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包气带增厚区土壤水力参数及其对入渗补给的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
林丹  靳孟贵  马斌  汪丙国 《地球科学》2014,39(6):760-768
为探讨包气带深部增厚区土壤水力参数变化对入渗补给过程的影响,采用压力膜仪对河北正定深部包气带(8.0~21.0 m)10个原状土样进行水分特征曲线测试,利用RETC软件中Mualem-van Genuchten导水率模型对其拟合,获取含水率与非饱和导水率的关系曲线,并根据达西法对其进行分析讨论.结果表明:场地包气带深埋区的非饱和导水率为25~240 mm/a.当某一埋深历史水位下降速度越快,该埋深处相同含水率情况下土壤非饱和导水率越大,说明对应土层的入渗补给强度越大;因包气带厚度增大使原来位于饱水带的层状非均质土层转变为包气带,潜水位波动下降过程中深部包气带土层因排水压密作用,使得土壤水力特性发生变化,进而影响垂向入渗补给过程.   相似文献   

Adsorption behavior of Cr (VI) in vadose zone, which is silty clay and clayey soil, was studied through kinetics experiments, isothermal adsorption experiments under various conditions, including different ph, temperature and organic contents. The results from kinetics experiments showed that the sorption progress of Cr (VI) has clear features in different stages, and adsorption equilibrium showed at 30 min, the adsorption rate of silty clay and clayey soil were 60%. The isothermal adsorption curve of Cr (VI) fitted closely with Freundlich equation model. When pH is 3-5 a plateau were seen, thereafter with increase in pH the adsorption rate of Cr (VI) dropped sharply and the minimum achieved at pH 10, the adsorption rate were only 35%. Adsorption rate of Cr (VI) increased gradually with the increase of temperature, the temperature of vadose zone is 14.7 ℃, according to the experimental results, the adsorption rate of Cr (VI) is about 40%. The use of organics represents an important contribution to the sorption of Cr (VI), sorption rate up to 100% when 30% of organic content. These studies will provide basis for manager to minimize the impacts, and provide basic data for pollution prevention and remediation of vadose zone.  相似文献   

包气带水气二相流国外研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
与传统的包气带中水流研究相比,水气二相流更准确地描述了包气带中的水与空气的流动情况,这对更好地了解固体废物处置场中污染物的运动规律具有重要的意义.与一相流明显不同的是,二相流考虑了空气的运动及其对水流的作用.根据国外近几十年来不同研究者的研究结果,总结了入渗过程中水的流动、空气对水流的影响及空气本身的压力变化情况,并分析了不同作者研究结果的差别.  相似文献   

通过实验定量研究了柴油污染包气带砂层自然衰减过程中吸附、生物和挥发作用。经吸附实验,确定了细砂对柴油饱和污水的吸附平衡时间为24 h,对总石油烃(TPH)的理论最大吸附量为234 mg/kg。同时,确定了ρ(HgCl2)=1 000 mg/L为抑制生物作用最有效的投加浓度。通过3个砂柱的对比实验,建立了柴油污染包气带砂层中生物作用和挥发作用的一级衰减动力学方程和半衰期。根据实验可知,包气带砂层从未受柴油污染到污染一段时间后的自然衰减过程中,吸附、生物和挥发作用均占有重要比例,是非常主要的衰减作用。  相似文献   

利用标定后的TDR100系统原位监测太行山前深厚包气带(30.3 m)的土壤水热动态,根据2011、2012年2 a的监测结果,真实准确透析全剖面土壤水热运移规律。结果表明:厚度大、非均质并受控于多重外界条件的深厚包气带的水热运移,必然是相对滞后的复杂往复运动,水分补给滞后时间为2~3个月;粗颗粒层是良好的输水通道,而细颗粒层(如黏土层)才是决定入渗能力的关键层,对土壤体积含水量变化影响可达15%;浅层水热运移取决于降水蒸发和地表温度,5.0 m以下中深层水热运移常态取决于岩性和地下水位,而强降水入渗和人类活动产生瞬态关键效应。  相似文献   

