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An initial characterization and performance assessment of the COMPASS/BeiDou-2 regional navigation system is presented. Code and carrier phase measurements on up to three frequencies have been collected in March 2012 with a small regional network of monitoring stations. The signal and measurement quality are analyzed and compared with the Japanese Quasi Zenith Satellite System. A high level of stability is demonstrated for the inter-frequency carrier phase biases, which will facilitate the application of triple-frequency undifferenced ambiguity resolution techniques in future precise point positioning applications. The performance of the onboard Rubidium frequency standards is evaluated in comparison to ground-based hydrogen masers and shown to be well competitive with other GNSS satellite clocks. Precise orbit and clock solutions obtained in post-processing are used to study the presently achievable point positioning accuracy in COMPASS/BeiDou-2-only navigation. Finally, the benefit of triple-frequency measurements and extra-wide-lane ambiguity resolution is illustrated for relative positioning on a short baseline.  相似文献   

整周模糊度固定是GNSS高精度动态定位的关键问题,为研究GPS/BDS(北斗卫星导航系统)组合定位对短基线模糊度搜索效率和固定成功率的提高效果,利用基于模糊度方差-协方差阵特征值平方根的模糊度搜索空间对比方法分别对短基线条件下GPS单系统、BDS单系统和GPS/BDS组合系统下的模糊度搜索空间进行对比分析。实验数据表明:GPS/BDS组合定位对各单系统的方差-协方差阵均有影响,从整体上可以缩小GPS和BDS单系统的模糊度搜索空间。最后对模糊度固定成功率进行了统计,结果表明,在单、双频条件下组合系统均可显著提高模糊度固定成功率和搜索效率。  相似文献   

The development of the COMPASS satellite system is introduced, and the regional tracking network and data availability are described. The precise orbit determination strategy of COMPASS satellites is presented. Data of June 2012 are processed. The obtained orbits are evaluated by analysis of post-fit residuals, orbit overlap comparison and SLR (satellite laser ranging) validation. The RMS (root mean square) values of post-fit residuals for one month’s data are smaller than 2.0 cm for ionosphere-free phase measurements and 2.6 m for ionosphere-free code observations. The 48-h orbit overlap comparison shows that the RMS values of differences in the radial component are much smaller than 10 cm and those of the cross-track component are smaller than 20 cm. The SLR validation shows that the overall RMS of observed minus computed residuals is 68.5 cm for G01 and 10.8 cm for I03. The static and kinematic PPP solutions are produced to further evaluate the accuracy of COMPASS orbit and clock products. The static daily COMPASS PPP solutions achieve an accuracy of better than 1 cm in horizontal and 3 cm in vertical. The accuracy of the COMPASS kinematic PPP solutions is within 1–2 cm in the horizontal and 4–7 cm in the vertical. In addition, we find that the COMPASS kinematic solutions are generally better than the GPS ones for the selected location. Furthermore, the COMPASS/GPS combinations significantly improve the accuracy of GPS only PPP solutions. The RMS values are basically smaller than 1 cm in the horizontal components and 3–4 cm in the vertical component.  相似文献   

Autonomous orbit determination is the ability of navigation satellites to estimate the orbit parameters on-board using inter-satellite link (ISL) measurements. This study mainly focuses on data processing of the ISL measurements as a new measurement type and its application on the centralized autonomous orbit determination of the new-generation Beidou navigation satellite system satellites for the first time. The ISL measurements are dual one-way measurements that follow a time division multiple access (TDMA) structure. The ranging error of the ISL measurements is less than 0.25 ns. This paper proposes a derivation approach to the satellite clock offsets and the geometric distances from TDMA dual one-way measurements without a loss of accuracy. The derived clock offsets are used for time synchronization, and the derived geometry distances are used for autonomous orbit determination. The clock offsets from the ISL measurements are consistent with the L-band two-way satellite, and time–frequency transfer clock measurements and the detrended residuals vary within 0.5 ns. The centralized autonomous orbit determination is conducted in a batch mode on a ground-capable server for the feasibility study. Constant hardware delays are present in the geometric distances and become the largest source of error in the autonomous orbit determination. Therefore, the hardware delays are estimated simultaneously with the satellite orbits. To avoid uncertainties in the constellation orientation, a ground anchor station that “observes” the satellites with on-board ISL payloads is introduced into the orbit determination. The root-mean-square values of orbit determination residuals are within 10.0 cm, and the standard deviation of the estimated ISL hardware delays is within 0.2 ns. The accuracy of the autonomous orbits is evaluated by analysis of overlap comparison and the satellite laser ranging (SLR) residuals and is compared with the accuracy of the L-band orbits. The results indicate that the radial overlap differences between the autonomous orbits are less than 15.0 cm for the inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) satellites and less than 10.0 cm for the MEO satellites. The SLR residuals are approximately 15.0 cm for the IGSO satellites and approximately 10.0 cm for the MEO satellites, representing an improvement over the L-band orbits.  相似文献   

