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《Coastal Engineering》1998,35(3):185-209
Two depth inversion algorithms (DIA) applicable to coastal waters are developed, calibrated, and validated based on results of computations of periodic waves shoaling over mild slopes, in a two-dimensional numerical wave tank based on fully nonlinear potential flow (FNPF) theory. In actual field situations, these algorithms would be used to predict the cross-shore depth variation h based on sets of values of wave celerity c and length L, and either wave height H or left–right asymmetry s2/s1, simultaneously measured at a number of locations in the direction of wave propagation, e.g., using video or radar remote sensing techniques. In these DIAs, an empirical relationship, calibrated for a series of computations in the numerical wave tank, is used to express c as a function of relative depth koh and deep water steepness koHo. To carry out depth inversion, wave period is first predicted as the mean of observed L/c values, and Ho is then predicted, either based on observed H or s2/s1 values. The celerity relationship is finally inverted to predict depth h. The algorithms are validated by applying them to results of computations for cases with more complex bottom topography and different incident waves than in the original calibration computations. In all cases, root-mean-square (rms)-errors for the depth predictions are found to be less than a few percent, whereas depth predictions based on the linear dispersion relationship—which is still the basis for many state-of-the-art DIAs—have rms-errors 5 to 10 times larger.  相似文献   

Wave shoaling and diffraction in current over a mild-slope   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The wave relative frequency in the coordinate system moving with current and the angle between the direction of wave propagation and that of current are computed based on the wave dispersion relation. The current field is computed by solving the depth averaged shallow water equations. The wave field is computed by solving the mildslope equation which has taken the current‘s effect into account. A numerical model is established using a finite element method for simulating the wave shoaling and diffraction in current over a mild-slope, and the numerical results are reasonable to compare with the experimental data.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of a 1-D Boussinesq model is evaluated against laboratory data for its ability to predict surf zone velocity moments. Wave evolution over a plane beach and a complex bathymetry both extending into the surf-zone is examined for six cases. For the plane beach, these comprise two cases, a spilling and a plunging cnoidal wave. For the complex bathymetry, these comprise four cases of longer and short wavelengths (spilling and plunging breakers), with regular and irregular periodicity. The model evaluation places emphasis on parameters of the wave field that could be used for the prediction of sediment transport; orbital velocity, undertow, velocity skewness, kurtosis and asymmetry. It is found that, despite an overestimation of the depth-averaged horizontal velocity in the regular waves cases, the predicted higher order velocity moments and undertow are in good agreement with the laboratory data. A bispectral analysis demonstrates that the nonlinear transfers of energy amongst the low order harmonics are well reproduced, but energy exchanges with the higher harmonics are less well predicted. As a result, the model handles velocity moments better in the shorter wave tests than in the long wave cases where triad interactions are stronger. Of the four parameters describing wave breaking, the model behaviour is most sensitive to the critical wave front slope φB, especially with regard to velocity skewness and kurtosis predictions. It is also found that increasing the thickness of the surface roller for the case of plunging breakers improves the model's performance.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Kenyon (2004) proposed that the wave-induced energy flux is generally not conserved, and that shoaling waves cause a mean force and torque on the bottom. That force was equated to the divergence of the wave momentum flux estimated from the assumption that the wave-induced mass flux is conserved. This assumption and conclusions are contrary to a wide body of observations and theory. Most importantly, waves propagate in water, so that the momentum balance generally involves the mean water flow. Although the expression for the non-hydrostatic bottom force given by Kenyon is not supported by observations, a consistent review of existing theory shows that a smaller mean wave-induced force must be present in cases with bottom friction or wave reflection. That force exactly balances the change in wave momentum flux due to bottom friction and the exchange of wave momentum between incident and reflected wave components. The remainder of the wave momentum flux divergence, due to shoaling or wave breaking, is compensated by the mean flow, with a balance involving hydrostatic pressure forces that arise from a change in mean surface elevation that is very well verified by observations.  相似文献   

