO (range = 4.9–9.2 mg l−1) were associated with periods of peak phytoplankton photosynthesis while the lowest values followed reservoir mixing. Peak total nitrogen (TN, range = 119–526 μg l−1) and total phosphorus (TP, range = 8.9–71.6 μg l−1) levels during the wet season resulted from increased river loading. Values of dissolved reactive silica (DRS, range = 0.41–9.77 mg l−1) showed a wet season decline which was related to diatom depletion during the wet season. Annual reservoir areal loading rates of 27.38, 10.90 and 408.5 mg m−2 were computed for TN, TP and DRS respectively based on estimates of inflowing river loads in 1994.

At the inflowing river Suam, low levels of EC (range = 107–210 μS cm−1) and TA (range = 62–125 mg l−1) occurred during the wet season while the highest levels occurred shortly before the river dried up. The first flood water at the resumption of river inflow in March was characterized by very low levels of DO (range = 1.8–8.2 mg l−1) and high levels of TN (range = 205–3354 μg l−1) and TP (102–1259 μg l−1). River pII (6.9–7.7) and DRs (range = 9.01–19.93 mg l−1) varied irregularly throughout the year.  相似文献   

We have developed techniques to determine238U,234U and232Th concentrations in seawater by isotope dilution mass spectrometry. U measurements are made using a233U236U double spike to correct for instrumental fractionation. Measurements on uranium standards demonstrate that234U/238U ratios can be measured accurately and reproducibly.234U/238U can be measured routinely to ± 5‰ (2σ) for a sample of 5 × 109 atoms of234U (3 × 10−8 g of total U, 10 ml of seawater). Data acquisition time is 1 hour. The small sample size, high precision and short data acquisition time are superior to-counting techniques.238U is measured to ± 2‰ (2σ) for a sample of 8 × 1012 atoms of238U ( 3 × 10−9 g of U, 1 ml of seawater).232Th is measured to ± 20‰ with 3 × 1011232Th atoms (10−10 g232Th, 1 1 of seawater). This small sample size will greatly facilitate investigation of the232Th concentration in the oceans. Using these techniques, we have measured238U,234U and232Th in vertical profiles of unfiltered, acidified seawater from the Atlantic and238U and234U in vertical profiles from the Pacific. Determinations of234U/238U at depths ranging from 0 to 4900 m in the Atlantic (7°44′N, 40°43′W) and the Pacific (14°41′N, 160°01′W) Oceans are the same within experimental error (± 5‰,2σ). The average of these234U/238U measurements is 144 ± 2‰ (2σ) higher than the equilibrium ratio of 5.472 × 10−5. U concentrations, normalized to 35‰ salinity, range from 3.162 to 3.281 ng/g, a range of 3.8%. The average concentration of the Pacific samples (31°4′N, 159°1′W) is 1% higher than that of the Atlantic (7°44′N, 40°43′W and 31°49′N, 64°6′W).232Th concentrations from an Atlantic profile range from 0.092 to 0.145 pg/g. The observed constancy of the234U/238U ratio is consistent with the predicted range of234U/238U using a simple two-☐ model and the residence time of deep water in the ocean determined from14C. The variation in salinity-normalized U concentrations suggests that U may be much more reactive in the marine environment than previously thought.  相似文献   

Noble gases were extracted in steps from grain size fractions of microdiamonds ( < 100 μm) from the Kokchetav Massif, Northern Kazakhstan, by pyrolysis and combustion. The concentration of 4He in the diamonds proper (liberated by combustion) shows a 1/r dependence on grain size. For grain diameters > 15 μm the concentration also decreases with the combustion step. Both results are clear evidence that 4He has been implanted into the diamonds from -decaying elements in the surrounding matrix. The saturation concentration of 4He(5.6 × 10−4 cm3 STP/g) is among the very highest observed in any terrestrial diamonds. Fission xenon from the spontaneous fission of 238U accompanies the radiogenic 4He; the 136Xef/4He ratio of (2.5 ± 0.3) × 10−9 agrees well with the production ratio of 2.3 × 10−9 expected in a reservoir where Th/U 3.3. Radiogenic 40Ar is predominantly ( > 90%) set free upon combustion; it also resides in the diamonds and appears to have been incorporated into the diamonds upon their formation.

3He, on the other hand is mainly released during pyrolysis and hence is apparently carried by ‘contaminants’. The concentration in the diamonds proper is of the order of 4 × 10−12 cm3 STP/g, with a 3He/4He ratio of 1 × 10−8. Excess 21Ne, similarly, appears to be present in contaminants as well as in diamonds proper. These two nuclides in the contaminants must have a nucleogenic origin, but it is difficult to explain their high concentrations.  相似文献   

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