大气降水是滨海盐碱地区浅层地下水的重要补给来源。滨海地区浅层地下水多为咸水且埋藏较浅,在不同包气带岩性渗透性差异下,在大气降水入渗补给过程中,一定时间内潜水面以上一定范围内存在淡水分布,即淡水透镜体,它能局部隔离地下咸水对上层土壤和植物的危害,并在一定程度上供给植物吸收利用。采用自制的室内物理模拟装置,通过控制土层结构,模拟了大气降水入渗补给条件下包气带中淡水透镜体的形成与消退过程,探讨了不同土壤类型中淡水透镜体的维持情况;并利用吸水管模拟客土上所种植物根系吸水,研究了不同吸水量条件下土壤中淡水透镜体的变化规律。结果表明:上层中砂、底层粉砂质黏土的双层土体结构中,淡水透镜体的维持性最好,在降水入渗补给条件下,透镜体形成时间在1500 min左右可达最大厚度(约15 cm),若补给源消失,透镜体完全消退需7500 min,能较长时间地阻隔地下咸水;双层土中模拟形成的稳定淡水透镜体在无补给条件下,能够隔离地下咸水的同时亦能为上层植物提供243.5 mL淡水资源。  相似文献   

海潮引起的滨海地区包气带气压周期性变化的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李海龙  焦赳赳 《地球科学》2003,28(5):505-510
滨海地区的地下水位由于海潮而上下波动, 这早已是为人熟知的事实.但是, 滨海地区包气带中气压也会随海潮的起伏而作周期性变化, 这一点却很少为人注意.如果地表由渗透性差的材料如水泥或沥青路面覆盖(这种情况在香港高度城市化的近海地区很常见), 海潮的起伏会产生幅度异常高的气压波动.在某些情形下, 足够高的气压会引起如路面拱起等工程问题.因此, 研究海潮引起的包气带气流, 不仅具有理论意义, 还对滨海地区土木工程有实际指导作用.以香港某滨海地区为例, 建立了该地区一剖面上水气两相流的二维数学模型, 并用TOUGH2程序进行了数值模拟.通过数值敏感度分析, 探讨了影响沥青路面下气压的主要水文地质因素.在根据该地区实际水文地质情况选取了适当的模型边界条件和模型参数后, 沥青路面下气压的数值模拟结果和观测数据吻合程度良好.   相似文献   

干湿交替的回灌方法常被用于解决再生水地表回灌的堵塞问题,但干湿交替回灌可能造成硝态氮被淋洗进入地下水.通过室内土柱模拟入渗实验,对比研究了以葡萄糖作为碳源的低碳氮比再生水干湿交替回灌、干期前蒸馏水淋洗、干期前添加甲醇溶液和干期后添加甲醇溶液4种条件下对包气带氮素迁移转化和脱氮效果的影响.实验表明,对于碳氮比为2.5∶1...  相似文献   

Integrated surface electrical resistivity and electromagnetic (EM) surveys were conducted in a hard-rock terrain of Southwestern Nigeria in the vicinity of active oxidation sewage treatment ponds. The aim was to detect soil contamination due to the spread of sewage effluent, locate possible leachate plumes and conductive lithologic layers, and access the risk of groundwater pollution in the vicinity of the sewage-ponds. Dipole–dipole resistivity profiling and very low frequency (VLF) data were acquired at 10-m intervals along five 200-m long east-west geophysical traverses. Resistivity sections obtained revealed four subsurface geologic layers comprised of lateritic clay, clayey sand/sand, weathered/fractured bedrock, and competent bedrock. A distinct low resistivity zone corresponding to the contamination plume (labeled B) was delineated from all the resistivity sections. This low zone extends into the weathered bedrock and possibly suggests contamination of this layer. The filtered real component of the processed VLF data detected three distinct anomaly zones that are representative of fractured zones filled with conductive fluids and/or lithologic boundaries that possibly serve as conduits for the movement of contaminated effluents. The results obtained from the two methods suggest possible contamination of the subsurface soil layers and groundwater in the vicinity of the sewage-ponds. The existence of this contaminated plume poses a serious threat to the ecosystem and health of the people living in the vicinity of the sewage-ponds.  相似文献   

大气降雨是华北平原浅层地下水的主要补给来源。长期过量开采地下水造成地下水位持续下降,使原来处于饱水带的透镜体位移到包气带中,形成了厚度大、非均质性更为复杂的包气带。厚层包气带中弱渗透性黏土透镜体对于降雨入渗补给的影响是关系到降水入渗过程及补给量评价的基本问题。用HYDRUS软件建立数值模拟模型,模拟探讨单次降雨条件下,透镜体埋深、宽度比、厚度等要素对入渗路径、入渗补给时间和入渗补给量的影响。结果表明:入渗过程中弱渗透性黏土透镜体两侧会形成较快的绕流;透镜体会减小补给峰值并延长总体补给时间,但不改变补给起始时间;透镜体埋深与极限蒸发深度的相对关系决定了潜在补给量的大小,透镜体埋深或因透镜体形成的上层滞水处于极限蒸发深度以上会减少潜在补给量。  相似文献   

