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Rapid urbanization and increased tourism around Nainital Lake in the Kumaun Himalayan region in north India has raised concerns about sediment and water pollution. Lead-210 dated sediment cores from the lake represent ~95 years of accumulation and yield a mean sedimentation rate of ~4.7 mm year−1. Total organic carbon (TOC), percent N and S and their atomic C/N and C/S ratios, stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S), and specific biomarkers (n-alkanes and pigments) were measured in the core. Organic matter is primarily derived from in-lake algal production and TOC flux varies from 1.0 to 3.5 g m−2 year−1. Sediments are anoxic (Eh −328 to −187 mV) and have low (0.10–0.30 g m−2 year−1) N, but high (0.37–1.0 g m−2 year−1) S flux. Shifts in δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S suggest in-lake microbial processes dominated by denitrification and sulfate reduction. The sediments are dominated by short-chain hydrocarbons with low Carbon Preference Index values. The pigments indicate a gradual shift to cyanobacterial domination of the phytoplankton community in recent years. Despite an increase in external input of nutrients, the trophic state of the lake has remained largely unchanged, and the perceived human-induced impacts are limited.  相似文献   

The Ramsar-listed Coorong lagoon lies at the terminus of the Murray-Darling River system in South Australia. Diatom and foraminifera relationships with water quality were characterised in order to develop diatom- and foraminifera-based models with the potential to infer water column salinity. Seventy-four samples were collected during 2007, a year of continuing drought in the catchment, and of no discharges at the Murray Mouth. The sample sites had a salinity gradient of 1.8–190 g l−1 total dissolved solids. The diatom data set comprised 215 taxa, while there were only eight taxa in the foraminiferal data set. Canonical correspondence analysis of diatom species-environment relationships showed that salinity explained the largest proportion of diatom variance. Hence, a diatom-based salinity transfer function with reasonable predictive power (measured vs. diatom-inferred salinity r jack2 = 0.82; Root Mean Squared Error of Prediction = 16 g l−1) was developed. Application of the transfer function to fossil diatom assemblages from The Coorong suggested that pre-European salinity values were generally >50 g l−1 and that salinity declined following settlement. These results, however, contradict the recent history of The Coorong where there have been substantial lagoon-wide salinity increases. The pre-impact diatom flora has no analogue in the modern data set, highlighting the degree of departure from past conditions. CCA of the foraminiferal data set identified salinity and total nitrogen as the variables with the greatest explanatory power. However, accurate predictive models could not be developed using either variable due to low foraminiferal abundance and species richness. These factors may have been a consequence of diminished foraminiferal recruitment rates over successive years, an artefact of reduced marine water input to The Coorong. Future attempts to generate predictive models from this region would benefit from the inclusion of data from distant locations, since suitable analogue sites do not exist in close proximity. The study has generated useful insights to the apparently broad salinity tolerances for several cosmopolitan diatom and foraminifera species, and has identified a number of diatom and foraminifera taxa that may prove useful in the qualitative interpretation of down-core trends in The Coorong and the lower Murray River region.  相似文献   

