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In an earlier paper, values of exospheric density were obtained from the orbit of Echo 2 for the years 1964–1965. The results indicated a semi-annual variation in density by a factor of between 2 and 3, considerably larger than predicted by existing atmospheric models.

These studies have now been extended to the beginning of 1967, using both Echo 2 and Calsphere 1, to show how the density is responding to increasing solar activity. Variations in density during 1964 have been analysed in more detail. The long-term variation associated with the solar cycle and the short-term variations associated with magnetic and solar disturbances agree with the variations expected on the basis of current models. The semi-annual variation is persisting to higher levels of solar activity, and although its amplitude is diminishing the factor of variation was still 1.6 in 1966.  相似文献   

The long period dynamics of Sun-synchronous orbits near the critical inclination 116.6° are investigated. It is known that, at the critical inclination, the average perigee location is unchanged by Earth oblateness. For certain values of semimajor axis and eccentricity, orbit plane precession caused by Earth oblateness is synchronous with the mean orbital motion of the apparent Sun (a Sun-synchronism). Sun-synchronous orbits have been used extensively in meteorological and remote sensing satellite missions. Gravitational perturbations arising from an aspherical Earth, the Moon, and the Sun cause long period fluctuations in the mean argument of perigee, eccentricity, inclination, and ascending node. Double resonance occurs because slow oscillations in the perigee and Sun-referenced ascending node are coupled through the solar gravity gradient. It is shown that the total number and infinitesimal stability of equilibrium solutions can change abruptly over the Sun-synchronous range of semimajor axis values (1.54 to 1.70 Earth radii). The effect of direct solar radiation pressure upon certain stable equilibria is investigated.  相似文献   

The satellite 1966-101G was launched on 2 November 1966 into an orbit with an initial perigee height of 140 km. A satellite with such a low perigee usually decays within a few days, but 1966-101G was exceptionally dense and remained in orbit until 6 May 1967. Analysis of the changes in its orbital period provides an unique opportunity for studying continuously for six months the variations in air density at a height near 150 km.

This paper records the results of such an analysis, applicable for the (medium) level of solar activity prevailing early in 1967. It is shown that at a height of 155 km the air density is greater by day than by night, with the maximum daytime density exceeding the minimum night-time density by a factor of 1.7: in contrast the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere 1965 predicts that the density should be slightly greater by night than by day. It is also found that the night-time density increases as solar activity increases, and that the density scale height given by CIRA 1965 at heights near 150 km is too low, perhaps by about 20%.  相似文献   

Generally, any initially-close satellites—chief and deputy—moving on orbits with slightly different orbital elements, will depart each other on locally unbounded relative trajectories. Thus, constraints on the initial conditions must be imposed to mitigate the chief-deputy mutual departure. In this paper, it is analytically proven that choosing the chief’s orbit to be a frozen orbit can mitigate the natural relative drift of the satellites. Using mean orbital element variations, it is proven that if the chief’s orbit is frozen, then the mean differential eccentricity is periodic, leading to a periodic variation of the differential mean argument of latitude. On the other hand, if the chief’s orbit is non-frozen, a secular growth in the differential mean argument of latitude leads to a concomitant along-track separation of the deputy from the chief, thereby considerably increasing the relative distance evolution over time. Long-term orbital simulation results indicate that the effect of choosing a frozen orbit vis-à-vis a non-frozen orbit can reduce the relative distance drift by hundreds of meters per day.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which ‘vertical’ branches consisting of symmetric, three-dimensional periodic orbits bifurcate from families of plane orbits at ‘veertical self-resonant’ orbits is discussed, with emphasis on the relationship between symmetry properties and multiplicity, and methods for the numerical determination of such branches are described. As examples, eight new families of all symmetry classes which branch vertically from the familyf of retrograde satellite orbits in the Sun-Jupiter case of the restricted problem (μ=0.000 95), are given in their entirety; these branches are found, as expected, to occur in pairs, each pair arising from the same self-resonant orbit, and their symmetry properties following the predicted pattern. The stability and other properties of the branch orbits are discussed.  相似文献   

