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The Middle Devonian Narva succession in the Baltic Basin represents a significant turnaround in the history of the basin. The detailed study of core and outcrop sections and the three‐dimensional correlations across the Baltic Basin reveal a carbonate‐dominated, mixed retrogressive succession, overlain by a siliciclastic‐dominated, progradational succession. The palaeogeographic reconstructions show how the shallow, tide‐influenced basin expanded from south‐west to north‐east and, later during the transgression, also to the north, south and east. The transgressive portion of the basin fill is dominated by carbonate‐rich sabkha and supratidal to intertidal deposits on the basin margins, and subtidal carbonates in the basin centre. Siliciclastic material was derived by tidal currents and storm waves from the south‐west through a tidal inlet and flood‐tidal delta complex. This initial transgressive phase is characterized by the lack of subsidence or even episodic uplifts in the northern/north‐western part of the basin margin, shown by convergence of timelines and the thin (30 m) transgressive succession. In contrast, on the southern margin, the facies associations stack vertically into a 70 to 80 m thick succession, indicating significantly higher subsidence rates. The upper part of the transgressive phase indicates subsidence across the whole basin. The upper, progradational portion of the basin fill is dominated by coarse, siliciclastic, tide‐influenced deltaic deposits that rapidly prograded from north‐west to south‐east. This detailed study on the Narva succession shows that siliciclastic and carbonate deposition was coeval and that mixing occurred at different temporal and spatial scales. The mixing was controlled by grain‐size, volume and location of siliciclastic input rather than relative sea‐level changes as suggested in widely used reciprocal mixing models. It is suggested that the forebulge of the Scandinavian Caledonian fold‐and‐thrust belt migrated to the north‐western margin of the Baltic Basin during the earliest Eifelian, as indicated by the lack of subsidence and probable uplift in the northern/north‐western margin during the early transgressive phase. The forebulge migration ceased although the forebulge had already started to subside during the later stages of the transgressive phase. The deltaic progradation is interpreted to be associated with the orogenic collapse and uplift in the Scandinavian Caledonides that caused the erosion of the foreland basin fill and the coarse sediment transport into the Baltic Basin.  相似文献   

To elucidate the signature of isostatic and eustatic signals during a deglaciation period in pre‐Pleistocene times is made difficult because very little dating can be done, and also because glacial erosion surfaces, subaerial unconformities and subsequent regressive or transgressive marine ravinement surfaces tend to amalgamate or erode the deglacial deposits. How and in what way can the rebound be interpreted from the stratigraphic record? This study proposes to examine deglacial deposits from Late‐Ordovician to Silurian outcrops at the Algeria–Libya border, in order to define the glacio–isostatic rebound and relative sea‐level changes during a deglaciation period. The studied succession developed at the edge and over a positive palaeo‐relief inherited from a prograding proglacial delta that forms a depocentre of glaciogenic deposits. The succession is divided into five subzones, which depend on the topography of this depocentre. Six facies associations were determined: restricted marine (Facies Association 1); tidal channels (Facies Association 2); tidal sand dunes (Facies Association 3); foreshore to upper shoreface (Facies Association 4); lower shoreface (Facies Association 5); and offshore shales (Facies Association 6). Stratigraphic correlations over the subzones support the understanding of the depositional chronology and associated sea‐level changes. Deepest marine domains record a forced regression of 40 m of sea‐level fall resulting from an uplift caused by a glacio‐isostatic rebound that outpaces the early transgression. The rebound is interpreted to result in a multi‐type surface, which is interpreted as a regressive surface of marine erosion in initially marine domains and as a subaerial unconformity surface in an initially subaerial domain. The transgressive deposits have developed above this surface, during the progressive flooding of the palaeo‐relief. Sedimentology and high‐resolution sequence stratigraphy allowed the delineation of a deglacial sequence and associated sea‐level changes curve for the studied succession. Estimates suggest a relatively short (<10 kyr) duration for the glacio‐isostatic uplift and a subsequent longer duration transgression (4 to 5 Myr).  相似文献   

