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Monte Carlo模拟法与基坑变形的可靠度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Monte Carlo模拟法与基坑变形的可靠度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨林德  徐超 《岩土力学》1999,20(1):15-18
将Monte Carlo模拟法与有限元技术结合,对基坑变形的稳定怀进行了可靠度分析,并通过重构响应面来提高Monte Carlo模拟法的计算效率,研究表明该方法可行,计算结果较符合实际。  相似文献   

A reliability based method was used to design and analyse shallow foundations using first-order Taylor series approximation. The computer program Mathcad was used to facilitate all mathematical and computional efforts. This method is an effective tool to assist the foundation designers and analyists to investigate how reliable their designs or analyses are in relation to the ultimate bearing capacity of the foundations. The approach presented in this paper provides a reliable alternative for design and analysis of shallow foundations, rather than the conventional design methods, which employs the assumptions of a specified saftey factor. Several examples were presented for design and analysis of strip footings embedded in sandy soil, and rectangular and square footings analysis embedded in clayey soils. The program input and output of each example are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

本文通过对浅基础底面尺寸设计进行进一步理论推导,提出弯矩应力系数的概念,进而导出矩形基础的地基承载能力与地基土参数、基底尺寸和基础埋深的公式,公式给出了浅基础地基承载力与地基土参数、基础尺寸、基础荷载和埋深的函数关系。从而能很好地通过地基土内摩擦角和内聚力的数据对基础进行深、宽设计调整,以便设计人员较好地理解这一问题的实质,能够快速准确地求出合理的底面尺寸与选用合理的基础埋深。  相似文献   

张颖 《吉林地质》2011,30(4):99-102
传统上常以安全系数作为边坡稳定性的评价指标,但是安全系数只是由一种确定的方法计算所得的一个定值,没有考虑设计参数的变异性,因此安全系数很难表征边坡的安全程度,为此本文引入了可靠度的概念,并运用基于概率论和数理统计学的蒙特卡洛法(Monte Carlo)和Rosenblueth法进行边坡可靠性分析,有效的弥补了边坡传统评...  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Safe performance of structures founded on shallow footings necessitates that: (a) the ground settlements are kept within acceptable threshold limits; and...  相似文献   

某水电站位于雅鲁藏布江中游桑日至加查峡谷段出口处,坝型为混凝土重力坝,最大坝高116m,属高坝。混凝土重力坝主要是依靠坝体自身重量于基础之上产生的摩擦力及坝体与基础之间的凝聚力来抵抗水压力以满足稳定要求,对基础岩体要求较高。根据该水电站坝基工程实践,从坝基岩体质量评价方法、分级标准及深层抗滑稳定计算方法等方面进行一些有益探索,对类似工程坝基岩体质量评价及深层抗滑稳定计算具有指导意义。  相似文献   

滑坡是一种自然灾害。地球物理方法可以在丘陵地带取得有关滑坡体的重要信息,并能时滑坡体的规模及成因作出有效的评价,为治理和预防滑坡提供资料。讨论了折射地震法和高密度电法在赣粤高速公路某滑坡段的应用效果,并时该地段的滑坡机制进行初步的探讨,并时滑坡体进行了综合推断和解释得出了一些有意义的结论。该项研究成果时滑坡地带附近的高速公路的建设具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

Sun  Zequan  Feng  Hao  Wang  Wenhai  Guo  Tao  Wang  Qingwei  Tang  Peng 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2022,40(3):1103-1119
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The lithology of the roof of the mining roadway is compound and the thickness of each layer varies considerably, and it is disturbed by dynamic load all...  相似文献   

Different models were developed for evaluating the probabilistic three-dimensional (3-D) stability analysis of earth slopes and embankments under earthquake loading using both the safety factor and the displacement criteria of slope failure.The probabilistic models evaluate the probability of failure under seismic loading considering the different sources of uncertainties involved in the problem. The models also take into consideration the spatial variabilities and correlations of soil properties. The developed models are incorporated in a computer program PTDDSSA.These analysis/design procedures are incorporated within a code named SARETL developed in this study for stability analysis and remediation of earthquake triggered landslides. In addition to the dynamic inertia forces, the system takes into consideration local site effects.The code is capable of assessing the landslide hazard affecting major transportation routes in the event of earthquakes and preparing earthquake induced landslide hazard maps (i.e., maps showing expected displacements and probability of slope/embankments failure) for different earthquake magnitudes and environmental conditions. It can also beused for proposing a mitigation strategy against landslides.  相似文献   

岩质边坡在爆破开挖过程中的稳定问题是一个亟待解决的重要问题。对实际工程进行监测,得到适合该地区的能反应高程效应的爆破地震波传播规律,并采用拟静力法计算爆破地震惯性力,提出边坡在爆破动力作用下稳定安全系数的新计算方法———积分法,同时使用MATLAB程序搜索边坡最危险滑裂面并计算最小安全系数。实例证明,此方法是分析边坡动力稳定性的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

The response surface method (RSM) is a powerful approach for carrying out reliability analysis for complicate engineering with implicit limit state functions. The quality of a response surface mainly depends on the choice of response surface function and the selection of sample points. To investigate the influence of the types of response surface functions and to reduce the computation efforts, two new sampling methods and a hybrid RSM are proposed. In the hybrid RSM, four types of response surface functions and three sampling methods are involved, and each Response surface function can be connected to each sampling method. The four response surface functions are quadratic polynomial without cross terms (PN1), quadratic polynomial with cross terms, radial basic function network (RBFN) and support vector machine (SVM). The three RSMs using the traditional sampling method, the new iterative sampling method and the new experiment design method are RSM1, RSM2 and RSM3, respectively. The accuracy and efficiency of different RSMs are illustrated through three examples. When an iterative method is used for locating sample points, the PN1-based RSM2 is proposed for its accuracy and efficiency. And when an experiment design method is used for locating sample points, the RBFN- or SVM-based RSM3 is suggested because the RBFN or SVM is suitable for global fitting.  相似文献   

