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Electromagnetic experiments were conducted in 1995 as part of a multidisciplinary research project to investigate the deep structure of the Chyulu Hills volcanic chain on the eastern flank of the Kenya Rift in East Africa. Transient electromagnetic (TEM) and broadband (120–0.0001 Hz) magnetotelluric (MT) soundings were made at eight stations along a seismic survey line and the data were processed using standard techniques. The TEM data provided effective correction for static shifts in MT data. The MT data were inverted for the structure in the upper 20 km of the crust using a 2-D inversion scheme and a variety of starting models. The resulting 2-D models show interesting features but the wide spacing between the MT stations limited model resolution to a large extent. These models suggest that there are significant differences in the physical state of the crust between the northern and southern parts of the Chyulu Hills volcanic field. North of the Chyulu Hills, the resistivity structure consists of a 10–12-km-thick resistive (up to 4000 Ω m) upper crustal layer, ca. 10-km-thick mid-crustal layer of moderate resistivity (50 Ω m), and a conductive substratum. The resistive upper crustal unit is considerably thinner over the main ridge (where it is ca. 2 km thick) and further south (where it may be up to 5 km thick). Below this cover unit, steep zones of low resistivity (0.01–10 Ω m) occur underneath the main ridge and at its NW and SE margins (near survey positions 100 and 150–210 km on seismic line F of Novak et al. [Novak, O., Prodehl, C., Jacob, A.W.B., Okoth, W., 1997. Crustal structure of the southern flank of the Kenya Rift deduced from wide-angle P-wave data. In: Fuchs, K., Altherr, R., Muller, B., Prodehl, C. (Eds.), Structure and Dynamic Processes in the Lithosphere of the Afro-Arabian Rift System. Tectonophysics, vol. 278, 171–186]). These conductors appear to be best developed in upper crustal (1–8 km) and middle crustal (9–18 km) zones in the areas affected by volcanism. The low-resistivity anomalies are interpreted as possible magmatic features and may be related to the low-velocity zones recently detected at greater depth in the same geographic locations. The MT results, thus, provide a necessary upper crustal constraint on the anomalous zone in Chyulu Hills, and we suggest that MT is a logical compliment to seismics for the exploration of the deep crust in this volcanic-covered basement terrain. A detailed 3-D field study is recommended to gain a better understanding of the deep structure of the volcanic field.  相似文献   

ULIANOV  A.; KALT  A. 《Journal of Petrology》2006,47(5):901-927
Basanites of the Chyulu Hills (Kenya Rift) contain mafic Mg–Aland Ca–Al granulite xenoliths. Their protoliths are interpretedas troctolitic cumulates; however, the original mineral assemblageswere almost completely transformed by subsolidus reactions.Mg–Al granulites contain the minerals spinel, sapphirine,sillimanite, plagioclase, corundum, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxeneand garnet, whereas Ca–Al granulites are characterizedby hibonite, spinel, sapphirine, mullite, sillimanite, plagioclase,quartz, clinopyroxene, corundum, and garnet. In the Mg–Algranulites, the first generation of orthopyroxene and some spinelmay be of igneous origin. In the Ca–Al granulites, hibonite(and possibly some spinel) are the earliest, possibly igneous,minerals in the crystallization sequence. Most pyroxene, spineland corundum in Mg–Al and Ca–Al granulites formedby subsolidus reactions. The qualitative PT path derivedfrom metamorphic reactions corresponds to subsolidus cooling,probably accompanied, or followed by, compression. Final equilibrationwas achieved at T 600–740°C and P <8 kbar, inthe stability field of sillimanite. The early coexistence ofcorundum and pyroxenes (± spinel), as well as the associationof sillimanite and sapphirine with clinopyroxene and the presenceof hibonite, makes both types of granulite rare. The Ca–Alhibonite-bearing granulites are unique. Both types enlarge thespectrum of known Ca–Al–Mg-rich granulites worldwide. KEY WORDS: granulite xenoliths; corundum; sapphirine; hibonite; Kenya Rift  相似文献   

