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[35]Braun M,Rau F.Using a multi_year data archive of ERS SAR imagery for the monitoring of firn line positions and ablation patterns on the King George Island ice cap (Antarctica).The Workshop of EARSeL Special Interest Group:Remote Sensing of Land Ice and Snow.Dresden,2000(published on CD_Rom in 2001) [36]Rau F,Braun M,Friedrich M,et al.Radar glacier zones and its boundaries as indicators of glacier mass balance and climatic variability.The Workshop of EARSeL Special Interest Group:Remote Sensing of Land Ice and Snow.Dresden,2000(published on CD_Rom in 2001) [1]Bahr D B.Global distribution of glacier properties:A stochastic scaling paradigm.Water Resource Research,1997,33(7):1 669~1 679 [2]Bahr D B,Meier M F.Snow patch and glacier size distributions.Water Resource Research,2000,36(2):495~501 [3]Braun M,Schneider C.Characteristics of summer energy balance on the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.Annals of Glaciology,2000,31:179~183 [4]Braun M,Rau F,Saurer H,et al.The development of radar glacier zones on the King George Island Ice Cap (Antarctica) during the Austral summer 1996~1997 as observed in ERS_2 SAR data.Annals of Glaciology,2000,31:357~363 [5]Calvet J,Corbera J,Furada G.Variacion del frente glaciar en Bahia Sur y Punta Siddons entre 1956 y 1991,Isla Livingston,Islas Shetland del Sur.In: López_Martinez,J.: Geología de la Antártida Occidental.III Congreso Geológico de Espana y VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Geología,Salamanca,Espana,1992.283~292 [6]Doake C S M,Vaughan D G.Rapid disintegration of the Wordie Ice Shelf in response to atmospheric warming.Nature,1991,350(6 316):328~330 [7]Doake C S M,Corr H F J,Rott H,et al.Break_up and conditions for stability of the northern Larsen Ice Shelf,Antarctica.Nature,1998,391:778~780 [8]Fox A J,Cooper A P R.Climate_change indicators from archival aerial photography of the Antarctic Peninsula.Annals of Glaciology,1998,27:636~642 [9]Harangozo S A,Colwell S R,King J C.An analysis of a 34_year air temperature record from Fossil Bluff (71° S,68° W),Antarctica.Antarctic Science,1997,9(3):355~363 [10]Hulbe C L.Recent changes to Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves: what lessons have been learned? 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The aim of the international project “Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS)” headed by the US Geological Survey is to establish a world wide glacier inventory based on satellite imagery. This data set will form a first digital baseline study for future glacier monitoring. The presented GIS-based glacier inventory for King George Island is a case study for the area of the Antarctic Peninsula. In the database of the glacier inventory topographic information, specific glaciological parameters as well as metadata will be included. The topographic data consists of drainage basin limits, basin areas, altitudinal ranges, perimeters and mean lengths. Glaciological data sets should comprise information on glacier retreat in different periods, glacier velocities, ice thickness and bedrock topography as well as derived parameters. Modelled and measured mass balance parameters could be included as additional data layers. In particular, these metadata records must comprise background information on data accuracy and data sources and should be compatible with a future data model for the King George Island GIS (KGIS). Three examples illustrate that the GLIMS database will not only contain information valuable for glaciological applications, but also other environmental studies on the island will benefit from this standardised remote sensing data sets. Therefore, a very close link between the data models of KGIS and GLIMS has to be established to enable these synergisms. Finally, better access to historic aerial photography would enable a continuous record of glacier retreat from the beginning of the 1950's onward.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheWorkingGrouponGeodesyandGeographicInformation (WG_GGI)oftheScientificCommit teeonAntarcticResearch (SCAR )launchedtheprojectKingGeorgeIslandGIS (KGIS) .Inordertoprovideanoperationalsystem ,adatamodel,dataaccuracystandardsandadatainventoryhav…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionKingGeorgeIsland (SouthShetlandIslands,Antarctica)isoneofthemostdenselypopulatedar easinAntarctica .Permanentstationsofninediffer entnationsandanairstripsuitableforhugeair craftsarelocatedonitsicefreeareas.Theseareascompriselessthan 5%oftheisl…  相似文献   

The concept of the King George Island Expert GIS (KGI-XGIS) is introduced. KGI-XGIS is a combination of a rule-based expert system and a GIS meant to form an intelligent spatial decision support system. The system provides the spatial knowledge necessary for the environmental impact assessment process as dictated by the ‘Madrid Protocol’ for King George Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). It also serves as information system to the scientific user community. Topographic maps, remote sensing data, thematic maps based on field surveys and other digital data form the input data to the GIS. Given the sparseness of the available data these must be combined and used in the most efficient way. Therefore expert knowledge of different domains will be coded into a rule-based expert system which is coupled to the GIS. To handle the expert knowledge and the spatial data of different types and different quality the KGI-XGIS incorporates knowledge-based techniques and fuzzy reasoning. The selection of a camp site on the ice free area of Fildes Peninsula and data quality management are used as two examples to demonstrate the capabilities of the system.  相似文献   

