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In this paper we assemble and analyze quantitative annual input-export budgets for total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) for Chesapeake Bay and three of its tributary estuaries (Potomac, Patuxent, and Choptank rivers). The budgets include estimates of TN and TP sources (point, diffuse, and atmospheric), internal losses (burial in sediments, fisheries yields, and denitrification), storages in the water column and sediments, internal cycling rates (zooplankton excretion and net sediment-water flux), and net downstream exchange. Annual terrestrial and atmospheric inputs (average of 1985 and 1986 data) of TN and TP ranged from 4.3 g TN m?2 yr?1 to 29.3 g TN m?2 yr?1 and 0.32 g TP m?2 yr?1 to 2.42 g TP m?2 yr?1, respectively. These rates of TN and TP input represent 6-fold to 8-fold and 13-fold to 24-fold increases in loads to these systems since the precolonial period. A recent 11-yr record for the Susquehanna River indicates that annual loads of TN and TP have varied by about 2-fold and 4-fold, respectively. TN inputs increased and TP inputs decreased during the 11-yr period. The relative importance of nutrient sources varied among these estuaries: point sources of nutrients delivered about half the annual TN and TP load to the Patuxent and nearly 60% of TP inputs to the Choptank; diffuse sources contributed 60–70% of the TN and TP inputs to the mainstream Chesapeake and Potomac River. The direct deposition of atmospheric wet-fall to the surface waters of these estuaries represented 12% or less of annual TN and TP loads except in the Choptank River (37% of TN and 20% of TP). We found direct, although damped, relationships between annual rates of nutrient input, water-column and sediment nutrient stocks, and nutrient losses via burial in sediments and denitrification. Our budgets indicate that the annual mass balance of TN and TP is maintained by a net landward exchange of TP and, with one exception (Choptank River), a net seaward transport of TN. The budgets for all systems revealed that inorganic nutrients entering these estuaries from terrestrial and atmospheric sources are rapidly converted to particulate and organic forms. Discrepancies between our budgets and others in the literature were resolved by the inclusion of sediments derived from shoreline erosion. The greatest potential for errors in our budgets can be attributed to the absence of or uncertainties in estimates of atmospheric dry-fall, contributions of nutrients via groundwater, and the sedimentation rates used to calculate nutrient burial rates.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of dredged material disposal on benthic macroinvertebrates in Galveston Bay, Texas, USA, while investigating the utility of estimating secondary production with estimation methods that have less rigorous data requirements than most classical techniques. Production estimates were compared to estimates of benthic consumption by blue crabs, shrimp, and epibenthic fish. There was no evidence that dredged material disposal had a detrimental impact on benthic production; however, production was low throughout the entire bay the year following dredged material disposal, which may have obscured an assessment of the impact of disposal. In fact, disposal sites yielded both the highest production estimates and species richness in both the upper and lower bay areas 2 yr after disposal. Of the five estimation methods used, two that incorporated environmental parameters (temperature and depth) yielded similar and moderate results, ranging from 1.1 g ash-free dry weight m2 yr1 to 26.9 g ash-free dry weight (AFDW) m?2 yr?1 over the 4 yr studied. Daily food ration estimates applied to fishery-independent trawl-survey data yielded overall benthic consumption estimates ranging from 1.1 g AFDW m?2 to 1.7 g AFDW m?2. A second method of estimating consumption, which used transfer efficiency estimates and annual fisheries statistics produced slightly lower benthic consumption estimates (0.72–1.13 g AFDW m?2). The average consumption estimate exceeded benthic production in the upper bay in one of the 4 yr for which benthic production was estimated. In years with high benthic production, the estimated benthic food requirement of epibenthic predators was roughly 10–15% of benthic production. Variation in annual benthic production estimates was two to three times greater than the variation in consumption estimates.  相似文献   