The vadose zone is the zone in between the land surface and above the groundwater table at vertical profile with partial water saturation and under the unsaturation condition, which constitutes the connections among atmospheric water, surface water and groundwater. Soil moisture migration in the vadose zone is a rather complicate process, which controls the rates of groundwater depletion and recharge, and has close hydraulic connections with highly frequent water transfers on the interfaces among the irrigation farmland, sand dunes, wetlands, lakes, and other landscape types. Recent development on soil moisture migration simulations and the application of tracer techniques, geophysical techniques and other geological methods in the vadose zone research, the factors affecting soil moisture migration and groundwater recharge,and soil moisture migration effects on moisture exchange between different landscapes were reviewed in this paper. Several suggestions on the future research were presented here: ① An intense field observation and research database should be initiated and constructed to determine the soil hydraulic parameters, and quantify the influence of moisture migration in vadose zone on the groundwater recharge; ② The proposed observations and researches should learn from the “Critical Zone Observatory”, and focus on the coupling of the soil moisture migration, solute transport and groundwater recharge.  相似文献   

陶正平  黄金廷  崔旭东 《地下水》2007,29(6):54-55,68
风积沙覆基岩型包气带结构在鄂尔多斯盆地北部分布面积最广.在其结构及其属性特征分析基础上,重点解析了结构内垂向上土壤水分的富集规律;以沙蒿为例,对喜沙耐旱植被的生长与风积沙厚度、地下水水位埋深间的关系进行了探讨.认识到风积沙覆基岩型包气带结构有利于土壤水富集,是鄂尔多斯盆地北部沙蒿、沙柳等耐旱喜沙植被分布与生长的决定性因素,对维系盆地北部生态系统有重要作用;而地下水位埋深与沙蒿等耐旱植被生长间的关系并不密切.在进行盆地北部地下水资源评价及开发方案制定过程中,应对风积沙覆基岩型包气带的生态意义给予重视.  相似文献   

The single-ring aromatic hydrocarbons benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and m-xylene (BTEX) are common and dangerous pollutants in subsurface environments. The diffusive transport of BTEX vapours through the unsaturated zone of the ground is a potential health hazard to humans, living in the vicinity of petroleum fuel contaminated sites. Past studies have shown that gas transport through the vadose zone can be influenced by moisture content due to variations in gaseous permeability, phase partitioning and aerobic biodegradation. In this particular study laboratory soil column experiments were employed to compare the diffusive transport of BTEX vapours through a sand layer of high moisture content, where biodegradation of BTEX compounds occurred, with diffusion through air-dried sand. The presence of a thin soil layer of high moisture content reduced the gaseous concentrations of benzene and toluene and stopped the migration of ethylbenzene and m-xylene vapours, demonstrating its efficiency as a barrier on the diffusive transport of BTEX vapours in unsaturated soil.  相似文献   

包气带土壤中氨氮污染迁移规律已成为近年来国内外学者研究的重点,目前在氨氮污染迁移规律研究中采用柱实验模拟以及软件模拟的方法较多,土壤生物技术则广泛应用于污染物降解领域,而在污染物迁移规律研究中应用较少。本文采用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术、16S rRNA序列分析技术以及典范对应分析相结合,对华北平原3个典型氨氮污染区土壤表层至包气带剖面微环境的细菌垂直分布特征及群落结构进行研究。结合污染区土壤理化性质分析,认为包气带土壤剖面的细菌群落中存在着与氮循环、硫酸盐代谢等过程偶联的优势细菌类群,说明土壤微环境中细菌群落分布明显受氨态氮、硝态氮、亚硝态氮和硫酸盐的分布影响,进一步表明污染土壤优势菌群的群落结构信息是描述包气带土壤环境氨氮污染物迁移规律的重要参数。  相似文献   

