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Altitude profiles for the number densities of NO, NO2, NO3, N2O5, HNO2, CH3O, CH3O2, H2CO, OH, and HO2 are calculated as a function of time of day with a steady-state photochemical model in which the altitude profiles for the number densities of H2O, CH4, H2, CO, O3, and the sum of NO and NO2 are fixed at values appropriate to a summer latitude of 34°. Average daily profiles are calculated for the long-lived species, HNO3, H2O2, and CH3O2H.The major nitrogen compound HNO3 may have a number density approaching 5 × 1011 molecules cm?3 at the surface, although an effective loss path due to collisions with particulates could greatly reduce this value.The number density of OH remains relatively unchanged in the first 6 km and reaches 1 × 107 molecules cm?3 at noon, while the number density of HO2 decreases throughout the lower troposphere from its noontime value of 8 × 108 molecules cm?3 at the surface.H2O2 and H2CO both have number densities in the ppb range in the lower troposphere.Owing to decreasing temperature and water concentration, the production of radicals and their steady-state number densities decrease with altitude, reaching a noontime minimum of 1 × 108 molecules cm?3 for OH and 3 × 107 molecules cm?3 for HO2 at the tropopause. The related minor species show even sharper decreases with increasing altitude.The primary path for interconverting OH and HO2 serves as the major sink for CO and leads to a tropospheric lifetime for CO of ~0.1 yr.Another reaction cycle, the oxidation of CH4, is quite important in the lower troposphere and leads to the production of H2CO along with the destruction of CH4 for which a tropospheric lifetime of ~2 yr is estimated.The destruction of H2CO that was produced in the CH4 oxidation cycle provides the major source of CO and H2 in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

William K. Hartmann 《Icarus》1977,31(2):260-276
Dynamical histories of planetesimals in specified orbits, calculated by Wetherill (1975) and others, have estimates of relative numbers of impacts on different planets. These impact rates, F, are converted to crater production rates, F, by means of tables developed in this paper. Conversions are dependent on impact velocity and surface gravity. Crater retention ages can then be derived from (crater density)/(crater production rate). Such calculations of impact rates and their histories give the only basis, independent of sample dating, for establishing absolute geologic histories of the planets, contrary to published implications that this can be done by comparison of photos alone. A survey of the results, from orbits of interplanetary objects studied to date, indicates that the terrestial planets have crater production rates within a factor ten of each other, and that planet's crater retention ages can probably be determined with a factor of ±3. Further calculations of orbital histories of additional interplanetary bodies are suggested to put photogeologic analyses from spacecraft imagery on a firmer basis.Applications to Mars, as an example, using least-squares fits to crater-count data, suggest an average age of 0.3 to 3 b.y. for two types of channels. The Tharsis volcanics are found to be slightly younger than the channels (strongly confirmed by photomorphology since they are not cut by channels) and Olympus Mons is about 0.06 to 0.6 b.y. old, contrary to recent assertions that Olympus Mons is 2.5 b.y. old and most Martian volcanic provinces older than 3 b.y. Data strongly support the hypothesis that Martian channels formed in a fluvial climate that persisted on Mars until the Tharsis volcanism caused a change in the Martian obliquity state, as outlined by Toon, Ward, and Burns (1977).  相似文献   

Emission fluxes of CN, C2 and C3 carbon-bearing molecular species observed in the coma of comets Bennett (1969i 1970II), West (1975n 1976VI), P Halley (1982i), Hartley-Good (19851) and Bradfield (1987s) are analysed in the framework of Haser model. CN, C2 and C3 production rates are determined using recently derived fluorescence efficiencies. The dependence of CN, C2 and C3 production rates on the heliocentric distance and the possible correlations among these radicals is studied and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Seasonality in Titan’s troposphere is driven by latitudinally varying insolation. We show that the latitudinal distributions of insolation in the troposphere and at the surface, based on Huygens DISR measurements, can be approximated analytically with nonzero extinction optical depths τ, and are not equivalent to that at the top of the atmosphere (τ = 0), as has been assumed previously. This has implications for the temperature distribution and the circulation, which we explore with a simple box model. The surface temperature maximum and the upwelling arm of thermally-direct meridional circulation reach the midlatitudes, not the poles, during summertime.  相似文献   

