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Karl-Rudolf Koch 《Journal of Geodesy》1975,49(1):35-40
Summary Two methods are discussed for the processing of altimetry data. For the first method it is assumed that the altimetry data,
may be analyzed independent of the orbit computation for the satellite that carries the altimeter. Because of the high accuracy
of the altimetry data, which can only be fully utilized if it is also introduced into the orbit computations, the second method
deals with a simultaneous processing of altimetry data, orbit tracking, and gravity anomalies for the continents. To represent
the gravity field, the potential of a simple layer is chosen whose unknown density is assumed to be constant over surface
elements into which the surface of the earth is divided. Depending on the accuracy and the amount of the altimetry data, the
surface elements for the density values are chosen smaller or larger, so that a very flexible representation of the earth’s
gravity field is obtained. Because of the amount and the resolution of the altimetry data a large number of density values
have to be determined in a least squares adjustment. To facilitate the computations, buffer zones are introduced so that the
large system of normal equations can be broken up into small independent subsystems.
Shortened version of a paper presented to the 14 th International Congress of Surveyors in Washington, Sept. 1974. 相似文献
LUO Jia LI Jiancheng CHAO Dingbo 《地球空间信息科学学报》2003,6(1):19-23
1 IntroductionTodeveloptheoceanwidelyanddeeply ,weneedabundantoceaninformation .Asanessentialpartofsuchinformation ,seafloortopographyplaysaveryimportantroleinavarietyofmarineactivities .However,thehighcostforoceanbathymetricsurveyinglimitstheapplicationo… 相似文献
利用多源卫星数据研究青藏高原湖泊水储量变化及其影响因素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
青藏高原分布着地球上海拔最高、数量最多的高原湖泊群,也是我国湖泊最集中的地区,有效掌握青藏高原湖泊水储量变化对于我国水资源有效利用具有重要意义。本文的研究核心是联合多源卫星数据研究青藏高原湖泊水储量变化,主要内容包括水陆交界处波形重跟踪算法研究、多源测高数据融合、利用测高和遥感数据计算湖泊水储量变化、结合GRACE数据进行湖泊水量平衡分析和青藏高原湖泊的气候变化响应研究等。 相似文献
针对传统的垂线偏差计算过程中东西分量与南北分量差异过大的问题,提出了利用新型ICESat-2海面高数据获取高精度东西分量的方法,选定南中国海域(0°~23°N、103°~120°E)作为试验区域,基于ICESat-2 ATL12海表面高度数据产品进行垂线偏差解算.与此同时,采用XGM2019e_ 2159模型检核,对比同时间序列长度的Jason-2解算结果,分析了ICESat-2多波束同步观测模式的垂线偏差解算优势.数值试验表明:ICESat-2获取的海面高观测值精度优于传统雷达测高模式,计算的沿轨垂线偏差精度与Ku波段测高模式相当.ICESat-2中间束强波束的垂线偏差解算精度优于两侧强波束,并且多波束组模式首次提供了跨轨方向的同步观测数据,解算的跨轨垂线偏差精度可靠,可以提升垂线偏差东西向分量的确定精度. 相似文献
高分七号卫星激光测高数据处理与精度初步验证 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
装备在高分七号卫星上的是我国首个具备全波形记录功能的激光测高仪,主要用于获取地面稀疏的高程控制点,提高了同平台立体影像无地面控制点的立体测图精度.高分七号卫星激光测高标准化处理是测绘应用的关键步骤,所生成的激光测高标准产品是后续对外分发和业务化应用的重要前提.本文围绕高分七号卫星的激光数据,研究了激光测高数据处理方法,验证了激光测高标准产品的几何精度.选择几何定标区以及陕西华阴、德国北威州等多个验证区,结合高精度外业测量点和机载LiDAR-DSM数据,对高分七号卫星激光测高标准产品开展精度验证.验证结果表明,高分七号SLA03产品定标区两波束激光的平面精度分别为(3.896±1.029)m和(3.286±0.337)m、高程精度分别为(0.018±0.099)m和(-0.017±0.096)m.采用高程控制点质量控制参数ECP_Fl a g能有效标识出可用于高程控制的激光点,其中陕西华阴验证区两波束激光总体精度分别为(-0.113±2.519)m和(0.191±1.071)m,经质量控制后ECP_Fl a g标记为1的激光点高程精度为(0.111±0.152)m和(-0.064±0.115)m;德国北威州总体精度为(-0.897±5.485)m和(-0.202±6.207)m,ECP_Flag标记为1的激光点高程精度为(-0.304±0.190)m和(-0.279±0.220)m.目前高分七号卫星激光测高标准产品已在自然资源部国土卫星遥感应用中心实现业务化生产. 相似文献
利用GLAS激光测高数据评估DSM产品质量及精度优化 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