A middle Pleistocene coarse‐grained canyon fill succession (the Serra Mulara Formation) crops out in the northern sector of the Crotone Basin, a forearc basin located on the Ionian side of the Calabrian Arc and active from the Serravallian to middle Pleistocene. This succession is an example of coarse‐grained submarine canyon fill, which consists of a north‐west to south‐east elongated body (4·25 km long and up to 1·5 km wide) laterally confined by a deep‐water clayey and silty succession and located behind the modern Neto delta (north of Crotone). The thickness of the unit reaches 178 m. The lower part of the canyon fill is dominated by gravelly to sandy density‐flow deposits containing abundant bivalve and gastropod fragments, passing upward into a succession composed of metre‐scale to decimetre‐scale density‐flow deposits forming sandstone–mudstone couplets. Sandstone deposits are mostly structureless and planar‐laminated, whereas the clayey layers record hemipelagic deposition during quieter phases. This succession is overlain by another composed of thicker structureless sandstones alternating with layers of interlaminated mudstones and sandstones, which contain leaf remnants and fresh water ostracods, and are linked directly to river floods. The canyon fill is overlain by gravelly to sandy continental deposits recording a later stage of emergence. Facies analysis, together with micropalaeontological data from the hemipelagic units, suggests that the studied canyon fill records, firstly, a progressive gravel material cut‐off during deposition due to an overall relative sea‐level rise, leading to a progressive increase in the entrapment of sediment in fluvial to shallow‐marine systems, and secondly, a generalized relative sea‐level lowering. This trend probably reflects high‐magnitude glacio‐eustatic changes combined with the regional uplift of the region, ultimately leading to emergence.  相似文献   

Seabed topography is ubiquitous across basin‐floor environments, and influences sediment gravity flows and sediment dispersal patterns. The impact of steep (several degrees) confining slopes on sedimentary facies and depositional architecture has been widely documented. However, the influence of gentle (fraction of a degree) confining slopes is less well‐documented, largely due to outcrop limitations. Here, exceptional outcrop and research borehole data from Unit A of the Permian Laingsburg Formation, South Africa, provide the means to examine the influence of subtle lateral confinement on flow behaviour and lobe stacking patterns. The dataset describes the detailed architecture of subunits A.1 to A.6, a succession of stacked lobe complexes, over a palinspastically restored 22 km across‐strike transect. Facies distributions, stacking patterns, thickness and palaeoflow trends indicate the presence of a south‐east facing low angle (fraction of a degree) lateral intrabasinal slope. Interaction between stratified turbidity currents with a thin basal sand‐prone part and a thick mud‐prone part and the confining slope results in facies transition from thick‐bedded sandstones to thin‐bedded heterolithic lobe fringe‐type deposits. Slope angle dictates the distance over which the facies transition occurs (hundreds of metres to kilometres). These deposits are stacked vertically over tens of metres in successive lobe complexes to form an aggradational succession of lobe fringes. Extensive slides and debrites are present at the base of lobe complexes, and are associated with steeper restored slope gradients. The persistent facies transition across multiple lobe complexes, and the mass flow deposits, suggests that the intrabasinal slope was dynamic and was never healed by deposition during Unit A times. This study demonstrates the significant influence that even subtle basin‐floor topography has on flow behaviour and depositional architecture of submarine lobe complexes. In addition, we present a new aggradational lobe fringe facies associations and recognition criteria for subtle confinement in less well‐exposed and subsurface basin fills.  相似文献   

The Middle–Late Pleistocene alluvial and lacustrine succession of Valeriano Creek (southeastern Alpine foothills, 190 m a.s.l.) documents the environmental evolution of the piedmont plain before the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The sedimentary record was investigated by multidisciplinary stratigraphical and sedimentological studies coupled with petrographic and palaeobotanical analysis. A chronology has been provided by luminescence, radiocarbon dating and pollen biochronology. The succession developed at the valley mouth of a small catchment and is confined in the piedmont plain by the alluvial fans of major rivers. The oldest deposits were formed during a cold phase during the late Middle Pleistocene. This part of the piedmont plain was generally stable until Termination II, when it was trenched more than 15 m deep by watercourses. The infilling succession of the trench, mostly by low‐energy alluvial sediments interbedded with mire and peat deposits, documents, for the first time on the southern side of the Alps, the relationships between fluvial activity, vegetation and climate change at the foothills piedmont plain during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5. The stadial–interstadial climate forcing implies a local reorganisation of fluvial dynamics and of forest composition, although substantial plant cover persisted even during cooler stadials. In accordance with coeval alluvial and speleothem records from the northern side of the Alps, this environmental evolution supports a very restricted Alpine glaciation of the main fluvial catchments of the southeastern Alps during MIS 5a–d. