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Ground water monitoring is considered to be a significant component of the geological service in the U.S.S.R. Currently, the total number of ground water monitoring wells exceeds 30,000. They are divided into two categories, which are the first class, or basic observation wells, and the second class, or auxiliary observation wells. The main objectives of both monitoring networks are briefly described. The general scheme of ground water monitoring organization is also presented.  相似文献   

A new method of reducing Magsat orbits was developed to produce a map of the Kursk magnetic anomaly at satellite altitude. Two different techniques to estimate the direction of magnetization were applied to the components of the anomaly to determine the presence of remanent magnetization. We propose that there is a significant component of remanent magnetization, however, we are unable to determine the importance of remanence relative to induced magnetization.  相似文献   

Long-wavelength anomalies in the total magnetic field measured by Magsat over the United States and adjacent areas are inverted to an equivalent surface layer magnetization distribution. The model is based on an equal-area dipole grid at the Earth's surface. Model resolution, defined as the closest dipole spacing giving a solution having physical significance, is about 220 km for Magsat data in the elevation range 300–550 km. The magnetization contours correlate well with large-scale tectonic provinces. A higher-resolution (200 km) model based on relatively noise-free synthetic “pseudodata” is also presented. An excellent inverse correlation between apparent magnetization and heat flow in the western U.S. is demonstrated. A new regional heat flow map derived indirectly from Magsat data shows nearly all the important thermal anomalies evidenced in previous published maps. Notably, the map predicts high heat flow in Nebraska and the Dakotas, suggesting the presence of a “blind” geothermal area of regional extent.  相似文献   


Standard hydrological methods have been used to evaluate the water resources of a volcanic area that comprises the Lower Basin of the Rio Grande de San Miguel, El Salvador. The area of investigation included study of approximately 645 square kilometers.

The lower San Miguel Basin consists of a faulted valley situated at the base of a series of old and recent volcanoes bounding the valley on the East, a tuff block to the South, and consolidated volcanics (lahars) on the West and North. The valley fill consists of pyroclastics which diminish in particle size with distance from the volcanoes (Lapilli to ash), in the southern portion; however, the pyroclastics may be interbedded with lake deposits.

A principal objective of the evaluation was to assess the feasibility of irrigating 10,000 hectares of the valley. Results based upon the period of study suggest that almost half of the annual precipitation infiltrates into the ground. Of this quantity, about one third is accounted for by the existing hydrological balance between recharge and depletion. The remainder moves from the valley to the San Miguel River as ground-water runoff and, if retained, is sufficient in quantity to meet the full anticipated irrigation demand.  相似文献   

A heat flow isoline map is presented. Low and relatively constant heat flow has been observed in the old shield areas of the East European Platform (25–40 mW/m2). Increased heat flow (>50 mW/m2) has been found in the Dniepr-Donetz depression. The area south of the East European Platform is characterized by highly variable heat flow (55–100 mW/m2). Some geophysical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A series of trenches about a metre deep, 20 to 30 m wide, and as much as 2 km in length occurs in central Wisconsin, along the east shore of proglacial Lake Wisconsin. They are interpreted to be collapse trenches formed when shore ice melted after being buried beneath an expanding outwash plain.  相似文献   

Changes in monthly baseflow across the U.S. Midwest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Characterizing streamflow changes in the agricultural U.S. Midwest is critical for effective planning and management of water resources throughout the region. The objective of this study is to determine if and how baseflow has responded to land alteration and climate changes across the study area during the 50‐year study period by exploring hydrologic variations based on long‐term stream gage data. This study evaluates monthly contributions to annual baseflow along with possible trends over the 1966–2016 period for 458 U.S. Geological Survey streamflow gages within 12 different Midwestern states. It also examines the influence of climate and land use factors on the observed baseflow trends. Monthly contribution breakdowns demonstrate how the majority of baseflow is discharged into streams during the spring months (March, April, and May) and is overall more substantial throughout the spring (especially in April) and summer (June, July, and August). Baseflow has not remained constant over the study period, and the results of the trend detection from the Mann–Kendall test reveal that baseflows have increased and are the strongest from May to September. This analysis is confirmed by quantile regression, which suggests that for most of the year, the largest changes are detected in the central part of the distribution. Although increasing baseflow trends are widespread throughout the region, decreasing trends are few and limited to Kansas and Nebraska. Further analysis reveals that baseflow changes are being driven by both climate and land use change across the region. Increasing trends in baseflow are linked to increases in precipitation throughout the year and are most prominent during May and June. Changes in agricultural intensity (in terms of harvested corn and soybean acreage) are linked to increasing trends in the central and western Midwest, whereas increasing temperatures may lead to decreasing baseflow trends in spring and summer in northern Wisconsin, Kansas, and Nebraska.  相似文献   

