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Sandstones of early Neoproterozoic Chandarpur Group, Chattisgarh Supergroup, central India display progressive change towards greater textural and mineralogical maturity from base to top of the succession. The clay-silt matrix decreases, sorting of sand grains improves, frequency of rounded grains increases, monocrystalline quartz content increases with concomitant decrease in polycrystalline quartz, feldspar and rock fragments. The trend of variations in different mineralogical and textural attributes, however, exhibits inflections at different stratigraphic levels. The sandstones of the basal Lohardih Formation are alluvial fan deposits, characterized by high matrix and feldspar content, iron-oxide impregnated highly angular grains and poor sorting. Petrographic properties collectively indicate that the sandstones were derived from a weathered granitic crust under a humid climatic condition. Abundance of well rounded grains within the alluvial fan and overlying braided fluvial deposit indicates prolonged wind action during episodes of high aridity. The shallow marine deposit overlying the fluvial deposits in the upper part of the Lohardih Formation exhibits bed-to-bed variation in the frequency of angular grains, feldspar content and overall maturity suggesting environmentally controlled segregation of sediments. The abrupt appearance of coarse-grained immature sandstones with concomitant reappearance of iron-oxide impregnated/altered feldspar grains in the upper part of the shelf deposits of the Chaporadih Formation point to a phase of tectonic uplift that possibly triggered a regression. Continued regression and peneplanation heralded the deposition of supermature medium-grained purple quartzarenite of the upper shoreface Kansapathar Formation in the uppermost part of the Chandarpur succession under a hot desertic climatic condition. The provenance analysis revealed that the Chandarpur clastics were derived from granites and granite-gneisses of a continental block tectonic provenance. Petrographic studies further indicate that high grade metamorphic rocks did not make any perceptible contribution to the Chandarpur system. The Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt apparently did not emerge till the early Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Mesozoic and Tertiary sandstones on Spitsbergen are generally tight and well cemented while Mesozoic and Tertiary sandstones from the North Sea include highly porous reservoir rocks.It is concluded that one of the most important controlling mechanisms for preservation of porosity is the build up of high pore pressures which effectively reduce pressure solution at grain contacts and the incidence of quartz overgrowth.High pore pressures are most commonly developed in onlapping sedimentary sequences with an effective shale seal like in the North Sea.Extensive diagenetic growth of kaolinite at the expence of clastic feldspar, which is commonly observed, requires a large flux of low salinity water. The most probable mechanism is fresh ground water drive through sandstones which have served as aquifers. During the late stages of burial (1–3 kms) the diagenetic reactions must have taken place within an isochemical semi-closed system. Calculations show that porewater expelled from compacting shales is insufficient to cause significant changes in the bulk chemistry of thick sandstones. Microprobe analyses carried out on Jurassic sandstones from the Statfjord field show that there are a continuous series of transitions from clastic mica to illite and kaolinite as indicated by a gradual loss of potassium. Evidence is presented to show that silica cementation is retarded in the presence of clastic mica while carbonate and feldspar cementation is favoured in this local high pH environment between sheets of mica. Electron probe analyses show that diagenetic feldspar overgrowths are pure potassium feldspar with a composition significantly different from that of clastic feldspar. During late diagenesis the porewater was most probably near equilibrium with the reactive phases.
Zusammenfassung Die mesozoischen und tertiären Sandsteine von Spitzbergen sind im allgemeinen gut zementiert, während die gleichalten Sandsteine aus der Nordsee hochporöse Speichergesteine umfassen.Man erkennt, daß die Erhaltung der Porosität auf einen hohen Porenwasserdruck zurückzuführen ist. Dadurch wird Drucklösung an Kornkontakten sowie Weiterwachsen von Quarz verhindert.Hoher Porendruck entsteht gewöhnlich da, wo überlappende Sedimentserien mit einer Abdichtung durch Schiefer vorliegen—wie in der Nordsee.Ausgedehntes diagenetisches Wachstum von Kaolinit auf Kosten klastischer Feldspäte erfordert einen hohen Durchfluß von niedrigsalinem Wasser. Der wahrscheinlichste Mechanismus ist in einem Grundwasserstrom zu suchen, der durch die Sandsteine fließt, die als Wasserleiter dienen. Während der späten Stadien der Absenkung (1–3 km) müssen diese diagenetischen Reaktionen in einem halbgeschlossenem isochemischen System abgelaufen sein. Berechnungen aus Porenwasser, das von Schiefern gewonnen wurde, zeigen, daß dieses nicht ausreicht, bedeutende änderungen in der Gesamtchemie mächtiger Sandsteine zu bewirken.Mikrosondenanalysen, die an jurassischen Sandsteinen aus dem Statfjord-Feld vorgenommen wurden, zeigen, daß hier eine kontinuierliche Serie von übergängen aus klastischem Glimmer nach Illit und Kaolinit vorliegt. Eine stufenweise Abnahme von Kalium deutet dies an. Quarz-Zementation tritt zurück bei Anwesenheit von klastischem Glimmer, während Karbonat- und Feldspat-Zementation unter den Bedingungen eines hohen pH-Wertes zwischen den Glimmer-Blättern bevorzugt erscheint. Mikrosondenanalysen zeigen, daß der diagenetisch aufgewachsene Feldspat ein reiner Kali-Feldspat ist, der sich beträchtlich von den klastischen Feldspäten unterscheidet. Während der späten Diagenese stand das Porenwasser nahezu im Gleichgewicht mit den reagierenden Phasen.