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sediment record from the Piànico palaeolake in the southern Alps is continuously varved, spans more than 15 500 years, and represents a key archive for interglacial climate variability at seasonal resolution. The stratigraphic position of the Piànico Interglacial has been controversial in the past. The identification of two volcanic ash layers and their microscopic analysis provides distinct marker layers for tephrochronological dating of these interglacial deposits. In addition to micro‐facies analyses reconstructing depositional processes of both tephra layers within the lake environment, their mineralogical and geochemical composition has been determined through major‐element electron probe micro‐analysis on glass shards. Comparison with published tephra data traced the volcanic source regions of the Piànico tephras to the Campanian volcanic complex of Roccamonfina (Italy) and probably the Puy de Sancy volcano in the French Massif Central. Available dating of near‐vent deposits from the Roccamonfina volcano provides a robust tephrochronological anchor point at around 400 ka for the Piànico Interglacial. These deposits correlate with marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 11 and thus are younger than Early to Middle Pleistocene previously suggested by K/Ar dating and older than the last interglacial as inferred from macrofloral remains and the geological setting. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous succession of the Leonese Area (NW Spain) comprises mixed clastic and carbonate sediments. This succession is divided into two lithostratigraphic units, the Voznuevo Member and the Boñar Formation, which represent fluvial, shoreface, intertidal, subtidal and open‐shelf sedimentary environments. Regional seismic interpretation and sequence stratigraphic analysis have allowed the study of lateral and vertical changes in the sedimentary record and the definition of third‐order levels of stratigraphic cyclicity. On the basis of these data, the succession can be divided into two second‐order depositional sequences (DS‐1 and DS‐2), incorporating three system tracts in a lowstand to transgressive to highstand system tract succession (LST–TST–HST). These sequences are composed of fluvial systems at the base with palaeocurrents that flowed westward and south‐westward. The upper part of DS‐1 (Late Albian–Middle Turonian) shows evidence of intertidal to subtidal and offshore deposits. DS‐2 (Late Turonian–Campanian) comprises intertidal to subtidal, tidal flat, shallow marine and lacustrine deposits and interbedded fluvial deposits. Two regressive–transgressive cycles occurred in the area related to eustatic controls. The evolution of the basin can be explained by base‐level changes and associated shifts in depositional trends of successive retrogradational episodes. By using isobath and isopach maps, the main palaeogeographic features of DS‐1 and DS‐2 were constrained, namely coastline positions, the existence and orientation of corridors through which fluvial networks were channelled and the location of the main depocentres of the basin. Sedimentation on the Upper Cretaceous marine platform was mainly controlled by (i) oscillations of sea level and (ii) the orientation of Mesozoic faults, which induced sedimentation along depocentres. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As Suqah area is a NW–SE trending wadi present in the west central part of the Arabian Shield. It comprises Precambrian–Cambrian basement rocks, Cretaceous–Tertiary sedimentary succession, Tertiary–Quaternary basaltic lava flows, and Quaternary–Recent alluvial deposits. The magnetic anomalies indicated the presence of many recent local buried faults. These affected the distribution of the clastic sedimentary succession and seem to have controlled the deep groundwater aquifers. Groundwater movement is towards the west and northwest, following in general the surface drainage system. Hydraulic gradient varies greatly from one point to another depending on the pumping rates and cross-sectional area of the aquifer in addition to its transmissivity. The detailed results of the resistivity and seismic measurements were integrated with those obtained from test holes drilled in the study area. Groundwater occurs mainly in two water-bearing horizons, the alluvial deposits and within the clastic sedimentary rocks of Haddat Ash Sham and Ash Shumaysi formations. The shallow zone is characterized with a saturated thickness of 3–20 m and water is found under confined to semi-confined conditions. Water levels were encountered at depths varying from 3 to 16 m in the alluvial wadi deposits and from 18 to 62 m in the sedimentary succession. The combinations of vertical electrical sounding, horizontal electrical profiling, and drilling led to the identification of groundwater resources in the study area. Resistivity soundings clearly identified the nature of the lithological depth and proved useful at identifying water-bearing zones. Significantly, the majority of the groundwater was found within the deep confined aquifer gravelly sandstone, rather than in the shallow unconfined aquifer.  相似文献   

