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The subtle effects of different Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite force models are becoming apparent now that mature processing strategies are reaching new levels of accuracy and precision. For this paper, we tested several approaches to solar radiation pressure (SRP) modeling that are commonly used by International GNSS Service (IGS) analysis centers. These include the GPS Solar Pressure Model (GSPM; Bar-Sever and Kuang in The Interplanetary Network Progress Report 42-160, 2005) and variants of the so-called DYB model (Springer et al. in Adv Space Res 23:673–676, 1999). Our results show that currently observed differences between GPS orbit solutions from the various IGS analysis centers are in large part explained by differences between their respective approaches to modeling SRP. DYB-based strategies typically generate orbit solutions that have the smallest differences with respect to the IGS final combined solution, largely because the DYB approach is most commonly used by the contributing analysis centers. However, various internal and external metrics, including ambiguity resolution statistics and satellite laser ranging observations, support continued use of the GSPM-based approach for precise orbit determination of the GPS constellation, at least when using the GIPSY-OASIS software.  相似文献   

太阳光压摄动是影响卫星定轨中重要的误差源,在GNSS导航卫星精密定轨过程中使用最为广泛的光压模型为ECOM模型。为了探究几种ECOM模型及其适用性,该文以超快速星历为起算轨道,分析对比经典ECOM-1模型与最新13参数ECOMC模型对GPS/BDS卫星轨道的影响。结果显示:相较于ECOM-1模型,ECOMC模型在GPS定轨中精度有所提升,特别体现在径向精度提升,单天与三天弧段在径向的解算精度分别提升了12.73%和24.74%;在BDS定轨中,采用ECOMC模型,部分GEO卫星在径向方向单天精度有12.38%的提升,而对于IGSO与MEO卫星二者精度差异不大;分析可得,由于星体结构不对称引起卫星在沿太阳-卫星方向作用的偶数阶短周期谐波扰动,引入卫星-太阳方向偶数阶项的参数估计可提升卫星径向精度。  相似文献   

 A new method for calculating analytical solar radiation pressure models for GNSS spacecraft has been developed. The method simulates the flux of light from the Sun using a pixel array. The method can cope with a high level of complexity in the spacecraft structure and models effects due to reflected light. Models have been calculated and tested for the Russhar global navigation satellite system GLONASS IIv spacecraft. Results are presented using numerical integration of the force model and long-arc satellite laser ranging (SLR) analysis. The integrated trajectory differs from a precise orbit calculated using a network of global tracking stations by circa 2 m root mean square over a 160 000-km arc. The observed − computed residuals for the 400-day SLR arc are circa 28 mm. Received: 23 December 1999 / Accepted: 28 August 2000  相似文献   

光压模型是导航卫星高精度定轨、定位的基础。目前关于北斗卫星光压摄动模型的研究并不少见,但基于卫星物理参数的综合解析模型建立与应用公开可见的论述并不多见。不同于其他保守和非保守摄动力,光压辐射与卫星本身参数状态密切相关,具有明显的个体差异性。本文基于光压辐射的物理机理、北斗卫星物理参数、姿态控制模式等,建立光压摄动综合解析模型,以精密星历和激光测距数据为基准,验证了综合解析模型能够获得分米级的精密定轨精度。在此基础上,根据卫星角动量守恒和在轨遥测参数变化,分析了综合解析模型和在轨实际干扰力的差值,提出了在综合解析模型基础上增加常数经验修正项Da、Ya的方法,以北斗C08、C10星为例,分别可获得0.078、0.084 m的SLR检核精度,相比于利用CODE经验改进模型,精度分别提高0.021、0.045 m。  相似文献   

Solar radiation has been a major input to agricultural, hydrological, and ecological modeling. However, solar radiation is usually influenced by three groups of dynamic factors: sun–earth position, terrain, and atmospheric effects. Therefore, an integrated approach to accurately consider the impacts of those dynamic factors on solar radiation is essential to estimate solar radiation over rugged terrain. In this study, a spatial and temporal gap‐filling algorithm was proposed to obtain a seamless daily MODIS albedo dataset. A 1 km‐resolution digital elevation model was used to model the impact of local topography and shading by surrounding terrain on solar radiation. A sunshine‐based model was adopted to simulate radiation under the influence of clouds. A GIS‐based solar radiation model that incorporates albedo, shading by surrounding terrain, and variations in cloudiness was used to address the spatial variability of these factors in mountainous terrain. Compared with other independent solar radiation products, our model generated a more reliable solar radiation product over rugged terrain, with an R2 of 0.88 and an RMSE of 2.55 MJ m?2 day?1. The improved solar radiation products and open source app can be used further in practice or scientific research.  相似文献   

