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Geodetic adjustment models are often set up in a way that the model parameters need to fulfil certain constraints. The normalized Lagrange multipliers have been used as a measure of the strength of constraint in such a way that if one of them exceeds in magnitude a certain threshold then the corresponding constraint is likely to be incompatible with the observations and the rest of the constraints. We show that these and similar measures can be deduced as test statistics of a likelihood ratio test of the statistical hypothesis that some constraints are incompatible in the same sense. This has been done before only for special constraints (Teunissen in Optimization and Design of Geodetic Networks, pp. 526–547, 1985). We start from the simplest case, that the full set of constraints is to be tested, and arrive at the advanced case, that each constraint is to be tested individually. Every test is worked out both for a known as well as for an unknown prior variance factor. The corresponding distributions under null and alternative hypotheses are derived. The theory is illustrated by the example of a double levelled line. 相似文献
In the field of surveying, mapping and geodesy, there have been a number of works on the error-in-variable (EIV) model with constraints, where equality constraints are imposed on the parameter vector. However, in some cases, these constraints may be inequalities. The EIV model with inequality constraints has not been fully investigated. Therefore, this paper presents an inequality-constrained total least squares (ICTLS) solution for the EIV model with inequality constraints (denoted as ICEIV). Employing the proposed ICTLS method, the ICEIV problem is first converted into an equality-constrained problem by distinguishing the active constraints through exhaustive searching, and it is then resolved employing the method of equality-constrained total least squares (ECTLS). The applicability and feasibility of the proposed method is illustrated in two examples. 相似文献
Hermann Drewes 《Journal of Geodesy》1982,56(1):70-79
Modern techniques of precise geodetic positioning are capable of monitoring global tectonic movements. We can avoid the tremendous
effort of observing those point motions at every place on the earth, if we accept the model of rigid tectonic plates, which
allows us to extrapolate from discrete point observations to the appertaining plates. The target of describing plate kinematics
is the determination of its kinematic parameters, which are the coordinates of the rotation pole and the rotational velocity
of each tectonic plate.
A mathematical model is presented, which is capable of including geodetic observations (point coordinate shifts, distance
changes) as well as geophysical quantities (sea floor spreading rates, earthquake slip vectors). The parameter estimation
procedure is derived and demonstrated in simulated examples. Finally a global geodetic network for space techniques is designed,
which provides an optimum parameter estimation. 相似文献
Deformations of radio telescopes used in geodetic and astrometric very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations belong to the class of systematic error sources which require correction in data analysis. In this paper we present a model for all path length variations in the geometrical optics of radio telescopes which are due to gravitational deformation. The Effelsberg 100 m radio telescope of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn, Germany, has been surveyed by various terrestrial methods. Thus, all necessary information that is needed to model the path length variations is available. Additionally, a ray tracing program has been developed which uses as input the parameters of the measured deformations to produce an independent check of the theoretical model. In this program as well as in the theoretical model, the illumination function plays an important role because it serves as the weighting function for the individual path lengths depending on the distance from the optical axis. For the Effelsberg telescope, the biggest contribution to the total path length variations is the bending of the main beam located along the elevation axis which partly carries the weight of the paraboloid at its vertex. The difference in total path length is almost \(-\) 100 mm when comparing observations at 90 \(^\circ \) and at 0 \(^\circ \) elevation angle. The impact of the path length corrections is validated in a global VLBI analysis. The application of the correction model leads to a change in the vertical position of \(+120\) mm. This is more than the maximum path length, but the effect can be explained by the shape of the correction function. 相似文献
The empirical model GPT (Global Pressure and Temperature), which is based on spherical harmonics up to degree and order nine,
provides pressure and temperature at any site in the vicinity of the Earth’s surface. It can be used for geodetic applications
such as the determination of a priori hydrostatic zenith delays, reference pressure values for atmospheric loading, or thermal
deformation of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) radio telescopes. Input parameters of GPT are the station coordinates
and the day of the year, thus also allowing one to model the annual variations of the parameters. As an improvement compared
with previous models, it reproduces the large pressure anomaly over Antarctica, which can cause station height errors in the
analysis of space-geodetic data of up to 1 cm if not considered properly in troposphere modelling. First tests at selected
geodetic observing stations show that the pressure biases considerably decrease when using GPT instead of the very simple
approaches applied to various Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) software packages so far. GPT also provides an appropriate
model for the annual variability of global temperature.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
Atmospheric modelling in GPS analysis and its effect on the estimated geodetic parameters 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
Permanently operating Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers are used today, for example, in precise positioning and determination
of atmospheric water vapour content. The GPS signals are delayed by various gases when traversing the atmosphere. The delay
due to water vapour, the wet delay, is difficult to model using ground surface data and is thus often estimated from the GPS
data. In order to obtain the most accurate results from the GPS processing, a modelling of the horizontal distribution of
the wet delay may be necessary. Through simulations, three such models are evaluated, one of which is developed in this paper.
