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详细推导了卫星非圆轨道改正的计算公式,给出高精度测速顾及该项误差的处理策略.采用全球均匀分布的12个国际GNSS服务(IGS)测站的多普勒和载波相位观测数据,仿动态评估了该项误差对测速精度的影响.结果表明:基于历元间载波相位差分的测速方法,改正后东、北、天顶方向分别提高8%、9%和10%,三维测速精度从9.9 mm/s改正到8.9 mm/s;基于原始多普勒的测速方法,东、北方向与载波相位差分方法的改正数值基本一致,天顶方向约是载波相位差分方法的改正数值的一半.   相似文献   

张勤  燕兴元  黄观文  解世超  曹钰 《测绘学报》1957,49(9):1101-1111
针对BDS-2和BDS-3卫星联合精密定轨和精密定位中高精度BDS-2 IGSO/MEO卫星天线相位中心改正在轨估计模型的缺失问题,本文采用了改进的PCV和z-offset参数估计方法,精化了BDS-2 IGSO/MEO卫星B1I/B3I无电离层组合PCC模型。数值验证结果表明:相比北斗官方发布的PCO地面标定值,本文精化的PCC模型使得精密轨道SLR残差的STD减小了0.6~2.4 cm,改善百分比为8.6%~33.3%;基于本文精化的BDS-2和已有BDS-3卫星精化的PCC模型使得精密定位浮点解在高程方向显著提升了9.5 mm(37.2%)。  相似文献   

High precision orbit determination of CHAMP satellite   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IntroductionCHAMP satellite was launched on July 15 ,2000 to study the earth gravity field, magneticfield, and at mosphere/ionosphere . CHAMPmission is managed by GeoForshungsZentrum(GFZ) Potsdam withinternational partners .In-cluding accelerometer ,star …  相似文献   

The impact of accelerometry on CHAMP orbit determination   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 The contribution of the STAR accelerometer to the CHAMP orbit precision is evaluated and quantified by means of the following results: orbital fit to the satellite laser ranging (SLR) observations, GPS reduced-dynamic vs SLR dynamic orbit comparisons, and comparison of the measured to the modeled non-gravitational accelerations (atmospheric drag in particular). In each of the four test periods in 2001, five CHAMP arcs of 2 days' length were analyzed. The mean RMS-of-fit of the SLR observations of the orbits computed with STAR data or the non-gravitational force model were 11 and 24 cm, respectively. If the accelerometer calibration parameters are not known at least at the few percent level, the SLR orbit fit deteriorates. This was tested by applying a 10% error to the along-track scale factor of the accelerometer, which increased the SLR RMS-of-fit on average to 17 cm. Reference orbits were computed employing the reduced-dynamic technique with GPS tracking data. This technique yields the most accurate orbit positions thanks to the estimation of a large number of empirical accelerations, which compensate for dynamic modeling errors. Comparison of the SLR orbits, computed with STAR data or the non-gravitational force model, to the GPS-based orbits showed that the SLR orbits employing accelerometer observations are twice as accurate. Finally, comparison of measured to modeled accelerations showed that the level of geomagnetic activity is highly correlated with the atmospheric drag model error, and that the largest errors occur around the geomagnetic poles. Received: 7 May 2002 / Accepted: 18 November 2002 Correspondence to: S. Bruinsma Acknowledgments. The TIGCM results were obtained from the CEDAR database. This study was supported by the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES). The referees are thanked for their helpful remarks and suggestions.  相似文献   

Most satellites in a low-Earth orbit (LEO) with demanding requirements on precise orbit determination (POD) are equipped with on-board receivers to collect the observations from Global Navigation Satellite systems (GNSS), such as the Global Positioning System (GPS). Limiting factors for LEO POD are nowadays mainly encountered with the modeling of the carrier phase observations, where a precise knowledge of the phase center location of the GNSS antennas is a prerequisite for high-precision orbit analyses. Since 5 November 2006 (GPS week 1400), absolute instead of relative values for the phase center location of GNSS receiver and transmitter antennas are adopted in the processing standards of the International GNSS Service (IGS). The absolute phase center modeling is based on robot calibrations for a number of terrestrial receiver antennas, whereas compatible antenna models were subsequently derived for the remaining terrestrial receiver antennas by conversion (from relative corrections), and for the GNSS transmitter antennas by estimation. However, consistent receiver antenna models for space missions such as GRACE and TerraSAR-X, which are equipped with non-geodetic receiver antennas, are only available since a short time from robot calibrations. We use GPS data of the aforementioned LEOs of the year 2007 together with the absolute antenna modeling to assess the presently achieved accuracy from state-of-the-art reduced-dynamic LEO POD strategies for absolute and relative navigation. Near-field multipath and cross-talk with active GPS occultation antennas turn out to be important and significant sources for systematic carrier phase measurement errors that are encountered in the actual spacecraft environments. We assess different methodologies for the in-flight determination of empirical phase pattern corrections for LEO receiver antennas and discuss their impact on POD. By means of independent K-band measurements, we show that zero-difference GRACE orbits can be significantly improved from about 10 to 6 mm K-band standard deviation when taking empirical phase corrections into account, and assess the impact of the corrections on precise baseline estimates and further applications such as gravity field recovery from kinematic LEO positions.  相似文献   

