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Error analyses of CHAMP data for recovery of the Earth’s gravity field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A preliminary commission error analysis whereby orbit perturbation theory and other techniques are used to assess and predict the recovery of the Earths gravity field from the challenging microsatellite payload (CHAMP) mission is developed and implemented. With CHAMP launched in July 2000, accumulated evidence is now available to quantify the errors in the recovery procedure including the orbital precision from GPS, attitude errors, accelerometer noise and thruster mismatch/misalignment. For the latter, numerical integrations using a variable length single-step Runge–Kutta integrator and a fixed length multi-step method are compared to assess the error associated with assuming that the thruster misalignment can be spread uniformly across a step interval. Error degree variances from simulated studies are compared to results from a recently released CHAMP-based gravity field, EIGEN-1S. It is seen that the orbital positioning, as derived from the onboard GPS receiver, is critical, with accelerometer noise contributing at a lower level. Attitude error, at currently quoted accuracy, is not significant as an error source. AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the UK Natural Environment Research Council (Grant No. NER/A/0000/00612) for financing this study and GFZ for supplying the data and technical support.  相似文献   

The satellite digital vegetation index data has been correlated with the forest growing stock by fitting linear regression models. The goodness of fit was tested. The analysis showed that the vegetation index which is the ratio of reflectance of vegetation in near infrared band to red wave band of electromagnetic spectrum is highly correlated to forest growing stock and the same can be used to predict the volume in remote forest areas for quick assessment purpose. Implications for future forest inventory are discussed.  相似文献   

Indian Remote Sensing Satellite-1A (IRS-1A) LISS-II data of 24th Nov., 1988 was analysed digitally to differentiate three density classes viz. dense/closed forest, open forest and degraded forest within each vegetation type in the district, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal. Stratification approach was used to classify separately forest cover into pure sal forests, mixed forests, riverine forests along with man-made sal/teak plantations. In this approach the forested and non-forested areas were classified separately through supervised classification techniques using maximum likelihood algorithm using VAX 11/780 based VIPS-32 Image Processing software. Later the two classified outputs were composited to provide entire area of the district. The forest cover of the district was 1420.89 sq. km, (22.82 percent). Other broad landuse/landcover dominant in the district include agricultural areas.(45.20 percent) and tea gardens (10.49 percent). The accuracy of the classified output was estimated to be 90 percent for forested areas and 85 percent in case of other landuse/landcover classes.  相似文献   

Canopy shadowing mediated by topography is an important source of radiometric distortion on remote sensing images of rugged terrain. Topographic correction based on the sun–canopy–sensor (SCS) model significantly improved over those based on the sun–terrain–sensor (STS) model for surfaces with high forest canopy cover, because the SCS model considers and preserves the geotropic nature of trees. The SCS model accounts for sub-pixel canopy shadowing effects and normalizes the sunlit canopy area within a pixel. However, it does not account for mutual shadowing between neighboring pixels. Pixel-to-pixel shadowing is especially apparent for fine resolution satellite images in which individual tree crowns are resolved. This paper proposes a new topographic correction model: the sun–crown–sensor (SCnS) model based on high-resolution satellite imagery (IKONOS) and high-precision LiDAR digital elevation model. An improvement on the C-correction logic with a radiance partitioning method to address the effects of diffuse irradiance is also introduced (SCnS + C). In addition, we incorporate a weighting variable, based on pixel shadow fraction, on the direct and diffuse radiance portions to enhance the retrieval of at-sensor radiance and reflectance of highly shadowed tree pixels and form another variety of SCnS model (SCnS + W). Model evaluation with IKONOS test data showed that the new SCnS model outperformed the STS and SCS models in quantifying the correlation between terrain-regulated illumination factor and at-sensor radiance. Our adapted C-correction logic based on the sun–crown–sensor geometry and radiance partitioning better represented the general additive effects of diffuse radiation than C parameters derived from the STS or SCS models. The weighting factor Wt also significantly enhanced correction results by reducing within-class standard deviation and balancing the mean pixel radiance between sunlit and shaded slopes. We analyzed these improvements with model comparison on the red and near infrared bands. The advantages of SCnS + C and SCnS + W on both bands are expected to facilitate forest classification and change detection applications.  相似文献   