Résumé Les grès mésozoÏques et tertiaires du Spitzberg sont en général bien cimentés, tandis que les grès de mÊme âge de la Mer du Nord comprennent des roches-réservoirs très poreuses. On en conclut que l'un des plus importants mécanismes régissant le maintien de la porosité est la mise en jeu de fortes pressions dans les pores de la roche, ce qui effectievement réduit la dissolution par la voie de la pression s'exerÇant au contact des grains et l'intervention de la croissance des grains de quartz.De fortes pressions dans les pores sont le plus couramment développées dans les séquences sédimentaires isolées par un recouvrement argileux, comme dans la Mer du Nord.La croissance diagénétique à grande échélle de la kaolinite aux dépens du feldspath détritique, communément observée, requiert une grande circulation d'eau à faible salinité. Le mécanisme le plus probable est celui de la circulation d'eau douce dans des grès aquifères. Durant les derniers stades de l'enfouissement (1–3 km) les réactions diagénétiques se sont produites dans un système isochimique à moitié fermé. Des calculs montrent que l'eau poreuse chassée des argilites à la suite de leur compaction est insuffisante pour causer des changements de quelqu'importance dans la composition chimique des grès en masses épaisses. Des analyses à la microsonde sur des grès jurassiques de la région du Statfjord montrent qu'il existe une gamme continue de transitions depuis le mica détritique jusqu'à l'illite et la kaolinite, ainsi qu'il ressort de la perte graduelle du potassium. La preuve est donnée que la cimentation par la silice est retardée par la présence de mica détritique, tandis que la cimentation par le carbonate et par le feldspath est favorisée dans ce milieu restreint à pH élevé entre lamelles de mica. Des analyses électroniques montrent que les accroissements diagénétiques de feldspath sont faits de feldspath potassique pur d'une composition notablement différente de celle del feldspath détritique. A la fin de la diagénèse l'eau intersticielle était très probablement proche de l'équilibre avec les phases réagissantes.

, , -., . . , , ., . . , -, , . . (1–3 ) . , , , . , Statfjord , ; . , pH . , ; . - .

