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GPS坐标时间序列呈现显著的季节性变化,以中国大陆构造环境监测网络(CMONOC) 233个GPS测站的高程方向坐标时间序列为研究对象,通过计算环境负载效应改正前后的均方根(RMS)减少率,对比了德国波茨坦地学研究中心(GFZ)与法国斯特拉斯堡大学提供的EOST不同环境负载产品对CMONOC坐标时间序列数据的改善程度.统计结果表明:经过GFZ环境负载产品和EOST环境负载产品改正后分别有90.2%和75.54%的测站RMS减小,说明GFZ的环境负载产品对CMONOC基准站坐标时间序列数据的改善效果更好.同时发现环境负载效应不仅对GPS坐标时间序列中的季节项有明显的改正效果,对非季节项的改善效果也非常明显,经过GFZ提供的环境负载产品改正后有87.8%的GPS测站周年项振幅削弱,有82.4%的测站非季节项的RMS减小.  相似文献   

We examine the electromagnetic coupling of a GPS antenna–monument pair in terms of its simulated affect on long GPS coordinate time series. We focus on the Earth and Polar Observing System (POLENET) monument design widely deployed in Antarctica and Greenland in projects interested particularly in vertical velocities. We base our tests on an absolute robot calibration that included the top ~0.15 m of the monument and use simulations to assess its effect on site coordinate time series at eight representative POLENET sites in Antarctica over the period 2000.0–2011.0. We show that the neglect of this calibration would introduce mean coordinate bias, and most importantly for velocity estimation, coordinate noise which is highly sensitive to observation geometry and hence site location and observation period. Considering only sub-periods longer than 2.5 years, we show vertical site velocities may be biased by up to ±0.4 mm/year, and biases up to 0.2 mm/year may persist for observation spans of 8 years. Changing between uniform and elevation-dependent observation weighting alters the time series but does not remove the velocity biases, nor does ambiguity fixing. The effect on the horizontal coordinates is negligible. The ambiguities fixed series spectra show noise between flicker and random walk with near-white noise at the highest frequencies, with mean spectral indices (frequencies <20 cycles per year) of approximately −1.3 (uniform weighting) and −1.4 (elevation-dependent weighting). While the results are likely highly monument specific, they highlight the importance of accounting for monument effects when analysing vertical coordinate time series and velocities for the highest precision and accuracy geophysical studies.  相似文献   

Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) data are a fundamental source of information for achieving a better understanding of geophysical and climate-related phenomena. However, discontinuities in the coordinate time series might be a severe limiting factor for the reliable estimate of long-term trends. A methodological approach has been adapted from Rodionov (Geophys Res Lett 31:L09204, 2004; Geophys Res Lett 31:L12707, 2006) and from Rodionov and Overland (J Marine Sci 62:328–332, 2005) to identify both the epoch of occurrence and the magnitude of jumps corrupting GNSS data sets without any a priori information on these quantities. The procedure is based on the Sequential t test Analysis of Regime Shifts (STARS) (Rodionov in Geophys Res Lett 31:L09204, 2004). The method has been tested against a synthetic data set characterized by typical features exhibited by real GNSS time series, such as linear trend, seasonal cycle, jumps, missing epochs and a combination of white and flicker noise. The results show that the offsets identified by the algorithm are split into 48 % of true-positive, 28 % of false-positive and 24 % of false-negative events. The procedure has then been applied to GPS coordinate time series of stations located in the southeastern Po Plain, in Italy. The series span more than 15 years and are affected by offsets of different nature. The methodology proves to be effective, as confirmed by the comparison between the corrected GPS time series and those obtained by other observation techniques.  相似文献   

The nearly nine-year continuous GPS data collected since 1 March 1999 from the Crustal Motion Observation Network of China(CMONOC) were consistently analyzed.Most of the nonlinear movements in the cumulative position time series pro-duced by CMONOC data center disappeared;and more accurate vertical terms and tectonic signals were extracted.Displacements caused by atmospheric pressure loading,nontidal ocean loading,soil moisture mass loading,and snow cover mass loading using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP) Reanalysis I/II models and Estimation of the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean(ECCO) data can explain most of the vertical annual terms at many stations,while only parts can be explained at Lhasa and southern coastal sites,indicating that there are some deformation mechanisms that are still unknown or not modeled accurately.The remarkable differences in vertical position time series for short-baseline sites reveal that GPS stations can be greatly affected by lo-cal factors;and attention should be paid when explaining observed GPS velocity vectors.  相似文献   

