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针对服务器端和客户端的数据时效性问题,该文系统地分析了服务器端状态空间表示(SSR)改正数更新时间间隔和客户端观测值数据及SSR改正数中断对实时精密单点定位(PPP)的影响。实验结果表明:服务器端播发SSR改正数的时间间隔在30s以内,GPS+GLONASS+BDS、GPS+GLONASS和GPS实时PPP定位可获得厘米级定位精度,同时SSR改正数的播发时间间隔对GPS+GLONASS+BDS、GPS+GLONASS和GPS实时PPP定位影响无明显差异;客户端SSR改正数中断时长在150s以内,GPS+GLONASS+BDS、GPS+GLONASS和GPS实时PPP定位可获得厘米级定位精度,改正数中断360s可获得亚米级定位精度,单系统较多系统受SSR改正数中断的影响较大;观测值连续中断16min时,实时PPP需要重新收敛。  相似文献   

A modified mixed-differenced approach for estimating multi-GNSS real-time clock offsets is presented. This approach, as compared to the earlier presented mixed-differenced approach which uses epoch-differenced and undifferenced observations, further adds a satellite-differenced process. The proposed approach, based on real-time orbit products and a mix of epoch-differenced and satellite-differenced observations to estimate only satellite clock offsets and tropospheric zenith wet delays, has fewer estimated parameters than other approaches, and thus its implementing procedure is efficient and can be performed and extended easily. To obtain high accuracy, the approach involves three steps. First, the high-accuracy tropospheric zenith wet delay of each station is estimated using mixed-differenced carrier phase observations. Second, satellite clock offset changes between adjacent epochs are estimated using also mixed-differenced carrier phase observations. Third, the satellite clock offsets at the initial epoch are estimated using satellite-differenced pseudorange observations. Finally, the initial epoch clock results and clock offset changes are concatenated to obtain the clock results of the current epoch. To validate the real-time satellite clock results, multi-GNSS post-processing clock products from IGS ACs were selected for comparison. From the comparison, the standard deviations of the GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo systems clock results are approximately 0.1–0.4 ns, except for the BeiDou GEO satellites. The root mean squares are about 0.4–2.3 ns, which are similar to those of other international real-time products. When the clock estimates were assessed based on a pseudo-kinematic PPP procedure, the positioning accuracies in the East, North and Up components reach 5.6, 5.5 and 7.6 cm, respectively, which meet the centimeter level and are comparable to the application of other products.  相似文献   

Polygonal object is a fundamental type of geometric data in vector GIS. The key step of cleaning topological relationship after data collection of polygonal layer is to build polygonal objects from digital arcs. The raw digital arcs may intersect with each other. The algorithm for building polygonal objects after the raw arcs have been split at all intersections is presented. The build-up of polygonal objects in this paper is designed to be implemented by two steps. The first step is to extract all the polygons needed for build-up of polygonal objects from arcs. The second step is to organize polygonal objects from these polygons. For the first step, a tracing algorithm is proposed. The algorithm merely extracts the polygons needed for the build-up of polygonal objects, which is a subset of all the possible polygons that can be induced from the arcs. For the second step, an algorithm based on a specially designed order of polygons is advanced. All the topological relationships among the polygons are sho  相似文献   

Polygonal object is a fundamental type of geometric data in vector GIS. The key step cleaning topological relationship after data collection of polygonal layer is to build polygonal objects from digital arcs. The raw digital arcs may intersect with each other. The algorithm for building polygonal objects after the raw arcs have been split at all intersections is presented. The build-up of polygonal objects in this paper is designed to be implemented by two steps. The first step is to extract all the polygons needed for build-up of polygonal objects from arcs. The second step is to organize polygonal objects from these polygons. For the first step, a tracing algorithm is proposed. The algorithm merely extracts the polygons needed for the build-up of polygonal objects, which is a subset of all the possible polygons that can be induced from the arcs. For the second step, an algorithm based on a specially designed order of polygons is advanced. All the topological relationships among the polygons are shown in a single scan. Experiments show that the two algorithms together offer a robust and efficient solution for building polygonal objects from intersected arcs.  相似文献   

