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Gravity field terrain effect computations by FFT   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
The widespread availability of detailed gridded topographic and bathymetric data for many areas of the earth has resulted in a need for efficient terrain effect computation techniques, especially for applications in gravity field modelling. Compared to conventional integration techniques, Fourier transform methods provide extremely efficient computations due to the speed of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT. The Fourier techniques rely on linearization and series expansions of the basically unlinear terrain effect integrals, typically involving transformation of the heights/depths and their squares. TheFFT methods will especially be suited for terrain reduction of land gravity data and satellite altimetry geoid data. In the paper the basic formulas will be outlined, and special emphasis will be put on the practial implementation, where a special coarse/detailed grid pair formulation must be used in order to minimize the unavoidable edge effects ofFFT, and the special properties ofFFT are utilized to limit the actual number of data transformations needed. Actual results are presented for gravity and geoid terrain effects in test areas of the USA, Greenland and the North Atlantic. The results are evaluated against a conventional integration program: thus, e.g., in an area of East Greenland (with terrain corrections up to10 mgal), the accuracy ofFFT-computed terrain corrections in actual gravity stations showed anr.m.s. error of0.25 mgal, using height data from a detailed photogrammetric digital terrain model. Similarly, isostatic ocean geoid effects in the Faeroe Islands region were found to be computed withr.m.s. errors around0.03 m  相似文献   

Summary A low cost lunar Satellite-to-Satellite radio tracking mission in a low-low configuration could considerably improve the existing knowledge about the lunar gravity field. The impact of various mission parameters that may contribute to the recovery of the gravity field, such as satellite altitude, satellite separation, mission duration, measurement precision and sampling interval were quantified using the Jekeli-Rapp algorithm. Preliminary results indicate that the gravity field resolution up to harmonic degree 40 to 80 is feasible depending on various mission configurations. Radio tracking data from a six-month mission with a precision of 1 mm s–1 every 10 s and 300 km satellite separation at 150 km altitude will permit the determination of 5o×5o mean gravity anomalies with an error of approximately 15 mgals. Consideration of other unaccounted error sources of instrumental, operational as well as environmental nature may lower this resolution.  相似文献   

邱志成 《测绘科学》2004,29(3):10-13,18
针对摄影测量误差分析中存在的问题,提出了一种新的误差分析方法,把计算机仿真技术用于摄影测 量误差分析中,对框幅式影像建立了误差仿真分析系统,并对卫星影像和航空影像进行了误差影响分析,得到了 许多有价值的结论。  相似文献   

Estimations of the Oppolzer terms for the angular momentum and rotation axes of a non-rigid Earth are obtained from two different approaches and compared. The first approach is an analytical method which relies on the solutions of the Liouville equations for a two-layer Earth model. The Oppolzer terms are evaluated from analytical expressions. The results are then compared to those calculated from Wahr's theory of nutation for a non-rigid Earth, which is the second approach used. Results are obtained for the main nutation frequencies and for the precession case. The differences between the two solutions are generally quite small (the relative error is most of the time under 8%) and are, for a large part, due to successive approximations and truncation effects during their determination. Departures of the results from the two methods are significantly larger for frequencies near the Free Core Nutation (FCN) resonance. This is particularly true for the Oppolzer terms of the angular momentum axis. The Earth model adopted is a little bit different in each case: for the Liouville system solution, we have limited the model to a homogeneous elastic mantle and a homogeneous liquid core. Another source of some of the small differences in the results is the presence of a solid inner core in Wahr's theory. We confirm through the analytical calculation the strong effect of the core on the Oppolzer terms of the angular momentum axis for a non-rigid Earth at the precession frequency. Finally, an application is given in the determination of the axes' position at J2000 for a non-rigid Earth. Received: 23 February 1998 /Accepted: 18 November 1998  相似文献   

