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In the present paper we have studied the nonlinear dynamical equation of Landau damped kinetic Alfvén wave (KAW) to investigate the nonlinear evolution of KAW and the resulting turbulent spectra in solar wind plasmas. We have introduced a parameter g which governs the coupling between the amplitude of the pump KAW and the density perturbation. The numerical solution has been carried out to see the dependence on the parameter g in the nonlinear part of our equation. Our results reveal the formation of damped localized structures of KAW as well as steepening of the turbulent spectra by increasing g when damping is taken into account. The power spectra of magnetic field fluctuations indicate the redistribution of energy among the higher wave numbers. Each power spectrum with and without damping splits up into two different scaling ranges, Kolmogorov scaling followed by a steeper scaling. The steepening in the power spectra with Landau damping is more than without Landau damping case (for the same value of g). This type of steeper spectra has also been observed in the solar wind and is attributed to the Landau damping effects.  相似文献   

We examine the propagation of Alfvén waves in the solar atmosphere. The principal theoretical virtues of this work are: (i) The full wave equation is solved without recourse to the small-wavelength eikonal approximation (ii) The background solar atmosphere is realistic, consisting of an HSRA/VAL representation of the photosphere and chromosphere, a 200 km thick transition region, a model for the upper transition region below a coronal hole (provided by R. Munro), and the Munro-Jackson model of a polar coronal hole. The principal results are:
  1. If the wave source is taken to be near the top of the convection zone, where n H = 5.2 × 1016 cm?3, and if B = 10.5 G, then the wave Poynting flux exhibits a series of strong resonant peaks at periods downwards from 1.6 hr. The resonant frequencies are in the ratios of the zeroes of J 0, but depend on B , and on the density and scale height at the wave source. The longest period peaks may be the most important, because they are nearest to the supergranular periods and to the observed periods near 1 AU, and because they are the broadest in frequency.
  2. The Poynting flux in the resonant peaks can be large enough, i.e. P ≈ 104–105 erg cm?2s?1, to strongly affect the solar wind.
  3. ¦δv¦ and ¦δB¦ also display resonant peaks.
  4. In the chromosphere and low corona, ¦δv ≈ 7–25 kms?1 and ¦δB¦ ≈0.3–1.0 G if P ≈104-105 erg cm?2s?1.
  5. The dependences of ¦δv¦ and ¦δB¦ on height are reduced by finite wavelength effects, except near the wave source where they are enhanced.
  6. Near the base, ¦δB¦ ≈ 350–1200 G if P ~- 104–105. This means that nonlinear effects may be important, and that some density and vertical velocity fluctuations may be associated with the Alfvén waves.
  7. Below the low corona most wave energy is kinetic, except near the base where it becomes mostly magnetic at the resonances.
  8. ?0 < δv 2 > v A or < δB 2 > v A/4π are not good estimators of the energy flux.
  9. The Alfvén wave pressure tensor will be important in the transition region only if the magnetic field diverges rapidly. But the Alfvén wave pressure can be important in the coronal hole.

The linearized propagation of axisymmetric twists on axisymmetric vertical flux tubes is considered. Models corresponding to both open (coronal hole) and closed (active region loops) flux tubes are examined. Principal conclusions are: Open flux tubes: (1) With some reservations, the model can account for long-period (T 1 hr) energy fluxes which are sufficient to drive solar wind streams. (2) The waves are predicted to exert ponderomotive forces on the chromosphere which are large enough to alter hydrostatic equilibrium or to drive upward flows. Spicules may be a consequence of these forces. (3) Higher frequency waves (10 s T few min) are predicted to carry energy fluxes which are adequate to heat the chromosphere and corona. Nonlinear mechanisms may provide the damping. Closed flux tubes: (1) Long-period (T 1 hr) twists do not appear to be energetically capable of providing the required heating of active regions. (2) Loop resonances are found to occur as a result of waves being stored in the corona via reflections at the transition zones. The loop resonances act much in the manner of antireflectance coatings on camera lenses, and allow large energy fluxes to enter the coronal loops. The resonances may also be able to account for the observed fact that longer coronal loops require smaller energy flux densities entering them from below. (3) The waves exert large upward and downward forces on the chromosphere and corona.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Coronal heating by Alfvén waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wentzel  Donat G. 《Solar physics》1974,36(1):129-137
Solar Physics - If Alfvén waves are responsible for the heating of the solar corona, what are the various dissipation processes, under what conditions are they important, and what...  相似文献   

