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在秦岭的一些山间盆地、河谷阶地等弱剥蚀的地段发育着黄土—古土壤系列。凤州杨家山剖面(34°00′N,106°39′E)可以作为秦岭的代表黄土剖面。该剖面黄土厚约82m,由33层黄土和33层古土壤构成。黄土层中夹有两层粉砂质黄土(L_9和L_(15)),古土壤层中S_5是由3层古土壤组成的。黄土下伏晚第三纪红粘土。该剖面磁性地层测量结果表明,剖面包括了布容正极性带和松山负极性带,二者的界线(B/M)位于第8层黄土(L_8)中部。松山反极性时黄土中记录了贾拉米洛正极性亚时  相似文献   

新疆尼勒克黄土岩石磁学特征及变化机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆黄土与黄土高原黄土相比,无论在物源还是后期成土环境方面都存在较大差异,因此二者的磁学特征有所不同。本文选取伊犁尼勒克地区的一个黄土-古土壤剖面进行了系统的岩石磁学及粒度研究。实验结果表明尼勒克剖面中磁性矿物具有以下特征:1)以亚铁磁性矿物磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿为主,并含有一定量的反铁磁性矿物赤铁矿和针铁矿;2)各黄土层成壤作用弱,磁性矿物以原始输入的粗颗粒MD和PSD为主。PS_1古土壤层成壤作用强,以细颗粒SD为主。弱发育古土壤层PS。既包含SD颗粒,又有粗颗粒。各地层均不含SP颗粒;3)PS_1古土壤层原始含铁矿物输入量略低于黄土高原地区,其他各地层均高于黄土高原地区,但受成土作用及其他因素影响,剖面中亚铁磁性矿物含量远低于黄土高原黄土-古土壤层。PS_1古土壤层成壤作用强,在新疆地区较为少见,但其磁化率却低于各黄土层,说明尼勒克黄土-古土壤磁化率变化机制与黄土高原地区不同。古土壤层原始输入含铁矿物的量较黄土层低,但原始含铁矿物只是影响剖面磁化率变化的原因之一。PS_1古土壤层在沉积后期受到间歇性水流作用,成土成因的强磁性SP磁铁矿/磁赤铁矿颗粒遭受破坏并转化为赤铁矿,导致PS_1古土壤层磁化率的急剧降低,并使该层赤铁矿的相对含量增加。  相似文献   

中原邙山黄土地层   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
位于黄土高原与华北平原过渡带上的中原黄土地层,以邙山赵下峪剖面为其典型代表。据光释光和热释光测年及磁性地层研究结果,该剖面从邙山塬面至黄河河床出露S0-S10黄土-古土壤序列,总厚度172.1m,B/M界线记录于S8古土壤层顶部,以厚层晚更新世S1古土壤(15.7m)和巨厚L1黄土(77.3m)为其特色。赵下峪剖面上末次间冰期以来的平均沉积速率明显增大,其中以末次冰期晚冰阶L1LL1黄土的沉积速率最大,高达34.5mm/a。在邙山黄土堆积过程中,倒数第二冰期末(相当于L2顶部),约150ka B P,发生了风尘沉积速率的突变,其原因是此时黄河贯通三门峡东流,给风尘源区带来丰富的物质。同时赵下峪剖面的磁化率曲线所示,黄土-古土壤的磁化率强弱,并不简单地反映夏季风强度,也要受到沉积速率变化的影响。   相似文献   

