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WEN LIN HUAN XIAO DONG ZHANG ZHAO YI SONGInstitute of Geophysics State Seismological Bureau Beijing China 《地震学报(英文版)》1997,10(3):287-297
ThestructurefeaturesofstickslipmechanismofthestrikeslipearthquakegeneratingstructureintheinterioroftheChinesemainlandWENL... 相似文献
Earthquake sources exhibiting anelastic volume changes are studied in a gravitating earth. The excitation of seismic displacement fields by such sources cannot be fully described by a moment tensor.The effect of gravity manifests itself through the action of a buoyancy force at the source, which is compensated by a continuous distribution of volume forces through the earth.An inversion scheme which does not take into account these gravitational forces may lead to a pseudo-precursive action in the source and to an erroneous source characterisation. 相似文献
近几年在我国接连发生的严重震灾,使社会公众对地震预测预报的关注度明显提升。为帮助社会公众正确地了解、参与地震预测预报工作,本文依据《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》和国务院《地震预报管理条例》,对中国地震预测预报工作机制进行了解读。 相似文献
2021年5月22日青海玛多发生了Ms7.4级地震,从地震中桥梁震害情况看:此次地震的特点是断层北侧震害轻,南侧震害重。位于断层南侧的野马滩大桥是简支梁桥,发生大量落梁,是此次地震中受损最为严重的大桥之一;而位于北侧的大野马岭大桥是连续梁桥,仅发生了部分挡块开裂。其中原因值得深入研究。本文通过有限元分析软件Midas/Civil建立大野马岭大桥(上行线)模型,进行地震反应分析,讨论分析了大野马岭大桥在此次地震中的震害机理。发现南北向的地震动是造成该桥横向挡块破坏的主要原因,东西向地震动因受到桥台和纵向挡块的约束并没有出现严重损伤。若将该桥由连续梁桥变成简支梁桥,地震反应会有所变化,但总体趋势特点变化并不大。另外,本文通过现有资料选定5组地震动作为输入,进行地震反应分析,比较分析不同地震动对该桥的影响,并验证地震动模拟效果。 相似文献
2018年1月15日佳木斯汤原县发生ML 4.4地震,采用ISOLA方法反演矩张量解,结果显示为逆冲型地震,兼少量走滑成分。结合震源区地质构造背景,推断依舒断裂北段通河-汤原段西支断裂为发震构造,主压应力轴与背景应力场方向不一致。分析认为,黑龙江亚板块由东南转向东北运动,造成断层两侧应力产生差异,区域应力场调整诱发汤原ML 4.4地震。 相似文献
本文介绍了断层活动的一种重要现象--特征地震现象.特征地震是指某些断层长期活动过程中,重复发生的多次大地震往往表现出相似的破裂长度、位错分布、和震级大小,而有些活动断层在多次地震中表现出局部的相似.对断层地震活动的统计分析中,有两种模型,一种就是为大家熟知的G-R经验公式,还有一种就是特征地震模型.到底哪一种模型能够代表断层的活动,用哪一种模型进行地震危险性分析较为合理?南加州断层历史地震的统计资料和一些数值模拟分析的结果表明对于一条成熟的单个断层,用特征地震模型进行解释是更为合理的,而对包含多条断层的较为广阔的地域,断层活动应该仍用G-R公式进行分析.文章的后面对特征地震的机制进行了分析,特别地,我们认为断层的位错分布主要是由断层破裂面处地震前后的应力降决定的.所以对成熟断层而言,断层上发生的多次重复地震由于地震孕育的条件相似,导致断层活动中表现出特征地震这种现象. 相似文献
通过现场震害调查和有限元分析,研究了汶川大地震高原大桥桥台的地震破坏机理和提高桥台抗主梁撞击能力的工程措施。研究表明,基于pushover静力分析技术可较好地模拟桥台在主梁撞击下的破坏形态。对不同的有限元模型假定,高原大桥虹口侧桥台可表现出"上弱下强"、"上下等强"和"下弱上强"等3种不同的破坏模式,且桥台胸墙、前墙、前墙与翼墙交界面是抗震薄弱点,在主梁撞击下易发生脆性开裂;而高原侧桥台的破坏则基本为自胸墙开始,沿45°夹角向斜下方扩展,最终导致桥台胸墙撞碎、后侧翼墙脱落倒塌。素混凝土桥台在主梁撞击下表现出明显的脆性,提高桥台混凝土强度可有效增大桥台抗撞击的强度,而在桥台混凝土中配置一定量的分布钢筋则可有效延缓桥台破坏过程。 相似文献
依托大庆城市活动断层探测项目,开展大庆区域地震活动性研究。筛选黑龙江省及周边662个地震事件的震相到时,修订研究区域走时模型。对研究区148个地震运用交切法和双差法重新定位,对比发现,双差定位后地震定位精度显著提高,地震空间分布更加集中,条带状更为明显,震源深度表明,研究区孕震层基本位于地壳中上部。利用震源机制解资料,对工作区现代构造应力场进行分析,认为本区域构造应力场主压应力方向为NE向,以水平走滑作用为主。 相似文献
Time-dependent friction and the mechanics of stick-slip 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
James H. Dieterich 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1978,116(4-5):790-806
Time-dependent increase of static friction is characteristic of rock friction undera variety of experimental circumstances. Data presented here show an analogous velocity-dependent effect. A theor of friction is proposed that establishes a common basis for static and sliding friction. Creep at points of contact causes increases in friction that are proportional to the logarithm of the time that the population of points of contact exist. For static friction that time is the time of stationary contact. For sliding friction the time of contact is determined by the critical displacement required to change the population of contacts and the slip velocity. An analysis of a one-dimensional spring and slider system shows that experimental observations establishing the transition from stable sliding to stick-slip to be a function of normal stress, stiffness and surface finish are a consequence of time-dependent friction. 相似文献
