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Precise Point Positioning (PPP) has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool in geodetic and geodynamic applications. Although its accuracy is almost comparable with network solutions, the east component of the PPP results is still to be improved by integer ambiguity fixing, which is, up to now, prevented by the presence of the uncalibrated phase delays (UPD) originating in the receivers and satellites. In this paper, it is shown that UPDs are rather stable in time and space, and can be estimated with high accuracy and reliability through a statistical analysis of the ambiguities estimated from a reference network. An approach is implemented to estimate the fractional parts of the single-difference (SD) UPDs between satellites in wide- and narrow-lane from a global reference network. By applying the obtained SD-UPDs as corrections to the SD-ambiguities at a single station, the corrected SD-ambiguities have a naturally integer feature and can therefore be fixed to integer values as usually done for the double-difference ones in the network mode. With data collected at 450 stations of the International GNSS Service (IGS) through days 106 to 119 in 2006, the efficiency of the presented ambiguity-fixing strategy is validated using IGS Final products. On average, more than 80% of the independent ambiguities could be fixed reliably, which leads to an improvement of about 27% in the repeatability and 30% in the agreement with the IGS weekly solutions for the east component of station coordinates, compared with the real-valued solutions. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

介绍了精密单点定位的基本原理,利用IGS数据和产品验证了对流层天顶延迟和电离层总电子含量的解算正确性,给出了青岛地区对流层折射率和电离层电子密度剖面的探测结果。实验结果表明:精密单点定位技术应用于空间环境探测是可行的。  相似文献   

差分码偏差(DCB)是电离层总电子含量(TEC)监测和建模的主要系统误差,卫星DCB也是卫星导航系统导航电文的重要参数。研究了卫星DCB的估计算法,推导了不同基准下DCB的转换公式,利用北斗观测实验网解算了2013年北斗卫星的DCB。在同一基准下分析了北斗卫星DCB的稳定性,并与MGEX发布的DCB产品进行了比较分析。实验结果表明,该方法解算的北斗卫星B1-B2 DCB在-9~17 ns之间,北斗卫星DCB的稳定性优于0.4 ns;北斗倾斜地球同步轨道卫星(IGSO)卫星稳定性优于地球静止轨道卫星(GEO)和中圆地球轨道卫星(MEO);利用北斗观测实验网解算的北斗卫星DCB与MGEX解算结果存在最大约1.7 ns的系统偏差,可能由于测距码的不一致性所致;接收机硬件材质的不同是导致接收机DCB差异的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

Traditional positioning methods, such as conventional Real Time Kinematic (cRTK) rely upon local reference networks to enable users to achieve high-accuracy positioning. The need for such relatively dense networks has significant cost implications. Precise Point Positioning (PPP) on the other hand is a positioning method capable of centimeter-level positioning without the need for such local networks, hence providing significant cost benefits especially in remote areas. This paper presents the state-of-the-art PPP method using both GPS and GLONASS measurements to estimate the float position solution before attempting to resolve GPS integer ambiguities. Integrity monitoring is carried out using the Imperial College Carrier-phase Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring method. A new method to detect and exclude GPS base-satellite failures is developed. A base-satellite is a satellite whose measurements are differenced from other satellite’s measurements when using between-satellite-differenced measurements to estimate position. The failure detection and exclusion methods are tested using static GNSS data recorded by International GNSS Service stations both in static and dynamic processing modes. The results show that failure detection can be achieved in all cases tested and failure exclusion can be achieved for static cases. In the kinematic processing cases, failure exclusion is more difficult because the higher noise in the measurement residuals increases the difficulty to distinguish between failures associated with the base-satellite and other satellites.  相似文献   

提出了采用单频精密单点定位(precise point posi-tioning,PPP)技术实现基于u-blox的城市区域亚米级导航定位技术服务模式,该模式完全取代精度相对较低的标准单点定位(standard point positioning,SPP)技术,同时相比于网络RTK(real-time kinemati...  相似文献   

