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工业检测的精度一般要求很高,常规的检测手段难以达到。本文对空间点相对关系的精密检测方法和精度进行分析,实践表明该方法行之有效。  相似文献   

分析了GPS高程信号和Heave信号的频段特征,利用数字信号处理技术,提取了GPS高程和Heave中的有效频段信号,合成了一个全新的信号。该合成信号能够全面反映多波束换能器的实际垂直运动,并能够克服传统多波束测量和数据处理方法的缺陷,大大提高了多波束在垂直方向的成果精度。实验证明了该方法的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

利用GPS载波相位差分测量技术,借助时间偏差改正、姿态改正、高程转换、信号处理和吃水改正,获得了测船处精密在航潮位。该方法已在几个GPS在航潮位测量实验中得到了验证,并取得了理想的结果。  相似文献   

城市地下空间开发利用适宜性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甄艳  鲁小丫  李胜  陈勇 《测绘科学》2018,(5):62-67,86
针对城市地下空间资源开发利用影响因素复杂多样的问题,该文研究了不同地表分类对地下空间资源开发利用的影响,以地理国情普查成果数据为基础,采用层次分析法建立了一套基于地理国情监测的地下空间开发利用适宜性评价指标体系与模型。借助GIS空间分析功能,对研究区的地下空间资源开发利用适宜性进行了评价。研究结果表明,研究区地下空间资源开发利用集中于地下浅层区域,在未来规划中,结合地质环境,中层和深层的地下空间可充分开发利用。  相似文献   

As a state-of-the-art mapping technology, mobile laser scanning (MLS) is increasingly applied to fields such as digital presentations of city environments. However, its application has recently met a bottleneck in data processing. It has been found that conventional methods for geometrically modeling 3D scattered points are inadequate when dealing with large volumes of MLS data. In fact, this is a challenge that has already been noted in the MLS-relevant fields, e.g. remote sensing, robot perception, and pattern recognition. A variety of algorithms under the schematic frame of analysis, modeling and synthesis (AMS) have been developed in these fields. The AMS paradigm is to first extract the implicit geometric primitives within each scan profile by geometrically modeling its 2D scattered points (GM2P). The resultant 2D geometric primitives are then integrated to restore the real 3D geometrical models. In this process, GM2P is a kernel procedure whereby a review of the GM2P algorithms is assumed to be of significance for developing new efficient algorithms for geometrically modeling 3D scattered points. This idea is supported by MLS sampling often being executed via parallel scan profiles. Indeed, the results of the literature review indicate an avenue for methodologically improving MLS in data processing.  相似文献   

精密三角高程测量技术在高海拔山区的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了精密三角高程测量技术的原理和方法,分析了高海拔山区大气折光对三角高程测量的影响,并结合高海拔山区实际情况提出了相应的解决方案。根据在高海拔山区的作业经验制定了最佳作业时段,结合测量仪器参数和相关数学模型,从定量角度分析和阐述了温度气压对精密三角高程测量的影响,并提出了具体的解决方法,通过实践工程数据分析,验证了精密三角高程测量代替二等水准测量在高海拔山区应用的可行性。  相似文献   

施一民  朱紫阳 《测绘科学》2004,29(2):28-30,33
按现行方法求得的相对点位精度由于未顾及起始数据误差的影响 ,且非实际所需评定的相对点位精度 ,因此并不客观、可靠。本文所提出的协方差基准的概念 ,用来定义相对点位精度和绝对点位精度有其客观性和实用性 ,协方差基准作为控制网点精度的参考基准 ,并不重合于网点坐标的参考基准—坐标基准 ,而可按应用的需要 ,方便地进行协方差基准转换。本文提出了合理评定相对点位精度的新方法 ,并用高精度工程控制网的实测数据进行了分析验证  相似文献   

Automated 3-dimensional modeling pipelines include 3D scanning, registration, data abstraction, and visualization. All steps in such a pipeline require the processing of a massive amount of 3D data, due to the ability of current 3D scanners to sample environments with a high density. The increasing sampling rates make it easy to acquire Billions of spatial data points. This paper presents algorithms and data structures for handling these data. We propose an efficient octree to store and compress 3D data without loss of precision. We demonstrate its usage for an exchange file format, fast point cloud visualization, sped-up 3D scan matching, and shape detection algorithms. We evaluate our approach using typical terrestrial laser scans.  相似文献   

