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This paper reports the study concerning the latitudinal dispalacement of the auroral oval as a function of the northward orientation of the Bz-component IMF and the relation between southward Bz and the auroral dynamics in the night sector.  相似文献   

Synoptic auroral photographs acquired by a United States Air Force DMSP satellite have provided the data necessary for an improved understanding of the common auroral phenomena that occur during the substorm expansive phase. Specifically, it is recognized that diffuse auroras (patches, large scale wave structures and Omega bands) form an integral part of the auroral substorm and that their morphological features should be added in the substorm pattern proposed by Akasofu (1964). Several other important auroral substorm features have been added to or corrected in the original pattern. A revised substorm pattern at about the maximum epoch of the substorm is presented.  相似文献   

Analysis of interplanetary data has been made to evaluate the influence of the Biny component of the IMF on the magnitude of the AL index, especially with reference to the contribution of By in the reconnection process between the IMF and geomagnetic fields in the dayside part of the magnetosphere. The results of the analysis showed that the effect of Biny on AL is predominantly of a different type from that expected by the current theory of reconnection, and the By effect of the latter type was found to be much less significant in magnitude than the theory predicts. The discrepancy may be resolved if the region where the reconnection takes place has an elongated shape.  相似文献   

The poleward boundary of the auroral oval, whose footline forms the periphery of the polar cap, is calculated, based on a model in which the geomagnetic field is interpermeated with the interplanetary field. It is shown that the calculated auroral oval size varies with the strength and direction of the interplanetary magnetic field, in agreement with recent observations of the location of large-scale nightside auroras.  相似文献   

The magnetic field measurements made by the magnetic field experiment on the IMP 3 (Explorer 28) spacecraft have been examined at the time of geomagnetic s.s.c. events. Thirty-six such events occurred while IMP 3 was in the interplanetary medium during 1965, 1966 and 1967 and have been analysed. Of these events 8 must have been tangential discontinuities, 2 are either tangential discontinuities or rotational discontinuities and 26 are possible shock waves. (Two of these 26 events have been shown by other authors to be shocks.) These 26 possible shocks have similar magnetic signatures: an increase of 20 % or more in the magnetic field magnitude and a relatively small (always less than 90°) change in direction. The larger s.s.c. events were more likely to be caused by possible shocks while the smaller events were often associated with tangential discontinuities. The orientation of the discontinuity surfaces of the 26 possible shocks shows a preference to be aligned somewhere between a direction perpendicular to the sun-earth line and a direction tangent to the local spiral angle of the magnetic field. It was possible to associate solar flares with 14 of the 26 possible shock events. Of these 14, a reliable orientation was deduced for 8 events. By considering the orientation of these 8 events in relation to the position of the parent flares on the solar disk it is suggested that a typical shock front propagating out from the sun has a radius of curvature less than but of the order of 1 AU.NAS/NRC Postdoctoral Resident Research Associate.  相似文献   

We have considered the character of radio wave absorption variations in the auroral zone, depending on the relative number of sunspots over a 11-yr cycle and on a interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) sector polarity, by using observations carried out at Murmansk, by the Al method, at noon throughout 1959 to 1967. It was shown that the abnormal absorption occurrence frequencies as well as the background absorption values are generally bigger in the case of the IMF directed away from the Sun. The difference, caused by IMF sector polarity, of both values is subject to regular quasi-two-year variations.  相似文献   

A fluxgate digital magnetometer is used to study the variation of magnitude of H component during geomagnetic storm events of April, July and November 2004 at southern subauroral localized region at “MAITRI” (geom. lat. 62°S, long. 52.8°E). We also study the effect of vertical component of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) on the variation of the magnitude of H component during storm time of April, July and November 2004. Results show that before sudden storm commencement (SSC) time magnitude of H component and IMF show smooth variation but after SSC of first storm of 22 July 2004, the magnitude of the H component shows fluctuations and at 09:00 UT it increases, but during second storm of 24 July 2004, the magnitude of H component indicates large fluctuations and it increases rapidly at 04:00 UT.  相似文献   