N2 fixation associated with the epiphytic community on standing dead Spartina alterniflora shoots was examined in both a natural and transplanted salt marsh in North Carolina. Acetylene reduction (AR) assays were conducted over a 24-mo period to estimate N2 fixation rates on standing dead stems and leaves. In the natural salt marsh, mean AR rates ranged from 0.5 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1 to 14 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1, while in the transplanted marsh mean AR rates ranged from 1 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1 to 33 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1. Diel AR activity of epiphytic communities in both marshes varied seasonally. Midday incubations yielded higher AR rates than nighttime incubations in the spring, while midday incubations in late summer and fall generally yielded AR rates equal to or lower than nighttime incubations. Desiccation during low tides occasionally repressed AR activity, although AR rates quickly rebounded with wetting. AR activity was localized in the epiphytic community, rather than in the underlying Spartina stem material. Based on the measured AR rates and the density of standing dead stems, the annual input of new N to the natural salt marsh via epiphytic N2 fixation is estimated to be 2.6 g N m?2 yr?1. The estimate of annual input of new N to the transplanted marsh is 3.8 g N m?2 yr?1. These estimates should be added to previous estimates of N2 fixation in marsh sediments to estimate the total contribution of new nitrogen to salt marsh nitrogen budgets.  相似文献   

Multiple proxies from a 319-cm peat core collected from the Hudson Bay Lowlands, northern Ontario, Canada were analyzed to determine how carbon accumulation has varied as a function of paleohydrology and paleoclimate. Testate amoeba assemblages, analysis of peat composition and humification, and a pollen record from a nearby lake suggest that isostatic rebound and climate may have influenced peatland growth and carbon dynamics over the past 6700 cal yr BP. Long-term apparent rates of carbon accumulation ranged between 8.1 and 36.7 g C m? 2 yr? 1 (average = 18.9 g C m? 2 yr? 1). The highest carbon accumulation estimates were recorded prior to 5400 cal yr BP when a fen existed at this site, however following the fen-to-bog transition carbon accumulation stabilized. Carbon accumulation remained relatively constant through the Neoglacial period after 2400 cal yr BP when pollen-based paleoclimate reconstructions from a nearby lake (McAndrews et al., 1982) and reconstructions of the depth to the water table derived from testate amoeba data suggest a wetter climate. More carbon accumulated per unit time between 1000 and 600 cal yr BP, coinciding in part with the Medieval Climate Anomaly.  相似文献   

We studied organic matter cycling in two Gulf Coast tidal, nonsaline marsh sites where subsidence causes marine intrusion and rapid submergence, which mimics increased sea-level rise. The sites experienced equally rapid submergence but different degrees of marine intrusion. Vegetation was hummocked and much of the marsh lacked rooted vegetation. Aboveground standing crop and production, as measured by sequential harvesting, were low relative to other Gulf CoastSpartina patens marshes. Soil bulk density was lower than reported for healthyS. alterniflora growth but that may be unimportant at the current, moderate sulfate levels. Belowground production, as measured by sequential harvesting, was extremely fast within hummocks, but much of the marsh received little or no belowground inputs. Aboveground production was slower at the more saline site (681 g m?2 yr?1) than at the less saline site (1,252 g m?2 yr?1). Belowground production over the entire marsh surface averaged 1,401 g m?2 yr?1 at the less saline site and 585 g m?2 yr?1 at the more saline site. Respiration, as measured by CO2 emissions in the field and corrected for CH4 emissions, was slower at the less saline site (956 g m?2 yr?1) than at the more saline site (1,438 g m?2 yr?1), reflecting greater contributions byS. alterniflora at the more saline site which is known to decompose more rapidly thanS. patens. Burial of organic matter was faster at the less saline site (796 g m?2 yr?1) than at the more saline site (434 g m?2, yr?1), likely in response to faster production and slower decomposition at the less saline site. Thus vertical accretion was faster at the less saline site (1.3 cm yr?1) than at the more saline site (0.85 cm yr?1); slower vertical accretion increased flooding at the more saline site. More organic matter was available for export at the less saline site (1,377 g m?2 yr?1) than at the more saline site (98 g m?2 yr?1). These data indicated that organic matter production decreased and burial increased in response to greenhouse-like conditions brought on by subsidence. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY069 00016  相似文献   

