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The interpretation of airborne VLF data represents an important aspect of geophysical mapping of the upper few hundred meters of the Earth's crust, especially in areas with crystalline rocks. We have examined the ability of the single frequency VLF method to provide quantitative subsurface resistivity information using two generic models and standard airborne parameters with a flight altitude of 70 m and a frequency of 16 kHz. The models are long thin conductor (10 m thick, 10 Ω m resistivity and 1 km long) and a wider buried conductive dike (100 Ω m resistivity and 500 m wide). Using standard regularized inversion it turned out that for both models the conductivity of the conductors are underestimated and the vertical resolution is rather poor. The lateral positions of the minimum of the resistivity distributions coincide well with the true positions of the shallow conductors. For deeper conductors the position of the minimum resistivity moves from the edges of the conductor into the conductor. The depth to the minimum of the resistivity anomalies correlates well with the true depth to the top of the conductors although the latter is always smaller than the former.Interpretation of field airborne data collected at 70 m flight height resolved both small scale and large scale near surface conductors (conductance ∼1 S). Deeper conductors show up in the VLF data as very long wavelength anomalies that are particularly powerful in delineating the lateral boundaries of the conductors. Many of the VLF anomalies in the Stockholm area are dominated by these deep conductor responses with some near surface conductors superimposed. The deep conductors often follow topographic lows coinciding with metasediments. We interpret the frequent absence of near surface responses at 70 m flight height as a result of weak coupling between the primary VLF wave and the small scale (in all three dimensions) near-surface conductors.Radio magnetotelluric (RMT) ground measurements were carried out along a short profile coinciding with part of an airborne profile. Using data at 9 frequencies (14–250 kHz) small scale conductors in the upper few tens of meters, not identified from the airborne data, could be well resolved. Large scale deeper conductors could be identified by both methods at nearly the same positions.  相似文献   

A comparative study is made of the stepped structure of atmospherics during sunrise and sunset hours at three harmonically related frequencies in the VLF band, observed at the coast of the Bay of Bengal. The occurrences of the steps, their duration, time sequence and amplitudes are critically examined. Our analysis reveals that the start times of the third and second steps of the sunrise effect are always before ground sunrise, while the start of the main step is distributed on both sides of it. During sunset hours, the onset time of the main step is before the local ground sunset, but for the second and third steps, the onset times are after that. The results are interpreted by considering the multi-hop propagation as well as the distributed noise sources surrounding the observing site.  相似文献   

Very low frequency electromagnetic (EM) methods using VLF transmitters have found many applications in subsurface geophysical investigations. Surface measurements involving both the vertical component of the magnetic field (VLF-EM or VLF-Z) and of the apparent resistivity (VLF-R) are increasingly common. Although extensive VLF data sets have been successfully used for mapping purposes, modelling and interpretation techniques which asess the third (i.e. depth) dimension appear limited.Given a profile of VLF-R measurements the main purpose of the present study is to demonstrate an automatic method for the construction of a resistivity cross-section. The technique used is one of a new generation of regularised inversion methods. These techniques attempt to overcome the problem of equivalence/non-uniqueness in EM sounding data by constructing the resistivity distribution with the minimum amount of structure that fits the data.VLF data represent a special case of plane-wave EM sounding in that they conform, in practice, to a single-frequency technique. This fact imposes a limitation in the amount of vertical resolution that we can expect using such data. In the case of two-dimensional modelling and inversion, resolution through the cross-section is a resultant attribute from both vertical and lateral resistivity gradients within the subsurface. In order to provide insight into the practical application of regularised inversion techniques to VLF data, both synthetic and field examples are considered. Both sets of examples are primarily concerned with VLF data applied to near-surface fault mapping where the main aim is to assess the location, dip and depth extent of conductive subsurface features.  相似文献   

The attitude angles of an aeroplane used for geophysical measurements are necessary in order to calculate field components in a fixed reference frame. In this paper it is shown analytically how the measurement of static magnetic field components can be used to determine the attitude angles. Error analysis shows that when magnetic anomalies are small to moderate (less than 5% of the total field), the attitude angles can be determined to within a few degrees at high latitudes. For a given area the maximum error is linearly related to the magnitude of the anomaly. The technique is illustrated on a tensor VLF data set from an area in Sweden with local magnetic anomalies less than 1% of the regional total magnetic field. Attitude errors propagated into tensor VLF transfer functions are of the same order as their random errors.  相似文献   