黄土广泛分布在东欧和西亚地区,但位于欧亚大陆连接地带的土耳其未见风积黄土的报道,本文对位于土耳其首都安卡拉西北的Nallihan新发现的黄土-古土壤剖面进行系统的环境磁学研究,结合粒度参数和稀土元素指标,讨论土耳其黄土的成因和磁化率变化机制.研究结果显示:土耳其Nallihan S0~L3黄土剖面与典型风积的西伯利亚和中国西峰黄土的粒度特征图形态相似4暗示它们的成因相似性;稀土分配模式与黄土高原黄土基本一致,为上地壳平均值,指示了风积黄土在搬运过程中经过充分混合,整个剖面上下稀土模式分配高度吻合,说明研究区黄土堆积期间物源区相对稳定.热磁和磁滞分析表明样品的主要载磁矿物是亚铁磁性矿物磁铁矿/磁赤铁矿.该剖面磁化率在古土壤获得高值,在黄土层获得低值,磁化率与成土作用和指示细颗粒磁性矿物贡献的xfd%、xARM正相关,说明成土作用生成的细颗粒亚铁磁性矿物是磁化率增强的主导因素,土耳其黄土剖面磁化率总体上低于中国黄土高原地区黄土.该黄土剖面中有一层古土壤层S2,其顶部覆盖一层砾石层,说明在该间冰期发生过洪水作用,将高坡风化的砾石层冲到土层中堆积下来,在该砾石层之下的古土壤层,磁化率降低,可能与该时期土壤层湿度大,形成湿润氧化环境,导致部分强磁性的超顺畅/稳定单畴(SP/SSD)颗粒磁性矿物转化为弱磁性矿物,使得磁化率降低.  相似文献   

川西高原河谷阶地和断陷盆地广泛分布厚层风成黄土-古土壤序列,目前对其磁学性质变化机制及古气候意义研究还很薄弱。文章对该区理县黄土-古土壤剖面进行了系统的岩石磁学研究,确定了其磁性矿物种类、含量和颗粒大小的特征及其变化规律。通过结合粒度、色度与地球化学参数,进一步探讨了理县黄土-古土壤磁性的主控因素。结果表明:1)理县剖面同时含有强磁性矿物(为磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿)以及弱磁性矿物(为赤铁矿和针铁矿);2)相对黄土层,古土壤层含有更高比例的亚铁磁性矿物;3)成土过程中生成的大量细小强磁性矿物颗粒,是古土壤层S1磁化率增加的主导因素,该模式与黄土高原相似;4)结合色度以及磁学性质,可以较为明确地区分成壤强度;(5)理县黄土剖面物源复杂,磁学特征受到沉积物来源、后期流水和气候的共同作用,利用单一磁学性质(比如磁化率)进行古气候研究会造成多解性。  相似文献   

罗马尼亚第四纪黄土沉积的岩石磁学特征及成土模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲罗马尼亚发育着典型的第四纪风积黄土-古土壤地层,通过对Mircea Voda剖面黄土-古土壤样品进行磁化率、频率磁化率、非磁滞剩余磁化强度、等温剩磁、热磁曲线和磁滞回线等岩石磁学参数测试分析,发现罗马尼亚Mircea Voda黄土-古土壤序列磁化率曲线形态与中国黄土高原中部西峰黄土极为相似;而且所含磁性矿物种类也很相似,主要以亚铁磁性矿物(磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿)为主,也含有反铁磁性矿物(赤铁矿和针铁矿).罗马尼亚Mircea Voda黄土与中国西峰黄土有相似的成土模式,成土过程都是在干旱氧化环境中进行,磁化率与成土作用基本成正相关关系.磁化率在成土弱的黄土层中获低值,在成土强的古土壤层中获高值,反映冰期、间冰期旋回在全球范围内对气候影响的一致性.成±过程粒度小的超顺磁(SP)和单畴(SD)亚铁磁性矿物相对含量的增加是罗马尼亚Mircea Voda剖面古土壤磁化率增强的主要原因.罗马尼亚Mircea Voda黄土的磁化率数值整体低于中国西峰黄土的值,物源的差异以及罗马尼亚气候的水热不同期使得古土壤发育弱于中国黄土,以及地下水对剖面底部土壤层的淋溶作用,可能是造成Mircea Voda黄土磁化率低于西峰黄土的原因.  相似文献   