In an attempt to characterize localized rates of sediment accretion, 10 sediment cores were collected from the lower reach of the Passaic River, a major tributary of Newark Bay, New Jersey. Sediments were assayed for 210Pb activity at predetermined depths and the rate of sediment accretion (cm yr?1) was estimated from the least squares regression of the log of unsupported activity versus depth. Sediment accretion rates, derived from 210Pb measurements (RPb) were used to predict the depth interval within the core containing sediments deposited around 1954; subsequent 137Cs analyses were focused on this depth interval. Sediment accretion rates derived from 137Cs measurements (RCs) were extrapolated from the depth of the 1954 horizon. Lead-210 derived sediment accretion rates in cores collected from a sediment bench extending along the inside bend on the southern shore of a meander in the river, ranged from 4.1 cm yr?1 to 10.2 cm yr?1 and averaged 6.8 cm yr?1. The RCs estimates for cores from this area ranged from 3.8 cm yr?1 to 8.9 cm yr?1 and averaged 6.6 cm yr?1. The RCs for cores collected in a more hydrologically dynamic reach of the river upstream of the sediment bench, were only 0.41 cm yr?1 and 0.66 cm yr?1. The results of this investigation indicate that this reach of the lower Passaic River is an area of high sediment accumulation, retaining much of the sediment load deposited from upstream and downstream sources. The rates of sediment accretion in the lower Passaic River are among the highest reported anywhere in the Newark Bay estuary.  相似文献   

During 1995 the phytoplankton in the Swan River were intensively sampled to assess biomass and species composition. Continuous measurements of fluorescence, salinity, and temperature were made weekly during 40 km sampling trips along the estuary and used to map the seasonal progression of the algal biomass. Weekly measurements of primary production were made and used to model net primary production from the vertical distribution of biomass, irradiance, and phytoplankton species composition. Potential nutrient limitation was assessed with “all but one” nutrient bioassays. The results indicate a complex mixture of potentially limiting factors, which vary in time and space. Although the data sequence is short, it suggests a annual succession pattern of diatoms, chlorophytes, diatoms, and finally dinoflagellates and cryptophytes in late summer-autumn. Peak seasonal biomass was observed during January to April. Mean annual chlorophylla biomass was greatest in upstream stations (5–9), where estimates of net primary production rates averaged 1.55 g C m?2 d?1 and gross primary production was 800–1000 g C m?2 yr?1. Potential nutrient limitation was most severe from November to May, although not during January 1995. Based on bioassay results, during the period of greatest potential for nutrient limitation, nitrogen was 15 to 30 times more limiting to biomass development than phosphate. Runoff due to consistent rainfall during winter eventually breaks down stratification and flushes the estuary with low-salinity, nutrient-rich water, producing, a light-limited, nutrient-rich aquatic ecosystem. Timing and magnitude of physical forcing events, mainly rainfall, appear critical in determining the susceptibility of this ecosystem to summer and autumn algal blooms.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variations in the rate of sedimentation and sediment resuspension in Lake Rehtijärvi (southern Finland) were studied by sediment traps deployed in the stratifying and non‐stratifying regions of the lake. Both the gross sedimentation rate and the resuspension rate recorded by near‐bottom traps were significantly higher in the stratifying region (>20 m depth) than in the shallow part of the lake (2 m depth). These rate changes were caused by temporarily elevated hypolimnetic resuspension rates exceeding 40 g dry weight m?2 day?1 in July 2005, whereas in the shallow station no such peak was observed and the resuspension rate remained below 30 g dry weight m?2 day?1 throughout the study. The elevated resuspension rate in the hypolimnion could not be attributed to surface wave action or sediment disturbance by fish, but was due to the occurrence of internal seiches. The seiche amplitude was on average the highest in July, although the wind velocities were low; this was because winds temporarily were blowing along the longitudinal axis of the lake. Due to the steep slopes, the sediments of Lake Rehtijärvi are prone to redistribution and sediment focusing towards the accumulation areas also affected trap catches in the deep stations.  相似文献   

