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Steady-state calculations are performed for the daytime equatorial F2-region and topside ionosphere. Values are calculated of the electron and ion temperatures and the concentrations and field-aligned velocities of the ions O+, H+ and He+. Account is taken of upward E × B drift, a summer-winter horizontal neutral air wind and heating of the electron gas by thermalization of fast photoelectrons.The calculated plasma temperatures are in accord with experiment: at the equator there is an isothermal region from about 400–550 km altitude, with temperatures of about 2400 K around 800 km altitude. The transequatorial O+ breeze flux from summer to winter in the topside ionosphere is not greatly affected by the elevated plasma temperatures. The field-aligned velocities of H+ and He+ depend strongly on the O+ field-aligned velocity and on the presence of large temperature gradients. For the minor ions, ion-ion drag with O+ cannot be neglected for the topside ionosphere.  相似文献   

The thermal balance of the plasma in the night-time mid-latitude F2-region is examined using solutions of the steady-state O+ and electron heat balance equations. The required concentrations and field-aligned velocities are obtained from a simultaneous solution of the time-dependent O+ continuity and momentum equations.The results demonstrate the systematic trend for the O+ temperature to be 10–20 K greater than the electron temperature during the night at around 300 km, as observed at St. Santin by Bauer and Mazaudier. It is shown that frictional heating between the O+ and neutral gases is the cause of the O+ temperature being greater than the electron temperature; the greater the importance of frictional heating in the thermal balance the greater is the difference in the O+ and electron temperatures. A study is made of the roles played in the thermal balance of the plasma by the thermal conductivity of the O+ and electron gases; collisional heat transfer between O+ electrons and neutrals; frictional heating between the O+ and neutral gases; and advection and convection due to field-aligned O+ and electron motions. The results of the study show that, at around 300 km, electron cooling by excitation of the fine structure of the ground state of atomic oxygen plays a major role in the thermal balance of the electrons and, since the temperature of the ions is little affected by this electron cooling process, in determining the difference between the ion and electron temperatures.  相似文献   

The thermal structure of the plasma in the polar wind is examined. With O+H+ Joule heating as the mechanism for heating the plasma, it is found that O+ and H+ temperatures are significantly greater than the electron temperature. With the adopted input parameters the O+H+ temperature difference is relatively small.  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been developed to calculate consistent values for the O+ and H+ concentrations and field-aligned velocities and for the O+, H+ and electron temperatures in the night-time equatorial topside ionosphere. Using the results of the model calculations a study is made to establish the ability of F-region neutral air winds to produce observed ion temperature distributions and to investigate the characteristics of ion temperature troughs as functions of altitude, latitude and ionospheric composition. Solar activity conditions that give exospheric neutral gas temperatures 600 K, 800 K and 1000 K are considered.It is shown that the O+-H+ transition height represents an altitude limit above which ion cooling due to adiabatic expansion of the plasma is extremely small. The neutral atmosphere imposes a lower altitude limit since the neutral atmosphere quenches any ion cooling which field-aligned transport tends to produce. The northern and southern edges of the ion temperature troughs are shown to be restricted to a range of dip latitudes, the limiting dip latitudes being determined by the magnetic field line geometry and by the functional form of the F-region neutral air wind velocity. Both these parameters considerably influence the interaction between the neutral air and the plasma within magnetic flux tubes.  相似文献   

The thermal response of the Earth's ionospheric plasma is calculated for various suddenly applied electron and ion heat sources. The time-dependent coupled electron and ion energy equations are solved by a semi-automatic computational scheme that employs Newton's method for coupled vector systems of non-linear parabolic (second order) partial differential equations in one spatial dimension. First, the electron and composite ion energy equations along a geomagnetic field line are solved with respect to a variety of ionospheric heat sources that include: thermal conduction in the daytime ionosphere; heating by electric fields acting perpendicular to the geomagnetic field line; and heating within a stable auroral red are (SAR-arc). The energy equations are then extended to resolve differential temperature profiles, first for two separate ion species (H+, O+) and then for four separate ion species (H+, He+, N+, O+) in addition to the electron temperature. The electron and individual ion temperatures are calculated for conditions within a night-time SAR-arc excited by heat flowing from the magnetosphere into the ionosphere, and also for typical midlatitude daytime ionospheric conditions. It is shown that in the lower ionosphere all ion species have the same temperature; however, in the topside ionosphere above about 400 km, ion species can display differential temperatures depending upon the balance between thermal conduction, heating by collision with electrons, cooling by collisions with the neutrals, and energy transfer by inter-ion collisions. Both the time evolution and steady-state distribution of such ion temperature differentials are discussed.The results show that below 300km both the electrons and ions respond rapidly (<30s) to variations in direct thermal forcing. Above 600 km the electrons and ions display quite different times to reach steady state, depending on the electron density: when the electron density is low the electrons reach steady state temperatures in 30 s, but typically require 700 s when the density is high; the ions, on the other hand, reach steady state in 700 s when the density is high, and 1500–2500 s when the density is low. Between 300 and 600 km, a variety of thermal structures can exist, depending upon the electron density and the type of thermal forcing; however steady state is generally reached in 200–1000 s.  相似文献   