GPS监测网数据处理方案研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
处理大尺度GPS监测网多期复测成果的时期,数据处理方案是一个重要问题。作者在处理首都圈GPS地形变监测网数据的过程中,经过长期探索和大量试算,提出了制定数据处理方案的基本原则:要采用一个自洽的地球参考框架和常数系统;要采用精度最高的同一种粗密星历和相应的地球自转参数;要采用最先进的同一种数据处理软件以及采用同一的参考基准和约束条件。由于地壳处于运动之中,大尺度GPS监测网的参考基准应是动态基准。研  相似文献   

北斗系统短基线解算数据处理方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
北斗卫星导航系统基线解算和高精度定位中的关键问题是整周模糊度解算。针对北斗系统的相对定位问题,该文利用B1、B2载波相位观测值组成宽巷双差观测值,利用搜索算法固定宽巷双差整周模糊度,建立宽巷及B1、B2的双差观测方程,并利用搜索算法固定B1的整周模糊度,进而固定B2的整周模糊度。以武汉大学PANDA软件处理结果作为参考值处理16km以下的四段基线进行算法的试验检验,结果表明,四段基线在E方向、N方向、U方向的精度分别为1.5cm、2.0cm、5.0cm,验证了利用宽巷组合观测值进行北斗系统基线解算是可行的,其精度和GPS系统相当。  相似文献   

徐龙威 《测绘学报》2022,51(9):1981-1981
多模GNSS发展及其应用领域的拓展使卫星导航产业迎来巨大发展机遇的同时,也带来了一些亟须解决的问题。各GNSS系统由不同的国家或地区设计、建设和维护,其时空基准、信号频率和编码调制方式都存在差异,多模GNSS组合解算必须顾及系统间和系统内的多种偏差;受大气延迟等误差的影响,中长基线模糊度快速固定困难;大范围参考站网络,大气延迟建模精度低,流动站定位精度差且经常出现无法获取固定解的现象;另外,受限于当前网络RTK系统的服务机制,实时在线用户数量过大易导致服务中断甚至系统崩溃等问题。  相似文献   

针对联合平差数十万个观测值 ,近 2 0万个未知数来说 ,如何有效地组织数据 ,管理数据 ,最大限度地压缩内存是联合平差数据处理的关键。本文主要讨论联合平差数据处理中的主要函数模型和随机模型、大规模稀疏矩阵有效的解算方法并用软件加以实现。作为实例用此软件对小范围的实验区数据进行平差 ,对其解算结果进行了分析  相似文献   

Rendering large volumes of vector data is computationally intensive and therefore time consuming, leading to lower efficiency and poorer interactive experience. Graphics processing units (GPUs) are powerful tools in data parallel processing but lie idle most of the time. In this study, we propose an approach to improve the performance of vector data rendering by using the parallel computing capability of many‐core GPUs. Vertex transformation, largely a mathematical calculation that does not require communication with the host storage device, is a time‐consuming procedure because all coordinates of each vector feature need to be transformed to screen vertices. Use of a GPU enables optimization of a general‐purpose mathematical calculation, enabling the procedure to be executed in parallel on a many‐core GPU and optimized effectively. This study mainly focuses on: (1) an organization and storage strategy for vector data based on equal pitch alignment, which can adapt to the GPU's calculating characteristics; (2) a paging‐coalescing transfer and memory access strategy for vector data between the CPU and the GPU; and (3) a balancing allocation strategy to take full advantage of all processing cores of the GPU. Experimental results demonstrate that the approach proposed can significantly improve the efficiency of vector data rendering.  相似文献   

An enhanced strategy for GNSS data processing of massive networks   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Although the computational burden of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) data processing is nowadays already a big challenge, especially for huge networks, integrated processing of denser networks with data of multi-GNSS and multi-frequency is desired in the expectation of more accurate and reliable products. Based on the concept of carrier range, in this study, the precise point positioning with integer ambiguity resolution is engaged to obtain the integer ambiguities for converting carrier phases to carrier ranges. With such carrier ranges and pseudo-ranges, rigorous integrated processing is realized computational efficiently for the orbit and clock estimation using massive networks. The strategy is validated in terms of computational efficiency and product quality using data of the IGS network with about 460 stations. The experimental validation shows that the computation time of the new strategy increases gradually with the number of stations. It takes about 14 min for precise orbit and clock determination with 460 stations, while the current strategy needs about 82 min. The overlapping orbit RMS is reduced from 27.6 mm with 100 stations to 24.8 mm using the proposed strategy, and the RMS could be further reduced to 23.2 mm by including all 460 stations. Therefore, the new strategy could be applied to massive networks of multi-GNSS and multi-frequency receivers and possibly to achieve GNSS data products of higher quality.  相似文献   