This paper documents the role of salt marsh algal mats in the productivity of a southern California tidal wetland. The productivity of the mats, which are composed of filamentous bluegreen and green algae and diatoms, varies both temporally and spatially in relation to tidal inundation and overstory vegetation. The estimates of net primary productivity (NPP) were highest under the canopy ofJaumea carnosa (Less.) Gray (341 g C m?2 yr?1) at low elevation. Elsewhere, NPP appeared to be limited by low light (276 g C m?2 yr?1 underSpartina foliosa Trin.) and desiccation (185 g C m?2 yr?1 underBatis martima L. and 253 g C m?2 yr?1 underMonanthochloe littoralis Engelm). Algal NPP was from 0.8 to 1.4 times that of the vascular plant overstory NPP. It is hypothesized that the arid environment of southern California and resulting hypersaline soils reduce vascular plant cover, which leads to high algal productivity.  相似文献   

In an attempt to more fully understand the dissolved inorganic nitrogen dynamics of the Neuse River estuary, 15NH4 + and 15NO3 ? uptake rates were measured and daily depth-integrated rates calculated for seven stations distributed along the salinity gradient. Measurements were made at 2–3-wk intervals from March 1985 to February 1989. Significant dark NH4 + uptake occurred and varied both spatially and seasonally, accounting for as much as 95% of light uptake with the median being 33%. Apparent NH4 + uptake ranged from 0.001 μmol N 1?1 h?1 to 4.2 μmol N 1?1 h?1, with highest rates occurring during late summer-fall in the oligohaline estuary. Apparent NH4 + uptake was significantly related to NH4 + concentration (p<0.01); however, the regression explained <3% of the variation. Daily-integrated NH4 + uptake ranged from 0.1 mmol N m?2 d?1 to 133 mmol N m?2 d?1 and followed the trend of apparent uptake. Annual NH4 + uptake of the estuary was significantly lower in 1988 than for any other year. Dark uptake of NO3 ? was only 14% of maximum light uptake. Apparent NO3 ? uptake rates ranged from 0.001 μmol N 1?1 h?1 to 1.84 μmol N 1?1 h?1 with highest rates occurring in the oligohaline estuary. Apparent NO3 ? uptake was significantly related to NO3 ? concentration (p<0.01); however, the regression explained <5% of the variation. In general, NO3 ? uptake was only 20% of total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) uptake. Daily-integrated NO3 ? uptake ranged from 0.1 mmol N m?2 d?1 to 53 mmol N m?2 d?1 and followed similar patterns of apparent uptake. Annual NH4 + uptake was 11.39 mol N m?2 yr?1, 10.28 mol N m?2 Yr?1, 10.93 mol N m?2 yr?1, and 7.38 mol N m?2 yr?1, and 1.84 mol N m?2 yr?1, with the 4-yr mean being 10.0. Annual NO3 ? uptake was 3.12 mol N m?2 yr?1, 3.40 mol N m?2 yr?1, 1.96 mol N m?2 yr?1, and 1.84 mol N m?2 yr?1, with the 4-yr mean being 2.6. The total annual DIN uptake was more than twice published estimates of phytoplankton DIN demand, indicating that there is an important heterotrophic component of DIN uptake occurring in the water column. The extrapolation of nitrogen demand from primary productivity results in serious underestimates of estuarine nitrogen demand for the Neuse River estuary and may be true for other estuaries as well.  相似文献   