A chemical model of negative ions in the troposhere (0–15 km) is presented. This model is an extension of the negative ion composition model in the lower stratosphere (Kawamoto and Ogawa, 1984, Planet. Space Sci. 32, 1223) with some modifications. The computed result shows that the predominant ions are NO3HNO3H2O below 10km and NO3(HNO3)2 above 10km, and that the fractional abundance of cluster ions having a HSO4 core increases with height below 12km and decreases with height above it. The ions having CO3 cores are at most 2% in fractional abundance. The other kinds of negative ions are far smaller in fractional abundance than the NO3, HSO4 and CO3 core ions. The result is compared with the two mass spectrometric observed results (Heitmann and Arnold, 1983, Nature, Lond. 306, 747; Perkins and Eisele, 1984, J. geophys. Res. 89, 9649). The problems on the tropospheric negative ions which arose are discussed.  相似文献   

The dependence of the atmospheric distributions of CO2 and CO upon the combined effects of photochemical production and loss, and transport is examined. It is found that, for CO2, deviations from complete mixing are possible in the mesosphere and upper stratosphere. Further, sufficient quantities of CO may be maintained, as a product of CO2 photodissociation, to be aeronomically significant.  相似文献   

Seismology is the best tool for investigating the interior structure of stars and giant planets. This paper deals with a photometric study of jovian global oscillations. The propagation of acoustic waves in the jovian troposphere is revisited in order to estimate their effects on the planetary albedo. According to the standard model of the jovian cloud structure there are three major ice cloud layers (e.g., [Atreya et al., 1999. A comparison of the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn: Deep atmospheric composition, cloud structure, vertical mixing, and origin. Planet Space Sci. 47, 1243-1262]). We consider only the highest layers, composed of ammonia ice, in the region where acoustic waves are trapped in Jupiter's atmosphere. For a vertical wave propagating in a plane parallel atmosphere with an ammonia ice cloud layer, we calculate first the relative variations of the reflected solar flux due to the smooth oscillations at about the ppm level. We then determine the phase transitions induced by the seismic waves in the clouds. These phase changes, linked to ice particle growth, are limited by kinetics. A Mie model [Mishchenko et al., 2002. Scattering, Absorption, and Emission of Light by Small Particles. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, pp. 158-190] coupled with a simple radiation transfer model allows us to estimate that the albedo fluctuations of the cloud perturbed by a seismic wave reach relative variations of 70 ppm for a 3-mHz wave. This albedo fluctuation is amplified by a factor of ∼70 relative to the previously published estimates that exclude the effect of the wave on cloud properties. Our computed amplifications imply that jovian oscillations can be detected with very precise photometry, as proposed by the microsatellite JOVIS project, which is dedicated to photometric seismology [Mosser et al., 2004. JOVIS: A microsatellite dedicated to the seismic analysis of Jupiter. In: Combes, F., Barret, D., Contini, T., Meynadier, F., Pagani, L. (Eds.), SF2A-2004, Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, Les Ulis. In: EdP-Sciences Conference Series, pp. 257-258].  相似文献   

The current practice of treating ionic recombination in the lower atmosphere is in error in two respects: firstly the Thomson formula for the ter-molecular recombination coefficient does not represent the behaviour as accurately as commonly assumed: secondly the ter-molecular recombination coefficient (expressed in binary form) and the rate coefficient for the binary recombination of an isolated ion-pair are not additive. Computer simulated experiments are performed which should give the total recombination coefficient in the region below 40 km with some precision. It is shown that the recombination rate is not appreciably affected by inhomogeneity in the cosmic ray ionization. The equilibrium small ion number density profile is calculated and found to be in good agreement with the observed profile. It is inferred that the mixing ratio of the trace gas x which reacts with proton hydrates to form non-proton hydrates has an approximately constant value of 5 × 10−13 from 20 to 42 km.  相似文献   

