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Late Devensian/Midlandian glacial deposits on the southeast Irish coast contain a record of sedimentation at the margins of the Irish Sea ice stream (ISIS). Exposures through the Screen Hills reveal a stratigraphy that documents the initial onshore flow of the ISIS ('Irish Sea Till') followed by ice stream recession and readvances that constructed glacitectonic ridges. Ice-contact fans (Screen Member) were deposited in association with subglacial deformation tills and supraglacial/subaqueous mass flow diamicts. In SE Ireland, the ISIS moved onshore over proglacial lake sediments which were intensely folded, thrust and cannibalized producing a glacitectonite over which laminated and massive diamictons were deposited as glacitectonic slices. Ice marginal recession and oscillations are documented by: (a) ice-proximal, subaqueous diamict-rich facies; (b) isolated ice-contact glacilacustrine deltas; (c) syn-depositional glacitectonic disturbance of glacilacustrine sediments and overthrusting of ice-contact outwash; (d) offshore moraine ridges; and (e) changing ice flow directions and facies transitions. Diagnostic criteria for the identification of dynamic, possibly surging, ice-stream margins onshore include thrust-block moraines, tectonized pitted outwash and stacked sequences of glacitectonites, deformation tills and intervening stratified deposits. In addition, the widespread occurrence of hydrofracture fills in sediments overridden and locally reworked by the ISIS indicate that groundwater pressures were considerably elevated during glacier advance. The glacigenic sediments and landforms located around the terrestrial margins of the ISIS are explained as the products of onshore glacier flow that cannibalized and tectonically stacked pre-existing marine and glacilacustrine sediments. Localized tectonic thickening of subglacially deformed materials at the former margins of glaciers results in zones of net erosion immediately up-ice of submarginal zones of net accretion of subglacial till. The more stable the ice-stream margin the thicker and more complex the submarginal sedimentary stack.  相似文献   

A pit located near Ballyhorsey, 28 km south of Dublin (eastern Ireland), displays subglacially deposited glaciofluvial sediments passing upwards into proglacial subaqueous ice‐contact fan deposits. The coexistence of these two different depositional environments at the same location will help with differentiation between two very similar and easily confused glacial lithofacies. The lowermost sediments show aggrading subglacial deposits indicating a constrained accommodation space, mainly controlled by the position of an overlying ice roof during ice‐bed decoupling. These sediments are characterized by vertically stacked tills with large lenses of tabular to channelized sorted sediments. The sorted sediments consist of fine‐grained laminated facies, cross‐laminated sand and channelized gravels, and are interpreted as subglaciofluvial sediments deposited within a subglacial de‐coupled space. The subglaciofluvial sequence is characterized by glaciotectonic deformation structures within discrete beds, triggered by fluid overpressure and shear stress during episodes of ice/bed recoupling (clastic dykes and folds). The upper deposits correspond to the deposition of successive hyperpycnal flows in a proximal proglacial lake, forming a thick sedimentary wedge erosively overlying the subglacial deposits. Gravel facies and large‐scale trough bedding sand are observed within this proximal wedge, while normally graded sand beds with developed bedforms are observed further downflow. The building of the prograding ice‐contact subaqueous fan implies an unrestricted accommodation space and is associated with deformation structures related to gravity destabilization during fan spreading (normal faults). This study facilitates the recognition of subglacial/submarginal depositional environments formed, in part, during localized ice/bed coupling episodes in the sedimentary record. The sedimentary sequence exposed in Ballyhorsey permits characterization of the temporal framework of meltwater production during deglaciation, the impact on the subglacial drainage system and the consequences on the Irish Sea Ice Stream flow mechanisms.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2007,193(1-4):193-201
We investigated proglacial fluvial sedimentation processes in the SE Lithuanian Plain by means of lithofacies analysis. The main parameters on which interpretations were based, were depositional structures of sandy sediments, paleohydraulic parameters and grain-size distribution. The development of the SE Lithuanian Plain illustrates the phenomenal shift of proglacial fluvial sedimentation from outwash plain to ice-marginal river during the ice retreat of the last glaciation. Three facies assemblages of braidplain deposits and two facies assemblages of palaeovalley deposits were distinguished in the sandy plain by means of qualitative and quantitative sedimentological research. This raises the question how the commonly accepted development of a SE orientated outwash plain could turn into an almost perpendicular (SW running) ice-marginal river. The vertical and lateral transitions of outwash plain facies present a classical example of braidplain evolution on slightly inclined lowlands, with well expressed proximal, middle and distal parts. Mid- and side-channel (point-bar) deposits of the proglacial valley point, however, which is unusual for proglacial fluvial systems, to a meandering character of the ice-marginal river. River types of various scale show a change from braided into meandering in the proglacial subenvironment. Lithofacies analysis and paleohydraulic parameters show distinct differences of the hydrodynamic regime during the first stage of the sandy plain development: from sedimentation on an outwash plain in a proglacial valley to sedimentation on a braidplain in a wide ice-marginal valley. The outwash system is characterized by a distinct downstream decrease in energy, whereas the ice-marginal river maintained most of its power and velocity.  相似文献   