Comparisons of gravimetric and astrogeodetic deflections of the vertical in the Australian region indicate that the former are affected by position dependent systematic errors, even after orientation onto the Australian Geodetic Datum. These are probably due to errors in the predicted mean anomalies for gravimetrically unsurveyed oceanic regions to the east, south and west of the continent. Deflection component residuals (astrogeodetic minus oriented gravimetric) at 83 control stations are made the observables in a set of observation equations, based on the Vening Meinesz equations, from which pseudocorrections to the mean anomalies for a set of arbitrarily selected surface elements are computed. These pseudocorrections compensate for prediction errors in much larger unsurveyed regions. Their effects on individual deflection components are calculated using the Vening Meinesz equations. Statistical tests indicate that pseudocorrections computed for four large offshore elements and six smaller elements in unsurveyed areas produce corrections to the gravimetric deflections which make the ξ and η components in seconds of arc consistent with normally distributed populations N (0.00, 0.702).  相似文献   

快速精密星历与最终精密星历对定位精度的影响和比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
星历的精度会对单点定位和相对定位的解算结果产生影响,利用IGS跟踪站给出的观测数据以及快速精密星历和最终精密星历来进行计算,结果表明,用快速精密星历代替最终精密星历是可行的。  相似文献   

P. Holota 《Journal of Geodesy》1997,71(10):640-651
In this paper the linear gravimetric boundary-value problem is discussed in the sense of the so-called weak solution. For this purpose a Sobolev weight space was constructed for an unbounded domain representing the exterior of the Earth and quantitative estimates were deduced for the trace theorem and equivalent norms. In the generalized formulation of the problem a special decomposition of the Laplace operator was used to express the oblique derivative in the boundary condition which has to be met by the solution. The relation to the classical formulation was also shown. The main result concerns the coerciveness (ellipticity) of a bilinear form associated with the problem under consideration. The Lax-Milgram theorem was used to decide about the existence, uniqueness and stability of the weak solution of the problem. Finally, a clear geometrical interpretation was found for a constant in the coerciveness inequality, and the convergence of approximation solutions constructed by means of the Galerkin method was proved. Received: 21 June 1996 / Accepted: 14 April 1997  相似文献   

付涛  易宏  吴俐民  李玉龙 《测绘科学》2021,46(6):164-173
为了讨论三类空间的合理划定方法,该文基于国土空间开发适宜性评价与FLUS模型进行三类空间划定研究.以昆明市盘龙区为例,在基于信息熵和优势度对三类空间进行现状评价的基础上,结合生态保护红线、永久基本农田保护红线和FLUS模型最终划定了盘龙区的三类空间.受相关政策影响,三类空间集中连片度很高,盘龙区2015-2019年土地利用有序,但多样性正在减少.在保障生态空间面积不减、粮食生产安全和城镇集约发展的原则下,经三类空间相互协调,划定生态空间610.13 km2,比现状生态空间增加6.45 km2;农业空间188.93 km2,比现状农业空间增加10.50 km2;划定城镇空间69.69 km2,比现状城镇空间减少16.95 km2.通过对盘龙区进行国土空间规划中三类空间的合理划定,为生态保护、农业生产、城镇发展相互协调提供了依据.  相似文献   

介绍了精密单点定位的数学模型,通过不同精密星历数据的解算来说明星历精度对单点定位的影响并分析了其精度。结果表明:用精密星历进行单点定位,可以达到厘米级的定位精度;适当的时候使用超快星历代替最终精密星历进行精密单点定位是可行的。  相似文献   

S. Ono 《Journal of Geodesy》1985,59(3):275-288
In order to solve the problems of determining the shape of a part of the earth of national or continental extent, that is, of rigorous constituting and computing of the astrogeodetic network, it is required to determine gravimetric deflections of the vertical with an accuracy of, say, 0″.3. For this it is adequate to carry out additional gravity surveys in the neighborhoods of computation points, in addition to a given uniform gravity survey (normal density gravity survey). The study offers a method to determine the optimal distribution of gravity stations in such a gravity survey, which guarantees a given accuracy of computed gravimetric deflections of the vertical for a given statistical condition which characterizes the variation of the gravity field. The approach used here is based on the concept of the error of representation and the error propagation of Vening Meinesz integrals.  相似文献   

