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土体抗拉张力学特性研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在传统土力学的观念中,土体通常不主动作为抗拉材料使用,土的抗拉强度很小,因而土体的抗拉强度往往被忽略或几乎视为零,造成土体抗拉强度理论远落后于抗剪强度理论。实际上,土体的抗拉张力学特性在土体变形与破坏的过程中起着非常重要的作用。总结了土体抗拉张力学特性试验的发展过程及发展特点,介绍了土体抗拉张力学试验的最新进展,并结合非饱和土力学及其抗拉强度理论的研究热点,认为对非饱和土合理统一的"吸力"认识仍然是非饱和土抗拉张特性研究的关键。然后,从岩土破坏模式角度,总结了岩土拉剪耦合破坏规律的8类破坏模式,分析了土体在此研究领域的现状,最后阐明了土体尤其是非饱和土的抗拉张力学特性研究现状的5个特点,展望了土体抗拉张力学特性新的重要研究方向。  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a new approach, combined with the Boundary Element Method (BEM) analysis and the diametrical compression on a thin disc with a small central hole, referred to as the ring test, for determining the indirect tensile strength of anisotropic rocks. The stress distribution around the hole can be successfully obtained by the proposed single-domain BEM. The complex variable function method was used for conveniently computing the tractions and displacements of a two-dimensional anisotropic body. If we assume that the tensile strength is given by the maximum absolute value of stress in the direction perpendicular to the loaded diameter at the intersection of loaded diameter and the hole, then from the failure load recorded by laboratory testing of ring (disc), the indirect tensile strength of rocks could be obtained. A marble from Hualien (Taiwan) with clearly black-white foliation, which was assumed to be transversely isotropic, was selected to conduct both ring tests and Brazilian tests for evaluating the tensile strength. The variation of the marble tensile strength with the inclination angle of foliation and with the hole size was also investigated. In general, the tensile strength of anisotropic rocks determined by ring test is not a constant, but depends on the elastic properties of rocks, the angle between the planes of rock anisotropy and the loading direction, the diameter of the central hole, and the contact condition of loading.  相似文献   

目前对均质边坡稳定性受岩土体抗拉强度影响程度的看法不一,尤其是对不同坡度的边坡受抗拉强度的影响甚至有相反意见。基于有限差分程序FLAC3D提供的考虑张拉-剪切复合破坏的Mohr-Coulomb准则,采用强度折减法对多个典型均质边坡进行一系列数值计算,研究土体抗拉强度对不同坡度边坡稳定性的影响。结果表明:边坡越陡,土体抗拉强度对安全系数的影响越大;抗拉强度取值对直立边坡的稳定安全系数及变形破坏特征影响显著,对45°及以下边坡的影响相对较小。总体来说,对于坡角超过60°的陡坡,土体抗拉强度不同引起的边坡安全系数变化幅度可达10%以上,应在边坡稳定分析中特别注意,避免因土体抗拉强度取值过大或过小而导致计算结果偏于危险或过于保守。  相似文献   

香港岩石的硬度与点荷载指标和强度的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
无损硬度测试——施密特锤及肖氏硬度实验和点荷载试验是三种经常用来间接测定岩石强度指标的方法。目前很多学者已提出了不同的经验关系,这些关系主要是把硬度指标、点荷载指标和单轴抗压强度、单轴抗拉强度与间接拉伸强度联系起来。但是在应用这些关系时,必须首先用当地的岩石特性数据加以验证,查看地质变化的影响,才可确保使用无误。本文的主要目的是根据大量香港岩石(包括花岗岩、石灰岩、大理岩和凝灰岩)的实验数据,提出一套适用于香港地区岩石的经验关系,另外也对其他经验关系作了考证。  相似文献   

王迎春  陈剑 《现代地质》2013,27(3):738-742
红层软岩属于滑坡、崩塌灾害的易发地层,岩石的微观结构特性对其宏观力学强度有着重要影响。对四川省屏山县和云南省绥江县采集的侏罗系红层砂岩、粉砂岩和泥岩样品进行了扫描电镜观察及变角模抗剪强度实验。基于MATLAB数字图像处理技术,提取了红层砂岩、粉砂岩和泥岩的微观结构参量,即孔隙率、颗粒磨圆度、颗粒定向度及欧拉数的量化值,进一步分析了上述各参量和抗剪强度的定量关系。研究结果表明:红层软岩的抗剪强度和孔隙率呈负指数关系,和颗粒磨圆度、定向度呈负相关线性关系,和欧拉数呈正相关线性关系。  相似文献   

