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The distribution of quartz in the surface sediments of the Atlantic Ocean reflects derivation from continents by means of rivers, wind, ice, and coastal erosion. Enrichment of quartz thus supplied has occurred in some deep basins of especially the southern high latitudes from winnowing of finegrained clays by bottom currents. Although similar modes of quartz transport may have operated both during the Holocene and the last glacial maximum (18,000 yr B.P.), significant differences in the intensity of transport and in the locii of deposition, which are attributable to climatic variations during these times, exist in some areas of the Atlantic. In Holocene sediments of the eastern equatorial Atlantic, a band of high percent quartz exists directly off the present Saharan Desert and Sahel region and reflects the trade-wind transport of dusts from these arid and semiarid regions. During the last glacial maximum (18,000 yr B.P.), this high quartz band expanded southward by about 8° of latitude. This expansion was caused not only by the southward expansion of aridity and desert dunes but also by the southward migration of the northerly belt of trade winds during the last glaciation. Relatively high abundances and accumulation rates of quartz during the last glaciation suggest higher intensities of trade winds during that time compared to the Holocene. In the North Atlantic, the abundances of quartz in Holocene sediments are high adjacent to Greenland-Iceland and in the areas off Newfoundland-Labrador, and gradually decrease toward the central areas. The polar front and limit of sea-ice melting are at present confined to the northern part of the North Atlantic. The ice-rafting of quartz grains is, therefore, effective in the areas adjacent to Greenland and to some extent off Labrador causing high abundances in these areas. In contrast to this, during the last glaciation, the quartz abundances and accumulation rates are high in the central areas of North Atlantic around 45°N and decrease toward Greenland-Newfoundland. The migration of the polar front to as far south as 45°N and the consequent southward migration of sea-ice melting and ice-rafting during the last glaciation apparently caused this change in distribution. In addition to ice-rafting at present, wave or current reworking of relict glacial-marine detritus may have caused the high abundance of quartz in the surface sediments off Newfoundland-Labrador. In 18,000 yr B.P. sediments of the Norwegian Sea, the area of high percent quartz (>10%) is more extensive than that in Holocene sediments. This reflects the greater influence of ice-rafting or glacier activity in the sediment dispersal in the Norwegian Sea during the last glacial times.  相似文献   

In the equatorial Pacific, between the Galapagos Islands and the coast of South America, two kinds of upwelling of oceanic waters occur. One is related to coastal upwelling and the other to surfacing of the Equatorial Undercurrent. Both of those processes are associated with the development of the southeast trade winds blowing in this area. Coastal upwelling is increased when the trade winds are intensified, and the surfacing of the Equatorial Undercurrent occurs when the trades weaken. The development of coastal upwelling and the surfacing of the Equatorial Undercurrent are inferred from the radiolarian assemblages in the sediments. The abundance of quartz, opal, and radiolarian assemblages in the deep-sea sediments of this area, as well as the distance from the sample locations to land and to the quartz source, is correlated with the intensity of the trade winds (in February and August) through multiple regression analysis. The chronostratigraphy of core V1929 (3°35′S, 83°56′W), used in this study, is inferred on basis of its δ180 record. During the last 75,000 years, the fluctuations in intensity of the trade winds have been concurrent with or preceded the fluctuations in the amount of ice stored on the continents. In general, the wind velocity of the winter trades has been intensified during cool climatic stages of the earth (δ180 stages 4 and 2) and they have been relaxed during warm stages (δ180 stages 3 and 1). Seasonal contrast of the trade winds has also fluctuated within time, having been relatively high during the upper part of δ180 stage 3.  相似文献   

