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The average rotation rate of the upper atmosphere can be found by analysis of the changes in the orbital inclinations of satellites, and results previously obtained have indicated that the atmospheric rotation rate appreciably exceeds the Earth's rotation rate at heights between 200 and 400 km.We have examined all such results previously published in the light of current standards of accuracy: some are accepted, some revised, and some rejected as inadequate in accuracy. We also analyse a number of fresh orbits and, adding these to the accepted and revised previous results, we derive the variation of zonal wind speed with height and local time. The rotation rate (rev/day) averaged over all local times increases from near 1.0 at 150 km height to 1.3 near 350 km (corresponding to an average west-to-east wind of 120 m/s), and then decreases to 1.0 at 400 km and probably to about 0.8 at greater heights. The maximum west-to-east winds occur in the evening hours, 18–24 h local time: these evening winds increase to a maximum of about 150 m/s at heights near 350 km and decline to near zero around 600 km. In the morning, 4–12 h local time, the winds are east to west, with speeds of 50–100 m/s above 200 km. We also tentatively conclude that, at heights above 350 km, the average rotation rate is greater in equatorial latitudes (0–25°) than at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

Sixty auroral absorption substorms (30 in IQSY and 30 in IASY) have been analysed on the basis of riometer-recordings taken at some 40 stations distributed over auroral, subauroral and polar cap latitudes. Synoptic maps showing isoabsorption curves have been produced every 15 min (sometimes every 5 min) of the 60 substorms; 705 maps altogether.Some of the results of the analysis are as follows.Initiation of a substorm most frequently occurs near midnight but may occur anywhere between early evening and late morning. The time of onset becomes earlier and the latitude of onset moves equatorward as the level of magnetic activity increases.The longitude expansion velocities are contained in the range 0.7–7 km/sec except for a few extreme values which exceed 20 km/sec.The auroral absorption eastward expansion velocity is smaller than the corresponding velocity of the boundary of the region of activation of the visual aurora after break up by a factor 14?12.The expansion velocity corresponds, in general, to drift velocities of electrons of energies in the range 50–300 keV but, for the extreme speeds, electron energies around 1 MeV are needed.Expansion of the absorption in the westward direction was seen in about half of the substorms studied. In about half of these, expansion along the auroral oval could be indentified, but in almost all of these cases some expansion in the auroral zone latitudes was also seen. In about an equal number of events, expansion was confined primarily to the auroral zone.The velocity of the westward expansion was about 1 km/sec along the auroral oval (i.e. approximately equal with the speed of the westward travelling surge) but about 2 km/sec along the auroral zone.The meridional expansion velocities found agree well with those measured for visual aurora (? 1 km/sec).The variability of the behaviour of different substorms is very large. To illuminate this the following may be mentioned, in addition to what has been stated above about the statistics.Although the absorption maximum practically always moves eastward from the initiation region, exceptions have been seen in which the maximum started moving west and in a later phase went eastward.Sometimes the absorption maximum stays in the injection area or very close to it, although in most cases it moves eastward into the dayside. In extreme eases it has been found to move more than 270° in the eastward direction.There are auroral absorption substorms in which injection seems to take place in more than one area simultaneously.The observations cannot all be understood in terms of gradient and curvature drift of electrons from a small area of injection only. A broad intrusion of hot plasma from the tail into the inner magnetosphere seems to be needed.No strong dependence of particle precipitation on the illumination of the upper ionosphere by sunlight was seen. The results do, therefore, not support the hypothesis of Brice and Lucas (1971) that cold plasma density increases, originating in the ionosphere, significantly increase the precipitation rate of energetic trapped particles.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic and electrodynamic problems of solar wind interaction with the Earth's magnetosphere on the day-side are investigated.The initial fact, well established, is that the density of the magnetic field energy in the solar wind is rather small. Magnetic field intensity and orientation are shown to determine the character of the solar wind flow around the magnetosphere. For mean parameters of the wind, if the tangential component of the magnetic field is more or equal 5γ, the flow in the magneto-sheath will be laminar. For other cases the flow is of a turbulent type.For turbulent flow, typical plasma parameters are estimated: mean free path, internal scale of inhomogeneities and dissipated energy. The results obtained are compared with experimental data.For the case of laminar flow, special attention is paid to the situation when magnetic fields of the solar wind and Earth are antiparallel. It is suggested, on the basis of solid arguments, that the southward interplanetary field diffuses from the magnetosheath into the Earth's magnetosphere. These ideas are used for the estimation of the distance to the magnetopause subsolar point. A detailed comparison with results of observation is made. The coincidence is satisfactory. Theoretical investigation has been made to a great extent for thin magnetopause with thickness δRHe-gyroradius of an electron.It is shown that during magnetospheric substorms relaxation oscillations with the period τ = 100–300 sec must appear. A theorem is proved about the appearance of a westward electrical field during the substorm development, when the magnetosphere's day-side boundary moves Earthward and about the recovery phase, when the magnetopause motion is away from the Earth, when there is an eastward electrical field.In the Appendix, plasma wave exitation in the magnetopause is considered and conductivity magnitudes are calculated, including the reduction due to the scattering by plasma turbulence.  相似文献   