针对全球北斗地面基准站分布不均匀而影响北斗定轨精度的问题,该文采用格网控制的随机优化选站方法,兼顾测站的质量、分布和站点稳定性等因素,对全球分布的MGEX站均匀选取。运用加权GDOP指标评价选站的有效性,并全面分析了测站数量、分布和质量对定轨精度的影响。结果表明,该方法选取30个测站时,北斗卫星的GEO、IGSO和MEO卫星的精密轨道精度分别为221.56、12.59和6.81cm,比格网法选站有了较大提高。在一定范围内,测站数越多定轨精度越高,全部测站参与解算反而会使定轨精度降低。  相似文献   

High precision geodetic applications of the Global Positioning System (GPS) require highly precise ephemerides of the GPS satellites. An accurate model for the non-gravitational forces on the GPS satellites is a key to high quality GPS orbit determination, especially in long arcs. In this paper the effect of the satellite solar panel orientation error is investigated. These effects are approximated by empirical functions to model the satellite attitude variation in long arc orbit fit. Experiments show that major part of the long arc GPS orbit errors can be accommodated by introducing a periodic variation of the satellite solar panel orientation with respect to the satellite-Sun direction, the desired direction for solar panel normal vector, with an amplitude of about 1 degree and with a frequency of once per orbit revolution.  相似文献   

(Near-)real-time orbit determination for GNSS radio occultation processing   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The processing of GPS radio occultation measurements for use in numerical weather predictions requires a precise orbit determination (POD) of the host satellite in near-real-time. Making use of data from the GRAS instrument on Metop-A, the performance of different GPS ephemeris products and processing concepts for near-real-time and real-time POD is compared. While previous analyses have focused on the achievable along-track velocity accuracy, this study contributes a systematic comparison of the resulting estimated bending angles. This enables a more rigorous trade-off of different orbit determination methodologies in relation to the end-user needs for atmospheric science products. It is demonstrated that near-real-time GPS orbit and clock products have reached a sufficient quality to determine the Metop-A along-track velocity with an accuracy of better than 0.05 mm/s that was formerly only accessible in post-processing. The resulting bending angles are shown to exhibit standard deviation and bias differences of less than 0.3 % compared with post-processed products up to altitudes of at least 40 km, which is notably better than 1 % accuracy typically assumed for numerical weather predictions in this height regime. Complementary to the analysis of ground-based processing schemes, the potential of autonomous on-board orbit determination is investigated for the first time. Using actual GRAS flight data, it is shown that a 0.5 m 3D rms position accuracy and a 0.2 mm/s along-track velocity accuracy can in fact be obtained in real-time with the currently available GPS broadcast ephemeris quality. Bending angles derived from the simulated real-time processing exhibit a minor performance degradation above tangent point heights of 40 km but negligible differences with respect to ground-based products below this altitude. Onboard orbit determination and, if desired, bending angle computation, can thus enable a further simplification of the ground segment in future radio occultation missions and contribute to reduced product latencies for radio occultation data assimilation in numerical weather predictions.  相似文献   

太阳光压摄动是影响卫星定轨中重要的误差源,在GNSS导航卫星精密定轨过程中使用最为广泛的光压模型为ECOM模型。为了探究几种ECOM模型及其适用性,该文以超快速星历为起算轨道,分析对比经典ECOM-1模型与最新13参数ECOMC模型对GPS/BDS卫星轨道的影响。结果显示:相较于ECOM-1模型,ECOMC模型在GPS定轨中精度有所提升,特别体现在径向精度提升,单天与三天弧段在径向的解算精度分别提升了12.73%和24.74%;在BDS定轨中,采用ECOMC模型,部分GEO卫星在径向方向单天精度有12.38%的提升,而对于IGSO与MEO卫星二者精度差异不大;分析可得,由于星体结构不对称引起卫星在沿太阳-卫星方向作用的偶数阶短周期谐波扰动,引入卫星-太阳方向偶数阶项的参数估计可提升卫星径向精度。  相似文献   