The analysis of the aeolian content of marine cores collected off the coast of the Atacama Desert (Mejillones Bay, Chile) suggests that marine sediments can record inter‐annual to inter‐decadal variations in the regional southerly winds responsible for particle entrainment at the surface of the nearby desert. However, the establishment of a simple and direct correlation between the sediment and wind records is complicated by the difference of time scales between the erosion and accumulation processes. The aim of this work is to: (i) assess the inter‐annual variability of the surface winds responsible for the sand movements; and (ii) determine whether the integration over periods of several months completely smoothes the rapid changes in characteristics of the transported and deposited aeolian material. To accomplish this aim, 14 years of 10 m hourly wind speed, measured at the Cerro Moreno (Antofagasta) Airport between 1991 and 2003 and at the Orica Station between 2000 and 2004, were analyzed. For each year, the wind speed statistical distribution can be represented by a combination of two to three Weibull functions. Winds of the lowest Weibull mode are too weak to move the sand grains at the surface of the pampa; this is not the case for the intermediate mode and especially for the highest speed mode which are able to erode the arid surface and transport particles to the bay. In each individual year of the period of study, the highest speed mode only accounted for a limited number of strong erosion events. Quantitative analysis of the distribution of the friction velocities and of their impact on erosion using a saltation model suggests that, although all wind speeds above threshold produce erosion events, values around 0·45 m sec?1 contribute less to the erosion flux. This gap allows separation of the erosion events into low and high saltation modes. The correlation (r = 0·997) between the importance of the third Weibull mode and the extent of higher rate saltation indicates that the inter‐annual variability of the erosion at the surface of the pampa, as well as the transport of coarse particles (>100 μm), are directly related to inter‐annual variations in the prevalence of the strongest winds. Finally, a transport and deposition model is used to assess the possible impact of the wind inter‐annual variability on the deposition flux of mineral particles in the bay. The results suggest that inter‐annual differences in the wind speed distributions have a quantifiable effect on the intensity and size‐distribution of this deposition flux. This observation suggests that a detailed analysis of the sediment cores collected from the bay could be used for reconstructing the inter‐annual variability of past winds.  相似文献   

This article examines the link between late Holocene fluctuations of Lambatungnajökull, an outlet glacier of the Vatnajökull ice cap in Iceland, and variations in climate. Geomorphological evidence is used to reconstruct the pattern of glacier fluctuations, while lichenometry and tephrostratigraphy are used to date glacial landforms deposited over the past ˜400 years. Moraines dated using two different lichenometric techniques indicate that the most extensive period of glacier expansion occurred shortly before c . AD 1795, probably during the 1780s. Recession over the last 200 years was punctuated by re-advances in the 1810s, 1850s, 1870s, 1890s and c . 1920, 1930 and 1965. Lambatungnajökull receded more rapidly in the 1930s and 1940s than at any other time during the last 200 years. The rate and style of glacier retreat since 1930 compare well with other similar-sized, non-surging, glaciers in southeast Iceland, suggesting that the terminus fluctuations are climatically driven. Furthermore, the pattern of glacier fluctuations over the 20th century broadly reflects the temperature oscillations recorded at nearby meteorological stations. Much of the climatic variation experienced in southern Iceland, and the glacier fluctuations that result, can be explained by secular changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Advances of Lambatungnajökull generally occur during prolonged periods of negative NAO index. The main implication of this work relates to the exact timing of the Little Ice Age in the Northeast Atlantic. Mounting evidence now suggests that the period between AD 1750 and 1800, rather than the late 19th century, represented the culmination of the Little Ice Age in Iceland.  相似文献   

The azimuth of imbrication of minimum magnetic susceptibility axes in the youngest loess from Ukraine defines prevailing wind directions during aeolian sedimentation. It changes along the studied sections. These changes can be directly correlated with the fluctuations of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. The northern and northeastern winds noted in the loess succession separated by a period when southwestern to southeastern winds were predominant may be correlated with two main phases of ice‐sheet advance during the Last Glacial Maximum. The ice‐sheet advances towards the areas of loess deposition generated katabatic winds that influenced aeolian sedimentation in the periglacial zone. A period of relatively stable wind directions during a younger phase of the Last Glacial Maximum was interrupted by periods with more chaotic wind regime most probably caused by fluctuations of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during its retreat from the peri‐Baltic part of Europe. These intervals occur where initial soils developed. The distribution of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility axes defined along the periglacial loess sections from central and eastern Europe can serve to constrain fluctuations of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