In the first model the water vapour is assumed to be horizontally stratified, thus the wet delay can be described by only
one zenith parameter. The second model gives the wet delay with one zenith and two horizontal gradient parameters. The third
model uses the correlation between the wet-delay values in different directions. It is found that for large gradients and
strong turbulence the two latter models yield lower errors in the estimated vertical coordinate and wet-delay parameters.
For large gradients this improvement is up to 7 mm in the zenith wet-delay parameter, from 9 mm down to 2 and 4 mm for the
second and third models, respectively.
Received: 7 May 1998 / Accepted: 1 March 1999 相似文献
Furaha N. Lugoe 《Journal of Geodesy》1990,64(3):219-229
Existing position information in a network can be integrated with the densification solution in two ways: One way is to obtain
a solution of the densification network followed by a merger of this and all other solutions or vice versa. Alternatively,
the existing solutions (not used as weighted constraints) can be taken to be pseudo-observations in a simultaneous adjustment
with the “new” observations. In both cases, all existing solutions must first be transformed to the coordinate system of the
densified network and be statistically compatible with it. Simultaneous densification and integration is discussed through
mathematical adjustment models in which the geometrical strength of networks is underscored. The rationale behind densifying
and integrating networks either in two different steps or simultaneously is analyzed. It is concluded that the simultaneous
approach should be avoided unless the various solutions turn out to be statistically compatible. 相似文献
Z. Wiśniewski 《Journal of Geodesy》2010,84(6):355-372
The method presented here assumes that a single observation can be identified with one of q functional models that compete with one another. The estimation method is based on the assumption that a theoretical quantity,
called elementary split potential, can be assigned to each observation. Such quantity is referred to the theory of probability
as well as to the theory of information. Parameters of the competitive functional models are estimated by maximizing the split
potential globally over for the whole observation set. Additionally, such M
split(q) estimates minimize the amount of information that could be provided by other estimates computed for the same observation
set. The method is a certain kind of extension of the maximum likelihood method and if one considers the generalizations presented
in the paper it can also be regarded as the development of M-estimation. Special attention is paid to the squared M
split(q) estimation where the objective function is a squared one. If q = 1, then the squared M
split(q) estimation is equivalent to the least squares method. The last part of the paper presents some numerical examples illustrating
the properties of the squared M
split(q) estimation as well as pointing at possible applications in geodesy and surveying. 相似文献
Manuel Hernández-Pajares J. Miguel Juan Jaume Sanz Àngela Aragón-Àngel Alberto García-Rigo Dagoberto Salazar Miquel Escudero 《Journal of Geodesy》2011,85(12):887-907
The main goal of this paper is to provide a summary of our current knowledge of the ionosphere as it relates to space geodetic
techniques, especially the most informative technology, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), specifically the fully
deployed and operational global positioning system (GPS). As such, the main relevant modeling points are discussed, and the
corresponding results of ionospheric monitoring are related, which were mostly computed using GPS data and based on the direct
experience of the authors. We address various phenomena such as horizontal and vertical ionospheric morphology in quiet conditions,
traveling ionospheric disturbances, solar flares, ionospheric storms and scintillation. Finally, we also tackle the question
of how improved knowledge of ionospheric conditions, especially in terms of an accurate understanding of the distribution
of free electrons, can improve space geodetic techniques at different levels, such as higher-order ionospheric effects, precise
GNSS navigation, single-antenna GNSS orientation and real-time GNSS meteorology. 相似文献
Patrick J. Fell 《Journal of Geodesy》1980,54(4):564-574
Geodetic positioning accuracies obtained from range, integrated Doppler and double differenced interferometric phase observations
from a constellation of twenty-four Global Positioning System satellites are presented. It is demonstrated that GPS range
and Doppler observations will provide sufficient accuracy for the estimation of geodetic coordinates. However the instability
of the receiver atomic oscillator will limit the usefulness of these observations in providing rapid first-order baseline
determination. Interferometric phase measurements twice differenced to eliminate clock error appear as an alternate procedure
for providing such accuracies. 相似文献
Uniqueness and existence for the geodetic boundary value problem using the known surface of the earth 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The geodetic boundary value problem using the known surface of the earth is defined and shown to have at most one solution.
