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复杂地层取心钻进堵心原因分析及其预防措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
复杂地层取心钻进时极易发生堵心,严重影响回次进尺长度及取心钻进效率。本文对复杂地层钻进时易出现的堵心问题进行了分析和整理,总结了易堵心地层特征,开展了堵心原因分析,在此基础上,从取心钻头、取心钻具、冲洗液性能及取心钻进工艺方面给出了堵心预防措施。  相似文献   

殷宝兵  黄留新 《探矿工程》2013,40(11):10-14
在室内实验的基础上,植物胶泥浆在苏州大阳山隧道工程勘察、常州金坛矿山资源勘查、句容铜山勘探中进行了试验应用研究。试验研究结果表明,植物胶泥浆在复杂地层的钻探施工中,在确保取心质量的前提下,可大幅提高钻进生产效率,降低施工成本。  相似文献   

In oil and gas drilling or geothermal well drilling, the temperature difference between the drilling fluid and formation will lead to an apparent temperature change around the borehole, which will influence the stress state around the borehole and tend to cause borehole instability in high geothermal gradient formations. The thermal effect is usually not considered as a factor in most of the conventional borehole stability models. In this research, in order to solve the borehole instability in high-temperature formations, a calculation model of the temperature field around the borehole during drilling is established. The effects of drilling fluid circulation, drilling fluid density, and mud displacement on the temperature field are analyzed. Besides these effects, the effect of temperature change on the stress around the borehole is analyzed based on thermoelasticity theory. In addition, the relationships between temperature and strength of four types of rocks are respectively established based on experimental results, and thermal expansion coefficients are also tested. On this basis, a borehole stability model is established considering thermal effects and the effect of temperature change on borehole stability is also analyzed. The results show that the fracture pressure and collapse pressure will both increase as the temperature of borehole rises, and vice versa. The fracture pressure is more sensitive to temperature. Temperature has different effects on collapse pressures due to different lithological characters; however, the variation of fracture pressure is unrelated to lithology. The research results can provide a reference for the design of drilling fluid density in high-temperature wells.  相似文献   

钟强  钟明 《山东地质》2013,(10):73-75
针对巨厚松散层在钻孔施工中易出现钻孔孔壁坍塌、掉块、缩径,造成埋钻、粘钻、卡钻,找不到原孔而形成岔孔等钻孔事故,简述了在巨厚松散层钻孔裸孔安全施工的要点和注意事项。  相似文献   

Modern geostatistical techniques allow the generation of high-resolution heterogeneous models of hydraulic conductivity containing millions to billions of cells. Selective upscaling is a numerical approach for the change of scale of fine-scale hydraulic conductivity models into coarser scale models that are suitable for numerical simulations of groundwater flow and mass transport. Selective upscaling uses an elastic gridding technique to selectively determine the geometry of the coarse grid by an iterative procedure. The geometry of the coarse grid is built so that the variances of flow velocities within the coarse blocks are minimum. Selective upscaling is able to handle complex geological formations and flow patterns, and provides full hydraulic conductivity tensor for each block. Selective upscaling is applied to a cross-bedded formation in which the fine-scale hydraulic conductivities are full tensors with principal directions not parallel to the statistical anisotropy of their spatial distribution. Mass transport results from three coarse-scale models constructed by different upscaling techniques are compared to the fine-scale results for different flow conditions. Selective upscaling provides coarse grids in which mass transport simulation is in good agreement with the fine-scale simulations, and consistently superior to simulations on traditional regular (equal-sized) grids or elastic grids built without accounting for flow velocities.  相似文献   

Application of the ergodicity hypothesis to the stochastic subsurface hydrology has been checked by investigating the hydraulic conductivity field. The relative variance of the spatial average of conductivity, which is denoted as R, and the error index E.I. = , were employed to justify the uncertainties and errors of using the ergodicity hypothesis. Six factors influence R: autocorrelation function; variance of logconductivity; spatial correlation scales of logconductivity; domain sizes; anisotropy; and dimensionality of the problem. Closed-form analytical solutions of R for the linear autocorrelation function were derived and the numerical integration of R for the exponential autocorrelation function for one-, two-, and three-dimensional problems calculated. It is easy to fulfill the ergodicity hypothesis under these conditions: weak heterogeneity and large ratio of domain size vs. correlation length (L/I). The uncertainties and errors of using this hypothesis increase rapidly when the variances of logconductivity increase and/or the ratios of L/I decrease. The ergodicity hypothesis has less error when applied to a problem with higher dimensionality.  相似文献   

陈春生 《探矿工程》2005,32(2):12-14
介绍了砂类土层中进行泥浆护壁钻孔灌注桩施工时,采用施工场区临近地层黄土注入孔内直接造浆成孔的实践经验和施工效果。  相似文献   

正 Triassic fossils of Kueichou were made known nearly half a century ago~1. Subsequent investigators have from time to time brought back new materials, but they are in general more or less fragmentary in nature. Through successive trips  相似文献   