Campos  L.M.B.C.  Mendes  P.M.V.M. 《Solar physics》2000,191(2):257-280
The present paper concerns Alfvén waves, in a resistive and viscous atmosphere, under a steep temperature gradient (Section 1). The dissipative Alfvén wave equation is deduced assuming uniform vertical background magnetic field, and allowing for arbitrary profiles of Alfvén speed, and viscous and resistive diffusivities as functions of altitude (Section 2). A three-parameter family of temperature profiles, allowing for independent choice of initial and asymptotic temperature, and of initial temperature gradient, is used to re-write the wave equation, with the temperature as the independent variable, instead of altitude (Section 3). It is shown that, for the conditions prevailing in the solar transition region between the chromosphere and corona, two approximations of the dissipative wave equations may be considered, the simplest leading to solution in terms of Gaussian hypergeometric functions (Section 4). The exact analytical solution allows calculation of the (i) velocity and (ii) magnetic field perturbations, (iii) kinetic, (iv) magnetic and (v) total energy density, (vi) energy flux, (vii) rate-of-strain and (viii) electric current, and (ix) viscous, (x) resistive and (xi) total rate of dissipation (Section 5). These are plotted versus temperature, across the transition region from the chromosphere to the corona, for the quiet and active Sun (Section 6). The feasibility of heating of the transition region by dissipation of Alfvén waves is discussed (Section 7), by comparing empirical heating rates, with theoretical values for a range of physical conditions, including initial velocity perturbations 5 to 15 km s –1, background magnetic field 12 to 120 G, wave periods 60 to 300 s, thickness of the transition region 100 to 300 km, resistive and anomalous diffusivities to 100 and viscous and turbulent diffusivities to 100 . The conclusion is that dissipation of Alfvén waves is not an effective heating mechanism for the transition region and corona, although it may be for the chromosphere (see Campos and Mendes, 1995, and references therein).  相似文献   

In the present paper, we have investigated nonlinear interaction of three dimensional kinetic Alfvén wave with perpendicularly propagating magnetosonic wave for intermediate β-plasma (m e /m i ?β?1). We have developed the set of dimensionless equations in the presence of ponderomotive nonlinearity due to three dimensional kinetic Alfvén wave in the dynamics of perpendicularly propagating magnetosonic wave. Numerical simulation has been carried out to study the effect of nonlinear coupling of three dimensional kinetic Alfvén wave with perpendicularly propagating magnetosonic wave on power spectrum for the plasma parameters applicable to solar wind around 1 AU. Relevance of the obtained results is pointed out with observation received by Cluster spacecraft for the solar wind around 1 AU.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for undamped, toroidal, small-amplitude Alfvén waves in a spherically-symmetric or equatorial stellar wind is developed in this paper. The equations are reduced to a very simple form by using real Fourier amplitudes and the ratio of the inward and outward propagating wave amplitudes, which is interpreted as a measure of the relative influence of wave reflection in the flow, on the solution at a given point. Asymptotic solutions at large distances are found to depend only on one parameter, = / P - the ratio of wave frequency and critical (or cutoff) frequency which is a flow characteristic; a = 1 divides solutions into two qualitatively different groups. When 1 the asymptotic (r-) ratio of the inward and outward propagating wave amplitudes does not depend on wave frequency and is equal to unity, while the phase shift between them changes; in this case the wave pattern is a standing wave. If > 1 the converse occurs with the ratio of the amplitudes decreasing rapidly as the frequency increases, and the phase shift equals to -1/2, corresponding to a propagating wave pattern. The result is also expressed in terms of velocity and magnetic field perturbations.Existence of a finite incoming wave amplitude solution at the Alfvén critical point indicates that this point is stable with respect to the perturbations which originate at the critical point and spend an infinite time in its vicinity.Special attention is paid to the applicability of the WKB approximation. It is argued that it can be used only in finite intervals which do not contain the Alfvén critical point, with inward propagating waves taken into account through the boundary conditions. It is shown that despite the presence of reflection, the outward propagating wave amplitude can be described reasonably well by the WKB formula, perhaps with different constants in different regions. In this context = 1 divides solutions which cannot be approximated by the WKB estimate at all at large distances (the first group), from those which can with any given accuracy.As an illustration of the analytical behaviour some numerical results are shown using a cool wind model. These are likely to express qualitatively the features of the Alfvén waves in any stellar wind, since the only assumptions about the flow used in the analytical study of the wave equations were that: the flow has small velocity at the base of the corona; it then passes through the critical point, and reaches its finite non-zero limit at infinity.  相似文献   