The satellite 1970-114F, the final-stage rocket of the Molniya 1S communications satellite, decayed in the atmosphere on 3 March 1973. During the last 20 days of its life the orbit suffered exceptionally rapid decay, with the apogee height decreasing from 7000 to 1000 km while the perigee height remained near 110 km. About 650 observations, made by visual observers in Britain and by U.S. Navy sensors, have been used with the PROP6 orbit refinement program to determine orbits at 14 epochs. Although the decay rate was more than ten times greater than in any previous orbit determination with PROP, good orbits were obtained, the standard deviation in inclination being less than 0.002° on eight orbits.The combination of high drag and good accuracy allows three techniques in orbital analysis to be successfully applied for the first time. Since zonal winds have little effect on the orbit, the changes in inclination are analysed to determine meridional winds near perigee, at heights of 110–120 km, latitudes of 63–65°S, and 6–12 hr LT. The changes in right ascension of the node are also successfully analysed for the same purpose. The two methods agree in indicating a south-to-north wind of 40 ± 30 m/sec from 11 to 21 February, a geomagnetically quiet period, and a south-to-north wind averaging 150 ± 30 m/sec from 22 February to 3 March, a geomagnetically disturbed period. Thirdly, the changes in the argument of perigee are analysed to determine atmospheric oblateness, which is found to be equal to the Earth's oblateness, to within ±20%. Lastly, the drag coefficient in transition flow is evaluated and found to be 0.85 ± 0.20.  相似文献   

A sudden commencement occurred at 2348 UT on 15 February 1967, when the ATS-1 satellite was about 2 hr past local noon at a geocentric distance of 6.6R E. Plasma was observed by the Suprathermal Ion Detector (SID) first to flow in the antisolar direction, as expected, but then to flow westward, for about 2 min, at about 50 km/sec. Analysis of ground magnetograms suggests that the surprising westward flow, which must have involved an electric field of about 10 mV/m at 6.6R E, resulted from the ionosphere's reaction to the sudden commencement. Beginning about 2 min before the start of the westward flow at ATS-1, ground magnetometers near the foot of the ATS-1 field line typically recorded magnetic-field deflections of about 70 γ, to the northeast. No attempt is made in this paper to explain these ground observations. However, taking the ground observations, assuming a height-integrated Hall conductivity of 1 mho, and a standoff distance of 7.2R E inferred from Explorer 33 solar-wind data, we derive a magnetospheric electric field that agrees in magnitude and direction with that required to produce the observed flow at ATS-1.  相似文献   

In this paper the rotational speed of the upper atmosphere, mainly at heights of 200–300 km, is evaluated from the changes in the orbital inclinations of thirteen satellites. The values obtained represent the mean rotational speed over the latitudes covered by the satellites, at dates between late 1962 and early 1966, i.e. when solar activity was low.

