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This paper emphasizes an effort to link processes which relate solar activity and magnetospheric disturbances in terms of energy transfer through a chain of four elements. In this view, each element is explicitly thought to be powered by a dynamo, namely the solar wind generation dynamo, the solar flare dynamo, the solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo and the auroral dynamo, respectively. Each dynamo powers a plasma acceleration process by the Lorentz force and the plasma flows thus generated are the solar wind, the flare-generated solar wind disturbance, the magnetospheric plasma convection and the ionospheric convection, respectively. Each plasma flow conveys the energy from one element to the next in the chain. Some of the kinetic energy of the photospheric plasma is eventually deposited in the polar ionosphere as heat energy.  相似文献   

It is suggested that changes in the electric field in the night-side auroral zone and polar cap observed during the expansion phase of a substorm are related to a change in the magnetospheric flow pattern. During the substorm growth phase the flow appears to be fairly uniform across the width of the magnetosphere (uniform electric field across the tail), while at expansion the observations are consistent with the magnetospheric potential drop in the tail falling across a narrow region near the dusk magnetopause. Such non-uniform electric fields in the tail have been predicted by recent theoretical work. A rather speculative interpretation of events during a magnetospheric substorm is presented.  相似文献   

A cloudy planetary atmosphere at rest is shown to be unstable to disturbances of large horizontal scale. The energy source for the instability is the change in radiative heat flux associated with vertical displacement near the emitting level. A simple model is described in which Qδz, where Q is the net heating rate in the cloud and δz is vertical displacement. The constant of proportionality may be either positive or negative. Disturbances may take the form of either quasi-steady geostrophic motions or amplified inertia-gravity waves. The model is applied to Jupiter's zonal winds and to motions near the Venus cloud tops, and provides a possible explanation for many important features of these two flows.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that a decrease of the keV particle fluxes in the dayside magnetosphere near the geosynchronous orbit is characteristic of the first several hours of magnetospheric disturbances. After some hours newly injected plasma from the nightside reaches the ‘evacuated’ regions of the dayside magnetosphere and strong flux increases are observed. The high altitude observational results reported here agree well with earlier results of measurements near the ionosphere. The ‘evacuation’ of the dayside magnetosphere is interpreted in terms of a change in the convection pattern associated with an increase of the large scale electric field at the onset of the disturbance. The model presented is capable of accommodating all characteristics of the observational data, such as the temporal and spatial distributions, energy and pitch angle characteristics, and differences between electrons and protons.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the indissipative plasma with an external magnetic field. A detailed analysis is made of the results known from the approximation of a tangential discontinuity. The finiteness of the interface thickness effect is considered numerically at the arbitrary distribution of the density, velocity and magnetic field vectors inside this shear layer. The influence of plasma compressibility with an arbitrarily varying magnetic field is investigated. The main role of oblique disturbances with respect to the flow rate direction is shown under conditions of a large plasma compressibility. As such perturbations move away from the interface, their amplitude is damped much more slowly than in the case of weak compressibility. However, their wavelength remains, approximately, the same as that of longitudinal waves in the case of incompressibility. The linear approximation suggests the importance of oblique waves in the energetics of the interaction between the shear layer and the outward medium. A comparison is made of the instability period on discontinuities in the solar wind, and at magnetospheric and plasmaspheric boundaries, with the range of geomagnetic pulsations.  相似文献   

