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Dolomitized Main Limestone rocks of the Lower Carboniferous crop out in a narrow band of about three fourths of a mile along the south, east and northeast rims of the South Wales Coalfield Basin which encompasses the general regions of Miskin, Taffs Well and the Clydach, respectively. The thickness of these rocks varies from a maximum of 2,750 feet to nothing.The Ca/Mg ratio in the Main Limestone in general ranged from 1.7 : 1 to over 100 : 1 with less than 2 : 1 to 3.5 : 1 being the commonest. Magnesium content ranged from less than 5% to over 60% (mole percent MgCO3), with 40–50 mole percent p.f. MgCO3 being the commoner.Petrographic study of the Main Limestone led to recognition of six major microfacies. They are: (1) biosparite; (2) dolobiomicrite; (3) quartz-dolomicrite; (4) dolomicrite; (5) oosparite; and (6) dolorudite. In terms of their geographic distribution, dolobiomicrite predominates in the Taffs Well region, while quartz-dolobiomicrite is common in the Clydach region. In terms of their distribution in time, biosparite is common in the basal part (Lower ZC1 zone), dolobiomicrites (including the quartz-bearing variety) in the middle part (ZC1 and C2S1 zone) of the Taffs Well region and its corresponding Calcite-Mudstone Group in the Clydach region.The bulk of dolomitization in these rocks occurred in the Caninia-Seminula zone or the Calcite-Mudstone Group. In this study, it marks geochemical stage B: the sea-connected lagoonal phase similar to one observed today in South Australia. It is suggested that such a sea-connected Lagoon in the Main Limestone Sea formed largely in response to a reef barrier (or a ridge) - a remnant of which is found today between Miskin and the Taffs Well region where the transition from lime to dolomite facies occurs. The Miskin area represented the deeper-water reef flank towards the open sea whereas the Taffs Well region marked the shallow-water reef flank landward.It is concluded that the Main Limestone Series contains predominantly diagenetic dolostones whilst the syngenetic and epigenetic dolostones are restricted in time and space. The diagenetic dolostone dominates in the Taffs Well and Clydach regions.  相似文献   

Detailed sedimentological facies analysis of the fluvio-deltaic Millstone Grit succession (Upper Carboniferous) of South Wales reveals that a number of cyclothems bounded by marine flooding surfaces (marine bands) in these strata exhibit facies architectures that represent erosion, non-deposition and/or deposition during periods of falling relative sea-level. A major fluvial complex below the Subcrenatum Marine Band, the Farewell Rock, lies within an incised valley, with a regional unconformity (sequence boundary) at its base. This unconformity is marked by deep erosional relief, an identifiable time gap and an angular discordance in bedding. The Cumbriense Quartzite, a correlative unit containing several mature palaeosols, records a depositional hiatus on a terrace-like interfluve that lay beyond the margins of the coeval Farewell Rock valley. Cyclothems in the underlying Middle Shales contain additional surfaces and units of subtler character. Beneath the Cancellatum Marine Band, a thin (15 cm), calcareous siltstone bed (the ‘Amroth Granule Bed’) that directly overlies prodelta shales contains reworked bioclasts, bored phosphorite clasts and quartz granules. Quartz granules in this bed are interpreted to represent relict lowstand, fluviatile? deposits, which were reworked during later transgression. Three further cyclothems contain sharp-based, storm-reworked mouth bars that record an abrupt lowering of wave base, most probably during periods of falling relative sea-level. One of these cyclothems also contains a distributary channel complex, which records an abrupt influx of coarse-grained sediment of ambiguous origin. The significance of these subtle surfaces and units for intracyclothem stratigraphy has rarely been considered; their prevalence in the Middle Shales provides evidence for numerous, high-frequency relative sea-level falls, which were previously unrecognized. These relative sea-level falls appear to alternate coherently with the widespread sea-level rises recorded by the marine bands, suggesting that glacio-eustasy is their most likely driving mechanism. The notion of glacio-eustatic sea-level falls is supported by the correlation of the basal Farewell Rock sequence boundary with sequence boundaries documented in adjacent basins. The angular unconformity and a change in sediment provenance at the base of the Farewell Rock, however, suggest an additional tectonic control on stratigraphic architecture here, namely a short-lived phase of rifting or inversion prior to widespread fluvial incision. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A thin calcrete-crust horizon from the Lower Carboniferous Llanelly Formation of South Wales consists of two parts; an upper laminated unit and a lower peloidal unit. The former is interpreted as a subaerial stromatolite and the latter as an A horizon of a palaeosol. Comparisons are made with the A horizons of rendzinas and it is concluded that the calcrete-crust represents a complete rendzina profile. This fossil rendzina contains abundant evidence of a soil fauna in the form of fecal pellets and small burrows.  相似文献   