If the angular velocity of the atmosphere is taken as Λ times that of the Earth, the values of Λ found are mostly between 1.0 and 1.6 with estimated S.D. between 0.1 and 0.25. If we exclude two values at heights above 300 km and one anomalous value, the mean of the remaining ten values of Λ obtained is 1.27, with r.m.s. scatter 0.18: this would correspond to an average west-to-east wind of about 100 m/sec in mid-latitudes.  相似文献   

This paper considers the torques causing spin decay in cylindrical rocket bodies in orbit. Eddy current torques, due to the Earth's magnetic field, are estimated using Smith's (1962) model—a hollow cylindrical conducting shell, tumbling about a transverse axis. Air torques are estimated by numerical integration of aerodynamic moments over the rocket surface. It is shown that for Cosmos rockets, 7.4 m long and 2.4 m in diameter, eddy current torques outweigh air torques by several orders of magnitude at altitudes near 500 km, and that they are dominant at altitudes down to 160 km. Visual observations of several such rockets illustrate a variation of spin decay time with altitude which supports this conclusion. The same observations suggest that a few Cosmos rockets may be special cases, different from the rest in construction.  相似文献   

The rates of heat input into the mesosphere and lower thermosphere are calculated and compared with the heat losses. The worldwide average eddy diffusion coefficient required to maintain continuity in the heat budget is calculated and found to vary from about 107 cm2/sec at 120 km down to about 105 cm2/sec at 60 km. From the global asymmetry in heating at the solstice, it is concluded that a systematic pattern of vertical velocities prevails ranging from less than 1 cm/sec in the mesosphere up to 10 cm/sec near 120 km, upward over the summer polar region and downward over the winter polar region. This can be balanced by a wind system towards the winter polar region with velocities near 1 m/sec at 60 km increasing to 30 m/sec at 120 km. Such a wind system provides an explanation for the helium bulge in the upper thermosphere over the winter polar region.  相似文献   

Although the time structure of auroral radio absorption, measured with riometers at high-latitude stations, is generally complex, some features are seen which have a relatively simple structure. Multiple riometer data from the magnetically-conjugate stations Great Whale River and Byrd demonstrate that many of these features show movements over a 250 km baseline. Both the velocities and the directions of movement are consistent with the substorm movements that have been detected in other auroral work, for example by visual observations or by auroral radar. The velocities range between 80 m/sec and 3.3 km/sec, the directions being predominantly westward in the evening sector and eastward in the morning. The observed behaviour is essentially the same in both hemispheres, though event-by-event comparisons show some differences of velocity. The data are applied to determine the instantaneous corresponding points in the two hemispheres; it is found that the corresponding point wanders by 130 km about its mean position. Some implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we review and interpret the values of upper-atmosphere rotation rate (zonal winds) obtained by analysing satellite orbits determined from observations. The history of the method is briefly reviewed, the basic principles are explained, objections to the method are answered, and three examples are given. Existing analyses of the atmospheric rotation rate A are critically reviewed, and, after rejecting some and revising others, we are left with 85 values. These are divided according to local time and season, to give the variation of A with height in nine situations—namely morning, evening and average local time, for summer, winter and average season. These observational results indicate that the value of Λ (in rev/day), averaged over both local time and season, increases from 1.0 at 125 km to 1.22 at 325 km and then decreases to 1.0 at 430 km and 0.82 at 600 km. The value of Λ is higher in the evening (18–24 h), with a maximum value (near 1.4) corresponding to a West-to-East wind of 150 m s?1 at heights near 300 km. The value of Λ is lower in the morning (06–12 h), with East-to-West winds of order 50 m s?1 at heights of 200–400 km. There is also a consistent seasonal variation, the values of Λ being on average 0.15 higher in winter and 0.1 lower in summer than the average seasonal value. No significant variation with solar activity is found, but there is a slight tendency for a greater rotation rate at lower latitudes for heights above 300 km. Unexpectedly, the values for the 1960s are found to be significantly higher than those for the 1970s. Finally, these observational values are compared with the theoretical global model of Fuller-Rowell and Rees: there is complete agreement on the trends, though there are some differences in the mean values.  相似文献   