1998年9月,在洛阳市北郊北窑村的黄土地层中发现了丰富的旧石器,为研究黄土时期的人类生存环境提供了宝贵的材料。北窑遗址位于洛阳市河南岸的三级黄土堆积阶地,高于现代河床约20m。遗址地层如图所示,由上而下,第1层为灰黄色黄土,厚307m;第2层为棕红色古土壤,厚3.37m;第3层为灰黄色黄土,厚2.27m;第4层为深灰黄色黄土,厚2.19m;第5层为棕红色古土壤,厚2.05m。总厚12.95m。据热释光测定,第2层顶部年龄为30110aB.P,属马兰黄土中的古土壤层(L1S);第4层顶部年龄为51370aB.P,底部年龄为85000aB.P,属马兰黄土(L1)…  相似文献   

青海西宁厚层黄土的发现及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
古地磁研究表明,西宁大墩岭黄土剖面是距今1.2Ma以来形成的,它记录有B/M界线,哈拉米洛事件(J)和黄土剖面中很少发现的布莱克事件(B_1)。西宁地区的黄土以其厚度大(达261m)、粒度粗、古土壤分层多、古土壤厚度在整个剖面所占比例小为其特点,表明西宁距离黄土的物源区近、气候干冷、粉尘堆积速度快,详细记录了距今1.2Ma年以来青藏高原环境变迁和气候变化信息。其中L_2、L_9、L_(15)是距今0.155、0.79,1.10 Ma三次最为干冷时期的产物,与青藏高原的三次最大规模冰期极盛时期相对应。  相似文献   

黄土沉积中红光/反射光亮度值变化及古气候意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
第四纪黄上沉积的一个最直观的野外现象是黄色的黄土层与红色的古土壤层相间排列,在我国黄土高原,完整的黄土沉积具数十层古土壤。大量研究表明,黄土层堆积于干冷的冰期,古土壤则堆积于温湿的间冰期。冰期一间冰期旋回过程中,大气温度可随之作大幅度的波动。而土壤学...  相似文献   

新疆伊犁黄土元素地球化学特征及古环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对新疆伊犁波马剖面黄土-古土壤序列常量、微量元素及相关参数分析研究,讨论末次冰期以来伊犁黄土常量元素分异规律及古环境意义.结果表明,伊犁波马剖面S1以来黄土-古土壤序列各层常量元素含量均呈现出SiO2>Al2O3>CaO>Fe2O3>MgO>K2O>Na2O变化特征,剖面序列中常量元素含量及相关参数变化,与黄土、古土壤层相互交替叠置不具对应性,明显有别于黄土高原.末次冰期以来黄土和古土壤形成时干冷程度强于黄土高原黄土,更高于古土壤,淋溶差异程度不及黄土高原.S1以来伊犁黄土物质来源基本相同,古土壤形成时环境条件不相同,以干冷或湿冷为特征,即使同一古土壤地层单元不同层位其水热组合条件也存在差异,波马剖面黄土-古土壤元素地球化学记录末次冰期以来沉积气候环境总体相对干旱.  相似文献   

Komatiites are mantle-derived ultramafic volcanic rocks. Komatiites have been discovered in several States of India, notably in Karnataka. Studies on the distribution of trace-elements in the komatiites of India are very few. This paper proposes a simple, accurate, precise, rapid, and non-destructive wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometric technique for determining Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th in komatiites, and discusses the accuracy, precision, limits of detection, x-ray spectral-line interferences, inter-element effects, speed, advantages, and limitations of the technique. The accuracy of the technique is excellent (within 3%) for Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th and very good (within 4%) for Y. The precision is also excellent (within 3%) for Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th. The limits of detection are: 1 ppm for Sc and V; 2 ppm for Cr, Co, and Ni; 3 ppm for Cu, Zn, Rb, and Sr; 4 ppm for Y and Zr; 6 ppm for Nb; 10 ppm for Ba; 13 ppm for Pb; and 14 ppm for Th. The time taken for determining Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th in a batch of 24 samples of komatiites, for a replication of four analyses per sample, by one operator, using a manual WDXRF spectrometer, is only 60 hours.  相似文献   