Geochemical data are presented for primitive alkaline lavasfrom the Chyulu Hills Volcanic Province of southern Kenya, situatedsome 100 km east of the Kenya Rift Valley. In addition to theirprimitive compositions, a striking and ubiquitous feature isa strong but variable depletion in K relative to other highlyincompatible elements when normalized to primitive mantle values.Semi-quantitative models are developed that best explain thepetrogenesis of these lavas in terms of partial melting of asource that contained residual amphibole (but not phlogopite).The presence of amphibole implies a source in the subcontinentallithosphere rather than the asthenosphere. It is suggested thatthe amphibole is of metasomatic origin and was precipitatedin the lithospheric mantle by infiltrating fluids and/or meltsderived from rising mantle plume material. A raised geothermas a consequence of the continued ascent of the plume materialled to dehydration melting of the metasomatized mantle and generationof the Chyulu Hills lavas. It is proposed that the Chyulu HillsVolcanic Province represents an analogue for the earliest stagesof continental rift initiation, during which interaction betweena plume and initially refractory lithosphere may lead to thegeneration of lithospheric melts. KEY WORDS: rift-related alkaline volcanism; residual amphibole; subcontinental lithosphere  相似文献   

Whole rock major and trace element abundances in aluminous garnet–spinel websterite, sapphirine-bearing Mg–Al granulite and hibonite-bearing Ca–Al granulite xenoliths from the Chyulu Hills volcanic field, Kenya, suggest that the samples represent a meta-igneous suite linked by fractionation. The incompatible major element contents increase from the websterites to the Mg–Al granulites and further to the Ca–Al granulites. High bulk rock Mg#s and very low concentrations of most incompatible trace elements indicate that the rocks are cumulates rather than crystallized melts. Elevated Ni abundances, impoverishment in Cr and HFSE and high contents of normative plagioclase and olivine in the granulites indicate that their protoliths were similar to troctolite. The textures and metamorphic reaction paths recorded in the granulites suggest igneous emplacement in the crust and cooling from igneous to ambient crustal temperatures accompanied or followed by compression. For the websterite xenoliths, there is an apparent contradiction between the results of PT calculations that suggest high P and T of crystallization of early generation pyroxenes and elevated PT conditions during final equilibration (1.4–2.2 GPa/740–980°C) on the one hand and the positive Eu anomaly that suggests shallow-level plagioclase accumulation on the other hand. This contradiction can be reconciled by a model of compression of a plagioclase-bearing (gabbroic) protolith to mantle depths where it recrystallized to an ultramafic assemblage, which requires foundering of dense lower crustal material into the mantle.  相似文献   

The Chyulu Area is characterized by an extensive contact between the Precambrian metamorphic rocks and the overlying volcanic rocks. The area underlain by metamorphic rocks is characterized by lowlands with an average altitude of between 400–900m above mean sea level (amsl) and the area underlain by volcanic rocks forms the Chyulu Hills with an altitude of between 1200m and 2000m amsl. The area is bounded by latitudes 2°5’ and 3°5’ south and longitudes 37°20’ and 38°35’ east. The geology of the area has been critically examined to evaluate its impact on groundwater. Springs at the contact zone are located at specific points that could have either geological or paleogeographic control. The chemical quality of the groundwater varies with rock type. This indicates that the metamorphic and volcanic rock aquifers are not interconnected. Although the groundwater is important for present and future tourism and agricultural development of the area, its quantity has not been satisfactorily assessed. There is an urgent need to quantify the groundwater resource of the area in order to ensure its optimum development and utilization.  相似文献   