All-sky camera observations from two stations in the inner (northern) polar cap and an auroral zone station are combined with photometer records from the polar cap station Nord in a study of the brilliant auroral display following the ssc of the storm of 7 November 1970. This display is the large, poleward expanding bulge of a substorm triggered by the ssc. It is composed of brilliant discrete forms embedded in low-intensity diffuse electron and proton aurora. The poleward edge of the diffuse electron aurora is 5° north of the discrete auroras and 3° north of the proton aurora. The intensity of the discrete aurora varies as the strength of the auroral electrojet as shown by magnetograms from auroral zone stations. Succeeding the retreating display a subvisible low-energy electron precipitation, which may be identified as the polar squall (Winningham and Heikkila, 1974) is observed over the polar cap during the main phase of the storm.In the early morning sector already existing diffuse auroras broaden towards the equator from the time of the ssc and at least during the following half hour.Ssc-triggered displays have been found (Feldstein, 1959) to withdraw from the inner polar cap as the initial (positive H) phase of the storm ends. A comparison of the records from seven low-latitude stations shows that during this particular storm the positive phase appears to be composed by two overlapping disturbances, i.e. the proper initial phase, which is generally thought to be due to compression of the inner magnetosphere and a series of positive bays accompanying the negative bays in auroral latitudes. These positive bays are observable over a great range of longitudes with a maximum of amplitude near midnight. As judged from the dayside magnetograms the initial (compression) phase ends at an early stage of the substorm. The observed coincidence between the withdrawal of the display and the cessation of the positive H phase of the storm is a consequence of the fact that the second component—the positive bays—and the auroral display over the polar cap are both signatures of the substorm activity.  相似文献   

Disturbances in the Earths’s ionosphere and magnetosphere caused by impacts of small comets and asteroids (with diameters from 50–60 m to 1–2 km) are analyzed. Two-dimensional hydrodynamical computations of the passage of a cosmic body through the atmosphere with allowance for deceleration and destruction due to aerodynamic loading and formation of the wake behind the body are performed. The tenuous wake facilitates an upward ejection of the plume (heated air and ablation products of the cosmic body). Numerical simulations of the motion of the plume and of its interaction with the geomagnetic field are performed. It is shown that part of the plume moves at higher than escape velocity. The rising plume operates as an MHD generator. Field-aligned currents heat the ionosphere and change its conductivity. The estimated magnetic variations are on the order of those of typical magnetic storms (for bodies with sizes comparable to the Tunguska meteorite) and are even higher for cosmic bodies with diameters of 200–400 m. Excitation of MHD waves is demonstrated. These disturbances are capable of triggering precipitation of particles from radiation belts and exciting intense electromagnetic noise. Strong oscillations of conducting ionospheric layers propagate radially from the place of impact of the low-velocity part of the plume to large distances from the impact point. For a 1-km body the energy of the high-velocity plume is comparable to that of the Earths’s magnetic field. This causes extremely intense magnetospheric disturbances. However, even 200-to 400-m bodies whose high-velocity part of the plume has energies exceeding 0.4–3 Mt TNT—i.e., much lower than the initial kinetic energy of the intruding body—produce global ionospheric and magnetospheric disturbances.  相似文献   

The time-sequence of polar magnetic substorms is discussed to clarify some controversies on the magnetospheric substorm model including the growth phase. The main purpose of the analyses is to examine magnetic variations in the polar cap and in low latitudes. The onset of the expansion phase is confirmed to be reasonably defined by a vector change of polar-cap magnetic disturbance, a sharp intensification of the auroral electrojet disturbance and the beginning of positive ΔH disturbance in midlatitudes near midnight. It is shown that the growth phase signatures so far proposed are consistent when the onset of the expansion phase is identified from the above mentioned features.  相似文献   

On 11 November 1976, after a magnetically quiet period with the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) directed northward, a sudden southward turning of the IMF immediately led to a world-wide intensification of convection which was observed to start almost simultaneously at stations within the auroral zone and polar cap. The two-dimensional equivalent current system over the northern hemisphere had a typical two-cell convection pattern with a maximum disturbance of ΔH = ?300 nT observed on the morningside in the westward electrojet region. This enhancement of activity ended after 35 min in a localized substorm onset in the midnight sector over Scandinavia.The recordings made in this area indicate large fluctuations of various ionospheric parameters starting several minutes before the substorm onset. Two subsequent stages can be resolved: (1) high-energy particle precipitation recorded by balloon X-ray detectors and maximum ionospheric current density increase, while the electrojet halfwidth shrinks and the total electrojet current becomes weaker; (2) the maximum ionospheric current density stays constant and the high-energy particle precipitation decreases, while the auroral brightness increases and the total electrojet current and its half-width show a growing trend prior to the final breakup. A suggestion is made that the time interval of these two stages should be called “trigger phase”. A short discussion explains the trigger phase observations in a magnetospheric scale. The energy coupling between solar wind and magnetosphere during the pre-substorm phases is discussed by utilizing the energy coupling function ? defined by Perreault and Akasofu (Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc.54, 547, 1978). The ? values appear to be on substorm level during the period of enhanced convection. A good correlation between ? and the growth of the Joule heating rate (estimated from the AE data) is found in the beginning, but during the last 20 min before substorm triggering ? is high while the Joule heating rate decreases. The behaviour of ? during the two stages of the trigger phase suggests that the start of the trigger phase is purely internally controlled while the length of the trigger phase and the final substorm onset may be influenced by the variation in ?.  相似文献   