We present a diatom record from a well-dated 15.25 m composite sedimentary core from Verlorenvlei, a shallow coastal lake on the west coast of South Africa. We show that fluctuations in the diatom record occur in response to changes in sea level, ocean–atmosphere interactions and latitudinal shifts in the wind belts. During the early to mid-Holocene, the system primarily responds to sea level changes. A marine community that favours high nutrients is evident, particularly during 9200–8000, 7420–7000 and 6200–5600 cal a bp , corroborating periods of Benguela upwelling linked to fluctuations in the southeast trade winds. Increases in bioproductivity (%TOC, C/N) and fresher-water diatoms are associated with wetter conditions over the region and the northward migration of the southern westerly wind belt, most notably between 8000 and 7500 cal a bp and over the last 700 years. The latter trends are concomitant with changes in the extent of Antarctic sea ice and availability of moisture in southern South America. During the late Holocene, as sea levels stabilised to modern levels, climate variability is more strongly evident. The body of evidence further reveals the sensitivity of the region to high-latitude atmospheric mechanisms, but also showcases the significance of the southeast trade winds.  相似文献   

Eolian input fluctuations and paleoceanographic conditions in the western Mediterranean have been reconstructed by using a multi-proxy approach to infer climate variability for the last 20,000 yr. A sediment core from the East Alboran Sea basin provides high-resolution geochemical, mineralogical and grain size distribution records from the Last Glacial Maximum onward. The accurate chronology obtained, closely related with the North Greenland Ice core Project, has provided a detailed paleoclimate reconstruction at the centennial–millennial time scale. Mineral and chemical compositions as well as sediment grain size distribution have been used to establish both fluvial and eolian input variations, deep-water current intensity, and ventilation and productivity conditions at the time of deposition. During the cold period Greenland Stadial-2a, the analyzed proxies evidence significant climate oscillations. Redox proxies, showing marked Mn/Al and Fe/Al peaks, as well as granulometric parameters, support major changes in thermohaline circulation, with active circulation triggered by the Western Mediterranean Deep Water formation. Ba/Al ratios and the presence of authigenic barite point to high productivity during the Last Heinrich event. At this time, Zr/Al, Si/Al and Ti/Al ratios as well as quartz and palygorskite contents also corroborate dryer conditions in the Alboran borderlands, with a major reorganization of atmospheric circulation at the beginning of the deglaciation and during the Last Heinrich event. In contrast, a decreasing trend in the Zr/Al ratio and increasing Mg/Al, K/Al and illite + chlorite/kaolinite ratios would indicate enhanced river runoff and supporting lower eolian dust input and wetter periods during the Bölling–Alleröd. Short-term and abrupt climate oscillations such as the Intra-Alleröd Cold Period are likewise reflected by minor yet conspicuous changes in eolian proxies. During the Younger Dryas, we distinguish an initial cold and dry phase, with major westerlies intensity, thermohaline reactivation, and high productivity levels, and a second wetter phase characterized by sporadic rainfalls over poorly vegetated surrounding continental areas. Then, during the Holocene, alternating phases of major humidity and aridity were recorded by major fluctuations in detrital input. These are also correlated with recurrent forest cover declines reported from pollen records, with a noteworthy early decline in the African Humid Period. During the Holocene, an initial demise of the Last Organic-Rich Layer is also evidenced, tentatively associated with aspiration forces promoted by intense thermohaline circulation through the Gibraltar Strait.  相似文献   