Major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic datafor mafic volcanic rocks are used to assess the number of mantleplumes contributing to the Tertiary–Holocene magmatismof the Kenya Rift Valley, current estimates of which vary fromnone to three. Rocks ranging in composition from nepheliniteto hypersthene-normative basalt have been sampled from threelithospheric zones: the Tanzanian craton, the craton marginreworked during the late Proterozoic, and the Mozambique mobilebelt. The magmas are interpreted as the products of variabledegrees of partial melting within the spinel–garnet peridotitetransition zone. Trace element and isotopic compositions fromall three zones are broadly similar to those of oceanic islandbasalts, but there is considerable compositional variation,which is related to a strong overprint from the lithosphereon plume-derived melts. Sr and Nd isotopic ratios provide theonly clear distinction between magmatic rocks from the threelithospheric domains. Within each setting, mafic magmatism hastended to become less silica undersaturated with time, and atany one locality magmatism has migrated towards the centre ofthe rift. Magmas may have formed as a result of the infiltrationof plume-derived melts into the base of the lithosphere. Theextent of interaction of inferred plume melts with the lithospherehas not varied systematically in time or space. The plume componentappears to be similar to the source of oceanic island basalts. KEY WORDS: Kenya Rift Valley; mantle plumes; geochemistry; metasomatism  相似文献   

Amphibolite-grade metasediments from the Mgama Hills region, Kenya, contain conspicuous quantities of graphite, most probably derived from organic progenitor materials. The highest graphite contents (5.1–20.4%) are found in schists whereas calcite marbles intercalated in the sequence contain relatively low amounts (0.1–2.0%). The graphitic constituents are consistently enriched in 13C relative to common sedimentary organic material, with the highest isotopic ratios in graphite from the marbles (δ13C = ?7.3 ± 5.0%.; n = 10). Carbon isotope fractionations between calcite and graphite mostly vary between 3.3 and 7.1‰, which comes close to both empirically recorded and thermodynamically calculated fractionations in the temperature range of the upper amphibolite faciès (550–650°C). However, larger values occasionally encountered in the marbles suggest that complete isotopic equilibrium is not always attained in amphibolite-facies metamorphism.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal zircon can be used to date fluid-infiltration events and water/rock interaction. At the Boggy Plain zoned pluton (BPZP), eastern Australia, hydrothermal zircon occurs with hydrothermal scheelite, molybdenite, thorite and rutile in incipiently altered aplite and monzogranite. The hydrothermal zircon is texturally distinct from magmatic zircon in the same rocks, occurring as murky-brown translucent 20–50 μm-thick mantles on magmatic cores and less commonly as individual crystals. The hydrothermal mantles are internally textureless in back-scatter electron and cathodoluminescence images whereas magmatic zircon is oscillatory zoned. The age of the hydrothermal zircon is indistinguishable from magmatic zircon, indicating precipitation from a fluid evolved from the magma during the final stages of crystallization. Despite indistinguishable U-Pb isotopic compositions, the trace-element compositions of the hydrothermal and magmatic zircon are distinct. Hydrothermal zircon is enriched in all measured trace-elements relative to magmatic zircon in the same rock, including V, Ti, Nb, Hf, Sc, Mn, U, Y, Th and the rare-earth elements (REE). Chondrite-normalized REE abundances form two distinct pattern groupings: type-1 (magmatic) patterns increase steeply from La to Lu and have Ce and Eu anomalies—these are patterns typical for unaltered magmatic zircon in continental crust rock types; type-2 (hydrothermal) patterns generally have higher abundances of the REE, flatter light-REE patterns [(Sm/La)N = 1.5–4.4 vs. 22–110 for magmatic zircon] and smaller Ce anomalies (Ce/Ce* = 1.8–3.5 vs. 32–49 for magmatic zircon). Type-2 patterns have also been described for hydrothermally-altered zircon from the Gabel Hamradom granite, Egypt, and a granitic dyke from the Acasta Gneiss Complex, Canada.Hadean (∼4.5–4.0 Ga) zircon from the Jack Hills, Western Australia, have variable normalized REE patterns. In particular, the oldest piece of Earth—zircon crystal W74/2-36 (dated at 4.4 Ga)—contains both type-1 and type-2 patterns on a 50 μm scale, a phenomenon not yet reported for unaltered magmatic zircon. In the context of documented magmatic and hydrothermal zircon compositions from constrained samples from the BPZP and the literature, the type-2 patterns in crystal W74/2-36 and other Jack Hills Hadean (JHH) zircon are interpreted as hydrothermally-altered magmatic compositions. An alteration scenario, constrained by isotope and trace-element data, as well as α-decay event calculations, involving fluid/zircon cation and oxygen isotope exchange within partially metamict zones and minor dissolution/reprecipitation, may have occurred episodically for some JHH zircon and at ∼4.27 Ga for zircon W74/2-36. Type-2 compositions in JHH zircon are interpreted to represent localized exchange with a light-REE-bearing, high δ18O (∼6–10‰ or higher) fluid. Thus, a complex explanation involving “permanent” liquid water oceans, large-scale water/rock interaction and plate tectonics in the very early Archean is not necessary as the zircon textures and compositions are simply explained by exchange between partially metamict zircon and a low volume ephemeral fluid.  相似文献   