提出了一种利用卫星激光测高数据直接优化提升数字表面模型(DSM)产品精度的方法。选取境外中亚地区的资源三号DSM开展试验,通过采用多准则约束方法提取激光高程控制点,分别利用偏度、中值、线性、二次多项式等进行DSM误差修正,发现4种模型均能有效消除DSM系统误差,其中基于二次多项式的方法更适用于平地和丘陵地貌,线性模型更适用于高山地貌。试验验证了采用卫星激光测高数据优化境外DSM技术流程的可行性,最终可提高DSM的绝对高程精度。 相似文献
基于事件的时空数据模型应用研究 总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5
本文首先分析和比较了几种有代表性时空数据模型的特点和存在的局限性 ,对基于事件的时空数据模型进行了改进 ,并提出了利用亲缘继承关系进行历史回溯查询 ,根据具体的实际应用 ,在现有成熟的ARCGIS平台上进行扩展 ,验证了该模型的有效性。实践表明 :利用该模型可以有效的进行各种时间、空间和属性的互查 ;时间因素和空间对象的空间特征和属性信息分开存储管理 ,便于时空分析 ,适于进行地理事件与空间对象状态因果关系的推理 ;减小了数据的存储空间 ,以及数据的冗余度 相似文献
On monitoring a vertical datum with satellite altimetry and water-level gauge data on large lakes 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Using TOPEX satellite altimetry, water-level-gauge data, and a geoid model, the geopotential, W
0, of the International Great Lakes Datum of 1985 (IGLD85) is determined. This is compared to an analogous determination using GPS and leveling data in the region. The two sets of data yield generally consistent results at the few-decimeter level and both indicate a tilt of about 33 cm in the computed datum across the region. On the basis of this and other studies, it is conjectured that the source of the tilt is a regional error in G99SSS. Further analysis of the altimetry and water-level data indicate that the geoid model, G99SSS, is in error by up to 20 cm at scales of about 100–150 km. In addition, the analysis of 8 years of altimeter and water-level data shows varying trends (up to 2 mm/yr) in crustal uplift throughout the region, generally consistent with an independent post-glacial rebound (PGR) model, ICE-4G.
AcknowledgmentThis research was supported in part by the Ohio Sea Grant Program, grant no. NA86RG0053 (R/CE-5). A. Mainville kindly provided data and information for Canadian stations. The authors are grateful to M. Bursa, M. Poutanen, D. Zilkoski, and an anonymous reviewer for contributing significantly to the improvement of the paper. 相似文献
XU Jun BAO Jingyang LIU Yanchun YU Caixia 《地球空间信息科学学报》2007,10(2):100-104
A tide model (named DN1.0), which contains 12 principal constituents over China seas and the Northwest Pacific is estimated by along-track harmonic analysis with TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry data taken from 1993 to 2002. CSR3.0, FES95.2 and DN1.0 are used respectively to detide the data for the time series of sea level anomaly (SLA) in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea and Northwest Pacific. The SLA curves and the power spectral density show that the major components that exist in SLA in China seas arise from the error of the tide models. 相似文献
GAO Wenxiu ZHUANG Yan LIU Lang GAO Wengxiu Doctoral Cadidate National Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying Mapping Remote Sensing WTUSM Luoyu Road Wuhan China 《地球空间信息科学学报》1999,2(1):90-95
Cadastral Information System (CIS) is designed for the office automation of cadastral management. With the development of the market economics in China, cadastral management is facing many new problems. The most crucial one is the temporal problem in cadastral management. That is, CIS must consider both spatial data and temporal data. This paper reviews the situation of the current CIS and provides a method to manage the spatiotemporal data of CIS, and takes the CIS for Guangdong Province as an example to explain how to realize it in practice. 相似文献