BeiDou-3试验卫星在北斗全球组网阶段起着重要的测试验证作用,精密轨道和钟差精度是衡量新卫星服务性能的重要标志。本文介绍了BeiDou-3试验卫星(C31、C32、C33和C34)可用的两种卫星天线相位中心改正参数;对比分析了不同天线相位中心改正策略对于精密定轨和卫星钟差确定的影响;定量分析了i GMAS跟踪站对试验卫星跟踪弧段的覆盖率差异。实验结果表明:卫星厂商提供的卫星天线相位中心参数精度更高,建议在精密数据处理中采用。采用卫星厂商天线相位中心改正参数的BeiDou-3试验卫星精密定轨1D RMS精度分别为38、30、49和70 cm,精密钟差精度除C34结果较差外其余均优于0.6 ns;4颗试验卫星跟踪弧段覆盖率分别为32%、42%、79%和80%。综合来看,C32卫星相对其余3颗卫星结果呈现出更好的性能。  相似文献   

北斗室内导航伪卫星信号传播效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
室内场所因建筑物的遮挡,卫星导航设备无法接收导航信号而失去定位能力,伪卫星可以通过发射类似导航信号的方式独立进行定位。针对伪卫星信号在室内传播面临的功率衰减、多径衰落等问题,该文在经典室内通信模型的研究基础上,分析了伪卫星信号室内传播的应用环境和约束条件,建立了伪卫星信号室内传输的信道模型,并对伪卫星信号功率以及路径损耗、多径传播模型进行了计算仿真。仿真结果表明,对数距离路径损耗模型及莱斯分布多径模型可准确描述室内伪卫星信号的传输特点。  相似文献   

立足干扰源定位排查能力培训,对导航信号干扰源定位排查能力进行综合评估.运用层次分析法、德尔菲法等方法解决三个方面的问题:一是建立评估指标体系,二是确定评估指标权重,三是确定量化评分方法,为开展导航信号干扰源排查培训提供有效的综合能力评估方案,确保培训科目内容设置、分值分配及成绩量化评分的科学性、合理性,有利于准确评估导航信号干扰源定位排查能力.   相似文献   

现代电磁环境日趋复杂,导航接收机受到各式各样干扰的风险越来越高,窄带干扰和脉冲干扰就是对卫星导航信号常见的压制干扰手段.不同的干扰信号具有不同的时频域特征,对卫星导航信号造成的影响也有很大差异,这种影响主要体现在信号的载噪比和误码率等方面.针对目前国内脉冲干扰的性能研究不足的现状,通过对比窄带干扰性能评估方法提出了适应...  相似文献   

北斗三号卫星导航系统(BDS-3)B1C信号相较北斗二号卫星导航系统卫星信号,从信号结构、编码方式再到导航电文结构都发生了改变,包括引入导频信号、二次编码、BOC调制、LDPC编码和B-CNAV1导航电文结构等.这些改变一方面提高了信号性能(如抗多路径、信号捕获和跟踪精度等);另一方面,也带来了一系列问题,对接收机的信号捕获技术提出了全新的要求,如需处理更大的数据流,解决由二次编码带来的符号翻转和BOC调制造成的捕获多峰性问题.针对BDS-3接收机的工程实现,本文提出了一种新颖有效的两级B1C信号捕获技术.其中第一阶段采用扩展并行平均相关搜获结构,用以解决符号翻转问题,同时实现高效的信号粗捕获;第二阶段在缩小的搜索范围内进行高精度搜索,此步骤可有效避免信号多峰性造成的误锁可能.除此之外,本文还介绍了单信道和多信道组合式捕获技术,用户可根据资源占用和捕获灵敏度需求选取更有效的捕获方法.实验结果表明,本文提出的方法允许使用更小更经济的快速傅里叶变换(FFT)模块,并通过大量并行处理的方法实现快速捕获.相较传统的高精度捕获技术,此方法在采样频率超过50MHz时,能够在保证相近的捕获精度的同时减少至少61%的运算量.  相似文献   

The mitigation of radio frequency interference (RFI) has a fundamental role in global navigation satellite system (GNSS) applications, especially when a high level of availability is required. Several electromagnetic sources, in fact, might degrade the performance of the global positioning system (GPS) and Galileo receivers, and their effects can be either in-band (i.e., secondary harmonics generated by transmitters of other communication systems due to non-linearity distortions) or out-of-band (i.e., strong signals that occupy frequency bandwidths very close to GNSS bands). We investigated the effects of real out-of-band signals on GNSS receivers and analyzed the impact on the overall receiver chain in order to evaluate the impact of the interference source. In particular, the analysis focuses on the spectrum at the front-end output, on the automatic gain control (AGC) behavior, as well as on the digital processing stages (signal acquisition and tracking) at the analog digital converter (ADC) output. This study refers to several experiments and data collections performed in interfered areas of downtown Torino (Italy). The obtained results underline how digital/analog TV transmissions represent a potential interference source for GNSS applications and might be critical for the safety of life services.  相似文献   