Inertial Alfvén waves are investigated using Maxwell-Boltzmann-Vlasov equation to evaluate the dispersion relation and growth/damping rate in inhomogeneous plasma. Expressions for the dispersion relation and growth/damping rate are evaluated in inhomogeneous plasma. The effects of density, temperature and velocity gradient are included in the analysis. The results are interpreted for the space plasma parameters appropriate to the plasma sheet boundary layer. It is found that the inhomogeneities of plasma contribute significantly to enhance the growth rate of inertial Alfvén wave. The applicability of this model is assumed for auroral acceleration region and plasma sheet boundary layer.  相似文献   

The excitation and dissipation of global and surface Alfvén waves and their conversion into kinetic Alfvén waves have been analyzed for solar coronal loops using a cylindrical model of a magnetized plasma. Also the optimal conditions for coronal loop heating regimes with density of dissipated power 103 erg cm–3 s–1 by the new scheme named combined Alfvén wave resonance are found. Combined Alfvén wave heating regime appears when the global Alfvén wave is immersed into the Alfvén continuum with the condition of not-so-sharp distribution of axial current.Instituto de Matemática, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ, Brazil  相似文献   

P. R. Wilson 《Solar physics》1975,42(2):333-340
Parker's explanation of the sunspot phenomenon in terms of the enhanced emission of Alfvén waves (solar vulcanology) is shown to be compatible with observation only if 90% of the waves propagate downwards. Further difficulties arise if the region of cooling by Alfvén wave generation is restricted to a depth of 2 Mm. However, it is shown that, if Alfvén wave generation is included in a recent model proposed by Meyer, Schmidt, Weiss and Wilson, these difficulties may be resolved. The problem of the sharp umbra and penumbra boundaries is discussed and it is shown that features of this combined model are relevant to the flare phenomenon.  相似文献   

Dispersion properties of kinetic Alfvén wave in quantum magnetoplasma are derived. The quantum contribution to the Landau damping of kinetic Alfvén wave is also derived by using linearized Vlasov equation which contains the Bohm quantum potential. Classical Landau damped kinetic Alfvén waves play an important role in turbulence of astrophysical plasmas. The quantum modification in Landau damping of kinetic Alfvén wave can also play a significant role in changing the scaling law of turbulent spectra as well as the formation of damped localized Alfvénic structures in dense astrophysical plasmas.  相似文献   

It is shown that a recent conclusion of Shivamaggi that the modulational instability of finite amplitude Alfvén waves arises when the density cavity travels at subsonic speeds, is incorrect.  相似文献   