The clay fractions of saprolites from granites, basalt, and schists in Egypt were subjected to mineralogical and geochemical investigations to examine the effect of source rock on the composition of the saprolites and the possibilities of these saprolites as a source of the nearby sedimentary kaolin deposits. The clay fractions of the studied saprolites show mineralogical and geochemical variations. Saprolites from the granites consist of kaolinite, while saprolites from the basalts are composed entirely of smectite. Schists-derived saprolites are composed of kaolinite in some cases and of a mixture of kaolinite, illite, and chlorite in the other. Saprolite from the basalt is characterized by relatively higher contents of TiO2 and Ni compared to the saprolites from granites. Saprolites from granites have higher contents of Ba, Li, Pb, Sr, Th, Y, and Zr compared to those of the saprolites from the basalts and schists. Saprolites from different schists show variations in the distributions of many constituents, such as TiO2, Cr, Ni, Ba, Y, and Zr. Although chondrite-normalized rare earth elements (REE) patterns are characterized by relative enrichments in the light rare earth elements (LREE) compared to the heavy rare earth elements (HREE) in all saprolites, granitic saprolites show negative Eu anomalies, while saprolite from basalt has no Eu anomaly. REE patterns of the saprolites from schists exhibit slight positive Ce anomalies and slight to moderate negative Eu anomalies. Weathering of saprolites from the basalt and metasediments is classified as the bisiallitization type, while weathering of saprolite from the granite is allitization type. Saprolites from schists vary from the bisiallitization (Aswan and Abu Natash) and allitization (Khaboba) types. Saprolites from the Khaboba schist can be considered the possible source of the Carboniferous kaolin deposits in the Hasber and Khaboba areas of Sinai, based on the similarity in the mineralogy and geochemistry of major, trace, and REE between the saprolites and the deposits. On the other hand, Carboniferous sedimentary kaolin deposits in the Abu Natash area, as well as the Cretaceous kaolin deposits in all areas of Sinai, might have been derived from the nearby schist saprolites, based on the similarity in the mineralogy and geochemistry between the saprolites and the kaolin deposits. Granites from the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS) and East Sahara Craton (ESC) are the possible sources of the pisolitic and plastic kaolin deposits in the Kalabsha area (Aswan), as indicated by the similarity in the mineralogy and geochemistry of the granitic saprolites and the kaolin deposits.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of the rate of gypsum leaching from the pore space in sandstone revealed a zone with higher dolomite content (due to dolomitization of calcite in the peripheral region of the block), with minimum values of gypsum content and maximum ones of total porosity. It is shown that leaching from rock blocks in the near-shore zone of the Kafirnigan (Kofarnihon) River is defined by two successive stages: (1) leaching of the dolomitization zone (the slowest) and (2) from the field with background values of dolomite and calcite (fast). The average value of the coefficient of diffusion for Ca2+ ions in the second region is higher by ~70% than in the first one.  相似文献   

胶结砂及半成岩粘土目前处于一种由土向岩石转化的状态.它们和正常意义上的土及岩石均有明显的区别.在组成、结构和构造等方面,它们既具有部分土的特征,又具有部分岩石的特征.本文对湘阴湘江大桥桥位区产出的胶结砂及半成岩粘土的土力学和岩石力学特征进行了分析,对其成因和应用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(3):295-309
Calculation of the quantity and distribution of quartz cement as a function of time and temperature/depth in quartzose sandstones is performed using a coupled dissolution/diffusional–transport/precipitation model. This model is based on the assumptions that the source of the silica cement is quartz surfaces adjoining mica and/or clay grains at stylolite interfaces within the sandstones, and the quantity of silica transport into and out of the sandstone by advecting fluids is negligible. Integration of the coupled mass transfer/transport equations over geologically relevant time frames is performed using the quasi-stationary state approximation. Results of calculations performed using quartz dissolution rate constants and aqueous diffusion coefficients generated from laboratory data, are in close agreement with both the overall porosity and the distribution of quartz cement in the Middle Jurassic Garn Formation only after optimizing the product of the effective surface area and quartz precipitation rate constants with the field data. When quartz precipitation rate constants are fixed to equal corresponding dissolution rate constants, the effective surface area required to match field data depends on the choice of laboratory generated quartz rate constant algorithm and ranges from 0.008 cm−1 to 0.34 cm−1. In either case, these reactive surface areas are ∼2 to 4 orders of magnitude lower than that computed using geometric models.  相似文献   

To achieve a more robust interpretation of sediment conditions and transport based on grain size, this study combines the perspectives of two different interpretation techniques that have been developed separately and applied in the literature: (i) ‘grain size trend analysis’ interprets changes between interrelated sampling sites assuming that sediment in the direction of transport should become either coarser, better sorted and more positively skewed, or finer, better sorted and more negatively skewed; and (ii) the ‘population anomalies’ method, which estimates the balance between erosion and accumulation processes at each sampling site based on individual site deviations compared with average values for grain‐size parameters in the area of interest. The simultaneous use of both approaches enables sedimentological conditions and transport alternatives to be distinguished. This improvement is necessary because site‐specific changes and general textural trends provide information that complements the strengths and weaknesses of each perspective. The methods are implemented here using two‐dimensional Geographic Information System tools and illustrated for the Lithuanian coast. Grain‐size characteristics of 712 surface samples of sandy sediments are used to interpret sediment transport pathways and predominant sedimentological conditions in the Lithuanian coastal zone. In general, coast‐parallel sediment transport dominates the entire investigation area, although wave‐induced movement perpendicular to the coastline is inferred in the shallow nearshore zone. The deepest areas offshore are characterized by sea floor erosion in the north, whereas an accumulation zone occurs in the relatively deep central part of the study area.  相似文献   