Saltmarsh tidal channels have often been recognized as being stable landscape features, despite highly sinous planforms, severely undercut banks, and high rates of bank erosion. In an effort to solve this paradox, a saltmarsh tidal channel in the San Francisco Bay was monitored from March 1995 to March 1996. The short-term rate of bank erosion was measured using erosion pins and found to be 57 ± 10 mm yr?1 on the outside banks of meander bends. In addition, a long-term maximum lateral migration rate of 23 ± 23 mm yr?1 was estimated from aerial photos, producing a dimensionless channel migration rate (defined as the rate of migration divided by channel with), of 0.5% yr?1. The difference in the rates of lateral migration and bank erosion is attributed to the persistence of failed bank material (slump blocks) in the channel. The slump blocks induce sedimentation, protect the banks, and prevent further bank erosion. A published stability analysis method for undercut banks is applied to determine a maximum overhanging width. Using the measured compressive and tensile strengths of rooted bank material, 16.55 ± 1.16 kPa and 2.93 ± 0.71 kPa, respectively, the maximum width of an undercut bank is calculated to be 0.69 m. The average width of slump blocks measured in the field is 0.67 ± 0.25 m. A simple numerical model predicting the rate of lateral migration is derived using the results from the stability analysis and data from sedimentation and erosion pins inserted throughout the channel. This model accurately predicts a rate of 23 ± 3 mm yr?1.  相似文献   

Aeolian sand and dust in polar regions are transported offshore over sea ice and released to the ocean during summer melt. This process has long been considered an important contributor to polar sea floor sedimentation and as a source of bioavailable iron that triggers vast phytoplankton blooms. Reported here are aeolian sediment dispersal patterns and accumulation rates varying between 0·2 g m?2 yr?1 and 55 g m?2 yr?1 over 3000 km2 of sea ice in McMurdo Sound, south‐west Ross Sea, adjacent to the largest ice free area in Antarctica. Sediment distribution and the abundance of southern McMurdo Volcanic Group‐derived glass, show that most sediment originates from the McMurdo Ice Shelf and nearby coastal outcrops. Almost no sediment is derived from the extensive ice free areas of the McMurdo Dry Valleys due to winnowed surficial layers shielding sand‐sized and silt‐sized material from wind erosion and because of the imposing topographic barrier of the north‐south aligned piedmont glaciers. Southerly winds of intermediate strength (ca 20 m sec?1) are primarily responsible for transporting sediment northwards and offshore. The results presented here indicate that sand‐sized sediment does not travel more than ca 5 km offshore, but very‐fine sand and silt grains can travel >100 km from source. For sites >10 km from the coast, the mass accumulation rate is relatively uniform (1·14 ± 0·57 g m?2 yr?1), three orders of magnitude above estimated global atmospheric dust values for the region. This uniformity represents a sea floor sedimentation rate of only 0·2 cm kyr?1, well below the rates of >9 cm kyr?1 reported for biogenic‐dominated sedimentation measured over much of the Ross Sea. These results show that, even for this region of high‐windblown sediment flux, aeolian processes are only a minor contributor to sea floor sedimentation, excepting areas proximal to coastal sources.  相似文献   

Roughly 200 tonnes of arsenic are produced annually with the base metal ores at Sudbury about 125 tonnes of which are released to the ambient environment via the atmosphere. The dispersion of this highly toxic element in lakes around the smelters is described. The total As concentrations in unfiltered lake waters vary from 0.2 to 0.6 ug 1?1. The suspended particulates in the water column (with As contents of 2–6 ug g?1) play a major role in the flux of arsenic to the lake sediments. The present-day rates of As accumulation in the sediments are found to be 1.5–6.4 mg m?2 yr?1; these rates exceed those of precolonial times by factors of 5–47. The changes in the rates of As flux to the sediments are shown to parallel the history of Cu and Ni production in the district.  相似文献   

Sedimentary methane (CH4) fluxes and oxidation rates were determined over the wet and dry seasons (four measurement campaigns) in Pulicat lake, an extensive shallow estuary in south India. Dissolved CH4 concentrations were measured at 52 locations in December 2000. The annual mean net CH4 flux from Pulicat lake sediments was 3.7 × 109 g yr-1 based on static chamber measurements. A further 1.7 × 109g yr-1 was estimated to be oxidized at the sediment-water interface. The mean dissolved concentration of CH4 was 242nmol |-1 (ranging between 94 and 501 nmol |-1) and the spatial distribution could be explained by tidal dynamics and freshwater input. Sea-air exchange estimates using models, account only for ∼13% (0.5 × 109 g yr-1) of the total CH4 produced in sediments, whereas ebullition appeared to be the major route for loss to the atmosphere (∼ 63% of the net sediment flux). We estimated the total atmospheric source of CH4 from Pulicat lake to be 0.5 to 4.0 × 109g yr-1.  相似文献   