Sediment accumulation rate (SAR) is an important physical parameter in all lakes and increases have been observed in many over the last c.100 years. This has been ascribed to changes in land-use and land-management causing accelerated catchment soil erosion and an increase in autochthonous organic matter production. The EU Water Framework Directive requires that assessment of biological, hydromorphological and chemical elements of water quality should be based on the degree to which present day conditions deviate from those expected in the absence of significant anthropogenic influence, termed reference conditions. Currently however, the reference condition for sediment accumulation rate for lakes of different types is undefined. To improve our understanding of the controls on SARs we compiled SAR and lake typology data for 207 European lakes derived from 210Pb dated cores to assess how rates have changed through time (in 25 year classes) both overall and for lakes of different types. Seventy-one percent of these sediment cores showed surface SARs higher than “basal” (mainly nineteenth century) rates, 11% showed no change while 18% showed a decline. Lakes were then classified into lake-types using four variables: alkalinity (3 classes), altitude (3 classes), maximum depth (2 classes) and lake area (2 classes). This generated a possible 36 lake classes of which 25 were represented in the dataset. Nine lake-types contained >10 lakes. Little change in SAR occurred prior to 1900 and most increases occurred in more recent periods, in particular 1950–1975 and post-1975. This indicates a general acceleration in SAR in European lakes during the second half of the twentieth century. Reference SARs were estimated for six lake-types with the highest number of sites. European mountain lakes had the lowest reference SAR (0.005 ± 0.003 g cm−2 yr−1) while lowland, high alkalinity sites had the highest (0.03–0.04 g cm−2 yr−1). SARs for other lake-types ranged between 0.012 and 0.024 g cm−2 yr−1. Using the mountain lake-type as an example, the 1850 reference SAR appears to show good agreement with available data for lakes beyond Europe indicating these values may be more broadly applicable. Contemporary SARs in lakes of all classes showed exceedence over their defined reference SAR. This may be partly due to diagenetic processes. Greatest exceedences were found in shallow, low altitude lakes and these are considered to be the ones under the greatest threat from continued elevation of SAR. It is considered that climate change may play a progressively more important role in driving SAR in the future.  相似文献   

A knowledge of pre-disturbance conditions is important for setting realistic restoration targets for lakes. For European waters this is now a requirement of the European Council Water Framework Directive where ecological status must be assessed based on the degree to which present day conditions deviate from reference conditions. Here, we employ palaeolimnological techniques, principally inferences of total phosphorus from diatom assemblages (DI-TP) and classification of diatom composition data from the time slice in sediment cores dated to ~1850 AD, to define chemical and ecological reference conditions, respectively, for a range of UK lake types. The DI-TP results from 169 sites indicate that reference TP values for low alkalinity lakes are typically <10 μg L−1 and in many cases <5 μg L−1, whilst those for medium and high alkalinity lakes are in the range 10–30 and 20–40 μg L−1, respectively. Within the latter two alkalinity types, the deeper waters (>3 m mean depth) generally had lower reference TP concentrations than the shallow sites. A small group of shallow marl lakes had concentrations of ~30 μg L−1. Cluster analysis of diatom composition data from 106 lakes where the key pressure of interest was eutrophication identified three clusters, each associated with particular lake types, suggesting that the typology has ecological relevance, although poor cross matching of the diatom groups and the lake typology at type boundaries highlights the value of a site-specific approach to defining reference conditions. Finally the floristic difference between the reference and present day (surface sample) diatom assemblages of each site was estimated using the squared chord distance dissimilarity coefficient. Only 25 of the 106 lakes experienced insignificant change and the findings indicate that eutrophication has impacted all lake types with >50% of sites exhibiting significant floristic change. The study illustrates the role of the sediment record in determining both chemical and ecological reference conditions, and assessing deviation from the latter. Whilst restoration targets may require modification in the future to account for climate induced alterations, the long temporal perspective offered by palaeolimnology ensures that such changes are assessed against a sound baseline.  相似文献   