Irrigation infrastructure development for smallholder farmers in developing countries increasingly gains attention in the light of domestic food security and poverty alleviation. However, these complex landscapes with small cultivated plots pose a challenge with regard to mapping and monitoring irrigated agriculture. This study presents an object-based approach to map irrigated agriculture in an area in the Central Rift Valley in Ethiopia using SPOT6 imagery. The study is a proof-of-concept that the use of shape, texture, neighbour and location information next to spectral information is beneficial for the classification of irrigated agriculture. The underlying assumption is that the application of irrigation has a positive effect on crop growth throughout the field, following the field's borders, which is detectable in an object-based approach. The type of agricultural system was also mapped, distinguishing smallholder farming and modern large-scale agriculture. Irrigated agriculture was mapped with an overall accuracy of 94% and a kappa coefficient of 0.85. Producer's and user's accuracies were on average 90.6% and 84.2% respectively. The distinction between smallholder farming and large-scale agriculture was identified with an overall accuracy of 95% and a kappa coefficient of 0.88. The classifications were performed at the field level, since the segmentation was able to adequately delineate individual fields. The additional use of object features proved essential for the identification of cropland plots, irrigation period and type of agricultural system. This method is independent of expert knowledge on crop phenology and absolute spectral values. The proposed method is useful for the assessment of spatio-temporal dynamics of irrigated (smallholder) agriculture in complex landscapes and yields a basis for land and water managers on agricultural water use.  相似文献   

This paper integrates genetic algorithm and neural network techniques to build new temporal predicting analysis tools for geographic information system (GIS). These new GIS tools can be readily applied in a practical and appropriate manner in spatial and temporal research to patch the gaps in GIS data mining and knowledge discovery functions. The specific achievement here is the integration of related artificial intelligent technologies into GIS software to establish a conceptual spatial and temporal analysis framework. And, by using this framework to develop an artificial intelligent spatial and temporal information analyst (ASIA) system which then is fully utilized in the existing GIS package. This study of air pollutants forecasting provides a geographical practical case to prove the rationalization and justness of the conceptual temporal analysis framework.  相似文献   

Geological studies in the area around Badami, Bijapur District, Karnataka, were carried out with the help of Landsat imagery and aerial photographs. The study are forms a part Kaladgi Basin which is located on the northernmost fringes of the exposed Dharwar Craton. Archaen Peninsular Gneiss and intrusive Granodiorite/Granites (≈Clospet Granite) form the basement for the Middle to Late Proterozoic Kaladgi Super Group sediments which are, in turn, overlain in the north by the Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene Deccan flood basalt lavas. Geological mapping of the study area and inferences about the structural setup were primarily based on interpretation of the remotely sensed data. The combined interpretative study of Landsat imagery and aerial photographs was instrumental in mapping of the lithostratigraphic units exposed in the study area along with the structures associated with them.  相似文献   

Climate variation and land transformations related to exploitative land uses are among the main drivers of vegetation productivity decline and ongoing land degradation in East Africa. We combined analysis of vegetation trends and cumulative rain use efficiency differences (CRD), calculated from 250-m MODIS NDVI time-series data, to map vegetation productivity loss over eastern Africa between 2001 and 2011. The CRD index values were furthermore used to discern areas of particular severe vegetation productivity loss over the observation period. Monthly 25-km Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data metrics were used to mask areas of rainfall declines not related to human-induced land productivity loss. To provide insights on the productivity decline, we linked the MODIS-based vegetation productivity map to land transformation processes using very high resolution (VHR) imagery in Google Earth (GE) and a Landsat-based land-cover change map. In total, 3.8 million ha experienced significant vegetation loss over the monitoring period. An overall agreement of 68% was found between the rainfall-corrected MODIS productivity decline map and all reference pixels discernable from GE and the Landsat map. The CRD index showed a good potential to discern areas with ‘severe’ vegetation productivity losses under high land-use intensities.  相似文献   