The Ebisutoge–Fukuda tephra (Plio‐Pleistocene boundary, central Japan) has a well‐recorded eruptive style, history, magnitude and resedimentation styles, despite the absence of a correlative volcanic edifice. This tephra was ejected by an extremely large‐magnitude and complex volcanic eruption producing more than 400 km3 total volume of volcanic materials (volcanic explosivity index=7), which extended more than 300 km away from the probable eruption centre. Remobilization of these ejecta occurred progressively after the completion of a series of eruptions, resulting in thick resedimented volcaniclastic deposits in spatially separated fluvial basins, more than 100 km from the source. Facies analysis of resedimented volcaniclastic deposits was carried out in distal fluvial basins. The distal tephra (≈100–300 km from the source) comprises two different lithofacies, primary pyroclastic‐fall deposits and reworked volcaniclastic deposits. The resedimented volcaniclastic succession shows five distinct sedimentary facies, interpreted as debris‐flow deposits (facies A), hyperconcentrated flow deposits (facies B), channel‐fill deposits (facies C), floodplain deposits with abundant flood‐flow deposits (facies D) and floodplain deposits with rare flood deposits (facies E). Resedimented volcaniclastic materials at distal locations originated from unconsolidated deposits of a climactic, large ignimbrite‐forming eruption. Factors controlling inter‐ and intrabasinal facies changes are (1) temporal change of introduced volcaniclastic materials into the basin; (2) proximal–distal relationship; and (3) distribution pattern of pyroclastic‐flow deposits relative to drainage basins. Thus, studies of the Ebisutoge–Fukuda tephra have led to a depositional model of volcaniclastic resedimentation in distal areas after extremely large‐magnitude eruptions, an aspect of volcaniclastic deposits that has often been ignored or poorly understood.  相似文献   

Northeastern China contains widely distributed Jurassic terrestrial strata that have yielded many spectacular mammal and pterosaur fossils, in addition to feathered dinosaur fossils and more recent discoveries from Jianchang, particularly from western Liaoning. However, the fossil-bearing stratigraphic succession, regional correlation, and age estimates of the fossils found in Jianchang County and nearby areas have been contentious. Here, we report on the vertebrate fossil-bearing Jurassic stratigraphy from Linglongta, Jianchang County, western Liaoning, including a SHRIMP U-Pb zircon date unambiguously associated with the fossil horizons. The primary goal was to determine the vertebrate fossil-bearing succession. A further aim was to provide age estimations for the fossil-bearing horizon as well as the earliest appearance of feathered dinosaurs, the eutherian–placental clade, and transitional pterosaurs. Field investigations showed that the vertebrate fossil-bearing stratigraphic succession in Jianchang County mainly consists of basal andesites overlain by rhythmic tuffs and tuffaceous lacustrine sediments, with the upper intermediate or acidic lavas interbedded with laminated more or less tuffaceous lacustrine deposits. This sequence correlates well with the Middle Jurassic Lanqi/Tiaojishan Formation in northeastern China. Detailed and accurate field observations showed that the well-preserved vertebrate fossils were buried in either the middle or the upper fine-grained laminated lacustrine deposits. Previous and current SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dates provide an age estimation of 161–159 Myr for the fossil-bearing horizon and vertebrates. This indicates that the earliest appearance of feathered dinosaurs here was more than 159 Myr ago and unquestionably older than Archaeopteryx from Germany, making these the earliest known feathered dinosaurs in the world. Furthermore, the eutherian–placental clade and the known transitional pterosaurs first emerged no later than 161 Myr. The vertebrate assemblage unearthed recently from Linglongta and neighboring areas in Jianchang County belongs to the Daohugou Biota. In addition to feathered dinosaurs, this biota was characterized by mammals, primitive pterosaurs, insects, and plants and was present in Inner Mongolia, western Liaoning, and northern Hebei in northeastern China during the Middle–Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