Organic arsenical herbicides, which include monosodium methylarsonate (MSMA), have been applied to golf courses and lawns throughout Florida, USA, since the 1950s. These products convert rapidly to inorganic forms of arsenic (As) in soils and are mobilized readily. Leachates have been known to contaminate groundwater and surface waters, although past studies have not examined whether use of these products has led to significant As accumulation in lake sediments. We used paleolimnological methods to document the depositional history and inventories of total As in sediments and porewaters of Little Lake Jackson in Florida, which is adjacent to three golf courses. Six sediment cores, four of which were 210Pb dated, showed porewater total As concentrations as high as 435 μg l−1, and dry-sediment total As concentrations as high as 148 mg kg−1. Approximately 537 kg of total As is present in >19,000 metric tons of sediment (dry mass), and an additional 18 kg of As is dissolved in 10.8 × 104 m3 of porewaters. Total As content in surface sediments (mean = 47.3 mg kg−1) exceeds the consensus-based sedimentary concentration for probable toxicity effects in freshwater benthic fauna. Surface and subsurface waters flow to the lake from topographically higher areas to the west, where golf courses and residential areas are located. Total As concentrations were elevated highly in monitoring wells and in a stream that flows between the golf courses and lake, but As was below detection limits in wells that were located at the distal perimeter of the golf courses. Subsurface and surface waters exit the lake towards topographically lower areas to the east. Nearly all As in sediments remains bound in the solid phase, indicating that As sedimentary profiles largely reflect depositional history. Sedimentary As concentrations are correlated strongly with aluminum and iron, which suggests that As was scavenged from lake waters during the past. Sedimentary As concentrations increased until the 1980s, then declined somewhat to the present time. Dissolved As was scavenged efficiently from the water column when hypolimnetic waters were oxygenated persistently, but after eutrophication led to a seasonally anoxic hypolimnion in the 1980s, apparently less As was co-precipitated, and more was lost to hydrological outflow. Arsenic accumulation in sediments might be common in areas where As derived from organic arsenical herbicide applications is directed by shallow water tables towards adjacent lakes.  相似文献   

We present a palaeolimnological study encompassing five centuries of trophic-state change of the dike-breach lake De Waay located on the Rhine-Meuse delta (the Netherlands). Diatom-inferred total phosphorus (TP) concentrations indicate hypertrophic epilimnetic conditions (>300 μg l−1 TP) since the formation of the lake in the fifteenth century until the end of the eighteenth century. Cladocera data support the reconstructed trophic state and indicate turbid conditions in lake De Waay during this period. High inferred TP concentrations as well as the amount of Ti in the sediment reflect numerous flooding events. From the nineteenth century onwards reconstructed TP concentrations decreased to 40–150 μg l−1 due to improvements in sewage and dike systems that considerably diminished direct river flooding and seepage-derived nutrients. As a consequence, the increased stability of littoral habitats led to an increased diversity of the Cladocera assemblages. The most significant decrease in TP concentrations to ~40 μg l−1 occurred between about 1900 and 1930. This mesotrophic phase was a consequence of the isolation of the lake from catchment drainage and the introduction of a highly elaborate flood control during this period. However, since the mid twentieth century a eutrophication trend is preserved in the record, likely related to increased agricultural activity in the vicinity of the lake. Our results emphasize that land-use and trophic-state history must be taken into account when evaluating the ecological status of lakes for water management and protection actions, especially for lakes in landscapes that are strongly modified by human action.  相似文献   

Lake Chapala, located 120 km northeast of Colima Volcano, lies at the north and northeast of the Citala rift in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. It belongs to the watershed of the Lerma River, which originates from the Mexico City area, 450 km to the east. Sediment cores, 0.5–2 m long, were collected from the lake. Magnetic susceptibility of the lake sediments generally ranges from 400 to 800 × 10−9 m3 kg−1; but in some layers it exceeds 1000 or 1500 × 10−9 m3 kg−1. The magnetic susceptibility vertical profiles display a thin peak (2–5 cm) or a double peak with magnetic susceptibility > 2000 × 10−9 m3 kg−1. Scanning electron microscope analysis shows that the main mineral responsible for the magnetic susceptibility is titano-magnetite, which is relatively abundant in the magnetic layers. In most of the cores, the layer with magnetic susceptibility > 2000 × 10−9 m3 kg−1 is coarser grained than the directly under and overlying sediments, which are composed of fine silt. But not all coarser levels are magnetic nor are all magnetic levels bound to coarser layers. The high titano-magnetic concentration probably originates from volcanic ash falls. Sedimentation rates, evaluated for several sites by means of the 210Pb and 137Cs methods, allow a date approximation (between 1535 and 1670) for the strong magnetic layer deposition. Since important eruptions of Colima Volcano, with ash fall, were reported from 1576 to 1623, the main peak of magnetic susceptibility in the sediment profiles is assumed to be related to these events. The main magnetic layer extends to greater depth in the profiles of the eastern part of the lake plain than at the west. It can, therefore, be suggested that a relative subsidence occurs in the eastern part of the lake; the axis of the eastern plain overlaps the area displaying the maximum subsidence rate and seems therefore to correspond to the prolongation of Citala rift.  相似文献   