The Permanente terrane, part of the Franciscan accretionary complex of California, contains an unusual fault-bounded packet bearing lithic-volcanic sandstones and conglomerates. Based on petrographical, sedimentological, stratigraphical and geochemical studies, it is concluded that these rocks were deposited on the flank of an oceanic rise or plateau by sediment gravity flows probably below the carbonate compensation depth. The bulk geochemistry of the sandstones is similar to the chemistry of greenstones in the Permanente terrane, suggesting that the greenstones or rocks similar to them represent the source of the lithic-volcanic sandstones, and that the sandstones geochemically ‘remember’ the chemistry of their source rocks. This ‘sedimental memory’ is impressive: geochemical variation in the sandstones is co-linear with presumable magmatic variation trends in the greenstones. Sandstone geochemistry, plotted on Zr/Y vs. Y and V vs. Ti diagrams, shows that compositions occupy similar fields as greenstones in the Permanente terrane and oceanic crustal compositions in general. Because oceanic crustal sequences can become accreted to continental margins, oceanic crust should be considered a potential source of sediment, especially in continental margin settings. However, differentiating sandstones derived from oceanic arcs and from oceanic crust is extremely difficult unless discriminating geochemical criteria are used.  相似文献   

吴亚东  杨进辉  朱昱升 《岩石学报》2023,39(9):2583-2597

本文对中国东部中新世四子王旗玄武岩开展了详细的全岩和橄榄石主、微量元素及全岩Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Mg同位素研究, 据此探讨它们的成因及源区性质。研究发现, 四子王旗玄武岩具有类似于高μ(HIMU)型地幔起源熔体的微量元素分布特征, Zr、Hf、Ti的负异常, 高的Zr/Hf比值(Zr/Hf=49.3~54.8), 以及低于正常地幔范围的δ26Mg值(-0.51‰~-0.49‰), 表明其来源于碳酸盐化地幔源区。它们还具有低的Sc含量(10.1×10-6~10.5×10-6)和高的Gd/Yb比值(8.7~9.4), 结合它们橄榄石斑晶低的Fo值, 高的NiO含量和Fe/Mn比值, 揭示其母岩浆为碳酸盐化榴辉岩部分熔融产生。四子王旗玄武岩具有亏损的Sr-Nd-Hf同位素(87Sr/86Sr=0.70370~0.70449;εNd=+6.3~+6.4;εHf=+9.7~+10.3), 以及较低的Pb同位素组成(206Pb/204Pb=17.94, 207Pb/204Pb=15.44, 208Pb/204Pb=37.89), 指示它们源区为年轻的再循环洋壳物质, 很有可能来自于滞留的西太平洋板片。四子王旗玄武岩位于南北重力梯度带以西并远离海沟, 意味着滞留的西太平洋板片在物质上对上覆地幔的影响范围较之前认识的要更广。