The Venera 8 descent module measured pressure, temperature, winds and illumination as a function of altitude in its landing on July 22, 1972, just beyond the terminator in the illuminated hemisphere of Venus. The surface temperature and pressure is 741 ± 7°K and 93 ± 1.5kgcm?2, consistent with early Venera observations and showing either no diurnal variation or insignificant diurnal variation in temperature and pressure in the vicinity of the morning terminator. The atmosphere is adiabatic down to the surface. The horizontal wind speed is low near the surface, about 35m/sec between 20 and 40km altitude, and increasing rapidly above 48km altitude to 100–140m/sec, consistent with the 4-day retrograde rotation of the ultraviolet clouds. The illumination at the center of the day hemisphere of Venus is calculated to be about 1% of the solar flux at the top of the atmosphere, consistent with greenhouse models and high enough to permit photography of the Venus surface by future missions. The attenuation below 35km altitude is explained by Rayleigh scattering with no atmospheric aerosols; above 35km there must be substantial extinction of incident light.  相似文献   

The orbit of Cosmos 347 rocket (1970-43B) has been determined in the form of 23 sets of orbital elements at intervals during its 8-month life, with the aid of the RAE orbit improvement program PROP, using about 850 observations from 47 observing stations. The values of orbital inclination obtained, which had standard deviations between 0.7 and 10 sec of arc, were analysed to give a mean atmospheric rotation rate of 1.40 ± 0.05 rev/day at a mean height near 240 km, for dates between July and December 1970, and local times ranging from 1800 hr to midnight to 0900 hr. This value is higher than those obtained from other satellites at similar heights.  相似文献   

Variations in air density, the satellite drag coefficient, and the atmospheric rotation rate at 60°S lat and 120–130 km height during the period September 1968–June 1969 have been determined from analysis of the high-eccentricity orbit of the 4th Molyniya 1 upper-stage rocket body, 1966-92D. The results show good correlation between density increases and strong geomagnetic activity, although solar flares of equal geomagnetic index value do not consistently produce density changes of equal magnitude. A 30 per cent semi-annual variation was observed, but there was no indication of the 50 per cent lower thermosphere seasonal-latitudinal variation that was predicted from the CIRA 1972 atmosphere. The satellite drag coefficient was observed to begin decreasing with height at an altitude where the molecular mean free path, λ, was twice the satellite's length. The coefficient decreased to a value approaching 1.0 as the satellite's perigee height fell below the altitude where λ was one-half the length. A mean atmospheric rotation rate of 1.1 ± 0.1 Earth rot/day was obtained for the last 20 days of decay. However, variations were observed with west-to-east wind speeds of ?100 m/sec measured for a local time of 13 hr.  相似文献   

The optical appearance of spokes was studied in high resolution (?200 km/lp) images obtained by Voyager 2. Spokes are classified into three categories. (1) Extended spokes are seen in the distance interval of 100,000 to 112,000 km from Saturn's center. They have diffuse edges and are slightly wedge shaped. Their width at the base (towards Saturn) is about 20,000 km. Their active times (during which they increase in width) range from 4000 to 12,000 sec. (2) Narrow spokes are found in the distance range 104,000 to 116,000 km, have sharply defined edges, and are narrowest at the corotation distance (112, 300 km). Their typical radial extension and width is 6000 and 2,000 km, respectively. (3) Filamentary spokes are found outside 110,000 km mostly joined with a wider spoke further in. They are typically 3000 km in length and 500 km in width. Their active time is less than 1000 sec. Several narrow spokes were observed during formation along radial lines in the sunlit portion of the ring. The formation time is typically ?5 min for a 6000-km-long spoke. The rate of spoke formation is highest at the morning ansa outside Saturn's shadow. Several spokes have been found where one edge revolves with Keplerian speed whereas the other edge stays radial. Recurrent spoke patterns have been observed at the period of Saturn's rotation. From edge-on views of the ring system, an upper limit for the height of spokes of 80 km is derived.  相似文献   