太阳光压摄动作为在轨导航卫星受到的最大的非保守力,是卫星精密定轨的重要误差源。ECOM模型、ECOM2模型,这两种经验型光压模型被广泛应用于导航卫星定轨。然而,ECOM模型和ECOM2模型分别是针对GPS和GLONASS卫星设计的,并不完全适用于我国北斗三号(BDS-3)卫星。针对五参数ECOM模型在BDS-3卫星低太阳高度角时期轨道不连续性增大的问题,本文提出在 D方向引入一阶周期项来吸收未被模型化光压加速度。结果表明,引入一阶余弦周期项 Dc,能将低太阳高度角时期CAST卫星的切向、法向、径向重叠轨道误差分别减小约60%、52%、29%。针对ECOM2模型中 D2cD0D2sBs之间存在的强相关性,本文提出了不估计 D2c参数的八参数ECOM2模型和不估计 D2cD2s的七参数ECOM2模型。结果表明,相较九参数ECOM2模型,不估计 D2c参数的八参数ECOM2模型能够将CAST卫星和SECM卫星径向重叠轨道误差分别减少约18%和27%。在此基础上,继续移除 D2s后(七参数ECOM2),径向重叠轨道误差可进一步减小5.2%~8.5%。综合考察重叠轨道精度和SLR检核精度,不顾及 D2cD2s的七参数ECOM2模型表现最佳。CAST卫星和SECM卫星重叠轨道切向、法向、径向精度分别为5.0、3.4、1.4 cm和5.4、3.5、1.5 cm;SLR检核残差标准差分别为3.1~3.2 cm、4.4~4.7 cm。  相似文献   

为了研究轨道预报期间光压模型的影响,该文采用2017年8月1日至2017年11月30日的事后精密轨道产品,研究ECOM 5参数模型、ECOM 9参数模型和可校正Box-wing模型对BDS-IGSO/MEO卫星和Galileo卫星轨道预报的影响。预报轨道通过与事后精密轨道对比以及激光检核得到的残差来评价其精度。对于BDS-IGSO/MEO卫星,ECOM 5参数模型和ECOM 9参数模型结果基本一致,可校正Box-wing模型最差,但是在卫星径向精度上,ECOM 9参数模型要优于ECOM 5参数模型。对于Galileo卫星,ECOM 9参数模型要整体优于ECOM 5参数模型。  相似文献   

As any satellite geodesy technique, DORIS can monitor geocenter variations associated to mass changes within the Earth–Atmosphere–Continental hydrosphere–Oceans system. However, especially for the Z-component, corresponding to a translation of the Earth along its rotation axis, the estimated geocenter is usually affected by large systematic errors of unknown cause. By reprocessing old DORIS data, and by analyzing single satellite solutions in the frequency domain, we show that some of these errors are satellite-dependent and related to the current DORIS orbit determination strategy. In particular, a better handling of solar pressure radiation effects on SPOT-2 and TOPEX satellites is proposed which removes a large part of such artifacts. By empirically multiplying the current solar pressure model with a single coefficient (1.03 for TOPEX/Poseidon after 1993.57, and 0.96 before; and 1.08 for SPOT-2) estimated over a long time period, we can improve the measurement noise of the Z-geocenter component from 47.5 to 30.4 mm for the RMS and from 35 to 6 mm for the amplitude of the annual signal. However, the estimated SRP coefficient for SPOT-2 presents greater temporal variability, indicating that a new, dedicated solar radiation pressure model is still needed for precise geodetic applications. In addition, for the TOPEX satellite, a clear discontinuity of unknown cause is also detected on July 27, 1993.  相似文献   

As a model for sensor orientation and 3D geopositioning for high-resolution satellite imagery (HRSI), the affine transformation from object to image space has obvious advantages. Chief among these is that it is a straightforward linear model, comprising only eight parameters, which has been shown to yield sub-pixel geopositioning accuracy when applied to Ikonos stereo imagery. This paper aims to provide further insight into the affine model in order to understand why it performs as well as it does. Initially, the model is compared to counterpart, ‘rigorous’ affine transformation formulations which account for the conversion from a central perspective to affine image. Examination of these rigorous models sheds light on issues such as the effects of terrain and size of area, as well as upon the choice of reference coordinate system and the impact of the adopted scanning mode of the sensor. The results of application of the affine sensor orientation model to four multi-image Ikonos test field configurations are then presented. These illustrate the very high geopositioning accuracy attainable with the affine model, and illustrate that the model is not affected by size of area, but can be influenced to a modest extent by mountainous terrain, the mode of scanning and the choice of object space coordinate system. Above all, the affine model is shown to be both a robust and practical sensor orientation/triangulation model with high metric potential.  相似文献   