A user group of the Surveying and Mapping Agencies (SMA) of the Federal States of Germany tested several datasets for the derivation of high-quality Digital Terrain Models (DTM) which were collected by laser scanning. Since the results were very promising, a standard procedure for verification and handling of the data was proposed. Because the ground points that are delivered by the contractor are the result of an automated filtering process, final editing is necessary to correct remaining misclassifications. This can be carried out using photogrammetric stereo models or through comparison of the results with large scale topographic maps. Both approaches lead to a high-quality DTM with much shorter production time and less costs as compared to the photogrammetric methods used up to now.  相似文献   

The significance of neotectonic lineaments for groundwater prospecting was studied for the area around Bhinmal — a semi-arid part of Thar desert. The application of Directional Filtering procedures on IRS LISS I Band 4 digital image of the study area revealed NE-SW, NW-SE and E-W trending lineaments which are very subtle and in two cases, even unnoticed otherwise. The use of exploratory borehole lithologs and field evidences indicated that the identified lineaments are long rectilinear buried and partly exposed channels and the intersection zones are characterised by thick lenses of coarse sand and gravel. These buried channels and zones of coarse sediments thus represent potential sites for the accumulation of freshwater during rain. The present work has highlighted the suitability of Directional Filtering procedures for lineament mapping and buried channel studies in a desertic terrain.  相似文献   

Forest structure at stand level plays a key role for sustainable forest management, since the biodiversity, productivity, growth and stability of the forest can be positively influenced by managing its structural diversity. In contrast to field-based measurements, remote sensing techniques offer a cost-efficient opportunity to collect area-wide information about forest stand structure with high spatial and temporal resolution. Especially Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), which facilitates worldwide acquisition of 3d information independent from weather conditions and illumination, is convenient to capture forest stand structure. This study purposes an unsupervised two-stage clustering approach for forest structure classification based on height information derived from interferometric X-band SAR data which was performed in complex temperate forest stands of Traunstein forest (South Germany). In particular, a four dimensional input data set composed of first-order height statistics was non-linearly projected on a two-dimensional Self-Organizing Map, spatially ordered according to similarity (based on the Euclidean distance) in the first stage and classified using the k-means algorithm in the second stage. The study demonstrated that X-band InSAR data exhibits considerable capabilities for forest structure classification. Moreover, the unsupervised classification approach achieved meaningful and reasonable results by means of comparison to aerial imagery and LiDAR data.  相似文献   

Remote sensing-based timber volume estimation is key for modelling the regional potential, accessibility and price of lignocellulosic raw material for an emerging bioeconomy. We used a unique wall-to-wall airborne LiDAR dataset and Landsat 7 satellite images in combination with terrestrial inventory data derived from the National Forest Inventory (NFI), and applied generalized additive models (GAM) to estimate spatially explicit timber distribution and volume in forested areas. Since the NFI data showed an underlying structure regarding size and ownership, we additionally constructed a socio-economic predictor to enhance the accuracy of the analysis. Furthermore, we balanced the training dataset with a bootstrap method to achieve unbiased regression weights for interpolating timber volume. Finally, we compared and discussed the model performance of the original approach (r2 = 0.56, NRMSE = 9.65%), the approach with balanced training data (r2 = 0.69, NRMSE = 12.43%) and the final approach with balanced training data and the additional socio-economic predictor (r2 = 0.72, NRMSE = 12.17%). The results demonstrate the usefulness of remote sensing techniques for mapping timber volume for a future lignocellulose-based bioeconomy.  相似文献   