The coupled H+ and O+ time-dependent continuity and momentum equations are solved within a region of the L = 3 magnetic flux tube lying between (and including) the F2-layers of conjugate hemispheres. The method of solution is an extended and modified version of the Murphy et al. (1976) method. The model is used to study the coupling between the F2-layers of conjugate hemispheres during magnetically quiet periods.The results of the calculations strongly indicate that the protonosphere acts as a reservoir, with variable H+ content, which prevents direct coupling between the F2-layers of conjugate hemispheres. However there is generally a significant interhemispheric flow of plasma. This flow is caused by conditions in the summer and winter topside ionospheres and it maintains continuity in the plasma concentration within the protonosphere. There are times when the direction of flow is from the winter hemisphere to the summer hemisphere. It is suggested that maintenance of the winter F2-layer at night is not assisted directly by the F2-layer of the conjugate summer hemisphere.It is shown that during the first few days of protonosphere replenishment after a magnetic storm there is an upflow of H+ in the topside ionosphere at all times in the summer hemisphere. There is also an upflow of H+ during the daytime in both hemispheres. A comparison with the results obtained when the interhemispheric H+ flux is held permanently at zero shows that both F2-layers are little affected by the interhemispheric H+ flux. Nevertheless both F2-layers are affected by the H+ tube content of the protonosphere. When the H+ flux at 1000 km in one hemisphere is much greater than the H+ flux at 1000 km in the conjugate hemisphere, there is a corresponding signature in the interhemispheric H+ flux.The results suggest that there is insufficient time between magnetic storms for complete replenishment of the protonosphere to occur.  相似文献   

Using particle aspect approach, the effect of multi-ions densities on the dispersion relation, growth rate, perpendicular resonant energy and growth length of electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave with general loss-cone distribution function in hot anisotropic multi-ion plasma is presented for auroral acceleration region. It is observed that higher He+ and O+ ions densities enhance the wave frequency closer to the H+ ion cyclotron frequency and growth rate of the wave. The differential heating of He+ ions perpendicular to the magnetic field is enhanced at higher densities of He+ ions. The waves require longer distances to achieve observable amplitude by wave-particle interactions mechanism as predicted by growth length. It is also found that electron thermal anisotropy of the background plasma enhances the growth rate and reduces the growth length of multi-ions plasma. These results are determined for auroral acceleration region.  相似文献   

The temporal response of ion and neutral densities to a geomagnetic storm has been investigated on a global scale with data from consecutive orbits of OGO-6 (>400km) for 4 days covering both magnetically quiet and disturbed conditions. The first response of the neutral atmosphere to the storm takes place in the H and He densities which start to decrease near the time of the storm sudden commencement. The maximum decreases in H and He were more than 40% of the normal density at high latitudes. A subsequent increase in O and N2 densities occurs about 8 hours later than the change in H and He densities, while the relative O and N2 density changes indicate a depletion of atomic oxygen in the lower thermosphere by more than a factor of two. The overall features of the change in the neutral atmosphere, especially the patterns of change for individual species, strongly support the physical picture that energy is deposited primarily at high latitudes during the storm, and the thermosphere structure changes through (1) heating of the lower thermosphere and (2) generation of large scale circulation in the atmosphere with upwelling at high latitudes and subsidence at the equator. The storm-time response of H+ occurs in two distinct regions separated by the low latitude boundary of the light ion trough. While on the poleward side of the boundary the H+ density decreases in a similar manner to the decrease in H density, on the equatorward side of the boundary the H+ decrease occurs about half a day later. It is shown that the decrease of H+ density is principally caused by the decrease in H density for both regions. The difference in H+ response between the two regions is interpreted as the difference in H+ dynamics outside and inside the plasmasphere. The O+ density shows an increase, the pattern of which is rather similar to that for O. Two possibilities for explaining the observed change in O+ density are suggested. One attributes the observed increase in O+ density to an increase in the plasma temperature during the storm. The other possibility is that the increase in the production rate of O+ due to an increase in O density exceeds the increase in the loss rate of O+ due to an increase in N2 density, especially around the time of sunrise. Hence the change in O+ density in the F-region may actually be controlled by the change in O density.  相似文献   