Harkerite, found in metamorphic ejecta of the Alban Hills associated with cuspidine, grossular, phlogopite, vesuvian, biotite, and minor amounts of diopside, aegirinaugite, leucite, magnetite and calcito, shows cubic Laue symmetry m3m, possible space groups Fm3m, F432, F43m, a0 = 14.82 Å.On the basis of isomorphous replacements suggested by the crystal structure analysis, chemical data may be represented by the formula: Ca48Mg16(AlSi4O16)4(BO3)12(CO3)20 · 4H2O. Refractive index nD = 1.6490.The relations between harkerite from Albano, harkerite from Skye and other known harkerites and sakhaites are discussed.  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotopic analyses have been carried out on carbonates from lavas, ejectites and sedimentary formations in the region of the Alban Hills.The calcite occurring in the lavas, both in veins and cavities and dispersed in the groundmass shows within each flow a fairly uniform isotopic composition not different from that normally observed in sedimentary carbonates, except in the case of one particular flow, where unusually low 13C values were recorded. The latter are discussed in terms of a possible contribution of organic carbon or of isotopically light carbonates, the presence of which in the Alban Hills area had been previously recorded.The ejectites examined comprise both limestone and dolostone blocks of various degree of metamorphism and materials of uncertain origin, some of which containing carbon and oxygen of isotopic composition wholly different from that of all carbonates analysed in this work, approaching the range observed in some carbonatites. The isotopic data and the geochemical features of the latter materials are discussed in terms of thermal metamorphism of limestones and of a possible syntexis of evaporite materials.The 18O and 13C values of certain marine limestones from major Mesozoic sedimentary formations in the region are also reported.  相似文献   