The instantaneous structure of planetary exospheres is determined by the time history of energy dissipation, chemical, and transport processes operative during a prior time interval set by intrinsic atmospheric time scales. The complex combination of diurnal and magnetospheric activity modulations imposed on the Earth's upper atmosphere no doubt produce an equally complex response, especially in hydrogen, which escapes continuously at exospheric temperatures. Vidal-Madjar and Thomas (1978) have discussed some of the persistent large scale structure which is evident in satellite ultraviolet observations of hydrogen, noting in particular a depletion at high latitudes which is further discussed by Thomas and Vidal-Madjar (1978). The latter authors discussed various causes of the H density depletion, including local neutral temperature enhancements and enhanced escape rates due to polar wind H+ plasma flow or high latitude ion heating followed by charge exchange. We have reexamined the enhancement of neutral escape by plasma effects including the recently observed phenomenon of low altitude transverse ion acceleration. We find that, while significant fluxes of neutral H should be produced by this phenomenon in the auroral zone, this process is probably insufficient to account for the observed polar depletion. Instead, the recent exospheric temperature measurements from the Dynamics Explorer-2 spacecraft suggest that neutral heating in and near the high latitude cusp may be the major contributor to depleted atomic hydrogen densities at high latitudes.  相似文献   

A noticeable depression of the vertical component Z of the geomagnetic field is observed in the polar cap in summer. From the statistical analysis of the equivalent overhead current patterns for daily geomagnetic variations in the summer and winter polar regions for three different conditions of IMF (interplanetary magnetic field), it was concluded that the annual variation of geomagnetic Z in the vicinity of the geomagnetic pole is attributed to the relative spatial shift of the twin-vortex current patterns over the polar cap from summer to winter. In winterthe clockwise current vortex in the dawn sector extends almost over the entire polar cap (except for the periods when the Bz component of IMF has a large positive value), and this will result in the positive variation of the Z-value at the geomagnetic pole. In summer the counter-clockwise current vortex in the dusk sector always extends over the whole polar cap even when Bz of IMF is positiveso that the variation of Z becomes negative. The persistent existence of current vortex in the dawn sector is important for the further study of magnetospheric convection when Bz is positive.  相似文献   

A surge of progress in magnetospheric substorm studies is expected by the following three recent developments, (i) the finding of the solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function ?, (ii) the determination of the Pedersen current distribution over the entire polar region, and (iii) a new understanding of the auroral potential structure. In this paper, the significance of the three developments and the newly emerging model of magnetospheric substorms is described.  相似文献   

In the experiment presently described (which is the continuation of our previous work) we studied the effect of low-frequency drift wave instability on Hall conductivity in plasma. Using an external oscillation we can affect the drift wave amplitude (mainly around resonance), and the variation on Hall conductivity is observed. The effect is probably to be attributed to electron trapping by the waves potential. Good agreement between experimental and calculated values of azimuthal drift currents near and away from resonance lead us to believe that the proposed explanation by electron trapping is correct.In addition, the interaction of plasma with the magnetic field is important in a large variety of astrophysical phenomena. A large class of solar and magnetospheric phenomena involve the conversion of stored magnetic energy to thermal and kinetic energy of the plasma with mechanism in which important role have the plasma's conductivity. Accordingly, this experimental work must be considered as a good laboratory simulation to solar plasma devices.  相似文献   

