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New measurements are reported of the absorption cross sections of formaldehyde at 296 K and 223 K. These measurements are significantly lower than those reported in the earlier literature at ca. 353 K. The implications of the lower absorption cross sections for stratospheric chlorine chemistry are considered using a one dimensional atmospheric model. A slight modification to ClX partitioning is predicted for the new cross sections, with only a small effect on estimated chlorine-catalyzed ozone perturbations.  相似文献   

Motivated by recent observational evidence that seasonal processes occur within Saturn's stratosphere, we have constructed a seasonal stratospheric climate model. This model predicts stratospheric temperatures, above the P = 0.1-atm level, as a function of time throughout the Saturnian year. Specific results are presented for South-polar and equatorial temperatures. The model predicts that substantial seasonal phase lags exist; maximum stratospheric temperatures at the South pole occur at the Southern Hemisphere's autumnal equinox. Brightness temperature observations at 17.8 μm, taken during 1977/1978, indicate that stratospheric temperatures are greater at the South pole than at the equator. The model is consistent with these observations, predicting enhanced South-polar temperatures, relative to the equator, from 1975 to 1983.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(11):1614-1621
Many ground-based observations of Na in Mercury's surface-bounded exosphere have been made and continued to be made in an effort to understand the sources, sinks, and distribution of Na around Mercury. These time consuming and costly efforts are made to better understand the physical processes on and around Mercury. A big step would be to discover an actual source of the Na from Mercury's crust because it is already known that meteorites and comets provide Na to the exosphere through impact. We provide ground-based CCD imagery obtained with small ground-based telescopes that show bright albedo features at locations coincident with enhanced Na emissions in Mercury's exosphere. We suggest these locations are sources for Na. We also provide a mechanism to test this hypothesis using in situ observations by instruments on the MESSENGER spacecraft during the three fly bys of Mercury that will occur in 2008 and 2009, and during the orbital mission which begins in 2011. It is necessary to prove that Na is delivered to the exosphere from one or more crustal source regions before exospheric Na can be used as a measure of the volatile content of Mercury used to infer formation and evolution from the primitive solar nebula. The same applies to other elements such as K which is known to be in Mercury's exosphere and S which is postulated to be present. We expound on the impact that the discovery of one or more source regions from Mercury's crust would have on our ability to discern between the three leading models of Mercury's formation and crustal evolution.  相似文献   

Five years of Cassini CIRS infrared spectra have been used to determine the tilt of Titan's stratospheric symmetry axis with respect to the solid body rotation axis. Measurements of HCN abundance centred around 5 mbar (125 km altitude) at equatorial latitudes show the symmetry axis is tilted by 4.0±1.5° in a direction 70±40°W of the sub-solar point. This value is consistent with tilts determined from temperature and haze measurements by Achterberg et al. (2008a) and Roman et al. (2009). The consistency of results from three independent methods suggests that Titan's entire stratosphere is tilted and provides a powerful constraint on the underlying atmospheric dynamics.  相似文献   

We present high resolution CS and CO maps of Cep A region made with the 45m telescope at Nobeyama. The CS map shows that a dense cloud surrounding the proto-star cluster extends in the North-South direction and is probably rotating. The bipolar molecular flow apparent in the CO maps is well-collimated along East-West direction within 0.2 pc from the proto-stars. The dense cloud is gravitationally unstable and appears to be in a contracting phase to form a cluster of massive stars.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.NRO, a branch of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, University of Tokyo, is a cosmic radio observing facility open for outside users.  相似文献   

Michael H. Hart 《Icarus》1974,21(3):242-247
At the temperature of Pluto (~43°K) the only gas which would neither condense nor escape is neon. Since neon is cosmically abundant it is suggested that Pluto may have a fairly extensive atmosphere consisting of almost pure neon. The possibility that such an atmosphere exists is analyzed, along with the possibility that oceans of liquid neon may exist at the surface.A neon atmosphere would not produce any observable absorption lines. However, if it were very thick, then Rayleigh scattering would result in Pluto having a much higher albedo in the ultraviolet than in the visual, which is not observed to be the case. This enables us to set an upper limit on the mass of Pluto's atmosphere.  相似文献   

We have re-examined the prospects of HOCl as an inert reservoir for atmospheric chlorine in the light of new theoretical calculations and available experimental measurements of its photodissociation cross-sections. The theoretical calculations and most recent laboratory studies imply that the broad maxima 3200 Å observed in two other experimental spectra may not belong to HOCl. On the basis of this implication HOCl could have a long lifetime against photodissociation in the stratosphere, and could, thereby, become a reservoir for atmospheric chlorine comparable to ClONO2 or even HCl. In this capacity HOCl could reduce the predicted ozone destruction due to any given level of total chlorine burden. We have also examined the difficulties in laboratory measurements of the HOCl absorption spectrum with particular emphasis on identifying the impurities which may be present in the experimental system. It appears that specialized new experiments are needed to clearly establish the nature and strength of HOCl absorption in the neighbourhood of 3200 Å. Some refinements in the theoretical calculations also seem desirable. In view of the difficulties involved in the laboratory determination of HOCl photodissociation cross-sections, it is suggested that a search for possible stratospheric HOCl by atmospheric spectroscopists would be worthwhile.  相似文献   

