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以路里桥这一双曲拱桥为对象,通过对其质量现状的检测和对主拱圈的验算,对桥梁质量现状进行评价和病害原因分析。  相似文献   

以路里桥这一双曲拱桥为对象,通过对其质量现状的检测和对主拱圈的验算,对桥梁质量现状进行评价和病害原因分析。  相似文献   

胡耀武 《第四纪研究》2023,43(5):1503-1512
自20世纪70年代以来,稳定同位素生物考古学在科技考古研究中的重要性越发凸显。21世纪初以降,本学科的发展进入"快车道",吸引了大量的自然科学学者和考古学者涉足其中。然而,学科的快速发展不可避免地暴露出与稳定同位素分析密切相关的一些重要问题,如学科规范有所欠缺、一些认知误区仍然存在等。近些年来,国际学界业已开始关注这些问题并提出了相应的对策或建议。本研究拟在笔者之前反思的基础上,基于近些年以来的研究实践和思考,结合国际学界在此方面的认知,详细阐述了稳定同位素生物考古的学科规范(包括同位素的术语规范、同位素的测试规范、成岩作用的检验规范),重点聚焦和澄清同位素生物考古研究的8个认知误区。最后,首次构建了科学诠释同位素数据的分析模型。本项工作对于规范稳定同位素生物考古学的学科建设、聚焦重要科学问题或考古学问题具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine some important factors of site selection for Esfahan 4th new town-Iran, with quantification of importance index for each factor and the effect of selected criteria in determination of the prioritized location for urban development. The study followed an explanatory analytical method based on field studies, analytical hierarchy process and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution model. This means that after defining the criteria and the significant parameters using Delphi technique and filling out the questionnaires by experts in environmental sciences and urban constructions, the rate of effectiveness of each factor and also the significant criteria in site priority and environmental decision making for new towns were determined by analytical hierarchy process model and “Expert choice” software. The results revealed that among the main defined criteria (i.e. physical, biological, economical-social, political and pollution dispersion) and sub-criteria selected by the experts for location of Esfahan 4th new town, the physical criteria with a weight of 0.453 designated nearly 45 % of the importance index to itself, standing at the first priority. Accordingly, the economical-social and pollution dispersion criteria were ranked at the second and the third place with weights of 0.307 and 0.116, respectively. The technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution model, which is one of the methods for multi-criteria decision making, was then used to determine the best location scenario. Comparing the three proposed locations, alternative 1 was found to be more suitable as it was well-fitted to the defined criteria.  相似文献   

江波  任茂  王希勇 《探矿工程》2019,46(8):73-78
为解决龙门山前彭州气田钻井中上部地层气体钻井提速技术受限、易井斜,中部须家河组与小塘子组地层研磨性强、可钻性差,下部雷口坡组地层较破碎、易阻卡、易漏,以及机械钻速低、钻井周期长等难题,通过分析龙门山前彭州气田地质资料和地层特点,在PZ115井中开展了优化井身结构、水力加压器、垂直钻井技术、PDC钻头优选技术、高效钻井液技术、扭力冲击器等钻井提速配套技术的研究与运用,实现了安全快速钻井,平均机械钻速2.62 m/h,钻井周期265.75 d,与区块前期钻井周期最短井YS1井相比,钻井深度增加454 m,平均机械钻速提高24.17%,钻井周期减少了17.42 d,创川西地区雷四段气藏为目的井中钻深最深和钻井周期最短纪录。研究结果表明,PZ115井钻井提速配套技术可为彭州气田后续钻井提速增效提供借鉴。  相似文献   

L.Graham Smith 《Geoforum》1984,15(2):253-259
This paper critically reviews the current status of public participation in Canada. Postulating that public participation implies an open, democratic form of planning and policy making, the paper examines factors which have influenced the attainment of meaningful public input in practice. Public participation in Canada has evolved greatly in the past 15 years but several key issues remain unresolved: provisions for participation remain, in large part, discretionary; procedures for the funding of intervenors require further development; and the emphasis in many jurisdictions remains upon the operational level involvement of the lay public, with a public hearing as the final arbiter of public opinion. More attention to the formal evaluation of participatory exercises is essential to the resolution of these concerns. In particular, more attention should be given to the context within which participation occurs. Moreover, greater consideration should be given to public involvement at the normative and strategic levels of planning. The paper concludes by briefly exploring the implications for practice that the concept of ‘normative participation’ might have in Canada.  相似文献   

Neoliberalism and the making of food politics in California   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Julie Guthman   《Geoforum》2008,39(3):1171-1183
This paper examines a philanthropy-led initiative which has as its objective to jump start the transition to a more sustainable and just food system in California. The first major project funded was a “vivid picture” of California’s food system twenty-five years in the future. The outcome of the project is a report that is glossed with the tropes of neoliberalism in all of its key organizing frameworks, analytics, cognitive maps, and idioms and argues for “opportunities-based approaches” as the engine of change. Yet, as described in the paper, this outcome was initially under-determined, and, in fact, the funders had originally intended to leverage their resources for large scale transformation. By examining four moments in the development of the Vivid Picture project, the grantee selection, the modeling exercise, the stakeholder meetings, and the qualitative interviews, this paper will show how existing techniques of neoliberal governance such as modeling, audit, best-practices, and stakeholder participation, as well as current norms of philanthropy, shaped what is thinkable and hence actable. It will also show how “stakeholders” played a constitutive role in producing the outcomes of the project, in part because their input reflected already-developed notions of the possible within the current climate of neoliberalism. In the end it will argue that the failure of the Vivid Picture to look beyond the neoliberal present is itself evidence of the proliferation of neoliberal governmentalities. Still, the entire process galvanized many of the movement actors who were left out of the funding process and, in that way, produced political openings.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first systematic study of the vegetation history of a range of low hills in SW England, UK, lying between more researched fenlands and uplands. After the palaeoecological sites were located bespoke archaeological, historical and documentary studies of the surrounding landscape were undertaken specifically to inform palynological interpretation at each site. The region has a distinctive archaeology with late Mesolithic tool scatters, some evidence of early Neolithic agriculture, many Bronze Age funerary monuments and Romano‐British iron‐working. Historical studies have suggested that the present landscape pattern is largely early Medieval. However, the pollen evidence suggests a significantly different Holocene vegetation history in comparison with other areas in lowland England, with evidence of incomplete forest clearance in later‐Prehistory (Bronze?Iron Age). Woodland persistence on steep, but poorly drained, slopes, was probably due to the unsuitability of these areas for mixed farming. Instead they may have been under woodland management (e.g. coppicing) associated with the iron‐working industry. Data from two of the sites also suggest that later Iron Age and Romano‐British impact may have been geographically restricted. The documented Medieval land management that maintained the patchwork of small fields, woods and heathlands had its origins in later Prehistory, but there is also evidence of landscape change in the 6th–9th centuries AD. We conclude that the Blackdown Hills area was one of many ‘distinctive subregions’, which due to a combination of edaphic, topographic and cultural factors could qualify as an eco‐cultural region or ‘pays’. It is argued that the use of such eco‐culturally distinctive regions or pays can provide a spatial and archaeological framework for palaeoecology, which has implications for landscape research, designation and heritage management.  相似文献   

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