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随着气候的变化以及人类活动的加剧,世界上一些河流的径流和输沙量发生了明显的改变。查明流域的水沙特征、变化趋势及驱动因素是流域治理和管理中面临的重要问题。以黄河上游的十大孔兑为研究对象,利用1958-2015年的实测资料,采用线性趋势法、非参数Mann-Kendall趋势检验法对典型孔兑毛不拉、西柳沟、罕台川的年降雨、径流、泥沙、洪水过程进行了系统分析。结果表明:毛不拉和西柳沟年水沙序列下降趋势显著,罕台川下降趋势不显著,但近10 a比之前水沙明显减少;三个孔兑21世纪和20世纪观测到的2次洪水过程相比,产生洪水的降雨差别不大,但后一次洪峰流量和含沙量都显著降低;与1990年之前相比,1991-2015年各孔兑高强度降雨变化程度相对水沙变化不大。通过遥感影像解译,发现自20世纪90年代以来,随着退耕还林还草、封禁、休牧等水土保持工程陆续实施,十大孔兑土地利用变化显著,植被盖度明显增加,由此改变了该区域降雨-产流-产沙过程,引起1990年以后产水产沙的剧烈减少。  相似文献   

The longitudinal profiles of main streams of ten kongdui basins within Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region of China were characterized in this study by analyzing a series of quantitative indexes that are relevant to tectonic activity and river action, and by establishing a series of multiple regression models. The results reveal that all longitudinal profiles are concave in shape, with a range of concavity between 1.1 and 3.1, increasing from west to east. Data also show that the concavity of the profiles is significantly negatively correlated with profile length, altitude difference, average altitude, drainage area and sediment load of the basins. Analysis reveals that kongdui basins have suffered from moderate-to-weak tectonic activity over time, again characterized by a west-to-east weakening trend. Stream power also varies along the main channels of the ten kongdui basins; average values in each case fall between 0.8 W/m and 8.4 W/m, generally higher within the middle reaches. This decreasing trend in stream power within the lower reaches of kongdui basins might provide one key explanation for sedimentation there. Data also show that the average stream power in western and central basins tends to be higher than that in eastern examples, even though both the highest and the lowest values are seen within two middle ones. This analysis shows that the longitudinal profile concavity values are mainly controlled by tectonic activity and that the effect of river action is insignificant.  相似文献   

土壤风蚀是制约西北干旱荒漠地区社会活动与经济发展的重要因素。为揭示西北干旱荒漠区土壤风蚀气候侵蚀力分布,通过中国区域地面长时间序列气象要素驱动数据,并结合Arc GIS软件分析,评估了该区风蚀气候侵蚀力时空变化与转移特征。研究结果显示:(1)西北干旱荒漠区在降水量、风速以及多年平均温度等气象因素均表现为随年代际递增的背景下,风蚀气候侵蚀力呈现出整体降低,大部分区域C值介于0-100,但在腹地及少数部分区域为增长趋势,C值高于150;(2)月际C值变化差异明显,春夏季最大、其次为冬季,最小为秋季;突变性检验发现风蚀气候侵蚀力在春季变异最强,有4个突变点,且长期处于波动式下降;(3)区域土壤风蚀程度由腹地向四周逐渐减小,且高侵蚀影响面积逐年递增;(4)风蚀气候侵蚀力时空转移变化特征表现为整体为小幅度衰减,但部分地区却表现为增加甚至明显增加趋势。研究成果可为西北干旱荒漠区风沙灾害防治提供相应的理论依据和科技支撑。  相似文献   

许炯心 《中国沙漠》2014,34(6):1641-1649
“十大孔兑”来沙造成黄河干流强烈淤积.为了通过流域治理来减轻泥沙灾害,研究“十大孔兑”侵蚀产沙过程具有重要意义.基于1960—2005年的河流输沙量、径流量和降雨量资料,运用统计方法进行了研究.结果表明:“十大孔兑”输沙量高度集中于几个大水大沙年份,其余年份对46年总输沙量的贡献很小.最大1年、最大3年、最大5年和最大10年的累积输沙量分别占到46年总输沙量的21.26%、37.18%、47.92%和69.29%.1960—1991年和1992—2005年两个时段相比,后一时段输沙量年均值减少了37%.这一差异可以用暴雨特征的差异和下垫面(如植被)的变化来解释.1991年以后,年降水量无明显变化,但最大1日降雨量在p<0.10的水平上呈现减小的趋势.虽然20世纪90年代西柳沟并未大规模实施水土保持治理,但由于农村富余劳动力转移,对土地的压力减轻,对植被的破坏大大减弱,使得植被逐渐恢复,NDVI呈增大趋势,因而侵蚀产沙减弱.“十大孔兑”产沙模数具有明显的空间分异特征,从西向东增大,在西柳沟达到最大值,然后再减小.流域自然地理因素具有明显的变化,从西向东,沙尘暴频率减小,降雨量增大.沙丘类型也发生了变化,由以流动沙丘为主变为以半固定沙丘为主,进入河道风沙的输沙强度减小.另一方面,水力驱动的侵蚀和泥沙输移从西向东增强.上述两种作用叠加的结果,在区域中部西柳沟附近出现了侵蚀产沙的峰值区.  相似文献   