Observations of the thermospheric wind at a mid-latitude station have been made using a Fabry-Perot interferometer to measure the Doppler shift of the nighttime OI emission at 630 nm. The results from 12 summer nights show that the zonal wind has a distinct feature associated with magnetic activity. The zonal wind first reverses and becomes westward. The maximum strength of the westward wind, its duration, and the maximum strength of the subsequent eastward wind all increase with increasing magnetic activity. The meridional wind is less consistent in its behaviour. It is normally equatorward but during magnetic activity it can increase, decrease, or even reverse, although it is consistently equatorward and of increased strength after 02.00 L.T. The initial reversal of the zonal wind is consistent with changes in the wind expected as a result of convective electric fields penetrating to mid-latitudes indicating that these electric fields modify the mid-latitude wind pattern before effects due to auroral heating reach mid-latitudes. The reversal of the zonal wind back to eastward may also be the result of electric field effects. The large variability of the meridional wind, to the extent that it becomes poleward at times, indicates the importance of wind sources equatorward of the observatory.  相似文献   

COSMOS 1009 rocket was launched on 19 May 1978 into an orbit with initial perigee height 150 km and apogee 1100 km: its lifetime was only 17 days. The orbit has been determined daily during the final 14 days of its life, using the RAE orbit refinement program PROP6,with about 1100 observations supplied by NORAD. An average accuracy of about 60 m, radial and cross-track, was achieved.The orbits were analysed to reveal three features of the upper atmosphere at heights between 125 and 175 km. From the decrease in perigee height, five values of density scale height, accurate to ±4%, were obtained. The first three were within 10% of those from CIRA 1972; the fourth, after a magnetic storm, was higher than expected; the fifth gave evidence of the decrease in drag coefficient at heights below 130 km.Atmospheric oblateness produced a change of 4° in perigee position during the last four days of the life. Analysis showed that the ellipticity of the upper atmosphere was approximately equal to that of the Earth, f, for the first two of the four days, and about 12f in the last two.The orbital inclination decreased during the 14 days by about 50 times its standard deviation, and the observed variation was analysed to determine zonal winds at heights of 150–160 km at latitudes near 47° north. The zonal wind was very weak (0±30 m/s) for 23–28 May at local times near 03h; and 90±30 m/s east-to-west for 29 May to 4 June at local times near 01 h.  相似文献   

On 13 August 1970, a sounding rocket carrying a high voltage electron accelerator and several electron detectors was launched from Wallops Island, Virginia. 16 msec long, 70 mA pulses were injected into the magnetosphere at pitch angles near 90°. In each pulse the electron energy was modulated between 35 and 43 keV. The electrons were trapped in the Earth's magnetic field and bounced between the northern and southern conjugate points with a period of ~0.65 sec and drifted eastward with a gradient-curvature drift velocity of ~765 m/sec. For about 90 seconds the rocket intercepted the returning echoes. Careful study of the rocket trajectory has allowed a partial space-time picture of an echo to be constructed. The bounce time and drift velocity observations are consistent with predictions based on internal magnetic field models with no electric fields. The flux has the spatial variations predicted by atmospheric scattering models at the southern conjugate point but is about a factor of 10 too low. After some injections delayed echoes are observed, apparently 40 keV electrons whose bounce time has been increased by ~75 msec, but with no change in their bounce averaged drift velocity. Study of detector response during gun pulses revealed three unexplained features: (1) a field aligned upward moving flux after downward injections; (2) a downward moving, time dependent, flux after injections at some upward pitch angles; (3) a lack of altitude (or atmospheric density) dependence on observed count rates.  相似文献   