De Geer moraine ridges occur in abundance in the coastal zone of northern Sweden, preferentially in areas with proglacial water depths in excess of 150 m at deglaciation. From detailed sedimentological and structural investigations in machine‐dug trenches across De Geer ridges it is concluded that the moraines formed due to subglacial sediment advection to the ice margin during temporary halts in grounding‐line retreat, forming gradually thickening sediment wedges. The proximal part of the moraines were built up in submarginal position as stacked sequences of deforming bed diamictons, intercalated with glaciofluvial canal‐infill sediments, whereas the distal parts were built up from the grounding line by prograding sediment gravity‐flow deposits, distally interfingering with glaciolacustrine sediments. The rapid grounding‐line retreat (ca. 400 m yr?1) was driven by rapid calving, in turn enhanced by fast iceflow and marginal thinning of ice due to deforming bed conditions. The spatial distribution of the moraine ridges indicates stepwise retreat of the grounding line. It is suggested that this is due to slab and flake calving of the ice cliff above the waterline, forming a gradually widening subaqueous ice ledge which eventually breaks off to a new grounding line, followed by regained sediment delivery and ridge build‐up. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An assemblage of subglacial, ice-terminal and proglacial landforms and sediments provides evidence for the relationship between ice-marginal glacitectonics, sedimentary processes and subglacial and proglacial hydraulic processes at a retreating late Devensian ice margin in north-central Ireland. Deltas were deposited in glacial lakes impounded between the retreating ice margin and the southern Sperrin Mountains, followed by outwash and end moraine formation as the ice margin retreated south. Sediments within the moraines show evidence for ice margin oscillation from two opposing ice margins, including subglacial bedrock rafts and breccias which are separated by glacitectonic shears with silty partings. In adjacent outwash, vertically-disturbed proglacial sands, gravels and silts located in front of moraine positions attest to high hydraulic pressure and subsurface water flow during ice oscillation. The relationship between sedimentary and hydraulic processes in the ice margin region is described by a depositional model which links glacitectonic thrusting and subsurface water flow during ice oscillation to formation of subglacial, ice-terminal and proglacial sediments. The evidence presented in this paper shows that subglacial and proglacial morphosedimentary processes and patterns of sediment deposition are mediated by the presence of proglacial permafrost, which helps direct processes and patterns of groundwater flow.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene morainic sequences around Dundalk Bay, eastern Ireland, were deposited in a variety of shallow, glaciomarine environments at the margins of a grounded ice lobe. The deposits are essentially ice-proximal delta-fan and -apron sequences and are divided into two lithofacies associations. Lithofacies association 1 occurs as a series of morainal banks formed at the southern margin of the ice lobe in a body of water open to influences from the Irish Sea. The morainal banks consist mainly of diamictic muds deposited from turbid plumes and by ice-rafting with minor occurrences of turbidites, cross-bedded gravels (subaqueous outwash) and massive boulder gravels (high-density debris flows). Lithofacies association 2 was deposited in a narrow arm of the sea at the north-eastern margin of the ice lobe. The deposits consist mainly of a series of coalescing, ice-proximal Gilbert-type fan deltas which are interbedded distally with tabular and lens-shaped subaqueous deposits. The latter are mainly ice-rafted diamictons, debris-flow deposits and subaqueous sands and gravels. Both lithofacies associations are draped by diamictons formed by a combination of rain-out, debris flow and traction-current activity. At a few localities the upper parts of the sequence have been sheared by minor oscillations of the ice sheet margin. These sequences form part of an extensive belt of glaciomarine deposits which border the drumlin swarms of east-central Ireland. Lithostratigraphic variability is partially related to the arrival of large volumes of debris at the ice lobe margin when the main lowland ice sheet surged during drumlin formation. Complex depositional continua of this type lack any major erosional breaks and should not be used either as climatic proxies or for stratigraphic correlations.  相似文献   