张洪英 《水文》2020,40(1):18-22
包气带作为参与碳循环的重要场所,CO2起到重要作用。利用土柱模拟不同条件下包气带CO2含量变化及水化学成分变化。研究发现:不同条件下土柱内CO2存在明显差异,均随着深度增加CO2含量增加;CO2含量植被组大于无植被组。随着降水不断入渗包气带,CO2含量不断增加。植被存在时,增加幅度略大于无植被组,且降水后期杀菌组包气带CO2增加幅度达一百倍。降水后pH值降低,Ca^2+、Mg^2+离子浓度增大,NO3^-、Cl^-、SO42-离子含量也出现一定程度的增加。植被、微生物和降水均可影响包气带中CO2含量,且包气带CO2在降水与地下水转化过程中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

以鄂尔多斯盆地包气带水盐运移综合剖面试验资料为依据,运用土壤水分能量的观点分析鄂尔多斯盆地风沙滩包气带水分运移特征表明:(1)包气带水分运移大致可以分为三个带,0.8 m深度以内为土壤-大气水分积极交换带,0.8~2.8 m为水分入渗的过渡带与调节区,2.8 m以下至潜水面为水分传导带;(2)上细下粗层状包气带岩性结构不利于降雨入渗补给,上粗下细层状包气带岩性结构有利于降雨入渗补给。  相似文献   

Selenium like any other element can both be essential and toxic depending upon the concentration at which it occurs in human diet. This paper assessed the level of this trace element in twenty different (20) types of locally produced food items around Abeokuta town and the blood obtained from the antecubital fossa vein of eighty-eight (88) healthy adults resident in Abeokuta.  相似文献   

Ten heavy metals, namely, Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn were partially extracted using aqua regia digestion method and analysed by ICP-AES from 56 stream sediment samples collected from River Orle, Igarra area, southwestern Nigeria. The analytical results were used to produce geochemical distribution maps for the elements and were subjected to univariate statistical analysis in order to evaluate the distribution and abundance of the heavy metals in the study area. The degree of pollution of these stream sediments by these heavy metals was evaluated by calculating such parameters as enrichment factors (EF), as well as pollution load and geo-accumulation indices (PLI and Igeo). Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn are widely distributed in the drainage system while the distribution of Ag, Cd, As and Hg is restricted to only parts of the drainage system with Ag and Cd being localized to one sample site each near Epkeshi in the southern part of the study area. Cr and Pb display anomalously high concentrations, each from a site, also in the same locality where Ag and Cd were detected, indicating the likelihood that the four elements, Cr, Pb, Ag and Cd, are genetically related. Calculation of the enrichment factor (EF), pollution load index (PLI) and geo-accumulation index (Igeo) yielded results that indicate that all the 56 stream sediment sites, except one located about 4 km southeast of Epkeshi in the southern part of the Orle drainage system, are practically unpolluted by heavy metals. The relatively high metal concentration of this anomalous site having Pb EF of 62.5, PLI of 1.14 and Pb Igeo of 2.44 signifies Pb pollution. Both natural and anthropogenic sources of the Pb contamination around Epkeshi locality are possible. In conclusion, the levels of concentrations of heavy metals in the study area, in general, do not constitute any serious environmental risk except for Pb which needs to be monitored at only one site in the study area. Therefore the concentration ranges for the different heavy metals in the study area can serve as baseline environmental data against which the degree of pollution of these heavy metals can be evaluated in future.  相似文献   

鲁西南地区高氟水分布规律与成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方性氟中毒是我国北方地区最为典型的地方病之一,查明高氟地下水的空间分布及其成因是除氟改水、防治氟害的前提。通过对鲁西南地区不同层位地下水水质分析结果及水文地质、地质条件等多个环境影响因素的综合分析,查明了鲁西南地区高氟水的空间分布规律,并分析了影响浅层和深层高氟水形成的环境因素。浅层高氟水呈片状分布于洼地、缓平坡地等地势较低的区域,占鲁西南地区总面积的47%,大部分地区高氟水氟离子含量为1.2~2.0 mg/L,局部大于4.0 mg/L,其形成受气候、地质环境、地形地貌特征及水化学环境等多个因素的影响,成因类型为溶滤-蒸发浓缩型。深层高氟水具有水平分带性,占鲁西南地区总面积的65%,大部分高氟水氟离子含量为2.0~4.0 mg/L,氟离子含量分布与晚更新世沉积相带呈现很好的相似性,推测其为地质历史时期形成的古地下水。  相似文献   

袁明安 《探矿工程》2008,35(8):55-56,59
结合桂海高速公路工程实例,阐述水泥混凝土路面凹陷开裂病害治理情况,分析路面出现凹陷开裂的原因,介绍水泥混凝土路面凹陷调平及开裂锚固综合治理的方法。  相似文献   

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