Tsunami-like intense sea-level oscillations, associated with atmospheric activity (meteorological tsunamis), are common in the Great Lakes and on the East Coast of the United States. They are generated by various types of atmospheric disturbances including hurricanes, frontal passages, tornados, trains of atmospheric gravity waves, and derechos. “Derecho” is a rapidly moving line of convectively induced intense thunder storm fronts producing widespread damaging winds and squalls. The derecho of June 29–30, 2012 devastatingly propagated from western Iowa to the Atlantic coast, passing more than 1,000 km and producing wind gusts up to 35 m/s. This derecho induced pronounced seiche oscillations in Lake Michigan, Chesapeake Bay, and along the US Atlantic coast. Sea-level records from the updated National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) tide gauge network, together with the NOAA and automated surface-observing system air pressure and wind records, enabled us to examine physical properties and temporal/spatial variations of the generated waves. Our findings indicate that the generation mechanisms of extreme seiches in the basins under study are significantly different: energetic winds play the main role in seiche formation in Chesapeake Bay; atmospheric pressure disturbances are most important for the Atlantic coast; and the combined effect of pressure oscillations and wind is responsible for pronounced events in the Great Lakes. The “generation coefficient,” which is the ratio of the maximum observed sea-level height and the height of air pressure disturbance, was used to map the sea-level response and to identify “hot spots” for this particular event, i.e., harbors and bays with amplified seiche oscillations. The Froude number, Fr = U/c, where U is the speed of the atmospheric disturbance and c is the long-wave speed, is the key parameter influencing the water response to specific atmospheric disturbances; the maximum response was found for those regions and disturbance parameters for which Fr ~1.0.  相似文献   

Rapid (10 s) measurements of sediment transport and wind speed on the stoss slope of a transverse dune indicate that the majority of sand transported is associated with fluctuations in wind speed with a periodicity of 5–20 min duration. Increases in the sediment transport rate towards the dune crest are associated with a small degree of flow acceleration. The increase in wind speed is sufficient, however, to greatly increase values of the intermittency index ( γ ), so that the duration of saltation is extended in crestal regions of the dune. The pattern of sediment transport on the stoss slope and, therefore, the locus of areas of erosion and deposition change with the regional wind speed. Erosion of the crest occurs during wind speed events just above transport threshold, whereas periods of higher magnitude winds result in deposition of sand upwind of the crest, thereby increasing dune height. Although short-term temporal and spatial relations between sand transport and wind speed on the stoss slope are well understood, it is not clear how these relations affect dune morphology over longer periods of time.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(2-4):157-174
The distribution of pollen in marine sediments is used to reconstruct pathways of terrigenous input to the oceans and provides a record of vegetation change on adjacent continents. The wind transport routes of aeolian pollen is comprehensively illustrated by clusters of trajectories. Isobaric, 4-day backward trajectories are calculated using the modelled wind-field of ECHAM3, and are clustered on a seasonal basis to estimate the main pathways of aeolian particles to sites of marine cores in the south-eastern Atlantic. Trajectories and clusters based on the modelled wind-field of the Last Glacial Maximum hardly differ from those of the present-day. Trajectory clusters show three regional, and two seasonal patterns, determining the pathways of aeolian pollen transport into the south-eastern Atlantic ocean. Mainly, transport out of the continent occurs during austral fall and winter, when easterly and south-easterly winds prevail. South of 25°S, winds blow mostly from the west and southwest, and aeolian terrestrial input is very low. Generally, a good latitudinal correspondence exists between the distribution patterns of pollen in marine surface sediments and the occurrence of the source plants on the adjacent continent. The northern Angola Basin receives pollen and spores from the Congolian and Zambezian forests mainly through river discharge. The Zambezian vegetation zone is the main source area for wind-blown pollen in sediments of the Angola Basin, while the semi-desert and desert areas are the main sources for pollen in sediments of the Walvis Basin and on the Walvis Ridge. A transect of six marine pollen records along the south-western African coast indicates considerable changes in the vegetation of southern Africa between glacial and interglacial periods. Important changes in the vegetation are the decline of forests in equatorial Africa and the north of southern Africa and a northward shift of winter rain vegetation along the western escarpment.  相似文献   