A 72-lake diatom training set was developed for the Irish Ecoregion to examine the response of surface sediment diatom assemblages to measured environmental variables. A variety of multivariate data analyses was used to investigate environmental and biological data structure and their inter-relationships. Of the variables used in determining a typology for lakes in the Irish Ecoregion, alkalinity was the only one found to have a significant effect on diatom assemblages. A total of 602 diatom taxa were identified, with 233 recorded at three or more sites with abundances ≥1%. Generally diatom data displayed a high degree of heterogeneity at the species level and non-linear ecological responses. Both pH and total phosphorus (TP) (in the ranges of 5.1–8.5 and 4.0–142.3 μg l−1 respectively) were shown to be the most significant variables in determining the surface sediment diatom assemblages. The calibration models for pH and TP were developed using the weighted averaging (WA) method; data manipulation showed strong influences on model performances. The optima WA models based on 70 lakes produced a jack-knifed coefficient of determination (r 2 jack) of 0.89 with a root mean squared error (RMSEP) of 0.32 for pH and r 2 jack of 0.74 and RMSEP of 0.21 (log10 μg l−1) for TP. Both models showed strong performances in comparison with existing models for Ireland and elsewhere. Application of the pH and TP transfer functions developed here will enable the generation of quantitative water quality data from the expanding number of palaeolimnological records available for the Irish Ecoregion, and thus facilitate the use of palaeolimnological approaches in the reconstruction of past lake water quality, ecological assessment and restoration.  相似文献   

Recent heavy metal accumulation in Dongjiu and Xijiu lakes,East China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Taihu Lake has been recognized as a seriously contaminated waterbody with regard to Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn over the last two decades. The input of pollutants has increased due to economic and social development and population increase. Seventy percent of the pollutants in Taihu Lake comes from rivers, with the Yili River being a major source of pollutants. Lakes Xijiu and Dongjiu are connected to the Yili River and Taihu Lake and are sites where material is preferentially deposited because of hydrodynamic conditions. Sediment cores were collected from Xijiu Lake (core XJ-1) and Dongjiu Lake (core DJ-5) to investigate anthropogenic heavy metal contamination. Concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn gradually increased since the late 1930s, peaked in 1970, and then dropped slightly. A sudden increase in concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn occurred in 1991 and peaked again in 1996, then dropped markedly. Maximum concentration of Cd in core XJ-1 was 21.2 mg kg−1 and mean concentration was 12.1 mg kg−1. In core DJ-5, the maximum and mean concentrations were 6.9 and 5.4 mg kg−1, respectively. Cr showed a pattern of variation different from the other heavy metals, but its concentration also dropped after peaking in 1996. Enrichment factors and anthropogenic factors revealed that human activities in the catchment played a key role in the heavy metal contamination. Increases in Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn concentration were caused by industrial development, particularly from non-ferrous metal smelting industries. The recent drop in Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations is attributed to pollution reduction measures instituted by the government. Cr was influenced by both natural and anthropogenic processes.  相似文献   

