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Principles of Probabilistic Regional Mineral Resource Estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five principal sources of uncertainty in quantitative mineral resource estimation are listed and illustrated by means of a simple example (mosaic model) and a case history study for large copper deposits in the Abitibi area of the Canadian Shield. Abitibi copper potential originally was estimated on the basis of 1968 estimates of production and reserves totalling 3.12 Mt Cu. This prognostication now could be evaluated on the basis of 2008 copper production and reserves totalling 9.50 Mt Cu. An earlier hindsight study performed on the basis of 1977 data (totalling 5.23 Mt Cu) showed seven new discoveries occurring either in the immediate vicinities of known deposits or on broad regional copper anomalies predicted from the 1968 inputs. By 1977, the global geographic distribution pattern of large copper deposits in the Abitibi area had stabilized. During the next 30 years, new copper was essentially found close to existing deposits, much of it deeper down in the Earth's crust. In this paper, uncertainties associated with copper ore tonnage are analyzed by comparison of 2008 data with 1968 data using (a) log-log plots of size versus rank, and (b) lognormal QQ-plots. Straight lines fitted by least squares on these plots show that 1968 slopes provide good estimates of 2008 slopes but 1968 intercepts are much less than 2008 intercepts. In each linear log-weight versus log-rank plot, the slope is related to fractal dimension of a Pareto frequency distribution, and in a lognormal QQ-plot it is determined by logarithmic variance. The difference between 2008 and 1968 intercepts represents the increase in copper ore production and reserves from 1968 to 2008. The Pareto model fits actual copper and massive sulphides increase over the past 40 years better than the lognormal frequency distribution model for 10 km×10 km cells on favorable environments in the Abitibi area.   相似文献   

A study of the hydrogeochemical processes in the Morsott-El Aouinet aquifer was carried out with the objective of identifying the geochemical processes and their relation with groundwater quality as well as to get an insight into the hydrochemical evaluation of groundwater. The high salinity coupled with groundwater level decline pose serious problems for current irrigation and domestic water supplies as well as future exploitation. A combined hydrogeologic and isotopic investigation have been carried out using chemical and isotopic data to deduce a hydrochemical evaluation of the aquifer system based on the ionic constituents, water types, hydrochemical facies and factors controlling groundwater quality. The ionic speciation and mineral dissolution/precipitation was calculated by WATEQF package software. The increase in salinity is related to the dissolution and/or precipitation processes during the water–rock interaction and to the cationic exchange reactions between groundwater and clay minerals. The isotopic analysis of some groundwater samples shows a similarity with the meteoric waters reflect their short residence time and a lowest evaporation phenomenon of infiltrated groundwater.  相似文献   

计算机辅助矿产资源储量动态估算与管理模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国矿产资源储量监管水平落后,矿山资源储量动态估算、管理及图件编制信息化程度低的现状,以矿山日常勘探与开发工作流程为主线,以地矿点源数据库为基础,研究了一种新的可对不断勘探与开采的矿山提供有效支持的计算机辅助矿产资源储量动态估算与管理模型。该模型可实现复杂多金属矿山资源储量二维及三维空间一体化与可视化动态估算,创新性地解决了复杂多金属矿山勘探与开发所面临的资源储量动态核减与管理问题。以基于该模型实现的矿产资源勘查与开发软件--QuantyMine传统方法矿产资源储量动态估算子系统为工具,以福建紫金矿业集团所属的多个矿山为实际应用对象进行模型检验。经与核实报告对比分析,所选取的某典型多金属矿床矿石量、金属量动态估算结果与报告结果相差分别为-1.78%~2.86%和-5.05%~4.45%,资源储量各类别结果接近。  相似文献   

根据我国传统资源储量估算方法特点,以地矿点源数据库为基础,以矿山日常勘探与储量估算及开发工作流程为主线,在QuantyMine数字矿山软件中开发了实现传统资源储量估算的功能。解决了多源地矿勘查数据一体化管理与应用、资源储量估算与地矿勘查图件报表编制一体化、多金属矿山资源储量动态估算与管理、资源储量估算成果共享等关键技术问题。结合传统储量估算工作特点,采用智能化与人机交互相结合的方式实现了多金属矿山资源储量多维空间一体化与可视化动态估算与管理功能,可有效提高储量估算科学性和可靠性。相对传统手工储量估算,采用本系统可提高5倍以上的工作效率。在紫金矿业集团所属多个矿山的应用表明,结果偏差在10%以内,估算准确率明显提高。  相似文献   