Fault affecting silicoclastic sediments are commonly enriched in clay minerals. Clays are sensitive to fluid–rock interactions and deformation mechanisms; in this paper, they are used as proxy for fault activity and behavior. The present study focuses on clay mineral assemblages from the Point Vert normal fault zone located in the Annot sandstones, a Priabonian-Rupelian turbidite succession of the Alpine foredeep in SE France. In this area, the Annot sandstones were buried around 6–8 km below the front of Alpine nappes soon after their deposition and exhumed during the middle-late Miocene. The fault affects arkosic sandstone beds alternating with pelitic layers, and displays throw of about thirty meters. The fault core zone comprises intensely foliated sandstones bounding a corridor of gouge about 20 cm thick. The foliated sandstones display clay concentration along S–C structures characterized by dissolution of K-feldspar and their replacement by mica, associated with quartz pressure solution, intense microfracturation and quartz vein precipitation. The gouge is formed by a clayey matrix containing fragments of foliated sandstones and pelites. However, a detailed petrographical investigation suggests complex polyphase deformation processes. Optical and SEM observations show that the clay minerals fraction of all studied rocks (pelites and sandstones from the damage and core zones of the fault) is dominated by white micas and chlorite. These minerals have two different origins: detrital and newly-formed. Detrital micas are identified by their larger shape and their chemical composition with a lower Fe–Mg content than the newly-formed white micas. In the foliated sandstones, newly-formed white micas are concentrated along S–C structures or replace K-feldspar. Both types of newly formed micas display the same chemical composition confirmed microstructural observations suggesting that they formed in the same conditions. They have the following structural formulas: Na0.05 K0.86 (Al 1.77 Fe0.08 Mg0.15) (Si3.22 Al0.78) O10 (OH)2. They are enriched in Fe and Mg compared to the detrital micas. Newly-formed chlorites are associated with micas along the shear planes. According to microprobe analyses, they present the following structural formula: (Al1,48 Fe2,50 Mg1,84) (Si2,82 Al1,18) O10 (OH)8. All these data suggest that these clay minerals are synkinematic and registered the fault activity. In the gouge samples, illite and chlorite are the major clay minerals; smectite is locally present in some samples.In the foliated sandstones, Kubler Index (KI) ((001) XRD peak width at half height) data and thermodynamic calculations from synkinematic chlorite chemistry suggest that the main fault deformation occurred under temperatures around 220 °C (diagenesis to anchizone boundary). KI measured on pelites and sandstones from the hanging and footwall, display similar values coherent with the maximal burial temperature of the Annot sandstones in this area. The gouge samples have a higher KI index, which could be explained by a reactivation of the fault at lower temperatures during the exhumation of the Annot sandstones formation.  相似文献   

Preservation bias may significantly impact the application of detrital zircon geochronology in reconstructing Earth surface processes.Here we compare detrital zircons from the actively eroding Murchison River channel in Western Australia with Ordovician fluvial sediments that have drained similar source rocks along the western margin of the West Australian Craton.In addition to standard analysis of detrital zircon age spectra we apply multivariate statistics to test the relation between 3-D grain shape,U-content and U-Pb ages,with the objective to quantify differences between both sample groups and track preservation along the transport pathway of the Murchison River.Our results show that zircon grains in modern river sands display an upstream trend toward larger surface areas,volume equivalent diameters and grain widths,as well as toward higher U-contents and lower apparent grain densities.3-D grain shape,size and age spectra of Murchison River zircons evolve consistently downstream,but even at the river outlet remain distinct from the Ordovician samples,as a less mature representation of source.We interpret Ordovician river zircons to represent a significantly depleted subset from which up to 22% of the zircon population may have been lost compared to the actively transported detrital load.This discrepancy between the characteristics of detrital zircons in modern active rivers and ancient fluvial Ordovician sandstones demonstrates a bias that could be relevant for other source-sink detrital transport systems throughout Earth history.  相似文献   

库车盆地的早白垩世地层为一套干旱气候条件下的红层沉积,包括洪积扇砾岩、间歇性河流砂砾岩、风成细砂岩和粉砂岩、沙漠湖相紫红色泥岩等类型的沉积,组成一个较为典型的沙漠沉积体系。在库车河剖面,下白垩统红层中发育一些厚层至块状的“高能细砂岩和高能粉砂岩”,多为岩屑长石石英砂岩和长石岩屑石英砂岩。它们以良好的分选性和较高的结构成熟度、较细的粒度、较低的成分成熟度和大型交错层理的发育为特征,显示出较为明显的风成沉积特点。  相似文献   