GPS实时精密单点定位需要实时的、精确的、可靠的预报卫星钟差预报,因此卫星钟差的预报是一项非常重要的工作,它对实时的高精度导航定位具有重要意义。为导航定位提供时间标准的导航卫星原子钟是非常精密的仪器,对外界环境非常敏感,无法将卫星钟差作为普通的白噪声处理,可以但可将卫星钟差看作是灰色系统来进行研究。本文根据灰色系统相关理论,将灰色系统模型GM(1,1)应用到卫星钟差的预报,并用IGS超快速星历建立了预报卫星钟差的灰色预测模型,研究了卫星钟差的变化规律。结果表明:灰色模型可用于卫星钟差的短期预报,它对超快速星历的预报精度与IGS产品中的IGU超快速星历本身的预报精度相当。  相似文献   

Significant advances have been achieved in generating soil moisture (SM) products from satellite remote sensing and/or land surface modeling with reasonably good accuracy in recent years. However, the discrepancies among the different SM data products can be considerably large, which hampers their usage in various applications. The bias of one SM product from another is well recognized in the literature. Bias estimation and spatial correction methods have been documented for assimilating satellite SM product into land surface and hydrologic models. Nevertheless, understanding the characteristics of each of these SM data products is required for many applications where the most accurate data products are desirable. This study inter-compares five SM data products from three different sources with each other, and evaluates them against in situ SM measurements over 14-year period from 2000 to 2013. Specifically, three microwave (MW) satellite based data sets provided by ESA's Climate Change Initiative (CCI) (CCI-merged, -active and -passive products), one thermal infrared (TIR) satellite based product (ALEXI), and the Noah land surface model (LSM) simulations. The in-situ SM measurements are collected from the North American Soil Moisture Database (NASMD), which involves more than 600 ground sites from a variety of networks. They are used to evaluate the accuracies of these five SM data products. In general, each of the five SM products is capable of capturing the dry/wet patterns over the study period. However, the absolute SM values among the five products vary significantly. SM simulations from Noah LSM are more stable relative to the satellite-based products. All TIR and MW satellite based products are relatively noisier than the Noah LSM simulations. Even though MW satellite based SM retrievals have been predominantly used in the past years, SM retrievals of the ALEXI model based on TIR satellite observations demonstrate skills equivalent to all the MW satellite retrievals and even slightly better over certain regions. Compared to the individual active and passive MW products, the merged CCI product exhibits higher anomaly correlation with both Noah LSM simulations and in-situ SM measurements.  相似文献   

Summary Time varying coordinates of points of a geodetic network are indirectly measured by a group of measurement devices with different characteristics of accuracy in several epochs. The design of the measurement is the same in all epochs. The ratio of the characteristics of accuracy is a priori unknown. The aim is to determine an estimator of the parameters of functions modelling changes of the coordinates, confidence regions of these functions and to construct a procedure for testing linear hypotheses on time varying coordinates of a geodetic network. As the characteristics of accuracy are a priori unknown, the problem of their estimation has to be solved simultaneously. The research of rules of recent crustal movements leads to studying the mentioned model.  相似文献   

电荷耦合器件(CCD)是卫星应用的主流成像器件,其受空间辐射环境影响易产生辐射效应,导致卫星成像性能退化,因此CCD的在轨辐射效应分析对卫星在轨风险评估、在轨维护具有重要意义。针对空间碎片探测试验卫星成像CCD在轨出现的辐射效应,通过在轨图像数据计算,对辐射作用于CCD导致的瞬时效应、热像素、电离总剂量效应和位移损伤进行了估算。分析认为瞬时效应主要源于南大西洋异常区内高能质子入射器件导致的瞬间电离作用;热像素源于质子辐射导致的单个像素位移损伤,且数量随着在轨时间的累积不断增加,与瞬时效应无明显的相关性;在轨初期累积的电离总剂量效应和位移损伤并不突出;热像素是影响探测器光电探测性能的主要问题,在较低粒子注量时就比较显著。上述工作为卫星在轨风险评估与运行管理收集了数据依据,并初步形成了针对在轨运行光电探测载荷辐射效应分析方法,可为天基目标探测卫星成像器件的在轨辐射效应分析、抗辐射设计提供参考。  相似文献   

