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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 9 毫秒
Li  Liping  Han  Yizhe  Wang  Jing  Jin  Qing  Xiong  Yifan  Chong  Jixin  Ba  Xingzhi  Fang  Zhongdong  Wang  Kai 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2022,40(11):5667-5683
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - This article examines the tunneling process for constructing subway shields in cities aiming at preventing the risk of water and mud inrush in fault...  相似文献   

阿家岭隧道穿越既有铁路线,通过采取洞室管棚预支护、沉降反馈开挖法、加强初期支护、监控量测技术、管棚变形监测等综合治理技术,有效地控制了既有铁路的线路沉降量,保证了顺利穿越既有铁路线。该综合技术根据隧道施工条件,突破常规施工方法和工艺,为施工类似隧道提供了参考。  相似文献   

Ke  Wu  zheng  Zhang  Shuchen  Li  leisheng  Zhou  Jiahui  Zhao  Yang  Zheng 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2021,39(8):5727-5741
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - It is inevitable for the construction of subways to pass under the existing structures in the city; this will cause settlement of the existing structures...  相似文献   

HF混凝土是由HF外加剂、优质粉煤灰(或其它优质掺合料如硅粉、磨细矿渣等)、符合要求的砂石骨料和水泥等组成,并按规定的要求进行设计和组织施工浇筑的混凝土。HF混凝土是水利水电工程中应用于抵抗水流冲刷泥沙磨损、高速水流空蚀破坏的高性能(综合性能优良)的水工抗冲耐磨护面材料。猴子岩导流洞底板设有30cm厚的HF混凝土面层,为保证施工质量,结合其它工程实际,进行了HF混凝土施工工艺的研究。  相似文献   

城市基坑附近建筑物一般都比较密集,与已有建筑物距离越来越近,随着基坑深度越来越大,对基坑支护设计与施工提出了越来越高的要求。以某规模较大的与已有建筑物距离很近的深基坑为背景,采用现场监测和数值模拟相结合的方法对基坑支护的综合施工技术进行了研究,为类似工程优化设计和合理施工提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

王晓睿  姜洪建  朱坤  张丰尧  刘晓南 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4293-4298
通过经验、理论分析和数值模拟等预测方法,并结合实测数据研究分析土压盾构施工引起的地表沉降问题.分析结果表明:预测方法估算的最大沉降值总高于实测的沉降值;Oteo方法的曲线形态更优化;当隧道埋深较浅时,Loganathan-Poulos、Sagaseta、Peck和Verruijt-Booker方法均过高估算了最大沉降量,且Loganathan-Poulos、Sagaseta和Verruijt-Booker方法给出的沉降槽偏宽;数值模拟方法比分析和经验方法更有效,可以有效模拟施工过程.根据研究结果,经验、理论分析和数值模拟方法具有一定的安全储备空间,可用于软土地层中土压盾构施工引起的地面沉降预测.   相似文献   

王晓睿  蔡松  杨伟  郑培信 《地球科学》2022,47(4):1483-1491
基于土压盾构在极软岩地层中近距离下穿既有建筑的背景,采用ABAQUS有限元数值模拟与现场实测相结合的方法,从地表和建筑物竖向位移变化及其控制的角度出发研究既有建筑对盾构施工的影响.实测结果表明:地表和建筑物在盾构下穿过程中会呈现出先隆起后沉降的趋势,其中在盾尾脱出阶段地表和建筑物会产生较大速率的沉降.数值模拟结果表明:...  相似文献   

黄辉  伍远鹏 《探矿工程》2012,39(5):81-84
两河口水电站初期导流洞发育有较多断层及绢云母板岩夹层,尤其是以f25、f3、f8系列,f4、f28等断层由多条次级错动带组成,破碎带宽度大,岩体完整性差,围岩极不稳定。为了确保导流洞运行安全,需对导流洲洲内Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类围岩区域进行固结灌浆施工并根据要求进行灌浆试验。主要介绍了固结灌浆试验施工工艺。  相似文献   

任磊  朱颖  崔天麟 《地球科学》2021,46(6):2278-2286
郑州地铁某盾构区间超近距离侧穿铁路桥梁桩基,受地面空间及隧道与桥桩间净距限制,无法采用隔离桩等常规保护措施.结合工程实际情况提出"盾构通过范围内土体注浆加固"、"桥梁承台加固"以及"注浆+承台加固"三种措施,利用数值模拟手段,对盾构侧穿施工期间,不同保护方案下桥桩的变形规律进行了分析研究.研究结果表明,采用"盾构通过范...  相似文献   

巷道“封闭式”冲击的尖点突变模型   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
潘岳 《岩土力学》1994,15(1):34-41
建立了硬脆性岩巷发生“封闭式”冲击地压的突变模型;给出了冲击发生的临界条件;估算了冲击发生时,岩体释放的地震能。模型能以直观的几何形式描述巷道的缓慢破坏过程和冲击破坏过程。文中的某些处理方法可用于地下工程中环形支架或带底拱支架的稳定性分析中去  相似文献   