Mapping a specific crop using single date multi-spectral imagery remains a challenging task because vegetation spectral responses are considerably similar. The use of multi-temporal images helps to discriminate specific crops as the classifier can make use of the uniqueness in the temporal evolution of the spectral responses of the different vegetated classes. However, one major concern in multi-temporal studies is the selection of optimum dates for the discrimination of crops as the use of all available temporal dates can be counterproductive. In this study this concern was addressed by selecting the best 2, 3, 4… combinations dates. This was done by conducting a separability analysis between the spectral response of the class of interest (here, sugarcane-ratoon) and non-interest classes. For this analysis, we used time series LISS-III and AWiFS sensors data that were classified using Possibilistic c-Means (PCM). This fuzzy classifier can extract single class sub-pixel information. The end result of this study was the detection of best (optimum) temporal dates for discriminating a specific crop, sugarcane-ratoon. An accuracy of 92.8 % was achieved for extracting ratoon crop using AWiFS data whereas the optimum temporal LISS-III data provided a least entropy of 0.437. Such information can be used by agricultural department in selecting an optimum number of strategically placed temporal images in the crop growing season for discriminating the specific crop accurately.  相似文献   

Soils of part of Ukai‐kakarapar Command area, Gujarat (India) have been mapped at 1:25, 000 scale using aerial photographs of December 1977. It was observed that about 36.3% of the area was affected by soil salinity/alkalinity. The test area has been remapped using Salyut‐7 space photographs taken during Indo‐Soviet joint flight in April, 1984. The area affected by soil salinity/alkalinity was found to be substantially higher (80.3%). The earlier mapping using aerial photographs was done when the soil surface was compartively moist (December 1977) as compared to date of Salyut‐7 photography (April 1984), when the soil surface was likely to be devoid of moisture and the salts moved to the surface. To have easy comparision with the map prepared by using aerial photographs, Landsat TM data of December, 1985 was used in which 45.7% of the total area was mapped as salt affected. The extent of area delineated using Landsat TM was higher than that of 1977 but much lesser than the area delineated using Salyut‐7 (MKF‐6M) photographs. This indicated that the increase in the extent of salt affected area in the map prepared using the MKF‐6M photographs might be partly due to actual increase in the salinity/alkalinity and partly due to the seasonal affects. Among the various bands of MKF‐6M, band ‐4 was found to be the best for delineating the salt affected soils. The boundaries were sharper in the FCC and band No.4 of MKF‐6M than in the aerial photographs.  相似文献   

This article describes the processing strategy and the validation results of CODE’s MGEX (COM) orbit and satellite clock solution, including the satellite systems GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, and QZSS. The validation with orbit misclosures and SLR residuals shows that the orbits of the new systems Galileo, BeiDou, and QZSS are affected by modelling deficiencies with impact on the orbit scale (e.g., antenna calibration, Earth albedo, and transmitter antenna thrust). Another weakness is the attitude and solar radiation pressure (SRP) modelling of satellites moving in the orbit normal mode—which is not yet correctly considered in the COM solution. Due to these issues, we consider the current state COM solution as preliminary. We, however, use the long-time series of COM products for identifying the challenges and for the assessment of model-improvements. The latter is demonstrated on the example of the solar radiation pressure (SRP) model, which has been replaced by a more generalized model. The SLR validation shows that the new SRP model significantly improves the orbit determination of Galileo and QZSS satellites at times when the satellite’s attitude is maintained by yaw-steering. The impact of this orbit improvement is also visible in the estimated satellite clocks—demonstrating the potential use of the new generation satellite clocks for orbit validation. Finally, we point out further challenges and open issues affecting multi-GNSS data processing that deserves dedicated studies.  相似文献   

It is necessary to estimate heavy metal concentrations within soils for understanding heavy metal contaminations and for keeping the sustainable developments of ecosystems. This study, with the floodplain along Le’an River and its two branches in Jiangxi Province of China as a case study, aimed to explore the feasibility of estimating concentrations of heavy metal lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) within soils using laboratory-based hyperspectral data. Thirty soil samples were collected, and their hyperspectral data, soil organic matters and Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations were measured in the laboratory. The potential relations among hyperspectral data, soil organic matter and Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations were explored and further used to estimate Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations from hyperspectral data with soil organic matter as a bridge. The results showed that the ratio of the first-order derivatives of spectral absorbance at wavelengths 624 and 564 nm could explain 52% of the variation of soil organic matter; the soil organic matter could explain 59%, 51% and 50% of the variation of Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations with estimated standard errors of 1.41, 48.27 and 45.15 mg·kg?; and the absolute estimation errors were 8%–56%, 12%–118% and 2%–22%, and 50%, 67% and 100% of them were less than 25% for Pb, Cu and Zn concentration estimations. We concluded that the laboratory-based hyperspectral data hold potentials in estimating concentrations of heavy metal Pb, Cu and Zn in soils. More sampling points or other potential linear and non-linear regression methods should be used for improving the stabilities and accuracies of the estimation models.  相似文献   