We propose a palaeolimnological method for inferring past total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in lake water from spectrophotometrically-measured sedimentary pigments, particularly total carotenoids (TC). Our approach is based on a highly significant statistical correlation (P < 0.0001) between pigment concentrations (total carotenoids) in the surface sediment of 28 Italian lakes (subalpine, large, deep, shallow, volcanic) and TP concentrations measured in these lakes at overturn when the core was collected. A transfer function was developed from this “training” set, and used to estimate past TP concentrations from pigment concentrations in sediment cores. The results generally agreed with TP values as measured by long-term water quality monitoring programs. Contrasting results were obtained by a comparison with diatom-inferred TP. While the diatom model showed a tendency to overestimate TP values higher than 100 μg l−1, the pigment model correctly estimated TP in lakes when TP was <100 μg l−1, but not when lakes were rich in macrophytes. In fact, lakes with extensive populations of aquatic submersed macrophytes and epiphytes are outliers in terms of the TC versus TP relationship. The root mean square error of prediction of the pigment model is lower than those derived from certain diatom—based inference models. The predicted and residual values are not related to the estimated values and their average is not statistically different from zero. Errors were estimated via a ‘leave-one-out’ re-sampling technique. The proposed method permits rapid and relatively inexpensive determination of reference trophic conditions.  相似文献   

Goat husbandry in Oman’s Hajar Mountains supplies income and manure to farmers. An earlier analysis concluded that it uses purchased feeds inefficiently, but did not value the contribution of mountain pastures to goat nutrition and cropland fertilization. Therefore intake of pasture vegetation, cultivated forages and purchased feeds was determined in goats from three villages in spring and autumn 2005. Faecal excretion was quantified using TiO2 and diet digestibility was calculated from faecal nitrogen (N).Organic matter (OM) intake varied from 71 to 107 g kg−0.75 d−1. Pasture vegetation supplied 45-71% of OM intake, and at least 28%, 33% and 42% of phosphorus (P), metabolizable energy (ME) and N intake. While ME intake just covered maintenance and locomotion requirements, N and P intake exceeded the animals’ requirements. Therefore faecal concentrations (g kg−1 OM) of 26-36 g N and 4-8 g P were high, making goat dung a key element of sustainability for the local cropping systems.Since mountain pastures supply nutrients to goats and cropland, their long-term productivity is crucial. Feeding cultivated forages seemingly reduces intake on pasture, but a comprehensive evaluation of nutritional and economic implications of this strategy and possible alternatives is needed.  相似文献   

尹海龙  田长彦  任婧  陈春秀  黄建 《中国沙漠》2014,34(5):1277-1284
以盐生植物盐角草(Salicornia europaea)为材料,以NaCl模拟不同盐度环境,盆栽试验了氮(0.3g·kg-1,N1;0.6g·kg-1,N2;1.2g·kg-1,N3;2.4g·kg-1,N4)、盐(2.5g·kg-1,S1;5.0g·kg-1,S2;7.5g·kg-1,S3)处理对其生长发育及氮素吸收利用的影响。结果表明:(1)不同盐度下施氮均可以显著促进盐角草的生长,地上部干质量均在N2处理下达到最大,而株高均在N1时达到最高,且施氮对盐角草生长的影响与盐度有关;(2)不同盐度环境下施氮所能达到的最高干物质产量及最高施氮限量不同,表现为S3S1S2,随着施氮量的增加,氮素生产力与氮素农学利用效率均表现出下降的趋势;(3)施氮显著增加了盐角草各器官含氮量及氮吸收量,同一施氮水平下盐角草各器官含氮量及氮吸收量均表现为同化枝茎根;(4)同一施氮水平下,随着盐度的增加,盐角草同化枝渗透势显著下降,同一盐度环境下,随着施氮量的增加,同化枝渗透势呈现出下降趋势,渗透调节能力增大;(5)3个盐度环境下,施氮均增加盐角草同化枝光合色素含量,从而提高光合效率,增强其对盐渍环境的适应能力。  相似文献   