退耕还林的目标之一是减贫,因此退耕还林对农户收入的影响备受关注。本文研究了退耕还林实施13年以后,该工程对农户收入的影响。基于四川省岷江上游2012年329个农户的调查资料,结合分位数回归和多元线性回归模型分析退耕还林的当前影响。同时,比较了退耕户和非退耕户的社会和人口学特征。结果表明,退耕户和非退耕户的社会和人口学特征不存在明显差别。2012年,退耕还林对各个收入水平农户的收入都没有产生明显的影响,对减贫没有产生明显影响。这说明,到2012年岷江上游退耕还林工程已经不能明显增加农户的收入,建议调整实施方案以兼顾生态保护和扶贫。  相似文献   

为探究黄河上游径流量与降水量变化特征,基于唐乃亥、下河沿、头道拐3个水文站近60 a的降水量、径流量资料,采用线性倾向趋势检验、Mann-Kendall检验法(M-K趋势检验)、Spearman秩次相关检验、M-K突变检验、Pettitt非参数检验、有序聚类分析、累积距平法、双累积曲线等分析方法对比研究了黄河上游及上游不同子区域降水量和径流量的变化特征,并讨论了径流量对降水量的响应关系。结果表明:黄河上游降水量呈不显著增加趋势,在2003年发生突变,突变前后变化率为4.67%;径流量呈显著减少趋势,突变年份为1986年,突变前后变化率为35.34%。3个子区域年降水量变化趋势分别呈显著增加、不显著增加和显著减少趋势,径流量均呈减少趋势。以唐乃亥以上的Ⅰ区为基准区时,唐乃亥—下河沿所在的Ⅱ区降水量因素对径流量的影响达到25.08%,非降水量因素为74.92%,而下河沿—头道拐的Ⅲ区,降水量对径流量的影响为32.14%,非降水量因素为67.86%。研究结果对黄河流域水资源综合管理与科学配置具有参考意义。  相似文献   

Extreme rainstorm and the subsequent flood increasingly threaten the security of human society and ecological environment with aggravation of global climate change and anthropogenic activity in recent years. Therefore, the research on flood mitigation service(FMS) of ecosystem should be paid more attention to mitigate the risk. In this paper, we assessed FMS in the Upper Reaches of Hanjiang River(URHR), China from 2000 to 2014 using the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number(SCS-CN) model, and further simulated the future FMS under two climate scenarios(in 2020 and 2030). The results reveal that the FMS presented a fluctuating rising trend in the URHR from 2000 to 2014. The FMS in southern URHR was higher than that of northern URHR, and the change rate of FMS in the upstream of URHR(western URHR) was higher than the downstream of URHR(eastern URHR). The future FMS under scenarios of Medium-High Emissions(A2) and Medium-Low Emissions(B2) will decrease consistently. As land use/land cover changes in the URHR are negligible, we concluded that the change in FMS was mainly driven by climate change, such as storm and runoff. Our study highlights that climate scenarios analysis should be incorporated into the assessment of hydrologic-related services to facilitate regional water resources management.  相似文献   

据统计,旅游碳排放已占全球碳排放总量的4.9%,加强对其研究和控制是关乎人类能否可持续发展的重要命题。本文基于地理学的视角,研究了中国2007年到2017年间30个省、市、自治区入境旅游碳足迹时空分布的特征和演化规律。在利用碳足迹综合计算模型和空间分析方法基础上,深入揭示了中国入境旅游碳足迹的时空分布特征及演化规律。结果表明,2007年到2017年间,中国入境旅游碳足迹呈现急速上升又稍有回落的趋势,总量从562.30万t上升到1088.09万t,增长1.94倍,其中交通和邮电业占比最大;近十年来我国多数省市的入境旅游碳足迹变异程度不高,维持在较平稳的状态;空间维度上,则呈现东南向西北方向递减趋势。  相似文献   