The luni-solar effects of a geosynchronous artificial satellite orbiting near the critical inclination is investigated. To tackle this four-degrees-of-freedom problem, a preliminary exploration separately analyzing each harmonic formed by a combination of the satellite longitude of the node and the Moon longitude of the node is opportune. This study demonstrates that the dynamics induced by these harmonics does not show resonance phenomena. In a second approach, the number of degrees of freedom is halved by averaging the total Hamiltonian over the two non-resonant angular variables. A semi-numerical method can now be applied as was done when considering solely the inhomogeneity of the geopotential (see Delhaise et Henrard, 1992). Approximate surfaces of section are constructed in the plane of the inclination and argument of perigee. The main effects of the Sun and Moon attractions compared to the terrestrial attraction alone are a strong increase in the amplitude of libration in inclination (from 0.6° to 3.2°) and a decrease of the corresponding libration period (from the order of 200 years to the order of 20 years).Research Assistant for the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research  相似文献   

Cosmos 316 (1969-108A) was launched on 23 December 1969 into an orbit with an initial perigee height of 154 km at an inclination of 49.5° to the equator. Being very massive, Cosmos 316 had a longer lifetime than any previous satellite with such a low initial perigee: it remained in orbit until 28 August 1970. Because of its interest for upper-atmosphere research, the satellite was intensively observed, and accurate orbits are being determined at RAE from all available observations. Using perigee heights from the RAE orbits so far computed, and decay rates from Spacetrack bulletins, 102 values of air density have been obtained, giving a detailed picture of the variations in density at heights near 150 km between 24 December 1969 and 28 August 1970. The three strongest geomagnetic storms, on 8 March, 21 April and 17 August 1970, are marked by sudden increases in density of at least 23, 15 and 24 per cent respectively. With values of density extending over eight months, it is possible for the first time to examine a complete cycle of the semi-annual variation at a height near 150 km: the values of density, when corrected to a fixed height, exhibit minima in mid January and early August; at the intervening maximum, in April, the density is 30 per cent higher than at the minima.  相似文献   

Szebehely's criterion for Hill stability of satellites is derived from Hill's problem and a more exact result is obtained. Direct, Hill stable, circular satellites can exist almost twice as far from the planet as retrograde satellites. For direct satellites the new result agrees with Kuiper's empirical estimate that such satellites are stable up to a distance of half the radius of action of the planet. Comparison with the results of numerical experiments shows that Hill 'stability is valid for direct satellites but meaningless for retrograde satellites. Further accuracy for the maximum distance of Hill stable orbits is obtained from the restricted problem formulation. This provides estimates for planetary distances in double star systems.  相似文献   

The theory specifying the change i in a satellite's orbital inclination due to atmospheric rotation, in terms of the decrease in orbital period T, has been extended to an atmosphere with sinusoidal variation of density between day and night. It is found that with certain special sets of values for the orbital parameters, the day-to-night variation in the Earth's atmosphere can alter the equation for i/T by as much as 25% though only for a few days. Appreciable changes in i/T persisting for several months can only occur for certain resonant orbits: the maximum change is then about 8%. Near-resonance is very unlikely, but the resonance conditions are derived so that orbits can be recognised and avoided.  相似文献   

The critical inclination in artificial satellite theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Certain it is that the critical inclination in the main problem of artificial satellite theory is an intrinsic singularity. Its significance stems from two geometric events in the reduced phase space on the manifolds of constant polar angular momentum and constant Delaunay action. In the neighborhood of the critical inclination, along the family of circular orbits, there appear two Hopf bifurcations, to each of which there converge two families of orbits with stationary perigees. On the stretch between the bifurcations, the circular orbits in the planes at critical inclinmation are unstable. A global analysis of the double forking is made possible by the realization that the reduced phase space consists of bundles of two-dimensional spheres. Extensive numerical integrations illustrate the transitions in the phase flow on the spheres as the system passes through the bifurcations.A delicacy so very susceptible of offence...—Hester Lynch PIOZZI,Observations and Reflections made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy and Germany (1789)NAS/NRC Postgraduate Research Associate in 1984–1985.  相似文献   

The ground-based observations of the recently discovered Saturnian satellites, obtained during the 1980 apparition, have been collected from the IAU Circulars and identified with and fit to four orbital groups: (1) the inner pair of coorbital librating satellites, (2) the satellite known as “Dione B” near the L4 point of Dione-Saturn, (3) the satellites associated with the L4 and L5 points of Tethys-Saturn or, alternatively, one satellite unconfortably near the orbit of Tethys, and (4) the F-ring satellites observed by Voyager I.  相似文献   