A sediment core from Lake Koucha (eastern Tibetan Plateau) was investigated using organic biomarkers and their stable carbon isotope signatures. The correlation between TOC content, total amount of aquatic macrophyte-derived n-alkanes (e.g. nC23) and δ13C values of TOC and nC23 indicates that Lake Koucha was macrophyte-dominated before 8 cal ka BP. Shortly after the lake turned from a saline to a freshwater system at 7.2 cal ka BP, a variety of algal and bacterial markers such as hopanoids and isoprenoids emerged, of which phytane, pentamethylicosene (PMI), moretene and diploptene are particularly abundant. Phytane and PMI show different isotopic signals (≈−18 and ≈−28‰, respectively), which indicates that they originated from different sources. Phytane may have been derived from cyanobacteria, while methanogenic archaea may be the source of PMI. The isotopic depletion of diploptene and moretene (≈−60‰) indicates the presence of methanotrophs. After 6.1 cal ka BP, the saturated C20 highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) became the dominant constituent of the aliphatic hydrocarbon fraction. Such dominance has rarely been reported in lacustrine environments, and indicates a strong presence of algae (most likely diatoms) or cyanobacteria. At 4.7 cal ka BP, the appearance of an unsaturated C25 HBI, which is a specific biomarker for diatoms, was noted. Furthermore, the level of nC17-alkane was observed to increase in abundance in the uppermost two samples. These results suggest that the lake was phytoplankton-dominated during the last 6.1 ka. Relatively low biomarker concentrations and δ13C values at 6.0, 3.1 and 1.8 cal ka BP indicate the occurrence of cool periods, which is in agreement with inferences from other locations on the Tibetan Plateau. The δ13C values of nC23 range from −23.5 to −12.6‰, with high values at the peak of macrophyte abundance at ca. 11 cal ka BP and at the phytoplankton maximum between ca 6.1 and 2.8 cal ka BP. Thus, aquatic macrophyte-derived mid-chain n-alkanes have been found to be excellent indicators of carbon-limiting conditions, which lead to the assimilation of isotopically-enriched carbon species. The limitation of carbon sources could be a localized phenomenon occurring in dense plant stands (as in the older section of the core), or it may be induced by high primary productivity (as in the younger section). Since the δ13C value of the inorganic carbon source may vary, the offset between the δ13C values of nC23 and TIC could serve as a more precise proxy for carbon-limiting conditions in lacustrine environments, which could in turn be interpreted with respect to lacustrine paleo-productivity.  相似文献   

The apparent isotope enrichment factor εmacrophyte of submerged plants (εmacrophyte–DIC = δ13Cmacrophyte − δ13CDIC) is indicative of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) supply in neutral to alkaline waters and is related to variations in aquatic productivity (Papadimitriou et al. in Limnol Oceanogr 50:1084–1095, 2005). This paper aims to evaluate the usage of εmacrophyte inferred from isotopic analyses of submerged plant fossils in addition to analyses of lake carbonate as a palaeolimnological proxy for former HCO3 concentrations. Stable carbon isotopic analysis of modern Potamogeton pectinatus leaves and its host water DIC from the Tibetan Plateau and Central Yakutia (Russia) yielded values between −23.3 and +0.4‰ and between +14.0 and +6.5‰, respectively. Values of ε Potamogeton–DIC (range −15.4 to +1.1‰) from these lakes are significantly correlated with host water HCO3 concentration (range 78–2,200 mg/l) (r = −0.86; P < 0.001), thus allowing for the development of a transfer function. Palaeo-ε Potamogeton–ostracods values from Luanhaizi Lake on the NE Tibetan Plateau, as inferred from the stable carbon isotope measurement of fossil Potamogeton pectinatus seeds (range −24 to +2.8‰) and ostracods (range −7.8 to +7.5%) range between −14.8 and 1.6‰. Phases of assumed disequilibrium between δ13CDIC and δ13Costracods known to occur in charophyte swards (as indicated by the deposition of charophyte fossils) were excluded from the analysis of palaeo-ε. The application of the ε Potamogeton–DIC-HCO3 transfer function yielded a median palaeo-HCO3 -concentration of 290 mg/l. Variations in the dissolved organic carbon supply compare well with aquatic plant productivity changes and lake level variability as inferred from a multiproxy study of the same record including analyses of plant macrofossils, ostracods, carbonate and organic content.  相似文献   