基于卫星激光测距定轨是目前遥感卫星在轨位置测量的重要手段之一,其测量精度关系到遥感卫星的应用水平。为了分析我国首颗民用立体测绘卫星——资源三号携带的国产激光角反射器在轨运行情况,该文利用全球激光联测期间卫星激光测距数据与GPS事后联合定轨结果,从遥感影像几何定位和轨道预报两个方面定量分析和评价卫星激光测距参与的定轨精度。试验表明,基于卫星激光测距与GPS定轨结果,影像几何定位无控精度较实时定轨精度提升1~2m,有效提升了卫星影像几何处理精度;轨道预报1d星下点位置较实际过境轨迹偏差优于250m,2d优于500m,1d预报侧摆精度达到0.035°,满足检校外业和成像计划精度需求。  相似文献   

邵凯  易彬  张厚喆  谷德峰 《测绘学报》2021,50(4):487-495
单星GPS相位模糊度固定可以显著提升低轨卫星的定轨精度.目前,CNES/CLS、武汉大学和CODE 3家机构都已公开发布用于单星模糊度固定的GPS整数相位钟产品.本文首先利用整数相位钟方法实现单星模糊度固定,并应用于低轨卫星精密定轨中;然后,对比分析了不同机构提供的整数相位钟产品在低轨卫星单星模糊度固定和精密定轨中的应...  相似文献   

GNSS卫星精密轨道是高精度GNSS应用的基础与前提,GNSS卫星精密定轨技术也一直都是卫星导航领域的研究重点与热点。本文首先介绍了GNSS星座与跟踪数据概况,梳理了精密定轨函数模型、动力学模型及随机模型构建过程中的关键问题,归纳了低轨星载观测和星间链路观测等多源数据增强GNSS精密定轨的研究进展;然后,从应用的角度总结了当前GNSS精密轨道产品的基本状态,并进行了精度评估;最后,讨论了GNSS精密定轨在大网快速解算、多层次观测数据融合、太阳光压模型精化及高精度实时定轨等方面所面临的挑战,并展望了低轨星座、光钟、激光链路等新技术给GNSS精密定轨带来的机遇。  相似文献   

低轨卫星编队的精密轨道和基线确定是分布式InSAR卫星系统完成科学任务的重要前提.目前,基于GNSS数据的缩减动力学绝对和相对轨道确定是获得高精度轨道和基线产品的主要手段.本文利用天绘二号编队星载GPS实测数据,采用缩减动力学定轨方法进行编队卫星绝对和相对定轨研究.GPS数据质量分析表明,A星与B星接收机的信号跟踪能力和数据质量基本相当.通过对轨道机动进行常值加速度建模,可以有效消除机动对天绘二号编队绝对和相对定轨的影响.单星绝对定轨结果表明,6 h重叠弧段轨道差值三维(3D)RMS小于1.2 cm,A星和B星绝对轨道的卫星激光测距数据检核残差RMS分别为2.76 cm和2.33 cm.双星相对定轨结果表明,6 h重叠弧段基线差值3D RMS达到0.66 mm,本文基线产品与西安测绘研究所基线产品互比对差值RMS在径向、切向、法向和3D方向分别为0.73、1.11、0.51和1.43 mm.  相似文献   