We present a study of water vapour in the Venus troposphere obtained by modelling specific water vapour absorption bands within the 1.18 μm window. We compare the results with the normal technique of obtaining the abundance by matching the peak of the 1.18 μm window. Ground-based infrared imaging spectroscopy of the night side of Venus was obtained with the Anglo-Australian Telescope and IRIS2 instrument with a spectral resolving power of R  2400. The spectra have been fitted with modelled spectra simulated using the radiative transfer model VSTAR. We find a best fit abundance of 31 ppmv (?6 +9 ppmv), which is in agreement with recent results by Bézard et al. (Bézard, B., Fedorova, A., Bertaux, J.-L., Rodin, A., Korablev, O. [2011]. Icarus, 216, 173–183) using VEX/SPICAV (R  1700) and contrary to prior results by Bézard et al. (Bézard, B., de Bergh, C., Crisp, D., Maillard, J.P. [1990]. Nature, 345, 508–511) of 44 ppmv (±9 ppmv) using VEX/VIRTIS-M (R  200) data analyses. Comparison studies are made between water vapour abundances determined from the peak of the 1.18 μm window and abundances determined from different water vapour absorption features within the near infrared window. We find that water vapour abundances determined over the peak of the 1. 18 μm window results in plots with less scatter than those of the individual water vapour features and that analyses conducted over some individual water vapour features are more sensitive to variation in water vapour than those over the peak of the 1. 18 μm window. No evidence for horizontal spatial variations across the night side of the disk are found within the limits of our data with the exception of a possible small decrease in water vapour from the equator to the north pole. We present spectral ratios that show water vapour absorption from within the lowest 4 km of the Venus atmosphere only, and discuss the possible existence of a decreasing water vapour concentration towards the surface.  相似文献   

In the lower troposphere of the Titan the temperature is about 90 K, therefore the chemical production of compounds in the CH4/N2 atmosphere is extremely slow. However, atmospheric electricity could provide conditions at which chemical reactions are fast. This paper is based on the assumption that there are lightning discharges in the Titan’s lower atmosphere. The temporal temperature profile of a gas parcel after lightning was calculated at the conditions of 10 km above the Titan’s surface. Using this temperature profile, composition of the after-lightning atmosphere was simulated using a detailed chemical kinetic mechanism consisting of 1829 reactions of 185 species. The main reaction paths leading to the products were investigated. The main products of lighting discharges in the Titan’s atmosphere are H2, HCN, C2N2, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, NH3 and H2CN. The annual production of these compounds was estimated in the Titan’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