冻结黄土抗拉强度的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
沈忠言  彭万巍 《冰川冻土》1995,17(4):315-321
冻结饱水黄土的拉伸试验表明,拉伸破坏均属脆性破坏类型,拉断面上矿物颗粒剪移错粒,裂隙发育。拉伸的应力-应变过程,视荷载作用的快慢大致可分为粘弹-塑性、粘-弹性有脆性破坏三类,它们可用统一的方程形式加以描述,此外,对饱水冻结黄土的峰值应力、破坏应变和破坏时间等特性进行了分析,对抗拉、抗压强度作分析比较后指出,它们的比值为0.44-0.63,与负温和加载速率的关系不大。  相似文献   

Summary. Most currently used techniques for analysing the stability of near surface structures, such as rock slopes, are based on the application of the effective Coulomb shear strength parameters cohesion c′, and the angle of friction φ′ on some known or anticipated shear surface subjected to an effective normal stress σ′n. The most widely used of these techniques are the variants of the method of slices and related upper bound techniques. If the Hoek-Brown criterion is to be used to model the strength of near surface fractured rocks, it is necessary to determine equivalent Coulomb shear strength parameters for the specified level of effective normal stress. Calculation of the equivalent Coulomb parameters for the Hoek-Brown criterion for cases when a ≠ 0.5 is not a straightforward matter. A simple procedure for calculating instantaneous values of ci and φ′i has been developed based on spreadsheet calculations and the application of a numerical optimisation routine. This procedure can also be applied to calculating the Hoek-Brown envelope plotted in shear stress/normal stress space. A simple closed form solution for ci and tan φ′i has also been developed for the special case when a = 1. A three-dimensional version of the Hoek-Brown criterion has been developed by combining it with the Drucker-Prager criterion. This new yield criterion has been implemented by numerical solution of the governing equations. A simplification of this three-dimensional yield criterion has been developed by introducing an intermediate principal stress weighting factor. Comparison with published results demonstrates that this simplified criterion has the capacity to model the results of true triaxial tests for a range of different rock types over a wide range of stress levels. The new three-dimensional yield criterion has the advantage that its input parameters can be determined from routine uniaxial compression tests and mineralogical examination.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of laboratory experiments during the investigation of the stress–strain characteristics of Brisbane tuff disc specimens under diametral compressive cyclic loading. Two different cyclic loading methods were used: namely, sinusoidal cyclic loading and cyclic loading with increasing mean level. The first method applied the SN curve approach to the indirect tensile strength (ITS) of rock specimens for the first time in the literature, and the second method investigated the effect of increasing cyclic loading on the ITS of rock specimens. The ITS of Brisbane tuff disc specimens was measured using the Brazilian tensile strength test. The reduction in ITS was found to be 33% with sinusoidal loading tests, whereas increasing cyclic loading caused a maximum reduction of 37%. It is believed that the fracturing under cyclic loading starts at contact points between strong grains and weak matrices, and that contact points at grain boundaries are the regions of stress concentration (i.e., indenters). Transgranular cracks emanate from these regions and intergranular cracks sometimes pass through the contact points. Once cracking begins, there is a steady progression of damage and a general ‘loosening’ of the rock, which is a precursor to the formation of intergranular cracks.  相似文献   

针对微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积 (MICP)固化钙质砂脆性强、抗拉强度低等问题,通过制备“8”字形MICP固化钙质砂试样并开展直接拉伸试验,对纤维加筋的改善作用、纤维-MICP联合加固机理及纤维掺量、纤维长度等影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:纤维加筋能够显著提高抗拉强度、峰值位移和残余强度,减轻峰值强度点的脆性破坏现象,但受纤掺量和长度的影响,总的来说,抗拉强度随纤维掺量的增加和长度的加长呈先增后减的趋势。相比无纤维试样,添加最优纤维掺量(0.6%)时,试样的抗拉强度增长了172.4%,峰值变形提升了158.1%。机理可解释为纤维增加了微生物的吸附量,促进碳酸钙在纤维与钙质砂之间以及纤维表面的沉积,增大纤维与钙质砂之间的界面作用力,整体提升钙质砂的抗拉强度特性。纤维的添加能够显著改变试样的变形特征,无纤维添加试样曲线仅有初始误差阶段和弹性阶段两个阶段,添加纤维后曲线表现为四个阶段包括初始误差阶段、弹性阶段、损伤破坏阶段和残余阶段。纤维掺量影响的内因是纤维与钙质砂的界面作用力和纤维空间分布状态随纤维掺量的变化而变化,纤维长度的影响主要和破坏面附近纤维数量和单位长度所能承担的拉应力相关。研究成果对以钙质砂为地基的岛礁工程的稳定性、安全性具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