The style of Pleistocene outwash sedimentation in the foreland of the central European Mountains (the Carpathians and Sudetes) was controlled to a large extent by the topography. The deposits of three outwash plains formed in various morphological situations in front of the Upper Odra Lobe during the Odranian glaciation (older Saalian) are described here to show the conditions of their development and to reveal the relation between outwash plain sedimentology and proglacial topography. One outwash plain was formed between the mountain front and the ice-sheet margin, which advanced into the zone of fore-mountain alluvial fans. This outwash, deposited parallel to the ice margin, was under the considerable influence of extraglacial rivers flowing from the mountains. The second outwash was deposited in a small valley dipping away from the ice sheet and successively buried by glaciofluvial sediments. It evolved from a narrow valley sandur to an unconfined outwash plain. The third one was formed in a relatively broad, dammed valley dipping towards the ice sheet, where proglacial lake base level controlled the pattern of outwash channels as well as the character of the sedimentation. The studied outwash plains have different sedimentary successions. Their sedimentary profiles differ from each other even in the neighbouring valleys, indicating that distinct depositional conditions existed at the same time in closely spaced areas. It is suggested that the glaciomarginal deposition was controlled mostly by the orientation of the valleys and the inter-valley areas relative to the ice-sheet front. Size and morphology of valleys and interfluves were also important. Depending on their orientation, the outwash plains were fed by meltwaters in various ways; the dip of their surfaces was markedly different and the dynamics of the proglacial river systems were diverse.  相似文献   

Turbid meltwater plumes and ice‐proximal fans occur where subglacial streams reach the grounded marine margins of modern and ancient tidewater glaciers. However, the spacing and temporal stability of these subglacial channels is poorly understood. This has significant implications for understanding the geometry and distribution of Quaternary and ancient ice‐proximal fans that can form important aquifers and hydrocarbon reservoirs. Remote‐sensing and numerical‐modelling techniques are applied to the 200 km long marine margin of a Svalbard ice cap, Austfonna, to quantify turbid meltwater‐plume distribution and predict its temporal stability. Results are combined with observations from geophysical data close to the modern ice front to refine existing depositional models for ice‐proximal fans. Plumes are spaced ca 3 km apart and their distribution along the ice front is stable over decades. Numerical modelling also predicts the drainage pattern and meltwater discharge beneath the ice cap; modelled water‐routing patterns are in reasonable agreement with satellite‐mapped plume locations. However, glacial retreat of several kilometres over the past 40 years has limited build‐up of significant ice‐proximal fans. A single fan and moraine ridge is noted from marine‐geophysical surveys. Closer to the ice front there are smaller recessional moraines and polygonal sediment lobes but no identifiable fans. Schematic models of ice‐proximal deposits represent varying glacier‐terminus stability: (i) stable terminus where meltwater sedimentation produces an ice‐proximal fan; (ii) quasi‐stable terminus, where glacier readvance pushes or thrusts up ice‐proximal deposits into a morainal bank; and (iii) retreating terminus, with short still‐stands, allowing only small sediment lobes to build up at melt‐stream portals. These modern investigations are complemented with outcrop and subsurface observations and numerical modelling of an ancient, Ordovician glacial system. Thick turbidite successions and large fans in the Late Ordovician suggest either high‐magnitude events or sustained high discharge, consistent with a relatively mild palaeo‐glacial setting for the former North African ice sheet.  相似文献   