Beidou satellites, especially geostationary earth orbit (GEO) and inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) satellites, need to be frequently maneuvered to keep them in position due to various perturbations. The satellite ephemerides are not available during such maneuver periods. Precise estimation of thrust forces acting on satellites would provide continuous ephemerides during maneuver periods and could significantly improve orbit accuracy immediately after the maneuver. This would increase satellite usability for both real-time and post-processing applications. Using 1 year of observations from the Multi-GNSS Experiment network (MGEX), we estimate the precise maneuver periods for all Beidou satellites and the thrust forces. On average, GEO and IGSO satellites in the Beidou constellation are maneuvered 12 and 2 times, respectively, each year. For GEO satellites, the maneuvers are mainly in-plane, while out-of-plane maneuvers are observed for IGSO satellites and a small number of GEO satellites. In most cases, the Beidou satellite maneuver periods last 15–25 min, but can be as much as 2 h for the few out-of-plane maneuvers of GEO satellites. The thrust forces acting on Beidou satellites are normally in the order of 0.1–0.7 mm/s2. This can cause changes in velocity of GEO/IGSO satellites in the order of several decimeters per second. In the extreme cases of GEO out-of-plane maneuvers, very large cross-track velocity changes are observed, namely 28 m/s, induced by 5.4 mm/s2 thrust forces. Also, we demonstrate that by applying the estimated thrust forces in orbit integration, the orbit errors can be estimated at decimeter level in along- and cross-track directions during normal maneuver periods, and 1–2 m in all the orbital directions for the enormous GEO out-of-plane maneuver.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the quality of onboard data of tracking signals from GPS satellites on the far side of the earth and determines the orbit of the geostationary satellite using code and carrier phase observations with 30-h and 3-day orbit arc length. According to the analysis results, the onboard receiver can track 6–8 GPS satellites, and the minimum and maximum carrier to noise spectral densities were 24 and 45 dB-Hz, respectively. For a GPS receiver on a high-altitude platform above the navigation constellations, the blocking of the earth and a weak signal strength usually cause a piece-wise GPS signal tracking and an increase in the number of ambiguity parameters. Individual GPS satellites may be continuously tracked for as little as several minutes and as long as 3 h. Moreover, considering the negative sign of elevation angles reflects the fact that GPS satellites are tracked below the receiver in the study. GPS satellites appear mainly in the elevation angle range of ??53° to ??83°, and dilution of precision values could reach ten or one hundred and more. Also, it is observed that when a signal suffers from atmospheric refraction, other GPS signals tracked simultaneously by the receiver experience strong systematic errors in the code observations. Based on single-frequency code and carrier phase measurements, the mean 3D root mean square (RMS) value of the overlap comparisons between 30-h orbit determination arcs is 2.14 m. However, we found that there were also some biases in the carrier phase residuals, which contributed to poor orbit accuracy. To eliminate the effects of the biases, we established a correction sequence for each GPS satellite. After corrections, the mean 3D RMS was reduced to 0.99 m, representing a 53% improvement.  相似文献   

SVLBI (space very long baseline interferometry) has some important potential applications in geodesy and geodynamics, for which one of the most difficult tasks is to precisely determine the orbit of an SVLBI satellite. This work studies several technologies that will possibly be able to determine the orbit of a space VLBI satellite. Then, according to the types and charac- teristics of the satellite and the requirements for geodetic study and the geometry of the GNSS (GPS, GALILEO) satellite to track the space VLBI satellite, the six Keplerian elements of the SVLBI satellite (TEST-SVLBI) are determined. A program is designed to analyze the coverage area of space of different altitudes by the stations of the network, with which the tracking network of TEST-SVLBI is designed. The efficiency of tracking TEST-SVLBI by the network is studied, and the results are presented.  相似文献   

针对采用Helmert方差分量估计的方法来调节BDS不同类型卫星之间的权比时,出现的区域站MEO卫星观测值数量少、卡尔曼滤波开始阶段不稳定等问题,提出了一种待滤波稳定后再进行Helmert方差分量估计的改进算法。该算法可以根据卫星类型以及它们的数目,自适应地采取不同的策略。基于BDS观测数据的实验结果表明,采用改进的Helmert方差分量估计方法进行BDS卫星卡尔曼滤波定轨,提高了BDS卫星轨道平均径向精度。  相似文献   

张文龙  周星宇  陈华 《测绘科学》2021,46(10):1-5,19
低轨卫星不仅是实现全球通信的重要手段,也是对地观测研究的重要平台.利用全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)确定高精度的轨道是实现低轨卫星各项功能的重要基础.为了研究GNSS观测噪声对低轨卫星定轨精度的影响,该文通过模拟包含不同量级观测噪声的GNSS观测值,分析了 GNSS观测噪声对运动学定轨和动力学定轨结果的影响.实验结果表明,在伪距噪声量级优于0.6 m、载波相位噪声量级优于2 mm时,运动学定轨与动力学定轨结果相当,且都在毫米级;在伪距噪声量级为6m、载波相位噪声量级为厘米级时,运动学定轨结果达到厘米级,而动力学定轨结果仍然为毫米级,体现出了相对于运动学定轨的优越性;载波噪声相对伪距噪声对定轨结果的影响更大.  相似文献   

针对JASON-3卫星精密定轨方法和轨道精度检核的关键问题,该文利用4d的星载GPS观测数据,基于简化动力学定轨方法实现JASON-3精密定轨,并提出采用内部符合和外部符合两种方法对解算轨道进行检核。通过重叠轨道对比,径向、切向和法向轨道精度均在0.5cm左右;将解算的简化动力学轨道与DORIS国际服务组织(IDS)的多任务精密卫星测高、卫星定轨和定位地面部分提供的SSA精密轨道进行对比,4d的轨道精度在径向、切向和法向分别达1.57~2.18cm、2.22~3.55cm和2.60~2.89cm。实验结果表明,JASON-3测高卫星的简化动力学轨道精度达厘米级,满足该卫星对轨道精度的要求。  相似文献   

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