Summary The ELF-VLF experiment onboard the Interkosmos 10 satellite consisted mainly of a broadband receiver covering the frequency range from 20 Hz to 22 kHz. The signal level in this broad band has also been measured, as well as the level in two narrow bands with centre frequencies of 720 Hz and 4 kHz. The electric component of the ELF-VLF fields has been measured by using an electric dipole antenna, 2.35 m in length. The purpose of this paper is to characterise the data obtained by the broadband RTT transmissions at the Panská Ves station during the seven-months active period of the satellite. The spectral analysis of all broad-band ELF-VLF recordings has been used. Examples of some typical phenomena, most frequently observed at different invariant latitudes are given.  相似文献   

全球电离层VLF电场功率谱特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析2006年3月至2009年2月DEMETER卫星VLF电场功率谱数据发现,卫星高度上全球电离层电场功率谱有以下特征:高纬度区域电场辐射强度平均高于低纬度区域,几个地磁场异常区相应的电场辐射增强;全球电场功率谱,向阳侧强于夜侧,大陆强于海洋,夏季强于分点季,冬季最弱;不同频段的电场功率谱特征有显著差异,某些频段的功率...  相似文献   

Airborne very low frequency (VLF) data are routinely collected by national agencies and commercial companies together with other passive geophysical measurements of the static magnetic field and radiometric data. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that both standard three-component VLF and tensor VLF (TVLF) data contain a lot of useful quantitative and qualitative information about the electrical conductivity distribution in the upper few hundred meters of the crystalline basement. We first give a new derivation of the fundamental transfer functions (the tipper) used in the TVLF technique. We then show that the tipper can be estimated from simultaneous measurements of the wave magnetic fields from at least two transmitters with somewhat different frequencies, and present a simple model by which the maximum error introduced by the difference in frequencies can be found. Single transmitter scalar VLF maps emphasise those conductive structures that have dominant strikes in the direction of the transmitter. Multiple transmitter transfer functions are dependent only upon the underlying conductivity structure. Two dimensional structures can be quantitatively modelled by modern inversion methods developed originally for deep electromagnetic magnetotelluric (MT) soundings. In such cases three-component VLF measurements can be modelled easily upon appropriate rotation of the co-ordinate system to “strike” co-ordinates. Single frequency transfer functions (tippers) have real and imaginary parts that carry information on not only lateral contrasts in conductivity, as usually stated in text books, but, taken together, they provide a robust tool for determining the background conductivity level away from distinct conductors, and they can also be used to discriminate between deep and shallow conductors. Based upon simulations using multi-frequency data, it can be concluded that such a new development would dramatically increase the resolving power of airborne VLF measurements.  相似文献   

The manner in which the dynamics of geoelectric earth inhomogeneities can be studied using receiving lines oriented in different directions at a single site is considered. It is shown that the presence of a local geoelectric inhomogeneity allows monitoring the state of electric conductivity in the earth by observation of the telluric tensor. We quote results from long-continued monitoring of the electrotelluric tensor in Kamchatka. The tensor’s behavior showed an appreciable anomaly, which may have been related to great (magnitude 8.2 and 8.3) earthquakes in the Kuril-Kamchatka region.  相似文献   

强震前ELF/VLF磁场的扰动特征统计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用DEMETER卫星记录的变化磁场数据统计研究了2005—2009年北半球7级以上强震前后空间磁场的扰动特征.在震中±10°范围内利用震前2个月至震后1个月的5年同期观测的ELF/VLF[370~897 Hz]频段磁场功率谱密度数据构建了背景场,定义了表征空间磁场在地震时段相对于背景场的扰动幅度指标.统计研究发现26个强震中42%的地震主要表现为震前磁场扰度幅度逐渐上升,超过3倍标准差,随后在扰度幅度下降过程中发震.35%强震在地震前10天内最大扰动幅度超过3倍标准差,在扰度幅度处于最高值期间发震,震后磁场扰动幅度逐渐回落.23%的强震在震前震后无明显规律.随机事件测试发现在空间天气平静且无强震条件下随机地点上空的磁场无明显的时空演化规律,且随机地点上空的空间磁场相对于背景场的平均扰度幅度很小,最大扰度幅度从未超过2倍标准差,并且没有明显的随时间变化特征.  相似文献   