为了高效组织管理日益增加的智能感知和关联关系数据,满足多层次任务对多模态场景数据多维特征计算和关联挖掘的需求,针对现有树结构外存索引方法存在的磁盘I/O密集、处理效率低、对关联关系支持弱的瓶颈问题,提出了一种时空关系稀疏图索引方法。设计了一种基于内存图模型的时空索引结构,将多模态场景数据抽象为图的节点和边,支持时间、空间以及关联关系的高效组织,并基于稀疏矩阵进行时空关系图索引的内存表达和存储;以多维树索引为例进行了索引构建以及多模式查询试验。试验结果表明,本文方法在索引生成、时空查询和复杂时空关系查询效率等方面均优于对比方法,支持动态关联的多模态场景数据实时高性能处理和低延迟访问。  相似文献   

探讨直接利用平差结果分析GPS网起算点的兼容性问题,达到剔除含有粗差已知点的目的.针对短基线(10~15 km以下)工程测量网,总结GPS工程测量网数据处理与质量评估方法.对某铁路工程测量控制网的观测资料进行数据处理与质量评估试验,结果表明:平面点位精度在x方向上优于0.75 cm,y方向上优于0.70 cm,点位精度...  相似文献   

我国天文大地网与GPS2000网联合平差是一项大规模的测量数据处理工程,解算的未知数众多,为了便于检查原始观测数据粗差以及验证地面网与空间网的权匹配关系,需要进行单区平差数据处理研究和计算。本文主要讨论单区平差数据处理中的主要模型、大规模稀疏矩阵有效的解算方法并用软件加以实现,用此软件对5000点的实验区数据进行平差计算,得到了有益的结论。  相似文献   

GPS Solutions - Receiver design challenges arising from new GNSS signals include required intermediate frequency, sampling rate, modulation type, spreading code, and secondary code. Several...  相似文献   

The processing of nonlinear data was one of hot topics in surveying and mapping field in recent years. As a result, many linear methods and nonlinear methods have been developed. But the methods for processing generalized nonlinear surveying and mapping data, especially for different data types and including unknown parameters with random or nonrandom, are seldom noticed. A new algorithm model is presented in this paper for processing nonlinear dynamic multiple-period and multiple-accuracy data derived from deformation monitoring network.  相似文献   

The processing of nonlinear data was one of hot topics in surveying and mapping field in recent years. As a result, many linear methods and nonlinear methods have beendeveloped. But the methods for processing generalized nonlinear surveying and mapping data, especially for different data types and including unknown parameters with random or nonrandom, are seldom noticed. A new algorithm model is presented in this paper for processing nonlinear dynamic multiple-period and multiple-accuracy data derived from deformation monitoring network.  相似文献   

陈伟康 《测绘科学》2015,40(1):113-116
断面测量在道路施工和一些需要利用断面数据计算土方的工程中有着广泛的应用。为提高断面测量数据处理的效率,文章采用Visual C++编程语言,编制了可以根据特定需求处理断面测量数据的程序。实践证明,该程序较好地提高了断面测量数据处理的效率和精度,可以为断面测量数据程序化处理提供参考。  相似文献   

获得合理的形变分析量是形变监测的前提。本文以测站坐标和速率为参数,分析比较了形变分析数据处理的3种方法:静态平差解、动态平差解以及滤波解,由于随机误差的存在,这3种解变得不等价;进而分析了这3种数据处理的方差分量解。最后以陕西省中部的一形变监测网为例,分析了其应用效果。  相似文献   

The geodetic-geodynamic network (G1) was established with the intention of monitoring recent crustal deformation and serving as the major control network in Israel. In 1996 the network was measured for the first time using GPS. This paper presents the second GPS measurement campaign of the G1 network, held in 2002. It presents the network configuration design and the data processing procedures by commercial and scientific post-processing GPS software, as well as a comparison of the results. Long session duration and medium vector length with strict analysis by the commercial GPS processing software TTC (Trimble Total Control) were found to achieve results that are equivalent to those obtained when using the BERNESE scientific software.  相似文献   

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