最新的流行病学研究表明,空气中较高浓度的悬浮细颗粒可能对人类的健康有不利的影响。根据该项研究显示,由于心脏病、慢性呼吸问题和肺功能指标恶化而导致死亡率的升高与细尘粒子有关。这些研究结果已经促使欧盟于1999年4月出台了限制空气中二氧化硫、二氧化氮、氧化氮、铅和颗粒物含量的法案(1999/30/EC),对各项指标包括对可吸入PM10颗粒的浓度提出了新的限制性指标。PM10颗粒是指可以通过预分级器分离采集的气体动力学直径小于10μm的细颗粒。目前研究的兴趣重点逐步偏向PM2.5这些更细微颗粒物,PM2.5这种颗粒物对健康有明显的不利影响。在欧盟指令2008/50/EC中,对PM10和PM2.5都提  相似文献   

This paper reports the first results of a study of 11 isotope systems (3He/4He, 40Ar/36Ar, 34S/32S, 65Cu/63Cu, 62Ni/60Ni, 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, 206–208Pb/204Pb, Hf–Nd, U–Pb, and Re–Os) in the rocks and ores of the Cu–Ni–PGE deposits of the Norilsk ore district. Almost all the results were obtained at the Center of Isotopic Research of the Karpinskii All-Russia Research Institute of Geology. The use of a number of independent genetic isotopic signatures and comprehensive isotopic knowledge provided a methodic basis for the interpretation of approximately 5000 isotopic analyses of various elements. The presence of materials from two sources, crust and mantle, was detected in the composition of the rocks and ores. The contribution of the crustal source is especially significant in the paleofluids (gas–liquid microinclusions) of the ore-forming medium. Crustal solutions were probably a transport medium during ore formation. Air argon is dominant in the ores, which indicates a connection between the paleofluids and the atmosphere. This suggests intense groundwater circulation during the crystallization of ore minerals. The age of the rocks and ores of the Norilsk deposits was determined. The stage of orebody formation is restricted to a narrow age interval of 250 ± 10 Ma. An isotopic criterion was proposed for the ore-bearing potential of mafic intrusions in the Norilsk–Taimyr region. It includes several interrelated isotopic ratios of various elements: He, Ar, S, and others.  相似文献   

本文介绍样品经四硼酸锂熔融制成玻璃小饼。采用Lachance模式和理论a系数来校正元素间的效应,由3080E型X-射线荧光谱仪和DF-350B数据处理系统完成硅酸盐中十三个项目的测定。  相似文献   

本文拟定了一种以熔融法制备样片,用X射线荧光光谱测定硅酸盐类样品中Si、Fe、Al、Tj、Mn、Ca、Mg、K、Na、P等元素的分析方法。在对不同靶材X光管和分光晶体实验对比的基础上,选择了最佳的测量条件。该法具有快速、准确,测量范围广,检测限低,价格便宜等优点。经过近百个各种类型标样或管理样品的分析对比表明,本法不仅适用于硅酸盐类岩石样品的分析,还适用于铁矿、铝土矿、碳酸盐类岩矿样品以及水泥、耐火材料等样品的分析。  相似文献   