基于不同初始含水量的软粘土抗剪强度的试验研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基坑开挖采取的降水措施会引起土体内部含水量的变化,进而影响其抗剪强度参数的变化,文章结合试验结果分析了含水量因素对土的强度影响,并提出粘聚力及内摩擦角的具体计算公式,对于边坡稳定以及地基承载力计算具有一定实践意义。  相似文献   

Summary A wide variety of specimen types and methods are employed in fracture toughness measurement of rocks, which result in scattered values for the same rock type. In order to provide some consistency to the values, the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) recommended three suggested methods using core based specimens, the Chevron Bend (CB) test, the Short Rod (SR) test and the Cracked Chevron Notch Brazilian Disc (CCNBD) test. This standardization helped obtain more consistent values but still a variation of 20–30% was observed in the values of fracture toughness obtained with the CB and SR methods. The values obtained with the CCNBD method were found to be consistently lower (30–50%) than those of the other two methods (CB and SR). Many reasons have been offered to explain this deviation. These include size of the specimen, anisotropy of rock, a dimensionless parameter in the fracture toughness calculation equation for the CCNBD test, etc. A comprehensive test program was initiated to identify the cause of these discrepancies between the CB and CCNBD methods. Three brittle rock types were selected for the study and more than 200 tests were conducted to measure the values of fracture toughness. A rigorous statistical analysis was carried out to determine the confidence level and find the significance of the test results. It was found that the CB and CCNBD methods were very comparable provided the correct equation for fracture toughness calculation was used for the CCNBD method and the size of the specimens was selected carefully. The error in the ISRM 1995 formula of fracture toughness for the CCNBD method could be the major factor responsible for the consistently lower values obtained with the method.  相似文献   

A. P. Dykes 《Landslides》2008,5(4):417-429
The morphological characteristics of bogflows, bog bursts and other types of peat failures suggest that the tensile strength of peat may have had a significant influence on their occurrence and development. This paper describes a method for the determination of peat tensile strength utilising small block samples (100 mm × 100 mm, up to 60 mm thick) in a newly developed laboratory apparatus. The results, demonstrating good reproducibility and being consistent with published data, were applied to a case example. The stability of a recent 35,000-m3 bogflow on Maghera Mountain, Co. Clare, Ireland, was analysed using a standard limit equilibrium technique. The breaking stress (i.e. maximum tensile strength) of the acrotelm peat at the Maghera bogflow was 5.35 kPa (range 2.9–7.6 kPa). Using this value to represent the overall strength of the acrotelm in the model, analyses showed that even above the crest of an escarpment, the acrotelm was strong enough to contain a large volume of low or zero-strength lower catotelm peat within the blanket bog upslope from the escarpment. Furthermore, simple analysis of single blocks of peat at the upslope edge of a retrogressively developing failure established the size of blocks that should develop, i.e. 3–4 m. The floating acrotelm rafts observed in the Maghera bogflow, typically up to around 3 m, were broadly consistent with this analysis. This paper therefore presents for the first time quantitative evidence of the importance of the acrotelm tensile strength in bogflows and a new method for routinely obtaining tensile strength data.  相似文献   

圆环试样内径对抗拉强度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用RFPA2D软件对岩石的单轴拉伸强度试验、不同内径的圆环试样的劈裂试验进行了模拟。比较模拟结果 ,重点研究了圆环试样内径对试件抗拉强度的影响 ,确定了最接近单轴拉伸试验结果内径的范围 ,利用回归分析确定了内径与试样抗拉强度之间的关系。  相似文献   

冻土的蠕变及蠕变强度   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10  
马巍  吴紫汪 《冰川冻土》1994,16(2):113-118
基于试验,本本讨论分析了冻土三轴蠕变规律及温度和围压对冻土蠕变强度的影响,给出了土蠕变及蠕变强度随时间降低的方程式,进而提出了冻土蠕变强度的物型屈服准则。通过改变参数可将冻土的瞬时强度准则与冻土的瞬时强度准则与冻土的蠕变强度准则统一为同一个方程描述。  相似文献   

点荷载测试岩石强度使用不规则试件的研究与探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了在现场采用不规则试件测试岩石点荷载强度,在实验室和现场进行了相关的对比测试与分析研究。建立了点荷载强度公式;使用Grubbs准则取舍可疑数据,编制了计算机程序,对点荷载测试的可信度,强度比等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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