 A total of 121 bed sediment samples were collected from a 5.8-km stretch of Manoa Stream, Hawaii. Samples were physically partitioned into two grain-size fractions, <63 μm and 63–125 μm, acid digested and analyzed by ICP-AES and FAAS. Non-parametric matched-pair statistical testing and correlation analysis were used to assess differences and strengths of association between the two fractions for Al, Ba, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Ti and Zn. Results indicated statistically significant differences between fractions for all elements except Mn. Concentrations were significantly greater in the <63 μm fraction for Al, Cu, Pb, Ti and Zn, while Ba, Fe and Ni were higher in the 63–125 μm fraction. Though some elements had statistically significant differences between fractions (Al, Ba, Fe and Zn) percentage differences were in the range of analytical precision of the instrument and thus differences were not practically significant. Correlation analysis indicated strong positive associations for all elements between the two fractions (p<0.0001). Three contamination indices indicated similar degrees of pollution for each size fraction for four elements having an anthropogenic signal (Ba, Cu, Pb and Zn). The environmental information obtained from the 63–125 μm fraction was essentially equivalent to that from the <63 μm fraction. In this system it is clear that both bed sediment fractions indicate anthropogenic enrichment of trace metals, especially Pb, and further supports previous research that has found that aquatic sediments are critical median for tracing sources of pollution. Received: 17 August 1998 · Accepted: 30 October 1998  相似文献   

Clay deposits in Oltu-Narman basins (Erzurum, northern Turkey) have been studied to determine their engineering properties and to evaluate their uses for geotechnical applications. These deposits are concentrated in two different stratigraphic horizons namely the Late Oligocene and the Early Miocene sequences. Clay-rich fine-grained sedimentary units are deposited in shallow marine and lagoonar mixed environments. Their clay minerals originated by the alteration of Eocene calc-alkaline island-arc volcanics, preferably from pyroclastics (trachite and andesite flow), which form the basement for the Oltu depression. Smectite group clay minerals are found abundant in clay deposits. The experimental results show that the clay soils have high plasticity behaviors and low hydraulic conductivity properties. The optimum water content, the free swell, and the swelling pressure of clay samples decreased and the maximum dry unit weight of clay samples increased under high temperature. Consequently, it is concluded that the expanding of clay soils is an important soil problem that cannot be avoided in the significant parts of Oltu city and its villages. However, the soils of clay-rich layers in the outcrops-section of clay deposits can be successfully used to build compacted clay liners for landfill systems and to construct vertical and horizontal barriers for protection of ground water and for preventing soil pollution in geotechnical applications.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地满加尔凹陷志留系砂岩为无障壁的潮坪、滨岸及辫状河三角洲沉积的岩屑砂岩和岩屑质石英砂岩,对满北和满东、满南地区志留系砂岩成岩作用序次尤其是碳酸盐胶结的时间、方式和特征、物性的对比研究认为:砂岩中碳酸盐胶结的时间早晚对砂岩孔隙演化具有重要影响,满北地区志留系砂岩发育有大量早期泥晶碳酸盐胶结,显微镜下研究表明这种胶结作用发生在岩石受到充分压实之前,呈基底式胶结,岩石颗粒呈点接触或漂浮状分布于早期碳酸盐胶结物之中,这种胶结作用抑制了岩石后期的压实作用。尽管目前其埋藏达5 000~6 500 m,但其经历的压实作用并不强烈,粒间发育大量早期的碳酸盐胶结物,后来这些胶结物被溶蚀,形成了大量次生孔隙。而在满东和满南地区的志留系砂岩,碳酸盐胶结发生在岩石经过充分压实之后,晚期的碳酸盐胶结物仅分布于岩石经充分压实后的粒间孔隙中,含量较前者低,后期可供溶蚀的碳酸盐比前者少,因而溶蚀形成的次生孔隙有限。因此,尽管满东满南地区志留系埋藏比满北浅(3 700~5 000 m),碳酸盐胶结物含量也低,也发育晚期碳酸盐胶结物的溶蚀,但岩石的压实作用比满北强,物性比满北低差。这主要与碳酸盐胶结的早晚有关,早期碳酸盐胶结对孔隙演化具有明显控制作用,有利于岩石孔隙的保存,为后来的溶蚀形成次生孔隙提供了条件。  相似文献   

It is well known that oil generated from source rocks of saline-lake facies is characteristic of low Pr/Ph ratio and high contents of gammacerane. The authors found that gas generated from the same source rocks was high in benzene and cyclohexane contents and had light carbon isotope compositions. In this study, a series of thermal simulations of gas generations on source rock with/without evaporites (such as carbonate, gypsum, and sodium chlorite, respectively), were conducted. It was found that the gypsum played an important role on the catalyzsis of gas generation in the thermal simulations. Compositions of the gaseous hydrocarbons generated from source rocks with evaporites are very similar to those of natural gases discovered from northern Dongying Depression. Meanwhile, in the thermal simulations, it was found that the carbon isotopic compositions of gaseous hydrocarbons generated from source rocks with evaporites are lighter than those of the gases from source rocks without evaporites. Therefore, it is concluded that natural gases discovered from northern Dongying Depression are the product of interaction between source rocks and evaporites (especially gypsum) of the saline facies.  相似文献   

