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湿地作为地球上宝贵的自然资源,在维持自然生态平衡、改善生态环境、防治污染等方面具有极其重要的功能。基于Landsat 8 OLI遥感数据,通过对比分析关于湿地和水体的不同提取方法及结果,确定了适合于白洋淀淀区湿地和开阔水体的最佳提取方法,并利用改进的指数方法和谱间关系法分别对淀区湿地和开阔水体进行了定量化提取。鉴于白洋淀淀区湿地主要包括开阔水体和芦苇区两部分,将淀区内湿地和开阔水体进行几何拓扑后,得到淀区内芦苇区的范围。总结出一套适用于白洋淀湿地及其组成部分提取的综合方法,为利用遥感技术在白洋淀淀区内提取湿地及相关信息提供了方法借鉴。  相似文献   

The hydrochemical composition of surface water and groundwater is a key parameter for understanding the evolution of water and its quality.In particular, little is known about the impact of transferred water on surface water and groundwater.In this study, Baiyangdian Lake was selected as a typical area for extensive groundwater exploration and surface water transfer in the North China Plain.Surface water and groundwater samples were sampled in dry/wet seasons and then analyzed before/after the water transfer, respectively.Generally, surface water and groundwater are extensively hydrologically connected based on hydrochemical evidence.It was found that the hydrochemical composition of the shallow groundwater is affected by the surface water and that the water quality of the deep groundwater is stable.However, inter-aquifer recharge processes from the shallow groundwater to the deep groundwater existed in the anthropogenic region impacted with high nitrate-ion concentrations.Also, the hydrochemical composition of the surface water and groundwater was dominated by rock-weathering and evaporation-precipitation processes.Due to the existence of the deep vadose zone in the alluvial fan, Na~+was exchanged into soil matrices during the leakage of the surface water.In addition, the transferred water resulted in surface water with good quality, and it also played as an important recharge source to groundwater.As the most important water resource for irrigation and drinking, deep groundwater should be paid more attention in the alluvial fan with frequent water transfer and extensive groundwater exploration.  相似文献   

基于多时相Landsat遥感影像,利用适合白洋淀湿地信息提取的综合提取方法提取湿地范围。将湿地范围视为水体淹没区,淹没区的边界线视为对应地表水位高程的等高线,并根据遥感影像、高程控制点等对淀区内受人为影响的局部区域进行校正,插值生成白洋淀湿地底部的数字高程模型(DEM)。选用遥感影像和地面高程控制点对构建的数字高程模型进行验证,遥感影像验证精度在80%以上,地面控制点验证误差在±0.5 m以内的点达到80%。这种由一系列遥感影像提取等高线生成数字高程模型的方法可以弥补白洋淀湿地内数字高程信息不足的缺陷,对于提高白洋淀湿地的水均衡计算和构建湖泊与地下水耦合模型的精度有着重要意义。  相似文献   

全球气候变化对地表水环境质量影响研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
全球气候变化对水文循环有着重要的影响,由气候变化所引起水资源量的时空分布和水质变化等问题已成为各国科学家和政府关注的热点。目前,气候变化对水资源的影响研究多集中于水量,而有关水质方面的影响研究相对较少。全球气候变化主要包括降水,气温,辐射和风速等气象因子的变化。本文综述了温度的升高、降水的增多或减少、风速和风型的变化、光照时间长短以及辐射增强等变化对地表水环境质量影响的研究进展;阐述了气候变化背景下,气象因子如何通过影响水体中污染物的来源、迁移转化方式、生化反应速率和生态效应等过程而直接或间接对地表水环境质量产生影响。并在对现有研究成果进行总结分析的基础上,从微观、中观和宏观的角度提出了气候变化对水环境质量影响的研究展望。  相似文献   

挠力河流域湿地和耕地变化对径流深的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
运用线性、对数、指数和三次函数关系拟合挠力河流域1956~2000年湿地面积、耕地面积以及面降水量对径流深的影响,得出:①三次函数拟合的相关性最好;②湿地面积减少和耕地面积增加与径流深的相关性小于面降水量与径流深的相关性.通过分析湿地面积减少和耕地面积增大对径流递减贡献机理,认为湿地面积减少,降低了湿地冷湿效应,增加了陆面蒸发的潜力;湿地转变成耕地,改变了土壤对降水的再分配过程;耕地面积的扩大增大了土壤蒸发潜力;旱地改成水稻田增大了地表水的利用率和地下水的利用量,这些是流域地表径流深减小的原因.研究结论显示湿地面积的减少和耕地面积的增加对流域径流深的递减有较为明显的贡献;径流深的减小是流域呈干旱趋势的指征.  相似文献   