We model the dynamics of Magellanic Stream with the ram-pressure scenario in the logarithmic and power-law galactic halo models and construct numerically the past orbital history of Magellanic Clouds and Magellanic Stream. The parameters of models include the asymptotic rotation velocity of spiral arms, halo flattening, core radius and rising or falling parameter of rotation curve. We obtain the best-fit parameters of galactic models through the maximum likelihood analysis, comparing the high resolution radial velocity data of HI in Magellanic Stream with that of theoretical models. The initial condition of the Magellanic Clouds is taken from the six different values reported in the literature. We find that oblate and nearly spherical shape halos provide a better fit to the observation than the prolate halos. This conclusion is almost independent of choosing the initial conditions and is valid for both logarithmic and power-law models.  相似文献   

Detailed period study of the eclipsing binary ST Per is presented. A new period (P=2d.648339) is given. Period changes in different portions of the O-C diagram with a new period have been estimated. The total changes in period (P) ranges from 2.17×10–5d to 2.64×10–4d which is appreciably large. Sufficient number of minima in the time interval 1934 to 1985 for this system are available. Distinct increasing and decreasing trends are evident, the change in the tendency appears to have occurred around 1947. Sinusoidal variation is seen between cycles 7000–10000, which indicates that ST Per is a three-body system, the period of the third body being about 22 years. However, the sinusoidal variation is not perfectly symmetric in shape, therefore, it is suspected that ST Per is a four-(or multi-) body system.  相似文献   

The measured modulation of cosmic rays deposited in the stratosphere over a sunspot cycle produces an oscillating source of stratospheric NO with an 11-yr (quasi) period. The resulting modulation of ozone over this period is calculated and is shown to give good agreement with available measurements of the time lag, the latitude dependence and the magnitude of cyclic variations of ozone. This correlated modulation is then used to discuss the effect on ozone of the injection of NO into the stratosphere from artificial sources, viz. a fleet of supersonic transports and nuclear bomb explosions in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

We discuss the possibility of using pure CF4 to fill a 2000 m3 Time Projection Chamber in order to detect the solar neutrinos through the elastic scattering vee → vee, with the threshold of 100 keV on the kinetic energy of the recoiling electron. In a volume of 2000 m3 of CF4 at normal pressure and room temperature, which corresponds to a mass of 7.4 ton, we expect ~ 3300 of such events per year. The detector can give the spectrum of the low energy neutrinos from the Sun and it can identify solar neutrinos of different origin: pp, 7Be, and, eventually, 8B. We find that 14C is a possible severe source of background: it is necessary to have a ratio 14C/12C lower than 10−19 in order to be able to identify the pp neutrinos.  相似文献   

The magnetic field in the neutron-proton-electron (npe) layer of a neutron star is caused by quasi-stationary vortex current of superconducting and normal protons relative to the normal electrons. The same current generates the radio emission due to the Josephson effect. The radiation propagates in the magnetically-active medium and goes out the crust through the cracks to the magnetosphere (npe-layer is optically thick layer). As a result the hot radiospots on the star surface develop and a resulting polarized radiation pattern near the magnetic poles is formed. The cross-section of this radiation pattern gives the observed pulse structure of the pulsar. The variations of quasi-stationary vortex current can result in the amplitude-frequency variations of the radiation spectrum due to specific properties of the radiation mechanism. From this we have the variations of the fine spectrum structure, pulse amplitude and pulse structure and the correlation of them with the spectral index variations of pulsars in this model.  相似文献   

The possibility of radio emission is considered within a model which produces the beam-plasma system near the pulsar. A longitudinal instability develops near the light cylinder for a particular choice of parameters adopted in the paper. The excited wave strongly oscillates the beam particles perpendicular to its average velocity on one hand, and forms bunches of them on the other hand. Consequently, coherent radiation is expected. The frequency of the emission falls within the radio band, but the intensity turns out to be too low to explain observations. An appreciable enhancement of the beam number density over the Goldreich-Julian value (n bB/2ec) is needed if the mechanism discussed in the present paper is responsible for the pulsar radio emission.  相似文献   

This work presents a possible detection mechanism for close, detached, neutron star–red dwarf binaries, which are expected to be the evolutionary precursors of low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). Although this pre-low-mass X-ray binary (pre-LMXB) phase of evolution is predicted theoretically, as yet no such systems have been identified observationally. The calculations presented here suggest that the X-ray luminosity of neutron star wind accretion in a pre-LMXB system can be expected to exceed the intrinsic X-ray luminosity of the red dwarf secondary star. Furthermore, the temperature of the radiation emitted from the neutron star wind accretion process is expected, within the confines of a reasonable set of conditions, to lie within the detection range of X-ray satellites. Sources with X-ray luminosities greater than that expected for a red dwarf star, but the positions of which coincide with that of a red dwarf star, are then candidate pre-LMXB systems. These candidate systems should be surveyed for the radial velocity shifts that would occur as a result of the orbital motion of a red dwarf star within a close binary system containing a high-mass compact object.  相似文献   