First mass-spectrometric composition measurements of atmospheric ions between 3250 and 11700 m altitude are reported. They reveal the presence of very massive cluster ions, the majority of which cannot be attributed to a single hydrated ion family like, for example H+(H2O)n. The observed fraction of very massive ions increases with decreasing altitude. Masses as large as about 540 amu were observed at 8200 m altitude. Implications of the observations for ion and nucleation processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here we present the first purely physical model for cosmogenic production rates in iron meteorites with radii from 5 cm to 120 cm and for the outermost 1.3 m of an object having a radius of 10 m. The calculations are based on our current best knowledge of the particle spectra and the cross sections for the relevant nuclear reactions. The model usually describes the production rates for cosmogenic radionuclides within their uncertainties; exceptions are 53Mn and 60Fe, possibly due to normalization problems. When an average S content of about 1 ± 0.5% is assumed for Grant and Carbo samples, which is consistent with our earlier study, the model predictions for 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar are in agreement. For 4He the model has to be adjusted by 24%, possibly a result of our rather crude approximation for the primary galactic α particles. For reasons not yet understood the modeled 36Ar/38Ar ratio is about 30–40% higher than the ratio typically measured in iron meteorites. Currently, the only reasonable explanation for this discrepancy is the lack of experimentally determined neutron induced cross sections and therefore the uncertainties of the model itself. However, the new model predictions, though not yet perfect, enable determining the radius of the meteoroid, the exposure age, the sulphur content of the studied sample as well as the terrestrial residence time. The determination of exposure ages is of special interest because of the still open question whether the GCR was constant over long time scales. Therefore we will discuss in detail the differences between exposure ages determined with different cosmogenic nuclides. With the new model we can calculate exposure ages that are based on the production rates (cm3STP/(gMa)) of noble gases only. These exposure ages, referred to as noble gas exposure ages or simply 3,4He, 21Ne, or 36,38Ar ages, are calculated assuming the current GCR flux. Besides calculating noble gas ages we were also able to improve the 41K‐40K‐and the 36Cl‐36Ar dating methods with the new model. Note that we distinguish between 36Ar ages (calculated via 36Ar production rates only) and 36Cl‐36Ar ages. Exposure ages for Grant and Carbo, calculated with the revised 41K‐40K method, are 628 ± 30 Ma and 841 ± 19 Ma, respectively. For Grant this is equal to the ages obtained using 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar but higher than the 36Ar‐ and 36Cl‐36Ar ages by ?30%. For Carbo the 41K‐40K age is ?40% lower than the ages obtained using 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar but equal to the 36Ar age. These differences can either be explained by our still insufficient knowledge of the neutron‐induced cross sections or by a long‐term variation of the GCR.  相似文献   

L. Trafton 《Icarus》1985,63(3):374-405
We report the results of monitoring Saturn's H2 quadrupole and CH4 band absorptions outside of the equatorial zone over one-half of Saturn's year. This interval covers most of the perihelion half of Saturn's elliptical orbit, which happens to be approximately bounded by the equinoxes. Marked long-term changes occur in the CH4 absorption accompanied by weakly opposite changes in the H2 absorption. Around the 1980 equinox, the H2 and CH4 absorptions in the northern hemisphere appear to be discontinuous with those in the southern hemisphere. This discontinuity and the temporal variation of the absorptions are evidence for seasonal changes. The absorption variations can be attributed to a variable haze in Saturn's troposphere, responding to changes in temperature and insolation through the processes of sublimation and freezing. Condensed or frozen CH4 is very unlikely to contribute any haze. The temporal variation of the absorption in the strong CH4 bands at south temperate latitudes is consistent with a theoretically expected phase lag of 60° between the tropopause temperature and the seasonally variable insolation. We model the vertical haze distribution of Saturn's south temperature latitudes during 1971–1977 in terms of a distribution having a particle scale height equal to a fraction of the atmospheric scale height. The results are a CH4/H2 mixing ratio of (4.2 ± 0.4) × 10?3, a haze particle albedo of ω = 0.995 ± 0.003, and a range of variation in the particle to gas scale-height ratio of 0.6 ± 0.2. The haze was lowest near the time of maximum temperature. We also report spatial measurements of the absorption in the 6450 Å NH3 band made annually since the 1980 equinox. A 20 ± 4% increase in the NH3 absorption at south temperate latitudes has occurred since 1973–1976 and the NH3 absorption at high northern latitudes has increased during spring. Increasing insolation, and the resulting net sublimation of NH3 crystals, is probably the cause. Significant long-term changes apparently extend to the deepest visible parts of Saturn's atmosphere. An apparently anomalous ortho-para H2 ratio in 1978 suggests that the southern temperate latitudes experienced an unusual upwelling during that time. This may have signaled a rise in the radiative-convective boundary from deep levels following maximum tropospheric temperature and the associated maximum radiative stability. This would be further evidence that the deep, visible atmosphere is governed by processes such as dynamics and the thermodynamics of phase changes, which have response times much shorter than the radiative time constant.  相似文献   