The nearly nine-year continuous GPS data collected since 1 March 1999 from the Crustal Motion Observation Network of China (CMONOC) were consistently analyzed. Most of the nonlinear movements in the cumulative position time series produced by CMONOC data center disappeared; and more accurate vertical terms and tectonic signals were extracted. Displacements caused by atmospheric pressure loading, nontidal ocean loading, soil moisture mass loading, and snow cover mass loading using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Reanalysis I/II models and Estimation of the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) data can explain most of the vertical annual terms at many stations, while only parts can be explained at Lhasa and southern coastal sites, indicating that there are some deformation mechanisms that are still unknown or not modeled accurately. The remarkable differences in vertical position time series for short-baseline sites reveal that GPS stations can be greatly affected by local factors; and attention should be paid when explaining observed GPS velocity vectors.  相似文献   

利用中国地震局全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)数据产品服务平台获取内蒙古自治区境内15个陆态网络连续站2010-06—2021-06的观测数据,通过GAMIT/GLOBK软件、HECTOR软件解算得到去奇异值后的坐标时间序列,最后结合贝叶斯信息量准则(BIC)数值分析确定最优噪声模型:内蒙古自治区坐标时间序列在东(E)方向的最优模型为白噪声+闪烁噪声 (WN+FN),在北(N)和天顶(U)方向的最优噪声模型为白噪声+幂律噪声(WN+PL). 采用最佳噪声模型对速度场进行修正,在ITRF14框架下,内蒙古地区陆态网络连续站的平均运动速率为30.653 mm/a,运动方向为26°57′51″SEE;垂直方向上平均运动速率为0.792 mm/a.   相似文献   

利用Hector软件解算我国东北地区16个陆态网络连续站近10 a的时间序列观测数据,获取连续站坐标残差时间序列数据,进而确定最优噪声模型,最终得出基于有色噪声(CN)以及环境负载改正后的速度场.结果表明:东北地区陆态网络坐标时间序列数据中主要存在白噪声(WN)、闪烁噪声(FN)与幂律噪声(PL);北(N)和天顶(U)方向的最优噪声模型为WN+FN;E方向的最优噪声模型均为WN+PL.在顾及CN及环境负载的影响下,东北地区陆态网络基于ITRF14框架下在N方向上运动的平均速率为-13.003 mm/a,东(E)方向上运动的平均速率为27.020 mm/a,U方向上运动的平均速率为0.528 mm/a,整体呈隆升趋势.  相似文献   

In high-precision geodetic time and frequency transfer, which requires precise modeling of code and carrier phase GPS data, the ionosphere-free combinations P 3 and L 3 of the codes and carrier phases, made on the two GPS frequencies, are used to remove the first-order ionospheric effect. We quantify the impact of the residual second- and third-order ionospheric effects on geodetic time and frequency transfer solutions for continental and intercontinental baselines. All time transfer computations are done using the ATOMIUM software, developed at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. In order to avoid contamination by some imperfect modeling of the second- and third-order ionospheric effects in the satellite clock products, only single-difference, common-view processing is used, based on code and carrier phase measurements. The results are shown for weak and strong solar activity, as well as for particular epochs of ionospheric storms. Second-order ionospheric delays can lead to corrections up to about 10 ps in the common-view clock solution of intercontinental baselines with very different longitudes. However, realistic values of the geomagnetic field in the ionosphere are required to assess the amplitude of second-order ionospheric effects in time and frequency transfer during an ionospheric storm.  相似文献   