Rock shear strength plays a fundamental role in volcano flank collapse, yet pertinent data from modern collapse surfaces are rare. Using samples collected from the inferred failure surface of the massive 1980 collapse of Mount St. Helens (MSH), we determined rock shear strength via laboratory tests designed to mimic conditions in the pre-collapse edifice. We observed that the 1980 failure shear surfaces formed primarily in pervasively shattered older dome rocks; failure was not localized in sloping volcanic strata or in weak, hydrothermally altered rocks. Our test results show that rock shear strength under large confining stresses is reduced ∼20% as a result of large quasi-static shear strain, as preceded the 1980 collapse of MSH. Using quasi-3D slope-stability modeling, we demonstrate that this mechanical weakening could have provoked edifice collapse, even in the absence of transiently elevated pore-fluid pressures or earthquake ground shaking. Progressive strength reduction could promote collapses at other volcanic edifices.  相似文献   

区域地电场观测数据分析研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
在对地电场观测方法进行了概要介绍的基础上,利用自己编写的不同台站之间观测数据的相关分析软件和MAPSIS中的谱分析功能,对“首都圈”地区部分台站地电场观测数据进行了分析研究,包括相关性研究和频谱特性研究等。研究结果表明:①在正常观测条件下,小区域地电场台网观测数据有一定的相关性,频谱特性具有一定的相似性;地电场台站之间的观测数据的相关性,似乎与台距有一定的关系;②通过多个台站的相关性分析和频谱特性分析,可以对地电场数据的变化情况如干扰,漂移等进行初步评判和辐助研究。  相似文献   

The Piedmont upland of Maryland has been variously interpreted as a peneplain, a series of peneplains, a surface of marine planation, and a landscape in dynamic equilibrium. These different perspectives of landform evolution are related to different scales of time and space. Both equilibrium and episodic erosion features can be recognized in the modern landscape. An equilibrium condition is suggested by adjustment of first and second order streams to rock structure and lithology, entrenchment of some streams against gneiss domes, altitudinal zonation of rock types around gneiss domes, correlation of lithology with overburden thickness on uplands, decreasing overburden thickness on uplands related to decreasing degree of metamorphism of crystalline rocks, and correlation of secondary mineral assemblages with subsurface drainage and slope. The long-term episodic character of erosion is suggested by clastic wedges on the adjacent Coastal Plain, an upland of low relief that truncates non-carbonate rocks of different lithologies, isovolumetric chemical weathering of alumino-silicate rocks, clastic deposition in marble valleys, and weathering profile truncation by modern drainage. The Maryland Piedmont may have been an area of positive relief subject to subaerial erosion since Triassic and possibly Permian time. The upland surface preserved in the eastern Piedmont developed by the Late Cretaceous. In the interval from the Late Cretaceous to the Late Miocene, low input of terrigenous sediments to the Coastal Plain, dominance of marine sedimentation, and spotty evidence of saprolite formation on crystalline rocks, suggest that the Maryland Piedmont was an area of low relief undergoing intense weathering. Incised valleys were formed during a cycle of erosion probably initiated in the Late Miocene and extensive colluvial sediments were deposited on hillslopes by periglacial processes during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Experimental observations of the daytime variations of VLF phase and amplitude over a variety of long subionospheric paths have been found to be satisfactorily modelled with a D-region ionosphere, described by the two traditional parameters, H′ and β (being measures of the ionospheric height and the rate of increase of electron density with height, respectively). This VLF radio modelling uses the NOSC Earth–ionosphere waveguide programs but with an experimentally deduced dependence of these two ionospheric parameters on solar zenith angle. Phase and amplitude measurements from several VLF Omega and MSK stations were compared with calculations from the programs LWPC and Modefinder using values of H′ and β determined previously from amplitude only data. This led to refined curves for the diurnal variations of H′ and β which, when used in these programs, give not only calculated amplitudes but also, for the first time, calculated phase variations that agree well with a series of observations at Dunedin, New Zealand, of VLF signals from Omega Japan, Omega Hawaii, NPM (Hawaii) and NLK (Seattle) covering a frequency range of 10–25 kHz.  相似文献   