基于强度折减法的三维边坡稳定性与破坏机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于强度折减技术的三维弹塑性有限元法是当前较为有效的边坡稳定性评价方法,但很少应用于复杂地质环境及负载条件下的三维边坡稳定性与破坏机制分析。拓展这一方法,利用典型算例,探讨了单元尺寸、边界条件、土体强度、局部超载和地震荷载等因素对三维边坡稳定性及潜在滑动面的影响;在此基础上,着重研究含软弱夹层及地下水的复杂三维边坡在负载条件(坡顶局部超载及地震荷载)下的破坏模式及滑动机制。结果表明:随着黏聚力的增加,潜在滑坡体的剪出位置远离坡脚,滑坡后沿远离坡肩,滑坡深度加深;坡顶超载强度较低时,边坡表现为整体破坏模式,而高超载强度下表现为局部地基破坏;考虑地下水后边坡的稳定性显著下降,且潜在滑动面加深,滑坡体体积有所增大。含软弱夹层的三维边坡,其潜在滑动面呈折线型,当受超载作用时,其破坏模式和滑动机制与地震荷载作用下不同:前者为竖向剪切和水平错动的联合作用,而后者为软弱夹层水平错动起主导作用。  相似文献   

The study of septal patterns in ammonoids has been centered on functional and/or constructional issues. Complexly fluted septa have been considered as complementary structures that reinforce the ammonite shell, their frilled sutures possibly manifesting the demand for strength. Ammonitic sutures display features that denote typical fractal behavior, since they can present very long perimeters relative to the contiguous shell areas, and most provide evidence of statistical self-similarity when observed at varying scales of magnification. However, there is a lower limit of scale measurements below which the fractal behavior of the curve no longer holds, and the perimeter length/step size relationship approaches an Euclidean geometry. This paper describes a new methodology that allows the accurate characterization of suture complexity in ammonoids using the technique of fractal analysis (step-line procedure). The proposed methodology helps to fix the position of this cut-off point, allowing for independent estimates of the fractal dimensions of the curve for both large and small measurement scales (i.e., first and second orders of suture complexity). This approach improves the resolution of fractals in the analysis of suture complexity, thus facilitating the potential interpretation of suture patterns in functional/constructional, evolutionary and paleoecological terms.  相似文献   

评价土壤中重金属污染的方法有单因子指数法、内梅罗综合指数法、地累积指数法、潜在生态危害指数法等,但迄今尚没有成熟的、统一的标准。本文以济宁城区南部农田为研究区域,采集77件土壤样品进行调查,光谱、质谱等技术分析结果表明土壤环境中8种重金属(As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb、Zn)平均含量分别为16.7、0.270、88.4、33.0、0.050、40.4、29.3、89.1 mg/kg,与黄淮海平原土壤生态地球化学基准值相比,Hg、Cd分别高于基准值的1.50倍、1.39倍,其他重金属高于基准值的0.26~0.52倍。Hg与As、Cr、F、p H、Cu、Ni、TFe2O3呈显著负相关,表明土壤受到了Hg的不同程度人为污染。用富集系数法和地累积指数法分析区内8种重金属元素的污染(富集)程度,均表明土壤环境中Hg、Cd为轻微污染(富集)程度,其他6种元素均为无污染。将该区域重金属含量与其生物毒性系数、生态效应、环境效应相结合,运用潜在生态危害指数法对重金属污染进行生态风险评价。结果显示,8种重金属的潜在生态危害由强至弱依次为:HgCdAsCuPbNiCrZn,与污染(富集)程度排序差异明显;尽管Hg、Cd在研究区内仅仅为轻微(富集)程度,但都具有较高的毒性响应系数,两元素对土壤综合潜在生态危害的贡献率之和达到了81.26%。借助Map GIS绘制研究区潜在生态风险程度评价图,表明区内土壤环境总体上处于"中度"潜在生态风险,约6.83%的面积呈"强"和"很强"潜在生态风险,其中复兴河、姚楼河、京杭运河3条河流交汇处的局部区域(占研究区面积的0.50%)达到了"很强"潜在生态风险。通过调查可疑人为污染源发现,"强"和"很强"潜在生态风险区域的布局恰好与区内煤矿生产开采活动相关。本文提出,应当注重对煤矿开采矿井周边区域土地复垦及污染防治工作,尤其是加强土壤中Cd、Hg的物理化学改良及生物治理修复工作,防止Hg、Cd进一步污染扩散。  相似文献   

岩溶区客运专线桥梁桩基地质勘察方法与技术浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灰岩分布区岩溶发育易引发地面下沉、开裂,是地质灾害及路、桥、建筑物等工程设施的主要隐患,铁路客运专线桥梁工程一般选用桩基础的形式通过;岩溶作为一种常见的不良地质,其发育特征具有一定的规律性,但在较小范围的特定区内,其出现有着随机性,桥梁墩台勘察若依靠逐桩钻探不仅投入较大,也难以达到理想的效果。本文结合岩溶区客运专线勘察设计的经验,阐述了通过利用定测阶段钻孔和采用跨孔弹性波CT优化布置钻孔数量及位置的综合勘探方法,可以用最少的工作量则能全面、准确地揭示桥梁墩台地质情况,满足桥梁专业设计需求。  相似文献   

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