北斗导航系统在四川抗震救灾中的应用实践与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重点介绍了我国自主建设的北斗卫星导航系统在四川抗震救灾中的成功应用与实践。该系统在搭建指挥网络、报知灾情险情、保障应急定位及提供信息服务上具有明显的功能优势和应用潜力。作者指出,“救灾导航”理念应纳入国家减灾救灾和突发事件应对战略,基于北斗的抢险救灾导航保障应形成常态化、规范化的应急保障模式。  相似文献   

随着北斗三号卫星导航系统(BDS-3)的全面建成,湖北省北斗地基增强系统需要进行整网软硬件升级与改造,以实现对BDS-3卫星的兼容. 本文详细介绍了此次升级的内容:包括72台True CORS R1接收机的板卡硬件升级与固件包升级,增加对BDS-3的支持;TrueNET平台的软件升级;升级之后进行了接收机回归测试及系统精度测试:开展了新增频点的数据质量分析及双差质量分析,以及对RINEX原始文件进行了卫星数、高度角等分析;接收机软件研发完成后进行了整机性能测试,各项指标均满足要求;系统精度测试结果标明:网络实时动态(RTK)定位精度水平优于3 cm,垂直优于5 cm;差分全球导航卫星系统(DGNSS)定位精度水平优于1 m,垂直优于2 m.   相似文献   

GNSS系统的定位精度和可靠性在很大程度上依赖于观测到的卫星数量和几何图形分布.在城市、露天矿区和峡谷等地区,由于可观测卫星数少,单一系统的定位精度往往难以满足要求,GNSS多星座组合是解决问题的一个有效措施.选取雅砻江卡拉电站滑坡监测网中的一个监测点,利用实测的COMPASS星历和GPS卫星星历,从可见卫星数目及GDOP值两个角度,对GPS、COMPASS单星座系统以及其组合系统变形测量性能进行了对比分析.实验表明GPS和COMPASS组合系统能够有效改善变形监测精度.  相似文献   

针对BDS空间信号的连续性评估问题,分析GPS和Galileo系统的连续性评估情况,并给出BDS空间信号连续性评估的模型和统计步骤。算例采用2013年1月1日至2013年3月24日的数据,评估结果发现:不考虑中断类型,连续性的均值为0.996 235,考虑计划中断的前提下,连续性的均值为0.998 064;GEO星的平均连续性都是最好,MEO卫星的平均连续性都是最差,IGSO卫星居中,对比BDS的公开服务性能规范中的指标,发现三类卫星的平均值都满足指标的要求。  相似文献   

林火发生后,开展森林生态系统烈度信息的初始评估,能够为灾后生态修复管理措施的快速实施提供定量依据。为了改善传统林火烈度评估模型的时效性,本研究利用历史过火区域的实地调查数据,构建基于迁移学习的烈度评估模型,并将其应用于2020年3月30日发生的西昌泸山森林大火烈度初始评估研究中。研究结果表明:迁移学习算法能够将源区域和目标区域的遥感影像光谱转换为多个新的特征变量,在这些新特征变量构成的投影空间中,源区域和目标区域样本具有相似的特征分布。在此基础上,基于源区域历史实地调查数据构建的烈度评估模型,能够迁移应用于目标区域的烈度评估。在本研究林火烈度的初始评估中,基于迁移学习的烈度评估模型精度较高,总体精度为71.20%,Kappa系数为0.64。与该模型对比,未进行迁移学习的支持向量回归模型精度较低,其总体精度为58.00%,Kappa系数为0.48。同时,基于dNDVI、dLST和dNBR指数的经验回归模型精度最低,其总体精度分别为:20.80%、34.8%和24.80%,Kappa系数分别为:0.01、0.19和0.06。本研究可为林火灾后管理措施的快速响应,提供一种新的思路和参考。  相似文献   

利用空旷环境和树林环境下实测北斗和GPS观测数据,从多路径效应、周跳、数据采集率、载噪比这四个方面进行数据质量分析.通过分析发现:在树林环境采集的北斗和GPS数据均要比空旷环境采集的数据质量差,北斗的观测数据质量在树林环境下要好于GPS.  相似文献   

接收机端伪距偏差是指非理想的卫星导航信号在接收机前端带宽和相关器间隔不同时产生的伪距测量系统性偏差.研究表明,北斗二号、GPS和Galileo系统均存在与接收机类型相关的伪距偏差,影响基于混合类型接收机站网的精密数据处理.本文基于iGMAS网和MGEX网观测数据,采用MW组合、伪距残差和伪距无几何距离无电离层组合3种方...  相似文献   

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