Effects of azimuthal multipath asymmetry on long GPS coordinate time series   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carrier phase multipath is currently one source of unmodeled signals that may bias GPS coordinate time series significantly. We investigate the effect of simulated carrier phase multipath on time series of several sites covering the period 2002.0–2008.0 and spanning a range of observation geometries. High-, mid-, and low-latitude IGS sites are investigated as well as sites with significant signal obstructions. We examine the effect of multipath in different sectors of the sky, considering time-constant, horizontal reflectors at each of 0.1, 0.2, and 1.5 m below the antenna. The differences between a horizontally uniform multipath source are analyzed, and it is shown that positioning errors are generally larger when unmodeled carrier phase multipath is azimuthally heterogeneous. Using the adopted multipath model, height biases reach ±1 mm in case of the symmetric multipath and ±5 mm for the asymmetric multipath but this increases to being ±10 mm in the worst case. In addition to mean bias, low-frequency variations in the bias also exist, including periodic signals and leading to velocity biases of up to ±0.1 mm/year in the symmetric case and ±1 mm/year in the asymmetric case over the considered period. In contrast to the generally slowly varying observation geometry that is typically experienced, we show the effects of an abrupt change in geometry due to receiver/antenna hardware changes; in the case considered, we see changed pattern of temporal variation in the bias in addition to an instantaneous offset.  相似文献   

以12个GPS站12年的坐标序列为研究对象.采用Kashyap信息准则(KIC)噪声模型估计准则对四种组合噪声特性进行估计,探讨慢滑移(ETS)现象对GPS站坐标时间序列的影响,结果表明:ETS引起了GPS站坐标序列模型的变化,E、N方向分量噪声模型占比与U分量模型占比差异较大,可能造成噪声模型的错误估计;ETS后的站速度及其不确定度相比ETS前站速度及其不确定度均有增加,且在U分量表现明显;特殊地理位置的测站可进行标记研究,尽量减少地震运动带来的不利影响,为地壳运动研究提供有价值的参考资料.   相似文献   

通过选取日本7个IGS基准站在东日本大地震前后各3a的坐标时间序列,提取并分析此区域的共模误差的特点和地震对其的影响,以及共模误差对基准站噪声时序的影响。结果表明:滤波后测站各方向坐标时序平均均方根相较于过滤前明显减少,测站坐标可靠性和精确性得到明显提高;地震的发生导致其N、U方向均值分别增大2.1倍和1.5倍;共模误差在N、E、U方向均表现出明显的周期特性,其周期特性在地震前后几乎截然相反,地震对其周期特性的影响必须充分考虑。  相似文献   

选取ITRF2008框架下格陵兰岛区域12个GPS站2013年1月-2016年12月期间的日解坐标时间序列作为研究对象,并利用极大似然估计分析地表质量负载改正前后各站点的噪声特性、速度场及周期项振幅。结果表明:站点最优噪声模型主要为白噪声+幂律噪声与白噪声+闪烁噪声,地表质量负载形变修正GPS坐标时序后,明显增加U方向闪烁噪声的成分,平均降低其速度约0.36 mm/a,对水平方向影响较小;同时分别降低高程方向44.1%、14.2%的1 a项、0.5 a项振幅,相反,却增加了水平方向的周期项振幅。  相似文献   

针对地表质量负荷对京津地区GNSS坐标时间序列噪声特性的影响,选取中国大陆构造环境监测网络8个GNSS基准站2012—2014年的坐标时间序列,利用CATS软件计算大气压、非潮汐海洋、积雪和土壤湿度等质量负载改正前后GNSS坐标时间序列的谱指数、最优噪声模型、速度的变化。发现地表质量负载对GNSS坐标时间序列的噪声特性产生了明显影响。结果显示,京津地区GNSS坐标序列包含白噪声和有色噪声,且最优噪声模型具有多样性。扣除质量负载后N、U分量的噪声模型变化明显,主要表现为FN+WN和PL+WN,而N、E分量的谱指数分别趋近于FN和WN。质量负载改正后基准站U方向的线性速度变化较大,且北京地区变化量大于天津地区。研究结果为提高GNSS数据解算精度、精细分析地壳形变提供参考。  相似文献   

针对GNSS站坐标时间序列信噪不易分离的问题,在传统EMD去噪方法的基础上,本文提出了一种联合LMD与EMD的坐标时间序列去噪方法。该方法首先采用LMD分解原始坐标时间序列,基于连续均方误差(CMSE)原则分离高频噪声与低频信号,保持低频分量不变;然后对高频分量进行EMD去噪;最后以2次分解所得低频信号之和作为去噪后时间序列。以仿真数据与8个GNSS基准站实测数据进行试验,通过多种评价指标进行精度评估。结果表明,与传统EMD方法相比,联合LMD与EMD的方法能够更加精确地去除坐标时间序列中的噪声。  相似文献   