Deposition of the Gully Oolite was locally interrupted by emergence and a regionally extensive palaeosol is present at the top of the unit. Early diagenetic phases include isopachous, fibrous submarine cements, nonluminescent vadose cements, and mixing zone dolomite. Subsequent nonferroan phreatic cements are non- to dully luminescent and in restricted vertical intervals predate significant compaction. More usually, however, phreatic cements postdate extensive overpacking of allochems. Ooid isotopic composition (δ18O=-7·80° to -3·10° and δ13C = -2·38° to +3·28°) is similar to that of associated phreatic cements and the data suggest that the bulk of ooid stabilization and cementation occurred within meteoric groundwaters. The extensive allochem overpacking appears to have occurred during the first few tens of metres of burial and intergranular macroporosity was eliminated prior to deep burial. Fracturing of the Gully Oolite during the Hercynian Orogeny and subsequent post-orogenic uplift led to localized dolomitization, several generations of calcite veins, and the restricted occurrence of 18O depleted cements in inter- and intragranular microporosity. Some of the veins clearly relate to Triassic exhumation of the Carboniferous Limestone, but others may be related to post-Mesozoic uplift and erosion of South Wales. Fracture-associated dolomitization may have occurred within a large-scale post-orogenic groundwater system, with Mg2+ being supplied through the release of deeply buried diagenetic brines.  相似文献   

During early Carboniferous times a major sea-level rise led to the development of an extensive carbonate ramp over what is now South Wales. Differential subsidence and sea-level changes resulted in distinctive facies sequences in the ramp succession and a model is offered which recognizes three distinct geomorpho-tectonic settings; inner, mid- and outer ramp. The inner ramp zone occurs in the more landward part of the province and was an area undergoing little or no subsidence. The sequence is dominated by oolitic grainstones and peritidal limestones representing shoal and back shoal environments. The peritidal units are transgressive deposits consisting of stacked asymmetrical shallowing-up cycles. The sequence contains many subaerial breaks and tectonic uplift resulted in base-level changes and fluvial incision. The mid-ramp zone sequence is intermediate in thickness between the inner and outer ramp successions and consists mainly of bioclastic limestones deposited below fairweather wave base. Sedimentation periodically exceeded sea-level rise and subsidence, and regressive (progradational) oolitic sand bodies developed, the thickest of which are stacked units with up to four individual sand bodies. Storm processes were of major importance in this setting. The outer ramp zone is represented by a thick sequence of muddy bioclastic limestones deposited below storm wave base and major Waulsortian reef-mounds also developed. None of the shallowing phases seen in the other ramp zones can be detected in this sequence. Subsidence and eustatic sea-level rise seem to have been the major controls on deposition but the recognition of eustatic sea-level falls is difficult. The detailed facies model for ramp carbonates presented here may be applicable elsewhere in the geological record.  相似文献   

The highly dolomitized Main Limestones of approximately Mississippian age, which crop out in South Wales, are classified according to their CaMg ratio values. The results based upon the CaMg ratio determination of these rocks permitted their classification into six major categories, namely: (1) limestone; (2) slightly dolomitized limestone; (3) dolomitic limestone; (4) calcitic dolostone; (5) dolostone proper; and (6) magnesian dolostone.It is concluded that dolostone proper and calcitic dolostone tend to dominate in the Main Limestone rocks of South Wales.  相似文献   

The Waulsortian Limestone (Lower Carboniferous) of the southern Irish Midlands is dolomitized pervasively over a much larger region than previous studies have documented. This study indicates a complex, multistage, multiple fluid history for regional dolomitization. Partially and completely dolomitized sections of Waulsortian Limestones are characterized by finely crystalline (0·01–0·3 mm) planar dolomite. Planar replacive dolomite is commonly followed by coarse (≥0·5 mm) nonplanar replacive dolomite, and pervasive void‐filling saddle dolomite cement is frequently associated with Zn–Pb mineralization. Planar dolomite has average δ18O and δ13C values (‰ PDB) of –4·8 and 3·9 respectively. These are lower oxygen and slightly higher carbon isotope values than averages for marine limestones in the Waulsortian (δ18O=–2·2, δ13C=3·7). Mean C and O isotope values of planar replacive dolomite are also distinct from those of nonplanar and saddle dolomite cement (–7·0 and 3·3; –7·4 and 2·4 respectively). Fluid inclusions indicate a complex history involving at least three chemically and thermally distinct fluids during dolomite cementation. The petrography and geochemistry of planar dolomites are consistent with an early diagenetic origin, possibly in equilibrium with modified Carboniferous sea water. Where the Waulsortian was exposed to hydrothermal fluids (70–280 °C), planar dolomite underwent a neomorphic recrystallization to a coarser crystalline, planar and nonplanar dolomite characterized by lower δ18O values. Void‐filling dolomite cement is isotopically similar to nonplanar, replacive dolomite and reflects a similar origin from hydrothermal fluids. This history of multiple stages of dolomitization is significantly more complex than earlier models proposed for the Irish Midlands and provides a framework upon which to test competing models of regional vs. localized fluid flow.  相似文献   