Abundances of some rare-earth elements (REE) in twelve pillow lavas from the Upper Pillow Lavas and Axis Sequence of the Troodos Massif are reported. The samples consist of three fresh basalts and nine zeolite facies metabasalts, metamorphosed at temperatures between 0 and 200° C. All give similar light rare-earth element (LREE) depleted patterns, indicating that hydrothermal metamorphism within this temperature range does not appreciably affect these REE patterns. The LREE depletion is consistent with a petrogenetic model in which Troodos formed at a spreading axis. Variations in profile shape indicate that mantle melting beneath the axis may have taken place during a series of discrete episodes.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(8):1003-1016
Concentrations of major and trace elements in soils and grass are determined at Shimba Hills National Reserve in Kenya using geochemical mapping techniques. The study investigates the influence of soil and vegetation type on the concentrations of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, P, Co, Cu, Zn, Mo, Ni and Se in soils and grass. The implications are assessed for the nutrition of the sable antelope, of which the Reserve supports the last remaining viable population in Kenya. Low concentrations in surface soils of a number of major and minor elements are attributed to the geochemical nature of the underlying parent materials of sands, sandstone and grits. Within the Reserve, variations in the element status of surface soils are related to the vegetation and soil types. Elevated element concentrations in surface soils in natural forest areas are attributed to the influence of litterfall whilst in grassland areas, soil element status is controlled by soil type and decreases in the order ferralsols > acrisols > arenosols. The general depletion of major and minor elements in soils at Shimba Hills is not reflected as fully in grasses in which nutrient concentrations were of similar magnitude to those reported from other Kenyan conservation areas. Burning of grassland areas leads to elevated concentrations of K, P, Co, Cu and Mo in grasses, elevated soil-plant uptake ratios for P and K and elevated soil pH. It is suggested that increased availability of P in soils at elevated soil pH levels contributes to its enhanced uptake into grass. A tentative assessment of the mineral status of grass at the Reserve using guidelines developed for domestic ruminants indicates deficiencies of Na, K, P and Zn and that the Ca:P ratio exceeds the tolerable range for animals. In addition, the low concentrations of Cu, Co and Zn in surface soils in the Reserve indicate that the potential supply of these elements to plants is limited.  相似文献   

Basalt was successfully cored at Site 54 in the Parace VelaBasin of the Philippine Sea, and at Site 57 on the CarolineRidge as part of Leg 6 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Site54 basalts are altered, but selected major and trace elements,particularly REE allow their characterization as high-aluminaolivine tholeiites, with flat REE patterns, no Eu anomalies,and low dispersed trace-element contents. Basalt from Site 57is distinctly different, with higher TiO2, P2O5, Fe/Mg ratio,and dispersed trace elements, low Ni, Mg, and a strongly fractionatedREE pattern. Derivation by fractionation of transitional basaltis suggested. Varying degrees of alteration of Site 54 basalts has causeddepletion in MgO and addition of Rb, Sr, Ba, Ka2O, and Na2O.Mineralogically these changes have resulted in alteration ofolivine and pyroxene, but plagioclase and iron-titanium oxidesremain unaffected. Microprobe data are presented for olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase,Fe-Ti oxides, and chrome-spinel in all three basalts. In 54–4,54–8 pyroxenes are zoned from salite to ferroaugite, andshow erratic decrease in A12O3 and TiO2 with increasing ironcontent. In 57–2, pyroxenes are more magnesian than thosein site 54 basalts, and show an increase in A12O3 and TiO2 withiron-enrichment. The anomalous behaviour of Al2O3 and TiO2 insome clinopyroxenes, and the close textural relationship ofpyroxene and magnesian olivine in 57–2 basalt, suggestthese minerals are xenocrystic, and were incorporated duringmagma ascent. Spinels of picotite composition in early-formed,and possibly xenocrystic, olivine, and plagioclase crystallizedprior to magma eruption, and may have begun crystallizationwithin the mantle. Site 54 basalts add further confirmation that inter-are basaltsclosely resemble ocean ridge tholeiites, although there is apaucity of data from inter-are environments. Site 57 basaltis chemically and mineralogically distinct from ocean ridgebasalts and may be related to similar volcanics erupted on theCaroline Islands.  相似文献   