In this study, we compare three commonly used methods for hyperspectral image classification, namely Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Gaussian Processes (GPs) and the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM). We assess their performance in combination with different kernels (i.e. which use distance-based and angle-based metrics). The assessment is done in two experiments, under ideal conditions in the laboratory and, separately, in the field (an operational open pit mine) using natural light. For both experiments independent training and test sets are used. Results show that GPs generally outperform the SVMs, irrespective of the kernel used. Furthermore, angle-based methods, including the Spectral Angle Mapper, outperform GPs and SVMs when using distance-based (i.e. stationary) kernels in the field experiment. A new GP method using an angle-based (i.e. a non-stationary) kernel – the Observation Angle Dependent (OAD) covariance function – outperforms SAM and SVMs in both experiments using only a small number of training spectra. These findings show that distance-based kernels are more affected by changes in illumination between the training and test set than are angular-based methods/kernels. Taken together, this study shows that independent training data can be used for classification of hyperspectral data in the field such as in open pit mines, by using Bayesian machine-learning methods and non-stationary kernels such as GPs and the OAD kernel. This provides a necessary component for automated classifications, such as autonomous mining where many images have to be classified without user interaction.  相似文献   

The availability of Very High Resolution (VHR) optical sensors and a growing image archive that is frequently updated, allows the use of change detection in post-disaster recovery and monitoring for robust and rapid results. The proposed semi-automated GIS object-based method uses readily available pre-disaster GIS data and adds existing knowledge into the processing to enhance change detection. It also allows targeting specific types of changes pertaining to similar man-made objects such as buildings and critical facilities. The change detection method is based on pre/post normalized index, gradient of intensity, texture and edge similarity filters within the object and a set of training data. More emphasis is put on the building edges to capture the structural damage in quantifying change after disaster. Once the change is quantified, based on training data, the method can be used automatically to detect change in order to observe recovery over time in potentially large areas. Analysis over time can also contribute to obtaining a full picture of the recovery and development after disaster, thereby giving managers a better understanding of productive management and recovery practices. The recovery and monitoring can be analyzed using the index in zones extending from to epicentre of disaster or administrative boundaries over time.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the applicability of a black‐and‐white visible‐infrared sensitive video camera, filtered to record radiation in the 1.45–2.0 μm mid‐infrared (MIR) spectral region, for detecting burning wood coals. Airbome imagery of a burned rangeland area and a wood fire at a dump site showed that hot spots (smoldering wood coals) could be delineated from other landscape features. MIR video imagery should be useful to detect burning wood coals at temperatures as low as 900K. These results indicate that the MIR video system may be a potential tool to aid wild‐land managers in the thermal analysis of wildfires.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(4):300-307


The use of soundscapes on digital maps in order to enrich our experience of the map use has been recognized as a part of other multimedia components in several previous research projects. The study described in this paper was conducted as part of ongoing research projects aiming to develop mobile and web applications for outdoor activities. The research describes the aims of finding new kinds of ways of communicating spatial information, even to those who are visually impaired, and, in general, to provide map users with a profounder use experience. The paper reviews previous studies and describes the sonic map implementations accomplished to date. The implementation examples presented cover a hiking use case in a national park. Sonic maps can help the users to plan their hike in advance and further provide those who are not able to visit the park with a multimodal experience of the atmosphere. Finally, conclusions are given and possible improvements for the future are discussed.  相似文献   

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