The spatial organization of the observed photospheric magnetic field, as well as its relation to the polarity of the interplanetary field, have been studied using high resolution magnetograms from Kitt Peak National Observatory. Systematic patterns in the large scale field have been found to be due to contributions from both concentrated flux and more diffuse flux. It is not necessary to assume, as has often been done in previous studies, that there is a weak background solar magnetic field causing the large-scale patterns in the photosphere, although the existence of such a field cannot be excluded. The largest scale structures in the photosphere correspond to the expected pattern at the base of a warped heliomagnetic equator.The polarity of the photospheric field, determined on various spatial scales, correlates with the polarity of the interplanetary field, with the most significant correlation due to mid-latitude fields. However, because the interplanetary field is likely to be rooted in concentrated photospheric regions, rather than across an entire polarity region, both the strength and polarity of the field are important in determining the interplanetary field. Thus studies of the interplanetary field which are based on either instrumental or numerical averaging of fields in the solar photosphere are subject to serious inherent limitations.Analyses based on several spatial scales in the photosphere suggest that new flux in the interplanetary medium is often due to relatively small photospheric features which appear in the photosphere up to one month before they are manifest at the Earth. The evolution of the over-all photospheric pattern may be due to individual sub-patterns which have slightly different rotation properties and which alternate in their relative dominance of the interplanetary medium.  相似文献   

The autocorrelation functions of the solar wind velocity and of the IMF components as well as of the geomagnetic activity indices are studied for two periods: August–December, 1965 and January–May, 1974. The vertical component of the IMF is shown to exhibit a rather definite recurrency relatively independent of the recurrency of the solar wind velocity.The daily mean values of the Z-component of the IMF are shown to correlate ( = -0.5) with the intensity of the meridional component of the large scale solar magnetic field with time delay of about 5 days with respect to the latter. This result is interpreted as an evidence for the Z- component of the IMF to be carried away by the solar wind from the Sun.  相似文献   

The mean photospheric magnetic field of the sun seen as a star has been compared with the interplanetary magnetic field observed with spacecraft near the earth. Each change in polarity of the mean solar field is followed about 4 1/2 days later by a change in polarity of the interplanetary field (sector boundary). The scaling of the field magnitude from sun to near earth is within a factor of two of the theoretical value, indicating that large areas on the sun have the same predominant polarity as that of the interplanetary sector pattern. An independent determination of the zero level of the solar magnetograph has yielded a value of 0.1±0.05 G. An effect attributed to a delay of approximately one solar rotation between the appearance of a new photospheric magnetic feature and the resulting change in the interplanetary field is observed.  相似文献   

A simple model is used to present a unified picture of the polarity pattern of the interplanetary magnetic field observed during the solar cycle. Emphasis in this paper is on the field near solar maximum. The heliographic latitude dependence of the dominant polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field is explained in terms of weak poloidal (dipolar) field sources in the sun's photosphere. Unlike the Babcock theory, the author hypothesizes that the dipolar field exists at equatorial latitudes (0–20°), too, (as well as in polar regions) and that the major source of the interplanetary magnetic field observed near the ecliptic plane is the dipolar field from equatorial latitudes. The polarity of the interplanetary field data taken in 1968 and in the first half of 1969 near solar maximum may possibly be explained in terms of a depression of the dipolar field boundary in space. The effect on the solar wind of the greater activity in the northern hemisphere of the sun that existed in 1968 and in the first half of 1969 is believed responsible for this hypothesized depression, especially near solar maximum, of the plane separating the + and - dipolar polarity below the solar equatorial plane in space. Predictions are made concerning the interplanetary field to be observed near the ecliptic plane in each portion of the next solar cycle.  相似文献   

Power spectra based on Pioneer 6 interplanetary magnetic field data in early 1966 exhibit a frequency dependence of f –2 in the range 2.8 × 10–4 to 1.6 × 10–2 cps for periods of both quiet and disturbed field conditions. Both the shape and power levels of these spectra are found to be due to the presence of directional discontinuities in the microstructure (< 0.01 AU) of the interplanetary magnetic field. Power spectra at lower frequencies, in the range of 2.3 × 10–6 to 1.4 × 10–4 cps, reflect the field macrostructure (> 0.1 AU) and exhibit a frequency dependence roughly between f –1 and f –3/2. The results are related to theories of galactic cosmic-ray modulation and are found to be consistent with recent observations of the modulation.  相似文献   