李裕伟 《地质与勘探》2013,49(4):630-633
多边形法是国外矿产储量估计中最常用的传统方法,其应用之广可与我国的剖面法相比。多边形法原理简单,易于理解,易学易用,深受各国勘查地质学家欢迎。多边形法以一个工程为核心,在其影响半径内估计储量,不与其他工程发生关系,使储量估计过程趋于简单化。这一方法无论在单个工程的条件下,还是在工程密度大大增加的情况下,都可顺利地估计储量。多边形法不依赖勘探线,不需要人为划分块段,储量估计块段能自动生成,储量估计更具客观性。在确定影响半径后,使用多边形法可自动完成资源储量分类。  相似文献   

上世纪后半叶,在白云鄂博铁矿究竟首次发现的矿物种是多少?对此,地质学家们有不同的说法,大体上有15、19、4和16种之异。本着客观、平允的立场,作者的统计是9种新矿物。迄今,该矿业已发现的新矿物共计有14种之多。在对这些新矿物稍加评述的基础上,初步总结了白云鄂博铁矿新矿物研究的经验、教训。顺便展望其新矿物发现前景。  相似文献   

Hamdache  Mohamed 《Natural Hazards》1998,18(2):119-144
In the present study, the seismic hazard in northern Algeria is estimated using both physical strain energy release and Gumbel's extreme values approaches. For six of the most industrial and populated cities in Algeria, seismic hazard is assessed and examined in greater detail. Gumbel's extreme values approach has been used to estimate seismic hazard in terms of magnitude and P.G.A at each point of an equispaced grid all over the north of Algeria. An average attenuation relationship for PGA has been provided using known relations which have been established in regions with similar attenuation characteristics.The results are presented mainly in the form of graphs and contour maps of magnitudes (respectively PGA) with a 60% probability of not being exceeded in the next 100 and 200 years. Globally, they give main features of northern Algeria in terms of zoning (as well as in terms of magnitude and in terms of PGA). They corroborate the ones obtained through other works, especially in the basin areas (Mitidja, Cheliff, Soumam and Constantine Basin).  相似文献   

基于SD法估算东安金矿床5号矿体资源储量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛明轩 《地质与勘探》2011,47(6):1177-1184
资源储量估算是矿产地质勘查工作中的一项重要任务,是估算矿床经济价值和矿山设计的基本依据。SD资源储量估算和审定方法(SD法),诞生于20世纪80年代,它是一种以SD动态分维几何学为理论,以最佳结构地质变量为基础的资源储量估算方法,适于不同矿种及矿产勘查开采各个阶段,它应用SD精度法,成功量化矿产资源储量的地质可靠程度,...  相似文献   

矿床是地质过程的产物之一, 深入分析控制矿床形成和保存的关键地质过程是矿产资源定量预测与评价的基础.闽西南马坑式铁多金属矿为矽卡岩型矿床, 燕山期的岩浆活动提供了热源、流体来源及部分的铁质来源; 热液沿着北东向断裂向上运移, 在岩体与石炭-二叠纪碳酸盐岩地层的接触面及石炭-二叠纪地层内部发生了热液交代作用, 形成了矽卡岩化; 铁主要来源于石炭-二叠纪碳酸盐岩建造, 后期燕山期岩浆的侵入, 使得铁进一步富集; 并在石炭-二叠纪地层中沉淀成矿.基于上述关键成矿过程, 从"源"(热源、物质来源和流体来源)、"运"(流体通道)、"盖"(圈闭)、"储"(矿质沉淀场所)和"存"(矿床的后期保存条件)等方面提取了地质证据, 利用模糊逻辑综合地质证据得到了找矿有利度图.结果显示所圈定的预测远景区与已知铁多金属矿床在空间上具有很强的相关性, 可作为进一步工作部署的依据.基于地质过程的矿产资源定量预测与评价方法, 决定矿床能否形成的关键地质过程为评价依据, 可为闽西南进一步找寻马坑式铁多金属矿提供新的找矿思路和参考依据.   相似文献   