针对BDS目前可提供服务的在轨卫星已经超过18颗,因此,研究非差非组合模型在BDS PPP中的应用具有重要意义。在简明阐述观测模型和参数估计基本理论的基础上,重点分析了BDS非差非组合PPP在静态、后处理动态和模拟实时动态下的定位精度。实验选取亚太区域4个MGEX跟踪站2016年第206—208天的BDS/GPS观测数据。研究表明:BDS静态E、N、U方向定位精度分别为1.8 cm、0.7 cm、3.1 cm; BDS模拟实时动态E、N、U方向定位精度分别为5.3 cm、3.9 cm、12.1 cm; BDS后处理动态与模拟实时动态E、N、U定位精度相当。  相似文献   

单频精密单点定位中周跳的处理方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周跳探测是单频精密单点定位技术的难点之一.针对这一问题,提出一种适合于单频数据的周跳探测方法,即联合使用多项式拟合和多普勒积分法探测周跳.具体步骤是:先采用多项式拟合法处理星问单差数据,若探测结果表明单差观测值中存在周跳,则采用多普勒积分法进一步探测是哪一颗卫星发生了周跣以及周跳的大小.实验结果表明,此方法在周跳探测上具有有效性和准确性.  相似文献   

利用BP神经网络的动态精密单点定位故障诊断算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对动态精密单点定位中可能出现的观测信息故障,提出了基于两级神经网络的故障诊断算法。该算法首先采用一级神经网络在线修正Kalman滤波的动力学模型信息,然后基于二级神经网络自动对观测信息进行故障检测、定位和剔除。利用机载实测数据进行了实验,结果表明该方法能够正确地诊断观测信息中存在的故障,提高了诊断正确率。  相似文献   

A new method for modeling the ionospheric delay using global positioning system (GPS) data is proposed, called the ionospheric eclipse factor method (IEFM). It is based on establishing a concept referred to as the ionospheric eclipse factor (IEF) λ of the ionospheric pierce point (IPP) and the IEF’s influence factor (IFF) . The IEF can be used to make a relatively precise distinction between ionospheric daytime and nighttime, whereas the IFF is advantageous for describing the IEF’s variations with day, month, season and year, associated with seasonal variations of total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere. By combining λ and with the local time t of IPP, the IEFM has the ability to precisely distinguish between ionospheric daytime and nighttime, as well as efficiently combine them during different seasons or months over a year at the IPP. The IEFM-based ionospheric delay estimates are validated by combining an absolute positioning mode with several ionospheric delay correction models or algorithms, using GPS data at an international Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) service (IGS) station (WTZR). Our results indicate that the IEFM may further improve ionospheric delay modeling using GPS data.  相似文献   

推导了精密单点定位含有粗差观测数据的M-LS滤波原理,对等价权阵采用三段降权函数实现抗差。从新息和残差的协方差关系出发,利用对粗差敏感的残差标准差作为抗差因子。通过迭代减弱卫星间载波残差及其抗差因子的相关性。针对载波和伪距观测值不等观测精度和不相关性,采用双抗差因子实现静态抗差卡尔曼滤波(robust Kalman filtering,RKF)。采用标准卡尔曼滤波、基于新息RKF、基于残差的增益矩阵双抗差因子RKF、基于残差的等价权阵双抗差因子RKF等4种模型,分别对一组实测数据解算分析。结果表明,基于新息RKF对精度较高的载波粗差不敏感;基于残差的增益矩阵RKF对载波较小的粗差抗差效果较差,且发生粗差历元时刻的状态参数与真值偏差较大;而基于残差构造的等价权阵双抗差因子RKF可以非常精确和高效地实现抗差,单个卫星粗差对测站位置参数影响小于1 mm。  相似文献   

高性能原子钟钟差建模及其在精密单点定位中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张小红  陈兴汉  郭斐 《测绘学报》2015,44(4):392-398
鉴于当前许多IGS跟踪站均配置有高性能原子钟的现状,本文首先采用修正Allan方差法分析了不同IGS跟踪站的接收机钟随机噪声的时域特性,进而评估了不同类型接收机的短期稳定度及钟差建模的可行性,然后利用IGS站配有氢原子钟的观测数据,在精密单点定位算法中,通过对钟差参数进行短时建模约束接收机钟差的随机变化,进而改进精密单点定位(PPP)的定位性能。试验结果表明钟差建模方法显著降低了高程分量参数、天顶对流层延迟参数与接收机钟差参数之间的相关性,GNSS高程分量的精度可提高50%。该方法对于提升PPP技术在地壳形变监测、低轨卫星定轨、水汽监测及预报等高精度GNSS地学领域的应用水平具有一定意义。  相似文献   