A gravimetric geoid computed using different techniques has been compared to a geoid derived from Geos-3 altimeter data in two 30°×30° areas: one in the Tonga Trench area and one in the Indian Ocean. The specific techniques used were the usual Stokes integration (using 1°×1° mean anomalies) with the Molodenskii truncation procedure; a modified Stokes integration with a modified truncation method; and computations using three sets of potential coefficients including one complete to degree 180. In the Tonga Trench area the standard deviation of the difference between the modified Stokes’ procedure and the altimeter geoid was ±1.1 m while in the Indian Ocean area the difference was ±0.6 m. Similar results were found from the 180×180 potential coefficient field. However, the differences in using the usual Stokes integration procedure were about a factor of two greater as was predicted from an error analysis. We conclude that there is good agreement at the ±1 m level between the two types of geoids. In addition, systematic differences are at the half-meter level. The modified Stokes procedure clearly is superior to the usual Stokes method although the 180×180 solution is of comparable accuracy with the computational effort six times less than the integration procedures.  相似文献   

 Two numerical techniques are used in recent regional high-frequency geoid computations in Canada: discrete numerical integration and fast Fourier transform. These two techniques have been tested for their numerical accuracy using a synthetic gravity field. The synthetic field was generated by artificially extending the EGM96 spherical harmonic coefficients to degree 2160, which is commensurate with the regular 5 geographical grid used in Canada. This field was used to generate self-consistent sets of synthetic gravity anomalies and synthetic geoid heights with different degree variance spectra, which were used as control on the numerical geoid computation techniques. Both the discrete integration and the fast Fourier transform were applied within a 6 spherical cap centered at each computation point. The effect of the gravity data outside the spherical cap was computed using the spheroidal Molodenskij approach. Comparisons of these geoid solutions with the synthetic geoid heights over western Canada indicate that the high-frequency geoid can be computed with an accuracy of approximately 1 cm using the modified Stokes technique, with discrete numerical integration giving a slightly, though not significantly, better result than fast Fourier transform. Received: 2 November 1999 / Accepted: 11 July 2000  相似文献   

城市公共绿地具有重要的生态功能和社会功能,良好的评价体系有利于其科学的规划和管理。目前主要采用人均公共绿地和服务半径两个指标对公共绿地质量进行评价,不能较好地评价其生态和社会功能。本文根据公共绿地的功能特点,按照评价体系可操作性和可比性要求,选择单位公园绿化覆盖率、面积大小、公园服务半径内的居民区和单位面积比例、服务半径内道路面积比例作为评价因子。并以山东省泰安市为研究区,利用遥感影像监督分类结合ArcGIS空间分析方法从SPOT5影像中获取评价因子数据,利用多级模糊评判方法对研究区城市公共绿地进行评判。模糊评价结果为泰安市公共绿地的生态功能和社会功能综合得分为77.449分,等级标准为良好。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate two approaches, which use different representations of the Earth’s gravity field for downward continuation (DC), for determining Helmert gravity anomalies on the geoid. The accuracy of these anomalies is validated by 1) analyzing conformity of the two approaches; and 2) converting them to geoid heights and comparing the resulting values to GPS-leveling data. The first approach (A) consists of evaluating Helmert anomalies at the topography and downward-continuing them to the geoid. The second approach (B) downward-continues refined Bouguer anomalies to the geoid and transforms them to Helmert anomalies by adding the condensed topographical effect. Approach A is sensitive to the DC because of the roughness of the Helmert gravity field. The DC effect on the geoid can reach up to 2 m in Western Canada when the Stokes kernel is used to convert gravity anomalies to geoid heights. Furthermore, Poisson’s equation for DC provides better numerical results than Moritz’s equation when the resulting geoid models are validated against the GPS-leveling. On the contrary, approach B is significantly less sensitive to the DC because of the smoothness of the refined Bouguer gravity field. In this case, the DC (Poisson’s and Moritz’s) contributes only at the decimeter level to the geoid model in Western Canada. The maximum difference between the geoid models from approaches A and B is about 5 cm in the region of interest. The differences may result from errors in the DC such as numerical instability. The standard deviations of the hHN for both approaches are about 8 cm at the 664 GPS-leveling validation stations in Western Canada.  相似文献   

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