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【目的】研究1993-2017年南海中尺度涡的空间分布、季节变化、移动速度等特征。【方法】根据AVISO提供的地转流数据,应用Nencioli等人提出的涡旋识别算法。【结果】南海中尺度涡主要分布在南海东北部和越南东部海域,冬(夏)季有利于(反)气旋涡产生,中尺度涡以2.0~9.0cm/s的速度向西传播。【结论】南海气旋涡与反气旋逐年生成个数与ENSO事件相关,在1993-2007年期间,强(温和)厄尔尼诺年气旋涡生成数大于反气旋,弱(温和)拉尼娜年反气旋生成数大于气旋涡。2008-2017年,强厄尔尼诺年气旋涡生成数大于反气旋,温和拉尼娜年反气旋生成数小于气旋涡。在涡旋的生命周期内,涡旋半径与移动速度变化趋势相反。复杂海底地形会阻碍涡旋的传播。  相似文献   

基于密度的轨迹时空聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过轨迹聚类分析挖掘物体移动模式的空间分布和时间特征,对于认识运动的形成机制,预测运动的未来发展具有重要的意义。目前,轨迹聚类研究主要关注物体的空间位置变化,时空聚类中时间约束一般只是作为辅助信息,并不真正参与聚类。本文提出基于密度的轨迹时空聚类方法,在聚类过程中同时考虑轨迹包含的时空信息,在空间聚类的基础上提出了轨迹线段时间距离的度量方法和阈值确定原则,对时空邻域密度进行聚类分析,挖掘物体的时空移动模式。实验对南海涡旋轨迹进行时空聚类分析,得到了涡旋典型移动模式的空间分布和时间特征,验证了基于密度的轨迹时空聚类方法的有效性。加入时间约束后,移动通道主要发生缩短、分裂和消失的变化。和空间聚类相比,轨迹时空聚类可有效地划分发生在同一位置不同时间的轨迹,得到的聚类结果更加细化,移动模式更加准确,有利于物体的移动模式做更深入的分析。  相似文献   

【目的】西南太平洋中尺度涡旋过程十分活跃,其涡动能占据海洋中绝大部分能量,本研究探究该海域涡动能时空变异的调控机制。【方法】从原始能量方程出发,基于1991―2017年ECCO2数据和1993―2018年SLA数据进行涡动能(EKE)时空变异分析,包括EKE的季节变化分析和年际变化分析。【结果和结论】季节变化分析中,发现该海域EKE水平分布在12―3月份呈现低值、垂向影响深度较浅,而6―8月份的水平分布呈现高值、垂向影响深度较深。将西南太平洋EKE高值区域划分为3个区域,即A区域(150°―160°E/28°―36°S),B区域(150°―160°E/28°―32°S)与C区域(150°―160°E/32°―36°S)。从能量方程出发,对于EKE和正压转换、斜压转换以及对风应力做功进行相关分析。基于EKE季节变异与影响因素的超前-滞后的相关性分析,发现BT是EKE季节变化的主要调控因子,其中,A、C区域分别有0.70和0.58的相关度滞后BT 1个月,B区域有0.53相关度与BT同期变化。针对EKE的年际变化,进行Nino3.4指数、南半球环状模指数以及水平流速垂向剪切信号与EKE年际...  相似文献   

夏季青藏高原低涡结构的动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用卫星云图资料分析了两例夏季青藏高原低涡发展过程及其结构演变,揭示出高原低涡结构特征的若干观测事实。在此基础上借鉴研究类热带气旋低涡的方法,将暖性青藏高原低涡视为受加热和摩擦强迫作用,且满足热成风平衡的轴对称涡旋系统,通过求解柱坐标系中的线性化涡旋模式,得出边界层动力作用下低涡的流函数解,重点讨论了地面热源强迫和边界层动力"抽吸泵"对高原低涡流场结构的作用。研究认为,由于边界层加热和摩擦的共同作用,高原低涡的温度场呈暖心结构。热源强迫的边界层低涡的散度场存在一个动力变性高度,该高度的位置与边界层顶高度有关。通过边界层动力抽吸作用,当边界层顶有气旋性涡度时,能引起边界层低涡的水平辐合运动和随高度增强的上升运动,并可加强低涡的切向流场;如果低涡的中心区域为"内冷外热"型加热分布,则热源强迫的低涡中心区域下层为辐散气流和随时间减弱的切向流场,上层为辐合气流和随时间增强的切向流场,并伴有下沉运动,从而有利于形成涡眼(或空心)结构,在卫星云图上表现为低涡中心为少云(或无云)区,即这类高原低涡具有与台风类似的眼结构,因而可视为类热带气旋涡旋的新例证。最后通过高原低涡的简化模型对低涡所含的波动进行了分析和讨论,结果表明:高原低涡中既含有涡旋Rossby波,又含有惯性重力波,即低涡波动呈现涡旋Rossby-惯性重力混合波特征。  相似文献   

