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通过对受到围垦工程影响的江苏弶港海岸两条潮滩剖面的多期高精度实测高程及沉积物粒度数据进行分析,探讨淤涨型潮滩剖面对围垦工程的响应特征及剖面演化模式。结果表明,在物源充足的淤涨型潮滩围垦,可导致沉积物在围垦堤附近海域快速堆积、沉积物粒径变细;离海堤越远,沉积速率及沉积物粒度参数的变化越不显著。围垦堤附近海域是潮滩低能区,沉积物在此汇聚,造成潮滩剖面凸点的向岸迁移及双凸型剖面的塑造。另外,大型潮沟及其迁移也是影响剖面发育的重要因素。未来需结合海平面变化,研究围垦背景下的长周期潮滩演化趋势。 相似文献
江苏淤长型淤泥质潮滩的剖面发育 总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28
本文根据江苏射阳河口—长江口淤长型淤泥质潮滩布设的19个测量断面连续10年(1980—1989年)的观测资料,对其潮滩的沉积特征和剖面的形成过程进行了研究分析,提出了影响这里潮滩剖面发育的主要因素有泥沙供应、风浪、潮流以及围垦等;而江苏淤长潮滩双凸形剖面形态的形成是由潮滩的两个沉积峰区所造成的,同时,风浪、供沙等季节性因素,潮汐变化周期性因素,围垦等人为因素也使潮滩剖面形态不断调整变化。 相似文献
钱塘江北岸尖山一期促淤围垦工程数模研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文应用二维水流数学模型计算了钱塘江北岸尖山一期促淤方案的流场,计算结果表明,涨潮期能否形成适当范围和适当强度的回流是促淤工程成败的关键。这一结论与物模浑水试验结果相同,该促淤工程实践证明这一结论也是正确的。 相似文献
以江苏弶港潮滩为典型研究区,基于2007-2012年在潮滩及条子泥匡围工程实施期间采集的9条潮滩断面高程数据,建立潮滩剖面形态的二次函数统计模型,并结合同步采集的表层沉积物粒度数据,对围垦影响下的潮滩剖面演化机制进行了探讨。结果表明,受围垦工程影响较小的北部潮间带上部的淤积强度要大于潮间带中下部淤积强度,潮滩剖面呈上凹型;正在实施的围垦工程加剧了垦区内潮滩的淤积,尤其在下部呈现高强度淤积而造成垦区内潮滩剖面的上凸趋势减缓,剖面曲率减小。此外,由于垦区内逐渐失去潮汐水动力作用,与附近非垦区类似潮滩带相比,垦区内滩面沉积物呈细化趋势。围垦工程在潮间带中下部筑堤坝,对涨潮水体有阻滞作用,使得外海带来的细颗粒沉积物在围堤外侧快速堆积,造成原潮间带下部快速淤高,形成垦区外向海侧微下凹的潮滩剖面形态。 相似文献
伶仃洋大铲湾潮滩冲淤遥感反演研究 总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11
由于潮滩范围广、变化频繁、缺乏常规的地形测量资料,给潮滩开发建设带来极大不便.以伶仃洋大铲湾为研究区,使用美国陆地卫星MSS,TM及ETM三类数据源,共计17个时相,时间跨度为1978~2001年,在国内首次利用多时相卫星遥感图像水边线高程反演技术,确定了大铲湾岸线变化,并进行了滩涂分带及面积的估算、滩涂利用状况及淤涨速度的确定、不同部位潮滩坡度及淤积速度的反演,为深圳港大铲湾的开发建设提供了理论依据. 相似文献
Sediment transport on an estuarine intertidal flat: Measurements and conceptual model of waves, rainfall and exchanges with a tidal creek 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Sediment (silt) transport on a wave-dominated estuarine intertidal flat dissected by a tidal creek that connects to the watershed freshwater network is investigated by analysing field data from Waikopua, New Zealand, and by applying simple models. The intention is to expand understanding beyond the case of the idealised, two-dimensional wave-dominated flat. During fairweather (no waves), there is a continuous exchange of silt between the bed of the tidal creek and the upper flat, and that exchange is controlled by the elevation of the flat with respect to the creek bed. Rainfall in the watershed does not fundamentally alter the way the intertidal flat and the creek interact, but it does increase silt loads in the creek, which in turn increases the amount of silt exchanged with the upper flat. Waves on the flat are fetch-limited, and frictional dissipation causes waves to reduce in height at the edge of the water body. Under some circumstances, a frictional-dissipation zone may occupy the entire middle-plus-upper flat. There is a maximum in wave-orbital speed at the bed (Usigb) in the middle reaches of the flat, which arises from the particular balance between down-fetch wave growth, wave dissipation by bottom friction, and attenuation through the water column of wave-orbital motions under the short-period waves. There is a progressive decoupling of suspended-silt concentration (SSC) from