Aras water basin is located in northwest of Iran. Sungun mine which is the largest open-cast copper mine of Iran is located in this region and is in the primary stages of extraction. The influence of mining activity on the quality of regional surface water has been taken in to consideration in this study. Accordingly, sampling was done from 5 local streams in the study area. In order to consider the effect of flow quantity on the amount of different parameters, sampling was done in July and November 2005 when the local streams had the minimum and maximum flow rate respectively. The concentrations of major anions and cations as well as As, Mo, Al, Cu, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn and Zn were determined. The results showed that the concentrations of metallic ions like aluminum, chromium, copper, manganese, molybdenum and iron in samples collected in July are above USEPA (Environmental Protection Agency) limits; however, mentioned concentrations are lessened remarkably in the samples collected in November. This fact is justified considering dilution of ions concentration via more amount of water in November. The chemical characteristics of water compositions on the basis of major ion concentrations were evaluated on a Schoeller and Piper diagram. Accordingly, the dominant type of water in July and November is considered to be Ca-HCO3 (calcium-bicarbonate type). Regarding Schoeller diagram, despite relatively high concentration of calcium, the current status of local surface water is acceptable for drinking purposes. By commencing mining excavation with designed capacity in near future, the minerals will come in to contact with air and water resulting in dissolution, especially in ponds, which, in turn, increases the concentration of heavy metals in surface water. Considering consequent uses of this water including drinking, irrigation, industrial, etc. precautions must be taken in to consideration.  相似文献   


白洋淀是华北平原最大的淡水湖泊,是研究全新世气候变化的理想区域。文章选择白洋淀东垒头剖面(厚382 cm),在8个AMS-14C测年数据基础上,通过对其189个样品的地球化学元素、粒度和磁化率等指标分析,高分辨率地揭示了白洋淀地区全新世气候变化过程。研究结果显示:1)11335~10300 cal.a B.P.期间,CaO/MgO比值(多高于4.8)、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3比值(多高于1.3)、CaCO3含量(多高于12%)和中值粒径(多高于15 μm)均为整个剖面最大值,干旱指数(平均约为0.019)为剖面次高值,CIA值(多低于45)、Ti含量(多低于0.38%)和低频磁化率值(多低于10×10-8 m3/kg)为整个剖面的最低值,指示气候冷干,受新仙女木事件影响较大;2)10300~8500 cal.a B.P.期间,CaO/MgO比值、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3比值、干旱指数和中值粒径明显下降,CIA值、Ti含量、低频磁化率值均不同程度上升,指示气候向暖湿发展;3)8500~6000 cal.a B.P.期间,气候总体温暖湿润,干旱指数(平均达0.014)为剖面的最小值,CIA值和Ti含量较高,CaO/MgO比值、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3比值较低;但该阶段所有指标波动剧烈,8200 cal.a B.P.和6800 cal.a B.P.左右CaO/MgO比值、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3比值、干旱指数、CaCO3含量出现高峰值,CIA值和Ti含量出现低峰值,指示2次明显冷干事件;4)6000~4200 cal.a B.P.期间,CaCO3含量最低,但干旱指数较高,CaO/MgO比值、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3比值均有不同程度上升,指示气候湿润度有所下降;其中4500 cal.a B.P.为一次明显冷干事件,干旱指数呈现高峰值;5)4200~1035 cal.a B.P.期间,砂含量(多低于2%)、中值粒径(多低于10 μm)为剖面最小值;干旱指数、CaO/MgO比值、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3比值、CaCO3含量明显升高,指示气候向着凉干方向发展;干旱指数在2800 cal.a B.P.呈现高峰值,指示一次明显冷干事件,同时,该时段受人类活动影响,低频磁化率值(多高于20×10-8 m3/kg)明显高于其他时段。