A modelling study of the electron content of the mid-latitude ionosphere and protonosphere has been carried out for solstice conditions using the mathematical model of Bailey (1983). In the model calculations coupled time-dependent O+, H+ continuity and momentum equations and O+, H+ and electron heat balance equations are solved for a magnetic shell extending over both hemispheres. The inclusion of interhemispheric flow of plasma and of heat balance has enabled us to investigate the role of interhemispheric coupling on the electron content and related shape parameters. The computed results are compared with results from slant path observations of the ATS-6 radio beacon made at Lancaster (U.K.) and Boulder, Colorado (U.S.A.).It has been found that the conjugate photoelectron heating has a major effect on the shape of the daily variation of slant slab thickness (τ) and also on the magnitude of the protonospheric content (Np). Some of the main features of τ are closely related to the sunrise and sunset times in the conjugate ionosphere. Also it is found that night-time increases in total electron content (NT) and F2 region peak electron density (Nmax) in winter are natural consequences of ionization loss at low altitudes causing an enhanced downward flow of plasma from the protonosphere which is coupled to the summer hemisphere. One other important consequence of the coupled protonosphere is that the effects on NT of the neutral air wind are not much different in winter from those in summer.  相似文献   

A distinct feature of the ion composition results from the OGO-2, 4 and 6 satellites is the light ion trough, wherein the mid latitude concentrations of H+ and He+ decrease sharply with latitude, dropping to levels of 103 ions/cm3 or less near 60° dipole latitude (L=4). In contrast to the ‘main trough’ in electron density, Ne, observed primarily as a nightside phenomenon, the light ion trough persists during both day and night. For daytime winter hemisphere conditions and for all seasons during night, the mid latitude light ion concentration decrease is a pronounced feature. In the dayside summer and equinox hemispheres, the rate of light ion decrease with latitude is comparatively gradual, and the trough boundary is less well defined, particularly for quiet magnetic conditions. In response to magnetic storms, the light ion trough minimum moves equatorward, and deepens, consistent with earlier evidence of the contraction of the plasmasphere in response to storm time enhancements in magnetospheric plasma convection. The fact that a pronounced light ion trough is observed under conditions for which the dominant ion O+ may exhibit little or no simultaneous decrease appears to explain why earlier studies of the ‘main trough’ in topside distributions of Ne and Ni may, at times, have been inconclusive in relating the total ionization minimum with the mechanism of the plasmapause. In particular, the topside distribution of Ni appears to be the complex resultant of several variables within the ion composition, being governed by the competing processes of chemical production and loss, loss through magnetospheric convection, and large-scale dynamic transport resulting from neutral winds and electric fields. The net result is that in general, the light ion trough, rather than Ni, provides a more fundamental parameter for examining the structure and behavior of the plasmapause.  相似文献   

The coupled time-dependent O+ and H+ continuity and momentum equations and O+, H+ and electron heat balance equations are solved simultaneously within the L = 1.4 (Arecibo) magnetic flux tube between an altitude of 120 km and the equatorial plane. The results of the calculations are used in a study of the topside ionosphere above Arecibo at equinox during sunspot maximum. Magnetically quiet conditions are assumed.The results of the calculations show that the L = 1.4 magnetic flux tube becomes saturated from an arbitrary state within 2–3 days. During the day the ion content of the magnetic flux tube consists mainly of O+ whereas O+ and H+ are both important during the night. There is an altitude region in the topside ionosphere during the day where ion-counterstreaming occurs with H+ flowing downward and O+ flowing upward. The conditions causing this ion-counterstreaming are discussed. There is a net chemical gain of H+ at the higher altitudes. This H+ diffuses both upwards and downwards whilst O+ diffuses upwards from its solar e.u.v. production source which is most important at the lower altitudes. During the night the calculated O+ and H+ temperatures are very nearly equal whereas during the day there are occasions when the H+ temperature exceeds the O+ temperature by about 300 K.  相似文献   

Recent satellite observations of thermal ion composition in the near-equatorial plasmasphere have shown that He+ comprises 5–10% typically and occasionally 25% or more of the total thermal ion density. A steady state diffusive equilibrium model for the distributions of H+, He+ and O+ along a plasmaspheric flux tube is used to elicit effects that may help explain these observed high He+ fractional concentrations. The model indicates that both the ionospheric composition and the temperature distribution along the flux tubes are important factors controlling the equatorial He+ composition, through the plasma scale height and thermal diffusion effects. Direct comparison of the model results with thermal ion observations by ISEE-1 indicates that the effects incorporated into the model may explain some of the elevated He+ concentrations. In some instances, however, effects not included in the model may also be of importance.  相似文献   