Usigb moving from the bottom to the top of the flat, such that SSC is highest towards the top of the flat, where Usigb is virtually zero. We suggest that this is due to wave activity retarding the settling of suspended silt, and explore that idea with a simple model that is capable of reproducing the essential features of the data set. The results are assimilated in a conceptual model of the system, which shows the balances that control net silt transport in the creek and on the different parts of the flat, three different silt sources, and the role of waves and rainfall. The conceptual model also points at the feedbacks between sediment-transport processes and morphology that are inherent in the system. Implications of those feedbacks to long-term morphodynamics are essentially unexplored. 相似文献
基于ADP-XR和OBS-3A的潮滩水文泥沙过程研究以胶州湾北部红岛潮滩为例 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
于2004年8月17~24日在胶州湾北部红岛潮滩上用OBS-3A和ADP-XR观测了水深、浊度、水平和垂直流速、回声强度、波浪、盐度、水温等水文泥沙要素,同时采集了悬沙和底沙样品作粒度分析.结果和结论为:(1)潮流动力较弱,表层和近底层最大流速分别只有31和26cm/s;(2)弱潮流动力导致潮周期大部分时间的悬沙浓度小于30mg/dm3,但浅水阶段近底悬沙浓度为100~1000mg/dm3;浅水阶段的短暂高悬浮泥沙浓度和其余长淹没时段的低悬沙浓度共同构成悬沙浓度的“U”形潮周期过程线;(3)悬沙浓度的垂直成层分布主要发生在潮周期的深水阶段和平静天气;(4)由于潮流弱和风浪的干扰,悬沙浓度未呈现大小潮周期的变化规律;(5)水体盐度为23.6~29.5;(6)淹没期的温度(21.4~28.6℃)比出露期的(19.3~30.9℃)稳定,温度极高值出现在午后出露期,而极低值出现在凌晨出露期;(7)“浅水效应”是弱动力潮滩泥沙运动的重要特点. 相似文献
Very small waves and associated sediment resuspension on an estuarine intertidal flat 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Field data from a microtidal estuarine intertidal flat (Tamaki estuary, New Zealand) are used to analyse very small waves (height <10 cm; period 1.0–1.8 s) and associated sediment resuspension under light winds. Mean spectral period at the bed varied over the tidal cycle, driven by changes in surface-wave spectrum and depth-attenuation of orbital motions. Wave-orbital currents exceeded 30 cm/s, disturbing the fine-sand (100–200 μm) matrix of the seabed and resulting in the release of fine silt (particle size <20 μm) at concentrations >120 mg/L. Resuspension was initiated when ∼40% of the maximum zero-downcrossing orbital speeds in a burst exceeded the critical speed for initiation of sediment motion. Sediment concentrations were highest around low tide, when waves were smaller compared to high tide because of a reduced fetch but depth-attenuation of orbital motions was less because the water was shallower. Wave period exerted a control on sediment resuspension through the wave friction factor. There was a hysteresis in the wave Reynolds number such that it was greater on the ebbing tide compared to on the flooding tide: since it did not exceed 3 × 105 the bed was hydraulically smooth, and the wave friction factor therefore is inversely proportional to wave period. Hence, the tidal-cycle hysteresis in wave Reynolds number translated into a smaller wave friction factor on the ebbing tide, and accounting for this caused the ebb and flood sediment concentration data to collapse onto one curve when plotted