Salinity and sodicity of groundwater are the principal water quality concerns in irrigated areas of arid and semi-arid regions. The hydrochemical characteristics and sodicity of groundwater in the Shirin Sou area, western Iran were investigated in this study by chemical analyses of groundwater samples from 49 wells. Chemical analysis of the groundwater showed that the mean concentration of the cations was in the order: Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+, while that for anions was SO3 2− > Cl > HCO3  > NO3 . The most prevalent water type is Na–SO4 followed by water types Na–Cl and Ca–SO4. The chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by water–rock interactions: mainly weathering of aluminosilicates, dissolution of sulfate minerals, and cation exchange reactions. Sulfate dissolution and pyrite weathering may both contribute to the SO4 2− load of the groundwater. High Na+ concentrations in groundwater participate in ion-exchange processes, resulting in the displacement of base cations into solution and raised concentrations in groundwater. The principal component analysis (PCA) performed on groundwater identified three principal components controlling variability of groundwater chemistry. Electrical conductivity, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, SO4 2−, and Cl content were associated in the same component (PC1) (salinity), most likely linked to anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

为阐明祁连山青海云杉(Picea crassifolia)林分布带对其土壤碳、氮含量的影响,以分布在祁连山东段和西段的典型青海云杉林为研究对象,通过野外取样和室内分析,论述了青海云杉林浅层土壤碳、氮含量特征及其相互关系。结果表明:(1)祁连山东、西段土壤剖面有机碳含量均随土壤深度的增加而减小,但不同土层差异显著性不同,0~40cm含量分别为73.57±17.17g·kg-1和45.85±11.93g·kg-1;东、西段土壤剖面有机碳储量没有明显的变化规律,0~40cm有机碳储量分别为205.51±39.44t·hm-2和134.93±25.80t·hm-2。(2)祁连山东、西段土壤全氮含量随土层深度变化和不同土层差异显著性变化规律同土壤有机碳含量,0~40cm全氮含量分别为4.56±0.88g·kg-1和2.81±0.66g·kg-1;东、西段土壤全氮储量亦同土壤有机碳储量变化规律,0~40cm储量分别为12.77±2.08t·hm-2和8.38±1.56t·hm-2。(3)祁连山东、西段土壤剖面不同土层C/N比差异显著性变化规律相同,其C/N值分别为15.92±1.24和16.10±2.07;C/N比值大小主要取决于有机碳含量;线性分析表明,土壤有机碳与全氮含之间呈极显著的正相关关系,可用乘幂曲线模型Y=aXb较好地描述(p0.01)。上述研究结果可为祁连山水源涵养林建群种青海云杉林的经营和管理提供理论依据和数据支撑。  相似文献   

This study presents detailed lithostratigraphy and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic variations in a 520-cm-long sediment core from a cirque basin in the Labsky důl Valley, Krkonoše Mountains, Czech Republic. Detailed study of the core reveals five major periods of sedimentation during the last 7600 years: silt and sand deposition during ~7.6–5.1 ka cal BP, Sphagnum peat accumulation during ~5.1–4.0 ka cal BP, sandy silt and sand during ~4.0–2.8 ka cal BP, raised peat bog during ~2.8–2.0 ka cal BP (Sphagnum peat), and sedimentation of sandy silt since ~2.0 ka cal BP. The δ13C values of the organic matter in the core vary in the range typical for C3 plants, from −24.35 to −27.68‰, whereas the δ15N values vary from −2.65 to +4.35‰. Core sections having ash contents ≥70% have δ15N > 1‰ and δ13C < −26‰, whereas those having ≤70% ash content have δ15N < 1‰ and δ13C > −26‰. Strong linear correlations are observed between δ13C and δ15N values as well as between C:N ratios and δ15N values in the horizons with ash content >10%, primarily for sand and silt horizons. On the other hand, poor correlations between δ13C and C:N ratio, as well as δ15N and C:N ratio, were observed in Sphagnum peat layers (45–125 and 185–265 cm). We conclude that the primary stable isotope variations are not preserved in the layers where significant correlation between δ15N and C:N ratio is observed. The relatively small δ13C variation in the uppermost Sphagnum peat layer suggests stable temperature during ~2.8–2.0 ka cal BP.  相似文献   