This paper provides a practical method for estimating the drag force on a vegetation field in shoaling conditions beneath non-breaking and breaking random waves. This is achieved by using a simple drag formula based on two empirical drag coefficients given by Méndez et al. (1999) and Méndez and Losada (2004), respectively, in conjunction with a stochastic approach. Here the waves are assumed to be a stationary narrow-band random process and propagating in shallow waters. The effects of shoaling and breaking waves are included by adopting the Méndez et al. (2004) wave height distribution. Results are presented and discussed for different slopes, and an example of calculation is also provided to demonstrate the application of the method.  相似文献   

Nonlinear three-wave interactions of Stokes edge waves propagating both in one direction and in opposite directions along a uniformly sloping shelf are considered. In the cases when only the lowest four modes participate in interaction, the synchronism conditions are determined and interaction coefficients are calculated. It is shown that the interaction coefficients of unidirectional edge-wave modes can vanish for certain triads. The spatiotemporal dynamics of a triad of edge waves is investigated. In addition, expressions are given for the resonance interaction coefficients of edge waves over the bottom of an arbitrary profile.  相似文献   

The results of a laboratory experimental program aimed at better understanding the scour around and burial of heavy cylindrical objects under oscillating flow on a sandy bed are described. This study was motivated by its application to the dynamics of isolated cobbles/mines on a sandy floor under nonlinear progressive waves, such as that occur in shallow coastal waters beyond the wave-breaking region. In the experiments, nonlinear progressive waves were generated in a long wave tank of rectangular cross-section with a bottom slope. Model mines (short cylinders) were placed on the sandy bottom and the temporal evolution of the bed profile and the velocity field in the near field of the object were observed. Experiments were conducted at relatively high Reynolds numbers for a range of flow conditions, which can be characterized by the Keulegan–Carpenter number and Shields parameter. Depending on the values of these parameters, four different scour regimes around the cylinder including periodical burial of cylinder under migrating sand ripples were observed; they were classified as: (i) no scour/burial, (ii) initial scour, (iii) expanded scour, and (iv) periodic burial cases. A scour regime diagram was developed and the demarcation criteria between different regimes were deduced. Semi-empirical formulae that permit estimation of the scour depth with time, the equilibrium maximum scour depth and length, and conditions necessary for the burial of the cylinder as a function of main external parameters are also proposed.  相似文献   

An acoustic current meter attached to a servo-hydraulic surface-following device was used to obtain near-surface velocity measurements beneath breaking and near breaking surface gravity waves shoaling on a 1:40 beach. The data are compared to velocities predicted by two adaptations of linear theory: superposition and stretching. For unbroken and near breaking waves, the predictions are in close agreement with the measurements. For breaking and broken waves, near surface crest velocity measurements are influenced by air entrainment; trough velocities are relatively well predicted. The problems associated with the acoustic measurement of near-surface velocities are highlighted.  相似文献   

未破碎变浅随机海浪的波面高度概率分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用青岛海洋大学物理海洋实验室现代化的大型水槽,设计进行了多种海浪强度下,由深水传入近岸不同坡度水底上的变浅随机海浪的实验.依据实验资料分析结果表明,对变浅非正态海浪过程而言,其波面高度分布取Gram-Charlier级数前3项,所得结果与实验分布符合良好.该分布中σ、λ3、λ43个参量是测点水深和波浪强度的函数,并获得了与无因次参量Hs/d之间的经验关系,为预测变浅随机海浪的波面高度分布提供了可能.  相似文献   

Jonsson and Arneborg (Jonsson, I.G., Arneborg, L., 1995. Energy properties and shoaling of higher-order Stokes waves on a current. Ocean Engng 22, 819-857.) combined energy flux and set-down to make shoaling predictions for fourth-order Stokes waves with and without a net volume flux. With basis in their expressions, sixth-order expressions are derived and combined to make shoaling predictions correct to sixth order with an arbitrary net volume flux. The new sixth-order results are compared with the fourth-order results and the practically exact results obtained by Sobey and Bando (Sobey R.J., Bando K., 1991. Variations on higher-order shoaling. J. Waterway, Port, Coastal Ocean Engng ASCE 117, 348-368) with a Fourier 18 model. The effects of introducing sixth-order theory rather than the fourth-order theory in shoaling calculations are in general found to be small. As expected the deviations increase with increasing wave-steepness, decreasing depth and opposing currents. Also as expected, the results obtained with the sixth-order expressions improve the results obtained with the fourth-order expressions when compared to the results of Sobey and Bando. As novelties, some considerations regarding the consistency of odd- and even-order shoaling calculations, and the magnitude of the bottom slope, are presented. Furthermore a comparison between the wave-induced current and the total current is given.  相似文献   