1990-2016年湘江干流水质变化特征及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1990-2016年湘江干流主要断面的水质监测数据,采用综合污染指数法、Spearman秩相关检验和主成分分析法对流域水环境质量演变特征进行综合评价,并结合社会经济指标识别流域主要污染源。综合污染指数结果表明湘江水环境变化趋势明显分为两个阶段,1990-1996年间为水质变好阶段,除个别值外污染指数均小于0.2,1997-2016年间水质呈恶化趋势,水质维持在Ⅲ~IV类之间;Spearman秩相关检验结果表明污染物浓度总体呈增加趋势,其中TP、CODMn、Cd、Pb和石油类显著上升;主成分分析结果表明流域污染物主要为NH4+-N、TP和Cd,污染源为生活点源和农业面源,从上游到下游污染程度明显增大,其中湘潭断面水质污染最严重,综合得分为0.9006,道县断面相对较轻,综合得分为-0.7014,城镇化因素是影响流域水环境的主要驱动因素。研究结果可为流域水环境保护和水生态修复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

海河流域作为中国水资源最为紧张的流域,其水资源对气候变化非常敏感.以海河流域中受人类活动影响较小的伊逊河流域为对象,基于海河流域未来气候变化研究成果构建了20种气候变化情景,应用具有物理机理的分布式流域水文模型模拟了不同气候变化情景下的流域水循环情景,对气候变化对伊逊河流域水资源量的影响进行了分析,结果表明气温升高1℃将使流域内3.8mm的径流转化为蒸散发,降水的增加将使流域的蒸发和径流都有所增加,其中新增降水50%转化为蒸发,30%转化为径流.同时径流和蒸散发对于高温和强降水更为敏感.未来气候变化的不确定性使未来水资源量的变化也有很大的不确定性,在以升温为主、降水变化存在很大不确定性的情况下,伊逊河流域天然径流量可能进一步衰减.  相似文献   

This investigation is intended to evaluate the surface water quality of Brahmani River in order to determine its uses for different purposes. The water samples were collected from the strategic locations of the river from February 2014 to July 2015 and analyzed for physicochemical parameters such as water temperature; pH; electrical conductivity (EC); dissolved oxygen (DO); total dissolved solids (TDS); major cations, e.g., Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+; and major anions, e.g., F?, Cl?, \( {\mathrm{SO}}_4^{2-} \), \( {\mathrm{NO}}_3^{-} \), \( {\mathrm{PO}}_4^{2-} \), and alkalinity. The water quality index (WQI) being a valuable and unique rating scale to depict the overall water quality status in a single term has been employed to determine the feasibility of using the river water as a source for various activities. The parameters with higher impact on water quality were selected to derive WQI of each selected sampling station. Results showed significant deterioration in quality of water at some of the sampling stations. WQI of Brahmani River ranged from 37.87 to 62.36 which falls in the range of good to poor quality of water. Pearson’s correlation matrix was derived to find possible interrelations among water quality parameters.  相似文献   

长江水质地球化学   总被引:39,自引:2,他引:39  
文章在对1958—1990年期间长江水系191个站点水质监测资料进行统计分析的基础上,研究了长江主要离子的地球化学。结果表明,长江水系各地河水总溶解性固体(TDS)含量的差别达一个数量级(49·7~518·1mg/L),TDS的平均值为205·9mg/L,是全球河流均值的3倍。相比之下,河水TDS含量的季节性变化并不大,尽管河水流量的季节变化很大。长江的主要离子化学主要受岩石风化作用,尤其是碳酸盐矿物的溶解作用所控制。长江中上游的川贵地区酸雨严重。酸雨作用于当地广泛分布的石灰岩和富含碳酸盐的三叠纪砂页岩,导致近半个世纪来长江水质的酸化趋势,使大部分河段SO24-和Ca2+含量增高,总硬度与总碱度的比值增高。  相似文献   

Alkaline rocks (phosphate deposits in particular) of igneous origin are currently being mined in Zimbabwe. Exploitation of these deposits, which are associated with metals and non-metals, provides a potential for changing the river water quality in the surrounding areas by increasing metal and phosphates levels in the water, thereby endangering the beneficial use of the river. The aim and objectives of this paper are to enumerate the current impacts associated with mining alkaline rocks on Save River water quality in Zimbabwe using the Dorowa mine as a case study. Though there are several impacts associated with the mining of alkaline rocks, this paper deals only with impacts on water quality.A preliminary assessment of the water quality in the Save River downstream of the Dorowa phosphate mine showed an increase in conductivity, iron content, manganese content, nitrates and hardness when compared to those taken before mining activity began. However, there was no notable increase in phosphate and metals except for Fe and Mn. A plausible explanation for the low phosphate values in the water is that the phosphates are precipitating and settling as sediments. Phosphate is known to effectively remove metals from the surface water through the formation of metal–phosphate minerals. Thus, various pollutants may be adsorbed into sediments accumulated on the bottom of the river. These sediments may accumulate pollutants over long periods and act as new pollutant sources to the overlying water when phosphate desorbs from sediments due to changes in water conditions. Therefore, the sediments can act as a source of water pollution in the future.  相似文献   