The vibrations of existing service tunnels induced by blast-excavation of adjacent tunnels have attracted much attention from both academics and engineers during recent decades in China. The blasting vibration velocity (BVV) is the most widely used controlling index for in situ monitoring and safety assessment of existing lining structures. Although numerous in situ tests and simulations had been carried out to investigate blast-induced vibrations of existing tunnels due to excavation of new tunnels (mostly by bench excavation method), research on the overall dynamical response of existing service tunnels in terms of not only BVV but also stress/strain seemed limited for new tunnels excavated by the full-section blasting method. In this paper, the impacts of blast-induced vibrations from a new tunnel on an existing railway tunnel in Xinjiang, China were comprehensively investigated by using laboratory tests, in situ monitoring and numerical simulations. The measured data from laboratory tests and in situ monitoring were used to determine the parameters needed for numerical simulations, and were compared with the calculated results. Based on the results from in situ monitoring and numerical simulations, which were consistent with each other, the original blasting design and corresponding parameters were adjusted to reduce the maximum BVV, which proved to be effective and safe. The effect of both the static stress before blasting vibrations and the dynamic stress induced by blasting on the total stresses in the existing tunnel lining is also discussed. The methods and related results presented could be applied in projects with similar ground and distance between old and new tunnels if the new tunnel is to be excavated by the full-section blasting method.  相似文献   

磨盘山深大断裂从徐家梁子隧道出口端通过,宽大的断层破碎岩带直接跨入隧道出口段,本文简要介绍了该断裂的特征,断裂对隧道出口段岩体的影响和地表表现形式等.不言而喻断裂对隧道施工的影响十分巨大,致使工期严重滞后.对工期的影响主要表现在开挖中不断发生涌水、涌泥、塌顶梭帮、隧道变形侵限等情况;事实表明引发地表的次生地质灾害的影响也不可低估.同时就断裂对隧道未开挖段的影响范围和施工最大难点地段进行了初步的预测,以期引起施工单位的重视.  相似文献   

地铁隧道盾构施工引起的工程性地面沉降研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于上海地区地铁隧道盾构施工引发的工程性地面沉降机理分析,采用数值分析和数学拟合方法,对盾构埋深、地层损失率、盾构半径和穿越土层性质等因素与地面沉降影响范围和最大沉降量之间的基本规律分别进行了深入的分析研究,给出了它们之间各自的定量关系式,并在盾构施工实例中进行了分析和验证。  相似文献   

Intensive strata behaviors are generated when the No. 8707 working face of the 8# coal seam in a coal mine is advanced by way of the pillars left over of the upper part of 7# close distance coal seam. The theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and filed measurement were utilized to obtain the rule of the stress change when the 8707 working face of the 8# coal seam passes the pillars left over of the 7# coal seam. Meanwhile, a pressure-relief mining (PRM) technology was put forward. According to the research results, when the 8707 working face in the 8# coal seam was advanced to the position that was 20 m in front of the pillar left over, the abutment pressure reached the maximum for 26 MPa and the stress concentration factor was 3.25, which was likely to give rise to the rock burst. With the advance of the working face, the abutment pressure was reduced slowly. As the 8707 working face advanced 15 m away the pillar left over, the transfixed shear failure region of 45° was found in the bedrocks of the upper and lower coal seams, which was readily to give rise to the shear rupture, leading to the rock burst. Based on the aforementioned research, this research carried out the PRM by applying the hydraulic fracturing technology on the coal roof and pillar, which can ensure the safety and efficient mining of working faces.  相似文献   

刘俊雄 《福建地质》2007,26(3):179-184
通过钻孔内的水压致裂方法直接测量原地应力,获得隧道区地应力的各种力学参数,根据各种地应力测量结果进行综合研究对比,提出深埋隧道围岩的稳定性程度,并判断和推测隧道施工期间发生岩爆的可能性,为隧道设计提供重要依据,方法直观,效果良好.  相似文献   

隧道信息化设计与施工方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据信息化设计与施工所应具有的特点 ,结合新时代隧道建设的发展趋向 ,设计并编写了隧道息化设计与施工的可视化程序 ,在几处公路隧道施工中进行了现场应用 ,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

以正阳隧道软弱断层破碎洞段为研究对象,分析了施工过程中出现的坍方、拱顶落石、掌子面涌泥、支护开裂剥落等造成施工障碍的工程难题,结合隧道所处地质条件、地理位置及施工措施等因素拟定安全施工控制技术方案,施工实践效果良好,可供同类工程参考。  相似文献   

潍坊市按照"高定位,争第一,创一流,求卓越,晋级升位创品牌"工作目标,认真把握"提高素质,创新机制,构建和谐,树新形象"的工作要求,努力把国土资源所建设成为"机构健全、设施配套、服务到位、管理规范、运转协调、廉洁高效"的窗口单位,切实提高干部队伍整体素质,夯实国土资源管理的基层基础,加快实现管理制度化、规范化和科学化,为保护国土资源,服务社会群众,化解矛盾纠纷,树立部门形象发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

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