Both interchannel wetlands and multi-channels are crucial geomorphologic units in an anastomosing river system. Planform characteristics and development of interchannel wetlands and multi-channels control the characteristics of anastomosing rivers. To understand the role that interchannel wetlands play in the development of anastomosing rivers, a study was conducted on the Maqu Reach of the Upper Yellow River(MRUYR), a gravel-bed anastomosing river characterized by highly developed interchannel wetlands and anabranches. Geomorphologic units in the studied reach were extracted from high resolution satellite imagery in Google Earth. The size distributions of interchannel wetlands and interchannel wetland clusters(IWCs), a special combination of interchannel wetlands and anabranches, were investigated. Geomorphologic parameters, including the ratio of interchannel wetland area to IWC area(P), shoreline density(D_l), and node density(D_n) were used to analyze planform characteristics of IWCs and the development of multi-channels in the studied reach. The results suggest that small or middle sized interchannel wetlands and large or mega sized IWCs are more common at the study site. The area of IWC(S_u) is highly correlated with other geomorphologic parameters. P increases with increasing S_u, and the upper limit is about 80%, which indicates that the development of interchannel wetlands and anabranches in the IWC is in the equilibrium stage. In contrast, D_l and D_n show a tendency to decrease with increasing S u due to diverse evolution processes in IWCs with different sizes. There are three main reasons leading to the formation of IWCs: varying stream power due to the meandering principal channel; development of the river corridor due to the weakening of geologic structure control; and high stability of interchannel wetlands due to conservation by shoreline vegetation.  相似文献   

近40a来黄河上游径流变化特征研究   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:16  
利用黄河上游兰州水文站以上流域(及少数邻近站点)26个气象台站的气温、降水及5个水文站的径流逐月资料(1950’s—1990’s),分析了20世纪后期近40a来黄河上游径流变化特征及其与气候变化的关系。研究表明:黄河上游流域普遍存在升温的变化趋势,尤其是冬季升温明显,同时导致冻土层温度的升高和冻土退化,蒸发加剧,不同程度上影响了流域内径流的变化;流域内降水减少趋势明显。黄河上游自然来水径流量呈显著的减少趋势,1990年以后减小的趋势更加明显;从年内变化分析来看,流域内各水文站春季径流(4~6月)有明显的增大趋势,该时段降水(雪)的明显增加,是导致其春季(4,5,6月)融雪径流的增加的主要原因;秋、冬季径流的减少,主要是秋季变于的结果;分析兰州站径流的变化特点,主要还受到上游水库调节等人类活动作用的影响。  相似文献   

中国的森林康养发展迅速。本文在大健康背景下分析北京市森林康养的市场需求特征,以中青年与中老年两个群体为主的北京市居民作为研究对象,采用定量分析方法,探析北京市居民对当地森林康养的认知、偏好以及对森林康养需求程度及特征,研究结果发现:北京市亚健康人群广泛,对森林康养普遍存在需求,市场潜力大;森林康养需求分为三部分:身心健康需求、森林康养产品需求和森林康养目的地需求;在健康需求上,中青年对于康体解压的需求更为明显,中老年主要集中在免疫力提高、提高睡眠质量和颈椎腰椎疾病的缓解上;在产品需求上,受访者普遍对森林主导型和体验型产品需求较大;在森林康养目的地需求上,整体需求量较高,其中“康养环境质量”、“基础服务设施建设”以及“专业人员及其服务质量”的需求尤为重要。三类需求间存在显著的正相关关系。最后以北京市森林康养需求特征为基础为其旅游产品开发和产业发展提供相关建议。  相似文献   

Rainfall erosivity is an important climatic factor for predicting soil loss.Through the application of high-resolution pluviograph data at 5 stations in Huangshan City,Anhui Province,China,we analyzed the performance of a modified Richardson model that incorporated the seasonal variations in parameters α and β.The results showed that(1) moderate to high seasonality was presented in the distribution of erosive rainfall,and the seasonality of rainfall erosivity was even stronger;(2) seasonal variations were demonstrated in both parameters α and β of the Richardson model;and(3) incorporating and coordinating the seasonality of parameters α and β greatly improved the predictions at the monthly scale.This newly modified model is therefore highly recommended when monthly rainfall erosivity is required,such as,in planning soil and water conservation practices and calculating the cover-management factor in the Universal Soil Loss Equation(USLE) and Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE).  相似文献   