We present a 2-D inversion code incorporating a damped least-squares and a minimum-model approach for plane wave electromagnetic (EM) methods using an adaptive unstructured grid finite element forward operator. Unstructured triangular grids permit efficient discretization of arbitrary 2-D model geometries and, hence, allow for modeling arbitrary topography. The inversion model is parameterized on a coarse parameter grid which constitutes a subset of the forward modeling grid. The mapping from parameter to forward modeling grid is obtained by adaptive mesh refinement. Sensitivities are determined by solving a modified sensitivity equation system arising from the derivative of the finite element equations with respect to the model parameters. Firstly, we demonstrate that surface topography may induce significant effects on the EM response and in the inversion result, and that it cannot be ignored when the scale length of topographic variations is in the order of magnitude of the skin depth. Secondly, the dependency of the inversion on the starting model is discussed for VLF and VLF-R data. Thirdly, we demonstrate the inversion of a synthetic data set obtained from a model with topography. Finally, the inversion approach is applied to field data collected in a region with undulating topography.  相似文献   

This paper describes the tectonic setting, structure and evolution of the Kaiemraveem volcanic field in the Chukchi Peninsula; the field contains a major gold-silver deposit (Kupol) and several promising fields of similar mineralization (together they form the Kaiemraveem ore region). It is shown that specific modes of structure generation were operative during the three main phases of volcanism. A paleovolcanological reconstruction of the volcanic field is suggested.  相似文献   

Downward continuation is a useful tool in the processing of potential field data, which can effectively enhance weak anomalies and identify overlap anomalies, but we all know that the computation of downward continuation is unstable, and easily distorts the true feature of potential field data. Because the computation of upward continuation and horizontal derivatives is stable, we proposed using the combination of upward continuation and horizontal derivative to accomplish the downward continuation of potential field data. The proposed method is demonstrated on synthetic potential field data, and the results show that the proposed method can finish the downward continuation of the data stably and precisely, and the precision of the proposed method is higher than the traditional method. We also apply it to real potential field data, and the results show that the proposed method accomplishes the downward continuation of the real data stably.  相似文献   

A field study site was installed in east‐central Pennsylvania to examine processes controlling groundwater recharge. It was instrumented to monitor climatic inputs, soil water dynamics and groundwater response. Characterization of the layered fractured bedrock underlying the site by rock coring, seismic surveys and interval packer testing showed consistencies between layer depths, fracture frequencies, seismic velocities and hydraulic conductivities. Monthly summaries of rainfall and percolate over two years showed that percolate rates were generally high and closely related to precipitation during the dormant season. During the growing season, however, the relationship became erratic with large variabilities occurring between individual lysimeter measurements. Eight dormant season rainfall events were examined in detail. Smaller events produced similar responses from 1 m deep percolate lysimeters. Approximately 10–15 mm of rain was required to initiate percolate, with the time delay in response dependent on how long it took this depth to accumulate; 5 to 6 mm of the rain was retained in storage, with the remainder becoming percolate. Larger rains, from 30–110 mm, caused correspondingly larger depths of percolate and larger water table responses, but generally similar patterns of site response. Groundwater at the site was typically about 6 m below the land surface during the dormant season. It responded 1–2 hours after the onset of percolate, and reached its maximum elevation anywhere from 4 to 16 hours after that, even though percolate was still occurring. Based on causative depth of recharge and amount of water level rise in wells, the specific yield of the aquifer was found to be of the order of 0·01. This value is characteristic of fracture geometry rather than matrix properties of the bedrock. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we have tried to present, coherently, a review of the observations of natural VLF radio emissions, termed chorus, that have been made on the ground and aboard satellites, and also their dependence on various geomagnetic phenomena. We have highlighted current theoretical interpretations of the generation and propagation of chorus signals.  相似文献   

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