An empirical model of atomic ion densities (H+, He+, N+, O+) is presented up to 4000 km altitude as a function of time (diurnal, annual), space (position, altitude) and solar flux (F10.7) — using observations of satellites (AE-B, AE-C, AE-D, AE-E, ISIS-2, OGO-6) and rockets during quiet geophysical conditions (K p 3). The numerical treatment is based upon harmonic functions for the horizontal pattern and cubic splines for the vertical structure.The ion densities increase with increasing height up to a maximum (depending roughly on the ion mass) and decrease beyond that with increasing altitude. Above 200 km, O+ is the main ionic constituent being replaced at approximately 800 km (depending on latitude, local time, etc.) by H+. Around polar regions the light ions, H+ and He+, are depleted (polar wind) and the heavier ones enhanced. During local summer conditions the ion densities increase around polar latitudes and correspondingly decrease during local winter, except He+ which reflects the opposite pattern. Diurnal variations are intrinsically coupled to the individual plasma layers: N+ and O+ peak, in general, during daytime, while the amplitudes and phases of H+ and He+ change strongly with altitude and latitude. Earth, Moon and Planets Review article.  相似文献   

The effect of the onset of post-sunset conditions on thermal proton flow is examined for mid-latitudes by numerical solution of the equations of continuity, momentum and energy balance for H+ and O+. Results are calculated for a dipole magnetic field tube situated at L = 4 and acceleration terms are included in the momentum equations. Proton flow into the ionosphere results from decay of the F2-layer. Changes in temperatures and temperature gradients following sunset may not enhance the H+ flow. Under extreme conditions the H+ flow remains subsonic. It seems unlikely that an interhemispheric flux of protons can directly maintain the nighttime F2-layer.  相似文献   

Additional studies of the ion composition results obtained from the OGO-6 satellite support earlier observations of irregularities in the distribution of H+ and He+ within the light ion trough near L = 4, which has been associated with the plasmapause. These irregularities are in the form of sub-troughs superimposed upon the major mid latitude decrease of the light ions. In the sub-troughs, ionization depletions and recoveries of as much as an order of magnitude are observed within a few degrees of latitude, usually exhibited in a pattern which changes significantly with longitude as the Earth rotates beneath the relatively fixed satellite orbit. The location and properties exhibited by these sub-troughs appear to be consistent with the concept of a plasmasphere distortion in the form of “plasmatails” resulting from the combined effects of magnetospheric convection plus corotation. Like the light ion trough, the “plasmatail” irregularity in H+ may be obscured on the day side by the dominant topside distribution of O+. Consequently, these light ion irregularities are seen as an important factor for studies of plasmapause-trough relationships.  相似文献   

The Cassini plasma spectrometer (CAPS) instrument made measurements of Titan's plasma environment when the Cassini Orbiter flew through the moon's plasma wake October 26, 2004 (flyby TA). Initial CAPS ion and electron measurements from this encounter will be compared with measurements made by the Voyager 1 plasma science instrument (PLS). The comparisons will be used to evaluate previous interpretations and predictions of the Titan plasma environment that have been made using PLS measurements. The plasma wake trajectories of flyby TA and Voyager 1 are similar because they occurred when Titan was near Saturn's local noon. These similarities make possible direct, meaningful comparisons between the various plasma wake measurements. They lead to the following: (A) The light and heavy ions, H+and N+/O+, were observed by PLS in Saturn's magnetosphere in the vicinity of Titan while the higher mass resolution of CAPS yielded H+ and H2+as the light constituents and O+/CH4+ as the heavy ions. (B) Finite gyroradius effects were apparent in PLS and CAPS measurements of ambient O+ ions as a result of their absorption by Titan's extended atmosphere. (C) The principal pickup ions inferred from both PLS and CAPS measurements are H+, H2+, N+, CH4+ and N2+. (D) The inference that heavy pickup ions, observed by PLS, were in narrow beam distributions was empirically established by the CAPS measurements. (E) Slowing down of the ambient plasma due to pickup ion mass loading was observed by both instruments on the anti-Saturn side of Titan. (F) Strong mass loading just outside the ionotail by a heavy ion such as N2+ is apparent in PLS and CAPS measurements. (G) Except for the expected differences due to the differing trajectories, the magnitudes and structures of the electron densities and temperatures observed by both instruments are similar. The high-energy electron bite-out observed by PLS in the magnetotail is consistent with that observed by CAPS.  相似文献   