Glacial erosion has caused overdeepening of many alpine valleys. After retreat of the ice, they were filled with heterogeneous deposits of glacial, lacustrine and fluvial sediments. A typical example of such a valley segment and its infill is the Reuss delta on the southern shore of Lake Lucerne in Switzerland. To obtain a detailed three‐dimensional image of this valley segment, the ETH Institute of Geophysics has acquired several two‐dimensional, high‐resolution seismic and georadar profiles, and conducted a three‐dimensional georadar survey. Interpretations of these geophysical data were constrained by a geological core extracted from a borehole 300 m deep near the investigation site. The seismic profiles imaged ca. 600 m of sediment infill above bedrock. Based on their reflection characteristics, five different deposition units were distinguished. These units were interpreted as a succession of clay/silt at the base, followed by different sand units with variable but generally increasing amounts of gravel. This succession represented a prograding delta that filled the southern part of Lake Lucerne. The latest fluvial development of the region is best represented by the georadar data. In particular, the three‐dimensional georadar data set provides a detailed view of an ancient braided river channel Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To understand the depositional processes and environmental changes during the initial flooding of the North China Platform, this study focuses on the Lower to Middle Cambrian Zhushadong and Mantou formations in Shandong Province, China. The succession in the Jinan and Laiwu areas comprises mixed carbonate and siliciclastic deposits composed of limestone, dolostone, stromatolite, thrombolite, purple and grey mudstone, and sandstone. A detailed sedimentary facies analysis of seven well‐exposed sections suggests that five facies associations are the result of an intercalation of carbonate and siliciclastic depositional environments, including local alluvial fans, shallowing‐upward carbonate–siliciclastic peritidal cycles, oolite dominant shoals, shoreface and lagoonal environments. These facies associations successively show a transition from an initially inundated tide‐dominated carbonate platform to a wave‐dominated shallow marine environment. In particular, the peritidal sediments were deposited during a large number of depositional cycles. These sediments consist of lime mudstone, dolomite, stromatolite and purple and grey mudstones. These shallowing‐upward cycles generally resulted from carbonate production in response to an increase of accommodation during rising sea‐level. The carbonate production was, however, interrupted by frequent siliciclastic input from the adjacent emergent archipelago. The depositional cycles thus formed under the influence of both autogenetic changes, including sediment supply from the archipelago, and allogenic control of relative sea‐level rise in the carbonate factory. A low‐relief archipelago with an active tidal regime allowed the development of tide‐dominated siliciclastic and carbonate environments on the vast platform. Siliciclastic input to these tidal environments terminated when most of the archipelago became submerged due to a rapid rise in sea‐level. This study provides insights on how a vast Cambrian carbonate platform maintained synchronous sedimentation under a tidal regime, forming distinct cycles of mixed carbonates and siliciclastics as the system kept up with rising relative sea‐level during the early stage of basin development in the North China Platform.  相似文献   

Abstract The Kyokpori Formation (Cretaceous), south‐west Korea, represents a small‐scale lacustrine strike‐slip basin and consists of an ≈ 290 m thick siliciclastic succession with abundant volcaniclasts. The succession can be organized into eight facies associations representing distinctive depositional environments: (I) subaqueous talus; (II) delta plain; (III) steep‐gradient large‐scale delta slope; (IV) base of delta slope to prodelta; (V) small‐scale nested Gilbert‐type delta; (VI) small‐scale delta‐lobe system; (VII) subaqueous fan; and (VIII) basin plain. Facies associations I, III and IV together constitute a large‐scale steep‐sloped delta system. Correlation of the sedimentary succession indicates that the formation comprises two depositional sequences: the lower coarsening‐ to fining‐upward succession (up to 215 m thick) and the upper fining‐upward succession (up to 75 m thick). Based on facies distribution, architecture and correlation of depositional sequences, three stages of basin evolution are reconstructed. Stage 1 is represented by thick coarse‐grained deposits in the lower succession that form subaqueous breccia talus and steep‐sloped gravelly delta systems along the northern and southern basin margins, respectively, and a sandy subaqueous fan system inside the basin, abutting against a basement high. This asymmetric facies distribution suggests a half‐graben structure for the basin, and the thick accumulation of coarse‐grained deposits most likely reflects rapid subsidence of the basin floor during the transtensional opening of the basin. Stage 2 is marked by sandy black shale deposits in the upper part of the lower succession. The black shale is readily correlated across the basin margins, indicating a basinwide transgression probably resulting from large‐scale dip slip suppressing the lateral slip