Evolution of the river channel downstream of reservoirs is a complex process that is closely related to the operational mode of the reservoirs and the channel boundary conditions. Numerous studies have been carried out on the fluvial processes of downstream reservoirs. However, only a few of them have focused on the relationship between runoff-sediment conditions and channel pattern indicators. Also, the impacts of river training works on fluvial processes are seldom dealt with. In this paper, the evolutionary processes of three sections in the Lower Yellow River, including Tiexie-Yiluo River mouth reach, Huayuankou-Heigangkou reach and Jiahetan-Gaocun reach, were analyzed for variations in the channel boundary line and the mainstream between 1960 and 2015. Channel pattern indicators such as sinuosity, mainstream wandering range and width/depth ratio were analyzed based on field measurements obtained by the Hydrological Department of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission. The effects of river training works on the channel evolution are then described. Since 1960, numerous medium- and large-sized reservoirs have been built on the Yellow River, including Longyangxia Reservoir, Liujiaxia Reservoir and Xiaolangdi Reservoir. These reservoirs impound the runoff from upstream and retain the sediment, which changes the runoff and sediment conditions in the downstream reach. As a consequence, annual runoff and the frequency and peak of flooding have all decreased. As a result, the flow dynamics and their action on the river channel are also reduced, which changes the dynamic state of the river course. The discrimination results obtained using the single parameter discrimination rule and the discrimination equation show that the degree of wandering is weakened in the reaches studied. The variations in the channel pattern indicators show that the sinuosity increases and the wandering range decreases with a reduction in the total annual volume of water. However, the degree of wandering has little relationship to the sediment concentration. In addition, river training works play an important role in controlling the river course. Due to improvements in the river training works, the river course has become more stable under the same runoff and sediment conditions. A new discrimination rule that takes into account the impacts of the river training works is proposed. The discrimination results were found to fit well with the actual river pattern, which shows that the discrimination rule is applicable to the Lower Yellow River. The results show that the runoff and sediment conditions are the most important factors in the evolution of the river course. The river training works have at the same time limited the wandering range of the mainstream and played an important role in the fluvial processes. Both factors combined lead to the stabilization of the river.  相似文献   

不同森林植被改变了林下穿透雨、树干径流、蒸发散和地表入渗,进而对林下不同层次土壤湿度产生重要影响。以华南地区漓江上游3种典型森林,包括毛竹林(Phyllostachyspubescens)、荷木林(Schimasuperba)和杉木林(Cunninghamia lanceolata)为研究对象,比较其不同层次土壤湿度及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)毛竹林、荷木林和杉木林3种典型植被林下凋落物层和土壤层存在明显差异,荷木林林下土壤入渗强于毛竹林和杉木林;(2)由于森林植被垂直结构差异,从0–20cm表层土壤到50–80 cm深层土壤,3种典型植被不同层次土壤湿度存在较大的时空差异;(3)荷木林各层次土壤湿度都明显高于毛竹林和杉木林;(4)各层次土壤含水量与年降雨关系密切,随雨旱两季变化,毛竹林、荷木林和杉木林不同层次土壤湿度随降雨变化趋势基本一致;(5)在0–20 cm表层土壤,土壤湿度主要受地表凋落物性质的影响,而在深层土壤,土壤湿度主要受植物根系分布和土壤物理性质的影响。本研究为深入了解漓江上游森林植被对降水产流的调节作用,客观评估漓江上游水资源和科学管理水源涵养林提供理论依据。  相似文献   

大敦煌地区过去百年经历过因耕地扩张、生态移民和修建水库等人为因素导致的生态退化,目前通过各类生态工程的恢复,生态恶化趋势有所减缓。保障大敦煌文化旅游经济圈的开发建设不威胁生态安全,是区域可持续发展规划的重中之重。本研究基于生态系统的供给与消耗的平衡关系,评估大敦煌地区生态消耗的压力,分析生态承载状态的格局及变化趋势。研究结果表明:(1)2000年之后,大敦煌生态供给量呈波动增长的趋势。在整个生态系统当中,农田生态系统提供了超过55%的生态供给量,供给能力相对较高的地区集中在少量的河谷地带。(2)大敦煌地区生产消耗压力较大,生产消耗强度已在2014年超过生态供给量。大敦煌生产消耗结构以畜牧业生产消耗为主,占生产消耗总量的65%以上。(3)大敦煌地区2000–2017年生态承载力一直处于富余的状态,由于快速增长的旅游人口敦煌市在2017年承载压力状态转变为盈余。这意味着大敦煌地区亟待通过生态友好型产业缓解牧业生产对生态系统的压力,注重开发以牧区生态文化服务功能为主的旅游资源也有助于消除由于旅游人口高度集中于敦煌市导致的局域性生态资源供需不平衡。  相似文献   