The origin of the fourth member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation in the northern steep slopes of the Minfeng Sub‐sag, Dongying Sag, China, was investigated by integrating core studies and flume tank depositional simulations. A non‐channelized depositional model is proposed in this paper for nearshore subaqueous fans in steep fault‐controlled slopes of lacustrine rift basins. The deposits of nearshore subaqueous fans along the base of steep border‐fault slopes of rift basins are typically composed of deep‐water coarse‐grained sediment gravity‐flow deposits directly sourced from adjacent footwalls. Sedimentation processes of nearshore subaqueous fans respond to tectonic activities of boundary faults and to seasonal rainfall. During tectonically active stages, subaqueous debris flows triggered by episodic movements of border‐faults dominate the sedimentation. During tectonically quiescent stages, hyperpycnal flows generated by seasonal rainfall‐generated floods, normal discharges of mountain‐derived rivers and deep‐lacustrine suspension sedimentation are commonly present. The results of a series of flume tank depositional simulations show that the sediments deposited by subaqueous debris flows are wedge‐shaped and non‐channelized, whereas the sediments deposited by hyperpycnal flows generated by sporadic floods from seasonal rainfall are characterized by non‐channelized, coarse‐grained lobate depositional bodies which switch laterally because of compensation sedimentation of hyperpycanal flows. The hyperpycnal‐flow‐deposited non‐channelized lobate depositional bodies can be divided into a main body and lateral edges. The main body can be further subdivided into a proximal part, middle part and frontal part. Normal mountain‐derived river‐discharge‐deposited sediments are characterized by thin‐bedded, fine‐grained sandstones and siltstones with a limited distribution range. Normal mountain‐derived river‐discharge‐deposited sediments and deep‐lacustrine mudstones are commonly eroded in the area close to boundary faults. A nearshore subaqueous fan can be divided into three segments: inner fan, middle fan and outer fan. The inner fan is composed of debrites and the proximal part of the main body. The middle fan consists of the middle part of the main body and lateral edges, normal mountain‐derived river‐discharge‐deposited fine‐grained sediments and deep‐lacustrine mudstones. The outer fan comprises the frontal part of the main body, lateral edges, and deep‐lacustrine mudstones. Based on the non‐channelized depositional model for nearshore subaqueous fans, criteria for stratigraphic subdivision and correlation are discussed and applied.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first detailed sedimentological study of annual moraines formed by an alpine valley glacier. The moraines have been forming since at least AD 1980 by a subsidiary lobe of Gornergletscher, Switzerland that advances up a reverse bedrock slope. They reach heights of 0.5–1.5 m, widths of up to 6 m and lengths of up to several hundreds of metres. Sediments in these moraines are composed of proglacial outwash and debris flow units; subglacial traction till is absent entirely. Based on four representative sections, three genetic process combinations have been identified: (i) inefficient bulldozing of a gently sloping ice margin transfers proglacial sediments onto the ice, causing differential ablation and dead‐ice incorporation upon retreat; (ii) terrestrial ice‐contact fans are formed by the dumping of englacial and supraglacial material from point sources such as englacial conduit fills; debris flows and associated fluvial sediments are stacked against a temporarily stationary margin at the start, and deformed during glacier advance in the remainder, of the accumulation season; (iii) a steep ice margin without supraglacial input leads to efficient bulldozing and deformation of pre‐existing foreland sediments by wholesale folding. Ice‐surface slope appears to be a key control on the type of process responsible for moraine formation in any given place and year. The second and third modes result in stable and higher moraines that have a higher preservation potential than those containing dead ice. Analysis of the spacing and climatic records at Gornergletscher reveals that winter temperature controls marginal retreat and hence moraine formation. However, any climatic signal is complicated by other factors, most notably the presence of a reverse bedrock slope, so that the extraction of a clear climatic signal is not straightforward. This study highlights the complexity of annual moraine formation in high‐mountain environments and suggests avenues for further research.  相似文献   