The elementary properties of internal Rossby waves in a horizontally infinite two-layer ocean with a uniform east-west current, apparently not previously reported in the literature, are documented.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2001,42(2):173-197
Intra-wave sediment suspension is examined using high-resolution field measurements and numerical hydrodynamic and sediment models within 120 mm of a plane seabed under natural asymmetric waves. The detailed measurements of suspended sediment concentration (at 5 mm vertical resolution and at 4 Hz) showed two or three entrainment bursts around peak flow under the wave crest and another at flow reversal during the decelerating phase. At flow reversal, the mixing length was found to be approximately double the value attained at peak flow under the crest. To examine the cause of multiple suspension peaks and increased diffusion at flow reversal, a numerical “side-view” hydrodynamic model was developed to reproduce near-bed wave-induced orbital currents. Predicted currents at the bed and above the wave boundary layer were oppositely directed around flow reversal and this effect became more pronounced with increasing wave asymmetry. When the predicted orbital currents and an enhanced eddy diffusivity during periods of oppositely directed flows were applied in a Lagrangian numerical sediment transport model, unprecedented and extremely close predictions of the measured instantaneous concentrations were obtained. The numerical models were simplified to incorporate only the essential parameters and, by simulating at short time scales, empirical time-averaged parameterisations were not required. Key factors in the sediment model were fall velocities of the full grain size distribution, diffusion, separation of entrainment from settlement, and non-constant, but vertically uniform, eddy diffusivity. Over the plane bed, sediment convection by wave orbital vertical currents was found to have no significant influence on the results.  相似文献   

The interaction between current-free higher-order water waves with a wave-free uniform current normal to the wave crests is considered. The combined wave-current motion resulting from the interaction is assumed stable and irrotational. The velocity potential, dispersion relation, the particle kinematics and pressure distribution up to the third order in wave amplitude are developed. The conservation of mean mass, momentum and energy, together with the dispersion relation on the free surface are used to derive a set of four nonlinear equations, through which the relationship between wave-free current, current-free wave and the combined wave-current parameters is established. Numerical results for a range of current values are also presented.  相似文献   

A set of optimum parameter α is obtained to evaluate the linear dispersion and shoaling properties in the extended Boussinesq equations of [Madsen and Sorensen, 1992 and Nwogu, 1993], and [Chen and Liu, 1995]. Optimum α values are determined to produce minimal errors in each wave property of phase velocity, group velocity, or shoaling coefficient relative to the analytical one given by the Stokes wave theory. Comparisons are made of the percent errors in phase velocity, group velocity, and shoaling coefficient produced by the Boussinesq equations with a different set of optimum α values. The case with a fixed value of α = −0.4 is also presented in the comparison. The comparisons reveal that the optimum α value tuned for a particular wave property gives in general poor results for other properties. Considering all the properties simultaneously, the fixed value of α = −0.4 may give overall accuracies in phase velocity and shoaling coefficient for all the types of Boussinesq equations selected in this study.  相似文献   

In this study the evolution of internal solitary waves shoaling onto a shelf is considered. The results of high resolution two-dimensional numerical simulations of the incompressible Euler equations are compared with the predictions of several weakly-nonlinear shoaling models of the Korteweg–de Vries family including the Gardner equation and the cubic regularized long wave (or Benjamin–Bona–Mahoney) equation. Wave models in both physical xt space and in sx space are considered where s is a commonly used characteristic time variable. The effects of rotation, background currents and damping are ignored. The Boussinesq and rigid lid approximations are also used. The shoaling internal solitary waves generally fission into several waves. Reflected waves are negligible in the cases considered here. Several hyperbolic tangent stratifications are considered with and without a critical point. Among the equations in xt space the cubic regularized long wave equation gives the best predictions. The Gardner equation in sx space gives the best predictions of the shape of the leading waves on the shelf, but for many stratifications it predicts a propagation speed that is too large.  相似文献   