The anastomosing river that is present within the First Great Bend of the Yellow River is different from other sand-bedded rivers of this type because it contains gravel-bedded materials. It is therefore important to determine whether, or not, the specific characteristics of this anastomosing river are similar to those seen in sand-bedded forms, including the characteristics of erosion and deposition, and the stability of channel and interchannel wetlands. Four Landsat images from 1990, 2001, 2013, and 2016 alongside two Google Earth(GE) images from 2011 and 2013 were utilized in this study in tandem with field sampling and observations to select a 12 km main channel length section of the Qihama reach anastomosing river. This section was then used to determine variations in channel planform and sedimentary characteristics over a 26 year period. The results of this study show that this gravel-bedded anastomosing river has exhibited a high degree of stability overall, and that there has been no obvious channel and wetland bank erosion and deposition. Data also show that over the 26 years of this study, anastomosing belt area increased by 2.43%, while the ratio of land to water area remained almost equal. The number of wetlands has also increased along this river section at a rate as high as 62.16% because of the fragmentation of some small interchannel examples, while the talweg has alternately migrated to either the left or right over long periods of time at a relatively stable rate. Indeed, as a result of the migration of this line, there has been significant turnover in the number of islands within the main channel while bank shift has occurred at a rate of about 5 m/yr. The numerous anastomosing channels within this river section remained very stable over the course of this study, characterized by a mean annual migration rate of just 1 m/yr, while the sediments in bank columnar sections are mainly composed of fine sands or silts with a relatively high clay content. The sediment grain-size distribution curve for this river section contains multiple peaks, distinct from the muddy sediments within bank columnar sections from sand-bedded anastomosing rivers. The dense vegetation within riparian and interchannel wetlands alongside this river reach has also protected anastomosing channels from erosion and maintainedtheir stability, a key feature of this gravel-bedded system.  相似文献   

贵德盆地地貌演化与黄河上游发育研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
贵德盆地是黄河上游所流串的重要新生代断陷盆地之一,早第三纪开始呈现堆积洼地形态;晚第三纪是其发育的鼎盛时期,其内的水体与共和、兴海、青海湖和西宁等盆地的水体相连,构成一浩瀚的“青东古湖”,堆积了上千米厚的含三趾马(Hipparionsp)等动物化石的贵德群。早、中更新世,盆地有所收缩,但仍为河湖环境。大约14×104年前开始的构造运动使盆地抬升,黄河在这里出现,自那以来黄河累计下切了900-1000m。  相似文献   

钢渣是转炉炼钢过程中产生的固体废弃物,其在工业、农业、环保等方面已得到广泛的应用。但转炉渣作为废水吸附剂,对阴离子污染物的去除效果有待提高。因而,本研究分别采用碱和酸对转炉渣进行改性,研究改性钢渣对溶液中As(V)的吸附效果和机理,以期提高转炉渣对阴离子的吸附效率。采用的吸附批处理试验用于研究最佳吸附条件;动力学与热力学模型、傅里叶红外交换光谱(FTIR)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)用于研究改性钢渣对As(V)的吸附机理。实验结果表明,用15%硫酸改性钢渣对砷的吸附效果最好,而碱改性渣对砷的去除效果不理想。酸改性钢渣吸附As(V)的动力学符合拟二阶动力学模型,说明该吸附为主要以化学吸附为主。等温吸附模型拟合也表明,酸改性钢渣对砷的吸附过程以化学吸附为主,并且Langmiur模型拟合度最好。通过FTIR和XPS光谱分析表明,酸改性钢渣中的硅酸盐、铁酸盐可通过与溶液中As(V)发生离子交换,生成砷酸盐沉淀,从而达到去除效果。因此,改性钢渣可作为大范围砷污染水体的潜在吸附剂,实现工业固废的生态化利用。  相似文献   

以贵州省为核心的中国西南岩溶区面临双重危机:生态恶劣,石漠化严重;人口贫困,全国1/3强的贫困县分布在该地区。石漠化综合治理需要从岩溶生态系统结构和运行规律出发,重点关注岩溶地下水的开发和可持续利用,水土保持和土壤改良,植被恢复和可适应性的经济植物选择,力求区域生态经济双赢、农民脱贫致富。  相似文献   

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