Observations of vertical and horizontal thermospheric winds, using the OI (3P-1D) 630 nm emission line, by ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometers in Northern Scandinavia and in Svalbard (Spitzbergen) have identified sources of strong vertical winds in the high latitude thermosphere. Observations from Svalbard (78.2N 15.6E) indicate a systematic diurnal pattern of strong downward winds in the period 06.00 U.T. to about 18.00 U.T., with strong upward winds between 20.00 U.T. and 05.00 U.T. Typical velocities of 30 m s?1 downward and 50 m s?1 upward occur, and there is day to day variability in the magnitude (30–80 m s?1) and phase (+/- 3 h) in the basically diurnal variation. Strong and persistent downward winds may also occur for periods of several hours in the afternoon and evening parts of the auroral oval, associated with the eastward auroral electrojet (northward electric fields and westward ion drifts and winds), during periods of strong geomagnetic disturbances. Average downward values of 30–50 m s?1 have been observed for periods of 4–6 h at times of large and long-lasting positive bay disturbances in this region. It would appear that the strong vertical winds of the polar cap and disturbed dusk auroral oval are not in the main associated with propagating wave-like features of the wind field. A further identified source is strongly time-dependent and generates very rapid upward vertical motions for periods of 15–30 min as a result of intense local heating in the magnetic midnight region of the auroral oval during the expansion phase of geomagnetic disturbances, and accompanying intense magnetic and auroral disturbances. In the last events, the height-integrated vertical wind (associated with a mean altitude of about 240 km) may exceed 100–150 m s?1. These disturbances also invariably cause major time-dependent changes of the horizontal wind field with, for example, horizontal wind changes exceeding 500 m s?1 within 30 min. The changes of vertical winds and the horizontal wind field are highly correlated, and respond directly to the local geomagnetic energy input. In contrast to the behaviour observed in the polar cap or in the disturbed afternoon auroral oval, the ‘expansion phase’ source, which corresponds to the classical ‘auroral substorm’, generates strong time-dependent wind features which may propagate globally. This source thus directly generates one class of thermospheric gravity waves. In this first paper we will consider the experimental evidence for vertical winds. In a second paper we will use a three-dimensional time-dependent model to identify the respective roles of geomagnetic energy and momentum in the creation of both classes of vertical wind sources, and consider their propagation and effects on global thermospheric dynamics.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the mechanism of electromagnetic stratification of the large-scale stationary magnetospheric convection due to a friction of the convective flow in the ionosphere layer was performed. Magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction was taken into account by means of the effective boundary conditions on the ionosphere top and bottom boundaries including the actual height profile of charge particles velocity in the ionosphere. It has been shown that the magnetospheric convection is stratified into small-scale current sheets which are respective in the linear approximation to an oblique Alfvén wave. The dispersion equation was deduced for the Alfvén mode and its solution obtained determining the space-time scales and the increment of instability. The maximum increment is realized for the disturbances stretched along the convection velocity that is correspondent to the actual orientation of the auroral arcs. In the conditions of rapid growth of Alfvén velocity above the maximum of the ionosphere F layer, it was shown that small-scale disturbances with the transverse scales l ? 1 km are localized at the altitudes up to several thousand kilometers whereas the large-scale stratification penetrate into the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. A mechanism is proposed to intensify the parallel electric field acting at that stratification stage when the field-aligned currents in the Alfvén wave are sufficient to form abnormal resistance along geomagnetic lines of force.  相似文献   