Two sets of higher-order Boussinesq-type equations for water waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Z.B. Liu  Z.C. Sun 《Ocean Engineering》2005,32(11-12):1296-1310
Based on the classical Boussinesq model by Peregrine [Peregrine, D.H., 1967. Long waves on a beach. J. Fluid Mech. 27 (4), 815–827], two parameters are introduced to improve dispersion and linear shoaling characteristics. The higher order non-linear terms are added to the modified Boussinesq equations. The non-linearity of the Boussinesq model is analyzed. A parameter related to h/L0 is used to improve the quadratic transfer function in relatively deep water. Since the dispersion characteristic of the modified Boussinesq equations with two parameters is only equal to the second-order Padé expansion of the linear dispersion relation, further improvement is done by introducing a new velocity vector to replace the depth-averaged one in the modified Boussinesq equations. The dispersion characteristic of the further modified Boussinesq equations is accurate to the fourth-order Padé approximation of the linear dispersion relation. Compared to the modified Boussinesq equations, the accuracy of quadratic transfer functions is improved and the shoaling characteristic of the equations has higher accuracy from shallow water to deep water.  相似文献   

《Applied Ocean Research》1997,19(2):113-140
The effect of breaking and steep non-breaking waves on a vertical pile such as found in minimal caisson structures in the Gulf of Mexico shallow water environment was studied in a wave tank testing. The waves generated were both regular and irregular. The irregular waves were of Bretschneider type. In some tests current was combined in the direction of waves. Specially steep waves in the recorded wave profile were chosen for the analysis of wave forces. It was observed that the forces on the caisson at the wave frequency due to breaking waves were no higher in general than those in nonbreaking steep waves. The drag coefficients in waves alone were much higher than those in a combined wave-current field. The wave-current drag coefficients approached those found in the steady current alone.  相似文献   

A novel theoretical approach is applied to predict the propagation and transformation of transient nonlinear waves on a current. The problem was solved by applying an eigenfunction expansion method and the derived semi-analytical solution was employed to study the transformation of wave profile and the evolution of wave spectrum arising from the nonlinear interactions of wave components in a wave train which may lead to the formation of very large waves. The results show that the propagation of wave trains is significantly affected by a current. A relatively small current may substantially affect wave train components and the wave train shape. This is observed for both opposing and following current. The results demonstrate that the application of the nonlinear model has a substantial effect on the shape of a wave spectrum. A train of originally linear and very narrow-banded waves changes its one-peak spectrum to a multi-peak one in a fairly short distance from an initial position. The discrepancies between the wave trains predicted by applying the linear and nonlinear models increase with the increasing wavelength and become significant in shallow water even for waves with low steepness. Laboratory experiments were conducted in a wave flume to verify theoretical results. The free-surface elevations recorded by a system of wave gauges are compared with the results provided by the nonlinear model. Additional verification was achieved by applying a Fourier analysis and comparing wave amplitude spectra obtained from theoretical results with experimental data. A reasonable agreement between theoretical results and experimental data is observed for both amplitudes and phases. The model predicts fairly well multi-peak spectra, including wave spectra with significant nonlinear wave components.  相似文献   

观测资料显示内孤立波沿斜坡浅化过程对海底沉积物的作用犹如一台水中吸尘器,在破碎转换阶段达到最强,甚至会触发一系列地质活动,引发地质灾害。为界定此过程中沉积物的动力响应特征和影响因素,在大型重力式分层流水槽中模拟不同振幅内孤立波和不同类型沉积物斜坡连续作用过程,利用孔隙水压力采集系统实时记录孔隙水压力变化,对比分析不同水动力、坡度、沉积物类型情况下沉积物中超孔压变化特征。分析结果表明,内孤立波破碎过程,破波位置海床表层波压力和不同深度超孔隙水压力都存在相似的"U"型负压力变化过程;破碎波经过位置沉积物表现为和表面波压力正相关的孔压响应特征。破碎点沉积物中超孔压幅值随深度减小,约在6%波长深度位置减少到坡面压力的50%。超孔压幅值和内孤立波振幅、沉积物类型和斜坡度密切相关,坡度由0.071变化到0.160时,波压力幅值可增大至1.6倍。内孤立波振幅变化不影响不同类型海床土动力响应规律,只与超孔隙水压力值大小有关,内孤立波对海床的动力作用可认为弹性作用。  相似文献   

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