This study is concerned with gravity field recovery from low-low satellite to satellite range rate data. Compared against a coplanar mission an improvement is predicted in errors associated with certain parts of the geopotential by the separation of the orbital planes of the two satellites. Using Hill's equations an analytical scheme is developed to model the range rate residuals. It is flexible enough to model the residuals between pairs of satellites in the same orbital plane or whose planes are separated in right ascension. This scheme should allow the possibility of larger planar separations than previously since no small angle approximation is made. The effects of such an orientation on gravity field recovery can therefore be analysed by means of an extensive error analysis. The results of this analysis indicate that a significant improvement in the errors of the near sectorial coefficients are obtained when the satellite's orbital planes are separated. Received: 9 April 1996; Accepted: 26 September 1996  相似文献   

张兵兵 《测绘学报》2019,48(8):1068-1068
CHAMP卫星和GOCE卫星分别于2010年和2013年坠落,GRACE卫星仍然超预期运行,随时会坠落,而后续重力卫星计划GRACE Follow-On预计2018年发射,在此期间,Swarm作为唯一的低轨重力观测卫星,将填补重力卫星观测的空白。本文对Swarm卫星精密定轨与加速度法恢复地球重力场进行了研究,实现了Swarm卫星运动学厘米级精密定轨和简化动力学厘米级精密定轨,并基于加速度法恢复了Swarm地球重力场模型。  相似文献   

The inverse distance weighted model (IDWM) represents a geo-spatial interpolation technique used for estimation of ionospheric vertical delays at the ionospheric grid points (IGPs) and user ionospheric pierce points (IPPs). The GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) system is planned for air-navigation over the Indian service region using a space based augmentation. One of the main needs for GAGAN is to develop a suitable grid-based ionospheric model for estimating the vertical delay and its error bound, i.e., grid ionospheric vertical error (GIVE) at all the IGPs covering the Indian subcontinent. Dual frequency GPS receiver data obtained from 17 total electron content (TEC) stations are considered in the analysis. For a typical IGP (25°N, 75°E), variations in the GIVE for a few days of quiet ionosphere are presented. For a quiet and magnetically moderate day, the mean and standard deviations of the user IPP (UIPP) estimation error and the mean GIVE are presented using the IDWM with Klobuchar, Junkins and bilinear models.  相似文献   

在测绘生产中,测绘成果的管理和原始数据的预处理是非常重要的工作。本文介绍了以VS2008为平台开发一个加密重力测量数据管理程序的过程,详述了如何运用VC++结合ADO技术创建ACCESS数据库,实现对测量数据的录入、修改、删除、重力段差和重力值的计算、计算结果的显示输出。  相似文献   

Summary We have developed an absolute gravimeter with a rotating vacuum pipe. The rotating vacuum pipe has an angular velocity high enough to keep a falling object to the end of it, where the falling object begins to drop by stopping the pipe vertical. We put a Michelson interferometer with a stabilized He-Ne laser under the vacuum pipe to measure the position of the falling object at every 1 ms synchronized with a rubidium frequency standard. This absolute gravimeter has succeeded in the measurements with a drop-to-drop scatter of 1.9 × 10–7ms–2 (19µGal) at the Esashi Gravity Station in the end of 1989 and also has succeeded in the continuous measurements for a week at the same place in December 1991. During the three-year experiments, the measured gravity values have gradually increased until the end of 1991 and then gained in the rate of increase, although we cannot deny the possibility of instrumental origin. The comparisons with other types of absolute gravimeters showed that the values obtained by the absolute gravimeter with a rotating vacuum pipe are close to those obtained by the absolute gravimeters ILOM#1 and NAOM#2 and are lower than those obtained by JILA#4, though the times of comparisons are different.  相似文献   

本文用积分法模拟恢复了地球重力场,同真实重力场进行比较,分析了结果。结果表明,本文使用模型及程序算法正确,可以用于恢复重力场,精度在10^-12的量级上,对应的大地水准面阶误差小于0.2mm,大地水准面累积误差30阶处小于0.5mm。  相似文献   