In order to smooth ore production during the transition from open pit to underground mining at Yanqianshan Iron Mine, China, it is necessary to select an appropriate mining method to operate simultaneously open-pit mining and underground mining for inner-slope (hanging-wall) ore-body. Based on practical geologic setting of the hanging-wall ore-body, a comprehensive evaluation model for selecting the underground mining method to extract handing-wall ore-body was proposed, which is constituted by 3 sub-systems of safety factors, production factors and technical–economic factors. This evaluation model could be analyzed by the mutation progression method, which based on catastrophe theory and fuzzy mathematics. In addition, the FLAC3D is employed to simulate the mining process of hanging-wall ore-body, and finally the optimal mining scheme is determined. By using mutation progression analysis and numerical modeling, some useful conclusions for hanging-wall ore-body mining have been drawn, which will be beneficial to mining safety during transitional period from open-pit to underground mining.  相似文献   

成矿区带深部有色金属矿产资源勘查评价方法技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄力军  徐刚峰 《地质学报》2006,80(10):1549-1552
目前我国大部地区的区域地质、物探和化探测量工作业已完成,确定出数十个成矿远景区带,成矿区带内进一步找矿工作,尤其是深部找矿工作一直是急于解决的主要问题。另一方面,危机矿山找矿问题早已提到议事日程,危机矿山大多处于成矿远景区带内,所以成矿区带找矿也是危机矿山深部和外围找矿的一个组成部分。物化探一直是寻找深部隐伏矿产资源的主要手段,如何把物化探方法技术有机地结合起来,如何将新方法新技术融入到找矿工作中是急需我们考虑的问题。就此问题,文中提出一些看法。  相似文献   

全国25种重要矿产资源潜力评价工作是迄今为止投入最多的矿产预测评价工作,采用的技术方法是基于矿床模型的综合地质信息预测方法。预测工作针对矿产预测的基本问题,如地质工作的不平衡性、三维预测、定量预测与定性预测结合、地物化遥综合预测等问题进行有益探索,提出了新的解决方案。以矿产预测类型为纲,开展建造构造编图,将建造与成矿环境结合;通过矿产预测类型的成矿模式、预测要素研究构建定量预测模型;通过成矿地质体地质参数法预测实现二维到三维的定量预测。  相似文献   

Rare biogenic structures, after which diagenetic minerals are developed, are described from Paleogene rocks of southern Dagestan. It is shown that these minerals form tabular mica-like and colloform aggregates confined to fucoids. In terms of composition, they represent the glauconite group minerals. Tabular and colloform minerals are compared with globular glauconite occurring in host sandy rocks. It is demonstrated that the globular variety is characterized by higher K and Fe contents, whereas the tabular variety has a higher SiO2 content. The probable mechanism of the formation of tabular and colloform minerals in biogenic structures is discussed.  相似文献   

固体矿产资源储量估算系统中垂直断面法的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先简要介绍了固体矿产资源储量估算传统几何法-垂直断面法的基本原理,及运用该方法在储量估算系统中实现资源量自动化估算的流程。其次,通过夹石、特高品位、不平行剖面三个方面,说明了储量估算系统实现过程中需要考虑的各种常见的地质复杂情况,并参照国家标准及估算公式,提出了相应的自动化解决方案。最后,以辽宁省海城市福来屯铁矿矿区为例,以北京大学信息地质研究实验室(GSIS)开发的具有自主知识产权的Minesys矿产资源储量估算系统之传统方法估算子系统为平台,实现了垂直断面法自动估算矿石量,并与该矿区的详查报告进行了对比分析,讨论了估算误差的主要来源。  相似文献   

模糊证据权方法在镇沅(老王寨)地区金矿资源评价中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
成秋明  陈志军 《地球科学》2007,32(2):175-184
采用模糊证据权方法和GeoDASGIS技术开展了镇沅(老王寨)及其邻区的金矿资源潜力评价.分别采用GeoDASGIS软件提供的局部奇异性分析技术、S-A异常分解技术、主成分分析技术、证据权、模糊证据权等技术对相关地球化学元素进行了系统的处理和分析.应用主成分分析方法确定了可能的2种不同成矿类型,并采用主成分得分确定了组合异常点,在此基础上分别采用普通证据权和模糊证据权方法编制了成矿后验概率图,圈定了有利成矿地段.对比普通证据权方法与模糊证据权方法所得结果表明,模糊证据权方法可减小图层离散化造成的有用信息损失,提高预测结果精度.  相似文献   