黄河水质地球化学   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
在对1958—2000年期间黄河水系100个站点水质监测资料进行统计分析的基础上,研究了黄河主要离子的地球化学。结果表明,黄河流域各区河水总溶解性固体(TDS)含量的差异达2~3个数量级,TDS的总平均值为452mg/L,是全球河流均值的4倍。Na+、K+、SO42-和Cl-的含量是世界河流均值的10~20倍。相比之下,河水TDS含量的季节差异却不大,远不及与此呈反比关系的流量的季节差异。黄河洪水期的水量通常是枯水期的4~5倍,但枯水期河水的TDS通常只是洪水期的2倍,完全不同于世界其他大河。黄河的离子化学主要受沉积岩(尤其是富含碳酸盐矿物的黄土)化学风化作用和在干旱气候影响下水中溶解盐的蒸发浓缩和结晶作用的控制。近半个世纪来黄河河道径流量有显著减少的趋势,这与新修建的众多水库的蓄水有关,与此相适应,近半个世纪来黄河水质表现出明显的盐渍化过程,这一过程主要由含盐量高的农田灌溉回水所引起。  相似文献   

根据水质自动监测系统数据,对柳州鸡喇地下河系统水动态变化规律及地下河出口水污染特征进行了讨论与分析。结果表明,鸡喇地下河水质呈现明显的24小时周期变化,且滞后于居民生活用水时间12小时,而Cl-与氨氮浓度变化并不一致,存在6个小时的相位差,说明Cl-不仅仅来自生活污水,可能与含无机氯的工业废水间歇性排放有关。水质自动监测可为水环境管理、水资源利用等提供决策依据,且在西南岩溶区水资源评价中具有更重要的使用价值。   相似文献   

丛喜彬  蒋兴  黄继国 《世界地质》2012,31(3):589-593
针对伊通河长春段水质逐渐恶化的问题,本文以伊通河长春段的杨家崴子断面为代表,以《地表水环境质量标准》( GB3838-2002) 为评价标准,选用水质标识指数法对其近几年的监测数据进行分析与综合评价。结果表明,伊通河长春段1999 年为Ⅴ类水体,并持续恶化,2001-2004 以及2008 年为劣Ⅴ类水体,2005 年为Ⅳ类。其中尤其以2003 年最为严重,水质中氨氮和BOD5超标最为严重,分别为19. 41 mg /L 和61. 14 mg /L。  相似文献   

Southeast South Australia has large reserves of potable groundwater, generally close to the surface. European settlement has had a major impact on groundwater quality due to the presence of extensive karst in the unconfined aquifer. Historically, industries such as cheese factories were often sited close to karst features (e.g. caves and sinkholes) because they provided a convenient means of waste disposal. Although most have long since closed, they have left a legacy of pollution plumes of varying sizes. In Mount Gambier, the main regional centre, the presence of both exposed and subterranean karst features provided a perfect system for the disposal of stormwater. Prior to the provision of a sewerage system within Mount Gambier, all toilet and household wastewaters were disposed to ground. These activities and the subsequent problems that began emerging in the 1960s have led to a concerted effort over the last 20 years to change the philosophy of waste disposal and to generate an understanding and responsibility by those who live in the region and depend on groundwater for the major part of their water supply. Mount Gambier's water supply comes from the Blue Lake. Groundwater inflow from a highly karstic Tertiary limestone aquifer provides 90% of the recharge to the Blue Lake. The lake is a high-value resource in a high-risk environment and in order to minimize this risk, a water-quality management plan for the lake is currently being developed.  相似文献   