component on basin‐bounding faults. Stage 3 is characterized by gravelly delta‐lobe deposits in the upper succession that are smaller in dimension and located more basinward than the deposits of marginal systems of the lower succession. This lakeward shift of depocentre suggests a loss of accommodation in the basin margins and quiescence of fault movements. This basin evolution model suggests that the rate of dip‐slip displacement on basin‐margin faults can be regarded as the prime control for determining stacking patterns of such basin fills. The resultant basinwide fining‐upward sequences deviate from the coarsening‐upward cycles of other transtensional basins and reveal the variety of stratigraphic architecture in strike‐slip basins controlled by the changes in relative sense and magnitude of fault movements at the basin margins.  相似文献   

The Middle‐Upper Miocene Bodrum magmatic complex of the Aegean region, southwestern Turkey, is mainly represented by intermediate stocks, lavas, pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits. Monzonitic stocks and connected porphyry intrusions and extrusions are the first products of the magmatism. These are followed by a volcanic succession consisting of andesitic‐latitic lavas, autobrecciated lavas, pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits. The final stage is represented by basaltic and basaltic andesitic flows and dykes intruded into previous units. The volcanic succession crops out in the northern part of the Bodrum peninsula. In the lower part of this succession are widespread pyroclastic deposits, composed of pyroclastic fall and flow units, alternating with epiclastic deposits. Grain size, volume and thickness of the pyroclastic deposits were mainly controlled by the type, magnitude and intensity of the eruption. Further up the section, there are two horizons of debris avalanche deposits forming the coarsest and thickest deposits of the volcaniclastic succession. The debris avalanche deposits indicate at least two different flank collapses coeval with the volcanism. The stratigraphy and map pattern of these volcanic units imply that the northern part of the Bodrum peninsula was the north‐facing flank of a stratovolcano during the mid‐Late Miocene. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2004,23(16-17):1733-1756
This study shows that successions of Pleistocene carbonate aeolian deposits can be placed successfully in a geochronologic framework using magnetostratigraphic and susceptibility stratigraphic analysis supplemented by luminescence dating, studies of wave-cut platforms, and biostratigraphic evidence. The investigated aeolian system covers a significant part of southernmost Mallorca and is exposed in impressive coastal cliff sections.At the study site at Els Bancals the aeolian system has a maximum thickness of 16 m and is composed of alternating dark red colluvial deposits and greyish red aeolian dune and sand-sheet deposits forming seven cyclostratigraphic units. Each cyclostratigraphic unit represents landscape stabilisation, colluviation, and soil formation followed by dunefield development, when marine carbonate sand was transported far inland by westerly or north-westerly winds. The aeolian system is located on top of a wave-cut marine platform 12–14 m a.s.l. This platform probably formed during a sea-level highstand in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 (427–364 ka), and renewed marine activity probably later in MIS 11 is indicated by the formation of beach deposits.Two sections at Els Bancals were sampled for a paleomagnetic study; additional samples were taken to detect variations in magnetic susceptibility (MS). The characteristic remanent magnetisation has been recovered for the most part of the succession in spite of diagenetic overprinting. There is evidence for two probably three reversal polarity excursions, possible connected to the Levantine, CR1 and CR0/Biwa III episodes. If this correlation is correct, the sampled succession represents a time interval in the Middle Pleistocene between ca 410 and ca 260 ka. This age estimate is supported by the MS study and by luminescence dates of 333±70 ka (aeolianite from lower part of the succession) and 275±23 ka (aeolianite from the top of the succession).The nature of the succession suggests deposition during alternating warm and moist (colluvial deposition; soil formation) and cold, dry and windy conditions (dunefield formation). The susceptibility signal can be correlated with the insolation signal at 65°N suggesting that environmental variation on Mallorca was linked to orbitally forced climate change, and it seems that aeolian activity and dunefield formation were linked to glacial or stadial periods.  相似文献   