Mining induced subsidence can significantly affect mining costs where major surface facilities and natural environment need to be protected. Overburden grout injection is a technology used to control coal mine subsidence by injecting the mine waste material extracted from the coal back into the inter-burden rock during longwall mining. The flowing slurry is here categorised as a nonlinear viscous cohesive (Bingham plastic) fluid. During longwall mining the grout slurry is pumped into the separated beds of the rock mass through a central vertical borehole, which is drilled deep into the inter-burden rock strata above the coal seam. However, a blockage can occur in the injection system when the slurry velocity falls below a certain critical threshold velocity, indicating a material phase change from cohesive-viscous to cohesive-frictional. In situ field injection tests through boreholes have been simulated at a smaller scale at the CSIRO laboratory in Brisbane by pumping the slurry through a radial disk (gap = 4 mm) from its centre. Laboratory experiments indicate a general, nonlinear, cohesive, viscous, frictional model for shear behaviour of the slurry, in which the material shear parameters are functions of the disk radial distance. Complete dimensional and dimensionless analytical solutions have been developed based on an approach related to Bingham–Herschel–Bulkley fluid mechanics. The derived formulae include relations for minimum pump pressure, local pressure and pressure gradient, wall shear stress, volume rate, velocity and velocity gradient. The theoretical results match the experimental measurements. The experiments covered slurries with maximum particle sizes of 0.5 to 2 mm with about 50% being larger than 100 µm. The viscosities at the various solids concentrations were measured with a standard torsion viscometer. This study differs from the previous research in several distinct aspects, namely, consideration of the variable shear parameters rather than fixed values, inclusion of total nonlinear behaviour, and implementation of a friction function to mimic behaviour of the deposited and consolidating stiff slurry, which can cause a significant pressure rise as a result of the increased shear resistance.  相似文献   

Between 1985 and 1991, two new mountain protected areas (MTNPA) covering more than 35,000 km2 and based on participatory management models — the Makalu-Barun National Park and Conservation Area, Nepal, and Qomolangma Nature Preserve, Tibet Autonomous Region — were successfully established through the collaborative efforts of Woodlands Mountain Institute and conservationists in China and Nepal. Characteristics common to both projects include the importance of establishing (1) effective rationales, (2) local support constituencies, (3) a senior advisory group, (4) a task force, (5) linkages between conservation and development, and (6) fund raising mechanisms. The lessons derived from the experiences of Woodlands Mountain Institute are of significant value to others in preserving MTNPA. Increased collaboration and communication between all interested in conservation, however, will remain a critical component for expanding mountain protected area coverage to throughout the world.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(2):137-159
Five hundred and ninety-eight samples of terrestrial moss (Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi) collected from a 188,000 km2 area of the central Barents region (NE Norway, N Finland, NW Russia) were analysed by ICP-AES and ICP-MS. Analytical results for Al, B, Ba, Ca, K, La, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Rb, Si, Sr, Th, U and Y concentrations are reported here. Graphical methods of data analysis, such as geochemical maps, cumulative frequency diagrams, boxplots and scatterplots, are used to interpret the origin of the patterns for these elements. None of the elements reported here are emitted in significant amounts from the smelting industry on the Kola Peninsula. Despite the conventional view that moss chemistry reflects atmospheric element input, the nature of the underlying mineral substrate (regolith or bedrock) is found to have a considerable influence on moss composition for several elements. This influence of the chemistry of the mineral substrate can take place in a variety of ways. (1) It can be completely natural, reflecting the ability of higher plants to take up elements from deep soil horizons and shed them with litterfall onto the surface. (2) It can result from naturally increased soil dust input where vegetation is scarce due to harsh climatic conditions for instance. Alternatively, substrate influence can be enhanced by human activity, such as open-cast mining, creation of ‘technogenic deserts’, or handling, transport and storage of ore and ore products, all of which magnify the natural elemental flux from bedrock to ground vegetation. Seaspray is another natural process affecting moss composition in the area (Mg, Na), and this is most visible in the Norwegian part of the study area. Presence or absence of some plant species, e.g., lichens, seems to influence moss chemistry. This is shown by the low concentrations of B or K in moss on the Finnish and Norwegian side of the (fenced) border with Russia, contrasting with high concentrations on the other side (intensive reindeer husbandry west of the border has selectively depleted the lichen population).  相似文献   

We have developed a set of four synthetic standards for the rare earth and high field strength elements designed for use in the determination of those elements in silicates. The base material is a glass nominally at the eutectic of the MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary system. The nominal doping level was 2 wt% of the elements as oxides. To avoid problems associated with peak interference, the elements were doped in four separate glasses.  相似文献   

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