利用地基GPS PWV序列和相对湿度RH序列研究暴雨过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王留朋  白征东  过静珺  金慧华 《测绘科学》2007,32(3):142-143,129
针对2004年7月10~13日,北京地区的一次特大暴雨过程,本文利用处于该时期的地基GPS观测数据,根据地基GPS气象学原理反演出大气可降水量PWV(Precipitable Water Vapor)序列,采用最小二乘曲线拟合的方法,结合实测降水量,研究了PWV序列和RH(Relative Humidity)序列在暴雨过程中所反映出的变化规律。  相似文献   

嵇昆浦  沈云中 《测绘学报》2020,49(5):537-546
受多种因素影响,GNSS基准站坐标序列通常都含有缺值,传统小波分析需要对缺值数据进行内插或补零处理。本文基于小波系数与时间序列观测数据的重构关系,提出了一种非插值的二进小波变换的最小范数解法,导出了相应的计算式,并严格证明了传统的补零处理算法与本文的最小范数解法等价。最后利用中国地壳运动观测网络一期27个基准站实测数据以及模拟数据进行了验证分析。结果表明,本文的非插值算法与插值算法提取的信号差异较小,27个基准站坐标序列的平均残差中误差仅相差2.01%(North),0.54%(East)和1.26%(Up),两种算法提取的信号之差与信号平均方差比仅相差1.16%(North),0.54%(East)和1.62%(Up)。  相似文献   

GPS时间序列与强震预测研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用经验正交函数(EOF)分析方法,对中国大陆连续观测的基准站水平位移时间序列进行分析。通过对1999年3月份以来GPS1000周至1258周的原始时间序列的EOF分析、时间序列中除去长期位移速率后的EOF分析、及强震前半年时间段内的时间序列的EOF分析,研究强震前中国大陆水平位移场的时空演化特征及与强震发生的关系。  相似文献   

基于中国大陆构造环境监测网络的连续GPS观测数据,比较分析了中国大陆234个GPS台站和GRACE得到的地表垂直形变。GPS和GRACE垂直形变具有较好的一致性,反映了地表质量变化是引起GPS垂直形变非线性变化的重要因素之一,但二者也存在着一定的差异。为定量分析GPS和GRACE垂直形变的差异,探讨了热膨胀效应对GPS垂直位移的影响及区域地壳结构对GRACE估算地表垂直负荷形变的影响。结果表明,中国大陆50%以上的GPS台站热膨胀垂直形变周年振幅不小于1 mm;对GPS进行热膨胀效应改正后,中国大陆GPS与GRACE垂直形变具有更好的一致性;GPS与GRACE垂直形变周年振幅比值由1.07±0.06变为1.01±0.05;热膨胀效应可以解释6.2%的GPS与GRACE垂直形变的差异,热膨胀效应改正可使GPS和GRACE垂直形变的一致性相对增加11.2%。是否顾及区域地壳结构引起的GRACE估算中国大陆垂直负荷形变的相对差异为2.5%。  相似文献   

Despite the many applications of time series interferometric synthetic aperture radar (TS-InSAR) techniques in geophysical problems, error analysis and assessment have been largely overlooked. Tropospheric propagation error is still the dominant error source of InSAR observations. However, the spatiotemporal variation of atmospheric effects is seldom considered in the present standard TS-InSAR techniques, such as persistent scatterer interferometry and small baseline subset interferometry. The failure to consider the stochastic properties of atmospheric effects not only affects the accuracy of the estimators, but also makes it difficult to assess the uncertainty of the final geophysical results. To address this issue, this paper proposes a network-based variance–covariance estimation method to model the spatiotemporal variation of tropospheric signals, and to estimate the temporal variance–covariance matrix of TS-InSAR observations. The constructed stochastic model is then incorporated into the TS-InSAR estimators both for parameters (e.g., deformation velocity, topography residual) estimation and uncertainty assessment. It is an incremental and positive improvement to the traditional weighted least squares methods to solve the multitemporal InSAR time series. The performance of the proposed method is validated by using both simulated and real datasets.  相似文献   

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