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Qingfang Wang  Wei Li 《GeoJournal》2007,68(2-3):167-182
Previous research suggests that entrepreneurship can provide ethnic minorities a springboard for economic advancement and social integration. However, self-employment rates vary significantly among ethnic groups, between men and women, and in different places. The prevailing literature suggests that personal characteristics, including human capital attributes, ethnic networking, institutional regulations, societal structures and discrimination, all contribute to the differential ethnic entrepreneurship rates. However, very few recent studies have analyzed how different urban socio-economic contexts influence this process. Using the 2000 Public Usable Microdata Samples (PUMS), this study examines how Hispanic entrepreneurs perform in three different metropolitan areas in the US South. The results show that the ethnic diversity, history of immigration, and the economic structure in each local area have provided different opportunities and challenges for Hispanics to start up and maintain their own businesses. This study suggests that the process of economic incorporation of ethnic minorities and immigrants depends significantly on the institutional capacity and social, cultural and political resources of local communities.  相似文献   

There is a large sociological literature on racial- class-, and economically- based segregation in the United States and there is some evidence that residential segregation by income may have deleterious health consequences for residents of large U.S. cities. The health consequences of segregation in Canadian metropolitan areas, however, remain unknown and the comparison with the U.S. is always compelling. In this paper, we investigate the hypothesis that residential segregation by income may be associated with mortality in Canadian and U.S. metropolitan areas. Given the strong relationship between individual level socioeconomic status and health, it follows that metropolitan areas which isolate individuals economically could produce conditions that severely limit the life chances and therefore the health chances of the most vulnerable. To investigate the association between residential segregation by income and population health, we examined the relationship between working-age mortality and Jargowsky's (1996) neighbourhood sorting index (NSI) for a large group of North American metropolitan areas. We found a relationship between increased segregation and increased mortality for U.S. metropolitan areas but no such relationship for Canadian metropolitan areas. We also determined that income segregation could not be considered in isolation from income inequality – that, in effect, income inequality provides the propensity for meaningful segregation to occur. We further demonstrated the importance of considering both income inequality and income segregation together, especially when the analysis is intended to compare metropolitan areas. We conclude with a discussion of the need for an improved measure of segregation to better reflect the theoretical arguments for the relationship between concentration of poverty and affluence and population health.  相似文献   

Analysis of blocks and linear sutures in the base of the Russian Platform shows significant variations in their tectonic activities in different stages of the platformal evolution. --AGI Staff.  相似文献   

The 1982 U.S. summary data for retail sales (Census of Retail Trade) are analyzed in light of trends since 1958. The metropolitan economy consists of four sectors, namely CBDs, major retail centres (MRCs), non-CBD/MRC retailing and direct marketing. Total U.S. retail sales declined by some 1.6% during 1977–1982. Metropolitan retail sales increased, however, more than metropolitan population growth. This is related to the construction of outer-ring superregional centres which serve also exurban customers. Within metropolitan areas CBDs continued their absolute and relative decline, while MRCs grew, keeping their share in the metropolitan economy. Non-CBD/MRC retailing is the largest and increasingly growing sector. It represents demographic and economic changes that lead to an increased emphasis on speciality strip and small-town retailing. Direct marketing, while constantly growing, has not yet become a real threat to conventional store retailing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of economic interdependence, intergovernmental organizations, political freedom, and spatial relationship on foreign diplomatic presence in the U.S. from 1980 to 2000. Spatial perspective is largely missing in the mainstream international theories. Spatial relationship has three measures: spatial proximity measured as distance, spatial dependency measured as neighborhood effect, and spatial heterogeneity measured as regional effect. We found that the effect of economic interdependence is directional. The U.S. sensitivity to foreign trade rather than foreign sensitivity to trade with the U.S. explains much of the variation in the foreign diplomatic presence in the U.S. Spatial effect is mainly manifested as spatial dependency; the effects of geographic proximity and geographic regions on foreign diplomatic presence are, however, mild. Spatial dependency in the variation of foreign diplomatic presence in the U.S. could not be well explained by the liberal perspective without using the spatial model.
Lin Liu ([Summer Visiting Professor])Email:

While the capital city and its surrounding territory often forms the most important nodal region in any country, this very nodality may give rise to social problems. In the case of the Tbilisi metropolitan region, Georgia, U.S.S.R., social development has been conditioned by such factors as the Soviet centralized economic management system, administrative control of population in-migration, state ownership of land, and the tendency towards hyperurbanization. For most Georgians Tbilisi is the republic's most attractive city, and it is in actual fact the leading city in terms of material welfare. Nevertheless, the metropolitan region suffers from a number of concrete social problems whose significance is analysed by means of an opinion poll of metropolitan region inhabitants and a comparative poll conducted in a rural area. While some problems such as retail trade deficiency and the low quality of consumer goods appear to cause universal concern, others such as housing provision and design, ecological problems and social pathology (crime, alcoholism, drug abuse, prostitution) cause greater anxiety among metropolitan residents. It is hoped that recent policies of decentralization and economic reform will help solve some of these difficulties.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1986,1(4):463-468
In the mountainous areas of Siberia intensive destruction of ore deposits occurs as a result of Pleistocene mountain glaciation and, as a consequence, element dispersion trains form in the eroded material and in the stream sediments. In these areas, cirques and glaciated valleys are incised as much as 250–600 m into ore deposits. Geochemical anomalies in the stream sediments in the glaciated valleys form as water washes through the till and lacustrine sediments. The surface erosion processes result in the removal of fine gold from talus-covered cirque walls from where it is deposited in channels and lakes. Secondary dispersion halos may either be localized entirely within cirques, or they may be found in the drift within the outwash or glaciolacustrine environments downstream of the cirques. Intermittent accumulations of gold are specifically concentrated in glacially-fed stream sediments in those glaciated valleys characterized by smooth, flat bottoms and abundant lakes: gold in such cases tends to be concentrated in the lake muds. After the lakes have silted up, gold will be found in the fluvial deposits. In general, the complete elemental composition of the ore under discussion (Au, Ag, Pb and Zn) is reflected in only short dispersion trains within the fluvial and lacustrine deposits. Gold anomalies, on the other hand, are extensive (up to 6 km) in the stream sediments within the glaciated valleys and will occur sorbed onto hydrous iron oxides and clays, as well as in the form of flattened (thin) gold particles. In the glaciated valleys, the gold geochemical anomalies in moraine, lacustrine and stream sediments properly reflect the mineralization in the drainage basin.  相似文献   

Ian Alexander 《Geoforum》1980,11(3):249-275
A case study of office dispersal options in Sydney, Australia is presented within a Planning Balance Sheet Framework. Two dispersal options, one involving a limited number of large subcentres, the other a large number of smaller subcentres are examined. It is shown that both options are likely to result in considerable work-journey time savings for employees in relocated offices (particularly clerical and female workers) and considerable improvements in job access for many suburban residents. Overall, however, the large subcentre option appears to offer greater net benefits to both office employees and relocated organizations. Yet both options are likely to generate high external costs in terms of suburban road congestion, increased energy consumption, financial losses to public transport operators, and inequities of access to captive public transport users. These problems could be avoided if the government were to embark on a programme of upgrading public transport services and restricting car usage to the point where the majority of suburban commuters used public transport. This would involve considerable public expenditure, which is unlikely to be forthcoming in the present economic climate. But without such a programme, a policy of office dispersal would create more problems than it would solve.  相似文献   