The microfacies assemblages and their distribution within the Middle Devonian Timor Limestone, exposed in the Timor Valley of northeastern New South Wales, Australia are described, and a depositional model for the carbonate buildup presented.Two broad lithological divisions are clearly recognizable within this thick (345 m) but lensoidal mass. Lime wackestones/packstones dominate the lower 200–215 m of the buildup while lime grainstones characterize the upper 130 m. Using cluster-sorting techniques on 697 modally analysed limestone samples, five microfacies and several subgroups each characterized by a unique combination of allochems have been recognized within this gross subdivision.The microfacies data and field observations suggest that carbonate sedimentation was initiated in an open marine shelf environment. It began simply because local conditions were favourable for calcareous organisms to become established. The benthos flourished ultimately spreading out over an area of 25 km2. Although reefal in outline, the limestone is a bedded deposit containing chiefly comminuted skeletal debris and never had the ecologic potential to form a wave-resistant mass.Lime mud sedimentation began in a sublittoral environment. Abundant calcareous algae throughout most of the lower two-thirds of the buildup suggest that deposition occurred within the photic zone. In succeeding horizons, pellet and intraclast lime grainstones gradually replace the lime mud dominated microfacies, indicating that carbonate deposition slowly outpaced basin subsidence and shoal-water conditions developed over the buildup. During the buildup's final stage, a transgression occurred resulting in quieter marine conditions and the deposition of coral lime wackestones in the former shoal area.Carbonate sedimentation was terminated by an extensive marine tuff killing the calcareous benthos. No further extensive carbonate sedimentation during the Middle Devonian is recorded in the Timor Valley.  相似文献   

Geophysical down-hole logs from the Maesteg and Senghenydd boreholes permit the recognition of the Townsend Tuff Bed and ‘Psammosteus’ Limestone markers on the basis of distinctive log motifs. The thickness of the interval between these markers is greater than at basin-margin localities and may be an indication of rapid deposition in the centre of the Anglo-Welsh basin in Lower Devonian times.  相似文献   

湘中下石炭统粘土矿物组合特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南中部下石炭统是一套以碳酸盐岩为主夹碎屑岩含煤岩系的沉积,根据粘土矿物在下石岩统剖面分布规律,结合各组段岩性岩相特征,可推断出粘土矿物组合特征及其环境分布,从滨岸碎屑沉积到滨外泥质陆棚、滨外浅水碳酸盐陆棚,到深水碳酸盐陆棚和浅海盆地,即从滨岸向盆地方向,高岭石含量急剧减少,伊利石逐渐增加,伊利石/蒙脱石混层矿物和绿泥石则先是增加,然后又趋于减少,其最高含量分别在浅水碳酸盐陆棚和滨外泥质陆棚。测水组含煤岩系粘土矿物以高岭石为主,伊利石次之,并有一定量的绿泥石和伊利石/蒙脱石混层矿物,它们在垂向上的变化反映了沉积环境水介质酸碱度和盐度的变化规律。  相似文献   

The Norwich Crag of north-eastern Suffolk is mainly composed of near-shore sands representing several sequences (cycles of transgression and regression). It is difficult to separate out the different sequences but the final sequence here is well known for the localised development of beds of flint gravel that have been interpreted as the in-situ remnants of prograding beaches. While a review of the evidence supports the involvement of this sedimentary environment in the overall processes, the evidence shows that virtually only gravels associated with rip-channels represent in-situ beach gravels and that thicker gravel beds are the infill of much larger channels. From consideration of the characteristics of the large channels it is concluded that these large channels were tidal-inlets between prograding barrier islands and that the gravels were derived from the adjacent up-drift beach faces of the barrier-islands.  相似文献   

A new species of cladid crinoid, Hylodecrinus cymrus, is described from the Pembroke Limestone Group (Mississippian, Tournaisian, Courceyan) of West Angle Bay in south Pembrokeshire, Wales. It has a medium bowl‐shaped aboral cup, with strong ridges extending across the basals and radials forming pits at the plate corners. It is most similar to the late Tournaisian H. carinatus (Hall, 1861) of North America but differs in having less strongly cuneate brachials that are longer than wide with more subtle carinae on the aboral side. This specimen represents the first report of this genus from Europe, which most probably migrated from North America. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two unusual subaerial exposure horizons containing fibrous columnar calcite crystals are described from the (early Chadian) Lower Carboniferous of Portishead, near Bristol in southwest Britain. The lower horizon overlies the Courceyan Black Rock Limestone (mid-ramp facies) and is separated from the upper horizon by the Sub-Oolite Bed and is overlain by the Chadian Gully Oolite (both are inner ramp deposits). Regionally the Portishead Palaeosol Beds are interpreted as forming part of extensive emergent surfaces which developed along the southern margin of the Welsh–Brabant Massif. They correlate with similar subaerial exposure horizons in Belgium and southern Germany, and may be the product of a proposed major eustatic sea level fall at the end of the Courceyan.  相似文献   