Furthermore it is proved that the solution exists and that its harmonic part can be represented by the potential of a simple
layer under the sufficient condition that at the surface of the earth directions are known which lie differentially close
to the gradients of the gravity field. The advantages of this boundary value problem are outlined in comparison to the boundary
value problem formulated by Molodensky. 相似文献
Height datum definition,height datum connection and the role of the geodetic boundary value problem 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
Vertical datum definition is identical with the choice of a potential (or height) value for the fundamental bench mark. Also
the connection of two adjacent vertical datums poses no principal problem as long as the potential (or height) value of two
bench marks of the two systems is known and they can be connected by levelling. Only the unification of large vertical datums
and the connection of vertical datums separated by an ocean remains difficult.
Two vertical datums can be connected indirectly by means of a combination of precise geocentric positions of two points, as
derived by space techniques, their potential (or height) value in the respective height datum and their geoid height difference.
The latter requires the solution of the linear geodetic boundary value problem under the assumption that potential and gravity
anomalies refer to a variety of height datums. The unknown off-sets between the various datums appear in the solution inside
and outside the Stokes integral and can be estimated in a least squares adjustment, if geocentric positions, levelled heights
and adequate gravity material are available for all datum zones. The problem can in principle also be solved involving only
two datums, in case a precise global gravity field becomes available purely from satellite methods. 相似文献
Bayesian networks and agent-based modeling approach for urban land-use and population density change: a BNAS model 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Land-use change models grounded in complexity theory such as agent-based models (ABMs) are increasingly being used to examine evolving urban systems. The objective of this study is to develop a spatial model that simulates land-use change under the influence of human land-use choice behavior. This is achieved by integrating the key physical and social drivers of land-use change using Bayesian networks (BNs) coupled with agent-based modeling. The BNAS model, integrated Bayesian network–based agent system, presented in this study uses geographic information systems, ABMs, BNs, and influence diagram principles to model population change on an irregular spatial structure. The model is parameterized with historical data and then used to simulate 20 years of future population and land-use change for the City of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. The simulation results identify feasible new urban areas for development around the main transportation corridors. The obtained new development areas and the projected population trajectories with the“what-if” scenario capabilities can provide insights into urban planners for better and more informed land-use policy or decision-making processes. 相似文献
Z. Malkin 《Journal of Geodesy》2009,83(6):547-556
In this paper, a new geometry index of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observing networks, the volume of network
V, is examined as an indicator of the errors in the Earth orientation parameters (EOP) obtained from VLBI observations. It
has been shown that both EOP precision and accuracy can be well described by the power law σ = aV
in a wide range of the network size from domestic to global VLBI networks. In other words, as the network volume grows, the
EOP errors become smaller following a power law. This should be taken into account for a proper comparison of EOP estimates
obtained from different VLBI networks. Thus, performing correct EOP comparison allows us to investigate accurately finer factors
affecting the EOP errors. In particular, it was found that the dependence of the EOP precision and accuracy on the recording
data rate can also be described by a power law. One important conclusion is that the EOP accuracy depends primarily on the
network geometry and to lesser extent on other factors, such as recording mode and data rate and scheduling parameters, whereas
these factors have a stronger impact on the EOP precision. 相似文献
A globally applicable, season-specific model for estimating the weighted mean temperature of the atmosphere 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
In GPS meteorology, the weighted mean temperature is usually obtained by using a linear function of the surface temperature T s. However, not every GPS station can measure the surface temperature. The current study explores the characteristics of surface temperature and weighted mean temperature based on the global pressure and temperature model (GPT) and the Bevis T m–T s relationship (T m =?a?+?bT s). A new global weighted mean temperature (GWMT) model has been built which directly uses three-dimensional coordinates and day of the year to calculate the weighted mean temperature. The data of year 2005–2009 from 135 radiosonde stations provided by the Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive were used to calculate the model coefficients, which have been validated through examples. The result shows that the GWMT model is generally better than the existing liner models in most areas according to the statistic indexes (namely, mean absolute error and root mean square). Then we calculated precipitable water vapor, and the result shows that GWMT model can also yield high precision PWV. 相似文献