复杂的面状空间实体如海洋涡旋、环流和降雨过程在运动过程中会产生更复杂的轨迹,即具有分支结构的复杂轨迹。为了挖掘这类复杂轨迹的运动模式特征,本文从复杂轨迹的拓扑结构和空间特征出发,创新性地提出复杂轨迹的空间-拓扑结构相似性度量算法(Spatial-Topological Similarity Measurement, STSM),该算法是基于图同构算法VF2改进的。首先STSM算法将复杂轨迹用带有节点和边的图结构表达,并将空间信息融入图结构的节点属性中,通过匹配复杂轨迹之间所有最大公共子结构,找到匹配结构中节点之间一一对应的关系,利用加权的欧式距离计算复杂轨迹匹配结构中点对之间的空间距离。然后,基于STSM相似性算法进行层次聚类分析,旨在发现复杂轨迹之间相似的拓扑结构在空间上的聚集模式。最后,利用1993-2016年长时间序列的中国南海冷涡复杂轨迹验证方法的有效性,并对比分析复杂轨迹拓扑结构相似性算法CSM。结果表明:单纯用拓扑结构相似性算法CSM进行聚类分析,不能充分挖掘空间的聚集模式,因为不同空间位置也存在拓扑结构相似的轨迹。而本文提出的STSM算法将南海冷涡复杂轨迹分为5类,第一类分布在南海北部、第二类分布在南海中部、其他三类交错在南海南部。这种聚集模式在一定程度上反映了冷涡的生成和演化过程在南海北部、中部、南部的差异性,同时也表明了冷涡移动在南海南部存在更为复杂的异质性。因此,本文提出的方法可以有效地从复杂轨迹数据中发现其演化过程的潜在聚集模式,为认识这类复杂动态现象的时空演化特征提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

浮标在运动过程中如果受到涡旋的影响,会回到之前某一时刻所在的位置,其轨迹中就会出现环状结构,故提取浮标轨迹中的环状结构,就可识别涡旋。鉴此,本文针对ALIS(A Simple Automated Loop Identifying Scheme)算法忽略了这一环状结构中出现的“复杂结构”之不足予以改进,提出了基于浮标轨迹回环结构的涡旋及其移动轨迹提取算法AILIS(An Improved Automated Loop Identifying Scheme)算法。其通过判断环状结构中的轨迹片段是否有自相交对“复杂结构”进行处理,使提取结果更加完善;在此基础上,该算法通过判断涡旋瞬时状态的相似性,可追踪涡旋的部分移动轨迹。本文通过与ALIS算法及其他相关算法结果的对比,并使用SLA数据及HD(Hybrid Detection)、HT(Hybrid Tracking)算法实验结果表明,本文提出的算法能得到更多的海洋涡旋的瞬时状态和移动轨迹,为获取涡旋的物理参数提供重要的途径。  相似文献   

南海区域渔船活动时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来海洋资源的不断开发利用,使得海洋空间规划变得尤为重要,其中以渔业资源占主要比重。为了对渔业资源监测与规划提供辅助决策信息,本文通过对南海及周边国家2018年船舶自动识别系统(AIS)数据进行预处理,采用数理统计和GIS空间分析方法,实现了南海区域渔船活动强度时空特征分析。结果显示: ① 2018年南海及周边国家渔船以区域性分布为主,集中在中国和越南沿海岸100 km以内区域,在秋季11月捕捞活动频繁,全年渔船平均活动强度白天大于夜晚,16:00 PM 时达到最大渔船活动强度; ② 中国在广东省、广西省和海南省各主要港口渔船活动强度呈现聚集性点状分布,渔船活动强度多大于100,部分港口附近海域呈条带状分布,西沙群岛相较南海其他群岛渔船活动强度较大,除越南外其他周边国家靠近南海附近海域部分海湾和港口有聚集式分布,渔船活动强度都小于2; ③ 越南渔船区域性分布明显,在胡志明港口呈现稳定的块状聚集性分布,且一年四季活动强度变化趋势不大,近岸渔船活动强度保持在50~100,越南渔船在中国南海禁渔线内靠近海南省西南部有两处活动较强的块状分布区域,2018年全年在此区域活动频率占采样天数的87.71%,且平均每小时有7~10艘渔船在该海域活动,休渔期内平均每小时渔船数量大于5,给中国南海海域渔业资源造成巨大威胁。本文通过AIS数据研究分析渔船活动可为海洋空间规划与政府相关部门提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