Individual Pennsylvanian clastic sediment intervals above the Seelyville Coal were examined on electric logs from Sullivan County, Indiana, U.S.A. for vertical sequence, interval thickness, and sand content. This information was used to evaluate local variability of this area of the Illinois Basin depositional system.Each clastic interval is composed of a lateral association of vertical sequences of sediments, bounded above and below by a thin association of coal, limestone, black shale, and/or underclay. An “average” constructive clastic unit is characterized by the following thickness parameters: mean , standard deviation (s) = 3.4 m, minimum = 6.1 m, and
sand content, as measured by electric log resistivity, is 37%.Clastic sediment intervals characterized as “deep water” sediments tend to be clayrich, have the greatest lateral continuity, are composed of 50% to 90% coarsening upward sequences, are comprised of less than 16% fining upward sequences, and are composed of less than 10% of sequences of facies which are transitional between coarsening and fining upward. Sandstone channels are linear to coarsely dendritic and probably postdate lower portions of the coarsening upward sequences. One example of longshore shoaling between the Springfield and Houchin Creek coals was discovered. This is the youngest stratigraphic evidence of longshore currents in Illinois Basin clastic sediments. This milieu probably represents a distal delta position.Shallow-water sediments are sand-rich, complex, and gradational. They tend to be interfingered and to display poor lateral continuity. Coarsening upward sequences comprise less than 20% of the data sites. Fining upward fluvial sequences are represented by well-developed dendritic map patterns and constitute 20–30% of the sites. Transitional sequences between coarsening and fining upward log profiles are represented by both interfingered and gradational sequences and constitute 20–55% of the sites.Each constructive vertical sequence represents only a portion of the overall progradational deltatic environment.Destructive linear erosional channels are oriented downdip into the basin. The first occurrence in Indiana of the Trivoli Sandstone channel facies, located between the Ditney and West Franklin horizons, was delineated. Destructive channel sands are found commonly between the Houchin Creek and Colchester coals.Clastic subintervals locally began to develop when compacted unit thickness exceeded 18 m.Average regional wedging contributes 0.13 m/km to local sediment interval thickness variability. The average compacted clastic interval thickness has a local range of 19 m owing to local depositional environments. This variation is related closely to the overall clastic ratio of end-member sequences which are situated in close proximity. The average clastic unit varies in thickness of ± 1.4 m owing to the influence of compaction of the underlying Pennsylvanian sediment filling the Mississippian unconformity valleys. Compactional effects between clastic units become negligible as composite interval thickness exceeds 30 m.  相似文献   

Regional planning in the U.S.S.R. is part of a comprehensive and hierarchical spatial and sectoral planning system. Four levels are described: (a) the national level, involving the total settlement system; (b) the major regional level, handling major development schemes; (c) the minor regional level, with plans for administrative districts; and (d) the urban level, where city master plans are produced. The amount of detail and scale of working increased downwards through the hierarchy. The most pressing problem is planning for the emergence and growth of cities of 100,000 population or more. Moscow city-region is used as an illustration.  相似文献   

On October 12, 1962, a joint session of the Presidium of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences and the Collegium of the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Geology and Mineral Reserves adopted a resolution “On the present state of the geological sciences in the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences and the U. S. S. R. Ministry of Geology and Mineral Reserves and their prospects for the future.” Important contributions of Russian geologists are acknowledged, but attention is drawn to many shortcomings. Future goals of geological study and work are given in detail. Twenty-one lines of research to be concentrated on are given, covering all phases of geology, geophysics, and geochemistry. In discussing the failings of the geological profession in Russia, it is of interest to note the following comment: “Geological research in other countries is still insufficiently studied and applied, and we are not making adequate use of geologic information from abroad.” The list of the Russian geologists' shortcomings sounds vaguely familiar. —J. R. Hayes  相似文献   

Ian Alexander 《Geoforum》1980,11(3):225-247
Policies advocating restraint on the growth of office activity in central areas, and the dispersal of that activity to suburban centres have become increasingly popular in large metropolitan areas in Britain and Australia in recent years. This is the first of two papers which explore the implications of such a policy in detail. For these policies have been based on rather subjective judgements and on conventional wisdom; it has simply been assumed that they would solve growing problems of central congestion, environmental disamenity and job access. Little attention has been paid to the full range and distribution of costs and benefits that might arise. Experience to date has suggested that while an office dispersal policy has the potential to reduce problems in the central area, it can also give rise to serious problems of congestion, increased energy consumption and inequities of access in suburban areas. These problems which stem from the likely switch from public transport to cars for work journeys have generally been ignored by those advocating dispersal policies, and have received little attention in the few academic studies of this area. The paper concludes by outlining the assumptions and methodology adopted for a comprehensive case study of the cost and benefits of an office dispersal policy within the metropolitan area of Sydney, Australia.  相似文献   

Yu.A. Isakov 《Geoforum》1984,15(1):89-94
Nature conservation has assumed an increasing importance in the policies of the U.S.S.R., where the geographical diversity of the nation requires a comparable diversity of methods of nature conservation. Emphasis has now shifted from remedial methods to more preventative approaches. Six are particularly important: maintenance of the ecological balance regionally, conservation of renewable resources, protection of the gene pool, conserving ecosystems and geosystems, protection of the natural environment and provision of recreation opportunities.  相似文献   