29 specimens of a cichlid fishSarotherodon (=Tilapia) alcalicus grahami were collected from Lake Nakuru between September and October 1990 and samples of liver, kidney, muscle, brain and fat were removed for analysis of organochlorine pesticide and metal residues. Fat was extracted and the concentration of three lindane (BHC/HCH) isomers (alpha, beta andgamma), aldrin, heptachlor, heptachlor-epoxide, endrin, dieldrin, DDD, DDE and DDT was determined. Fish muscle samples were digested and the concentration of mercury, arsenic and cadmium was also determined. No residues of o,p1-DDD, p,p1-DDD, aldrin, endrin and dieldrin were detected. The highest residue concentration detected was 0.062 mg kg−1 of p,p1-DDT. The mean pesticide residue concentration levels were generally low. The [p,p1-DDT]/[p,p1-DDE] ratio of 1.22 indicated that the residues of the parent DDT compound exist in the Lake Nakuru ecosystem. There was a negative fish length: DDE concentration relationship. Similarly, there was a very weak negative relationship between arsenic concentration and length of fish. The concentrations of metal residues were considerably low. The median arsenic and cadmium concentrations were 0.03 mg kg−1 and <0.1 mg kg−1, respectively. The concentrations of mercury, with a median level of <0.01 mg kg−1, were particulary low and did not approach a level that would give rise to public health concern. Metal and pesticide residue concentration in fish in 1970 and 1990 does not show a significant increase. From these results, Lake Nakuru is presently not exposed to heavy pesticide and metal contamination, but there is a gradual build-up of these residues in the biota.  相似文献   

The lead pollution history, based on the accumulation rate of total Pb and ratio of stable isotopes (206Pb/207Pb), was studied in the annually laminated sediment of a small lake in Finland (62°20′ N; 25°41′ E). The sediment chronology based on varve counting provided a unique opportunity to explore and date signals of Pb emissions, including the ancient metallurgical activities of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the Current Era. Changes in the ratio of stable isotopes gave a pronounced signal of the atmospheric Pb fallout in AD 32–392, although this was not distinguishable in the accumulation rate of total Pb, as it was observed in previous work. Calculated accumulations of the ancient pollution Pb were low, the highest values being 0.2–0.3 mg m2 a−1 in AD 144–392, corresponding 14–21% of the accumulation of total Pb. The accumulation of pollution Pb collapsed in the fifth century and remained at or close to the background level up to the eleventh century. After this, the accumulation rate of pollution Pb began to increase and reached 1.2 mg m2 a−1 in AD 1420–1439, corresponding to 44% of the total Pb accumulation. During five centuries, from AD 1420–1895, the average accumulation of pollution Pb was 2.6 mg m2 a−1, the variation being from 0.8 to 4.8 mg m2 a−1. The accumulation of Pb started to increase exponentially in the early twentieth century, and the highest accumulations of pollution Pb (11–22 mg m2 a−1, corresponding 50–76% of the annual accumulation of total Pb) were dated to AD 1926–1985. The banning of the use of leaded fuel has led to a pronounced decrease in the accumulation of pollution Pb since the 1980s, and the present accumulation rate represents the level that prevailed 80–120 years ago.  相似文献   

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