Geospatial database creation for landslide susceptibility mapping is often an almost inhibitive activity. This has been the reason that for quite some time landslide susceptibility analysis was modelled on the basis of spatially related factors. This paper presents the use of frequency ratio, fuzzy logic and multivariate regression models for landslide susceptibility mapping on Cameron catchment area, Malaysia, using a Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing data. Landslide locations were identified in the study area from the interpretation of aerial photographs, high resolution satellite images, inventory reports and field surveys. Topographical, geological data and satellite images were collected, processed, and constructed into a spatial database using GIS and image processing tools. There were nine factors considered for landslide susceptibility mapping and the frequency ratio coefficient for each factor was computed. The factors chosen that influence landslide occurrence were: topographic slope, topographic aspect, topographic curvature and distance from drainage, all from the topographic database; lithology and distance from lineament, taken from the geologic database; land cover from TM satellite image; the vegetation index value from Landsat satellite images; and precipitation distribution from meteorological data. Using these factors the fuzzy membership values were calculated. Then fuzzy operators were applied to the fuzzy membership values for landslide susceptibility mapping. Further, multivariate logistic regression model was applied for the landslide susceptibility. Finally, the results of the analyses were verified using the landslide location data and compared with the frequency ratio, fuzzy logic and multivariate logistic regression models. The validation results showed that the frequency ratio model (accuracy is 89%) is better in prediction than fuzzy logic (accuracy is 84%) and logistic regression (accuracy is 85%) models. Results show that, among the fuzzy operators, in the case with “gamma” operator (λ = 0.9) showed the best accuracy (84%) while the case with “or” operator showed the worst accuracy (69%).  相似文献   

1 IntroductionKingGeorgeIsland’s (KGI)ecosystemshavebeensubjectedtovarioustypesofexploitationandobjectofseveralscientificexpeditions,sinceitwasdiscoveredjustafterthefirstsightingofAntarctilandbyWilliamSmithin1 81 9.KGIwasnamedaf tertheBritishkingofthattime …  相似文献   

The advent of very high-resolution satellite programs and digital airborne cameras with ultra high resolution offers new possibilities for very accurate mapping of the environment. With these sensors of improved spatial resolution, however, the user community faces a new problem in the analysis of this type of image data. Standard classification techniques have to be augmented with appropriate analysis procedures because the required homogeneity of landuse/landcover classes can no longer be achieved by the integration effect of large pixel sizes (e.g., 20–80 m). New intelligent techniques will have to be developed that make use of multisensor approaches, geographic information system (GIS) integration and context-based interpretation schemes.The ideal goal should be that GIS ‘intelligence’ (e.g., object and analysis models) should be used to automate the classification process. In return, GIS objects can be extracted from a remote sensing image to update the GIS database. This paper presents the development of an automated procedure for biotope type mapping from ultra high-resolution airborne scanner data (HRSC-A). The hierarchical procedure incorporates a priori GIS information, a digital surface model (DSM) and multispectral image data. The results of this study will serve as a basis for a continuous environmental monitoring process in the tidally influenced region of the Elbe River, Germany.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionAgeographicinformationsystem (GIS)isusedtocollect,display ,analyseandmanagegeographicallyrelatedinformation .Itisanimportanttooltointe gratespatialdataacquiredatdifferentscales,timesandformats.GISisameansof1 )exchanginginformationbetweencountr…  相似文献   

The presentation contains information on existing geodetic data for King George Island obtained from the questionnaires distributed among the members of the WGGGI.  相似文献   

The presentation contains information on existing geodetic data for King George Island obtained from the questionnaires distributed among the members of the WGGGI.  相似文献   

A three level classification system, based on the genesis of landforms, was used to map the geomorphology of the Goa state. The first level corresponds to the process that was responsible for landform generation, the second level or the intermediate level was assigned based on the morphography, and the third level corresponds to the individual landforms units identified based on the morphostructure. The mapping was carried out using IRS-P6 LISS-III (23.5 m) satellite image as the primary data source. Ancillary data such as geological map, topographic map, digital elevation model (DEM), field data collected by global positioning system (GPS) and web portals for image visualisation, were also used for the mapping purpose. A new software designed for mapping landforms based on the genesis, was used in this study to create a seamless geomorphology and lineament database of the Goa state in a GIS environment. A total of 58 landforms within six types of genetic classes were mapped in this area. Similarly, structural and geomorphic lineaments were also delineated using the satellite data. The database created has multi-purpose usability such as environmental studies, mining activity assessment, coastal zone management and wasteland development, since the classification system used is focused on processes, not theme specific.  相似文献   