We examine a non-linear mechanism for a solar surge in which plasma regions of high electrical conductivity and macroscopic dimension can be rapidly accelerated without diffusion of magnetic field. The mechanism is suggested by Rust's observations, which show that surges occur near sunspots in regions of reversed magnetic polarity. For the purposes of numerical calculation, we replace the magnetic field near a polarity reversal in a sunspot by magnetic fields of current loops. The relaxation of the magnetic field generated by two antiparallel coaxial current loops in an incompressible plasma is traced by computer. The results suggest that plasma in the form of a vortex ring can be expelled at the Alfvén velocity from active solar regions.  相似文献   

The active region McMath 10433 was the source of several flares and radio outbursts during the early part of July 1974. This region was tracked continuously, for several periods during the month at 22.2 GHz using a telescope with a 4 beam. Comparison with the results obtained simultaneously with a normal 7 GHz solar patrol instrument indicate that there is important burst activity occurring at levels below the detection limit of normal solar patrol instruments. The time-development morphology of these bursts is similar to those normally observed and has enabled the simple events to be re-interpreted. A completely new type of event - the fast absorption - has also been recognized. The correlation of the microwave events with SPA events observed on VLF propagation is also discussed.Spending a sabbatical year at CRAAM, São Paulo, Brazil.  相似文献   

Robert L. Huguenin 《Icarus》1976,28(2):203-212
Photostimulated oxidation weathering irreversibly removes both oxygen and hydrogen from the atmosphere at a rate of 108 to 1011 cm?2sec?1. This corresponds to a net loss of 1025 to 1028 molecules cm?2 (102 to 105 g cm?2 of H2O, assuming a uniform rate over geologic time. Additional H2O is removed through hydration of Fe2O3 and clay minerals, but the loss is reversible and the extent of regolith storage is uncertain. CO2 is irreversibly removed from the atmosphere through the formation of CaCO3 at a rate of 107?1010cm?2sec?1. Over geologic time this corresponds to a net loss of 1024?1027 molecules cm?2 (101?104g cm?2) of CO2. Previously, it was proposed that exospheric escape was the principal irreversible volatile sink, amounting to only 102g cm?2 of H2O and 100g cm?2 of CO2 over geologic time. A recent tentative identification of abundant argon on Mars suggests that the planet may have degassed up to 105g cm?2 of H2O and 104g cm?2 of CO2. If the amounts of H2O and CO2 removed by photostimulated oxidation are close to the upper limits proposed here, it is possible that chemical weathering may have had a major effect on limiting the supply of H2O and CO2 trapped in the regolith and polar caps.  相似文献   

The sub-millimetre/microwave range of the spectrum has been exploited in the field of Earth observation by many instruments over the years and has provided a plethora of information on atmospheric chemistry and dynamics—however, this spectral range has not been fully explored in planetary science, having been exclusively employed to carry out ground-based measurements. To this end, a sub-millimetre instrument, the Orbiter Terahertz Infrared Spectrometer (ORTIS), is studied by the University of Oxford and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, to meet the requirements of the European Space Agency's Cosmic Visions 2015-2025 programme—in particular, the Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM), which has the European Space Agency and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as partners. ORTIS is designed to measure atmospheric temperature, the abundance of stratospheric water vapour and other jovian gases, and is intended to be capable of retrieving vertical profiles of horizontal windspeed in the stratosphere for the first time, from Doppler-shifted emission lines measured at high spectral resolution. In this work, a preliminary study and implementation of the estimation of windspeed profiles on simulated spectra representative of Jupiter is presented, detailing the development of the retrieval algorithm, showing that a sub-millimetre instrument such as ORTIS should be able to retrieve windspeed profiles to an accuracy of about 15 m/s between 70 and 200 km/0.1-10 mb using a single near-limb measurement, for expected noise amplitudes.  相似文献   

A first detailed period study of the eclipsing RS CVn-binary system RW Com is presented. A new period (P=0d.2373455) based on 223 minima is given. The O–C diagrams of RW Com have been presented for the first time. Types of ten minima have been corrected judging the period trend. Period changes in different portions of the O–C diagram (Figure 2) have been estimated. The total change in period (P/P) ranges from 5.5×10–7 to 6.4×10–6. Thus, P ranges from 1.3×10–7 d to 1.5×10–6 d. Numerous minima are available in the time interval 1967 to 1986. This part of the O–C diagram (Figure 2) shows a sinusoidal variation, thus, it is suspected that RW Com could be a three-body system. The period of variation due to third body appears to be nearly 16 years.  相似文献   

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