By combining continuous ground-based observations of polar cleft/cusp auroras and local magnetic variations with electromagnetic parameters obtained from satellites in polar orbit (low-altitude cleft/cusp) and in the magnetosheath/interplanetary space, different electrodynamic processes in the polar cleft/cusp have been investigated. One of the more controversial questions in this field is related to the observed shifts in latitude of cleft/cusp auroras and the relationship with the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation, local magnetic disturbances (DP2 and DPY modes) and magnetospheric substorms. A new approach which may contribute to clarifying these complicated relationships — simultaneous ground-based observations of the midday and evening-midnight sectors of the auroral oval—is illustrated. A related topic is the spatial relationship between the cleft/cusp auroras and the ionospheric convection currents. A characteristic feature of the polar cusp and cleft regions during negative IMFB Z is repeated occurrence of certain short-lived auroral structures which seem to move in accordance with the local convection pattern. Satellite measurements of particle precipitation, magnetic field and ion drift components permit detailed investigations of the electrodynamics of these cusp/cleft structures. Information on electric field components, Birkeland currents, Poynting flux, height-integrated Pedersen conductivity, and Joule heat dissipation rate has been derived. These observations are discussed in relation to existing models of temporal plasma injections from the magnetosheath.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 30 May 1988.  相似文献   

It is shown that substorm activity after a storm sudden commencement (S.S.C.) depends on whether or not an interplanetary shock wave is accompanied by a large increase of the solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function ε. It has long been thought that substorm activity associated with an S.S.C. results from sudden conversion of magnetic energy stored in the magnetotail and that this conversion is triggered by the shock wave. However, the present result implies that the magnetospheric substorm is not a sudden conversion of stored magnetic energy, but is a direct consequence of increased efficiency of the solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo.  相似文献   

A.P. Ingersoll 《Icarus》1976,29(2):245-253
Three new results of the Pioneer 10 and 11 mission are discussed. The first is that effective temperature is the same at the poles and equator in spite of the large differences in solar energy deposition. This is consistent with theories of convection which suggest that an extremely small equator-to-pole temperature difference at the level of infrared emission could suppress the internal heat flux at the equator relative to the pole by an amount sufficient to balance the difference in solar energy deposition.The second result is that the effective temperature of belts is 3 to 4K greater than that of zones, which is almost exactly accounted for by the lower albedo of belts. This result cannot be interpreted uniquely, but is consistent with a model in which the internal heat flux is the same under belts and zones, and the horizontal atmospheric heat flux is zero.The third observation provides evidence of instability along the south edges of zones in the northern hemisphere. These are the latitudes of minimum prograde velocity, where instability is most likely to occur in a barotropic fluid, as pointed out by Ingersoll and Cuzzi (1969). A more realistic baroclinic stability analysis suggests instability at these same latitudes.  相似文献   

North to south scans of Jupiter at 7.8-μm wavelength in early 1981 confirm polar brightening events that correlate with LCMIII, such that a polar limb is bright when the corresponding magnetic pole is tilted eartward. The correlation with magnetic features of the planet suggests that the energy source for the brightenings is magnetospheric particles incident upon the polar regions of the atmosphere. The northern polar events are more prominent and more regular than the southern ones. The polar emission may be indirectly related to the ultraviolet absorber observed near the poles by Voyager 2.  相似文献   

Requirements for the number of nonthermal electrons which must be accelerated in the impulsive phase of a flare are reviewed. These are uncertain by two orders of magnitude depending on whether hard X-rays above 25 keV are produced primarily by hot thermal electrons which contain a small fraction of the flare energy or by nonthermal streaming electrons which contain > 50% of the flare energy. Possible acceleration mechanisms are considered to see to what extent either X-ray production scenario can be considered viable. Direct electric field acceleration is shown to involve significant heating. In addition, candidate primary energy release mechanisms to convert stored magnetic energy into flare energy, steady reconnection and the tearing mode instability, transfer at least half of the stored energy into heat and most of the remaining energy to ions. Acceleration by electron plasma waves requires that the waves be driven to large amplitude by electrons with large streaming velocities or by anisotropic ion-acoustic waves which also require streaming electrons for their production. These in turn can only come from direct electric field acceleration since it is shown that ion-acoustic waves excited by the primary current cannot amplify electron plasma waves. Thus, wave acceleration is subject to the same limitations as direct electric field acceleration. It is concluded that at most 0.1% of the flare energy can be deposited into nonthermal streaming electrons with the energy conversion mechanisms as they have been proposed and known acceleration mechanisms. Thus, hard X-ray production above 10 keV primarily by hot thermal electrons is the only choice compatible with models for the primary energy release as they presently exist.  相似文献   

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