针对克里格电离层插值方法受粗差数据影响和全球适用性问题,基于克里金插值的变异函数,构造电离层插值的粗差剔除统计量,实现插值过程自动化粗差剔除。采用全球电离层总电子含量格网产品进行试验验证,得出以下结论:①粗差剔除统计量能有效剔除粗差,保证插值精度与样本精度相当;②基于2014年太阳活动高年样本,克里金插值的精度RMS为1.0~5.0 TECU(total electron content unit)。  相似文献   

为了消除影响北斗系统高精度导航服务性能的多路径误差,文章基于实测数据提取多路径误差并分析其所具有的特性,探讨不同定位解算方式中的多路径误差消除策略。结果表明,多路径误差实时改正后的单点定位结果相比原数据解算结果有明显提高;基于北斗多路径误差周期的恒星日滤波算法消除了部分周期误差,基线解算坐标时间序列的精度有了明显的提高。这两种针对多路径误差的改正方法可以为北斗系统数据处理提供参考。  相似文献   

针对传统的系统误差转台标定方法耗时耗力且受限于实验地点的问题,该文从载体运动特征的角度,使用高精度战术级惯性导航设备作为参考,采集车载动态数据,通过传统传感器信号误差模型对消费级低成本惯性导航设备在线标定后,对标定后的观测值残差分别与载体运动角速度、角加速度、角冲击(加速度导数)、线性加速度、线性加速度冲击进行相关性分...  相似文献   

探讨4类卫星编队构形(串联编队、钟摆编队、车轮编队、串联-钟摆编队)测定全球重力场的特点和能力。基于C-W(Clohessy-Wiltshire)方程分析各类编队卫星的相对运动状态,通过仿真试验,探讨各种卫星编队探测重力场的精度和分辨率。结果表明,与GRACE-type编队相比,包含多方向重力信号观测量的卫星编队能够为重力场解算提供更好的条件,对重力场解算精度提高可达9%~65%;径向观测量是重力场反演中的主要信息来源,其中南北径向的车轮编队最适合于高阶重力场的解算;另外,编队卫星间的沿轨方向观测量对扇谐系数反演能力最差,法向观测量对低次项系数的反演不敏感,径向和多方向观测量联合反演能得到接近各向同性的重力场系数。这可为新一代重力卫星任务的设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   

基于卫星轨道的动力学积分法,定量分析了SST-LL模式主要有效载荷测量误差对重力场恢复结果影响的特点及相互关系。结果表明,1μm/s的星间距离变化率误差与10-9m/s2的非保守力测量误差所引起的重力场误差基本相当,不同载荷的测量精度应相互匹配,单独提高某一载荷的精度对改善重力场并无多大意义。  相似文献   

假定给定了海量的卫星重力观测数据,基于球谐展开法并应用最小二乘原理可以确定地球重力场模型EGM,由此确定的重力场模型在地球表面附近的空间区域未必有效。设想有一个包含了地球的大球KS,假定EGM在大球的外部成立,则可根据虚拟压缩恢复法求出一种新的重力场模型NEGM,它是对原有重力场模型的进一步精化,适合于整个地球外部空间,从理论上可以解决重力场的“向下延拓”问题。初步的模拟实验检验支持虚拟压缩恢复法以及由此而引申出的“向下延拓”法。  相似文献   

目前LiDAR技术已经成为DTM的主要生产方法。地面误差对LiDAR生成DTM的精度影响比较明显,特别是由于亚热带森林植被覆盖区LiDAR激光点云少,生成的DTM更复杂,需要分析地面误差对LiDAR生成林下DTM的精度影响。本文以华南农业大学增城教学科研基地为研究对象,从森林郁闭度和坡度两个方面探讨了地面误差对机载LiDAR数据生成林下DTM精度的影响。研究结果发现高程误差会随郁闭度的增大而增大;而随坡度变化趋势不明显,但是坡度为15°时成为误差的分水岭,其前后误差差异比较明显。总体而言,郁闭度的影响更为明显。  相似文献   

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