Changes in the terrigenous sediment source and transport mechanisms during the late Quaternary have been investigated using four sediment cores within the Indian sector of Southern Ocean, using the magnetic susceptibility (MS) and sedimentological records. Sediments deposited during the Holocene and other interglacial periods were characterised by low MS, low sand content, reduced ice-rafted detritus (IRD) input and increased illite possibly transported via hydrographic advection from the south. The glacial intervals are characterised by high MS, high sand content, increased IRD input and reduced illite clays, derived from both local as well as Antarctic sources. Significant reduction in clay fraction and illite content during glacials suggests that the erosive and transporting capabilities of the deep and bottom waters could have reduced compared to the interglacial times. The changes in terrigenous influx to this region were significantly influenced by the rhythmic glacial-interglacial fluctuations in bottom circulation and the position of the Polar Front.  相似文献   

本文通过对塔里木盆地西南部早白垩世风成沙丘的前积层产状的测量,恢复了当时的古风向和古风带.研究结果表明:当时盛行东北风,研究区属于东北信风带,正好位于北半球中低纬度沙漠带之中.  相似文献   

Measurements of intensities at two fixed wavelengths in the OH (7-2) band were carried out at Mt Abu (24.6° N, 76.7° E) from 1973–76 to estimate neutral temperature in the region of 80–90 km altitude. It was observed that on some nights the temperature in this region shows periodic oscillations throughout the night. It was found from statistical analysis that the periods of these fluctuations are comparable to the theoretically predicted periods of internal gravity waves. If the periodic temperature variations observed in this region are attributed to the influence of gravity waves, according to the Hines theory only the magnitude of the horizontal component of wave-induced wind velocity can be computed. Using the measured relative temperature fluctuations it is found that the magnitude is 15–30 m/sec.  相似文献   

Characteristic variations in glacial and interglacial periods are shown by the CaCO3 contents, amounts and grain size of terrigenous material (>40 μm), quartz/mica ratios, and desert quartz numbers in East Atlantic sediment cores, collected during Meteor cruise 25 off Sahara and Senegal, 15–27°N. The following results were obtained. During Holocene an arid climate with eolian supply from the continent prevailed throughout the region (fine grained, slight terrigenous input; high CaCO3 values; high desert quartz numbers) except in the Senegal area. Here terrigenous muds indicate river supply and hence humid climate. During upper and lower Würn the climate was humid in the present day Sahara north of 20°N (low desert quartz numbers: input of large quantities of coarse terrigenous material; low CaCO3 values). South of 20°N the climate was arid, the Senegal river input disappeared during upper Würm, desert quartz numbers are as high as in Sahara dune samples, and wind strength was stronger than in the Holocene. Climate during middle Würm resembled Holocene climatic conditions. Climatic conditions during Eem (Riss) were probably similar to those during Holocene (Würm).  相似文献   

Millennial to submillennial marine oscillations that are linked with the North Atlantic's Heinrich events and Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles have been reported recently from the Alboran Sea, revealing a close ocean-atmosphere coupling in the Mediterranean region. We present a high-resolution record of lithogenic fraction variability along IMAGES Core MD 95-2043 from the Alboran Sea that we use to infer fluctuations of fluvial and eolian inputs to the core site during periods of rapid climate change, between 28,000 and 48,000 cal yr B.P. Comparison with geochemical and pollen records from the same core enables end-member compositions to be determined and to document fluctuations of fluvial and eolian inputs on millennial and faster timescales. Our data document increases in northward Saharan dust transports during periods of strengthened atmospheric circulation in high northern latitudes. From this we derive two atmospheric scenarios which are linked with the intensity of meridional atmospheric pressure gradients in the North Atlantic region.  相似文献   