为查明厚子河不同区域河水受硫铁矿污染的程度,在厚子河支流4个典型河流断面采集水样,开展水质全分析测试,并采用单因子评价法和综合水质标识指数法进行评价分析.研究结果表明:(1)运用单因子评价法对硫铁矿区厚子河水质评价的结果无差异,均为劣Ⅴ类水;而运用综合水质标识指数法的评价结果显示,距离硫铁矿开采区由近及远的4个断面HZ001、HZ002、HZ003、HZ004的综合水质标识指数逐渐下降,水质类别分别为劣Ⅴ类且黑臭、劣Ⅴ类但不黑臭、Ⅳ类、Ⅲ类,符合现场调查的实际情况,能够反映距离污染源越远时河水水质趋好的总体态势;(2)综合水质标识指数法不仅可以客观反映同一河流各个断面所处的综合水质类别、同一水质类别中受污染的不同程度以及与水环境功能区类别的比较结果,而且能够实现对劣V类水质污染程度的精细划分,相较于单因子评价法更加客观、科学、全面,适用于矿山开采等重污染区域河流断面水质污染情况的研判.  相似文献   

为查明厚子河不同区域河水受硫铁矿污染的程度,在厚子河支流4个典型河流断面采集水样,开展水质全分析测试,并采用单因子评价法和综合水质标识指数法进行评价分析。研究结果表明: (1)运用单因子评价法对硫铁矿区厚子河水质评价的结果无差异,均为劣Ⅴ类水; 而运用综合水质标识指数法的评价结果显示,距离硫铁矿开采区由近及远的4个断面HZ001、HZ002、HZ003、HZ004的综合水质标识指数逐渐下降,水质类别分别为劣Ⅴ类且黑臭、劣Ⅴ类但不黑臭、Ⅳ类、Ⅲ类,符合现场调查的实际情况,能够反映距离污染源越远时河水水质趋好的总体态势; (2)综合水质标识指数法不仅可以客观反映同一河流各个断面所处的综合水质类别、同一水质类别中受污染的不同程度以及与水环境功能区类别的比较结果,而且能够实现对劣V类水质污染程度的精细划分,相较于单因子评价法更加客观、科学、全面,适用于矿山开采等重污染区域河流断面水质污染情况的研判。  相似文献   

径潮动力对长江河口滞流点的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为研究三峡蓄水后滞流点的时空变化规律,应用ECOMSED模型模拟长江河口在不同径流、潮流作用下的水流动态过程。结果表明:北支大洪水期下移幅度大,涨潮动力强劲,随潮流变化大;南侧变化幅度整体较北支小,随径流的变化幅度自大至小依次为北港、南槽、北槽;随潮流的变化幅度自大至小依次为南槽、北港、北槽。滞流点随径、潮条件变化时,受地形影响明显,三峡蓄水后,径流变化范围缩小,引起不同地貌单元滞流点范围不同程度的缩小,可据此认为,与滞流点位置一致的最大浑浊带范围呈现减小的趋势,由此可能引起最大浑浊带和地貌调整。  相似文献   

Understanding the impacts of climate change on water quality and stream flow is important for management of water resources and environment. Miyun Reservoir is the only surface drinking water source in Beijing, which is currently experiencing a serious water shortage. Therefore, it is vital to identify the impacts of climate change on water quality and quantity of the Miyun Reservoir watershed. Based on long-time-series data of meteorological observation, future climate change scenarios for this study area were predicted using global climate models (GCMs), the statistical downscaling model (SDSM), and the National Climate Centre/Gothenburg University—Weather Generator (NWG). Future trends of nonpoint source pollution load were estimated and the response of nonpoint pollution to climate change was determined using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. Results showed that the simulation results of SWAT model were reasonable in this study area. The comparative analysis of precipitation and air temperature simulated using the SDSM and NWG separately showed that both tools have similar results, but the former had a larger variability of simulation results than the latter. With respect to simulation variance, the NWG has certain advantages in the numerical simulation of precipitation, but the SDSM is superior in simulating precipitation and air temperature changes. The changes in future precipitation and air temperature under different climate scenarios occur basically in the same way, that is, an overall increase is estimated. Particularly, future precipitation will increase significantly as predicted. Due to the influence of climate change, discharge, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) loads from the study area will increase over the next 30 years by model evaluation. Compared to average value of 1961?~?1990, discharge will experience the highest increase (15%), whereas TN and TP loads will experience a smaller increase with a greater range of annual fluctuations of 2021 ~ 2050.  相似文献   

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