The Charlevoix region, in southeastern Québec, is characterized by a dramatic landscape formed by the junction of the Laurentian Highlands, the Charlevoix Astrobleme and the St Lawrence Estuary. At the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the region was completely covered by the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS). The complex topography of the region was the stage of many of the major deglacial events of southern Quebec (e.g. Goldthwait Sea Invasion, St Lawrence Ice‐Stream, Saint‐Narcisse Episode). We present a detailed reconstruction of the pattern of retreat of the LIS in the Charlevoix region based on the interpretation of ice‐marginal features (e.g. moraines, fans) and glaciolacustrine landforms and deposits, two extensive field campaigns, and the interpretation of high‐resolution 3D digital aerial photographs and LiDAR data. Our results indicate five moraine complexes in the region: the Rochette, the Brûlée, the Sainte‐Anne, the Saint‐Narcisse and the Mars‐Batiscan complexes. Deltas, fans, fine‐grained sediments, littoral deposits, drainage breaches and deposits were used to identify 91 palaeo‐proglacial lakes. The identification of these lakes and their relation to moraine complexes enabled the reconstruction of six stages of lake development during the Charlevoix deglaciation. The development of proglacial lakes occurred in all types of terrain (highlands, lowlands, transitory levels above marine limit). We conclude that local topography had a decisive effect on promoting both moraine deposition and lake development. We suggest that similar topographical regions (hilly‐mountainous) that were affected by major ice‐margin stabilizations during glacial retreat should have experience small lakes dominating valleys and topographical lows.  相似文献   

The deeply dissected Southwest Grand Banks Slope offshore the Grand Banks of Newfoundland was investigated using multiple data sets in order to determine how canyons and intercanyon ridges developed and what sedimentary processes acted on glacially influenced slopes. The canyons are a product of Quaternary ice‐related processes that operated along the margin, such as ice stream outwash and proglacial plume fallout. Three types of canyon are defined based on their dimensions, axial sedimentary processes and the location of the canyon head. There are canyons formed by glacial outwash with aggradational and erosional floors, and canyons formed on the slope by retrogressive failure. The steep, narrow intercanyon ridges that separate the canyons are composite morphological features formed by a complex history of sediment aggradation and degradation. Ridge aggradation occurred as a result of mid to late Quaternary background sedimentation (proglacial plume fallout and hemipelagic settling) and turbidite deposition. Intercanyon ridge degradation was caused mainly by sediment removal due to local slump failures and erosive sediment gravity flows. Levée‐like deposits are present as little as 15 km from the shelf break. At 30 km from the shelf, turbidity currents spilled over a 400 m high ridge and reconfined in a canyon formed by retrogressive failure, where a thalweg channel was developed. These observations imply that turbidity currents evolved rapidly in this slope‐proximal environment and attained flow depths of hundreds of metres over distances of a few tens of kilometres, suggesting turbulent subglacial outwash from tunnel valleys as the principal turbidity current‐generating mechanism.  相似文献   

The Fiskarheden quarry, situated in NW Dalarna, central Sweden, reveals thick coarse‐grained sediments of Scott type facies association representing a sandur deposited in an ice‐proximal proglacial environment. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of the sandur sediments suggests a pre‐Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) age. Most acquired ages are pre‐Saalian (>200 ka) and we regard each of these ages to represent non/poorly bleached sediment except for one small‐aliquot OSL age of 98±6 ka. This age comes from the top surface of an arguably well‐bleached sand bed deposited on the lee‐side of a braid‐bar, putting the sandur build‐up into the Early Weichselian. Large‐scale glaciotectonic structures show an imbricate thrust fan involving both ductile and brittle deformation. The deformation was from the WNW, which largely coincides with the formative trend of the predominating streamlined terrain and Rogen moraine tracts surrounding Fiskarheden. It is suggested that the deformation of the sandur sediments took place when the advancing glacier approached and pushed its own proglacial outwash sediment, during an ice‐marginal oscillation either at the inception of one of the Early Weichselian glaciations in the area, or during a general ice retreat amid a deglacial phase. The Fiskarheden sandur deposits are covered by a subglacial traction till deposited from the NE/NNE. This direction corresponds with younger streamlined terrain flowsets cross‐cutting the older NNW–SSE system and probably represents deglaciation in the area following the LGM. This study will add to the understanding of the formation and deformation of Pleistocene sandur successions and their relationship to past ice‐sheet behaviour.  相似文献   