为了解松散沉积物中天然气水合物的生成和分解规律以及水合物对沉积物声学特性的影响,在粒径为0.18~0.28mm天然沙中进行了甲烷水合物的生成和分解实验,并利用超声波探测技术和时域反射技术实时测量了反应体系的声学参数与含水量。结果表明:根据水合物的生成和分解速率,可将水合物的生成过程分为初始生长期、快速生长期和稳定期3个阶段,分解过程可分为初始分解期和样品表层水合物快速分解期以及样品内、外层水合物均快速分解期3个阶段;由温度和压力数据的分析,得出水合物先在沉积物表层生长,然后在沉积物内、外层迅速生成;由水合物分解过程3个阶段的平均分解率,得出水合物的分解是一个由慢到快的过程。对声学参数的研究表明:水合物在松散沉积物中先胶结骨架颗粒而生成,使纵波速度和声波衰减在饱和度0~1%之间陡然增大;随后水合物开始在沉积物孔隙中形成悬浮粒子,造成超声波信号在饱和度1%~90%间淬熄,声波速度无法获取。研究结果在揭示沉积物中水合物与颗粒间接触机制的同时,为海上地球物理勘探中地震信号的解释提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

郝武中 《探矿工程》2002,(4):19-19,21
在钻孔灌注桩施工中,针对沿海地区松散砂层钻孔易坍塌、卵石漂石地层钻孔易孔斜、花岗岩地层钻进效率低等钻进难题,采用冲击反循环钻进技术,并采取相应的技术措施,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

介绍了HJX钻井液在狮子庙矿区复杂地层钻探中的应用,分析和探讨了HJX复合型钻井液对复杂地层护壁的作用机理。  相似文献   

针对钻井工程常遇的层理性地层,以应力张量坐标转换关系和井孔应力集中方程为基础,引入弱面剪切滑动和岩体Mogi-Coulomb双强度准则,建立了分析层理性地层井壁稳定性的模型。对含层理弱面的典型油气储层中钻井的合理钻井液密度和安全钻井方向进行研究,结果表明:层理面的存在加剧了井壁围岩的破坏,且改变了围岩破坏的位置;水平井坍塌压力随着钻井方向变化而连续性变化,其在特定钻井方向取得最小坍塌压力;斜井取得最小坍塌压力的方位与层理面在空间中并不垂直,空间中关于主平面对称的斜井破裂压力相同;既可获得较大钻井液安全压力窗口又可取得较小坍塌压力的方向为优选钻井方向,在钻井液压力窗口变化大的倾向上钻井需严格控制钻井轨迹曲线。  相似文献   

于春磊  王硕亮  张媛  王娟 《现代地质》2016,30(5):1134-1140
国内大部分高含水油田,注入水窜流现象较为严重,已成为影响油田高效开发的主要矛盾,对窜流通道形成后渗透率场的计算与描述显得尤为迫切和重要。目前窜流通道参数计算方法,只能计算得到注采井点的渗透率数值,不能计算得到注采井间的渗透率分布状况,并且目前窜流通道渗透率计算方法没有将室内实验结果、数值模拟结果和油藏工程方法结果有效结合起来。以国内某高含水油田为例,通过长期注水冲刷实验,模拟了窜流通道的动态形成过程,归纳出了储层岩石注水冲刷倍数与渗透率之间的关系式。在常规数值模拟计算方法的基础上,将渗透率变化规律模型引入到数值模拟计算中,建立了计算窜流通道平面分布的新方法。以海上某油田的地质模型为基础,计算得到了该油田目前状态的窜流通道渗透率平面二维分布规律。综合对比动态数据法、概率密度模型法、经验公式法和示踪剂测试结果,证明本方法得到的结果真实可靠。  相似文献   

论宁国组和胡乐组   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
方一亭  王海峰 《地层学杂志》1991,15(3):226-229,196
<正> 宁国组和胡乐组系许杰(1934)研究皖南宁国县胡乐地区奥陶系时建立的二个地层单位宁国页岩和胡乐页岩沿革而来。宁国页岩下部为“各种颜色之泥质页岩(下部作绿色,中部暗兰色,顶部棕黄色),厚约一百一十米”,产 Didymograptus hirundo,D. abnormis等对笔石、四笔石、叶笔石、雕笔石化石。上部“为淡黄色、柔软之泥质页岩,计厚三十一米”,笔石丰富,有 Amplexograptus confertus, Didymograptus acutidus,D. ellesae,  相似文献   

This study used a mass-balance simulation approach in conjunction with geochemical, mineralogical, thermodynamic and isotopic constraints, to assess the origins of NaSO4(±HCO3) type groundwater and springwater associated with smectitic sulphide-mineral-bearing unconsolidated surficial sediments and the underlying Paskapoo Formation in south-central Alberta. Results indicate that alteration of albite to kaolinite and alteration of kaolinite to Na-smectite are the primary controls on dissolved Na and SiO2 concentrations in groundwater and springwater. Concentrations of dissolved Ca and Mg are controlled by reactions involving carbonate minerals and possibly cation exchange. Dissolved SO4 is generated primarily through oxidation of pyrite. Most H+ generated by oxidation of pyrite is consumed in aluminosilicate alteration reactions. The carbon isotopic composition of CO2 gas required in mass-balance simulations suggests the presence of an isotopically heterogeneous environment with respect to 13C. This apparent isotopic heterogeneity may result from the presence of varying fractions of atmospheric and microbially respired CO2.  相似文献   

针对阳宗海一号隧道出口段的地层特点,介绍了在松散土体地层中遂道施工方法的选择及在施工中出现坍塌的处理方法。  相似文献   

通过分析当前巨厚松散层套管起拔存在的问题,从套管设计、起拔工艺及抑制地层水化等各方面,均提出新的措施和解决方案,经实践证明是可行的。  相似文献   

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