Long-range seismic sounding carried out during the last few years on the territory of the U.S.S.R. has shown a basic inhomogeneity of the uppermost mantle, as well as evidence of regularities in the distribution of its seismic parameters. The following data were used: times and apparent velocities of P- and S-waves for investigation of mantle velocities, converted waves for seismic discontinuity model studies and wave attenuation for Q-factor estimation. Strong regularities were distinguished in the distribution of average seismic velocities for the uppermost mantle, in their dependence on the age and type of geostructure and on their position relative to the central part of the continent. Old platforms and the inner part of the continent are marked by velocities under the Mohorovi?i? discontinuity of more than 8.2–8.3 km s?1, young platforms and outer parts of the continent by 8.0–8.2 km s?1, and orogenic and rift zones by 7.8–8.0 km s?1. The difference becomes more pronounced at a depth of about 100–200 km: for the old platform mantle velocities of 8.5–8.6 km s?1 are typical; beneath the orogenic and rift areas, inversion zones with velocities less than 7.8 km s?1 are observed.The converted waves show fine inhomogeneities of the crust and uppermost mantle, the presence of many discontinuities with positive and negative changes of velocity, and anisotropy of seismic waves in some of the layers. Wave attenuation allowed the determination of the Q-factor in the mantle. It varied from one region to another but a close relation between Q and P-wave velocity is the main cause of its variation.  相似文献   

Arsenic concentrations exceeding the U.S. EPA's 10 μg/L standard are common in glacial aquifers in the midwestern United States. Previous studies have indicated that arsenic occurs naturally in these aquifers in association with metal-(hydr)oxides and is released to groundwater under reducing conditions generated by microbial oxidation of organic matter. Despite this delineation of the arsenic source and mechanism of arsenic mobilization, identification of arsenic-impacted aquifers is hindered by the heterogeneous and discontinuous nature of glacial sediments. In much of the Midwest, the hydrostratigraphy of glacial deposits is not sufficiently characterized to predict where elevated arsenic concentrations are likely to occur. This case study from southeast Wisconsin presents a detailed characterization of local stratigraphy, hydrostratigraphy, and geochemistry of the Pleistocene glacial deposits and underlying Silurian dolomite. Analyses of a single core, water chemistry data, and well construction reports enabled identification of two aquifers separated by an organic-rich aquitard. The upper, unconfined aquifer provides potable water, whereas arsenic generally exceeds 10 μg/L in the deeper aquifer. Although coring and detailed hydrostratigraphic characterization are often considered impractical, our results demonstrate that a single core improved interpretation of the complex lithology and hydrostratigraphy. This detailed characterization of hydrostratigraphy facilitated development of well construction guidelines and lays the ground work for further studies of the complex interactions among aquifer sediments, hydrogeology, water chemistry, and microbiology that lead to elevated arsenic in groundwater.  相似文献   

盖尔·诺顿(Gale Norton)3月10日辞职后,布什总统3月16日任命德克·肯普索恩(Dirk Kempthorne)为内政部部长。在内务部最近的改革中,美国地质调查局(USGS)将会有一位新领导。布什打算任命阿拉斯加地质调查局局长、地质学家马克·迈尔斯(Mark Myers)为美国地质调查局新局长。如果参议院批准这项任命,迈尔斯将接替现任代理局长帕克里克·莱希(Patrick Learhy)。自查理·格罗特(Charles Groat)2005年6月辞职后,他一直代理这个职务将近一年了。美国地质调查局发言人说,在总统的任命批准前,莱希对此不打算发表意见。现任阿拉斯加地质与地球…  相似文献   

In the period up to about 1965 the stations of the Soviet seismic network distributed throughout the regions of the U.S.S.R. had increased in number to in excess of one hundred. In order that the data provided by such stations could be applied to the study of the earth's structure rather than merely regional problems, and to the determination of the seismic character of the territory of the U.S.S.R. as a whole, it became necessary to institute the Unified System of Seismic Observations (USSO) of the U.S.S.R. The standardization of data and organization of the stations into a system of base and regional stations and also into zonal networks, covering specific seismic zones of the U.S.S.R., has been effected within the USSO. Currently the USSO consists of 215 stations mostly equipped with high-sensitivity instruments with magnifications of 20–50,000 and dynamic ranges of 35–40 dB. To exploit the large volume of observational data obtained through the system it is necessary to devise a programme for the transmission, processing and storage of data on the necessary scale. In the present paper we describe the methods which have been adopted and those which are in the course of development for such a programme in the U.S.S.R.  相似文献   