The Buffalo Hills kimberlites define a province of kimberlite magmatism occurring within and adjacent to Proterozoic crystalline basement termed the Buffalo Head Terrane in north-central Alberta, Canada. The kimberlites are distinguished by a diverse xenocryst suite and most contain some quantity of diamond. The xenocryst assemblage in the province is atypical for diamondiferous kimberlite, including an overall paucity of mantle indicator minerals and the near-absence of compositionally subcalcic peridotitic garnet (G10). The most diamond-rich bodies are distinguished by the presence of slightly subcalcic, chromium-rich garnet and the general absence of picroilmenite, with the majority forming a small cluster in the northwestern part of the province. Barren and near-barren pipes tend to occur to the south, with increasing proximity to the basement structure known as the Peace River Arch. Niobian picroilmenite, compositionally restricted low-to moderate-Cr peridotitic garnet, and megacrystal titanian pyrope occur in kimberlites closest to the arch. Major element data for clinopyroxene and trace element data for garnet from diamond-rich and diamond-poor kimberlites suggests that metasomatism of lithospheric peridotite within the diamond stability field may have caused destruction of diamond, and diamond source rocks proximal to the arch were the most affected.  相似文献   

Pleistocene to historic basalts in the northern part of theeastern volcanic zone in Iceland may have formed by partialmelting over an extended depth range in the centre of the assumedIcelandic mantle plume. Practically all basalt types found on the ocean ridges are representedin this volcanic rift zone. Volume relations are, however, infavour of low degree partial melting products. The basalts differ from ocean ridge basalts in being undepletedin large trace ions, indicating a primary mantle source. The prevalence of low degree partial melting products in Icelandmay explain the depleted nature of the astenosphere flowingaway from the plume and along the northern part of the Mid-AtlanticRidge. Volumes of lavas are found to correlate with degree of partialmelting. Exceptions from this correlation are found locallyand may be explained on the basis of volcano-tectonic implications. A simple model of thermal structure in the mantle plume-oceanridge system is suggested which may explain some aspects ofthe compositional variations in basalts within the system.  相似文献   

In order to provide a better chronological constraint on a British Middle Pleistocene interglacial, a large stalagmite boss from the Mendip Hills was selected for palaeoclimate data using pollen analysis. Dating analyses by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) of uranium–thorium ratios and by magnetostratigraphy constrain the age of the sample to 450–780 ka. The isotopic consistency of the TIMS analyses, plus the presence of luminescence laminations, suggest that the sample has been preserved under closed-system conditions. Pollen assemblages have been recovered from the speleothems, despite the fact that the pH of calcite deposition is usually greater than 7. Furthermore the evidence presented here indicates that the pollen was probably transported by the speleothem feedwater, rather than entering the cave aerially. The pollen record contained within the stalagmite is interpreted as early–mid-interglacial but does not have clear Cromerian affinity. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary Chemical data on clinopyroxene phenocrysts in twenty-four lava samples from the Alban Hills (Roman comagmatic region) show coexistence, within the same rock, of two core-rim evolution trends: diopside-salite and salite-diopside, respectively. The Alban volcanics can be divided in two groups depending on which type of core predominates.Geochemical mixing tests, conducted with elements showing a different degree of incompatibility, such as Ce, Sr, Th, La, Ta, and Hf, show no evidence of a mixing process which might be responsible for coexistence of both diopside and salite clinopyroxenes within the same lava.Taking into account the results of known experiments on the influence of water on clinopyroxene composition in potassium rich lavas, the reverse zoning trend observed and the consequent predominance of salite cores in some lavas are ascribed to the effect of volatiles, and particularly to water. Changes of water pressure may also be responsible for phenocryst corrosion and salitic clinopyroxene replacement by olivine, phlogopite and titaniferous magnetite.The prominent role of water in the Alban Hills magma evolution is also supported by the high fluorine content found in the Alban products, which enhances water solubility in the magmas, by the frequent occurrence of mica in the rock groundmass and, finally, by the explosive character of Alban volcanism.
Zusammenfassung Die Ergebnisse chemischer Analysen von Klinopyroxen in vierundzwanzig Lavaproben aus den Albaner Bergen (Römische Komagmatische Region) zeigen die Koexistenz von zwei Kern-Rand-Entwicklungstendenzen: Diopsid-Salit und Salit-Diopsid. Die Vulkanite können auf Grund der Zusammensetzung der Kerne in zwei Gruppen unterteilt werden.Mit Elementen verschiedener Inkompatibilität, wie Ce, Sr, Th, La, Ta und Hf, ausgeführte Mischversuche geben keinen Hinweis dafür, daß ein Mischungsprozeß für die Koexistenz von Diopsid und Salit in derselben Lava verantwortlich sei.In Anbetracht der Ergebnisse von Experimenten über den Einfluß von H2O auf die Klinopyroxen-Zusammensetzung in K-reichen Laven, werden die beobachtete Zonierung und die daraus folgende Dominanz von Salit-Kernen in bestimmten Lavatypen der Wirkung von volatilen Bestandteilen, besonders Wasser, zugeschrieben. änderungen des H2O-Drucks können für Phenokristall-Korrosion und Verdrängung der salitischen Klinopyroxene durch Olivin, Phlogopit und Titanomagnetit verantwortlich sein.Die entscheidende Rolle des Wassers in der Entwicklung des Magmas stimmt mit dem hohen Fluor-Gehalt der Produkte, der die H2O-Löslichkeit in Magmen erhöht, mit der Häufigkeit des Glimmers in der Grundmasse der Gesteine und mit der explosiven Natur des Vulkanismus im Untersuchungsgebiet überein.