The c. 700 m thick succession of continental–brackish‐marine deposits forming the Lourinhã Formation, cropping out along the coast of western Portugal between Baleal and Santa Cruz, has been correlated using laterally persistent shelly marker beds. Three shelly units record the episodic establishment of relatively short‐lived, brackish‐marine embayments, transgressing from the southwest, onto a low‐lying coastal plain. The succession displays systematic changes in facies types and stacking patterns reflecting differences in fluvial style, bedload character and palaeontological content. Based on these observations, four new members for the Lourinhã Formation are proposed: the Sáo Bernardino, Porto de Barças, Areia Branca and Ferrel members. New biostratigraphical data indicate that the Lourinhã Formation is Late Kimmeridgian to earliest Early Tithonian in age. This age has also been obtained from the underlying mixed carbonate and clastic deposits of the Abadia Formation at Consolação. As a result, these latter sediments are now re‐assigned to the Alcobaça Formation, a lithostratigraphical term currently in use in other areas of the Lusitanian Basin. Improved regional mapping of the Lourinhã Formation has established a new sub‐basin within the western parts of the Lusitanian Basin. This sub‐basin, now named the Consolação Sub‐basin, is bounded to the east by the Lourinhã–Caldas de Rainha (L–C) fault zone and to the west by the Berlengas Horst. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates slope channel initiation by seabed irregularities that were initially formed by slump scars in the lower to middle Jatiluhur Formation, part of the middle- to late Miocene successions in the Bogor Trough, West Java. This Miocene succession is up to 1000 m thick in the study area, and is interpreted as a prograding slope–shelf system that formed during a period of falling- and lowstand stages in relative sea level. The lower part of the formation is a siltstone-dominated siliciclastic succession, containing slump deposits, slump-scar-fill deposits, and minor channel-fill deposits, which formed in slope and shelf-margin environments. In contrast, the middle part, which gradationally overlies the lower part, is characterized by shallow-marine carbonates.The slump-scars-fill deposits have an overall lenticular geometry, and are 140–480 m wide and 0.4–1.6 m thick. Some have distinct erosional bases, which cut into the underlying siltstones, in association with medium- to coarse-grained sandstones with lateral-accretion surfaces and tractional structures common in channel-fill deposits. The incident link of slump-scar-fill deposits and channel-fill deposits in the prograding slope–shelf succession of the lower to middle Jatiluhur Formation suggests that some slump scars formed incipient seabed irregularities that may have played an important role in the development of slope channels. The present study provides one example of the various potential mechanisms that can result in channel formation in a slope setting.  相似文献   

Tephrabase was launched on the World Wide Web in 1995 as a tool for tephrochronological research. In order to facilitate the identification, correlation and dating of tephra deposits, this database may be interrogated through multiple routes, including by source volcano, date, location, and tephra chemistry; datasets include stratigraphy, geochemistry, chronology and spatial information. Currently all the European data refer to Late Quaternary Icelandic‐sourced tephras, post‐12 k yr BP. The sites (62) where the tephra deposits are found include Iceland, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Faroe Islands, Sweden and Russia. In addition, there are also data on tephra layers in central Mexico. Use of Tephrabase highlights the importance of selected geochemical data, but this has to be used with care as major element characteristics alone do not always produce unique definitions for single tephra deposits. For the most accurate results multiple criteria must be used. Tephrabase can be found at http://www.tephrabase.org . Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present the results of combined AMS‐14C and single‐grain luminescence dating of pre‐Columbian irrigation canals that are part of the Racarumi Intervalley Canal System (RICS) in northern Peru. Archaeological and archival evidence suggest that the RICS was constructed during Middle Sicán (A.D. 900–1100) rule and continued to operate during Chimú and Inka conquests in the A.D. 1300s and 1400s, respectively, until finally succumbing to Spanish control of the area in the early A.D. 1500s. Detrital charcoal (AMS‐14C) and sand grains (OSL and IRSL) were collected from active, post‐abandonment, and clean out deposits in six earthen canals located within three separate alignments of the RICS. Resulting ages confirm operation during Middle Sicán, Late Sicán, Chimú, and Inka control, and possibly into the early part of the Spanish period. Placed within their hydroclimatological context, RICS canal deposits document recurrent El Niño flooding ∼A.D. 1300–1600 but indicate that damage to the system was repaired and the canals continued to operate despite periodic disruptions. This study demonstrates that single‐grain luminescence analysis conducted within a framework of geomorphology and formation processes has significant potential for detailed and accurate dating of ancient water‐control systems.  相似文献   

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