A numerical model is utilized to investigate the temperature (T) and solar zenith angle (χ) control of D-region positive ion chemistry between 75 and 90 km. It is assumed that NO? is the precursor ion in a chain which involves three-body formation of the intermediary cluster ions NO+(H2O)m?1(X) (m = 1–3), where X can be N2,O2, H2O, or CO2, switching reactions which convert these weakly bound clusters to hydrates of NO+ and reaction of the third hydrate of NO+ with H2O to initiate the chain to form H+(H2O)n (n = 1–7). Zonal mean and tidal temperatures from rocket observations and theory are synthesized to obtain the best available estimate of mean latitudinal, seasonal and local time variations of temperature in this height region. Relative compositions of NO+(H2O)m and H+(H2O)n are found to vary widely over the complete range of realistic conditions; however, the relative ion populations are entirely explicable in terms of the effects of χ and T on the relative life-times of the intermediary ion clusters with respect to recombination, switching and thermal decomposition. For instance, as χ increases (and electron production decreases) beyond 60° for a given temperature, the recombination times of the intermediate ion cluster species lengthen with respect to the formation time of the H+ water clusters, causing the relative H+ water cluster population to increase and thus raise the level where the cluster ion and NO+ concentrations are equal from about 85 km (normal midday) to 90 km. For a given χ the concentrations of NO+H2O and H+(H2O)4 increase (decrease) for temperatures less than (greater than) 190 and 205 K, respectively. The transition occurs when the temperature becomes sufficiently high that the lifetimes of intermediary ion clusters with respect to thermal decomposition become less than their lifetimes with respect to H2O switching (which ultimately leads to the third hydrate of NO+ and entry into the water chain). At this point, the formation time of H+(H2O)4 becomes long compared with its lifetime with respect to thermal decomposition and its relative concentration decreases also. Implications of these results with respect to studies of the D-region are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new method of solution of the time-dependent continuity and momentum equations for H+ and O+ in mid-latitude magnetic field tubes from the F-region to the equator. For each ion the equations are expressed as an integro-differential equation. This equation is treated as an ordinary differential equation and solved by a searching method. By means of this method, the distribution of H+ in the O+?H+ transition region and the protonosphere can be investigated and the influence of H+ fluxes on the F layer examined.As an example of application of the method a suggestion by Park (1971) about observed night-time enhancements of NmF2 is examined. He suggested that lowering of the F layer some hours after a magnetic substorm may cause NmF2 to increase because of increased ion influx from the protonosphere. In the present calculations the Flayer is maintained around a constant height for some time and then abruptly lowered. Under the conditions adopted the resulting increase in downward H+ flux is sufficient to maintain NmF2 against the increased recombination but not to increase NmF2 significantly. It is emphasised that these results are not conclusive.  相似文献   

Observations of the occurrence of He+ dominance in the topside ionosphere are discussed. An earlier model of the behaviour of high-latitude H+ and O+ thermal plasma (Quegan et al., 1982) is extended to include He+ as a major ion. Calculations using the extended model show that plasma convection is likely to play a key rôle in producing regions of He+ dominance. Suggested conditions for He+ dominance are listed and their applicability to observed He+ behaviour is discussed.  相似文献   

A fully time dependent mathematical model of the thermal plasma at L = 1.4 is described. In the mathematical model account is taken of a quiet-time E × B drift in the meridional plane. Atmospheric conditions appropriate to equinox at sunspot minimum and at sunspot maximum are considered. Results of the model calculations are presented. Emphasis is placed on the effects on the thermal plasma of a quiet-time E × B drift in the meridional plane. A comparison of the model calculations which include an E × B drift with those in which there is no E × B drift shows than an E × B drift significantly affects the plasma concentration and temperature distributions during the day at both sunspot minimum and sunspot maximum; the effects at night are very small. An upward E × B drift during the day increases both NmF2 and hmF2 and decreases the plasma temperature. The decrease in plasma temperature is due primarily to the increase in plasma concentration. It is more pronounced in the electron temperature than in the ion temperature and it varies considerably with altitude, time and atmospheric conditions. The changes in plasma concentration and temperature brought about by an E × B drift also change the O+-H+ transition height and the O+ and H+ tube contents. For the E × B drifts considered the O+-H+ transition height is raised during the morning and lowered during the afternoon. The changes in O+ tube content roughly follow the changes in NmF2. The changes in H+ tube content, however, are small since the H+ tube content is controlled by the H+ concentration at the higher altitudes of the tube of plasma and these concentration values are only slightly affected by the E × B drifts considered.  相似文献   

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