Zur Chemie der Klinopyroxene in den Kali-reichen Gesteinen der Albaner Berge

Khasi Hills area of Meghalaya, one of the highest rainfall zones of the world has been explored to understand the spatial and temporal extent of Quaternary sediments. In general such deposits are restricted to shallow depths in most of the sites except in one site where it is 600 cm thick. AMS C-14 dates of these deposits suggest that sediments deposited are mostly of Holocene or in rare cases belong to later part of Pleistocene. Early Quaternary deposit is either missing or yet to be explored from this region. Natural hazards combined with human activity effecting degradation of vegetation and sediment cover are probably the main cause for poor Quaternary exposure at the region.  相似文献   

汉诺坝玄武岩中麻粒岩类捕掳体的岩石学特征   总被引:34,自引:7,他引:27  
陈绍海  孙敏 《岩石学报》1998,14(3):366-380
根据矿物组合特征,汉诺坝玄武岩中的麻粒岩捕掳体可划分为四种类型:长英质麻粒岩、苏长质麻粒岩、二辉二长麻粒岩和二辉麻粒岩,其中以二辉麻粒岩最为常见。麻粒岩捕掳体均具变质重结晶结构以及块状或条带状构造。不同种类的麻粒岩捕掳体在矿物组成和矿物成分上存在明显差别,但各主要矿物之间存在一定的成分相关性。应用Wood和Banno二辉石温度计的计算结果表明,含二辉石麻粒岩捕掳体的平衡温度分布于800°~950℃之间,主要集中于900°±50℃范围内,具Opx+Cpx+Pl矿物组合的二辉麻粒岩捕掳体的形成压力范围约为0.6~1.1GPa。二辉二长麻粒岩落在相似的温压范围内。麻粒岩捕掳体在950℃处的突然消失指示了第三纪时汉诺坝地区岩石学壳幔边界的温度。  相似文献   

An archaeological survey and geomorphological investigation were conducted over a period of three years in the Tol and Kipsing River valleys, both located in the Mukogodo Hills‐Upper Ewaso Ng'iro Plains region of Central Kenya. Eleven alluvial‐stratigraphic sections were studied, and five late‐Quaternary alluvial stratigraphic units were identified on the basis of lithology, chronology, and soil stratigraphy. The locations of 63 archaeological sites recorded during the reconnaissance were compared with the distribution of the alluvial units. These data were used to predict where sites of different cultural periods are most likely to be found and to determine the relationship between site location and alluvial deposition. Since natural processes of deposition and erosion do not fully account for the distribution of Middle and Later Stone Age sites in the study area, the hypothesis that these differences reflect human choices, not the operation of natural processes, cannot be rejected. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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