Subglacial and subaqueous sediments deposited near the margin of a Late-glacial ice-dammed lake near Achnasheen, northern Scotland, are described and interpreted. The subglacial sediments consist of deformation tills and glacitectonites derived from pre-existing glaciolacustrine deposits, and the subaqueous sediments consist of ice-proximal outwash and sediment flow deposits, and distal turbidites. Sediment was delivered from the glacier to the lake by two main processes: (1) subglacial till deformation, which fed debris flows at the grounding line; and (2) meltwater transport, which fed sediment-gravity flows on prograding outwash fans. Beyond the ice-marginal environment, deposition was from turbidity currents, ice-rafting and settling of suspended sediments. The exposures support the conclusion that the presence of a subglacial deforming layer can exert an important influence on sedimentation at the grounding lines of calving glaciers.  相似文献   

This paper defines the principal architectural elements present within the Pleistocene, glaciolacustrine basin-fill of the Copper River Basin in Alaska. The Copper River drains an intermontane basin via a single deeply incised trench through the Chugach Mountains to the Gulf of Alaska. This trench was blocked by ice during the last glacial cycle and a large ice-dammed lake, referred to as Lake Atna, filled much of the Copper Basin. Facies analysis within the basin floor allows a series of associations to be defined consistent with the basinward transport of sediment deposited along calving ice margins and at the basin edge. Basinward transport involves a continuum of gravity driven processes, including slumping, cohesive debris flow, hyperconcentrated/concentrated density flows, and turbidity currents. This basinward transport results in the deposition of a series of subaqueous fans, of which two main types are recognised. (1) Large, stratified, basin floor fans, which extend over at least 5 km and are exposed in the basin centre. These fans are composed of multiple lobes, incised by large mega-channels, giving fan architectures that are dominated by horizontal strata and large, cross-cutting channel-fills. Individual lobes and channel-fills consist of combinations of: diamict derived from iceberg rainout and the ice-marginal release of subglacial sediment; multiple units of fining upward gravels which grade vertically into parallel laminated and rippled fine sands and silts, deposited by a range of density flows and currents derived from the subaqueous discharge of meltwater; and rhythmites grading vertically into diamicts deposited from a range of sediment-density flows re-mobilising sediment deposited by either iceberg rainout or the ice-marginal release of sediment. (2) Small, complex, proximal fans, which extend over less than 2 km, and are exposed in the southern part of the basin. These fans are composed of coalescing and prograding lobes of diamict and gravel deposited both directly by subaqueous meltwater and from sediment-density flows. These lobes are cross-cut by a range of sand and gravel-filled troughs and channels cut by subaqueous outwash, and either overlie or are overlain by horizontal sheets of gravel and diamict deposited from a range of sediment-density flows. The fans are, therefore, characterised by a complex, and laterally variable facies, architecture. Water depth, proglacial topography, stability of meltwater portals and sediment supply may all be important in determining the type of subaqueous fan present at any one location. We suggest that the Copper River basin-fill is dominated by packages of sediment containing multiple subaqueous fans with individual fans separated by units of diamict. Each sediment package is in turn separated from the next by a palaeo-landsurface shaped by interstadial/interglacial fluvial processes and by volcanic debris flows.  相似文献   

This article reports on an Early Saalian proglacial lake formed between the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and the front of the Sudeten Mountains, Poland. Sediments investigated at Mys?ów point to a transition from glacifluvial to glaciolacustrine environments. The bulk of the sediments was deposited in deep‐water Gilbert‐type deltas (A–E complexes). A delta plain (topset) gradually passes into a subaerial plateau and then a clastic shoreline and the subaquatic slope of a prograding delta (foreset). The glaciolacustrine lithofacies represent a number of lake‐basin environments, from marginal subaqueous slopes to distal parts of a subaqueous fan. Glaciolacustrine and glaciodeltaic deposits locally reach ?50–70 m in thickness. Analyses of A–E complexes indicate that the lake existed for more than 130 years and that its origin and evolution were closely connected with the ice front. This case study records lake sedimentation at an ice‐sheet margin with cohesionless gravity flows, turbidity currents, debris‐avalanching and, to a much lesser degree, parapelagic suspension fall‐out and ice‐raft dumping. In the initial stage, the lake extended more than 10 km to the south, and the deposition was relatively slow. In the second stage, recession of the ice sheet caused rapid growth of a delta. The third and ultimate stage coincided with the final glacial recession, with rapid deposition occurring only on the lake bottom. The model of the glaciolacustrine environment presented here may also be applicable to many other proglacial lakes in mountain areas.  相似文献   