We have reanalyzed the Voyager radio occultation data for Titan, examining two alternative approaches to methane condensation. In one approach, methane condensation is facilitated by the presence of nitrogen because nitrogen lowers the condensation level of a methane/nitrogen mixture. The resulting enhancement in methane condensation lowers the upper limit on surface relative humidity of methane obtained from the Voyager occultation data from 0.7 to 0.6. We conclude that in this case the surface relative humidity of methane lies between 0.08 and 0.6, with values close to 0.6 indicated. In the other approach, methane is allowed to become supersaturated and reaches 1.4 times saturation in the troposphere. In this case, surface humidities up to 100% are allowed by the Voyager occultation data, and thus the upper limit must be set by other considerations. We conclude that if supersaturation is included, then the surface relative humidity of methane can be any value greater than 0.08--unless a deep ocean is present, in which case the surface relative humidity is limited to less than 0.85. Again, values close to 0.6 are indicated. Overall, the tropospheric lapse rate on Titan appears to be determined by radiative equilibrium. The lapse rate is everywhere stable against dry convection, but is unstable to moist convection. This finding is consistent with a supersaturated atmosphere in which condensation-and hence moist convection-is inhibited.  相似文献   

Using key dates associated with solar interaction regions (SIR), a superposed epoch analysis is performed on the zonal and meridional kinetic energy density and square of the vorticity (enstrophy) of the main motion at 500 mb height. No relationships are found between SIR and these atmospheric dynamical parameters irrespective of the polarity (North or South) of the enhanced interplanetary magnetic fields (IMF) within the SIR, or with latitude and season. This investigation and other available results suggest that the short term solar variations do not influence large volumes of the troposphere but only localized regions.The average atmospheric kinetic energy density during active solar conditions is higher than during quiet solar condition, with no significant differences in enstrophy. This confirms an earlier result.It is also shown that SIR with enhanced southward directed IMF correspond to higher level of geomagnetic index (Ap > 10, Kp > 3) than randomly selected days.  相似文献   

A model for narrow moist convective plumes in the lower troposphere of Jupiter can reconcile the apparent depletion of water in that region of the atmosphere with a near-solar abundance of oxygen throughout the interior.  相似文献   

The results of calculations of the multiply-scattered solar-induced radiation field in the troposphere and stratosphere are presented for direct application to photochemical models. The enhancement factors due to multiple scattering are given for the heights, solar zenith angles and wavelengths (between 800 and 300 nm) which play a role in the photodissociation of various atmospheric constituents.  相似文献   

R. de Kok  P.G.J. Irwin 《Icarus》2010,209(2):854-857
We use Cassini far-infrared limb and nadir spectra, together with recent Huygens results, to shed new light on the controversial far-infrared opacity sources in Titan’s troposphere. Although a global cloud of large CH4 ice particles around an altitude of 30 km, together with an increase in tropospheric haze opacity with respect to the stratosphere, can fit nadir and limb spectra well, this cloud does not seem consistent with shortwave measurements of Titan. Instead, the N2-CH4 collision-induced absorption coefficients are probably underestimated by at least 50% for low temperatures.  相似文献   

Based on spaceborne experimental data, characteristics of turbulence are calculated for the Venusian troposphere under conditions corresponding to the planet-averaged flux of solar radiation, which is equal to its value at a solar zenith angle of 66°. Additionally, given experimental data on radiation fluxes and their numerical calculations, turbulence characteristics were calculated for a solar zenith angle of 45°. The turbulence pattern is significantly different for small and large solar zenith angles. At large solar zenith angles, there exist an anomalous downward turbulent heat flux above 7–10 km and a normal upward flux at lower heights. At small zenith angles, the turbulent flux is normal throughout the entire troposphere. The dissipation of turbulent energy contributes significantly to the atmospheric heating in a wide range of altitudes. The spectrum of the time and space scales of dissipative processes in the troposphere is very wide and changes with height.Translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2005, pp. 38–50.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Izakov.  相似文献   

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