王昌翰 《测绘科学》2012,(4):184-186,190
本文介绍了重庆城市空间数据生产管理现状、数据更新保障机制,着重介绍了综合运用全野外数据采集、规划管理成果、航空摄影测量、卫星遥感影像、缩编等手段更新系列比例尺空间数据的技术方法;针对院空间数据生产库(制图库)与应用库(GIS库)衔接不紧密的现状,提出了生产库与应用库双库存储模式解决方案,既解决了复杂生产数据的数据库管理问题,又满足即时向政府部门及社会提供地理信息服务。  相似文献   

GIS建库的目的是实现对空间数据的有效管理,满足空间分析、管理、规划和决策的需求,而地图制图关注的是地理要素的符号化表达,二者面向两种的不同需求。因此,在GIS建库的同时往往得不到符合制图规范的传统地图。本文深入分析建库数据模型和制图数据模型的特点,引入"建库与制图一体化"思想,实现从GIS数据到制图数据的信息补偿,基于SuperMap软件进行了实践,达到了"一库两用"的目的,避免了数据的重复建设。  相似文献   

地形信息光谱数据库系统设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地形信息光谱数据库以地形信息波谱数据的知识化、定量化和实用化为目标,是一个集地物光谱实测数据、环境参数、景观图片数据、影像数据、测绘知识等于一体的地形信息光谱知识库,具有数据转换、检索查询、可视化分析及光谱匹配等功能。地形信息光谱数据库实现了地物波谱数据与地形图中地形要素的有机结合,为地形要素属性信息自动分类提供了技术支撑和实验环境,为快速实现地形图的测制与更新提供新的技术方案。  相似文献   

New digital systems for the processing of photogrammetric and remote sensing images have led to new approaches to information extraction for mapping and Geographic Information System (GIS) applications, with the expectation that data can become more readily available at a lower cost and with greater currency. Demands for mapping and GIS data are increasing as well for environmental assessment and monitoring. Hence, researchers from the fields of photogrammetry and remote sensing, as well as computer vision and artificial intelligence, are bringing together their particular skills for automating these tasks of information extraction. The paper will review some of the approaches used in knowledge representation and modelling for machine vision, and give examples of their applications in research for image understanding of aerial and satellite imagery.  相似文献   

奚歌  吴正鹏  侯晨  姜伟男 《东北测绘》2012,(10):70-73,76
基于卫星遥感影像进行基本地形图更新具有更新周期短、效率高的特点,最优卫星影像数据源选取环节为实施关键步骤。本文分析了卫星影像数据选取的主要影响因素;基于遥感影像尺度效应、地形图成图比例尺、研究区域和地物特征适宜空间分辨率、影像质量等基本信息,对用于地形图更新的卫星影像数据的基本要求提出了建议。  相似文献   

The climate change phenomena have been influencing terrestrial and glacial ecosystems around the planet. Maritime Antarctica is especially sensitive to these climate variations and over the last 50 years increasing global air temperatures have caused extensive glacial retreat. The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential use of the SAR technology in monitoring the surface dynamics of the Potter Peninsula, King George Island, maritime Antarctica. An image generated by the SAR satellite COSMO-SkyMed, obtained on 2 February 2011, was used to extract the backscattering values of targets on the surface for further processing and classification, using a supervised statistic classifier of maximum likelihood for the determination of the surface classes. The average backscattering of water bodies presented high similarity, which made its separation unattainable. On the other hand, the surface classes’ bare ice and wet snow over the glacier presented distinct average backscattering values, which allowed an efficient and precise classification using only this parameter. The classification process showed satisfactory results for periglacial environments, presenting high fidelity to the field data.  相似文献   

刘志芳  赵荣  石丽红 《测绘科学》2007,32(Z1):98-99
从GIS空间数据库中提取信息,是促进空间数据在电子政务中应用的有效方法。本文提出了运用空间分析和统计分析技术建立地理因子库的技术方法,基于1:25万地形数据库和DEM数据库,分别以250m格网和行政区域为单元,建立了澜沧江流域的包括水系、居民地、交通和高程的地理因子库,为澜沧江流域开展资源环境的综合分析与评价提供数据保障。  相似文献   

遥感和GIS技术在全球海面风速分析中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈戈  方朝阳 《遥感学报》2002,6(2):123-128
将遥感技术和地理信息系统(GIS)技术相结合,建立了一个基于TOPEX卫星的全球海面风速分析的海洋地理信息系统(MGIS)。阐述了全球海面风速分析模型的建立方法,定义了描述风场特征的相关参数,介绍了全球海面风速海洋地理信息系统的结构、功能和工作流程,另外,对系统的3个应用实例进行了地学分析。  相似文献   

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