The chronology of near-surface sediments in Lake Illawarra has been investigated using radiocarbon dating and anthropogenically derived substances including trace metals, ash, and137Cs. Sediments at depths about 1 m below the water-sediment interface ranged in age from Modern to 786 calendar years bp on the basis of radiocarbon dating ofNotospisula trigonella valves. Multiple marker (for example ash-trace metals) depth-concentration sediment profiles yielded estimates of sedimentation rate ranging from 3 to 5 mm yr–1 at Griffins Bay to more than 16 mm yr–1 at Macquarie Rivulet. Sedimentation rates of approximately 10 mm yr–1 appeared to be typical of the western and southwestern portions of the lagoon. Rates of sediment accretion, prior to catchment clearing, urbanization, and industrialization have been estimated at less than 1 mm yr–1, thus indicating a general tenfold increase in sediment accumulation adjacent to the western foreshore caused by catchment development. Accelerated sedimentation in shallow coastal lagoons constitutes significant environmental impacts including shoaling, degradation of seagrass beds, and increased turbidity with consequent loss of aesthetic appeal. Management policy should be directed at attempts to reduce the amount of sediment input by the construction of strategically placed sediment retention ponds. Siltation within the shallow embayments of Lake Illawarra could be ameliorated by a carefully planned program of dredging.  相似文献   

A 2,500-year history of anoxia and eutrophication in Chesapeake Bay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ongoing monitoring programs and historical data are not sufficient to establish anthropogenic effects on the ecology of Chesapeake Bay. However, stratigraphic records preserved in the sediments can be used to reconstruct both prehistoric and historic sedimentation and water conditions of the bay, including anoxia and eutrophication. Pollen, diatoms, total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen, total sulfur, and an estimate of the degree of pyritization of iron (DOP) are being used as paleoecological indicators in dated sediment cores for the purpose of reconstructing a long-term environmental history of the bay. Analysis of the data indicates that sedimentation rates, anoxic conditions, and eutrophication have increased in the Chesapeake Bay since the time of European settlement. For example, since initial land clearance around 1760, sedimentation rates have increased from as low as 0.02 cm yr?1 to an average 0.22 cm yr?1, and TOC from 0.14 mg cm?2 yr?1 to a high 4.96 mg cm?2 yr?1. Diatom community structure shows a steady decrease in overall diversity since 1760 and the centric:pennate ratio has increased significantly since 1940.  相似文献   

The role of methane clathrate hydrates in the global methane budget is poorly understood because little is known about how much methane from decomposing hydrates actually reaches the atmosphere. In an attempt to quantify the role of water column methanotrophy (microbial methane oxidation) as a control on methane release, we measured water column methane profiles (concentration and δ13C) and oxidation rates at eight stations in an area of active methane venting in the Eel River Basin, off the coast of northern California. The oxidation rate measurements were made with tracer additions of 3H-CH4.Small numbers of instantaneous rate measurements are difficult to interpret in a dynamic, advecting coastal environment, but combined with the concentration and stable isotope measurements, they do offer insights into the importance of methanotrophy as a control on methane release. Fractional oxidation rates ranged from 0.2 to 0.4% of ambient methane per day in the deep water (depths >370 m), where methane concentration was high (20–300 nM), to near-undetectable rates in the upper portion of the water column (depths <370 m), where methane concentration was low (3–10 nM). Methane turnover time averaged 1.5 yr in the deep water but was on the order of decades in the upper portion of the water column. The depth-integrated water column methane oxidation rates for the deep water averaged 5.2 mmol CH4 m−2 yr−1, whereas the upper portion of the water column averaged only 0.14 mmol CH4 m−2 yr−1; the depth-integrated oxidation rate for deep water in the 25-km2 area encompassing the venting field averaged 2 × 106 g CH4 yr−1. Stable isotope values (δ13C-CH4) for individual samples ranged from −34 to −52‰ (vs. PDB, Peedee belemnite standard) in the region. These values are isotopically enriched relative to hydrates in the region (δ13C-CH4 about −57 to −69‰), further supporting our observations of extensive methane oxidation in this environment.  相似文献   