Thick conglomerate and sandstone lithofacies of Yingcheng Formation in Changling Sag are tight gas reservoirs. The formation contains a fair amount of volcanic clasts and accumulated in a deltaic system that spans from delta plain to prodelta depositional setting. High-quality reservoirs are only a small fraction of these thick siliciclastic rocks. Petrographic analysis has been used to assess diagenetic processes, paragenetic sequence, and their effects on the reservoir qualities. The major loss of primary porosity is due to compaction along with grain-coating, pore-filling clay, and quartz cements. Alteration of volcanic rock fragments supplied alkali cations which favored formation of chlorite, smectite, and zeolite cements. The thickness of the chlorite coating decreases from the delta plain to the distal part of the delta front. On the contrary, the content of the zeolite cement increases toward the distal part of the delta front. Quartz and feldspar cements were ubiquitous due to high SiO2 concentration and alkali cations. Early dissolution of volcanic rock fragments and feldspars by freshwater increased porosity but did not contribute much to the permeability because pore-throats are predominantly occluded with clay and pseudomatrix. Late-stage dissolution of the zeolite cement was caused by organic acid expelled from maturation of organic matter. Although the reservoirs with chlorite coatings have moderate porosity, the permeability in situ is very low and pore-throat sizes are small. The high-quality reservoirs are medium- to fine-grained zeolite-dissolved sandstones developed in the distal part of the delta front and shallow lacustrine.  相似文献   


湖泊沉积物粒度在短时间尺度、高分辨率(年际-十年尺度)古气候研究中的指示意义通常被解释为:粒度偏粗指示降水较多、气候湿润,粒度偏细指示降水较少、气候干旱。本文以六盘山朝那湫湖泊73 cm沉积物岩芯粒度指标为研究对象,采用137Cs定年法,重建了朝那湫流域过去268年的高分辨率气候变化序列,结合同一岩芯其他环境代用指标(TOC、C/N值、化学元素等)指示的环境变化信息,对朝那湫湖泊沉积物粒度指示的气候意义进行综合判别。结果表明:朝那湫湖泊沉积物粒度与其他环境代用指标有较好的相关关系,粒度指标能够指示流域降水变化历史,并记录了4次典型的干旱气候事件(1770 A.D.前后、1835 A.D.前后、1875 A.D.前后和1970 A.D.前后),这与邻近地区树轮等气候记录有良好的对应关系,表明本文重建的结果可靠。同时,本文揭示了湖泊沉积物粒度在短时间尺度研究中的特殊指示意义:粒度偏粗指示降水较少、气候干旱,粒度偏细指示降水较多、气候湿润,这主要是由流域降水特点和植被覆盖程度决定的。由于沉积环境复杂,湖泊沉积物粒度的环境指示意义具有多解性,因此在不同的湖泊研究中应充分考虑影响沉积物粒度的各种因素,并结合其他指标进行综合辨识。


目前含油气砂岩中粒间孔隙是原生孔隙还是次生孔隙的认识仍不一致,而对星点状方解石胶结与溶解的识别能够有效地查明粒间孔隙的类型。文章通过铸体薄片细致地观察雅布赖盆地新河组砂岩中的微观现象,以成岩环境演化和成岩序列分析为主线,重视方解石胶结物的赋存状态与物质来源和溶蚀流体来源的配置关系,精细解剖微观现象,从而弄清楚星点状方解石的成因,进而查明砂岩的粒间孔隙类型和储集空间类型。结果表明,粒间孔隙中的星点状方解石是成岩早期浸染状方解石胶结物的溶蚀残余,溶蚀流体为成岩中期的有机酸流体,溶蚀类型为一致性溶解,形成的粒间孔隙为次生孔隙。鉴于此,雅布赖盆地新河组砂岩的储集空间由次生粒间孔隙和次生粒内孔隙(长石、岩屑、方解石胶结物的溶蚀孔隙)组成。  相似文献   

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