A revised age provided by conodonts from the Gilwern Oolite of the Clydach area of South Wales allows a clearer understanding of the palaeohydrology, palaeoclimatic history and diagenesis of previously correlated oolitic units. Earlier uncertainty over the apparent sub-regional differences in climate during the early Visean (Chadian—Arundian) lowstand is resolved. Previously a humid interval evidenced by prominent palaeo-epikarst capping the Gilwern Oolite along the northern outcrops of the South Wales synclinorium, was not recognized in what were regarded as correlative outcrops in the Chadian Gully Oolite in the southern part of the synclinorium. Conodont dating now shows that the Gilwern Oolite is much older (Courceyan) than the Chadian Gully Oolite, and during the prolonged exposure of the former there was an interval of weathering under a humid climate. This also explains the contrast between the diagenesis seen between the Gilwern and Gully oolites, which are no longer seen as correlatives.  相似文献   

The Crugan Mudstone Formation is formalized and the Dwyfor Mudstone Formation proposed for restricted Ashgill outcrops respectively near Llanbedrog and Llanystwmdwy in the Llŷn Peninsula. These mudstones contain brachiopods of the Foliomena fauna and a total of 26 determined genera of trilobites, one, Pseudosphaeroxochus represented by a new species, P. seabornei sp. nov. Elements of the trilobite fauna are used to demonstrate a Rawtheyan age for the mudstones. The generic assemblages both of brachiopods and of trilobites present in the mudstones indicate relatively deep water environments of deposition, that of the Dwyfor Mudstones probably being the deeper. The trilobites belong to what is here described as the Nankinolithus-Opsimasaphus association.  相似文献   

Extensive terrace and flood plain deposits occur along the Lower Macleay River. A sequence of terraces from oldest to youngest was named: Madron, Corangula, Mungay, Mooneba, Belgrave and Macleay deposits (contemporary). Basal sediments in the Mooneba terrace were dated by radiocarbon analysis at 3,280 ± 55 years; basal sediments of the Mungay terrace were dated at 6,425 ± 105 years. The Madron and Corangula terraces are considered very much older than the Mungay. The flood plain consists of two early cycles of aggradation buried under 23m of estuarine sediment, which in turn is overlain by up to 6m of alluvium. The estuarine sediments were dated at 8,530 ± 200 years at elevation —4m relative to mean sea level. The base of the overlying Smithtown alluvium was dated at 3,295 ± 95 years. A general chronology is presented for the Lower Macleay valley, and a sequence of terrace soils is discussed.  相似文献   

Lower Palaeozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks east of Queanbeyan, N.S.W., have undergone multiple deformation resulting in four systems of folds. The first of these consists of large isoclinal, recumbent folds (F1). The second generation folds (F2) are the most pronounced; they consist of flattened flexural‐slip folds with well developed axial‐plane slaty cleavage. Minor variants of this system are associated with meridionally‐trending faults. Third and fourth generation folds are minor kink systems.

The existence of first generation folds was established on the basis of F2 fold‐facing determinations, and their likely form was deduced from the geometrical variations of F2 folds. It is thought that all fold phases developed during the Late Silurian Bowning Orogeny.  相似文献   

新疆东天山维南地区下石炭统雅满苏组第三岩性段火山岩由基性-中、酸性岩类组成,其中SiO2、K2O、Na2O含量范围分别为48.9%~81.0%、0.2%~5.7%、1.6%~7.9%,该套火山岩属低钾-高钾钙碱性系列;对微量和稀土元素分析,表明稀土元素分配型式均为略向右倾的平滑型曲线,LREE有一定富集,具明显的δEu负异常,中、酸性岩类具有明显的Nb、Sr、P、Ti负异常。综合研究表明,研究区火山岩具有成熟岛弧-陆缘弧的岩石地球化学特征。该套火山岩是研究区铜锌矿富集层位,对其开展地质和地球化学研究,对于区域找矿具有重要意义。从东天山觉罗塔格区域地球化学与成矿的关系分析看,区域矿化受到火山-沉积建造与断裂带的控制,该中、酸性岩石成矿物质富集明显,说明中酸性岩浆与构造活动在矿床的形成过程中起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

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