【目的】研究Merantia、Malaks、Megi、Chaba4个连续台风引起上层海洋的响应。【方法】基于遥感和再分析数据,分析台风前海洋环境、台风做功(W)、强迫时间(tf)、降水等要素分布特征,探讨上层海洋稳定度、上升流、湍流混合动力机制如何影响中尺度涡区域的海表温度(SST)、浮游植物繁殖程度,引入动力学参数S判断海洋内部上升流和混合重要性。【结果和结论】冷涡(CE)区域海洋表层降温(SSC)(3.5℃)和叶绿素a(Chl-a)质量浓度(0.5mg/m3)对于台风响应比暖涡(AE)区更为剧烈,与其内部热力学结构有关,出现在Megi过境CE区,主要原因是海洋本身CE特征、强上升流(EPV)=2.5×10-4 m/s,S<1,台风向海洋输入巨大的能量(W>80 kJ)引起剧烈的混合夹卷、强降雨,导致海水迅速重新层化、逐渐加强的非线性CE有更强的封闭性,这些机制的共同作用将底层(营养盐跃层100m以下)富含营养盐的冷水输送到上层;Malaks过境CE(124.9°E,22.3°N)缺乏强上升流(EPV=5×10-5 m/s),以湍流混合为主(S>1);Merantia使CE区域表现下沉流(EPV<0),SSC主要是湍流混合的作用(W>25kJ),Chl-a浓度增长到0.27mg/m3。AE热力学结构比较稳定,连续台风导致SSC<2℃,Chl-a增加仅200%,Merantia、Malaks过境AE(125.1°E,20.6°N)分别以强上升流(S<1)和湍流混合(S>1)为主,混合层厚度约80 m,同时AE周围无强障碍带,易与周围水体交换,Chl-a浓度微弱增加。  相似文献   

南海占我国海洋国土的2/3,不仅是中国国家安全的天然屏障和重要的出海口与战略通道,而且是我国未来重要的能源接续区与资源基地、地缘政治经济问题的多发区。对南海争端发展态势进行空间分布与关联性GIS分析,是重要的辅助决策支持。结果表明:(1)文献研究和网络爬虫等方法可以快速有效地获取南海争端历史地理数据,GIS技术能够对南海争端历史地理数据进行时空变化的深入分析;(2)就争端事件的时间分布而言,事件数量随时间推进呈现显著增长,个别发生重大南海争端事件的年份出现突增的现象;(3)就争端事件的空间分布而言,与越南及菲律宾相关的南海争端事件尤甚,其他周边国家则相对较少,这主要源于越菲两国的战略利益与南海所在区域交叠,使得越菲不断挑起事端;(4)越南、菲律宾与马来西亚等国的利益诉求区主要位于南沙群岛,各国诉求区分布明确,局部交错。网络GIS技术丰富了历史地理研究的途径,为其提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

【目的】研究2007—2017年间西北太平洋过境冷涡的11个台风导致浮游植物生长和冷涡(CCE)变化现象。【方法】统计并计算出可能影响叶绿素(Chl-a)浓度变化的因素:台风性质(强度、移动速度、强迫时间)、台风前混合层厚度(MLD)、降雨量、海表面温度(SST)、埃克曼抽吸速率(EPV)和两层约化重力模式下的涡动能(EKE),其中EPV和EKE分别代表上升流和湍流混合强弱。【结果与结论】通过线性回归分析发现,除台风强度、SST与Chl-a浓度相关性不显著(P0.05),移动速度Uh、强迫时间、降雨和MLD、EPV、EKE与Chl-a均有显著相关性(P0.05),并建立了冷涡背景条件下的多元线性回归模型:?=0.006-0.038 x_1+0.0257x_2+0.023 8 x_3。浮游植物生长主要取决于上升流和湍流混合对营养盐的输送作用,慢而尺度大台风意味着受台风强迫时间长,足以超过地球自转调整的时间则会引起强上升流(EPV)以及湍流混合输送营养盐,促进Chl-a浓度大幅度增加,强湍流混合同时也需要降雨抑制,避免破坏浮游植物光合作用,台风前CCE区域MLD(25m)与Chl-a呈现出正相关。  相似文献   