against wave-induced skin friction. A simple model is presented to evaluate the relative contribution to sediment resuspension of waves associated with weak and strong winds. At the base of the flat (waves competent to resuspend sediment for 5% of the inundation time), waves associated with stronger, infrequent winds dominate resuspension. At the top of the flat (waves competent to resuspend sediment for 30% of the inundation time), waves associated with lighter, frequent winds dominate resuspension. Moderate winds – neither the strongest nor most frequently occurring – dominate resuspension integrated across the profile. The mass of sediment resuspended by waves is greatest towards the top of the flat: shoreward of this, resuspension is smaller because of wave dissipation; seaward of this, resuspension is smaller because of greater depth-attenuation of orbital motions. The location of maximum sediment mass resuspended by waves and the location of maximum duration of resuspension are not necessarily the same. 相似文献
基于组分反演的高光谱潮间带表层沉积物自动分类研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
利用星载高光谱遥感影像数据Hyperion并结合现场采样粒度分析资料,对潮间带表层沉积物类型的自动分类进行了研究.根据低潮位下沉积物的短波红外光谱反射率与沉积物组分(沙、粉砂、黏土)含量之间的强相关关系,选择2102nm为特征波段,建立了高光谱定量遥感反演模型,获取初步的逐像元沙、粉砂和黏土含量,然后采用线性均衡化处理方法对初步反演结果进行修正,并结合Shepard三角分类法建立对照表,自动确定出每一像元对应的沉积物类型,得到研究区潮间带表层沉积物的空间分布特征,总体分类验证精度为87.9%.研究结果表明,研究区分布着三种沉积物,分别为粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂和粉砂,所占比例分别为18.9%,64.6%和16.5%,它们的空间分布趋势与研究区内的植被分布状况、水动力条件以及沉积物来源密切相关. 相似文献
研究发现,Hyperion高光谱影像的中心波长为1215和2133nm的波段反射率组合与沉积物粒度参数(平均粒径、偏态和中值粒径)之间以及平均粒径和中值粒径之差与分选系数之间有显著的线性相关特征,据此构建了线性回归模型,反演并分析了江苏省射阳河口南侧潮滩沉积物粒度参数的空间分布规律。经独立样本的检验显示,粒度参数反演的总体平均相对精度和平均绝对精度分别在75.70%和72.17%以上。从粒度参数的空间分布来看,具有明显的空间变化特征,总体变化趋势为:平行于岸线走向由北向南颗粒逐渐变细,分选变差,偏态由近对称转为正偏;垂直于岸线走向从陆向海沉积物颗粒逐渐变粗,分选性变好,偏态由正偏转为近对称,但是在中潮位附近,沉积物颗粒粗细交替分布,平均粒径较大,分选性表现为大致由中潮位附近向海、向陆变差。这种变化趋势与研究区的水动力环境及沉积物物质来源吻合良好。 相似文献
江苏海岸带盐沼潮滩在小尺度下的沉积变化过程 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在小尺度范围内,潮滩沉积的研究一般都是基于几个站位或断面进行短时日的调查和监测来获取数据,或多或少地存在数据的连续性不足等问题。基于此,本文在潮滩地貌典型的江苏平原海岸选取了约160 000 m2的盐沼潮滩作为研究对象,在多年的野外连续观测下,分析了人类围垦活动对盐沼潮滩沉积过程及变化的影响。结果表明:人类围垦活动(如堤坝建设等)对潮滩沉积和盐沼植被覆盖的变化有重要影响。围垦堤坝修建之前,研究区向陆一侧为盐沼植物(现为养殖池),向海一侧为光滩,岸线形态比较平直。在2006年围垦堤坝修建后,研究区变为“凹岸”型的人工岸线,沉积环境变得更有利于泥沙的淤积。根据2007-2012年对滩面高程的野外观测,在风暴潮的影响下,潮滩最大淤积率高达23 cm/a。盐沼植被在泥沙快速淤积的基础上不断发育生长,盐沼植物覆盖面积不断扩张。同时外部的沙嘴也在不断增长,潮汐风浪侵蚀携带沙嘴外部泥沙进入盐沼滩地,盐沼植物在泥沙的覆盖下,出现萎缩退化,覆盖面积减少,但是对潮滩上的泥沙而言还是不断堆积增厚。柱状样岩芯的粒度垂向剖面特征也记录了盐沼潮滩沉积环境的变化。小尺度下盐沼潮滩沉积表现出的阶段性变化规律,揭示出合理的围垦活动有利于堤坝前的潮滩淤积和盐沼植被的扩张。 相似文献
为研究潮间带和潮下带的水、沙、盐交换,于2006年6月25~28日(夏季大潮)和2006年12月29日~2007年1月4日(冬季中-大潮和小潮)在长江口九段沙一典型潮沟的固定点利用OBS-3A和ADP-XR进行了水深、浊度、盐度、流速流向剖面和回声强度观测。结果和结论为:(1)夏季大潮、冬季中-大潮、冬季小潮的潮周期垂向平均流速分别为26.5、15.9和8.4 cm/s,夏、冬季观测到的最大流速分别为84 cm/s和35 cm/s。(2)夏季盐度变化范围为0.65~4.91,平均盐度2.14;冬季盐度变化范围为3.5~10.3,中-大潮和小潮平均盐度分别为6.26和7.98。(3)高悬沙浓度出现在涨潮初期和部分落潮末期的低水位阶段;涨潮阶段的平均悬沙浓度是落潮阶段的1.11~7.0倍。(4)涨、落潮阶段的水体和盐输运量大体上趋于平衡;(5)无论是冬夏季或大小潮,潮沟在潮周期内的净输沙方向均指向陆,即落潮输沙量小于涨潮输沙量(平均小40%);平均每个潮周期的净输沙量为6102 kg,结合潮盆面积推算的潮周期沉积速率为0.0112 mm/tide,或8.2 mm/a。 相似文献