The glacial succession in the western part of the Cheshire-Shropshire lowland records the advance, coalescence and subsequent uncoupling of Irish Sea and Welsh ice-sheets during the Late Devensian stage. During advance a discontinuous sheet of basal till was emplaced across the floor of the region by subglacial lodgement. On retreat, compression of the Irish Sea ice sheet against bedrock obstruction generated a zone of supraglacial sedimentation resulting in the creation of the Wrexham-Ellesmere-Wem-Whitchurch moraine system, and the formation of a wide range of sedimentary environments, including ice-marginal sandur troughs, ice-front alluvial fans, proglacial ribbon sandur, and subglacial, ice-contact and proglacial lakes. The geometry of sedimentary units, and their lithologic and geomorphic characteristics, display spatially ordered patterns of sediment-landform assemblage which show that the statigraphic succession is a response to rapidly changing depositional conditions at a retreating supraglacial ice-margin punctuated by minor still-stands and ice-front oscillations.  相似文献   

Alternative, established models for the deglaciation of the midlands of Ireland are tested against an interpretation of a suite of deglacial sediments covering an area of 600 km2 in the east central midland area. Interpretation of the sediments is based on geomorphological mapping, lithostratigraphic characterization of exposures and geotechnical data supported by electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and ground penetrating radar (GPR). GPR depicted small‐scale sedimentological and deformational structures within low‐conductivity soft sediments, such as cross‐bedding, planar bedding, channel‐like features and faulting planes, and revealed the internal architecture of eskers, glaciodeltas, subaqueous fans and raised bogs. ERT data permitted the detection of depth to bedrock and the lithological characterization of unconsolidated sediments. The ten sites presented were surveyed by traditional mapping methods and/or geophysical techniques. This allowed the construction of a local model of the deglaciation of the area which recognized five main stages. An ice sheet covering most of Ireland withdrew as a single body as far as the midlands. At this stage, two main directions of ice retreat are identified from the spatial distribution of meltwater/overflow channels, esker and morainic ridges, and ice‐marginal glaciolacustrine deposits. A pattern of deglacial sedimentation into an expanding ice‐marginal glacial lake is depicted. The glacial lake was dammed to the west by two ice dome fronts, one decaying to the north‐west and another to the south‐west, and by the Shannon Basin watershed to the east. Glacial lake outlets identified along the watershed and the altitude of the topset/foreset interface zone depicted in glaciodeltaic deposits allowed the identification of three lake water levels. The highest level is at 87–89 m Ordnance Datum (OD), the second lake level at 84 m OD and the third at 78 m OD. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Historical reports from the 17th Century document two destructive tsunamis with run‐ups exceeding 5 m, affecting proximal basins of Lake Lucerne (Switzerland). One event in ad 1601 is coeval with a strong nearby earthquake (MW ca 5·9) which caused extensive slope failures in many parts of the lake. The second event in ad 1687 is associated with an apparently spontaneous partial collapse of the Muota river delta. This study combines high‐resolution bathymetry, reflection seismic and lithological data to document the sedimentary and morphological signatures of the two subaqueous mass movements that probably generated the observed tsunamis. Such mass movements are significant as a common sedimentation process and as a natural hazard in fjord‐type lakes and similar environments. The deposits, covering large parts of the basins with thicknesses reaching >10 m, consist of two subunits: A lower ‘massflow deposit’ contains variably deformed sediments from the source areas. Its emplacement affected pre‐existing sediments, incorporating thin sediment slices into the deposit and increasing its volume. Deep‐reaching deformation near basin margins is expressed as bulges on the lake floor. An overlying ‘megaturbidite’, featuring a graded, sandy base and a thick homogeneous muddy part, was deposited from suspended particles. The source area for the ad 1601 event, gently dipping lateral slopes with an unconsolidated hemipelagic sediment cover, hosts a pronounced slide scar with sharp escarpments and sliding surfaces. The source area for the ad 1687 event on an active delta slope has been overprinted by continued sedimentation and does not show an unambiguous scar. The case studies are exemplary for end‐member types of source areas (lateral versus delta slopes) and trigger mechanisms (seismic versus aseismic); they show that morphological mapping and reconstructions of past events are key components of a hazard assessment for mass movement‐generated tsunamis.  相似文献   

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