Pathways of mesoscale variability in the South China Sea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The propagation of oceanic mesoscale signals in the South China Sea (SCS) is mapped from satellite altimetric observations and an eddy-resolving global ocean model by using the maximum cross-correlation (MCC) method. Significant mesoscale signals propagate along two major bands of high variability. The northern band is located west of the Luzon Strait, characterized by southwestward eddy propagation. Although eddies are the most active in winter, their southwestward migrations, steered by bathymetry, occur throughout the year. Advection by the mean flow plays a secondary role in modulating the propagating speed. The southern eddy band lies in the southwest part of the SCS deep basin and is oriented in an approximately meridional direction. Mesoscale variability propagates southward along the band in autumn. This southward eddy pathway could not be explained by mean flow advection and is likely related to eddy detachments from the western boundary current due to nonlinear effects. Our mapping of eddy propagation velocities provides important information for further understanding eddy dynamics in the SCS.  相似文献   

区划问题是将特定地理区域划分为若干空间连续的分区,满足分区内差异最小和分区间差异最大这一基本原则,广泛应用于地理、环境、生态、经济、农业、城市等领域。1960s以来,学者尝试建立各种区划问题数学模型,设计了一系列的求解算法,代表性的算法主要有:AZP、ARISEL、SKATER和REDCAP。本文提出了一个基于迭代局部搜索(ILS)的区划问题算法,进一步提升算法性能。该算法主要机制包括:邻域单元移动搜索改进分区质量;参照中心单元快速计算分区方差,提升算法速度;使用扰动机制跳出当前解局部最优状态;更新分区中心点提升分区方案目标值;使用群搜索探索更大的解空间;以及算法各步骤中通过分区空间连续判断和破碎修复保持分区空间连续。55个基准案例测试表明:ILS算法求解质量优于ARISEL和SKATER算法。一个多指标气候分区实验也表明:ILS算法求解质量优于SKATER、REDCAP和ARISEL算法。  相似文献   

Using a 19-year altimetric dataset, the mean properties and spatiotemporal variations of eddies in the Kuroshio recirculation region are examined. A total of 2 001 cyclonic tracks and 1 847 anticyclonic tracks were identifi ed using a geometry-based eddy detection method. The mean radius was 57 km for cyclonic eddies and was 61 km for anticyclonic eddies, respectively, and the mean lifetime was about 10 weeks for both type eddies. There were asymmetric spatial distributions for eddy generation and eddy termination, which were domain-dependent. Mean eddy generation rates were 2.0 per week for cyclonic eddies and were 1.9 per week for anticyclonic eddies. Both type eddies tended to deform during their lifetime and had different propagation characteristics, which mainly propagated westward and southwestward with velocities 4.0–9.9 cm/s, in the Kuroshio recirculation region. Further discussion illustrates that the eddy westward speed maybe infl uenced by the combined effect of vertical shear of horizontal currents and nonlinearity of eddy. To better understand the evolution of eddy tracks, a total of 134 long-lived tracks(lifetime ≥20 weeks) were examined. Comparison between short-span eddies(lifetime ≥4 weeks and 20 weeks) and long-lived eddies is also conducted and the result shows that the short-span and long-lived eddies have similar time evolution. Finally, eddy seasonal variations and interannual changes are discussed. Correlation analysis shows that eddy activity is sensitive to the wind stress curl and meridional gradient of sea surface temperature on interannual timescales. Besides, the strength and orientation of background fl ows also have impacts on the eddy genesis.  相似文献   

The surface path of the Kuroshio Extension’s western sector and the eddies on both sides are systematically analysed based on the GEK-measured surface current and temperature-salinity data from 1955–1985. The main results are shown as follows:1) According to the position and the features of distribution pattern, the surface path of the Kuroshio Extension’s western sector is classified into two kinds (straight and meander) and seven types (f. ne, Sc, Ui or Vi, Vdi or Udi, Ω, f+v). The straight kind accounts for 1/3 and the meander kind accounts for 2/3. 2) The warm eddies on the northern side originate mostly from the area off Sanriku and Joban of Japan. Their moving paths lie in two patterns: Pattern I, eddy moves northeastward or northward; Pattern II, eddy rotates about the original area. The cold eddies on the southern side originate mainly from the area off Boso Peninsula. Their moving paths also lie in two patterns: Pattern III. eddy moves from west to east; Pattern IV, eddy moves from north to south.  相似文献   