Midlatitude F-region neutral winds and temperatures determined from Fabry-Perot interferometer measurements of the doppler shifts and widths of nightglow 630.0 nm line profiles are presented for the priority regular world day 14 August 1980. They exhibit, in many respects, the observed behavior for other summer, geomagnetically quiet nights at solar maximum. The neutral temperature decreases from 1500°K after sunset (21 h LT) to a minimum of ˜ 1200°K before dawn (05 h LT), except to the north of the observatory. The zonal winds are eastward at sunset at 50 m/sec, decrease to zero at 02 h LT and are westward just before dawn. The meridional winds are zero just after sunset and reach a maximum equatorward value of 50–70 m/sec at local midnight but do not decrease as predicted; instead, they remain at roughly these values towards dawn. The NCAR thermospheric general circulation model (TGCM) is used to predict the global upper atmospheric temperature and circulation patterns for this world day. The model predictions agree with the measured neutral temperatures and exhibit qualitative similarities to the measured neutral winds. It is concluded that inclusion in the model of ion drift at midlatitudes should improve the agreement with observations.  相似文献   

J. May  T.D. Carr  M.D. Desch 《Icarus》1979,40(1):87-93
A total of 26 measurements of Jupiter's 12-year average rotation period were made at frequencies of 18, 20, and 22.2 MHz at observatories in Florida and Chile. An improved method was employed in which histograms of occurrence probability vs central meridian longitude obtained at the same frequency and observatory during apparitions about 12 years (one Jovian year) apart were cross correlated. The longitude shift giving maximum cross correlation was used to correct the initially assumed rotation period value. The mean of the measurements is 9 hr 55 min 29.689 sec, with a standard deviation of the mean of 0.005 sec. This is about 0.02 sec, or 4 standard deviations, less than the System III (1965) value. The measurements indicate that the rotation period was not changing (linearly) at a rate in excess of 0.03 sec/yr. If the synoptic monitoring program is continued through the next maximum of the jovicentric declination of the Earth (DE), we will probably be able to detect a rate of change in rotation period as small as 0.002 sec/yr. This accuracy might be sufficient to reveal a secular drift in Jupiter's magnetic field.  相似文献   

If Jupiter's and Saturn's fluid interiors were inviscid and adiabatic, any steady zonal motion would take the form of differentially rotating cylinders concentric about the planetary axis of rotation. B. A. Smith et al. [Science215, 504–537 (1982)] showed that Saturn's observed zonal wind profile extends a significant distance below cloud base. Further extension into the interior occurs if the values of the eddy viscosity and superadiabaticity are small. We estimate these values using a scaling analysis of deep convection in the presence of differential rotation. The differential rotation inhibits the convection and reduces the effective eddy viscosity. Viscous dissipation of zonal mean kinetic energy is then within the bounds set by the internal heat source. The differential rotation increases the superadiabaticity, but not so much as to eliminate the cylindrical structure of the flow. Very large departures from adiabaticity, necessary for decoupling the atmosphere and interior, do not occur. Using our scaling analysis we develop the anelastic equations that describe motions in Jupiter's and Saturn's interiors. A simple problem is solved, that of an adiabatic fluid with a steady zonal wind varying as a function of cylindrical radius. Low zonal wavenumber perturbations are two dimensional (independent of the axial coordinate) and obey a modified barotropic stability equation. The parameter analogous to β is negative and is three to four times larger than the β for thin atmospheres. Jupiter's and Saturn's observed zonal wind profiles are close to marginal stability according to this deep sphere criterion, but are several times supercritical according to the thin atmosphere criterion.  相似文献   

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