Trace element abundances in sulfides of these two large hydrothermal ore districts allow distinction of several groups of ore bodies with differing trace element levels. Within groups, certain elements show lateral or vertical zoning. The groups were deposited from different batches of ore fluid. The differences in trace element content between groups reflect differences in stage of differentiation or abundance of complexing species when the ore fluid separated from the magma. The zoning may result from hydrothermal differentiation of a single batch of ore fluid as it travels away from the magma. The zoning pattern correlates in part with expected strength of metal complexes, but also depends on temperature and solid-liquid partition coefficients.
Zusammenfassung Auf Grund der Spurenelementhäufigkeiten in Sulfiden können in diesen beiden großen hydrothermalen Erzvorkommen mehrere Gruppen von Erzlagerstätten unterschieden werden. Innerhalb der Gruppen zeigen gewisse Elemente laterale oder vertikale zonale Verteilungen. Die Gruppen wurden von verschiedenen erzbringenden Lösungen gebildet. Die Unterschiede im Spurenelementgehalt zwischen verschiedenen Gruppen spiegeln Unterschiede im Stadium der Differentiation oder die Häufigkeit von komplexbildenden Ionen während der Absonderung der erzbringenden Lösungen von Magma wider. Die zonale Verteilung kann von der hydrothermalen Differentiation einer einzigen erzbringenden Lösung auf ihrem Weg vom Magma herrühren. Teilweise entspricht die zonale Spurenelementverteilung der erwarteten Stabilität von Metalionenkomplexen, sie hängt aber auch von der Temperatur und von Verteilungskoeffizienten zwischen festen und flüssigen Phasen ab.

Contribution No. 69–34, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University  相似文献   

The Magoffin marine unit is a Middle Pennsylvanian age interval of marine strata that directly overlies the Taylor, Copeland, and correlative coal zones in the Appalachian Basin. For this study the Magoffin was measured, described, and sampled at 17 localities along a northeast to southwest transect in the center of the Middle Pennsylvanian outcrop belt in eastern Kentucky and West Virginia. Throughout the study area the base of the Magoffin is characterized by a thin, dark, highly fossiliferous limestone with a brachiopod-dominated fossil assemblage. The limestone base is usually overlain by a fining-upward sequence consisting of fossiliferous dark shales or mudstones with mollusk-dominated assemblages. These dark mudstones include a fissile black shale with a distinctive Posidonia fauna deposited over part of the study area. The lower, fining sequence is overlain by a thicker, coarsening sequence bearing brachiopod-dominated fossil assemblages. The lower beds of the Magoffin, particularly the basal limestone, are persistent and relatively uniform throughout the study area. In contrast, strata in the upper part of the Magoffin sequence show a high degree of geographic variability, with localities in the southwestern half of the study area showing two successive, thick, coarsening-upward sequences of strata, while those to the northeast record a single thinner coarsening-upward sequence.The widespread, uniform nature of the basal Magoffin limestone appears to indicate rapid transgressive flooding of the coal-swamp and associated environments accompanied by a hiatus in clastic influx into the Magoffin seaway. Nearshore brachiopod faunas were replaced by deeper-water, possibly dysaerobic-adapted mollusk faunas as transgression progressed, culminating in the fissile black shales and monotaxic Posidonia fauna deposited beneath a localized pycnocline during maximum transgression. The onset of regression is indicated by the reverse of the stratigraphic sequence of faunas observed during transgression, and by the return of rapid clastic influx into the basin.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1335-1346
A detailed classification of regional metamorphic rock facies is presented along with the results of compiling a small scale Map of Metamorphic Facies of U.S.S.R. It is demonstrated that typical metamorphic complexes are associated with certain large structural elements of the crust. The aspects of metamorphism are used in identifying the areas of ancient platforms, two types of mobile belts, and two types of high pressure zones at the junction of major structures of different degrees of stability.—Author  相似文献   

This paper advances a contingent perspective of residential segregation that recognizes it as a universal phenomenon of residential differentiation, yet one that results from different causal processes and which results in different spatial outcomes. The analytical separation of groups, contexts and scale is key to understanding the nature of segregation, i.e., what it signifies to the group and to the host society. We argue that segregation is created and maintained by different choices and constraints occurring across dimensions of production, reproduction and consumption. Spatial outcomes vary considerably, and may be arrayed in regard to the permanence of segregation, whether it facilitates identity maintenance, and whether segregation itself empowers or marginalizes the ethnic population. To demonstrate our approach, we analyze the segregation experiences of Chinese ethnics. Our argument is organized around the global, national and local scales at which causal processes shape the Chinese experience of segregation.  相似文献   

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