Typhoon is one of the frequent natural disasters in coastal regions of China.As shown in many studies,the impact of typhoons on the South China Sea(SCS) should not be overlooked.Super typhoon Rammasun(2014) was studied that formed in the northwestern Pacific,passed through the SCS,then landed in the Leizhou Peninsula.Remote sensing data and model products were used to analyze the spatiotemporal variations of the cold eddies,upwelling,sea surface temperature,mixed layer depth,rainfall,sea surface salinity,suspended sediment concentration,and surface-level anomaly.Results confirm the constant presence of upwelling and cold eddies in the southeast of Hainan(north of the Zhongsha Islands) and the southeast of Vietnam in July.In addition,we found the strengthening effect of super typhoon Rammasun on the upwelling and cold eddies in the SCS.The major reasons for the continuous decrease in sea surface temperature and the slow regaining of seawater temperature were the enhanced upwelling and vertical mixing caused by the typhoon.The increasing of the surface runoff in the Indochina Peninsula was mainly affected by the typhoon,with some contribution for the southeast of Vietnam's cold eddy and upwelling.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional baroclinic shelf sea model was employed to simulate the seasonal characteristics of the South China Sea (SCS) upper circulation. The results showed that: in summer, an anticyclonic eddy, after its formation between the Bashi Channel and Dongsha Islands in the northeastern SCS, moves southwestward until it disperses slowly. There exists a northward western boundary current along the east shore of the Indo-China Peninsula in the western SCS and an anticyclonic gyre in the southern SCS. But at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, a weak local cyclonic eddy forms in the Nansha Trough, then grows slowly and moves westward till it becomes a cyclonic gyre in the southern SCS in autumn. At the beginning of winter, there exists a cyclonic gyre in the northern and southern SCS, and there is a southward western boundary current along the east shore of the Indo-China Peninsula. But at the end of winter, an anticyclonic eddy grows and moves toward the western boundary after forming in the Nansha Trough. The eddy‘s movement induces a new opposite sign eddy on its eastern side, while the strength of the southward western boundary current gets weakened. This phenomenon continues till spring and causes eddies in the southern SCS.  相似文献   

Using a 1.5 layer nonlinear shallow-water reduced-gravity model, we executed numerical simulations to investigate the possibility of a western boundary current (WBC) path transition due to mesoscale eddies based on the background of the Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea (SCS) from the Luzon Strait. Because the WBC existed different current states with respect to different wind stress control parameters, we chose three steady WBC states (loop current, eddy shedding and leaping) as the background flow field and simulated the path transition of the WBC due to mesoscale eddies. Our simulations indicated that either an anticyclonic or cyclonic eddy can lead to path transition of the WBC with different modes. The simulation results also show that the mesoscale eddies can lead to path transition of the WBC from loop and eddy shedding state to leaping state because of the hysteresis effect. The leaping state is relatively stable compared with the mesoscale eddies. Moreover, an anticyclonic eddy is more effective in producing the WBC path transition for the path transition than a cyclonic eddy. Our results may help to explain some phenomena observed regarding the path transition of the Kuroshio due to the mesoscale eddies at the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   

The variations of ocean environmental parameters invariably result in variations of local modal wave numbers of a sound pressure field. The asymptotic Hankel transform with a short sliding window is applied to the complex sound pressure field in the water containing a mesoscale eddy to examine the variation of local modal wave numbers in such a range-dependent environment. The numerical simulation results show that modal wave number spectra obtained by this method can reflect the location and strength of a mesoscale eddy, therefore it can be used to monitor the strength and spatial scale of ocean mesoscale eddies.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction between mesoscale eddies and the Kuroshio Current east of Taiwan,China,using a fine-resolution regional general circulation model.Mesoscale eddies are injected into a region east of Taiwan,China,according to the quasi-geostrophic theory of stratified fluids.Modeled eddies propagated westward at the velocity of the first baroclinic mode Rossby wave.When eddies collide with the Kuroshio Current east of Taiwan,China,the spatial structure and volume transport of the Kuroshio Current shows a significant variation.The upper 600 m of the anticyclonic eddy cannot cross the Kuroshio Current to reach the region west of the Kuroshio Current;rather,these waters flow northward along the eastern side of the Kuroshio Current.The upper water carried by the anticyclonic eddies cannot reach the shelf of the East China Sea(ECS).In contrast,the waters in the upper layer of the cyclonic eddy reach the western side of the Kuroshio Current and then flow northward.The dynamic mechanism analysis shows that the interaction between the Kuroshio Current and the cyclonic(anticyclonic) eddy decrease(increase)the horizontal potential vorticity(PV) gradient,or PV barrier,whereby the cyclonic(anticyclonic) eddy can(cannot) cross the Kuroshio Current.This study implies that the continental shelf could potentially be influenced by cyclonic eddies in the open ocean,which can transport heat and material from the upper open ocean acro s s the Kuroshio Current to the shelf waters.  相似文献   

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