The coast of Ceará State in NE Brazil is covered by vast fields of active and stabilized coastal sand dunes. Its tropical climate is characterized by two seasons, wet and dry, with wind intensity determined by the meridional shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The wind power is negatively correlated with precipitation, and precipitation is negatively correlated with the difference between sea surface temperatures of the tropical Atlantic north and south of the equator. We present a model suggesting that during the Late Pleistocene wind power determined the mobility and stability of the dunes. Sand dunes accumulated during periods of high wind power (as it is today) and stabilized when wind power was low. Once the dunes were stabilized by vegetation they could not be activated even by increased wind power. Samples that were taken for luminescence dating from 25 stabilized dunes along the coasts of Ceará gave ages ranging from135 ka to < 100 yr. We postulate that these luminescence ages fall at the beginning of wet periods in NE Brazil characterized by low wind power. These paleoclimatic wet periods correlate well with the cold periods of stades in Greenland ice-core records.  相似文献   

The cause of the climatically controlled fluctuations in the carbonate content of deep-sea sediments remains the subject of uncertainty and debate. Three variables are involved: supply of biogenic carbonate, loss by dissolution, and dilution by non-carbonate phases. It is suggested that 230Th, which is produced in the ocean at a constant rate provides a reliable reference for measuring variations in rate of sedimentation on a regional scale. Results of a preliminary analysis based on published data indicate that, for depths at and above the lysocline, the carbonate fluctuations observed in cores from the North Atlantic Ocean are due primarily to variations in the terrigenous clay input, which was 2–5 times higher during glacials than during interglacials. Carbonate deposition appears to have been somewhat reduced during glacials, but probably not by more than a factor of 2. From published 230Th232Th profiles it appears that the South Atlantic Ocean also received increased inputs of terrigenous clay during glacial periods.  相似文献   

A man-induced extensive silty layer in the sediment of Lake Lovojärvi, dating back to the year 1960, contained 18 laminations due to rhythmical variations in the size classes of the mineral particles. A good agreement was found between the thicknesses of the successive laminae, and one period in a sequence of arbitrary 'wind sums' calculated from the meteorological statistics of the spring 1960 for periods of winds exceeding 3 m/s. Most of these wind pulses were diurnal; the longest one lasted for five days. The deposition of the layer in early spring was further confirmed through diatom analysis, which revealed within the laminated sequence a diatom succession typical of Lake Lovojärvi immediately after the melting of ice in spring  相似文献   

Mineralogical, textural, geochemical, and weathering characteristics of loess deposits in Golestan province of Iran suggest that they are mostly derived from felsic igneous rocks and are related to Quaternary palaeoclimate. Whole‐rock analyses indicate heavy minerals such as zircon, tourmaline and phyllosillicate minerals (e.g. muscovite, chlorite, illite) exert a significant control on the chemical composition. The loess samples display uniform chemical composition, indicative of similar alteration history. Chemical index of alteration suggests a weak to moderate degree of weathering in a felsic source area. Scanning electron micrographs of quartz grains reveal abundant silt‐sized quartz particles, a result of glacial grinding during the Late Pleistocene in Central Asia. Subsequently, these silt particles were transported from Central Asia to their depositional site by wind and paraglacial processes. Local topography of northeast Iran (Alborz Mountains) acted as a major barrier, entrapping the airborne particles on the plains of Golestan province. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Some basic features concerning the subtidal circulation of Patos Lagoon were studied through time series analysis of wind, freshwater discharge, and water level records, as well as by means of experiments carried out with a 3D numerical model. The results indicate that during low to moderate river discharge the wind is the main forcing mechanism in time scales associated with meteorological fronts. The two types of wind action, local and non-local effects, are distinguished and their relative importance is evaluated. Salt water enters the system due to a combination of both remote and local wind effects that favors the development of a pressure gradient towards the lagoon during southwesterly winds. This situation is reversed when northeasterly winds dominate. In the inner parts of the lagoon, local wind plays the major role by inducing set up/set down oscillations. An upwind return flow is then developed under these conditions. During high flood periods, normally observed in late winter, the circulation is driven by freshwater discharge.  相似文献   

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