A low-frequency wave is treated as a local oscillation to modulate the guiding center of electrons beam, which is considered as free energy to excite Alfvén waves by a kinetic plasma instability under low-frequency approximation. The nonlinearity of the model is shown by a critical value of the amplitude of the low-frequency wave, and Alfvén waves are growing in a broad turbulent spectrum with fractional harmonics, which strongly depend on the criterion. The instability is limited in the direction nearly perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field. The growth rates are very sensitive to the beam speed that perpendicular to the magnetic field, the propagational angle, and the magnetic field strength, but not sensitive to the beam speed parallel to the magnetic field. This model is used to explain the modulations with multiple timescales in the flare light curves at radio, hard X-ray and H-alpha bands.  相似文献   

The propagation and interference of Alfvén waves in magnetic regions is studied. A multilayer approximation of the standard models of the solar atmosphere is used. In each layer, there is a linear law of temperature variation and a power law of Alfvén velocity variation. The analytical solutions of a wave equation are stitched at the layer boundaries. The low-frequency Alfvén waves (P > 1 s) are able to transfer the energy from sunspots into the corona by tunneling only. The chromosphere is not a resonance filter for the Alfvén waves. The interference and resonance of Alfvén waves are found to be important to wave propagation through the magnetic coronal arches. The transmission coefficient of Alfvén waves into the corona increases sharply on the resonance frequences. To take into account the wave absorption in the corona, a method of equivalent schemes is developed. The heating of a coronal arch by Alfvén waves is discussed.  相似文献   

We have presented the localization of kinetic Alfvén wave (KAW) in intermediate β plasma (m e /m i ?β?1) by developing a model based on pump kinetic Alfvén wave and finite amplitude magnetosonic fluctuations. When KAW is perturbed by these background magnetosonic fluctuations, filamentary structures of KAW magnetic field are formed. First, a semi analytical model based on paraxial approximation has been developed to understand this evolution process. Localized structures and magnetic fluctuation spectrum of KAW has also been studied numerically for finite frequency of KAW. The calculated magnetic fluctuation spectrum follows two types of scalings. Above the proton gyroradius scale lengths (in inertial range), spectrum follows Kolmogorovian scaling. Below this scale dispersion starts and the spectrum steepens to about \(k_{x}^{-2.5}\) . The result shows the steepening of power spectra which can be responsible for particle acceleration in solar wind due to the energy transfer from larger to smaller lengthscales. Obtained magnetic turbulent spectra are consistent with observations of Cluster spacecraft in solar wind.  相似文献   

C. Uberoi 《Solar physics》1982,78(2):351-354
The Alfvén surface waves can arise due to the discontinuity in the Alfvén speed across the interface along which these waves propagate. This note studies the relationship between v A1 and v A2 which is required for the existence of Alfvén surface waves in low- plasma.  相似文献   

It has been shown that Alfvén waves can drive non-inductive current in solar coronal loops via collisional or collisionless damping. Assuming that all the coronal-loop density of dissipated wave power (W= 10–3 erg cm–3 s–1), which is necessary to keep the plasma hot, is due to Alfvén wave electron heating, we have estimated the axial current density driven by Alfvén waves to be jz 103–105 statA cm–2. This current can indeed support the quasi-stationary equilibrium and stability of coronal loops and create the poloidal magnetic field up to B 1–5 G.  相似文献   

Interaction of Alfvén waves with plasma inhomogeneities generates phase mixing which can lead to dissipate Alfvén waves and to heat the solar plasma. Here we study the dissipation of Alfvén waves by phase mixing due to viscosity and resistivity variations with height. We also consider nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in our theoretical model. Non-linear terms of MHD equations include perturbed velocity, magnetic field, and density. To investigate the damping of Alfvén waves in a stratified atmosphere of solar spicules, we solve the non-linear MHD equations in the xz plane. Our simulations show that the damping is enhanced due to viscosity and resistivity gradients. Moreover, energy variations is influenced due to nonlinear terms in MHD equations.  相似文献   

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