Summary This paper discusses the influence of system stiffness on the dynamic instability of fault surfaces under laboratory conditions for a number of test modes. In conjunction with shear load stiffness, the normal load stiffness, often neglected, is shown to have a considerable effect on the stick-slip process —its presence or absence and its characteristics. Also appropriate stiffnesses are suggested for an earthquake sequence modeled as a growing dislocation. 相似文献
汶川大地震震害特点与成因分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
郭迅 《地震工程与工程振动》2009,29(6)
2008年5月12日汶川地震造成巨大人员伤亡和财产损失.本文从工程抗震角度分析了震区房屋倒塌的原因,指出地震时房屋倒塌与否与诸多因素有关.在此基础上,分析了汶川地震震害严重的四个主要因素:震级大,烈度高,断层破裂长;震区人口稠密,房屋、路桥等人工工程多;抗震设防水平低;地震诱发地质灾害严重.最后,将汶川地震震害与1976年唐山地震震害作了对比.所得结论可供理解汶川地震震害、改进结构抗震设计参考. 相似文献
2001年雅江6.0级地震序列震源机制解与应力场分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
叙述了利用P波初动和短周期体波振幅联合测定震源机制解和利用震源机制解求取区域主应力张量的方法,采用成都遥测数字地震台网在2001年2月雅江Ms 5.0、Ms 6.0地震前后的3.0级以上的26个地震,共14个台站的垂直分向速度波形记录进行计算。使用主事件定位法,确定了这些地震较准确的震中位置,并在此后的计算中采用该数据。震源机制解结果表明:5.0和6.0级地震与另外3次地震为走滑型,呈北东向分布;而外围的其他21次地震全部是倾滑型。分析认为,雅江震区位于鲜水河断裂带南端西侧的以贡嘎山为中心的地壳隆起区内,地壳的抬升运动导致震源体的形成,两种破裂方式与之有关。前震与余震时段的最大主压应力σ1轴的方向大致相同,5.0和6.0级地震期间,σ1轴的方向偏转了约100°。 相似文献
Simulation of the frictional stick-slip instability 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Stick-slips have been studied in the laboratory on granite, labrodorite and sandstone samples of two different sizes. Different roughness was achieved on the sawcut surfaces by finishing them with different grinding compounds ranging from grit 40 to grit 1000. Stick-slips occurred as a result of 1) slowly increasing the shear and normal stresses, 2) superimposing a sinusoidal stress modulation (0.1 and 10 Hz) on the slowly increasing stresses, 3) triggering by a stress impulse when the shear stress was well below the levels where stick-slips occurred without the impulse, and 4) foreshocks.Stick-slips triggered by impulses or foreshocks occurred long after the beginning of the triggering events, i.e., long in comparison with elastic wave travel times through the sample. All triggered events were very rich in high frequencies (corner frequency of 100 kHz). The untriggered stick-slips did not contain much energy at the high frequencies (corner frequency of 10 kHz). The dynamic friction coefficients for the triggered stick-slips were smaller than for the untriggered events.The long delay between the onset of the trigger and the stick-slip, and the high frequencies may be a consequence of corrosion of asperities. The ultimate triggering and the rate of corrosion are likely related to the interplay of the normal and shear stresses as they load and unload the fault surface. The consistent shape of the high frequency spectra is probably due to sample resonances which are excited rather than being characteristic of the details of the stick-slips. If these laboratory observations are directly applicable to earthquake seismology, the spectra of earthquakes which were triggered by other earthquakes should be anomalously rich in high frequencies. 相似文献
查明大地震物理机制对地震预测和防震减灾具有重要意义.本文评述了当前主流地震机制假说,指出用于描述浅源地震机制的弹性回跳说和粘滑说存在诸多缺陷;前人提出的脱水致裂、相变失稳、剪切熔融和反裂隙断层作用等中-深源地震机制假说,均存在与观测事实不符的情况.本文简要介绍了近些年我们发展的孕震断层多锁固段脆性破裂理论,指出断层运动导致锁固段累进性破裂发生地震,称锁固段在体积膨胀点和峰值强度点发生的显著地震为标志性地震事件.震例分析表明,浅源、中源、深源及其混合型地震区标志性地震事件的孕育规律均遵循该理论.进一步的讨论指出,弹性回跳说和粘滑说均隐含着断层面上存在锁固段的假设;深源地震震源体具有发生脆性破裂的环境条件;该理论能合理解释地震应力降远小于室内岩石破裂应力降、热流佯谬和自组织临界性这些难点问题.这充分说明,大地震物理机制均可统一解释为锁固段脆性破裂. 相似文献
Ari Ben-Menahem 《Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors》1978,17(2):163-181