Tides raised by a satellite on a rotating planet dissipate energy and result in an exchange of angular momentum between the orbit and the spin. A set of diagrams is constructed which shows the evolution of the angular momentum vectors. The results are applied to possible histories of the Uranus system.  相似文献   

This paper shows that there exist two families of periodic solutions of the restrictedN-body problem which are close to large circular orbits of the Kepler problem. These solutions are shown to be of general elliptic type and hence are stable. If the restricted problem admits a symmetry, then there are symmetric periodic solutions which are close to large elliptic orbits of the Kepler problem.  相似文献   

The classical problem of the critical inclination in artificial satellite theory has been extended to the case when a satellite may have an arbitrary, significant mass and the rotation momentum vector is tilted with respect to the symmetry axis of the planet. If the planet’s potential is restricted to the second zonal harmonic, according to the assumptions of the main problem of the satellite theory, two various phenomena can be observed: a critical inclination that asymptotically tends to the well known negligible mass limit, and a critical tilt that can be attributed to the effect of transforming the gravity field harmonics to a different reference frame. Stability of this particular solution of the two rigid bodies problem is studied analytically using a simple pendulum approximation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computer investigation extending to the case of parabolic orbits, an earlier investigation conducted by Barricelli and Metcalfe (1969) on lunar impacts by external low eccentricity satellites as a means to interpret the asymmetric distribution of lunar maria. Parabolic orbits can be approximated by two kinds of objects:
  1. High eccentricity external satellites may, near periapsis, approach the Moon with orbital velocity and other characteristics closely resembling those of a parabolic orbit.
  2. Asteroids and meteoroids approaching the Earth-Moon system with a low velocity may have moved in a nearly parabolic orbit when they reached the lunar distance from the Earth at the time when the impacts which carved the lunar maria took place.
The investigation gives, therefore, not only additional information relevant to the interpretation of the distribution of lunar maria by the satellite impacts hypothesis (in this case high eccentricity ones), but also information about the alternative hypothesis (Wood, 1973) that asteroid impacts rather than satellite impacts were involved.  相似文献   

The average angular velocity of the upper atmosphere, which we take as Λ times the Earth's angular velocity, can be evaluated by analysing the changes in the orbital inclinations of satellites. In this paper the nine most suitable orbits now available are analysed and values of Λ are found for heights between 200 and 260 km. The results, which are more accurate than in our previous studies, confirm that Λ 1, i.e. that the atmosphere rotates faster than the Earth at these heights, and show that Λ increases with height, from 1.1 at 210 km to 1.4 at 260 km. This corresponds to mean west-to-east winds of 30 m/s at 210 km, increasing to 130 m/s at 260 km height. Results from one satellite indicate that the wind is probably strongest at times near sunset, with Λ = 1.5 ± 0.1 at 200 km height in August 1966. Comparisons are made with previous observational results and some of the suggested theoretical explanations are outlined.  相似文献   

We consider the main problem in satellite theory restricted to the polar plane. For suitable values of the energy the system has two unstable periodic orbits. We classify the trajectories in terms of their ultimate behavior with respect these periodic orbits in: oscillating, asymptotic and capture orbits. We study the energy level set and the existence and properties of the mentioned types of motion.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the reduction of the equations of motion for non-planar perturbed two body problems into linear form. It is seen that this can be easily accomplished for any element of the class of radial intermediaries to the satellite problem proposed by Deprit in 1981, since they have a functional dependence suitable for linearization. The transformation is worked out by using an adequate set of redundant variables. Four harmonic oscillators are obtained, of which two are coupled through gyroscopic terms. Their constant frequencies contain the secular contribution of the main problem of artificial satellite theory up to the order of the considered intermediary. Therefore, this result may well be interesting in relation to the study and prediction of accurate long-term solutions to satellite problems.  相似文献   

A solution to the orbital motion of an Earth satellite at the critical inclination and with near-zero eccentricity is developed by the von Zeipel method to the first order in the eccentricity, and to the first order in the higher gravitational harmonics, using elements which do not degenerate at zero eccentricity.  相似文献   

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