北苏鲁超高压变质岩锆石中的矿物包体   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘福来  叶建国  薛怀民 《地质学报》2006,80(12):1813-1826
北苏鲁莒南—岚山头—日照—桃行—仰口—荣成—威海一带榴辉岩的围岩经历了强烈角闪岩相退变质作用的改造,峰期超高压矿物组合已完全被后期退变矿物组合所取代。锆石微区阴极发光图像和矿物包体激光拉曼测试研究结果表明,132件不同类型岩石(包括榴辉岩、斜长角闪岩、正片麻岩、副片麻岩、大理岩、蓝晶石英岩、云母片岩和钙镁硅酸盐类变质岩等)锆石中,普遍隐藏以柯石英为代表的超高压矿物包体。此外,在南苏鲁东海及其邻区的地表露头和一系列钻孔岩心的锆石中,也普遍发现以柯石英为代表的超高压矿物包体。该项研究成果表明,在苏鲁地体由榴辉岩及其围岩的原岩所组成的陆壳岩石(约320km×20km×5km)曾发生过巨量物质深俯冲—超高压变质的壮观地质事件。  相似文献   

以三门峡至淅川高速公路某段拟压覆矿产资源为例,探讨了建设项目压覆矿产资源储量估算方法,根据不同的矿种、不同的开采方式,综合运用“条例”和岩层移动角来确定建设项目的拟压覆范围以及压覆范围内的资源储量,其结果表明此方法可行可靠的。  相似文献   

For mineral resource assessment, techniques based on fuzzy logic are attractive because they are capable of incorporating uncertainty associated with measured variables and can also quantify the uncertainty of the estimated grade, tonnage etc. The fuzzy grade estimation model is independent of the distribution of data, avoiding assumptions and constraints made during advanced geostatistical simulation, e.g., the turning bands method. Initially, fuzzy modelling classifies the data using all the component variables in the data set. We adopt a novel approach by taking into account the spatial irregularity of mineralisation patterns using the Gustafson–Kessel classification algorithm. The uncertainty at the point of estimation was derived through antecedent memberships in the input space (i.e., spatial coordinates) and transformed onto the output space (i.e., grades) through consequent membership at the point of estimation. Rather than probabilistic confidence intervals, this uncertainty was expressed in terms of fuzzy memberships, which indicated the occurrence of mixtures of different mineralogical phases at the point of estimation. Data from different sources (other than grades) could also be utilised during estimation. Application of the proposed technique on a real data set gave results that were comparable to those obtained from a turning bands simulation.  相似文献   

Metallogenic prognosis of synthetic information uses the geological body and the miaeral resource body as a statistical unit to interpret synthetically the information of geology, geophysics, geo-chemistry and remote sensing from the evolution of geology and puts all the information into one entire system by drawing up digitalized interpretation maps of the synthetic information. On such basis, differ-ent grades and types of mineral resource prospecting models and predictive models of synthetic informa-tion can be established. Hence, a new integrated prediction system will be formed of metallogenic prog-nosis (qualitative prediction), mineral resources statistic prediction (determining targets) and mlaeral resources prediction (determining resources amount).  相似文献   

龚鹏  李娟  胡小梅  刘修国  马振东 《地质论评》2012,58(6):1101-1109
为科学评估我国重要矿产资源的潜力,本文首先客观地分析了当前矿产资源预测领域的现状,回顾并评述了三种地球化学定量预测方法(丰度法、面金属量法和地球化学块体法).其次通过整理、吸纳前人研究成果,在GIS技术平台上集成了以基础地质、成岩成矿机制、理论地球化学和勘查地球化学为一体的研究思路,概要论述了在III级成矿带中开展地质、地球化学找矿模型建立、地球化学定量预测区优选和资源量估算的方法技术.最后总结了地球化学定量预测的几点认识和探索了进一步发展的方向.  相似文献   

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