Analysis of observations of the white-light corona performed aboard OSO-7 is evidence for the existence of coronal ribbon-structures, which may be observed on the limb as coronal streamers. It is shown that prolongation of these structures into interplanetary space forms a curved surface; intersection of this surface is accompanied by a change of polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field, which existed in May–July 1973; and its connection with several phenomena in the solar atmosphere, has been found.  相似文献   

L. A. Plyusnina 《Solar physics》1985,102(1-2):191-201
For the period 1969–1975, a study has been made of the dependence of the interplanetary magnetic field structure on the distribution and evolutionary properties of solar magnetic fields. By direct comparison of a sequence of synoptic charts of the photospheric magnetic field with the interplanetary magnetic field, and by applying the method of correlation analysis, it is shown that to areas with an unstable polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field there correspond regions with a complicated inverse polarity line that forms either narrow gulfs and islands against a background of the dominant polarity, or bipolar magnetic regions and their clusters. At the time of reconstruction of the photospheric magnetic field the correlation between the photospheric and interplanetary magnetic field element distributions worsens. An asymmetry of the correlation between the interplanetary and photospheric magnetic field structures of different hemispheres is found. During the period of study, the interplanetary field structure shows a better correlation with the distribution of the photospheric magnetic field at middle and lower latitudes (0°–40°) of the southern hemisphere.  相似文献   

In the absence of new bipolar sources of flux, the large-scale magnetic field at the solar photosphere decays due to differential rotation, meridional flow, and supergranular diffusion. The rotational shear quickly winds up the nonaxisymmetric components of the field, increasing their latitudinal gradients and thus the rates of diffusive mixing of their flux. This process is particularly effective at mid latitudes, where the rotational shear is largest, so that eventually low- and high-latitude remnants of the initial, nonaxisymmetric field pattern survive. In this paper I solve analytically the transport equation describing the evolution of the large-scale photospheric field, to study its time-asymptotic behavior. The solutions are rigidly rotating, uniformly decaying distributions of flux, wound up by differential rotation and localized near either the equator or the poles. A balance between azimuthal transport of flux by the rotational shear and meridional transport by the diffusion gives rise to the rigidly rotating field patterns. The time-scale on which this balance is achieved, and also on which the nonaxisymmetric flux decays away, is the geometric mean of the short time-scale for shearing by differential rotation and the long time-scale for dispersal by supergranular diffusion. A poleward meridional flow alters this balance on its own, intermediate time-scale, accelerating the decay of the nonaxisymmetric flux at low latitudes. Such a flow also hastens the relaxation of the axisymmetric field to a modified dipolar configuration.  相似文献   

The mean solar magnetic field as measured in integrated light has been observed since 1968. Since 1970 it has been observed both at Hale Observatories and at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. The observing procedures at both observatories and their implications for mean field measurements are discussed. A comparison of the two sets of daily observations shows that similar results are obtained at both observatories. A comparison of the mean field with the interplanetary magnetic polarity shows that the IMF sector structure has the same pattern as the mean field polarity.  相似文献   

The distance to the dayside magnetopause is statistically analyzed in order to detect the possible dependence of the dayside magnetic flux on the polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field. The effect of changing solar wind pressure is eliminated by normalizing the observed magnetopause distances by the simultaneous solar wind pressure data. It is confirmed that the normalized size of the dayside magnetosphere at the time of southward interplanetary magnetic field is smaller than that at the time of northward interplanetary magnetic field. The difference in the magnetopause position between the two interplanetary field polarity conditions ranges from 0 to 2RE. Statistics of the relation between the magnetopause distance and the magnetic field intensity just inside the magnetopause testifies that the difference in the magnetopause position is not due to a difference in the magnetosheath plasma pressure. The effect of the southward interplanetary magnetic field is seen for all longitudes and latitudes investigated (|λGM|? 45°, |φSM|? 90°). These results strongly suggest that a part of the dayside magnetic flux is removed from the dayside at the time of southward interplanetary magnetic field.  相似文献   

A new computational method and algorithm, based on complex Fourier analysis, is used to derive the spectral density of plane and circularly polarized fluctuation components of the interplanetary magnetic field. Applications of the method have been made using HEOS 2 (1 AU), Pioneer 10 (5 AU), Pioneer 11 (20 AU), and ICE (Giocabini-Zinner's comet) data sets. The results show the existence of circularly polarized MHD waves in all cases.  相似文献   

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