Surface-wave amplitudes in the period range 50–100 s at eight European and North American stations, horizontal slip profiles along the rupture zone and the timing of certain events along the fault during rupture time are all engaged in unison to reconstruct the motion at the source. A modified source model is used to accommodate a moving rupture with variable dislocation in the direction of propagation.It is inferred that the rupture started at about 13 h 11 m 55 s GMT near San Juan Bautista and propagated unilaterally northwestward along N35°W over 400 km with an average rupture velocity of 3.5 km/s. At 13 h 12 m 12 s, the dynamic shear front, moving with the rupture speed, hit the Lick Observatory. Then, at 13 h 12 m 18 s, the rupture arrived to the vicinity of the epicenter in the Santa Cruz Mountains given by B. Bolt. There the slip changed sharply from an average of 0.5 m to a high value of 3 m causing extensive landslides and avalanches. At 13 h 12 m 32.5 s two railroad clocks at San Rafael were stopped. Finally, at 13 h 12 m 36 s the offset front hit the Naval Observatory at Mare Island and stopped the astronomical clocks there. Conspicuous surface waves, visible on Wiechert seismograms in Europe in the period range 55–65 s, reflect the true rupture time.The seismic data inversion yields an effective radiation source some 240 km long with an average vertical extent of some 34 km over a total fault length of 400 km (). It began at the Santa Cruz Mountains and ended some 20 km off coast Point Arena. Thus, due to the nonuniform slip profile, only of the total fracture length contributed to the far radiation field.Although the product of the average source displacement (over the entire fault) and the vertical extent appears to be fairly well determined from the surface-wave spectrums, the separate values of these entities cannot be uniquely determined. If the average surface displacements (~ 3.2 m) are diagnostic of the entire fault, a vertical extent of H = 34 km is required.Finally, a new analysis of surface waves from the Alaska earthquake of July 10, 1958, the Queen Charlotte Islands earthquake of August 22, 1949 and the Kern County shock of July 21, 1952, enables us to draw parallels between the three biggest major events which occurred along the NE Pacific coast during 1906–1958. A common feature of all of these earthquakes is that vertical failure extents of 30–40 km are implied. 相似文献
The focal mechanism solution of the Shiqu MS 4.4 earthquake occurred on May 16th, 2017 in Sichuan Province is studied by the gCAP method using the waveform data from the regional seismic networks in Sichuan, Qinghai, Tibet and Gansu provinces. The strike/dip/dipping angle of the first nodal plane are 214°/80°/167° and those of the second nodal plane are 306°/77°/10°, the optimal centroid depth is 7.3 ± 0.6 km and the moment magnitude is MW 4.5. Furthermore, the study investigates the robustness of the results against the error of crustal velocity structure, location, data quality and difference of seismic parameters, subsequently obtaining a stable resolved focal mechanism. According to the geological structure in the seismogenic area, spatial distribution of aftershock sequenceof the regional tectonic stress field, and the focal mechanism of the main shock, we suggest that the Shiqu earthquake is induced by a left-lateral strike-slip mechanism and the second nodal plane is inferred to be the seismogenic fault, consistent with the geometry of the Changshagongma fault which is the secondary fault of the northwest part of the Xianshuihe fault zone. 相似文献