监测煤矿开采导致的地表三维形变对于矿区地质灾害防控和开采沉陷机理研究至关重要。针对单轨道InSAR和先验模型融合解算矿山三维形变存在精度不高、时间分辨率差的问题,本文提出了一种通过优化先验模型参数的矿区多轨InSAR三维形变解算方法。首先,利用Weibull模型同步4个轨道LOS向形变位移,以此削弱不同轨道之间时间异步对三维形变解算精度的影响,并采用加权最小二乘求解矿区垂直向和东西向形变;然后,根据垂直向和东西向形变优化矿区开采先验模型参数;最后,解算南北向形变位移。利用覆盖大同矿区的TerraSAR-X数据和3个轨道Sentinel-1 InSAR数据集对本文方法进行验证。研究结果表明,与地面GPS监测点相比,本文方法可以获得相对精确的三维形变结果,垂直向RMSE、东西向RMSE和南北向RMSE约为1.1、1.4和2.1 cm。  相似文献   

近年来,卫星钟差长期预报普遍采用灰色模型,该模型的预报精度虽较传统的二次多项式模型有所提高,但仍不理想。本文在其基础上提出了一种新的组合模型:首先利用灰色模型估计的残差建立二次多项式模型,预报以后历元的残差,然后和灰色模型的预报结果相加;并分析了利用不同历元个数的残差建模所得组合模型的精度,将组合模型与灰色模型、二次多项式模型的预报精度进行了比较。结果表明:组合模型相对于灰色模型的预报精度能提高一个数量级左右,验证了本文提出的组合模型的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

The development and numerical values of the new absolute phase-center correction model for GPS receiver and satellite antennas, as adopted by the International GNSS (global navigation satellite systems) Service, are presented. Fixing absolute receiver antenna phase-center corrections to robot-based calibrations, the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ) and the Technische Universität München reprocessed more than 10 years of GPS data in order to generate a consistent set of nadir-dependent phase-center variations (PCVs) and offsets in the z-direction pointing toward the Earth for all GPS satellites in orbit during that period. The agreement between the two solutions estimated by independent software packages is better than 1 mm for the PCVs and about 4 cm for the z-offsets. In addition, the long time-series facilitates the study of correlations of the satellite antenna corrections with several other parameters such as the global terrestrial scale or the orientation of the orbital planes with respect to the Sun. Finally, completely reprocessed GPS solutions using different phase-center correction models demonstrate the benefits from switching from relative to absolute antenna phase-center corrections. For example, tropospheric zenith delay biases between GPS and very long baseline interferometry (VLBI), as well as the drift of the terrestrial scale, are reduced and the GPS orbit consistency is improved.  相似文献   

黄志华  阎跃观  张浩  张兵 《遥感学报》2018,22(4):535-545
高光谱遥感可以得到地物连续光谱信息,实现地物精细分类、目标高精度探测以及地物生化参量的定量化应用。传统的高光谱遥感器由于固定辐射动态范围,存在大量无效且冗余数据,给卫星载荷造成了巨大的存储压力。智能高光谱卫星关键技术之一在于利用前视相机预判辐射动态变化范围的方式辅助主相机成像模式调整,本文在智能遥感卫星系统概念的基础上,重点开展前视相机倾斜角设计、波段设置和辐射动态范围预测研究。研究表明:前视相机倾斜角需要综合考虑星上响应时间、单次成像距离和空间分辨率;考虑到云检测、气溶胶光学厚度和水汽含量反演等指标的实现,前视相机需要设置0.49μm、0.66μm、0.87μm、0.94μm、2.1μm等5个波段;0.4—1.0μm波段范围最大最小值辐亮度可以由有限波段进行预测。基于ENVI光谱库76条光谱数据,通过MODTRAN辐射传输模型模拟各类地物(植被、矿物、人造地物、土壤)在不同观测条件下的表观辐亮度,建立了在0.4—1.0μm波段内各类地物辐射动态最大值和最小值模拟模型,利用光谱库中其他光谱数据验证了各类地物辐射动态最大值和最小值模拟模型,各类地物最大值和最小值预测模型验证的拟合优度(R2)分别大于98%和75%,模型验证相对误差分别小于5%和25%;同时利用Hyperion影像,验证了植被类预测模型,最大值模拟模型验证相对偏差在5%内,最小值模拟模型验证相对偏差在10%内。以上研究为智能高光谱卫星主相机的辐射动态范围调整提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

针对GPS,GLONASS,BDS组合导航系统定位中卫星的选择作了相关分析。首先用STK软件进行仿真,分析几何精度因子与卫星数的关系,得出组合导航系统最佳选星数;再根据卫星星座的空间几何分布,基于次优选星算法的成本函数模型,结合各导航系统卫星测量精度的差异性以及次优选星算法的峰值、不稳定特点,构建一种以卫星高度角和载噪比确定的加权成本函数模型,提出一种依据加权成本函数选星的分步次优加权选星算法。实验结果表明,该选星算法能近似到达最优选星算法的效果,计算负荷也相对较小,可满足导航定位解算精度和实时性要求。  相似文献   

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