Hibbs BJ  Darling BK 《Ground water》2005,43(5):750-763
Intermontane basins in the Trans-Pecos region of westernmost Texas and northern Chihuahua, Mexico, are target areas for disposal of interstate municipal sludge and have been identified as possible disposal sites for low-level radioactive waste. Understanding ground water movement within and between these basins is needed to assess potential contaminant fate and movement. Four associated basin aquifers are evaluated and classified; the Red Light Draw Aquifer, the Northwest Eagle Flat Aquifer, the Southeast Eagle Flat Aquifer, and the El Cuervo Aquifer. Encompassed on all but one side by mountains and local divides, the Red Light Draw Aquifer has the Rio Grande as an outlet for both surface drainage and ground water discharge. The river juxtaposed against its southern edge, the basin is classified as a topographically open, through-flowing basin. The Northwest Eagle Flat Aquifer is classified as a topographically closed and drained basin because surface drainage is to the interior of the basin and ground water discharge occurs by interbasin ground water flow. Mountains and ground water divides encompass this basin aquifer on all sides; yet, depth to ground water in the interior of the basin is commonly >500 feet. Negligible ground water discharge within the basin indicates that ground water discharges from the basin by vertical flow and underflow to a surrounding basin or basins. The most likely mode of discharge is by vertical, cross-formational flow to underlying Permian rocks that are more porous and permeable and subsequent flow along regional flowpaths beneath local ground water divides. The Southeast Eagle Flat Aquifer is classified as a topographically open and drained basin because surface drainage and ground water discharge are to the adjacent Wildhorse Flat area. Opposite the Eagle Flat and Red Light Draw aquifers is the El Cuervo Aquifer of northern Chihuahua, Mexico. The El Cuervo Aquifer has interior drainage to Laguna El Cuervo, which is a phreatic playa that also serves as a focal point of ground water discharge. Our evidence suggests that El Cuervo Aquifer may lose a smaller portion of its discharge by interbasin ground water flow to Indian Hot Springs, near the Rio Grande. Thus, El Cuervo Aquifer is a topographically closed basin that is either partially drained if a component of its ground water discharge reaches Indian Hot Springs or undrained if all its natural ground water discharge is to Laguna El Cuervo.  相似文献   

美国PBO计划:钻孔应变仪台网遭遇挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PBO(Plate Boundary Observatory)计划专门设计了一批钻孔应变仪台.网,在数百米距离内,安装2~3台仪器,以研究钻孔应变仪如何响应构造活动的信号,以及局部因素会造成何种干扰.本文收集了6个这样的台网的资料,给出了所有仪器数年的记录曲线,并对观测结果显示的地壳应变场做了简要的分析对比,发现6个试...  相似文献   

Time patterns of karst denudation in northwest Georgia (U.S.A.) were investigated at three spring sites for 12 months and at five stream sites for 10 years. Rainfall was evenly distributed and showed no significant seasonality. At the springs, as well as the streams, water hardness was largely controlled by discharge. At the springs, soil pCO2 and water pH were strongly correlated (r + -0·69 to -0·83). Solute transport in spring waters was highly seasonal, with two conduit flow springs removing more limestone in the winter, and the diffuse flow spring removing more during the growing season. At the stream sites, most denudation occurred during the winter and spring seasons, and least during the summer. Fourier analysis showed that variations in denudation occur on deterministic (long-wave) as well as stochastic (shortwave) time scales. As contributing variables, discharge varied in short-wave and long-wave cycles, whereas soil pCO2 showed only a long-wave cycle. The 12 month deterministic cycles were the most important, with changes in discharge taking precedence over soil pCO2. Time series regression explains up to 69 per cent of changes in denudation through rain and soil pCO2. Time cycles in available water are the key controlling factor of denudation, and amounts of available soil CO2 may not be as important in the temporal patterns of karst downwearing as has been believed previously.  相似文献   

The geomorphological effects of cattle on streambanks in a humid region, which have consequent potential effects on water quality, are examined. Field observations suggest that cattle are important agents in causing streambanks to erode, but so many variables are involved that it is difficult to isolate the role of cattle. Instead, an empirical approach based on long-term controlled experiment was adopted along a small perennial stream in the Central Basin of Tennessee. The results showed that uncontrolled grazing caused about six times as much gross bank erosion as occurred on the protected control stretch. However, most of this difference was due to breakdown of banks by trampling and consequent erosion, rather than by bank scour caused by removal of bank vegetation by grazing. That is, bank vegetation alone did not appear to be a primary control. A relatively inexpensive grade-control structure reduced the gross bank erosion by about 50 per cent. The rapid destruction of streambanks observed in this study suggests that reduction of geomorphic resistance by uncontrolled stock access to streambanks has been an important factor in the stream widening that has taken place during historical time in the eastern United States.  相似文献   

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