We collated information on the sources and sinks of organic carbon in Manukau Harbour, a shallow temperate estuary. Two contrasting inner harbor regions were considered; the northern region, which is urbanized and receives a major load of sewage wastewater, and the southern region, where allochthonous inputs are dominated by the runoff from small rural streams. Although high levels of dissolved nitrogen in the wastewater supported phytoplankton blooms in the northern region, total primary production there was similar to that in the southern region (ca. 300 g C m?2yr?1). By contrast, high concentrations of organic carbon in the wastewater resulted in an additional input to the northern region of 120 g C m?2 yr?1. Loads from runoff and streams to both regions were low. At 350 g C m?2 yr?1, total respiration in the northern region exceeded total production, so the region was slightly heterotrophic. Respiration was lower in the southern region (270 g C m?2 yr?1), which was net autotrophic. Some carbon was exported from each region to the outer harbour (50–80 g C m?2 yr?1). Dissolved oxygen levels in the northern region were somewhat depleted at times; and the high numbers of microzooplankton indicated consumption was enhanced there. Apart from a relatively small area of organic enrichment close to the wastewater discharge, benthic consumers in the harbor appeared to be limited by physical disturbance (by wind-waves) rather than by food availability. Improved wastewater treatment is expected to substantially reduce the allochthonous input to the northern region, with the total input of carbon in the future being only slightly higher than that to the southern region.  相似文献   

Sediment core segments from Sylvan Lake, Lake Champlain and Lake Canadarago were dated radiometrically with 210Pb and 137Cs. Their respective sedimentation rates were determined to be 0.11, 0.14 and 0.52 g cm?2 yr?1. For the two lakes of lower sedimentation the variations of selected elemental abundances as function of depth were analyzed. Two groupings were found: Al, K, Ti, Rb and Zr were correlated among themselves but reflected different variations in the input of terrigenous erosion material to the lakes. The Cu, Zn and Pb correlated among themselves showed similar depth dependence with increasing concentrations toward the top which can be attributed to cultural pollution. Recent ‘excess’ fluxes to the sediments above the natural contribution by clastic material were derived for the location of the cores, which for Cu, Zn and Pb amounted to 3.8, 24 and 16 μg cm?2 yr?1 respectively for Sylvan Lake and 4.9, 20 and 16 μg cm?2 yr?1 for Lake Champlain. The corresponding 210Pb flux was 3.3 and 2.3 dpm cm?2 yr?1, respectively for the two lakes.Approximate residence times in the water column were obtained for trace metals at the Lake Champlain location. Short residence times estimated for Pb (< 0.15 yr) and Cu (< 0.4 yr) indicate fast removal, whereas those for Zn (1.0 ± 0.3 yr) and Cr (2.0 ± 0.5 yr) appeared to be dominated by the water residence time.  相似文献   

Monthly measurements of suspended sediment concentration and salinity were made at 29 stations along the axis of Long Island Sound from August 1987 through February 1988. The measurements were combined in a 29-segment, two-layer box model to calculate the total sediment fluxes and accumulation rates. Estimates of the total suspended load range from 300,000 metric tons, corresponding to an average residence time of about 2.3 months. Average accumulation rates calculated with the model ranged from about 0.024 mm month?1 to 0.150 mm month?1 for a net annual rate of 0.92 mm yr?1. This is in good agreement with geochemically determined sedimentation rates of 0.75±0.13 mm yr?1 and suggests an oceanic source of sediment equivalent to about 45% of the mud accumulated in the sound.  相似文献   

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