对于GPS精密单点定位,天线相位转绕误差无法通过星间求差法消除或者减弱,因此必须通过适当的模型加以改正。本文详细分析该误差的特性及其改正方法,并采用自编软件通过计算实例分析其对GPS精密单点定位的精度影响。  相似文献   

刘涛 《地理空间信息》2011,9(3):32-34,37
综述了国内外精密单点定位技术的研究现状,针对新疆1∶10000基础测绘的特点,结合精密单点定位技术在基础测绘中的实际应用情况,具体分析精密单点定位技术应用于基础测绘的可行性及其定位精度.  相似文献   

在精密单点定位中,通过有效的方法减小对流层误差源对定位精度的影响。其中Saastamoinen模型和Niell模型对减小对流层延迟误差效果较好。重点介绍了这两种模型,并通过实验分析了两种模型在精密单点定位中对对流层延迟误差的改正效果。实验结果以标准偏差和均方根的形式给出,说明了Saastamoinen模型与Niell模型对定位结果都有所改善,但Niell模型结果较好。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于相邻历元模型概率比的交互多模型方法,以提高故障诊断的效率,控制异常数据对定位结果的影响。首先,根据故障可能发生的情况建立交互多模型,以便对故障进行定位;然后,根据相邻历元的故障模型概率比对故障进行诊断,提高故障诊断的正确率;最后,根据抗差估计原理对故障进行处理,控制异常影响,提高动态精密单点定位的精度。以实测动态GPS数据为例,此模型可以提高故障诊断的正确率,控制异常影响,进而提高动态精密单点定位的精度。  相似文献   

提出了利用区域内的双频观测值建立区域SEID模型,利用单频观测值反演得到双频观测值,进而组成双频无电离层组合观测值,实现了单频PPP双频解算。算例结果表明,本文提出的新方法大大缩短了定位收敛时间,显著地提高了单频PPP的定位精度。  相似文献   

联合双频GPS数据,利用相位平滑伪距算法,可得到包含斜向电离层总电子含量(slant total electron content,sTEC)、测站和卫星差分码偏差(differential code bias,DCB)的电离层观测值(称之为"平滑伪距电离层观测值"),常应用于与电离层有关的研究。然而,平滑伪距电离层观测值易受平滑弧段长度和与测站有关的误差影响。提出一种新算法:利用非组合精密单点定位技术(precise point positioning,PPP)计算电离层观测值(称之为"PPP电离层观测值"),进而估计sTEC和站星DCB。基于短基线试验,先用一台接收机按上述两种方法估计sTEC,用于改正另一接收机观测值的电离层延迟以实施单频PPP,结果表明,利用PPP电离层观测值得到的sTEC精度较高,定位结果的可靠性较强。随后,选取全球分布的8个IGS(internationalGNSS service)连续跟踪站2009年1月内某四天的观测数据,利用上述两种电离层观测值计算所有卫星的DCB,并将计算结果与CODE发布的月平均值进行比较,其中,平滑伪距电离层观测值的卫星DCB估值与CODE(Centre for Orbit Deter mination in Europe)发布值的差别较大,部分卫星甚至可达0.2~0.3 ns,而PPP电离层观测值而言,绝大多数卫星对应的差异均在0.1 ns以内。  相似文献   

在复杂观测环境下,GNSS信号容易发生周跳和失锁现象,导致精密单点定位技术(PPP)模糊度重新初始化,影响定位精度及可靠性。本文基于PPP/SINS紧组合,提出了利用短时间内惯导递推的高精度位置信息辅助PPP周跳修复的几何模型。该模型采用原始观测值建立历元间差分方程,将周跳作为参数进行估计,而惯导提供的高精度位置作为带权的虚拟观测值参与平差解算,在固定周跳整数值后修复相位观测值,从而保持高精度的连续定位。以车载和机载两组数据分析了该方法的有效性,结果表明,引入惯性辅助能够显著加快PPP定位的重新收敛,实现周跳的准确修复。   相似文献   

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